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Considering that Covid-19 seems to be deadly only to the AARP crowd, the next election (if it happens at all) is likely to be decided by the youth of this country anyway.
(Whistling an old tune by that one-hit wonder Max Frost and the Troopers….)
“In the U.S., of the cases for which there is data, only one person who died was in their 40s, while two people died in their 50s. Seven people were in their 60s, nine people in their 70s, 13 people in their 80s and 10 people were in their 90s.”
You spent a lot of time typing that, when you could have been working one of your 16 jobs, eating a spoonful of porridge/maggots, and considering every blink an unpaid micronap. Now get back to work, you entitled young ingrate.
I’ve met some really obtuse Nazis, or, at least, RWNJ’s who were probably 30 to 40 years younger than me. Gross generalizations are what they do. We shouldn’t. Plenty of boomers are on your side, though you* make it kind of tough. Many of us feel as frustrated as you do. I’ve been watching, and voting against, the country’s rightward swing for decades. As a country, we were given a very broad hint by the gas crisis in the ’70s, but, as a country, we failed to heed the warning. It was obvious to a whole bunch of us, though.
*As in you, or, at least, your post, not as in younger people in general.
Given how infectious covid-19 is and it’s rather long latent period, there’s reason to fear that about 50–75% of the population will get a dose. Then if 1% of those infected die? That’s one in two hundred of population dead. Worldwide, about the same death toll as the 1918-19 flu pandemic. Out of six times the population.
Fun fact – I think me and my family HAD it a month or so ago.
My 67 year old mother was in bed for two weeks (but never went to the hospital) with fever and basically every single covid-19 symptom.
My wife and I got stuffy noses and felt mildly shitty for a couple days but were otherwise fine.
Our kids, who were fully exposed, got nothin at all.
Since, at the time, we hadn’t heard anything, we just shrugged and went on with our lives.
A couple days ago, after all this hit, I called up my mom and was like “hey – doesn’t this sound exactly like that thing you had? Maybe you should get tested for antibodies”
And she was like “I thought of that too – but I checked and there’s nowhere around here where I can get tested to confirm.”
So yeah. I mean, it’s possible we had some other disease with the exact same symptoms that hit our family in the exact manner according to our respective age groups that it should. I teach English, not biology, so this is all conjecture. I mean I did before all the schools closed.
But… yeah. If we were infected… not impressed. 2/10, would not pandemic again.
Yeah I crunched similar numbers after I finally got a report that noted its reproduction rate before and after major quarantine and unless some factors limit its exponential growth we’re looking at a disease at least as infections as H1N1 if not more with a much higher mortality rate. Even if we lower the global average mortality rate to 1% and lower the hospitalization rate to 10% then we’re still looking at a half a million death toll and a 6 million hospitalizations if it manages to infect as many people as H1N1 did in the US. The biggest concern here is the 6 million hospitalizations– nation wide we only have spaces for 600k more ER patients. Massive mobilization of resources needs to be done to prevent a paralyzing overload of our health care system and I don’t think our government is going to do that
Either an effective treatment needs to be developed soon to curb the number of critical cases, the spread needs to be quarantined (too late), or we gotta hope that the reproduction rate plateaus at a certain point in % of population infected
Social distancing. Closures. Better practices in handwashing and the like.
Slow it down. Spread the epidemic out so those 6 million patients are spread out over 10 months instead of one.
We really screwed up early on and still aren’t looking great, but a lot of states are stepping up quickly and we’re starting to get those measures in place at an earlier point on the curve than Italy did. It’s possible we may still avoid the worst case scenario.
Now, no vaccine nor specific anti-viral treatment is going to touch this outbreak. The difference between 0:1% fatality rate (like modern seasonal flu) and 3.4% fatality (like early outcomes in China) comes down to adequate nursing and support for respiration if pneumonia develops. We want to spread out the peak so that hospitals &c. aren’t overwhelmed. But if you are in a place where the health care system is going to be overwhelmed, you’re individually better off getting sick now (before supplies run short) rather than in the peak of the first wave (expected in June).
I’d rather it not wipe out all of the people over 65. The presidential candidate I support is a 78 year old Senator, and I’d prefer he stay alive and hopefully win the 2020 election.
