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Here’s the thing, we’ve all still got the old rights to feel shitty from 2014, 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19. They build on each other and keep making it worse!
I mean honestly, they could put it as the prelude to a fucking Slipshine somehow and I’d buy it just to see Carol get beat up by a depressed bisexual Canadian woman. (Billie finds the story the hottest thing ever? Fuck if I know.)
… Though it’s not too late to change our Patreon voting, is it? I mean I still do want to see Jocelyne but if we could get Carla’s Ultra Car toy and Puppy Dorothy and Julia Gray and the Wonder Woman costume through, there’s a chance, right?
At least that way we can imagine it however we like.
I said this once before, but my preferred version has Ruth dressed as the Undertaker while Billie stands off to the side with a black suit and mustache, hoisting an urn and yelling “OH YES!”
Consider though: Linda recognized bailing out a kidnapper and defending him after he kidnapped your daughter is wrong. I’m pretty sure Carol would not (or hell, possibly even DOES not) see anything wrong with stealing $700 from your child because they wanted to spend it on helping their friend, who’s ‘the wrong kind of people,’ and you want to break up the friendship.
I mean I kind of want to puke saying it, but Linda may actually be a nicer karen. Marginally. Still would not mind her dying in the slightest, though!
Can I say that is a terrible thing to wish on someone, unless you grant eternal youth at the same time? Because I have been through that scenario, and the damage is cumulative.
Nineteenth anniversary end of this month, and my scars are getting tight and reminding me that I’m going to suffer forever.
I’ve yet to find the insult I’m looking for with Linda. I used asshole for Blaine and I’d probably have used bastard for Ross. None I’ve come up with yet have been satisfactory.
“wow I feel shitty!”
“Yeah that makes sense…”
“No but look, there’s all these terrible this happening!”
“So I don’t get it, why should I feel so bad?!?”
One of the worst things I did when my mental health was in a bad state was use other peoples’ misery to put myself down. Like if I hadn’t absorbed enough suffering it leaked out and infected other people.
Course you can’t even talk about that out loud because then you come to the conclusion of “I’m so selfish, I’m making someone else’s problems fuel for my own issues.”
Be careful, Ruth! If you start feeling empathy for other people, then you might become the beloved protector of the dorm instead of a feared dictator hoarding the femurs of your residents!
That is a beautiful “That can’t be true” comedy take at the end. Not quite as good as Baron Wulfenbach being told that he might be the problem in his relationships, but I don’t know if anyone could beat that.
Don’t worry Ruth, you’re a Leafs fan. You *always* have a reason to feel shitty (In all the other things going topsy-turvey this year, one thing remained consistent: Leafs went out in the 1st playoff round).
Ruth is just upset because she thought she’d be able to cross “Suplex a Grandmother” off her bucket list (as she mentioned). Alas none of Karen’s Carol’s progeny have spawned yet, so she spent all that effort to just suplex another sh*tty parent. And while that’s fun, it’s not like sh*tty parents are rare or anything.
For some reason, I can hear Ruth wailing: “Me have empathy? No… No! It can’t be true! It can’t be truuueee!!!”
Seriously, though, it looks like Ruth is having one of the down days that comes when one is trying to kick an addiction. Billie probably needs to work out if there is anything she can do to make her feel better.
There’s also the aspect of seeing the security of people shattered who are in a similar situation as you. It makes you trust your own security less.
Learning of others my age dying makes me fear my own death a little more, that sort of thing. The “I’m fine today” just got shaken by others not being fine, and it could have been Ruth in that situation.
What was her responsibility with regard to the kidnapped students being missing when they should have been gathered post-fire-alarm?
But they were just HANDING OUt rights to feel shitty! It’s 2020! (in some universe outside of DoA)
Here’s the thing, we’ve all still got the old rights to feel shitty from 2014, 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19. They build on each other and keep making it worse!
It’s called the law of conservation of accumulated shittyness. Calling it that doesn’t add anything, but it does make it sound more scientific.
It’s simply conservation of energy, and the energy’s been real shitty since 2008 financial crisis.
She won the 1v1 with Carol!
Clearly the author lacks empathy because he didn’t let us see this! (I know that’s not why, it’s just, I wanted to see it.)
This is some sick ploy from Willis to get us to request Carol for a bonus strip so we can see it, isn’t it?
I mean honestly, they could put it as the prelude to a fucking Slipshine somehow and I’d buy it just to see Carol get beat up by a depressed bisexual Canadian woman. (Billie finds the story the hottest thing ever? Fuck if I know.)
… Though it’s not too late to change our Patreon voting, is it? I mean I still do want to see Jocelyne but if we could get Carla’s Ultra Car toy and Puppy Dorothy and Julia Gray and the Wonder Woman costume through, there’s a chance, right?
