My college roommate locked me out because he was schtupping his girlfriend. He then passed out and I had to sleep on the couch.
This was preferable to when, two months after i thought he started remembering to unlock the door, I learned that the reason he took the mattress off the frame was so he “won’t wake [me] up.”
He’d started schtupping her with me IN THE ROOM AND ASLEEP.
Ah, that reminds me of the time I came back to my dormroom in the midafternoon while wearing headphones, unlocked the door, walked into the room, set my bag down, picked up my DVD player from my desk, turned around, and got an eyefull of my roommate riding her boyfriend very vigorously. Due to headphones, I hadn’t heard them, and due to their distraction, they hadn’t noticed me either.
After a shocked moment, I grabbed a DVD and snuck back out of the room, relocking it behind me, and went to the lounge with my DVD player to watch some anime on the communal TV. Which is what I was planning to do anyway, but without that image burnt into my retinas.
As far as I know, they never realized I’d been in the room. Which is probably for the best because, while obviously not adverse to sex itself, my roommate was almost Joyce levels of repressed when it came to _talking_ about sex.
It seems like you missed out on a perfect opportunity to torment her. You could just drop little tid-bits about things you saw into casual conversation, without specifying that you actually saw them. Soft of like “Hey, I was wondering if you preferred cowgirl or reverse cowgirl?” Then pause, and exclaim while she is sputtering “You’re a cowgirl (or reverse, whichever one she was doing that night) person, I just know it!”
I don’t think I could handle Ethan’s collecting habits either, myself.
But I wouldn’t turn it into “Something is WRONG with you, Ethan, and you need to completely abandon this thing that is so central to your life, if you want me to not consider you a freak unworthy of my affection.” I’d be more like, “I know this is really important to you, but it’s really difficult for me to deal with, and maybe we’re not meant to share living quarters.”
DoA Drew may be different from SP! Drew, of course. But SP! Drew clearly considered Ethan to be a) damaged goods, and b) morally responsible for not controlling his (Ethan’s) interests in a method that he (Drew) considered socially acceptable.
SP! Drew started off fine, I think. He just pointed out that the sheer amount of toys that Ethan had made him slightly claustrophobic. And did some lighthearted teasing.
The issue did go both ways – Ethan was highly dependent on his toy collecting for comfort, and was very defensive about it. The split came when they couldn’t reconcile their differences and kept expecting the other to suit them.
I wouldn’t be able to handle it either. Drew let his apprehension build into resentment at the sight of them instead of having a more chill conversation that while displaying them was cool, he was collecting them at such a rate, there was nowhere to display anything else and that it was suffocating when it was leaking into other rooms and that his interest was overwhelmingly pervading into their every moment together. Like, there are efficient ways to display things – it’s why display cases are a thing which could have condensed how much space they took up, so there were definitely ways to fix it, but Drew wasn’t looking to offer solutions to the problem, he was just getting annoyed about it.
Oh dear, we finally see Drew in Dumbiverse… do you think he’ll figure out he’s bi while with Ethan, or think he’ll leave Ethen thinking he only likes girls at some point?
(I also discovered, while looking this strip up, that the June 15, 2019 strip’s alttext predicts that Asher will eventually be teaming up with Walky. So perhaps that bodes better than expected. Or it’s a throwaway alttext joke. Who can say.)
I realized that I am being tempted to respond to every comment that mentions Drew, and that’s when I realized that I need to back off right now.
But here’s what I feel I need to say: there’s nothing wrong with falling in love with someone, and then eventually realizing that the two of you are incompatible. That’s painful for everyone involved, but it’s not wrong.
What’s wrong is blaming the other person for not being compatible with you. If the other person structures their world around One Piece, and you thought it was cute until you realized that it wasn’t just pretend, and you can’t deal with that? That’s not your fault, but it’s not their fault, either, it’s just incompatibility.
