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.gif s are animated image files. They have become shorthand reactions in some parts of the internet, with humor either deriving from having a gif that exactly expresses the emotion you are feeling, or from one that expresses a different emotion being forced to fit in an ironic way. (similar to how surprising rhymes can work in rap).
Particularly well-known gifs can simply have an image name typed out and get a similar reaction, especially in contexts where people can’t share images, such as webcomic comments or similar.
Amber is saying the image name here, knowing that AG will know which particular .gif Amber is referencing, a shot of Jennifer Lawrence being particularly sarcastic when agreeing with someone.
Since the term stands for “Graphics Interchang Format” and the words ‘graphics’ has a hard ‘G’ rather than a ‘J’ sound, I suppose it should be as Rognik says ….
Although then people probably won’t be sure you’re not talking about the green Amphibiosan dude who was Gen. Zapp Brannigan’s poor put-upon lieutenant from “Futurama”.
It is with Soft-G like Giraffe. Conversationally it become a noun, and the noun is pronounce the way the inventor of the noun said it should be pronounced, with a soft-g. However if you are talking in technical terms and want to for example compare standards, you’d refer to the acronym by spelling out the letters G, I, and F; or you could say the full words (Graphics Interchange Format).
Back in 2016, I was writing short character descriptions for a LARP set at a music festival. One of them was for a dude who wanted to be That Dude Who Can Totally Set You Up :
“Oh, yeah, you’re totally hooked up. Someone backstage needs themselves something a little… shady? You can get it for them, no sweat. You’ve got all the “in”s for that kind of thing. (Note : jennifer_lawrence_thumbs_up_oh_yeah.gif.)”
I was kinda proud of some of the stuff I came up with that year.
One time in about 1990 I had to write about fifty player characters for a “flexiform” that was a thriller/police-procedural set in 2100. They all had to be different and they all had to be detectives. I was getting a bit trippy by the time I was done.
… so there’s a copy of that gif in my reactions folder that’s been there since at least 2015 and I was Today years old when I realised that it’s Jennifer Lawrence and not Taylor Swift.
Goddamn face blindness!
You actually had me second-guessing myself; I had to actually Google Taylor Swift’s bio to see that her only acting credit on TV is on an episode of CSI and an episode of New Girl.
I freaking love this. I think this is the first time we’ve actually seen them talk to each other? Amber, this is a good way to acknowledge you need THERAPY.
Yeah, that was before the freak-out stabbing, and before Amber started trying to repress AG, and they stopped sharing memories. The fact that they’re talking now is actually a good sign.
Though it’s a fair answer to “I think this is the first time”. Before that they didn’t seem to need to talk to each other, so then it was a bad sign. Now it is a good one.
Acknowledging she needs therapy would first require her to acknowledge that therapists provide something of value. IIRC, she has a negative view of therapists.
It was Sal that had a negative view of therapists, IIRC, due to her experiences with them after the gas station incident. Amber wasn’t allowed to go to therapy; her dad put her through self-defense classes instead.
Yeah, how does this work? Does only one cheek blush come on when they’re talking to each other, or do they flash on and off like a car’s hazard lights depending on who’s talking?
It’s like that Gollum scene in the Lord of the Rings movies. They alternate camera angle. Only Willis doesn’t have the screen space or budget for that.
I’m going to assume that’s exaggerated because yeah, but we already knew Amber tried to kill him (her exact words) so ‘definitely stabbed him more than the once’ isn’t a huge surprise.
Honestly one could quite conceivably go much higher than that, but it’d require moving from the genre of attempted murder to that of purposeful torture. It’s basically just aiming all the stabs for places that minimize blood loss and organ damage, though blood loss and shock would still be major concerns.
The highest count I remember is from the “Lululemon murder”. The victim apparently had over 300 stabbing and beating wounds inflicted on her and over 100 of those wounds were reported to be defensive, meaning she was alive during most of the attack.
Trusting Blaine to release hostages contrary to his interests while simultaneously believing that he, Ross, and the bozo brothers would go through with six cold-blooded murders. While also believing that Ambi-Girl can dependably take out Becky’s armed professional bodyguards but can’t rescue the hostages who aren’t even supervised.
Serious answer: Amber doesn’t particularly stick out since she’s gotten the rep of being a geeky introvert. Folks most likely to realize she’s Amazi-Girl are of course in her dorm; a few have discarded the possibility but it’s unknown if most of Ruth’s side suspect Amber or not.
