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Is the thing in the comic a costume? I think it’s a giant plush, like those 6′ tall teddy bears that go on sale 98% off starting February 15th every year.
I’m more in surprise of the fact that she got it into the room quietly; Or at least, quietly enough that Dina didn’t wake up.
Then again, I suppose there’s nothing saying that Dina wasn’t waking up in that first panel immediately following hearing the “Scchwwffffppffhahhff” of an oversized plush dinosaur being forced through a narrow doorway and popping out into the middle of the room. She’s just super chill about waking up to weird noises, I guess.
Run for office, have your chief of staff buy it with campaign donations in the name of targeting paleontologists, then go to a high-priced toy store and get one.
It’s all perfectly legal…until you get caught. Just make sure to include “Vote Sharkfin Bangs” on the tag to appease the FEC.
Yeah…dinosaurs are archosaurs, lizards are lepidosaurs. They’re, like…5th cousins. Currently, birds and crocodilians are the living representatives of archosauria.
(As to dinosaurs not being ancestral to modern reptiles…teeechnically birds are modern reptiles, as they are dinosaurs, which are reptiles, but…y’know…)
I would say “next time on Slipshine” but I haven’t read the most recent one yet, still not having the extra cash to jump back in there. Blast my lack of commissions the past month.
But yeah, I’d be totally okay with Becky and Dina having their first sexual experience on top of that plushie.
At this point everyone on the floor has received at least one Joyce-Wakey-A-Gram, so the sight of massive teeth first thing in the morning has lost its shock value.
On the one hand I would worry what Robin will say when she finds out about this, on the other hand she may have totally agreed to it already and my worries are for nothing. I honestly can’t tell when it comes to Robin, anyome have a guess or wanna place a bet?
Robin will be all “OMG we need that thing at ALL THE RALLIES! It can be our new campaign spokesperson!”
All the Robin ads from now on will be that thing with Robin (poor) ventriloquizing in poor sight right next to it. “I’m Robin DeSanto, and I totally approve this dinosaur!”
Look, Becky, it doesn’t matter how campaign finance law works, just coach Robin saying that you honestly believed that’s how campaign finance law worked so that when the IRS comes knocking, you two have your story straight.
Play off the court’s expectations, too. No one hires an 18-year-old with no political experience to be a campaign manager, because they don’t generally know the relevant laws. Throw in ‘and I was homeschooled to keep me from learning subversive ideas’ and you’re golden, Becky.
Im not shure if those r “ur supporting desanto and im bummed abt it” teary eyes or “u got me a big dinasaur” teary eyes and im scared to find out which
I mean Becky just said this is a campaign finance violation plus Robin had this big press conference to showcase her new campaign media manager. Dina probably already knows that Becky is working for Robin.
“Becky… didn’t you have work to do? Why do you carry a giant plush dinosaur through the dorm?”
“JOYCE????!!!! Um…. it’s a… lesbian thing. Don’t worry about it.”
great gift but the amount of room in a dorm combined with a room mate I hope there was a discussion about this surprise that would fill said space before it was done, but I suspect there wasn’t one.
Yeah…. Becky is not really known for her “discussing consequences of wacky hijinks with affected parties before enacting said hijinks”-type personality.
Well considering that the money from the campaign funds is probably from the racist and homophobic types that just haven’t yet pulled out their support for Robin, I don’t feel too bad about this.
Becky really loves her girlfriend… and she will probably get into shady stuff if she continues working for Robin and depending on her money. That is unless Becky becomes a GREAT COMMUNICATOR and becomes important for Robin’s career.
Becky is desperate to buy Dina “what Dina deserves”, and is risking her job—and, um, her actual status in the law—to do it. She’s also trying to win Dina with huge gifts. This is Classic Romantic Mistakes 101. It could be played for laughs, or it could go badly.
Very well spotted. It’s romantic-comedy-stupidity 101, and true to form – and despite Dina’s repeated assurance that she doesn’t need or want that sort of gifts* – Becky dives right into it.
On the plus side, now Becky can afford tickets to fly them to the Smithsonian or something like that. A museum-date WOULD be the great romantic gesture that would make Dina’s heart** go pitter-patter. Becky just needs to not go over-board on it*** and not base her self-esteem on it.