(And of course I am not talking about when the other person does things that hurt other people or are self-destructive. But in general a collecting habit is neither of those.)
I actually agree. It’s fine to realize that you guys don’t work. It’s how you handle the fallout that’s the problem.
Their breakup was fine. Drew’s last few moments in the strip weren’t, they were a little bitter (which, to a small degree, he’s allowed to be, but he still handled it pretty crappily).
But yeah, sometimes people just move in different directions. It stinks, but that’s how life goes. It doesn’t make the actual relationship a mistake.
Breaking up was fine, but ‘the breakup’ wasn’t – Drew tried to frame it not as incompatibility, but as Ethan’s being unwilling to ‘change his bad habits’ – that is, his collecting.
Given his post-breakup appearances, I suspect that Drew was just trying to spark a fight, because he really seems like a dramasexual.
Well that is, in the sense, the issue of it – Drew saw the collecting as unhealthy. Ethan pointed out that he managed his finances fine, and he was even putting away some of his toys for him. Drew also indulged in some of Ethan’s own eccentricities – doing roleplay sex and going to cons with him, but he also needed a break from being about toys all the time.
Did Ethan hoard too much? Possibly. Was he doing in a stable manner, and was allowed to? Yes. The problem came when trying to accommodate Drew made him unhappy, and Drew wasn’t satisfied with Ethan’s compromising.
And yeah, Drew really didn’t handle the last bits well – which is a shame, since I did see him as more fleshed out than Manny, and was wondering if Willis just wanted to end SP! soon so he could get started on DoA.
Also, Drew’s first appearance was only 7 months before DoA started, and the breakup was just over a year after it did. His final appearance (not counting being mentioned in the T Campbell-written text story) was in 2013.
A major problem was Drew increasingly used shame to get his way over the toy issue convincing Ethan that the something that made him happy was wrong.
Eventually Ethan realized that toys were not ruining his life and wanted Drew to accept that his way of life isn’t inherently better. Drew refused ended that conversation by telling Ethan that Ethan had decided before the conversation started because Ethan ordered his drink to go.
Honestly I think ordering the drink to go just meant that Ethan was open to the possibility that Drew wouldn’t co operate.
Is it strange that I love DoA, but when I went back and checked the older comics, I didn’t like any of them? I’m not knocking them. If that’s what it took to get The Willis to DoA, that’s great. I’m really glad he got here.
Nah, that’s fine. The only other comic I have been interested and engaged by was Shortpacked but it was definitely tonally way more wacky shenanigans than DoA so I do like DoA a lot more.
See, Dina, your problem was that you left your room. You shouldn’t have left your room. You already knew the solution, and you blew it. You are better than this.
What the hell. Merely lying on another person’s bed without permission is a violation of boundaries (and Ethan isn’t that close to Dina as far as I can remember).
That he brought along his fuckbuddy-of-the-week with him, to make-out-or-worse on it, is so gross that it enrages me.
It’s also largely a college dorm thing. It’s a weird kind of transitional space. Part of the point of it is to learn how to share space with other people – outside of your immediate family.
This is Ethan going beyond the bounds of normal behavior for the funny, not something that would actually happen. I hope.
Like, idk about anyone else but we didn’t leave our rooms open & unlocked nearly as often as these kids do, especially if we weren’t in them (unless you were going to the bathroom or something, like Dina here). And you wouldn’t barge in on someone’s room unless you were close enough to have a tacit invitation. And even then… you knocked first.
He went to his best friend Amber’s room and sat on the giant plushie. The evidence that he had sex or even intended to is damn slim. May have made out. May not have.
ROZ: Niles said you’re going on a date with a trans woman.
FRASIER: I suppose you don’t approve.
ROZ: Oh, no, Frasier, I really feel for trans women.
FRASIER: Oh? Do go on.
ROZ: Oh, I can just relate to any woman who has a useless prick they’d like to get rid of
Dear cis people,
It's well past the point where this kind of thing will fix everything, but I want you to take note of how easy this is.