“Don’t call the police, they might attack the wrong people!”
“Let’s entrust our fate to the multiple personalities vigilante literally talking to herselves.”
“As long as she starts attacking the bodyguards of a Congressperson, who are literally defending the person we want to stay protected, that action also being itself a felony and aiding the kidnappers in their objectives.”
“Agreed. We are super good at taking matters into our own hands, as everyone should when felony-level crimes are committed.”
Then again, when your universe is Legend of Monkey Master and not the real world, sending Monkey Master is always the right choice sure to wrap things up nicely by the third act.
I am suspending disbelief (if not complaints) and vaguely hoping actual consequences snap back at some point. But maybe the entire universe will just keep bending itself to facilitate awesome showdowns, if that’s what it is, that’s what it is.
Yeah, but it’s one that’s trying to bind to reality a little bit and have people do things they actually need to do, like go to a real world college and have to go to classes and find a place to live and go to rehab and stuff.
To me it feels like, what if Billie’s solution was just “Instead of doing the responsibility thing that actually makes sense and going through rehab, I’ll just have Amazigirl fight my alcoholism!” “Solid plan.” “Yeah, screw the professionals who would be the appropriate people to involve because they’re probably racist.”
I mean, I guess one of the kidnappers is a literally a masked villain. But before that he was a low level mafia stooge with a minor money laundering scheme or something, something you could actually be in the real world. I’m just having a lot dissonance between the “we should do what people would actually do in the real world” most of the time and “We should jump into the Harry Potter world where kids with wands should indeed handle law enforcement.” If I can square the Muggle world with the Wizard world we’ve jumped into, I’m sure it’ll be easier for me.
You’ve read this much of the comic. Did you get the impression it was founded on a strict adherence to reality and rational thinking? Aside from that, they’re currently in a hostage situation. None of the kids had a say in who got to go kidnap Becky, they’re not the ones choosing to rely on Amazi-Girl. The dangerous idiot holding them all hostage sent her out to do his dirty work, without holding any sort of vote. If she goes to the cops, there’s a nonzero chance her friends will die (or at least be seriously injured), so she’s got incentive not to do that just yet. I really don’t know exactly what good options you think any of these characters have, at this particular moment in the story.
It’s the mood whiplash. One week the issue is the Dorothy and Walky find they have to work to keep their grades up. Next, Daffy Duck is coercing Bugs Bunny into kidnapping the Roadrunner by threatening to kill Tweety Bird.
It’s still how this strip has always been. It’s always been a mix of realistic college problems and interspersed action movie stuff. It does cause some mood whiplash and always has.
The most interesting aspect to me is that the ramifications of the action stuff feed back into the more realistic personal lives – most obviously the fallout from whole kidnapping/car chase sequence – on Amber/AG, on Becky, on Joyce, etc.
The kids in Harry Potter weren’t supposed to be in charge of magical law enforcement. Unfortunately the adults in charge of law enforcement were incompetent (then replaced by the infiltrating oppressors).
This may not have been the main point of your post…
There are still more than two months in store for this arc. No need to rush for quick conclusions. We still do not know if AG/Amber can breathe in space.
This is… oddly cute, considering the terrible, terrible circumstances surrounding it and being discussed.
Now, PLEASE find a competent DID support group after whatever hell is about to be unleashed, dear ladies! I know there’s some online. If there’s any unambiguous net good of the internet, it’s the way it’s allowed scattered disenfranchised groups to organize, especially the disabled, neurodiverse, and mentally ill.
Also please don’t actually kidnap Becky, please explain this to her as well as you can and let her take the lead on what to do.
Actually, I’m thinking that the two of them talking to each other is probably a good sign. It’s certainly better than Amber staying up all night because she’s got no idea what Amazi-girl is doing with their shared body.
Yes, but as I see it, if the League of Dumbasses is watching the apartment, Amber talking with Becky is clear betrayal. AG kidnapping Becky is doing what they asked. And Blaine doesn’t seem to believe Amber could actually be AG, meaning that he wouldn’t believe Amber was doing anything other than betraying him by talking to Becky herself. I really don’t think Blaine would buy anything less than a proper kidnapping as compliance.
If AG / Amber just *happen* to be alone with Becky for a bit after she escapes, long enough to communicate to Becky as to what is happening and coordinate a plan, well, she obviously HAD to take that slightly convoluted escape route to through the police off the scent.