Hopefully, but at this point I don’t have a lot of hope left, though I may still be good for another small donation. As far as I can tell, the logic goes something like this. Of the many wonderful and exciting candidates we started with, we have to consolidate around the one candidate no one is really excited about, except a few establishment party hacks, even though he’s tried to do some mildly horrible things in the past and is a gaff machine because this election is so important that we have to appeal to the people who are going to vote for the other guy anyway and besides if we go with the guy who is most likely to win, in the downballot elections the Republicans will call us socialists which they always do. Seriously, there is something there I don’t understand and if you understand it then I would really appreciate you explaining it to me in terms I would understand.
Biden’s strongest support is among African American voters. Has been all along. I’m willing to trust that – even though he was far from my first choice.
At this point, the logic is this: Biden is clearly ahead. All the polling suggests he’s going to get even farther ahead this coming Tuesday. There’s almost no chance of Sanders catching up and that chance is almost certainly going to drop further on Tuesday.
Whatever the reasons for that, we have to start consolidating because this election is that important and we have to work together to win it.
This happens every election cycle – candidates lose and a lot of people have to let go. It can be hard and it can take time. I’ve had to do it twice this cycle. I’m trying to drum up my own enthusiasm for Biden, because he’s what we’ve got.
For those who can’t do that, it’s time to at least stop tearing him down, because we are going to need people to vote for him in November. Get behind a Senate or House candidate more to your liking. Put your energy there. Give Biden a Progressive Congress that will push him.
Coronavirus won’t wipe out America. In fact, the death rate for people under 50 is less than 1%. But then it climbs exponentially, until 80+ has about 15% mortality. I’d guesstimate that about 2% or less of the country will die.
It’s ironic: the demographic that COVID-19 kills is also the demographic that has socialized medicine in the US. We may not even be moved to demand health care overhaul.
We’ll have an economic disaster, some government overreach, some unnecessary tragedy, but the US will come out the other side mostly OK, sadder but wiser more outraged. In my cynical moments I think it will all be politicized and nothing will change.
The highest risk goes to men over 60 who smoke and have already high blood pressure or other problems.
1% of your roughly 330 Mio inhabitants would be 3 Mio deaths.
It is very likely, that the first reported fatality rates are much too height, as only people showing up ill at hospitals were counted as infected at all.
Nowadays, the idea is that about 80% have no or little symptoms, 20% get ill enough to need a hospital. So fatalities should be around a fifth of the originally reported rate.
Y’all forget one thing: rich old people don’t die of it, poors do. Call it cynicism or anyhint else, but I think that those who’ll die are going to be the old red guard of unionists who ate their dark bread their whole life.
Availability of artificial respiration is a factor and that relates to money, especially in the USA with it’s sad excuse of a public health system, but rich old people will die, too.
Point! Do we make it to another presidential-election year in the real world before the strip reaches November?
Prediction time! By the time Robin faces the ballot box in strip we’ll have VPOTUS Kampala Harris running for the presidency against a colony of avaricious wasps in a human-suit.
my rule for declaring someone “an old” is whether or not the person would have a “kids these days” moment. not an age, but a mindset resentful toward the young.
Becky’s plan is like Ainz Ooal Gown’s plans. She is winging it, but eventually she will cause a change of the social order, and she will have Joyce dressed as Albedo and Dina dressed as Shalltear sitting by her side in her throne of conservative skulls.
Robin is taking care of Bekky and Bekky could try to reach her insted of trying to sabotate her.
She didnt got her arrested when she could and she decided to protect her when she knew she was in danger.
You guys dont know who she is running against… ypou are just assuming cause of parties (something i dont give a fuck as someone not from the US)
But an Honest as tells everything that got in her head and never lies is rare in politics…specially one who cares about others.
She didn’t call the police because she wanted to use Becky for her campaign and her plan to protect her was well meaning, but seriously flawed.
We haven’t read Jake Manley’s policy or anything, but Roz, Leslie and Dorothy all consider him a progressive candidate. Those are some pretty decent ‘progressive politics’ endorsements.
And Robin DOESN’T care about others. She cares about staying elected. That’s what everyone’s worried about – Robin is an untrustworthy flake.
I would. Or more accurately I would think it was completely unrealistic – which might be fine in web-comic terms. No one is winning an election on the combination of the Republican base and the progressive youth vote.
Now if she wins from combination of Robinesque hijinks and the sympathy vote after the Dads attack, that I could see.
Robin: You know I’m on to you, right?
Becky: Huh?