These little freaks are soft-handed little babies that will fold like a napkin in the rain.
Light these fools up.
Ari ⋅ 2d
Texas Republican Keithself storms out of the meeting he's supposed to be running because a Democrat asked him to treat his colleague Sarah McBride with respect. These people would not last one day as a trans person.
locking doors, a marvelous invention!
Socking doors, a glorious alternative.
True Story: My first college freshman roommate used to unlock the doors after I would go to sleep. Ugh.
My college roommate locked me out because he was schtupping his girlfriend. He then passed out and I had to sleep on the couch.
This was preferable to when, two months after i thought he started remembering to unlock the door, I learned that the reason he took the mattress off the frame was so he “won’t wake [me] up.”
He’d started schtupping her with me IN THE ROOM AND ASLEEP.
Well it could be worse, he could have been actually good at it. Because clearly he wasn’t if they were able to be that quiet.
Then again, it could have been a lot worse and he had started schtupping her while she was asleep too
My gf and I learned to be very, very quiet when we were going at it when her parents were in the other room…
Eh, people vary. My ex was always quiet, and got more so at, um, the climax…
Ah, that reminds me of the time I came back to my dormroom in the midafternoon while wearing headphones, unlocked the door, walked into the room, set my bag down, picked up my DVD player from my desk, turned around, and got an eyefull of my roommate riding her boyfriend very vigorously. Due to headphones, I hadn’t heard them, and due to their distraction, they hadn’t noticed me either.
After a shocked moment, I grabbed a DVD and snuck back out of the room, relocking it behind me, and went to the lounge with my DVD player to watch some anime on the communal TV. Which is what I was planning to do anyway, but without that image burnt into my retinas.
As far as I know, they never realized I’d been in the room. Which is probably for the best because, while obviously not adverse to sex itself, my roommate was almost Joyce levels of repressed when it came to _talking_ about sex.
It seems like you missed out on a perfect opportunity to torment her. You could just drop little tid-bits about things you saw into casual conversation, without specifying that you actually saw them. Soft of like “Hey, I was wondering if you preferred cowgirl or reverse cowgirl?” Then pause, and exclaim while she is sputtering “You’re a cowgirl (or reverse, whichever one she was doing that night) person, I just know it!”
I hath returned, with a gift of glad tiding to you all.
Thou art all welcome.
Unauthorized sneaky makeout session.
“Makeout” . . . sure, that’s totally all they did.
Honestly, most likely. At most. In someone else’s room, where they could walk in at any moment?
Is the strip small for anyone else or is that just me?
then I refreshed and it got larger
it was zooming in i think
It was small initially, when I reloaded to see if anyone else commented on that it was normal.
it’s still small for me. maybe by commenting this it will prompt the page to fix it?
i am, of course, talking specifically about dina’s dinosaur sweatpants
There are teeth on the inner legs.
As with the “dig it” shirt, she may have missed a possible innuendo.
Really, though, is V. Dentata really an image you WANT to evoke?
Vagina Dentata What a Wonderful Phrase!
Vagina Dentata ain’t no passing phase.
Its a vag you see, whats full of teeeeeth
Vagina Dentata
Once more I’m left wishing DoA had an upvote button.
Nicely crafted earworm you have there.
Eww, gross, Drew.
Maybe Fred will finally win the fight
And the cat will stay out over night
When you’re with the Flintstones…
You’ll have a
Hello Boyfriend.
That’s DINA’S primo makeout spot, god dammit!
Is Drew also a TF nerd in this verse?
Ah, Drew. I really hope he works out better in this universe.
He could just be a casual fling.
Though that’d probably still count as “working out better”
That is Dina’s velociraptor purchased with blood money. Only she and her Aaron Burr kind of girlfriend can have intimacy over it.