And I mean, as much as this situation is wayyyy out of hand, AG probably only has to key Becky in on this for Becky to be down for whatever it takes. Becky thinks AG is awesome for saving her, and knows Toedad is on the loose. So while AG may need to kidnap Becky without telling her what’s going on, there’s a good chance Becky won’t be in the dark for long. Of course, as soon as Becky knows, Becky will start acting the part of a kidnappee to “help”… which, you know, could go one way or another, but will probably be hilarious regardless.
…Now, hopefully, AG and Amber actually *do* have a plan here, and are not just totally winging it…
Twitter has always been a horrible site. You don’t want to go home, you want latest tweets. You don’t want to comment, you want to see the comment thread, which can only be done by pressing the time of the post instead of the speech bubble. You want to go down further than two days and it just stops, you literally can’t go down your feeds more than a few days before you start clicking like a fool.
sweater-cum-cape. ‘Cum’ (in this case, pronounced ‘koom’) is from the Latin and is a prepoosition meaning “combined with” — as in a multi-purpose room in your home (a study-cum-bedroom). I italicized the word because it is from a foreign language, in keeping with the New York Times Book of Style and Usage.
It isn’t. Walky’s cape thing isn’t white. Amber is using the outer wear she already had on when kidnapped as a cape. If you go back a few strips, you can see for yourself that she already had that and has tied the sleeves together to make her faux cape.
The idea that police involvement would be bad is nonsensical. Ross and the bozo boys are not plausible as cold-blooded murders, and Captain Ballpeen is in no shape to beat five teenagers to death in addition to it being a pointless thing to do after the police are already involved. As for Mike, if Blaine could kill him he would already have done so. This situation doesn’t make sense, and neither does Ambi-Girl’s response to it.
Girls, seriously, as much as I’m glad that you’ve taken this step together, there are lots of things that you need to do and be thinking about. How your mixed up neurochemistry is even supposed to work isn’t one of them right now!
If she was charging straight at the problem she’d be punching Blaine’s broken ribs right now.
Not sure exactly what the plan is, but it’s at least a little subtler than that.
punchong Blainre *is* the strategical call: with a good first strike, he cannot tell his goons to call an hospital/get in the basement do whatever they would do, and ross still could be trumped into thinking getting Becky needs the release of others.
And why the heck and damn does Twitter keep changing to “bright” mode? Do power companies bribe them to waste a fantastically small amount of electricity turning screens brighter? How many cents does it take to buy Jack Twitter?
The White House just announced plans to go after funding for libraries and museums. The Cartoon Art Museum runs on a tight budget, and losing the modest support it gets from federal grants would be devastating. Now's a great time to show CAM and other small museums your love.
Shaenon K. ⋅ 11d
Have you enjoyed my candy lady thread? I am pleased to announce that you can get a phone wallpaper and ebook for the price of any donation, with all proceeds going to the Cartoon Art Museum.
Researchers showed clips of the podcast to survey respondents and had them share their thoughts. 57% expressed a negative reaction to his agreement with Charlie Kirk on "woke" language and 63% had a negative reaction to his comments on trans athletes
The great thing about writing for a Transformers Wiki is occasionally getting to write sentences like "Megatron has a theory that he can attract young men by wearing cat ears and ending his sentences with meow." because it's a thing that happened in a cartoon once.
Gavin Newsom sees 10-point net drop in favorability since launching his podcast. Survey finds "the podcast only made 13% of voters have an improved perception of the Governor, with 26% saying that it harmed their perception."
today in #9ChickweedLane I learned we should ask our parents completely normal, not fucked-up questions like "hey what was sex with the other parent like"
So many opportunities for a good old-fashioned booing ⋅ 2d
Schumer begins a book tour this week.
Mon 3/17 7pm Central Library, Baltimore
Wed 3/19 Politics & Prose, DC 7pm
Thursday 3/20 at the Weizman, DC 12:30PM
Sunday 3/23 · 3pm Moss Theatre Santa Monica, CA
Mon 4/21 MJCCA Atlanta 7:30PM
Line the sidewalks. (List may not be complete)
These are the same Senate Democrats who lectured the base for years about the importance of preserving the filibuster so it would still be available when Democrats were in the minority
new from me: I wrote about the mess that just went down in the Senate, where Democrats under Chuck Schumer look disjointed and rudderless in the face of Trump's agenda, especially compared to their House counterparts
The most annoying thing about this cowardice by the book-touring Dems is that MAGA will lose. A full-throated opposition will win. This administration is brazen and corrupt, but they're overconfident and incompetent and not people to run away from. We'll win, even if we have to do it ourselves.
today in #9chickweedlane i've learned that the fetishization of post-marital hanky-panky has resulted in the straining of everyone's mental health, #somehow
last seen as marking a strikeout {K} on baseball in-progress game forums
Thanks. I guess?