Robin: Fine, play dumb if you want. I know you’re subtly alienating the over-60 demo in your attempts to win me the under-30 demo, which you THINK will lose me the election. I’m actually OK with you thinking that.
Becky:… and… WHY would you be OK with me thinking that? Not that i am, but…?
Robin: *shrugs* No reason? Maybe I’m just tired of politics, and want to go out with a bang, ya know?
Becky: Oh… kay, sure?
Robin: Or MAYBE I know something you don’t know? *fans herself with confidential government COVID-19 casualty estimates* Mwa-ha-haa…
Well: this is quite topical; considering the way the primary elections are unfolding I wouldn’t put to much hope in a strategy aimed at convincing the youth vote…
Which is what Becky is counting on. Savvy, isn’t she.
Though I’d actually expect an attempt to get the progressive youth vote to turn out for a Republican, while still somehow keeping the GOP base enthused, to fail even more miserably.
The World Health Organization has determined that dogs do not actively carry the coved-19 virus, and all the dogs held in quarantine may be returned to their owners. Now we know, WHO let the dogs out.
Willis’ plan is that DoA should not gradually transform into a period piece, which I think means that it will never have a covid-19 outbreak, but that by September or so it will have had one the year before Joyce started at college.
The price of never becoming dated is never being topical.
Fucking astonishing how low these numbers are. If you're in the 75% who say they don't know any trans people, you do, they just don't trust you enough to be out to them.
The White House just announced plans to go after funding for libraries and museums. The Cartoon Art Museum runs on a tight budget, and losing the modest support it gets from federal grants would be devastating. Now's a great time to show CAM and other small museums your love.
Shaenon K. ⋅ 12d
Have you enjoyed my candy lady thread? I am pleased to announce that you can get a phone wallpaper and ebook for the price of any donation, with all proceeds going to the Cartoon Art Museum.
Researchers showed clips of the podcast to survey respondents and had them share their thoughts. 57% expressed a negative reaction to his agreement with Charlie Kirk on "woke" language and 63% had a negative reaction to his comments on trans athletes
The great thing about writing for a Transformers Wiki is occasionally getting to write sentences like "Megatron has a theory that he can attract young men by wearing cat ears and ending his sentences with meow." because it's a thing that happened in a cartoon once.
Gavin Newsom sees 10-point net drop in favorability since launching his podcast. Survey finds "the podcast only made 13% of voters have an improved perception of the Governor, with 26% saying that it harmed their perception."
today in #9ChickweedLane I learned we should ask our parents completely normal, not fucked-up questions like "hey what was sex with the other parent like"
So many opportunities for a good old-fashioned booing ⋅ 3d
Schumer begins a book tour this week.
Mon 3/17 7pm Central Library, Baltimore
Wed 3/19 Politics & Prose, DC 7pm
Thursday 3/20 at the Weizman, DC 12:30PM
Sunday 3/23 · 3pm Moss Theatre Santa Monica, CA
Mon 4/21 MJCCA Atlanta 7:30PM
Line the sidewalks. (List may not be complete)
These are the same Senate Democrats who lectured the base for years about the importance of preserving the filibuster so it would still be available when Democrats were in the minority
too bad by the time the election comes around, Coronavirus will have wiped out America
or, at least everyone but us antisocial hermits
We need a pro-antisocial (does that cancel out to just social?) candidate to represent us.
Morgendorffer/Lane 2020!
You Rang?
Considering that Covid-19 seems to be deadly only to the AARP crowd, the next election (if it happens at all) is likely to be decided by the youth of this country anyway.
(Whistling an old tune by that one-hit wonder Max Frost and the Troopers….)
Its not though.
Its also deadly to everyone who needs medical care but no more ventilators
“In the U.S., of the cases for which there is data, only one person who died was in their 40s, while two people died in their 50s. Seven people were in their 60s, nine people in their 70s, 13 people in their 80s and 10 people were in their 90s.”
Assuming the internet doesn’t turn us into antisocial hermits first.
Bold of you to assume I wasn’t antisocial before I first ever used the internet.
Too late for me, but the rest of you do you, I’ll get back under my rock.
Rescession of 2008 we were evicted from under our rock. Now we’re just pulling leaves over ourselves at night.
Oh, you have leaves. Lucky you.
Too late!
Sarah will be invincible!