*) Although she might waver on that conviction in the face of an awesome plush dinosaur
Bored Call Center Employee: Campaign Finance Corruption Hotline, what is your report!
Overeager Citizen: I have a hot tip about Representative de Santo!!1
Bored Call Center Employee: How many millions of dollars are alleged to be misappropriated.
Overeager Citizen: No see I think her campaign manager bought a stuffed animal-
*Dial Tone*
Political enemy of deSanto *janks headset from BCCE* : WHAT DID YOU SAY? WHAT KIND OF ANIMAL? WAS IT UNPATRIOTIC? NOW WE GOT HER!!!
Aide: …wait, how is this more stupid than everything else she has done?
Political enemy of deSanto: You just don’t get it.
Holy shit, that takes me back to my first month as a freshman in college. I got a knock on my dorm room door, and when I opened it, a 7-foot-inflatable Zima bottle attacked me. Some dude I graduated high school with – who unsurprisingly lasted only a semester – found the freedom of college a little too… intoxicating, and after getting good and drunk, he and his roommate went and stole it from a liquor store.
In Becky’s defence, it’s not like anyone has any reason to believe the House is going to do anything about it, anyway, even if she’d bought the entire JP collection, including the actors. Not PLUSHES of the actors, the ACTUAL actors, and put them in cages.
It would appear she’s more likely to get pushback from them for trying to move Robin’s platform left.
Now we’re learning how to manipulate the letter of regulations for personal gain! PS a new Slipshine about what follows immediately after this strip may soon appear?
1. Dina is more than pleased. Biting the lower lip is DYWs short hand for arousal.
2. Becky isn’t going to face any consequence for this. Certainly not legally.
3. Becky just told Joyce she was “working” and unavailable this Sunday morning. Seems like a little fib, but one that has consequences.
I hope they find out they both skipped, handle it compassionately and realize they are having a priorities shifting bonding moment with hugs all around. Too happy for Willis? Probably
… and so begins the dark path of financial violations and creative bookkeeping that, in twenty years, will end with Becky being dragged out of her high-powered office in cuffs…
The good news is the violation, even if discovered, might be small enough that the local prosecutor might overlook it to avoid tangling with a member of Congress.
… you know, it wouldn’t be a campaign finance violation if Robin just agreed to call that same lump of money a “salary”. You know. The one for her campaign finance advisor.
I honestly don’t think Becky’s in much of a violation; it can’t have been more than a couple hundred, easily an amount spent on a networking dinner and drinks, and although it’s obviously purposefully misinterpreted/manipulated to get her girlfrind a gift, ‘promotional plush for IU students’ would probably be an acceptable invoice, or if she needed to explain that it was only one item, “gift for strong supporter” or something would work, and just not add that it’s a Becky supporter and not a major monetary donor. Or even just saying that one immense gift would cause more buzz than handing stuff out. And definitely keep the invoice from the embroiderer attached to the dinosaur one.
The White House just announced plans to go after funding for libraries and museums. The Cartoon Art Museum runs on a tight budget, and losing the modest support it gets from federal grants would be devastating. Now's a great time to show CAM and other small museums your love.
Shaenon K. Garrity@shaenon.bsky.social ⋅ 11d
Have you enjoyed my candy lady thread? I am pleased to announce that you can get a phone wallpaper and ebook for the price of any donation, with all proceeds going to the Cartoon Art Museum.
Researchers showed clips of the podcast to survey respondents and had them share their thoughts. 57% expressed a negative reaction to his agreement with Charlie Kirk on "woke" language and 63% had a negative reaction to his comments on trans athletes
The great thing about writing for a Transformers Wiki is occasionally getting to write sentences like "Megatron has a theory that he can attract young men by wearing cat ears and ending his sentences with meow." because it's a thing that happened in a cartoon once.
Gavin Newsom sees 10-point net drop in favorability since launching his podcast. Survey finds "the podcast only made 13% of voters have an improved perception of the Governor, with 26% saying that it harmed their perception."
today in #9ChickweedLane I learned we should ask our parents completely normal, not fucked-up questions like "hey what was sex with the other parent like"
So many opportunities for a good old-fashioned booing
paulaptb@paulaptb.bsky.social ⋅ 2d
Schumer begins a book tour this week.