I was gonna say that helped with context, but no, I don’t think it did actually.
.gif s are animated image files. They have become shorthand reactions in some parts of the internet, with humor either deriving from having a gif that exactly expresses the emotion you are feeling, or from one that expresses a different emotion being forced to fit in an ironic way. (similar to how surprising rhymes can work in rap).
Particularly well-known gifs can simply have an image name typed out and get a similar reaction, especially in contexts where people can’t share images, such as webcomic comments or similar.
Amber is saying the image name here, knowing that AG will know which particular .gif Amber is referencing, a shot of Jennifer Lawrence being particularly sarcastic when agreeing with someone.
So, how is “.gif” pronounced? EvilRaccoon.gif >:-]>
The only non-controversial way to answer this question is Gee-Eye-Eff.
Personally, though, I’d say the one where it doesn’t sound like a peanut butter brand.
Since the term stands for “Graphics Interchang Format” and the words ‘graphics’ has a hard ‘G’ rather than a ‘J’ sound, I suppose it should be as Rognik says ….
Although then people probably won’t be sure you’re not talking about the green Amphibiosan dude who was Gen. Zapp Brannigan’s poor put-upon lieutenant from “Futurama”.
That’s Kif.
Kif is for inhalation, as opposed to pronunciation.
Yes officer, this person right here. Threw a grenade into a crowded room, I saw it with my own two eyes.
It is with Soft-G like Giraffe. Conversationally it become a noun, and the noun is pronounce the way the inventor of the noun said it should be pronounced, with a soft-g. However if you are talking in technical terms and want to for example compare standards, you’d refer to the acronym by spelling out the letters G, I, and F; or you could say the full words (Graphics Interchange Format).
Thanks, Ana.
I am aware of all internet traditions (I was even in on the ground floor of that one) but this JLaw one slipped by me.
Or maybe this one is more appropriate?
Back in 2016, I was writing short character descriptions for a LARP set at a music festival. One of them was for a dude who wanted to be That Dude Who Can Totally Set You Up :
“Oh, yeah, you’re totally hooked up. Someone backstage needs themselves something a little… shady? You can get it for them, no sweat. You’ve got all the “in”s for that kind of thing. (Note : jennifer_lawrence_thumbs_up_oh_yeah.gif.)”
I was kinda proud of some of the stuff I came up with that year.
One time in about 1990 I had to write about fifty player characters for a “flexiform” that was a thriller/police-procedural set in 2100. They all had to be different and they all had to be detectives. I was getting a bit trippy by the time I was done.
Christopher Walken, but a detective. Adam Sandler, but a detective. Jigglypuff, but a detective. …
Pikachu, but a detective, but he sounds like Deadpool.
… so there’s a copy of that gif in my reactions folder that’s been there since at least 2015 and I was Today years old when I realised that it’s Jennifer Lawrence and not Taylor Swift.
Goddamn face blindness!
They’re basically the same person. Both have played at least one member of the Justice League on television.
You actually had me second-guessing myself; I had to actually Google Taylor Swift’s bio to see that her only acting credit on TV is on an episode of CSI and an episode of New Girl.
I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought that was Taylor Swift
There’s no way this didn’t happen exactly like a Takedown in one of the Batman Arkham games.
…I would totally play one of those starring Amazi-Girl.
Now that’s something the game modding community needs to jump on!
I love the Resident Evil 2 vs. Thomas the Tank Engine mods.
Webcomic villainous henchmen: They get annoyed at Twitter’s interface just like us!
I don’t think he’s villainous…just one of Robyn’s bodyguards for Becky.
That… might actually make him a villain’s henchman.
He’s not villainous, though.
These are the authorized bodyguards of a Congressperson!
This is one of the bodyguards Robin hired to protect Becky (note the shirt and uggs), so do they really count as “villainous”?
I’m not sure they even count as ‘bodyguards’ as opposed to merely being a ‘warm body’, as the term is/was used in the military.