Nazis, pandemics, and environmental collapse. Thanks, boomers, really passed on that torch there
You spent a lot of time typing that, when you could have been working one of your 16 jobs, eating a spoonful of porridge/maggots, and considering every blink an unpaid micronap. Now get back to work, you entitled young ingrate.
I’ve met some really obtuse Nazis, or, at least, RWNJ’s who were probably 30 to 40 years younger than me. Gross generalizations are what they do. We shouldn’t. Plenty of boomers are on your side, though you* make it kind of tough. Many of us feel as frustrated as you do. I’ve been watching, and voting against, the country’s rightward swing for decades. As a country, we were given a very broad hint by the gas crisis in the ’70s, but, as a country, we failed to heed the warning. It was obvious to a whole bunch of us, though.
*As in you, or, at least, your post, not as in younger people in general.
It’s not going to wipe out America. At least 50% of 13% of us will be 36% okay.
I ballpark 1:6 million deaths in the USA within eighteen months. Five million tops?
Five million is still a pretty fuckin’ high death toll, though. I was thinking less than a hundred thousand, and that was scary enough.
Don’t take me too seriously, okay?
Given how infectious covid-19 is and it’s rather long latent period, there’s reason to fear that about 50–75% of the population will get a dose. Then if 1% of those infected die? That’s one in two hundred of population dead. Worldwide, about the same death toll as the 1918-19 flu pandemic. Out of six times the population.
Fun fact – I think me and my family HAD it a month or so ago.
My 67 year old mother was in bed for two weeks (but never went to the hospital) with fever and basically every single covid-19 symptom.
My wife and I got stuffy noses and felt mildly shitty for a couple days but were otherwise fine.
Our kids, who were fully exposed, got nothin at all.
Since, at the time, we hadn’t heard anything, we just shrugged and went on with our lives.
A couple days ago, after all this hit, I called up my mom and was like “hey – doesn’t this sound exactly like that thing you had? Maybe you should get tested for antibodies”
And she was like “I thought of that too – but I checked and there’s nowhere around here where I can get tested to confirm.”
So yeah. I mean, it’s possible we had some other disease with the exact same symptoms that hit our family in the exact manner according to our respective age groups that it should. I teach English, not biology, so this is all conjecture. I mean I did before all the schools closed.
But… yeah. If we were infected… not impressed. 2/10, would not pandemic again.
So you’re saying you brought it here?
[That poorly drawn thinking emoji dot png]
It’s unlikely – assuming your mom wasn’t fresh back from Wuhan or something. Seasonal flu is far more common – especially a month back.
Hey, don’t confuse us with facts when we have a perfectly good opportunity to blame it all on Rose.
Yeah I crunched similar numbers after I finally got a report that noted its reproduction rate before and after major quarantine and unless some factors limit its exponential growth we’re looking at a disease at least as infections as H1N1 if not more with a much higher mortality rate. Even if we lower the global average mortality rate to 1% and lower the hospitalization rate to 10% then we’re still looking at a half a million death toll and a 6 million hospitalizations if it manages to infect as many people as H1N1 did in the US. The biggest concern here is the 6 million hospitalizations– nation wide we only have spaces for 600k more ER patients. Massive mobilization of resources needs to be done to prevent a paralyzing overload of our health care system and I don’t think our government is going to do that
Either an effective treatment needs to be developed soon to curb the number of critical cases, the spread needs to be quarantined (too late), or we gotta hope that the reproduction rate plateaus at a certain point in % of population infected
Social distancing. Closures. Better practices in handwashing and the like.
Slow it down. Spread the epidemic out so those 6 million patients are spread out over 10 months instead of one.
We really screwed up early on and still aren’t looking great, but a lot of states are stepping up quickly and we’re starting to get those measures in place at an earlier point on the curve than Italy did. It’s possible we may still avoid the worst case scenario.
Now, no vaccine nor specific anti-viral treatment is going to touch this outbreak. The difference between 0:1% fatality rate (like modern seasonal flu) and 3.4% fatality (like early outcomes in China) comes down to adequate nursing and support for respiration if pneumonia develops. We want to spread out the peak so that hospitals &c. aren’t overwhelmed. But if you are in a place where the health care system is going to be overwhelmed, you’re individually better off getting sick now (before supplies run short) rather than in the peak of the first wave (expected in June).
Only the people over 65.
Down with the olds indeed.
Look, you’re not supposed to say it. We don’t want them figuring it out before it’s too late, do we?
