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Fun fact that was told to me at some point so I don’t have citaion for it but I’m sure a simple google search could fix that but I’m not going to bother because I am in a hurry: the creators of superglue were trying to make a liquid suture to replace needle and thread. And that’s why superglue bonds instantly to skin and… less instantly to everything else.
Anotehr fun fact: While you can render your finger prints unreadable with superglue for crime stuff like AG did above, if you use superglue as part of your nerdy hobbies and THEN try to get a teaching job, it really upsets the nice police who do your fingerprinting and background checking when you have unreadable fingerprints like a criminal.
One of the things that my dog chewed up when he was a puppy was a tube of superglue that he stole from my desk. Fortunately I smelled the cyanoacrylate in time to get his jaws apart before his teeth were glued together, but he did get his cheek glued to his gum. One vet’s bill later I knew that superglue is unstable in the presence of water, and it all broke down in his saliva within three days.
And that’s why you ought to mend broken crockery or glass with epoxy rather than cyanoacrylate, at least if you intend to put it through the dishwasher. And since I know that now the knob doesn’t come off the lid of my tea-pot in the dishwasher any more.
But tea-pots remind me of Tim Brooke-Taylor, and that makes me sad.
There were 126 of us living in shoe box in middle of road. Ussta get up at half six in the morning half an hour before we went to bed, eat a hand full of cold gravel and go to work at mill.
Actually no, they were trying to develop plastic gunsights. Superglue was used for injuries in the Vietnam war, but probably not WWII.
“It is necessary to note that although the Super Glue’s original discovery came during WWII, the popular belief that soldiers during WWII used Super Glue to seal up battle wounds has never been proven to be true. However, Super Glue actually was used to seal up battle wounds during the Vietnam War.”
Super glue also doesn’t have good enough shear strength. If you’re trying to put broken ABS plastic back together, you’re better off using acetone. It melts ABS, so you can mash the edges back together and they’ll set, almost like a chemical weld.
I used it to put a plastic handle back together a couple weeks ago. The break was jagged and fit back together perfectly. Textbook use of super glue, right? No. Because of the way that handle pivots, just using it once pulled it apart. So I glued it again and filled the hollow middle with JB Weld. There’s no doing like overdoing!
If you don’t like the gun to be used you dribble some in the mechanism around the firing pin or the saftey, but don’t dribble some down the barrel because things get stuck and those hot gasses have to go somewhere.
Maybe Blaine’s Goons R Us hires were told to do what she asked or something? Pretty sure Toedad was present when she said the ‘I need three things’ line.
Blaine clearly does. (Unless his plan is just to kill her and let the Crazy Fundie take the fall, but like. I think his plan is fairly malleable so long as it ends with AG taken care of and Ross quiet.) I think Toedad is sincere in that he thinks he can just walk away with Becky and no one will be the wiser, and that he thinks Blaine won’t. Y’know. Totally kill someone.
I can see the goons getting mixed signals, is what I’m getting at.
The Bad Dads (or at least Blaine) certainly want Amazi-Girl blamed for the abduction of Becky, even though it would in fact turn out disastrously for Blaine if Amber were identified. But Blaine can’t want Amazi-Girl caught, because he knows that she can identify Captain Ballpeen as him. Blaine needs both Amazi-Girl and Mike to end up dead before the police can interview them.
Aren’t Blaine’s goons “construction workers?” If they’re using an unfinished house as their base, there’s probably some lying around in somebody’s kit.
No. At least not all of them. Some are locals. From the groups that were harassing the women who’d accused Ryan of rape. And whom Sal and Amazi-Girl beat up.
I mean, she didn’t have her phone, and let’s be honest, they’d probably at least watch her leave, and if she went back towards the dorms instead of where Becky lives, they’d suspect something.
She could, but she wouldn’t. She was created (for want of a better term) to live out a superhero fantasy. She largely thinks in terms of beating people up.
Oh absolutely. She’s trained herself to take people out. And I guess give chase/run away on the side. Telling her not to use her main skill set would just make her derp harder.
Amber was at a party in that house little more than 24 hours ago. There is absolutely no need for Amazamber to avoid leaving fingerprints at the scene, especially since there is absolutely no way that Amazamber isn’t also leaving hairs at the scene.
She might have to touch something more distinctly connected with the kidnapping than the general interior of Becky’s flat. For example, her fingerprints on the tape used to bind Becky’s bodyguards would not be explained by her presence at a party. Even if it were one of those parties.
No blush, it is amazigirl on the exterior surface.
Of what is happening inside…
Mike’s avatar appears like an Other. Like an Alter but with a different ideation.