Yeah, I guess I’m just recalling Beef’s previous adventures from way back.
Well, I’d apologize to him but he can’t hear me now.
“Hawaiian shirted and Ugg-booted bodyguards get annoyed at Twitter’s interface just like us!”
That’s not Beef.
Honestly, how would we know? Beef never talks, so he’d never be tagged, right?
Nah, non-talking characters get tagged. Beef’s been tagged before.
He also looks different.
The only character who deliberately never gets tagged is Bloodrose.
…and mistaking this guy for Beef, too. Although in this light, can you blame me?
That was also my first instinct on seeing the first panel, but it cleared up for me as I read along. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
On first glance, I was very confused as to why Beef was saying something other than “grunt.” Then I checked tags and was like “oh, okay.”
Sunglasses guy is a mood
He’s the bodyguard I dubbed “Chuckles” earlier.
Only 60 times? Come on that’s just base freak out stabbing!
I freaking love this. I think this is the first time we’ve actually seen them talk to each other? Amber, this is a good way to acknowledge you need THERAPY.
Agreed, but with the time progression of this webcomic it would take way too long so we know it’s not gonna happen
They were talking to each other when hiding from Robin in the privacy chair cube.
Oops, hiding from Sal, not Robin.
They were also talking to each other when Amber tried to get rid of their supersuit, as I recall.
Yeah, that was before the freak-out stabbing, and before Amber started trying to repress AG, and they stopped sharing memories. The fact that they’re talking now is actually a good sign.
Though it’s a fair answer to “I think this is the first time”. Before that they didn’t seem to need to talk to each other, so then it was a bad sign. Now it is a good one.
“Two minds but with one single memory.”–Max Headroom
Acknowledging she needs therapy would first require her to acknowledge that therapists provide something of value. IIRC, she has a negative view of therapists.
Yes, they tell her that she has value and isn’t responsible for Blaine’s evil.
It was Sal that had a negative view of therapists, IIRC, due to her experiences with them after the gas station incident. Amber wasn’t allowed to go to therapy; her dad put her through self-defense classes instead.
Yeah, how does this work? Does only one cheek blush come on when they’re talking to each other, or do they flash on and off like a car’s hazard lights depending on who’s talking?
It’s like that Gollum scene in the Lord of the Rings movies. They alternate camera angle. Only Willis doesn’t have the screen space or budget for that.
I remember reading a subreddit where it was pointed out that the Arkham series was like ‘The Predator’ from the NPC point of view.
*Growls and clicks while stalking targets…*
Keep expecting the last panel to be an animated gif with the blush stickers fading in and out.
Jennifer Lawrence Dot Gif? I’d prefer the Michael Scott Cringe Dot Gif kind of weird!
You want weird? How about Ozzy Osbourne licking peanut butter off of Annette Funicello’s finger kind of weird?
That’s worth a Caddyshack Double Take Dot Gif.
Not nearly as weird as it is now.
Dubbing this guy Duke
Is his last name Nukem?
Little did Walky realize he was committing identity theft…
It’s time to get my ass kicked and chew bubblegum.
wait a sec, she stabbed Ryan that much? Shouldn’t he be dead then instead of just in the hospital?
I’m going to assume that’s exaggerated because yeah, but we already knew Amber tried to kill him (her exact words) so ‘definitely stabbed him more than the once’ isn’t a huge surprise.
Still. Damn.
You might be surprised to learn how many times a person can be stabbed and survive. Highest count I remember reading was about 120.
Honestly one could quite conceivably go much higher than that, but it’d require moving from the genre of attempted murder to that of purposeful torture. It’s basically just aiming all the stabs for places that minimize blood loss and organ damage, though blood loss and shock would still be major concerns.
The highest count I remember is from the “Lululemon murder”. The victim apparently had over 300 stabbing and beating wounds inflicted on her and over 100 of those wounds were reported to be defensive, meaning she was alive during most of the attack.
couldn’t she just call Becky and let her know what is going on so they could come up with a plan together? Joyce should have her contact information.
They (?) were also told that if law enforcement got involved, or if there were any hijinks, people would die. Better to err on the side of caution.
In this particular case, that would mean to trust Blaine to actually let everyone go when you do as you’re told. Caution should go both ways.
Trusting Blaine to release hostages contrary to his interests while simultaneously believing that he, Ross, and the bozo brothers would go through with six cold-blooded murders. While also believing that Ambi-Girl can dependably take out Becky’s armed professional bodyguards but can’t rescue the hostages who aren’t even supervised.
