Winona runs a werewolf shelter with partner in crime, Odile in the Gothic city of Merlot. One day they take in an injured vampire, and soon unravels many of the dark secrets of Merlot.
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T Campbell, John Waltrip, Florence Machina
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Dumbing of Age
David M Willis
Joyce has been homeschooled her entire life until now, when she's suddenly a freshman in college! Things don't go well.
No End
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Alex Assan, Lin Darrow
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Cyanide & Happiness
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Josceline Fenton
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All Known Alternatives
Karolina 'Kajotko' Jankiewicz
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Guess we’re this much further from finding out what happened to Mike. Like, yeah, maybe he died, but I feel like if he DID, that’s kind of a big mess to have so far gone unnoticed.
Oh, I’m sure he’ll notice. He’ll probably just be grateful Mike isn’t around to harass him. That’s how I felt when I had a crappy roommate back in college.
Amber, that plan is extremely unlikely to help and will probably bring on more hallucinations. As someone who deals with hallucinations, I can tell you from experience it doesn’t work like that.
Also is Becky watching for her dad now, or just generally looking miserable due to his freedom?
What are you talking about, Kyrik? This comic doesn’t deal with hallucinations at all. This comic doesn’t even have Amber in it. Are you sure you’re not hallucinating right now?
Mirror, mirror on the wall
The face you’ve shown me scares me so
I thought that I could call your bluff
But now the lines are clear enough
Life’s not pretty even though
I’ve tried so hard to make it so
Mornings are such cold distress
How did I ever get into this mess…–Styx
**reads hovertext**
**looks at date**
**grabs nearest person**
The hover text is scary! Why is the hover text so scary?! Make the hover text stop with the scary!
Dina is right. You can’t wish good luck to something unhealthy. If Dina asked someone more capable, they would tell her to send Amber to visit a professional therapist.
Why Willis changed the name of the webcomic to Ignoring of Mike from Dumbing of Age has never been convincingly determined. He said the clues were hidden within, but researchers have never come to an agreement. Jeph Jacques, author of the webcomic Questionable Content, claimed the reason was related to Butts Disease.
-from Webcomics of the 21st Century, An Incomplete History, by AI #352AlphaTango96.
It is fortunate then that this is only the mid-point of the book. The first two books excepted (they were six chapters each), each DoA book has been four chapters long.
That was a surprisingly quick day. It feels like just a week or two ago, these kids were waking up on top of each other. Now they’re up late, fretting over both of the day’s developments.
(btw i dyed my hair for the first time. it is green now)
It’s a super bright safety green, in most light. Never even styled my hair any particular way before, let alone dye it, so I went for the furthest extreme I could.
Also kinda wondering if Amber’s heading toward a complete meltdown with this whole no sleeping thing. This was already dangerous to begin with, and Mike being teased as dead, AG potentially leaving him in a compromised position at best, this choice seems to only lead to worse outcomes.
This is the point where I’m wondering if Dina will pull a Carla and report Amber for needing help. I want her to. It has gone too far. I mean, obviously we all know it has gone way too far, but I would hope that Dina is starting to see that.
RIP Julius Caesar.
29 October 49 BC – 15 March 44 BC
A Great leader, A Great Killer, A Great Man of the People. Other politicians hated him, all because of this one great trick. Click here to find out more.
I feel like… there’s an error in your dates there somewhere, because 49 BC-44 BC would make him stabbed to death at… 5 years old.
(Wiki puts the dates as 100 BC – 44 BC)
Unless there’s a joke that I’m not getting, which is quite possible.
I think she’s just staring at Blowjob Cat, contemplating if the temporary reprieve she’s getting from Robin is worth setting her principles aside for. (BJC’s mouth has “RESPECT”, “RESPONSIBILITY”, “SAFETY”, “PERSONAL BEST”, and “CARE” painted inside.)
It looked like she did the same thing the first evening she had the place.
She does. She has been. She’s explicitly stated it more than once.
We’ve seen her surprised by bruises and news reports. She told Danny she “thought she’d been out doing stuff at night”. Amazi-Girl didn’t know she was seeing Walky.
Dina: (◔_◔)
Amber: Good, you’re getting the hang of it!
Walky: :Here, let me try (◴_◶)
Tomorrow’s chapter: When It Crumbles
this’ll be fuuuuun
oh shit, tomorrow? I thought it was Sunday.
It’s a good time for me to be going cross-country for a week then.