Instead of a fissioning self sharing the bodily space, the self takes the memories of life experiences and the abilities for internal dialogues manifested with DID. In this case Mike’s advice and demeanor giving her the advice she needs.
He made his point by his actions, she is extrapolating from there.
Well, since Amber has crippling social anxiety and is an indoors geeky type clearly the person who looks like an amalgamation of her and Amazigirl and can take out multiple hired guards easily isn’t her, so has to be Amazigirl cos-playing Amber for some reason…
Well, we finally know what the three things were that AG said she needed. I’d have asked for a phone, a hundred feet of rope, and a loaded Glock. I guess that’s just a Texas thing.
The others? Who are the others? And why it’s Ethan so important to you? Are you Eric dressed as Amber, Amazi-Girl? Wait, you’ve been Mike all the time!!!
Dina showed up after AmbG had left, as I recall. So she probably doesn’t know, since Dina’s stealth aura works on her roommate just as much as anyone else.
The White House just announced plans to go after funding for libraries and museums. The Cartoon Art Museum runs on a tight budget, and losing the modest support it gets from federal grants would be devastating. Now's a great time to show CAM and other small museums your love.
Shaenon K. Garrity@shaenon.bsky.social ⋅ 11d
Have you enjoyed my candy lady thread? I am pleased to announce that you can get a phone wallpaper and ebook for the price of any donation, with all proceeds going to the Cartoon Art Museum.
Researchers showed clips of the podcast to survey respondents and had them share their thoughts. 57% expressed a negative reaction to his agreement with Charlie Kirk on "woke" language and 63% had a negative reaction to his comments on trans athletes
The great thing about writing for a Transformers Wiki is occasionally getting to write sentences like "Megatron has a theory that he can attract young men by wearing cat ears and ending his sentences with meow." because it's a thing that happened in a cartoon once.
Gavin Newsom sees 10-point net drop in favorability since launching his podcast. Survey finds "the podcast only made 13% of voters have an improved perception of the Governor, with 26% saying that it harmed their perception."
today in #9ChickweedLane I learned we should ask our parents completely normal, not fucked-up questions like "hey what was sex with the other parent like"
So many opportunities for a good old-fashioned booing
paulaptb@paulaptb.bsky.social ⋅ 2d
Schumer begins a book tour this week.
Mon 3/17 7pm Central Library, Baltimore
Wed 3/19 Politics & Prose, DC 7pm
Thursday 3/20 at the Weizman, DC 12:30PM
Sunday 3/23 · 3pm Moss Theatre Santa Monica, CA
Mon 4/21 MJCCA Atlanta 7:30PM
Line the sidewalks. (List may not be complete)
These are the same Senate Democrats who lectured the base for years about the importance of preserving the filibuster so it would still be available when Democrats were in the minority
new from me: I wrote about the mess that just went down in the Senate, where Democrats under Chuck Schumer look disjointed and rudderless in the face of Trump's agenda, especially compared to their House counterparts
The most annoying thing about this cowardice by the book-touring Dems is that MAGA will lose. A full-throated opposition will win. This administration is brazen and corrupt, but they're overconfident and incompetent and not people to run away from. We'll win, even if we have to do it ourselves.
today in #9chickweedlane i've learned that the fetishization of post-marital hanky-panky has resulted in the straining of everyone's mental health, #somehow
bc everyone takes texts seriously
Amber: hey Becky come give yourself up to your dad to rescue everyone else who’s been kidnapped by him
Becky: new phone who dis
Who…who was carrying super glue?
…in their pajamas?
She wasn’t in her pajamas, she was wearing overalls – she was up when the alarm was pulled.
No way she was carrying the superglue on her when she got taken though.
Probably one of the lunks Blaine had standing around. IIRC they’re semi-athletic, and superglue is actually a decent bandage in active situations.
It should be. Treating battlefield wounds was one of its first uses: https://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/a25067/the-surprising-military-history-of-superglue/
Fun fact that was told to me at some point so I don’t have citaion for it but I’m sure a simple google search could fix that but I’m not going to bother because I am in a hurry: the creators of superglue were trying to make a liquid suture to replace needle and thread. And that’s why superglue bonds instantly to skin and… less instantly to everything else.
Anotehr fun fact: While you can render your finger prints unreadable with superglue for crime stuff like AG did above, if you use superglue as part of your nerdy hobbies and THEN try to get a teaching job, it really upsets the nice police who do your fingerprinting and background checking when you have unreadable fingerprints like a criminal.
Woe is me! I have been ninjaed!
Someone, hand me some superglue so I can stop the metaphorical bleeding.
Superglue can be dissolved with acetone, which is a pretty common chemical solution found in nail polish remover.