Blech. No way is she anything like Aaron Burr. For one thing, she’d know better than to include Wilkinson in a conspiracy.
Wilkinson was such a backstabber.
Oh. Great. Drew’s back.
Anyways, you two, don’t make out on someone else’s bed, that’s icky.
Been a while since I read Shortpacked!… Drew was the guy who was being utterly ridiculous about Ethan’s collecting habits, right?
The very same.
I don’t think I could handle Ethan’s collecting habits either, myself.
But I wouldn’t turn it into “Something is WRONG with you, Ethan, and you need to completely abandon this thing that is so central to your life, if you want me to not consider you a freak unworthy of my affection.” I’d be more like, “I know this is really important to you, but it’s really difficult for me to deal with, and maybe we’re not meant to share living quarters.”
DoA Drew may be different from SP! Drew, of course. But SP! Drew clearly considered Ethan to be a) damaged goods, and b) morally responsible for not controlling his (Ethan’s) interests in a method that he (Drew) considered socially acceptable.
tl;dr: fuck Drew
SP! Drew started off fine, I think. He just pointed out that the sheer amount of toys that Ethan had made him slightly claustrophobic. And did some lighthearted teasing.
The issue did go both ways – Ethan was highly dependent on his toy collecting for comfort, and was very defensive about it. The split came when they couldn’t reconcile their differences and kept expecting the other to suit them.
After the split is when Drew really became an asshole if I remember correctly.
I think the message I’m getting is more don’t f–k Drew. Unfortunately, it would appear to have come too late for Ethan.
Darn, I was being so Joyce about actually writing “f–k”, I forgot to check the italic tags.
I wouldn’t be able to handle it either. Drew let his apprehension build into resentment at the sight of them instead of having a more chill conversation that while displaying them was cool, he was collecting them at such a rate, there was nowhere to display anything else and that it was suffocating when it was leaking into other rooms and that his interest was overwhelmingly pervading into their every moment together. Like, there are efficient ways to display things – it’s why display cases are a thing which could have condensed how much space they took up, so there were definitely ways to fix it, but Drew wasn’t looking to offer solutions to the problem, he was just getting annoyed about it.
I spent a couple minutes looking at this comic trying to remember drew and then went “ohhhhh that’s catman”
I hope Drew is less of a douche in this universe.
I hope so too.
What’s a Drew?
An Ethan boyfriend.
A jerk.
A hot jerk.
A hot MESS who is also a jerk.
Unwilling to compromise about certain things that are central to Ethan. Hope they’re just bangin.
Drew is who David drew down next to Dina’s dino.
According to the tags, Dina drew Ethan.

Naw, that’s Willis’ job!
A miserable pile of secrets.
*claps* Good answer! Good answer!
Dina’s raptor is too awesome, it’s become irresistible. Hope she knows how to wash it.
Oh dear, we finally see Drew in Dumbiverse… do you think he’ll figure out he’s bi while with Ethan, or think he’ll leave Ethen thinking he only likes girls at some point?
Hopefully this is the last we’ll see of him.
How did Ethan find out about it?
Because his best friend is Dina’s roommate?
Amber: Dina’s girlfriend gave her a giant dinobot-looking plushie, but neither of them are into Transformers, so they can’t properly appreciate it!
Both Amber and Dina predicted this.
(I also discovered, while looking this strip up, that the June 15, 2019 strip’s alttext predicts that Asher will eventually be teaming up with Walky. So perhaps that bodes better than expected. Or it’s a throwaway alttext joke. Who can say.)
More breaking and entering. I weep for the future of this nation
One of the doors was probably unlocked.
Presumably these statements are somewhat unrelated, given, you know. *waves arms widly* everything
I’m glad you’re optimistic about it.
Or maybe Dina just forgot to lock her door.
Well to be fair, who wouldn’t want to sit and/or make-out on a giant Velociraptor plushy?
Me. Sounds potentially uncomfortable, really.