IIRC we know from Twitter that the next chapter is 99 strips long, so it’ll let up around late June.
I wonder if that’s a reference to Skyfall by Adele.
Not sleeping is always great for brain issues!
There certainly is no mental illness that isn’t compounded by sleep deprivation. That isn’t a thing. At all.
On the other hand, there are some acute depression therapies that have all-nighters as part of them.
Note: My only qualification is having had two partners with hospitalization with depression, so take this with a pile of salt.
Guess we’re this much further from finding out what happened to Mike. Like, yeah, maybe he died, but I feel like if he DID, that’s kind of a big mess to have so far gone unnoticed.
Unless it was covered up. By, y’know, a guy with a history of mob activity…
It’s night. Walky should notice that the bed is empty. That’s kind of hard to cover.
Walky hates Mike enough to joke about his death being better for everyone (but especially him).
It’s been one day and for all Walky (or even Ethan) knows, Mike could have just hooked up.
Can’t help but note the distinct lack of Ethan in this chapter, a chapter which has been about the distinct lack of Mike.
Honestly, i reckon the whole twist of this is going to be that Mike and Ethan have been shacking up all day.
I like your style.
Walky? Notice something? You know we’re talking about Walky, right?
Oh, I’m sure he’ll notice. He’ll probably just be grateful Mike isn’t around to harass him. That’s how I felt when I had a crappy roommate back in college.
Couple of days and he’d wonder.
… And now we get to the point in Amber’s descent where she weakens her psyche so her alter can take over while she’s conscious….
She’s gonna wake up wearing a black symbiotic Amazi-Girl costume any day now.
“We are Incredi-woman. We are immune to all criticism.”
And once she sheds the damn thing, it’ll bond to . . . Faz? Either him or Buckets of Blood Guy, I dunno which one is her Eddie Brock.
It’s happened before, when Amber went full BSOD so somebody had to take the helm.
This one and the next two:
Man I forgot how upsetting that sequence was
Though that’s back when they were sharing memories and much closer generally. That hasn’t happened since Scarface got stabbed.
The closest was when Sal found her and Walky on the roof, she ran off and seemed to be struggling to keep control.
I took that more as, she forced the steering wheel over to AG.
In the instance I’m talking about, AG grabs the wheel.
Amber, that plan is extremely unlikely to help and will probably bring on more hallucinations. As someone who deals with hallucinations, I can tell you from experience it doesn’t work like that.
Also is Becky watching for her dad now, or just generally looking miserable due to his freedom?
I think the later
What are you talking about, Kyrik? This comic doesn’t deal with hallucinations at all. This comic doesn’t even have Amber in it. Are you sure you’re not hallucinating right now?
Dude, don’t be a butt. Sarcasm doesn’t scan well through text and gaslighting is uncool.
Just gonna have to echo Blob here to say: Dude, the fuck?
Mirror, mirror on the wall
The face you’ve shown me scares me so
I thought that I could call your bluff
But now the lines are clear enough
Life’s not pretty even though
I’ve tried so hard to make it so
Mornings are such cold distress
How did I ever get into this mess…–Styx
Gene asks Stephen to play “yer Mommas alright yer daddies alright…”
Wasn’t that Cheap Trick?
Yep, “Surrender”.
“But don’t give yourself away” indeed…
Becky’s inner monologue: “Huh, they’re just leaving Mike’s body there to rot.”
Raccoons will take care of it.
“Huh, the raccoons have learned how to use meat cleavers to separate the body into portable chunks. Is this an evolution thing?”
I call hacks.
Cleaver girls.
That’s a good cut.
“That one has a gun. And a big walking tree next to him.”
Oh come on, you know how this goes. We never saw the body, so he’s gonna turn up alive later with no explanation.
Oh dear. Sleep deprivation seldom helps with brain-care issues.
All the Becky strips to date have been leading up to the last frame.
**reads hovertext**
**looks at date**
**grabs nearest person**
The hover text is scary! Why is the hover text so scary?! Make the hover text stop with the scary!
Yeah, I think Willis is about to stab all of us in the back.
Just avoid the Senate and it’ll be fine.
I doubt that. Senate’s still full of Republicans.
So does Becky.
Dina is right. You can’t wish good luck to something unhealthy. If Dina asked someone more capable, they would tell her to send Amber to visit a professional therapist.
Sure you can.
Good luck.
If your lucky something will stop you before you hurt yourself too much.