Well, the armed professional bodyguards aren’t likely to kill anyone but her if she screws up, so the risk is lower.
Are they really professional? I know they’re all armed, but we have no reason to believe they have any sort of bodyguard training or experience.
They are the decoy security detail. The real ones you will never see.
( except these are robin hires )
Plus, this is the way a superhero would go about this. You’re thinking how a normal person would go about this.
I wear my sunglasses at night
So I can’t, so I can’t
See the phone that’s right before my eyes
Or, y’know, the Amazigirl dropping on my head.
Love this! I LOLed.
Well, the good news is, Amber and Amazi-Girl are talking to each other!
The bad news is… Amber and Amazi-Girl are talking to each other.
I’m just glad that both personalities are talking to each other again.
More arguing than talking, tho
Still better than the cold silence.
The return of Beef?
Nope. See tags.
Don’t make the same error I did. Beef is…beefier for one thing.
It’s actually Mike. The hat brim part of his hair took the full impact of the fall and snapped off.
Also if Amber doesn’t have the full amazi-girl outfit and only the eye-mask, shouldn’t everyone recognise her now?
I figure this goes by Incredibles rules. A little mask over your eyes disguises your identity perfectly.
You’re right. She should ruffle her hair up and no one will suspect.
Serious answer: Amber doesn’t particularly stick out since she’s gotten the rep of being a geeky introvert. Folks most likely to realize she’s Amazi-Girl are of course in her dorm; a few have discarded the possibility but it’s unknown if most of Ruth’s side suspect Amber or not.
“Don’t call the police, they might attack the wrong people!”
“Let’s entrust our fate to the multiple personalities vigilante literally talking to herselves.”
“As long as she starts attacking the bodyguards of a Congressperson, who are literally defending the person we want to stay protected, that action also being itself a felony and aiding the kidnappers in their objectives.”
“Agreed. We are super good at taking matters into our own hands, as everyone should when felony-level crimes are committed.”
Then again, when your universe is Legend of Monkey Master and not the real world, sending Monkey Master is always the right choice sure to wrap things up nicely by the third act.
I am suspending disbelief (if not complaints) and vaguely hoping actual consequences snap back at some point. But maybe the entire universe will just keep bending itself to facilitate awesome showdowns, if that’s what it is, that’s what it is.
As I pointed out once before, this IS, after all, a comic strip.
Yeah, but it’s one that’s trying to bind to reality a little bit and have people do things they actually need to do, like go to a real world college and have to go to classes and find a place to live and go to rehab and stuff.
To me it feels like, what if Billie’s solution was just “Instead of doing the responsibility thing that actually makes sense and going through rehab, I’ll just have Amazigirl fight my alcoholism!” “Solid plan.” “Yeah, screw the professionals who would be the appropriate people to involve because they’re probably racist.”
I mean, I guess one of the kidnappers is a literally a masked villain. But before that he was a low level mafia stooge with a minor money laundering scheme or something, something you could actually be in the real world. I’m just having a lot dissonance between the “we should do what people would actually do in the real world” most of the time and “We should jump into the Harry Potter world where kids with wands should indeed handle law enforcement.” If I can square the Muggle world with the Wizard world we’ve jumped into, I’m sure it’ll be easier for me.
Just repeat to yourself, “it’s just a
showcomic, I should really just relax”.You’ve read this much of the comic. Did you get the impression it was founded on a strict adherence to reality and rational thinking? Aside from that, they’re currently in a hostage situation. None of the kids had a say in who got to go kidnap Becky, they’re not the ones choosing to rely on Amazi-Girl. The dangerous idiot holding them all hostage sent her out to do his dirty work, without holding any sort of vote. If she goes to the cops, there’s a nonzero chance her friends will die (or at least be seriously injured), so she’s got incentive not to do that just yet. I really don’t know exactly what good options you think any of these characters have, at this particular moment in the story.
It’s the mood whiplash. One week the issue is the Dorothy and Walky find they have to work to keep their grades up. Next, Daffy Duck is coercing Bugs Bunny into kidnapping the Roadrunner by threatening to kill Tweety Bird.
It’s still how this strip has always been. It’s always been a mix of realistic college problems and interspersed action movie stuff. It does cause some mood whiplash and always has.