Let the stuff wear off before interviewing?
One of the things that my dog chewed up when he was a puppy was a tube of superglue that he stole from my desk. Fortunately I smelled the cyanoacrylate in time to get his jaws apart before his teeth were glued together, but he did get his cheek glued to his gum. One vet’s bill later I knew that superglue is unstable in the presence of water, and it all broke down in his saliva within three days.
And that’s why you ought to mend broken crockery or glass with epoxy rather than cyanoacrylate, at least if you intend to put it through the dishwasher. And since I know that now the knob doesn’t come off the lid of my tea-pot in the dishwasher any more.
But tea-pots remind me of Tim Brooke-Taylor, and that makes me sad.
There were 126 of us living in shoe box in middle of road. Ussta get up at half six in the morning half an hour before we went to bed, eat a hand full of cold gravel and go to work at mill.
Isn’t skipping over “We used to dream of living in a corridor!” straight to your quote a breach of etiquette?
Hey, lighten up there, nobody expected the Spanish Inquisition.
Actually no, they were trying to develop plastic gunsights. Superglue was used for injuries in the Vietnam war, but probably not WWII.
“It is necessary to note that although the Super Glue’s original discovery came during WWII, the popular belief that soldiers during WWII used Super Glue to seal up battle wounds has never been proven to be true. However, Super Glue actually was used to seal up battle wounds during the Vietnam War.”
Super glue also doesn’t have good enough shear strength. If you’re trying to put broken ABS plastic back together, you’re better off using acetone. It melts ABS, so you can mash the edges back together and they’ll set, almost like a chemical weld.
Er, strength under tension.
I used it to put a plastic handle back together a couple weeks ago. The break was jagged and fit back together perfectly. Textbook use of super glue, right? No. Because of the way that handle pivots, just using it once pulled it apart. So I glued it again and filled the hollow middle with JB Weld. There’s no doing like overdoing!
Superglue is good under tension, that guy used to glue his hardhat to the steel beam in the commercials.
Another thing super glue is good is gumming up door locks. Now that you know that, get creative, Amazi-Girl!
I’m sure it does idjous things to the works of firearms, too.
If you don’t like the gun to be used you dribble some in the mechanism around the firing pin or the saftey, but don’t dribble some down the barrel because things get stuck and those hot gasses have to go somewhere.
That depends entirely how much you do or don’t like the person who’ll be using the gun.
Either that or he was snorting it.
Maybe Blaine’s Goons R Us hires were told to do what she asked or something? Pretty sure Toedad was present when she said the ‘I need three things’ line.
But they *want* Amazi-Girl to get caught, so they’d want her to leave fingerprints, right?
Blaine clearly does. (Unless his plan is just to kill her and let the Crazy Fundie take the fall, but like. I think his plan is fairly malleable so long as it ends with AG taken care of and Ross quiet.) I think Toedad is sincere in that he thinks he can just walk away with Becky and no one will be the wiser, and that he thinks Blaine won’t. Y’know. Totally kill someone.
I can see the goons getting mixed signals, is what I’m getting at.
The Bad Dads (or at least Blaine) certainly want Amazi-Girl blamed for the abduction of Becky, even though it would in fact turn out disastrously for Blaine if Amber were identified. But Blaine can’t want Amazi-Girl caught, because he knows that she can identify Captain Ballpeen as him. Blaine needs both Amazi-Girl and Mike to end up dead before the police can interview them.
Must be the three things she said she needed. Mask, Duct Tape, Superglue.
Aren’t Blaine’s goons “construction workers?” If they’re using an unfinished house as their base, there’s probably some lying around in somebody’s kit.
No. At least not all of them. Some are locals. From the groups that were harassing the women who’d accused Ryan of rape. And whom Sal and Amazi-Girl beat up.
“Batman voice” can’t be FELT thru the phone, Becky.
That’s a little gay.
Well then, we’re gonna need to make it gayer.
I mean, yes.
You can mean whatever you want.
It still doesn’t make it so.
No, it isn’t.
Yes, it is.
No, it really isn’t.
I’m getting more and more convinced that it’s gay.
It doesn’t matter what you convince yourself of.
What if you’re the one convincing me?
You could’ve fashioned all of that into a phone. Macgyver would be disappointment.
I’m pretty sure you need more than a mask, duct tape, and superglue to make a phone. Some electrical parts might be necessary.
Sure, *you* might. MacGuyver, on the other hand, does not.
You’d also need a small aubergine.
Add an onion and some olive oil and we’re on our way!
The Professor: Just add coconuts.
That’s what I said!
Step one of initiating contact does not have to be by beating people up.