Sliphine Presents: Ruth does a suplex!
Yeah, but we’d request Carol so we could see it and then he’d show us a flashback Carol or something else unrelated.
It will forever be the Noodle Incident. We will never get to see how it went down.
At least that way we can imagine it however we like.
I said this once before, but my preferred version has Ruth dressed as the Undertaker while Billie stands off to the side with a black suit and mustache, hoisting an urn and yelling “OH YES!”
I need fan art of that now
We didn’t see it! DAMN YOU WILLIS!!!
it’s probably gonna ends up in a patreon special I guess
I think she needs Becky’s advice from a few days ago.
Or was it a few moments ago?
Oh no, Carol is also dead. What a loss.
So very sad.
Couldn’t have happened to a nicer karen.
Consider though: Linda recognized bailing out a kidnapper and defending him after he kidnapped your daughter is wrong. I’m pretty sure Carol would not (or hell, possibly even DOES not) see anything wrong with stealing $700 from your child because they wanted to spend it on helping their friend, who’s ‘the wrong kind of people,’ and you want to break up the friendship.
I mean I kind of want to puke saying it, but Linda may actually be a nicer karen. Marginally. Still would not mind her dying in the slightest, though!
Linda being “nicer” doesn’t actually contradict BBCC’s comment though, it just means that she’s incapable of dying.
NowTHERE’S and image! Un-Dead Carol!
Hnk, Hnk, must.not.beg.!
Uh, the whole point of fundamental Christianism is being undead.
No it’s to worship the undead, namely Lich Jesus. To actually claim you’re undead is heretical and hubristic.
Can I say that is a terrible thing to wish on someone, unless you grant eternal youth at the same time? Because I have been through that scenario, and the damage is cumulative.
Nineteenth anniversary end of this month, and my scars are getting tight and reminding me that I’m going to suffer forever.
While we live there is yet hope, but the dead are dead alike.
Hang in there!
*Except for the Vegetarian Un-dead of course; “Grains… Grains!”*
This is the best thing I’ve read on the internet today.
I’ve yet to find the insult I’m looking for with Linda. I used asshole for Blaine and I’d probably have used bastard for Ross. None I’ve come up with yet have been satisfactory.
I guess I’ll know it when she too is dead.
Down East, we say (when a boat looks like it needs a mercy sinking**), S.P.1-C., for sh*t pot first class.
**Eco-sunk, as a fist habitat.
Fish habitat. Fish.
You aren’t fooling anyone, you know.
That moment when you realize your character development.
Oh no, that Joyce-thing is catching
I may request the footage of said tackling and dragging of Carol. For security reasons.
And performance analysis.
I expect high marks, I just want to be there to give them.
Ruth is no Deanna Troi
She really did tackle Carol.
I will forever be salty that we didn’t get to see that on screen
Imagine the comments, though.
Maybe it will end up a Patreon backer bonus strip?
Either that or somebody’s going to request it as a two-character commission in the next book Kickstarter.
We will always have her Blaine suplex.
“wow I feel shitty!”
“Yeah that makes sense…”
“No but look, there’s all these terrible this happening!”
“So I don’t get it, why should I feel so bad?!?”
Ohhh so close
*can’t decide between Simply Red and Phil Collins this time*
I-it’s not like I understand what you’re going through or anything, b-baka!
Now I’m picturing Rick Moranis saying this (with a spaghetti strainer on his head, of course). Thank you for that bizarre image, Keymaster of Gozer!
You can say that again.
Now I’m picturing Rick Moranis saying this (with a spaghetti strainer on his head, of course). Thank you for that image, Keymaster of Gozer!
Aw, Ruth tossed Carol and we didn’t even get to see it?
Compassion? In THIS brain? It’s more likely than you think!
Also, Ruth, gonna need to see that tackle.
One of the worst things I did when my mental health was in a bad state was use other peoples’ misery to put myself down. Like if I hadn’t absorbed enough suffering it leaked out and infected other people.
Course you can’t even talk about that out loud because then you come to the conclusion of “I’m so selfish, I’m making someone else’s problems fuel for my own issues.”
Wait, Ruth tackled-and-dragged Carol and we didn’t get to see it?! Shenanigans! SHENANIGANS!!!!
Are you calling Shenanigans? Cause if there are loose Shenanigans, I wanna help you stop them.
I’ll get my broom.
This is either a glaring oversight, or the greatest Patreon incentive EVER DEVISED!
Willis only has himself to blame, but he could stop all the chatter and just Show Us The Money!
Sorry, I mean show us the monkey, getting suplex’t.
Great expression and comedic timing in the last panel there.