Randall Munroe.
Literally anyone who has ever attended an InGen-funded amusement park.
Erm.. wait did he sneak in his boyo… Into Dina’s room? On the girl’s floor?
the f09k?
It’s not a girl’s floor. It’s the same floor, separate wings, the only thing you need to do to get to the other wing is walk down the hall.
Also, Billie and Amazi-Girl have done that to the boys wing. More than once.
Walky did that too, but he was in Dotto-trance at the time.
Fuck Drew. If you can’t accept Ethan at his Transformers Nerd then you don’t deserve him at all, period.
I believe that was Ethan’s intention, yes.
I wonder how Dina would’ve acted if she’d caught Ethan on the down stroke.
Eh, I never hated Drew.
He did get kinda shitty at the end though.
Spoilers for Shortpacked!
If you wanna read that decade of comics that ended ~4.5 years ago.
(My favorites are the Big No and when Willis had to beg his fans to stop sending him porn.)
dinosaurs are queer magnets i speak from experience
…where can one obtain one of this “dinosaurs”?
Fuck the dinosaurs. Where can I obtain the queers?
Judging from the darker reaches of Amazon, a lot more people than I would have expected are into fucking dinosaurs.
You heard him, Zero. Find a dinosaur and drop yer pants.
I feel that you have fundamentally misunderstood the objective here.
By getting the dinosaurs. That’s why I want them.
Keep up.
I realized that I am being tempted to respond to every comment that mentions Drew, and that’s when I realized that I need to back off right now.
But here’s what I feel I need to say: there’s nothing wrong with falling in love with someone, and then eventually realizing that the two of you are incompatible. That’s painful for everyone involved, but it’s not wrong.
What’s wrong is blaming the other person for not being compatible with you. If the other person structures their world around One Piece, and you thought it was cute until you realized that it wasn’t just pretend, and you can’t deal with that? That’s not your fault, but it’s not their fault, either, it’s just incompatibility.
(And of course I am not talking about when the other person does things that hurt other people or are self-destructive. But in general a collecting habit is neither of those.)
Anyway, ’nuff said.
I actually agree. It’s fine to realize that you guys don’t work. It’s how you handle the fallout that’s the problem.
Their breakup was fine. Drew’s last few moments in the strip weren’t, they were a little bitter (which, to a small degree, he’s allowed to be, but he still handled it pretty crappily).
But yeah, sometimes people just move in different directions. It stinks, but that’s how life goes. It doesn’t make the actual relationship a mistake.
Breaking up was fine, but ‘the breakup’ wasn’t – Drew tried to frame it not as incompatibility, but as Ethan’s being unwilling to ‘change his bad habits’ – that is, his collecting.
Given his post-breakup appearances, I suspect that Drew was just trying to spark a fight, because he really seems like a dramasexual.
Well that is, in the sense, the issue of it – Drew saw the collecting as unhealthy. Ethan pointed out that he managed his finances fine, and he was even putting away some of his toys for him. Drew also indulged in some of Ethan’s own eccentricities – doing roleplay sex and going to cons with him, but he also needed a break from being about toys all the time.
Did Ethan hoard too much? Possibly. Was he doing in a stable manner, and was allowed to? Yes. The problem came when trying to accommodate Drew made him unhappy, and Drew wasn’t satisfied with Ethan’s compromising.
And yeah, Drew really didn’t handle the last bits well – which is a shame, since I did see him as more fleshed out than Manny, and was wondering if Willis just wanted to end SP! soon so he could get started on DoA.
Dumbing of Age and SP ran concurrently for a while.
4 and a half years, or thereabouts, specifically.
Also, Drew’s first appearance was only 7 months before DoA started, and the breakup was just over a year after it did. His final appearance (not counting being mentioned in the T Campbell-written text story) was in 2013.
A major problem was Drew increasingly used shame to get his way over the toy issue convincing Ethan that the something that made him happy was wrong.