Mon 3/17 7pm Central Library, Baltimore
Wed 3/19 Politics & Prose, DC 7pm
Thursday 3/20 at the Weizman, DC 12:30PM
Sunday 3/23 · 3pm Moss Theatre Santa Monica, CA
Mon 4/21 MJCCA Atlanta 7:30PM
Line the sidewalks. (List may not be complete)
These are the same Senate Democrats who lectured the base for years about the importance of preserving the filibuster so it would still be available when Democrats were in the minority
new from me: I wrote about the mess that just went down in the Senate, where Democrats under Chuck Schumer look disjointed and rudderless in the face of Trump's agenda, especially compared to their House counterparts
The most annoying thing about this cowardice by the book-touring Dems is that MAGA will lose. A full-throated opposition will win. This administration is brazen and corrupt, but they're overconfident and incompetent and not people to run away from. We'll win, even if we have to do it ourselves.
today in #9chickweedlane i've learned that the fetishization of post-marital hanky-panky has resulted in the straining of everyone's mental health, #somehow
I’m sure Dina wants to violate that rn
also it should totes be that costume
Oh jeez those Amazon comments are gold!
Is the thing in the comic a costume? I think it’s a giant plush, like those 6′ tall teddy bears that go on sale 98% off starting February 15th every year.
The alt text says “plush” so you are correct, I think Ana just meant Dina would be wearing the costume
It can be both, with a knife and some tailoring!
We need to vote that thing as the star of the next Patreon strip so we can hopefully get a prequel about how the hell Becky snuck it into the room.
Well, surely this isn’t Baby’s First Violation of Physics for the Sake of Humor!
But yeah no totally jumping on that vote bandwagon when it comes around. Though, does the plush need a name for that to happen?
That plush is big enough to have it’s own area code, so a name shouldn’t be to difficult.
Plushiraptor? Velociplush? Utahplushtor?
Nah. It’s inflatable.
It’s kind of hard to imagine she’d have said embroidered for an inflatable… it’s got to be a plushie.
It’s a plush, it says so in the…..hower…comment…thing…….Hovertext?
One vote in favour of Plushiraptor! :DDD
Yaaay! That’s the most so far… :p
“Oversized Comedic Prop”
The plushie and fuckface together
FF is down with that, as long as he’s top
I’m more in surprise of the fact that she got it into the room quietly; Or at least, quietly enough that Dina didn’t wake up.
Then again, I suppose there’s nothing saying that Dina wasn’t waking up in that first panel immediately following hearing the “Scchwwffffppffhahhff” of an oversized plush dinosaur being forced through a narrow doorway and popping out into the middle of the room. She’s just super chill about waking up to weird noises, I guess.
The next Patreon strip? Or the next Slipshine comic? What? Don’t kink-shame!
Damn, Dina has a bigger Dino than me…
I need to up my game
“It’s baby’s first campaign finance violation” would make another great book title.
And thirded. And however many people follow after.
Zachary Quintoed
I agree, though I think the title would be better with the “It’s”
Okay, but how can I commit campaign finance violation to get me one of those?
Run for office, have your chief of staff buy it with campaign donations in the name of targeting paleontologists, then go to a high-priced toy store and get one.
It’s all perfectly legal…until you get caught. Just make sure to include “Vote Sharkfin Bangs” on the tag to appease the FEC.
but where are the feathers
Becky also bought a pillow and some glue, because she is a good girlfriend.
I’m not sure if allosaurus had feathers…
Sex on top of that thing (I shall call him Fuckface II) is gonna be A-MA-ZING!
especially at a campaign rally on live TV, with occasional cut shots to the butt embroidery for promotion
Robin would win most of the campus vote
Technically, he’s proto-Fuckface.
I’m pretty sure lizards (including iguanas like Fuckface) and dinosaurs are cousins; dinosaurs aren’t ancestral to any modern reptiles I know of.
There *were* giant lizards at the time, mosasaurs. More related to monitor lizards.
The author Caitlin Kiernan has published scientific papers on mosasaurs.
Yeah…dinosaurs are archosaurs, lizards are lepidosaurs. They’re, like…5th cousins. Currently, birds and crocodilians are the living representatives of archosauria.