The most interesting aspect to me is that the ramifications of the action stuff feed back into the more realistic personal lives – most obviously the fallout from whole kidnapping/car chase sequence – on Amber/AG, on Becky, on Joyce, etc.
Man, fuck Tweety Bird regardless. That little POS knows what he did.
The kids in Harry Potter weren’t supposed to be in charge of magical law enforcement. Unfortunately the adults in charge of law enforcement were incompetent (then replaced by the infiltrating oppressors).
This may not have been the main point of your post…
There are still more than two months in store for this arc. No need to rush for quick conclusions. We still do not know if AG/Amber can breathe in space.
Everyone can breathe in space. There’s like, shitloads of air, and anyone who tells you otherwise is being thrifty with the truth.
The thing is there’s even more space, so the chances of encountering oxygen by chance out there is limited…
This is… oddly cute, considering the terrible, terrible circumstances surrounding it and being discussed.
Now, PLEASE find a competent DID support group after whatever hell is about to be unleashed, dear ladies! I know there’s some online. If there’s any unambiguous net good of the internet, it’s the way it’s allowed scattered disenfranchised groups to organize, especially the disabled, neurodiverse, and mentally ill.
Also please don’t actually kidnap Becky, please explain this to her as well as you can and let her take the lead on what to do.
Oh this is not good.
The split personalities or that Twitter sucks?
The split personalities
Actually, I’m thinking that the two of them talking to each other is probably a good sign. It’s certainly better than Amber staying up all night because she’s got no idea what Amazi-girl is doing with their shared body.
It’s actually good that Twitter sucks, actually.
If AG just wanted to talk with Becky she could have pretended to be Amber and walk to Robin’s apartment. SHE IS ACTUALLY TRYING TO KIDNAP BECKY!!!!
If she wanted to kidnap Becky she could have just walked in, too.
And it’s supposed to be Becky’s apartment.
Yes, but as I see it, if the League of Dumbasses is watching the apartment, Amber talking with Becky is clear betrayal. AG kidnapping Becky is doing what they asked. And Blaine doesn’t seem to believe Amber could actually be AG, meaning that he wouldn’t believe Amber was doing anything other than betraying him by talking to Becky herself. I really don’t think Blaine would buy anything less than a proper kidnapping as compliance.
If AG / Amber just *happen* to be alone with Becky for a bit after she escapes, long enough to communicate to Becky as to what is happening and coordinate a plan, well, she obviously HAD to take that slightly convoluted escape route to through the police off the scent.
And I mean, as much as this situation is wayyyy out of hand, AG probably only has to key Becky in on this for Becky to be down for whatever it takes. Becky thinks AG is awesome for saving her, and knows Toedad is on the loose. So while AG may need to kidnap Becky without telling her what’s going on, there’s a good chance Becky won’t be in the dark for long. Of course, as soon as Becky knows, Becky will start acting the part of a kidnappee to “help”… which, you know, could go one way or another, but will probably be hilarious regardless.
…Now, hopefully, AG and Amber actually *do* have a plan here, and are not just totally winging it…
Amber talking to Becky is the easiest and most reliable way to kidnap her.
Yeah, but that assumes that any baddies watching are smart. Given what we’ve seen, that seems like a bad bet.
At least she isn’t flipping silver dollars to decide who does or doesn’t get the deed to the farm……
She isn’t Terezi Pyro-Oh wait you meant Harvey Dent.
Wait.. Is that Buff from Its Walky? Or like.. his weakling cousin.
It’s not Beef, no.
nobody EVER wants to see Home, Twitter!!
Twitter has always been a horrible site. You don’t want to go home, you want latest tweets. You don’t want to comment, you want to see the comment thread, which can only be done by pressing the time of the post instead of the speech bubble. You want to go down further than two days and it just stops, you literally can’t go down your feeds more than a few days before you start clicking like a fool.
This bodyguard has Duke Nukem’s voice and people always think he’s impersonating him but it’s not his fault.
Headcanon accepted
Voiced by Clint Basinger, because we don’t have the budget to justify hiring John St. John for a bit part.
Thanks for breaking my link again, WordPress.
Well, at least that settles the ‘who wasn’t talking to who’ question.
I never want “Trending,” Youtube. Just give me my subscription notifications without having to ring a bell.
W⃥a⃥l⃥k⃥-⃥ er, NightGuy’s sweater-cum-cape was apparently the SECOND of the three things she needed.
The tape.
