Kickstarter status update: As of this writing, just a few hundred away from unlocking the NASH and FAZ character magnets!
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Kickstarter status update: As of this writing, just a few hundred away from unlocking the NASH and FAZ character magnets!
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Becky, that’s not a costume, you just ripped open Sarah’s skin!
Sarah’s being surprisingly chill about it.
Oh, you know Sarah. She’s got a soft side to her. Yes, she comes across as snappy and irritable to anger, but that’s just skin-deep.
I dunno, Sarah’s always kind of come across as the kind of person who has a bone to pick.
And she doesn’t respond well to ribbing.
Will she give Becky a sternum talking-to?
No one would ever accuse Sarah of being spineless.
She just needs to show some backbone!
Is this the right talk to talk about tickling funny bones?
Her social circle has an extremely tiny radius.
And none of her social circle would ever accuse her of being humerus.
Would they accuse her of telling fibulas, though?
If they did, they’d have very little chance to escapula her wrath.
I only met Sarah in person once – Ulna ver forget her dour expression. The thighs of her frown was certainly a thing tibia-cknowledged.
Do you think we can continue this to marrow?
Yes, this is quite the boner.
Opening up always makes her feel embarrassed.
Maybe deep down Sarah finds Becky’s reaction to be quite humerus.
Ruth already collected her femurs, too!
And here I thought Ruth would be the first to actually do this.
And here I thought Ruth would be the first to actually do this.
I was wondering who ended up with the late John Entwistle’s skeleton suit!
Signed…..Boris The Spider
That Ox reference made my day.
What if that was just a normal shirt Becky. She coulda been NAKED under there, Becky.
Nonsense, she stil has a hat.
…wrap? …bandanda? …scarf? …buff?
Help, what’s that thing on her head called. All I know is Swedish middle-school slang for it.
Doesn’t count if the headcovering isn’t under the shirt. With it on she might not be naked, but she’d still be naked UNDER THE SHIRT.
If it’s as cold over there as it is here, she’s still got 4 layers on underneath. :X
Headscarf? Kerchief?
Naked but wearing a hat/scarf actually sounds even sexier than just plain naked.
You and Randy Newman and art critics throughout history are in agreement. Along with pretty much everyone who is at least once in a while interested in naked human beings.
What I’ve learned about sex appeal is that it’s not always the clothes you take off. It’s the clothes you choose to keep on.
Naked: Hot
Naked but still wearing shoes: HNNNNNG
Per Dave Barry, the one exception to this rule is guys, when naked except for white tube socks. We just look goofy. The rule still applies for black/blue/gray dress socks, though.
<a href="" title="Some would disagree there are exceptions."
Dammit not only did I fail at the HTML but the link didn’t work.
Naked but still wearing shoes -> Naked but wearing long black leather boots.
Fixed that for you.
Actually those both sound pretty hot, tbh. Mostly depends on the vibe you’re goin’ for. If it’s a “bad girl” or dominatrix vibe you’re going for it’s pretty effective.
Naked but still wearing these inner arm warmer things that I’m totally not hot for
What about “naked but wearing giant red clown shoes” though?
Some people are SUPER into clowns.
The bone for the area we generally consider as the “forehead’ is called the “frontal bone” [Wikipedia]. So I suppose, regardless of if it ended in nudity or a headbutt, Becky’d be getting some full frontal action from Sarah.
Really, it’s all a part of Becky’s master plan to convince Sarah to bone her.
(Becky isn’t too fussy about nuances.)
Let us not forget Becky’s fetish for seeing covered heads becoming uncovered.
Suddenly it all makes sense.
“I figured I had would either find a costume or see a bare female chest. Either way, I win.”
Spooky scary skeletons~
Send shivers down your spine~
“Slinking Satan shall steal your soul…”
“NO, Mary! No ruining Halloween for us!”
Add another to the legacy of grumpy Sarah faces.
Woah, all of a sudden Becky just ripped off Sarah’s skin? I did not expect this turn of events
It’s the DoA/Hellraiser crossover we’ve all been waiting for.
Ugh, Hellraiser and Hellraiser 2 seriously horrified me while I was growing up. The original version of It was another prime offender.
It’s only her second-favorite holiday!
I adore Halloween, it’s my favorite holiday, so I’m looking forward to seeing decorations and costumes in the coming months, even if I don’t get to celebrate it myself just yet.
She’s a big fan of Remembrance Day.
(the moment of silence)
WHO DARES to place another holiday before The Spookiest of Spooky Days!!? Your punishment shall be the most horrible imaginable!!