(As to dinosaurs not being ancestral to modern reptiles…teeechnically birds are modern reptiles, as they are dinosaurs, which are reptiles, but…y’know…)
I would say “next time on Slipshine” but I haven’t read the most recent one yet, still not having the extra cash to jump back in there. Blast my lack of commissions the past month.
But yeah, I’d be totally okay with Becky and Dina having their first sexual experience on top of that plushie.
Sorry, that should have been “first shared sexual experience” – typo. Stupid lack of an edit button.
how did she get that through the door?
With determination.
By warping the very fabric of space-time.
Or at least the fabric of the giant plush dino
so she hired The Doctor to bring it?
The trick wasn’t getting the dinosaur in her dorm. It was building a whole dorm around the Dinosaur while Dina wasn’t looking.
Clever girl
I don’t think Becky or Toedad have seven brothers, so were would she get the staff?
Very carefully.
I think she’s gonna ‘splode!
Honestly that would scare the crap outta me if I saw that first thing in the morning.
At this point everyone on the floor has received at least one Joyce-Wakey-A-Gram, so the sight of massive teeth first thing in the morning has lost its shock value.
Okay, this was brilliant. Kudos to you, Doctor.
You will be Raptor Round My Finger…ya~a~a~oh!
As long as you’re channeling The Police, I’ll take over the hacked Muzak to play “Walk the Dinosaur” by Was (Not Was).
On the one hand I would worry what Robin will say when she finds out about this, on the other hand she may have totally agreed to it already and my worries are for nothing. I honestly can’t tell when it comes to Robin, anyome have a guess or wanna place a bet?
I bet she’s totally OK with it.
Becky: Robin, I spent that pile of money labeled “From taxpayers, SuperPACs, and someone called Schmadimir Schmutin” on a giant dinosaur.
Robin: That is AWESOME.
Come to think of it… wasn’t dinobot part of Robin’s campaign in shortpacked? Awesome callback.
“Hey, Robs, what if I buy a giant dinosaur plushie for my super-ass-rad girlfriend for the campaign money?”
“Now we are talking! That’s why I pay you the big bucks, Becks.”
Robin will be all “OMG we need that thing at ALL THE RALLIES! It can be our new campaign spokesperson!”
All the Robin ads from now on will be that thing with Robin (poor) ventriloquizing in poor sight right next to it. “I’m Robin DeSanto, and I totally approve this dinosaur!”
“I’m a dinosaur, and I totally approve Robin DeSanto”
Look, Becky, it doesn’t matter how campaign finance law works, just coach Robin saying that you honestly believed that’s how campaign finance law worked so that when the IRS comes knocking, you two have your story straight.
I mean… she probably doesn’t need to coach her because Robin probably does…
Just in case.
Play off the court’s expectations, too. No one hires an 18-year-old with no political experience to be a campaign manager, because they don’t generally know the relevant laws. Throw in ‘and I was homeschooled to keep me from learning subversive ideas’ and you’re golden, Becky.
Don’t be afraid to throw Robin under the bus either – “I honestly thought that’s how it worked, and Robin said it was okay to spend on those things.”
Or Becky just turns witness in exchange for immunity and unmasks all the dark secrets of the DeSanto campaign corruption.
You. You get me.
Best panel
Way to try to make your girlfriend complicit in the bad thing, there.
Oh Becky. You did good.
*Amber walks in and sees the plush*
Amber: “Is… is that normal?
Becky: Yes this is normal! It’s a big dino, relax about it!”
Amber opens mouth as if to protest, hesitates, looks over at Dina, closes her mouth and nods thoughtfully.
Is that a motherfuckin’ Artemis Fowl reference?
Nope, never read, but maybe I should
If it is I didn’t catch it. Damn.
It IS a reference, just not an Artemis Fowl one. ^_^;
I need a giant beanbag Dino now. #newmerch
“So do I, by the way. Ms.Desanto’s initiation is REALLY wierd.”
If my partner came in with a giant dinosaur plush qearing a nice suit, I woild gladly approve of any “violating” mmmmm
Why would the dinosaur plush be wearing a nice suit?