Amber had already been removed from the room before Dina showed up with her tape.
His what cape
sweater-cum-cape. ‘Cum’ (in this case, pronounced ‘koom’) is from the Latin and is a prepoosition meaning “combined with” — as in a multi-purpose room in your home (a study-cum-bedroom). I italicized the word because it is from a foreign language, in keeping with the New York Times Book of Style and Usage.
A what room
A bedroom for people who get real excited about studying
You people are hopeless.
Eh. We’re all gonna die of something before we’d like to. May as well die laughing about koom.
Every verb is sacred, every noun is good…
It isn’t. Walky’s cape thing isn’t white. Amber is using the outer wear she already had on when kidnapped as a cape. If you go back a few strips, you can see for yourself that she already had that and has tied the sleeves together to make her faux cape.
Yep, and yesterday (after Amber left) Walky is still in his official Nightguy cape.
Correctamundo. I missed that Walky still had his ‘NightGuy’ cape while talking with Dina, and I also failed to notice the color difference.
amazi-girl… amber… Just CALL Becky and make up a plan. Don’t beat up the poor ugg guys
No, we refuse to do anything that would make sense.
How likely is it she has a phone after getting kidnapped? And who remembers phone numbers anymore?
She could go to her dorm and get the phone that she left behind when the fire alarm went off.
Yeah, bu that would take forethought, something almost none of these characters seem to have (besides maybe Mike, prior to almost dying).
Likely to lead to questions and maybe police involvement if Ruth has actually reacted to half her floor vanishing.
The idea that police involvement would be bad is nonsensical. Ross and the bozo boys are not plausible as cold-blooded murders, and Captain Ballpeen is in no shape to beat five teenagers to death in addition to it being a pointless thing to do after the police are already involved. As for Mike, if Blaine could kill him he would already have done so. This situation doesn’t make sense, and neither does Ambi-Girl’s response to it.
Well, then she shouldn’t go to her dorm, get her phone, and call Becky, but just go for the police directly.
Yes! Get phone. Call 911
Amber had already been taken out of the room before Dina showed up with her tape.
this should have been in response to SuperZero under my previous post.
So…. I guess the twitter dude is too insignificant to get tagged?
I’m just glad they’re speaking again.
Did Patreon faw down go boom, or is it just me?
It’s down – ‘Scheduled maintenance’, according to their homepage.
You only had one job…
Girls, seriously, as much as I’m glad that you’ve taken this step together, there are lots of things that you need to do and be thinking about. How your mixed up neurochemistry is even supposed to work isn’t one of them right now!
Amazi-ber needs to be careful not to attract the other Uggtroopers’ attention…
Wow, even Amazi-Girl was stunned by how many times Amber stabbed him.
I relate to this!
Ah, the days when we couldn’t communicate clearly “In-house” and had to be alone so no one overhears.
C’mon, AG: Would Batman just charge straight at the problem, or would he, you know, think strategically first?
If she was charging straight at the problem she’d be punching Blaine’s broken ribs right now.
Not sure exactly what the plan is, but it’s at least a little subtler than that.
Subtler, but no sounder.
punchong Blainre *is* the strategical call: with a good first strike, he cannot tell his goons to call an hospital/get in the basement do whatever they would do, and ross still could be trumped into thinking getting Becky needs the release of others.
And why the heck and damn does Twitter keep changing to “bright” mode? Do power companies bribe them to waste a fantastically small amount of electricity turning screens brighter? How many cents does it take to buy Jack Twitter?
Amber, you realize you could just go talk to Becky right?
In real life, people don’t often wake up from being knocked unconscious.
Is it because they die from the head trauma? I think she just ambushed and subdued the guy, anyway.
She didn’t knock him unconscious though. She restrained him with heavy duty tape.
I didn’t have my glasses on when the page came up, and WHUMP looked like angel feathers.
I mean yes, somewhat complicated.
Okay yeah THIS is something I want more of. Say what you want about MPD and whatever involving it, but…uh…hell yes, what?
Moustache Police Department
They say start to speak up again is the first step for find the old harmony in a couple. I wonder if is valid even in this situation.
We ALL hate “home”, Twitter.
Aaaand we are in Smeagol/Gollum territory it seems O.O
Actually… this is a progress I think.
Amazi-Girl has the tape. Which means Dina is lurking behind a nearby door.
I was wondering where she got the tape.
oh my god they’re talking
I agree with the Hero personality