Except this is Amazi-Girl. It’s either beating people up or climbing in through a window, and those people were between her and the window.
I mean, she didn’t have her phone, and let’s be honest, they’d probably at least watch her leave, and if she went back towards the dorms instead of where Becky lives, they’d suspect something.
I agree this present an obstacle.
I just don’t agree amazi-girl couldn’t find a non-beating-people-up-centered solution.
She could, but she wouldn’t. She was created (for want of a better term) to live out a superhero fantasy. She largely thinks in terms of beating people up.
Oh absolutely. She’s trained herself to take people out. And I guess give chase/run away on the side. Telling her not to use her main skill set would just make her derp harder.
When all you have is a hammer, everything else are nails.
Yaaay, AG quickly filling Becky up to speed!
Oh dear, Becky’s guard detail suck even worse than we thought, and still more reminders I want to send Ross into the sun.
Pretty sure those were just regular dudes Robin found at a Hawaiian shirt and sunglasses convention.
…that DOES sound like a very Robin thing to do.
What you got against the sun?
Were ya able to share phone numbers in the first place?
Amazi-Girl dressed up as Amber? Now that’s a tweeeest
Oooops. Didn’t grab the phone.
Okay, that last one is pretty smart.
Amber was at a party in that house little more than 24 hours ago. There is absolutely no need for Amazamber to avoid leaving fingerprints at the scene, especially since there is absolutely no way that Amazamber isn’t also leaving hairs at the scene.
She might have to touch something more distinctly connected with the kidnapping than the general interior of Becky’s flat. For example, her fingerprints on the tape used to bind Becky’s bodyguards would not be explained by her presence at a party. Even if it were one of those parties.
Becky does realize Amber is Amazi-girl, right?
She doesn’t know, no.
She will soon.
Nope. Domino mask rules.
No blush, it is amazigirl on the exterior surface.
Of what is happening inside…
Mike’s avatar appears like an Other. Like an Alter but with a different ideation.
Instead of a fissioning self sharing the bodily space, the self takes the memories of life experiences and the abilities for internal dialogues manifested with DID. In this case Mike’s advice and demeanor giving her the advice she needs.
He made his point by his actions, she is extrapolating from there.
Thank you Willis.
You know, I was wondering who Becky would see when she saw Amazi-ber.
Ambi-girl is much better, as Ambi- means “both”
Well, since Amber has crippling social anxiety and is an indoors geeky type clearly the person who looks like an amalgamation of her and Amazigirl and can take out multiple hired guards easily isn’t her, so has to be Amazigirl cos-playing Amber for some reason…
The other masquerade’s effectiveness is not that easily explained as Blaine and Captain Ball-peen act exactly the same.
Gah, i read Becky saying “Amber? Whya dressed up like Amazi-Girl?” at first.
Becky is improving. She no longer says Superlady.
“Whya dressed like Amber?”
Well, we finally know what the three things were that AG said she needed. I’d have asked for a phone, a hundred feet of rope, and a loaded Glock. I guess that’s just a Texas thing.
Everyone saw her fingerprints because the guards were wearing ACETONE
Good to know what the five things she needed were.
Three things, sire!
“First, thou shalt take out the holy pin….”
I’ve been on deployment for a couple months and just randomly decided to check this comic to see what today’s page would be and….. what?
(Also I heard our ship has been on the news?)
that was…remarkably well timed, considering this one has the crash course summary
“Whya dressed up like Amber?”
I love it.
Text message! The people on the other side of that mysterious fourth wall been saying that for a while now…
I never knew super glue can do that. Then again I never thought about being a vigilante or a cat burglar.
Yes, it can do that, but it really screws up your ability to do finger type stuff, like fine dexterity and hold things.
Well, of courseBecky saw she was dressed as Amber. AG forgot to artfully muss her hair, she still has the Am-bowl.
Indeed. I commented on this in a previous strip too.
The others? Who are the others? And why it’s Ethan so important to you? Are you Eric dressed as Amber, Amazi-Girl? Wait, you’ve been Mike all the time!!!
Who are the others? The Professor and Mary Ann!!
Oops… sorry about that. The Professor and Mary Ann are “… and the rest” (from the first season ‘Gilligan’s Island’ theme).
She’s not mentioning Dina. On purpose, I bet.
Dina showed up after AmbG had left, as I recall. So she probably doesn’t know, since Dina’s stealth aura works on her roommate just as much as anyone else.
Yeah, Dina wasn’t there yet when Amazi-Girl left.
Oh right, yeah. …strangely remiss of both of them, then.
“Do what you can, with what you have, where you are”
-Theodore Roosevelt
I’m waiting for Sal
How have I never thought of that super glue trick? Got to write that one down.