Because even if ya come from an outdated time, there is no reason to rock a modern classy style. See George of the Jungle movie
i feel like more people should propose with gay blow-up dinosaurs theyd e a hit with everyone including me, me, me, and me
Im not shure if those r “ur supporting desanto and im bummed abt it” teary eyes or “u got me a big dinasaur” teary eyes and im scared to find out which
I think it’s “oh my goodness you went way too overboard on a nice gesture, I love it but you can’t afford taco bell”
That’s the thing: Becky didn’t pay for this. The deSanto campaign did.
Dina doesn’t know that yet. Last time they talked, Dina told Becky not to worry about a birthday present because she didn’t have money for one.
I mean Becky just said this is a campaign finance violation plus Robin had this big press conference to showcase her new campaign media manager. Dina probably already knows that Becky is working for Robin.
I think it’s ‘you just admitted to committing a crime (or at the very least an ethical violation) and expect me to be happy about it’ tears.
Eh, Dina’s Chaotic Good.
tony got a giant bear, becky got giant dino
This is a very specific sexy dream coming true for Dina.
I have many feelings about this comic.
Dina is the most adorable thing I’ve ever seen. The sleepy panel to the perfect expression of shock to starry eyes? Done.
Becky moves very quickly when motivated, and if she can’t get Dina an ice sculpture then she’ll get something that’s a little more practical.
Oh, shit, this actually could be a financd violation.
OH, SHIT, BECKY COULD RUN INTO JOYCE. This is a conversation I’m sure Joyce was looking forward to the second day after her dream.
Perhaps this will lead to Becky finding out about Jocelyne before Joyce does
Oh hell that’s right, she didn’t go to church so she’s right down the hall
That is not ideal
“Becky… didn’t you have work to do? Why do you carry a giant plush dinosaur through the dorm?”
“JOYCE????!!!! Um…. it’s a… lesbian thing. Don’t worry about it.”
those people in charge of the embroidery sure work fast.
great gift but the amount of room in a dorm combined with a room mate I hope there was a discussion about this surprise that would fill said space before it was done, but I suspect there wasn’t one.
Actually, Amber can throw chairs into it and it won’t make a loud noise and cause Ruth to investigate
No loud bang, just a comical squeak like a dog toy.
Yeah…. Becky is not really known for her “discussing consequences of wacky hijinks with affected parties before enacting said hijinks”-type personality.
Becky no.
Becky, yes
Becky YES
Well considering that the money from the campaign funds is probably from the racist and homophobic types that just haven’t yet pulled out their support for Robin, I don’t feel too bad about this.
Racist homophobic types who don’t believe in dinosaurs, at that.
Of course they believe in dinosaurs.
What do you think the cave men rode?
In response to everyone saying it’s okay, consider:
A) Campaign finance violations are theoretically serious crimes, and Becky doesn’t enjoy the normal in-crowd immunity to prosecution.
B) Getting something that big for someone who has so little room to store it is something you should check on beforehand.
C) That theropod is distressingly denuded of feathers.
Okay, yes, I hear you, but what you need to consider is the look on Dina’s face right now
Clearly worth a little time in prison
The look of distress that her girlfriend just admitted to committing a crime?
Distress or arousal? That’s a very important distinction we need to be making, here.
A) But it’s hillariouuuuuuus. (but yeah, you are right).
B) But it’s romaaaaaaaaaaantic (but yeah, you are right).
c) Yeah, you are right.
Dina is frigging adorable.
Also, I could see Amber being okay with how much space it takes up by virtue of neat, dinosaur.
“I can hide behind it and Ethan and Mike won’t know I’m playing video games”
Heck, I bet it could just outright block the door. It can be Dina’s partner in doorkeeping duties!
Dina, also behind the dinosaur: I kindly request you find your own hiding place. The spot behind the door is free now.
Man, Dinobot really let himself go after Beast Wars production wrapped up.
At least Baby’s First Campaign Finance Violation is a gift for her girlfriend. That’s sweet : )
I’d love to have a dino plush like that, but it’s probably pretty expensive and I definitely wouldn’t have space in my bedroom for it.
Seems like you need to figure out a way to get into some lobbyist money.
Now the question is, will Dinah be upset that it’s an outdated, Jurassic Park-esque “raptor” instead of a feathered deathturkey?