We already figured it out. The OST did an episode about “the Grups.” We grew up with “Logan’s Run.” We just didn’t have CRISPER.
I’m gonna survive just to spite you.
ok kratos
I mean, I didn’t way I was happy about it or anything. Just that it isn’t gonna Thanos Snap the USA.
Although, the baby boomer generation did happen to get wiped out, I’d be in for one serious promotion.
Well sure, but we know you’re unkillable.
Hey, c’mon now. All we really know is that OUR attempts have failed.
Some day in the far future there will be a national holiday to honor old legendary Bicycle Bill who rode around the country planting bicycle trees.
Unless I’m confusing it with something else.
I’d rather it not wipe out all of the people over 65. The presidential candidate I support is a 78 year old Senator, and I’d prefer he stay alive and hopefully win the 2020 election.
Hopefully, but at this point I don’t have a lot of hope left, though I may still be good for another small donation. As far as I can tell, the logic goes something like this. Of the many wonderful and exciting candidates we started with, we have to consolidate around the one candidate no one is really excited about, except a few establishment party hacks, even though he’s tried to do some mildly horrible things in the past and is a gaff machine because this election is so important that we have to appeal to the people who are going to vote for the other guy anyway and besides if we go with the guy who is most likely to win, in the downballot elections the Republicans will call us socialists which they always do. Seriously, there is something there I don’t understand and if you understand it then I would really appreciate you explaining it to me in terms I would understand.
Liberals hate socialists more than fascists.
Biden’s strongest support is among African American voters. Has been all along. I’m willing to trust that – even though he was far from my first choice.
At this point, the logic is this: Biden is clearly ahead. All the polling suggests he’s going to get even farther ahead this coming Tuesday. There’s almost no chance of Sanders catching up and that chance is almost certainly going to drop further on Tuesday.
Whatever the reasons for that, we have to start consolidating because this election is that important and we have to work together to win it.
This happens every election cycle – candidates lose and a lot of people have to let go. It can be hard and it can take time. I’ve had to do it twice this cycle. I’m trying to drum up my own enthusiasm for Biden, because he’s what we’ve got.
For those who can’t do that, it’s time to at least stop tearing him down, because we are going to need people to vote for him in November. Get behind a Senate or House candidate more to your liking. Put your energy there. Give Biden a Progressive Congress that will push him.
Than it shall be an election decided by who puts out the dankest memes.
Looks like a landslide in favor of the LGBTQ+ community.
They do make interesting webcomics at least.
Coronavirus won’t wipe out America. In fact, the death rate for people under 50 is less than 1%. But then it climbs exponentially, until 80+ has about 15% mortality. I’d guesstimate that about 2% or less of the country will die.
It’s ironic: the demographic that COVID-19 kills is also the demographic that has socialized medicine in the US. We may not even be moved to demand health care overhaul.
We’ll have an economic disaster, some government overreach, some unnecessary tragedy, but the US will come out the other side mostly OK, sadder but
wisermore outraged. In my cynical moments I think it will all be politicized and nothing will change.The highest risk goes to men over 60 who smoke and have already high blood pressure or other problems.
1% of your roughly 330 Mio inhabitants would be 3 Mio deaths.
It is very likely, that the first reported fatality rates are much too height, as only people showing up ill at hospitals were counted as infected at all.
Nowadays, the idea is that about 80% have no or little symptoms, 20% get ill enough to need a hospital. So fatalities should be around a fifth of the originally reported rate.
Y’all forget one thing: rich old people don’t die of it, poors do. Call it cynicism or anyhint else, but I think that those who’ll die are going to be the old red guard of unionists who ate their dark bread their whole life.
Availability of artificial respiration is a factor and that relates to money, especially in the USA with it’s sad excuse of a public health system, but rich old people will die, too.
A month ago: okay Boomer.
Today: are you okay Boomer?
Wait… I’m an anti-social support of Bernie and Warren… does that mean I’m an anti-socialist?!
either that or a socialist distancer
Aw, dang, yo, she’s a wunderkind.
If Becky was the candidate I might vote for her just to see what would happen. Until then, gotta vote for DeSanto right?
Write-in is an option.
Okay, Becky getting elected to congress instead of Robin. That’d be a twist.
Is that even possible? I think there might be an age restriction? *checks* Yup, 25 years old minimum.