Be careful, Ruth! If you start feeling empathy for other people, then you might become the beloved protector of the dorm instead of a feared dictator hoarding the femurs of your residents!
(Ah, just in case anyone took that the wrong way, I’m just joking about her reputation; I don’t mean to imply that she’s actually a bad person)
Dammit, I wanted to see Ruth suplex Carol.
I know exactly where Ruth is coming from here.
If we’re not gonna see Ruth suplexing Carol, can we at least see Carol’s limp, bruised, angry body sprawled out on the pavement?
I’m hoping we see her later in the storyline, still visibly limping in pain and scratched up.
I mean what I’m REALLY hoping for is a flashback, buuuut…
That is a beautiful “That can’t be true” comedy take at the end. Not quite as good as Baron Wulfenbach being told that he might be the problem in his relationships, but I don’t know if anyone could beat that.
I like the Ruth who has her depression medicated. Original flavor Ruth was very toxic, would not recommend.
And she still gets to threaten and tackle people …for the right reasons.
Dumbing of Age Book 10: My Life Today Is Fine
Dumbing of Age Book 10: Feel Real Shitty
Vote now.
It happened off-screen?
Somebody better pick up that phone.
Cause I fucking called it.
Ruth: I’m… reacting with compassion for other human beings? People who are in my care? Preposterous!
NO FAIR!!!1! I wanted to see her suplex Carol!
After tossing Carol out the door, Ruth should be feeling a little less than garbage. Probably lucky.
Now I kinda hope the next strip is Billie expressing her own empathy for Ruth through cuddling and spooning and nothing more.
Who gave Willis the right to call me specifically out like this?
Somebody should draw Ruth’s epic tackle.
Don’t worry Ruth, you’re a Leafs fan. You *always* have a reason to feel shitty (In all the other things going topsy-turvey this year, one thing remained consistent: Leafs went out in the 1st playoff round).
They are delightfully consistent in a world that needs it.
Ruth is just upset because she thought she’d be able to cross “Suplex a Grandmother” off her bucket list (as she mentioned). Alas none of
Karen’sCarol’s progeny have spawned yet, so she spent all that effort to just suplex another sh*tty parent. And while that’s fun, it’s not like sh*tty parents are rare or anything.Suplex is just not the same as tackling. I am upset.
For some reason, I can hear Ruth wailing: “Me have empathy? No… No! It can’t be true! It can’t be truuueee!!!”
Seriously, though, it looks like Ruth is having one of the down days that comes when one is trying to kick an addiction. Billie probably needs to work out if there is anything she can do to make her feel better.
Aw Ruth, falling into a well of survivor’s guilt isn’t going to help yourself or anyone else.
Ride that not-granny tackling high.
Speaking of, that happened off screen?! C’mon, Willis, what happened to “show, don’t tell”?
Is making it a bonus strip in the cards?
Think of the appeal that has to many readers, though. He’s definitely saving that as a volume release bonus image/strip, to encourage sales.
Billie: “You’re a good person.”
Ruth: “That can’t be right.”
Billie: “I love and care about you. You’re one of best people I know.”
Ruth: “…Why?”
Yup, that’s me about… one day in three.
empathy? I REFUSE!!!
Scientifically Impossible!
There’s also the aspect of seeing the security of people shattered who are in a similar situation as you. It makes you trust your own security less.
Learning of others my age dying makes me fear my own death a little more, that sort of thing. The “I’m fine today” just got shaken by others not being fine, and it could have been Ruth in that situation.
What was her responsibility with regard to the kidnapped students being missing when they should have been gathered post-fire-alarm?
“That’s a made up word.”
In fairness, all words are made up.
I must admit, that’s kvrtlnxe.
Every now and then I’m surprised a comic title wasn’t taken already by a previous update and “Shitty” is one of those times.
I’m genuinely surprised that it took you this long to use it.
But think of all the depressing one word titles he still has in reserve.
Arguing with one’s therapist about whether or not you feel empathy is a thing. It’s a weird experience, but it’s a thing.
I feel EXTREMELY betrayed that we didn’t get to see Ruth tackling Carol and dragging her outside.
That’s unpossible!
Ruth has achieved a new feeling. I’m so happy!
Feelings. Nothing more than feelings.
Em-pah-thee?? No, I’m a sociopath. That’s not on the list of my approved emotional emulations.
she’s feeling Empatholigical
Yes, go rip the femurs out of a subordinate to prove your toughness.
I admit, I prefer Klingon Ruth.
Okay I was wrong earlier. This isn’t survivor’s guilt, it’s… misery impostor syndrome?
Aw, Ruth…
Talk it out with your girlfriend.
Damn, that’s really sad
Eat at Arby’s.