Why Willis changed the name of the webcomic to Ignoring of Mike from Dumbing of Age has never been convincingly determined. He said the clues were hidden within, but researchers have never come to an agreement. Jeph Jacques, author of the webcomic Questionable Content, claimed the reason was related to Butts Disease.
-from Webcomics of the 21st Century, An Incomplete History, by AI #352AlphaTango96.
A thousand upvotes!!!
This is the end of the storyline? I imagine this would be really unsatisfying if a book ended on this.
It is fortunate then that this is only the mid-point of the book. The first two books excepted (they were six chapters each), each DoA book has been four chapters long.
Oh! That’s what the number by the chapter title means huh? I never put that togetrh till just now!
On the left, there’s a dropdown that says “Archives…” That lays it out.
That was a surprisingly quick day. It feels like just a week or two ago, these kids were waking up on top of each other. Now they’re up late, fretting over both of the day’s developments.
(btw i dyed my hair for the first time. it is green now)
So your pfp is actually a self portrait? Wicked!
It’s a super bright safety green, in most light. Never even styled my hair any particular way before, let alone dye it, so I went for the furthest extreme I could.
Ook green is such a pretty colour on hair
Also kinda wondering if Amber’s heading toward a complete meltdown with this whole no sleeping thing. This was already dangerous to begin with, and Mike being teased as dead, AG potentially leaving him in a compromised position at best, this choice seems to only lead to worse outcomes.
This is the point where I’m wondering if Dina will pull a Carla and report Amber for needing help. I want her to. It has gone too far. I mean, obviously we all know it has gone way too far, but I would hope that Dina is starting to see that.
I thought Sarah was to one who turned her roommate in for help detoxing?
Carla kinda did the same concerning Ruth and Billie.
Kind of. Rachel actually reported it, but Carla revealed it to the floor.
Uh oh. No Amazi-girl means Becky is in more danger if Blaine or Ross show up.
She does have a security detail. And Amazi got her ass beat last time
Given that the upcoming epic storyline has no b-plots, it’ll probably be best to read it in one go.
See you all in June.
RIP Julius Caesar.
29 October 49 BC – 15 March 44 BC
A Great leader, A Great Killer, A Great Man of the People. Other politicians hated him, all because of this one great trick. Click here to find out more.
I feel like… there’s an error in your dates there somewhere, because 49 BC-44 BC would make him stabbed to death at… 5 years old.
(Wiki puts the dates as 100 BC – 44 BC)
Unless there’s a joke that I’m not getting, which is quite possible.
49 is when he became dictator. He was killed after 4 and change years in office when a move was made to make the position permanent.
Later on, Mike is found dead because Amber didn’t let Amazigirl go check up on him in her hidden fortress of Amazitude
DoA Book 10: My Brain’s Getting Weirder Than Usual
Does Dina know about beckys dad being out?
I’d guess she hasn’t learned it, just yet.
[goblin]I will say, it was very brave of Ross to come out as a cishet white fundie. [/goblin]
clif in mid January: We probably won’t find out what happened to Mike until night comes and Amazigirl returns.
clif in mid March: DAMN YOU WILLIS!
End of storyline… and we still don’t know what happened to Mike!!!
*reads the alt-text, sees Becky in the window* Uh-oh…
I think she’s just staring at Blowjob Cat, contemplating if the temporary reprieve she’s getting from Robin is worth setting her principles aside for. (BJC’s mouth has “RESPECT”, “RESPONSIBILITY”, “SAFETY”, “PERSONAL BEST”, and “CARE” painted inside.)
It looked like she did the same thing the first evening she had the place.
Act with limited integrity and some regrets?
Yeah… I’m really worried the Mike thing was a misdirect and that Becky is about to get shot.
Poor Becky Woried not even the ugg-squad is enough to keep her safe.
Et tu Willis?
Sorry, it just had to be said by someone, and nobody else was saying it.
The panic is real. Poor Becky.
It should be fine. Becky’s having dealings with the House, not the Senate.
Oh great! March will arrive circa 2040, there’s nothing to worry about right now.
yeah, beware the bloody ides of march.
Starting to wonder if Amber has full on Dissociative Identity Disorder and she is losing time when she is Amazi-Girl.
She does. She has been. She’s explicitly stated it more than once.
We’ve seen her surprised by bruises and news reports. She told Danny she “thought she’d been out doing stuff at night”. Amazi-Girl didn’t know she was seeing Walky.
I can’t believe we had an interview in front of TV camera’s and everything and nothing dramatic happened. Absolutely did not call that one.