Or is she going to love it and hug it and call it Chopperface?
It does look like Dinobot…
“GET OUT OF MY ROOM YOU NON-FEATHERED-DINOSAUR-PEDDLING HUSSY!” *melodramatic crying* “I… I thought you loved me.”
porque no dos
Becky really loves her girlfriend… and she will probably get into shady stuff if she continues working for Robin and depending on her money. That is unless Becky becomes a GREAT COMMUNICATOR and becomes important for Robin’s career.
She already IS into shady stuff accepting money from Robin and right now she is the only thing that’s keeping Robin’s career afloat.
Becky moves fast, is what I’m saying.
and now, per above, she’s IMO involving Dina in shady stuff by proxy.
To be fair, she was also a big thing torpedoing Robin’s career. Not clear if she’s a net positive or not.
(perfect gravatar is perfect)
Bagge I use this pic for literally EVERYTHING
Lies. You use lungs to breath not this picture. You said everything yet you were not being literal. Shame on you!!
That’s right, Becky. You milk that politician for every last penny.
Yay, a new guard dinosaur for when Amber needs privacy and Dina doesn’t feel like keeping watch.
I’m really glad Becky doesn’t try to keep her job hidden from Dina, as she does with Joyce and Leslie. She needs support from those around her
Love how Dina keeps being the one everyone keeps their secret identities with.
Heh, it’s a cross she has to bear.
I see Dina got an early birthday present!
So many mixed feelings
Campaign finance violations: Bad
Dina’s face in panels 3 and 5: Good
Becky rocking that suit: Good
Becky apparently going shopping with Robin and therefore not talking to Leslie: Bad
It’s quite possible that Dina’s face in panel 3 is the best face in the entirety of the run of this comic.
Ooooh, I didn’t even think of commenting Becky’s suit. It’s awesome. She has achieved yet another level of rad.
I don’t think this ends well.
Becky is desperate to buy Dina “what Dina deserves”, and is risking her job—and, um, her actual status in the law—to do it. She’s also trying to win Dina with huge gifts. This is Classic Romantic Mistakes 101. It could be played for laughs, or it could go badly.
Very well spotted. It’s romantic-comedy-stupidity 101, and true to form – and despite Dina’s repeated assurance that she doesn’t need or want that sort of gifts* – Becky dives right into it.
On the plus side, now Becky can afford tickets to fly them to the Smithsonian or something like that. A museum-date WOULD be the great romantic gesture that would make Dina’s heart** go pitter-patter. Becky just needs to not go over-board on it*** and not base her self-esteem on it.
*) Although she might waver on that conviction in the face of an awesome plush dinosaur
**) Among other things
***) Yeah, as if.
Bored Call Center Employee: Campaign Finance Corruption Hotline, what is your report!
Overeager Citizen: I have a hot tip about Representative de Santo!!1
Bored Call Center Employee: How many millions of dollars are alleged to be misappropriated.
Overeager Citizen: No see I think her campaign manager bought a stuffed animal-
*Dial Tone*
Political enemy of deSanto *janks headset from BCCE* : WHAT DID YOU SAY? WHAT KIND OF ANIMAL? WAS IT UNPATRIOTIC? NOW WE GOT HER!!!
Aide: …wait, how is this more stupid than everything else she has done?
Political enemy of deSanto: You just don’t get it.
Holy shit, that takes me back to my first month as a freshman in college. I got a knock on my dorm room door, and when I opened it, a 7-foot-inflatable Zima bottle attacked me. Some dude I graduated high school with – who unsurprisingly lasted only a semester – found the freedom of college a little too… intoxicating, and after getting good and drunk, he and his roommate went and stole it from a liquor store.
Good times. It was kind of nice he remembered me.
Is this like when a cat leaves you a mouse head because they think you’re too inept to hunt? Was this him showing you how to “college right”?
Naw. I have a feeling I was but one stop on the Zima Attack Tour that night.
I hope that look Dina has isn’t because the dinosaur lacks feathers.
GIRLS IN SUITS *throws confetti*
Open the door / Get on the floor / Dina’s gonna hug a dinosaur~! / Boom boom, becky-lecky-lecky-boom…
So, my birthday comic strip is Dina getting a giant plushie for her birthday. Life is good.