Eventually Ethan realized that toys were not ruining his life and wanted Drew to accept that his way of life isn’t inherently better. Drew refused ended that conversation by telling Ethan that Ethan had decided before the conversation started because Ethan ordered his drink to go.
Honestly I think ordering the drink to go just meant that Ethan was open to the possibility that Drew wouldn’t co operate.
As someone who has never read Shortpacked, the comments section here is kind of amusing.
Is it strange that I love DoA, but when I went back and checked the older comics, I didn’t like any of them? I’m not knocking them. If that’s what it took to get The Willis to DoA, that’s great. I’m really glad he got here.
Nah, that’s fine. The only other comic I have been interested and engaged by was Shortpacked but it was definitely tonally way more wacky shenanigans than DoA so I do like DoA a lot more.
Wow Ethan gets to move fast in this universe , he already got the local Drew to accompany him to the big velociraptor plush on Dina’s room
Dina? Maybe you want to wash down the plush with a damp cloth soaked in disinfectant. Just saying.
See, Dina, your problem was that you left your room. You shouldn’t have left your room. You already knew the solution, and you blew it. You are better than this.
Talk about disrespecting other people’s property.
I wonder how many people know about Dina’s huge velociraptor plushie by now.
wait no i didn’t want to see him here ever
how long until he joins the new axis of something
What the hell. Merely lying on another person’s bed without permission is a violation of boundaries (and Ethan isn’t that close to Dina as far as I can remember).
That he brought along his fuckbuddy-of-the-week with him, to make-out-or-worse on it, is so gross that it enrages me.
I feel the same. What the fuck, Ethan?
Ever since he decided “fuck it, I’m just gonna go with it”, Ethan’s been thinkin’ with his dick a lot. Like, a lot.
I agree. I wouldn’t be very happy with Ethan right now.
Aha! I was wondering if Drew would show up here from Shortpacked. Hope he’s less of a jerk this time.
Looks like Amber’s prediction was right.
Check that dinosaur with some ultraviolet light, Dina!
Is a complete lack of acknowledging boundaries an American trait? ‘Cos I swear, pretty much EVERYONE in this comic needs a shock collar.
Not all Yanks are like this, but more of us are than I’d like.
It’s also largely a college dorm thing. It’s a weird kind of transitional space. Part of the point of it is to learn how to share space with other people – outside of your immediate family.
A complete lack of boundaries is common human trait that is most definitely not limited to any one nationality.
Also what thejeff said: young people on their own for the first time frequently do have to stumble through learning a lot.
This is Ethan going beyond the bounds of normal behavior for the funny, not something that would actually happen. I hope.
Like, idk about anyone else but we didn’t leave our rooms open & unlocked nearly as often as these kids do, especially if we weren’t in them (unless you were going to the bathroom or something, like Dina here). And you wouldn’t barge in on someone’s room unless you were close enough to have a tacit invitation. And even then… you knocked first.
Well, Ethan is close enough to Amber to have a tacit invitation. And with no one there, he might well have knocked first.
Aww, Ethan wanted to check-out the giant DINOBOT plushie. And then he got embarrassed.
He broke into someone else’s room to have sex on their furniture. He should be embarrassed.
He went to his best friend Amber’s room and sat on the giant plushie. The evidence that he had sex or even intended to is damn slim. May have made out. May not have.
Let’s not exaggerate how bad this is.
But its FUN to do so…
“Oh, Drew!”
“Oh, Ethan!”
“Oh, Dinobot plushie!”
“He is NOT a Dinobot plushie!!”
“Oh crap, Dina!”
That’s not Duncan! My ship will never leave port.
of course Ethan would want to have sex on Dinobot’s back
I wonder if it’s a coincidence that he looks like a combo of Danny and Joyce. lol
Diiina why would you alienate the only other person who really, really appreciates a giant stuffed dinosaur?!