Becky will deliver the keynote speech at the 2024 Democratic National Convention…presuming there is still a United States then.
Assuming THIS election is over by then.
Point! Do we make it to another presidential-election year in the real world before the strip reaches November?
Prediction time! By the time Robin faces the ballot box in strip we’ll have VPOTUS Kampala Harris running for the presidency against a colony of avaricious wasps in a human-suit.
Stupid autocorrect!
It can’t spell “covid-19” either. My online game tonight is back on because of “vivid-19”
What are the chances that “Kampala” Harris is going to have to produce a long-form birth certificate to prove that she wasn’t born in Uganda?
BTW, when I see ‘covid’ I can’t help but think ‘corvid’. So, I’m officially dubbing covid-19 ‘Crow Flu’.
You may meme, if you wish.
Judging by some of the memes, lots of people think COVID is spelled with an R.
The other day my sister realised with embarrassment that she had gone through an entire conversation referring to it as “contravirus”.
I thought her opposition was a donkey with a dog on its back, with a cat on hisback, With a rooster perched on herback, in a human suit.
The Bremen musicians were actually intelligent.
Republican National Convention.
I’ll bet a buck that Becky gets to be a Republican POTUS before Dorothy gets to be a Democratic one, or rather than Becky getting to be POTUS at all.
They run against each other, each vying for the smoldering remains of Iowa and New Hampshire.
Becky gets elected and replaces her running mate with Dorothy as VP, because her imaginary rivalry tells her to “keep your enemies closer”.
Two candidates, each the other’s running mate! It’ll be like the good old days when the candidate who came second became VP.
Don’t trust anyone over 30! Including me!
Is Robin over 30? We know she ran for office at 25, but has she had more than one term? She could be as young as 27.
“Don’t trust anyone over 30” doesn’t imply we should trust everyone under 30.
I think the real key here, is how old is an old
Aw, beans.
“Haha yeah you tell those old people!”
-Me, an early-thirties xennial
and when you’re 30, you go to Carousel to Renew.
my rule for declaring someone “an old” is whether or not the person would have a “kids these days” moment. not an age, but a mindset resentful toward the young.
You! Get off of my lawn!
I used to be “with it”, then they changed what “it” was! Now what I’m “with” isn’t “it”, and what is “it” is new and scary to me!
This will happen to you!
How old is an old? Why 80.
I’m 70 something. Why do you ask?
“We have met the enemy and he is us!”
As a fellow not-young, and a native Bridgeporter (Walt Kelly’s birthplace), I understood that reference.
Remember the battle of Fort Mudge!
I’m OK with this. I long stopped trying to earn young folks’ trust. Now I simply troll them to spike their anxieties.
the carbon footprint is the largest evidence for murder I’ve ever seen.
It’s not an actual footprint.
It’s a completely natural arrangement of coal deposits that just happens to have five toes. Nothing to see here. Move along.
Sarah, you stop that.
But I had to laugh at Becky.
Hey, I’m with Sarah! Vote DeS…
Oh wait. I’m old.
I may need to rethink this.
Dumbing of Age Vol. 9: Down With The Olds!
We’re already on Volume 10.
You youngsters and your newfangled multidigit numbering.
Becky’s plan is like Ainz Ooal Gown’s plans. She is winging it, but eventually she will cause a change of the social order, and she will have Joyce dressed as Albedo and Dina dressed as Shalltear sitting by her side in her throne of conservative skulls.
So who is the Demiurge praising her for her clear superior intellectual prowess in this instance? Sidney Yus?
Either Sydney or Robin.
So is DoA a prequel to “Logan’s Run”?
Logan was a punk-ass kid with sofa allergies and he didn’t even finish high school.
2 strips left until the apocalypse.
St. Patrick’s Day?
Willis posted that March 16th is when the new arc begins, and that it’s gonna be a THING.
Robin is taking care of Bekky and Bekky could try to reach her insted of trying to sabotate her.
She didnt got her arrested when she could and she decided to protect her when she knew she was in danger.
You guys dont know who she is running against… ypou are just assuming cause of parties (something i dont give a fuck as someone not from the US)
But an Honest as tells everything that got in her head and never lies is rare in politics…specially one who cares about others.
She didn’t call the police because she wanted to use Becky for her campaign and her plan to protect her was well meaning, but seriously flawed.