Happy birthday!!
Thanks :3
Have a birthday.
In Becky’s defence, it will be difficult to prove corruption. I mean, can the House prove that she’s giving dinosaurs unfair access or consideration?
Dinosaurs are a known loophole in the constitution.
In Becky’s defence, it’s not like anyone has any reason to believe the House is going to do anything about it, anyway, even if she’d bought the entire JP collection, including the actors. Not PLUSHES of the actors, the ACTUAL actors, and put them in cages.
It would appear she’s more likely to get pushback from them for trying to move Robin’s platform left.
This is gods damned adorable
That’s a nice gift, but Dina’s gonna break in 3…2…1…
Dina’s expression suggests that she’s the one about to break (down into sobs).
Now we’re learning how to manipulate the letter of regulations for personal gain! PS a new Slipshine about what follows immediately after this strip may soon appear?
The stars in her eyes *_*
I kinda think the hat will come off tonight.
Becky is a lucky girl.
It suddenly occurs to me that we’re still waiting Amber’s reaction to waking up with a full-size plush Utahraptor in her dorm room.
Like that’s the weirdest thing that has happened to her as Dina’s room mate.
I assume she will be all “well, we all knew this day would come. Please make sure it doesn’t cover the router.”
So, back to using oversized comic props, Willis?
Looks like Becky’s about to get a whole lotta smoochin’.
O…on the mouth? 8-o
This comic…every panel of this comic should be framed and put in the Smithsonian.
Ladies and gentlemen…this is art.
1. Dina is more than pleased. Biting the lower lip is DYWs short hand for arousal.
2. Becky isn’t going to face any consequence for this. Certainly not legally.
3. Becky just told Joyce she was “working” and unavailable this Sunday morning. Seems like a little fib, but one that has consequences.
I hope they find out they both skipped, handle it compassionately and realize they are having a priorities shifting bonding moment with hugs all around. Too happy for Willis? Probably
Purchasing work uniforms and de Santo advertising props is work! On a Sunday no less, good work ethic there kid!
I feel robbed that oversized comedy prop wasn’t in the tags this comic
… and so begins the dark path of financial violations and creative bookkeeping that, in twenty years, will end with Becky being dragged out of her high-powered office in cuffs…
Or, more likely, being introduced to the Press Corps as the new White House Chief of Staff to President Donald Trump Junior.
The good news is the violation, even if discovered, might be small enough that the local prosecutor might overlook it to avoid tangling with a member of Congress.
It has Dinobot’s color scheme, that was intentional wasn’t it?
Was there ever doubt it WASN’T?
This is a great campaign strategy. Picture Robin standing next to a giant plushie dinosaur in ads, facebook, twitter, rallies, etc.
The average voters (not Dina):
“How can you vote for DeSantos? She is a racist, homophobic shill of the far right.”
“But dinosaur.”
“She is totally incompetent”
“Yeah, but Dinosaur!”
Oh Becky…
No, baby, no.
But it’s romaaaaaaaaaaantic
Good to have you around, Cerberus – hope everything’s *checks state of the US* … as… good as possible?
I’m more than a little disappointed in Becky. She knew exactly what she was getting into with Robin and doesn’t seem to own it.
… you know, it wouldn’t be a campaign finance violation if Robin just agreed to call that same lump of money a “salary”. You know. The one for her campaign finance advisor.
But Robin loves the idea they’re unpaid slaves!
I am stoked for Becky to rock that suit, by the way.
Mother fu- late to the party and people already made the “Dina wants to violate your campaign finances…” joke.
Ugh. The Parental Axis of Something are gonna find out about this, right?
Introducing Dina’s new bed!
I honestly don’t think Becky’s in much of a violation; it can’t have been more than a couple hundred, easily an amount spent on a networking dinner and drinks, and although it’s obviously purposefully misinterpreted/manipulated to get her girlfrind a gift, ‘promotional plush for IU students’ would probably be an acceptable invoice, or if she needed to explain that it was only one item, “gift for strong supporter” or something would work, and just not add that it’s a Becky supporter and not a major monetary donor. Or even just saying that one immense gift would cause more buzz than handing stuff out. And definitely keep the invoice from the embroiderer attached to the dinosaur one.