We haven’t read Jake Manley’s policy or anything, but Roz, Leslie and Dorothy all consider him a progressive candidate. Those are some pretty decent ‘progressive politics’ endorsements.
And Robin DOESN’T care about others. She cares about staying elected. That’s what everyone’s worried about – Robin is an untrustworthy flake.
But in America you can grow up to be president even if you’re an untrustworthy flake. Land of opportunity and whatnot .
I wouldn’t be surprised if Becky’s campaign strategy ends up actually getting Robin re-elected.
Couldn’t be any more absurd (yet awful) than the last few years of what we, with increasing inaccuracy, call “real life”.
I would. Or more accurately I would think it was completely unrealistic – which might be fine in web-comic terms. No one is winning an election on the combination of the Republican base and the progressive youth vote.
Now if she wins from combination of Robinesque hijinks and the sympathy vote after the Dads attack, that I could see.
Robin: You know I’m on to you, right?
Becky: Huh?
Robin: Fine, play dumb if you want. I know you’re subtly alienating the over-60 demo in your attempts to win me the under-30 demo, which you THINK will lose me the election. I’m actually OK with you thinking that.
Becky:… and… WHY would you be OK with me thinking that? Not that i am, but…?
Robin: *shrugs* No reason? Maybe I’m just tired of politics, and want to go out with a bang, ya know?
Becky: Oh… kay, sure?
Robin: Or MAYBE I know something you don’t know? *fans herself with confidential government COVID-19 casualty estimates* Mwa-ha-haa…
I love that Becky’s friends give her credit for being really good at what she does.
As far as I can tell: She Is!
Well: this is quite topical; considering the way the primary elections are unfolding I wouldn’t put to much hope in a strategy aimed at convincing the youth vote…
Which is what Becky is counting on. Savvy, isn’t she.
Though I’d actually expect an attempt to get the progressive youth vote to turn out for a Republican, while still somehow keeping the GOP base enthused, to fail even more miserably.
…the alt text tho…
The World Health Organization has determined that dogs do not actively carry the coved-19 virus, and all the dogs held in quarantine may be returned to their owners. Now we know, WHO let the dogs out.
Honestly, Becky you were hired to do a job and you should do the job.
Sure, it’ll bring about the Era of the God Empress of Sugar but you need to have professional unethics.
Wait, so the dream team is Rebecca/Sugar?
Here we are in the future, I guess.
Well Sarah, Becky’s strategy may actually still work – You want to vote now, but wait for voter apathy to kick in
Becky is actually very good at her job. I think Robin will be reelect.
The youth show up and vote for Becky because she was the one saying all the right things.
Congrats, Becky, you’ve won Robin the cranky misanthrope vote.
I’m starting to worry Robin might actually win now.
It won’t do any more harm than her having been elected last time:
Which is to say, still a lot of harm? Robin’s policies have been called out on multiple occasions.
Yeah, but how many has she got enacted as a Republican freshman congresscritter in a House that has a Democratic majority?
Has it been stated that this is her first re-election?
(Honestly asking, I can’t remember off the top of my head)
I don’t think it’s explicit.
But with any luck it’ll soon be the case that Robin must have been in a Democratic House for two terms.
Oh, come on, when has a Springtime for Hitler ploy ever backfired?
I love that becky is actually a fantastic campaign manager, and the problem is she’s almost too good.
Oh, the unreliable youth.
Mar 3: 4 Hour Lines At Campus Polls Due to “Unexpected Turnout”
Mar 5: Editorial: Why Don’t Millennials Vote?
Becky’s battle cry may work because few ‘olds’ think of themselves as the ‘olds’ – they remember the ‘olds’ that they despised.
wait, i thought becky was trying to bomb and do badly??
She’s trying to secretly do that – she’s living under her employer’s roof, after all.
Did Dina have to teach Becky what global warming was for this? This is a woman who recently thought a sky sea was real.
Yes, Sarah, and this is exactly the reason why Becky, the wonderkid of electoral demographers, is sure that Robin won’t win.
Of course, COVID might wreck her brilliant plan, but for the time being there is no COVID in the DoAverse.
Willis’ plan is that DoA should not gradually transform into a period piece, which I think means that it will never have a covid-19 outbreak, but that by September or so it will have had one the year before Joyce started at college.
The price of never becoming dated is never being topical.
ifr social distancing continues for years this comic still will get dated
I’m still appreciating the visual detail that Becky pops her jacket collar.