That’s right, you’ll be forced to attend an elegant Halloween costume gala wearing nothing but two plastic pistols and a stupid plastic cowboy hat (the kind with the elastic chin strap)!
Okay, this is really goddamn endearing. I was wondering what Sarah’s dork side was going to be, given just about everyone has one, somewhere.
Apparently she’s buried it down bone-deep.
Some days, I really wish this comments section allowed ‘likes’ of some sort. This post made this one of those days.
Turns out that she had some skeletons on her closet
Too bad for her, Becky specializes in nuking closets.
From orbit.
Just to be sure.
Nice to see Sarah loosen up.
Wow. This must be the most shocking revelation in all of DoA. Sarah likes something!
It’s a Dead Man’s Party
Who could ask for more?
Everybody’s coming
Leave your body at the door!
Don’t run away–it’s only ME
Don’t be afraid of what you can’t see!
This is Halloween
This is Halloween
Halloween, Halloween
(etc, etc)
In this town
We call home
Everyone dance to the Pumpkin Song
Why would you keep a skeleton under the desk when everyone knows that skeletons live in the closet?
Oh, right, Becky nuked the closet.
it’s…it’s only halloween? so like the past 9 years of strips took place over 2 or so months? wild
It’s not even Halloween yet, it’s still the days leading up to that.
October 16, specifically.
If today’s Saturday in-universe, that means Halloween is on a Sunday. That means a full weekend of Halloween parties.
We will have halloween in this comic forever and ever and EVER!
I’m cool with it.
I just hope Willis is cool with it- that’s a long time to draw decorations for!
I’m not going to be content with decorations.
I want costumes
Seeing as how I’ve been looking forward to seeing the DoA cast in Halloween costumes FOR-FREAKING-EVER, I am satisfied with this outcome.
So we should see actual Halloween in about 2 years, our time.
In-strip, Oct. 1 through Oct. 15 took three-and-a-quarter real-life years, and that was with a three-day time skip. OTOH, the from-the-beginning average is, ballpark, one in-strip day equals two real-life months, which would put the morning of Oct. 31 roughly 2-1/2 real-life years from now.
But when you get down to it, Willis is the Ruler of Time in the universe he created. In-strip Halloween will arrive when it suits his purposes for it to arrive.
Ruler of Time?
As in a single absolute monarch controls the flow of time?
THAT explains why it’s going so slow! He’s consolidated too much power within himself! Things would go so much faster if he appointed a bureaucracy to see to the minor stuff!
Having worked in a bureaucracy for over 25 years, I’m not familiar with the concept of bureaucracies making things go faster.
Not a knock against bureaucracies! I’ve seen more damage being done by bad ideas being rolled out too quickly, than by good ideas being rolled out too slowly.
I’m just saying. Imagine the king doing all that paperwork ON HIS OWN.
We’ll form a committee to study it.
I personally just like Halloween, but I love people who love Halloween. This information boosts my opinion of Sarah.
Wait, there are other people who feel like that about holidays? That– that shouldn’t feel as validating as it does.
Well, this is unexpected.
I don’t blame Sarah for being careful, fundamentalists get crazy about Halloween! My own grandma regularly guilt-tripped me as a child because I dared to…gasp, go trick-or-treating on the Devil’s birthday! But what about my immortal sooooul! It is forever tainted because I went from door to door, getting candy while dressed as a witch!
I love Halloween, I wear normal clothes and tell everyone I’m a witch. Then I crank up my vacuum cleaner and do a VTO over the house.
See, that’s the perfect way to celebrate Halloween! I salute you, Opus the Poet.
It’s so funny, because for us Lutheran’s (most typical non catholic church in Europe) it is also reformation day. Sure, we don’t really have Halloween here, but to name the day “birthday o of Satan” which is actually a really high holiday in the first reformed Christian church is crazy funny
Devil’s birthday?! Lol
Ah, right, the fundies are strongly anti-catholic so this being a All Hallows’ eve (and All Hallows’ being a Catholic day of worship) just is more of a point of why it’s wrong.
I always thought Luther put reformation day on the 31 October in order to keep a festival day for the Lutherans around.
Halloween crept in over the last decades because it’s strongly marketed by companies hailing from th USA. It wasn’t a thing in my youth.
Lotta confidence, ripping open Sarah’s shirt like that
I would assume she saw some portion of the pattern either very faintly through the shirt fabric or between a gap in the buttons
Or she was just willing to risk seeing Sarah’s bra
Actually, looking back at the previous strip, the overshirt is unbuttoned enough to see the collar of the second shirt.
I’m just curious how she managed to open the shirt that quickly without ripping the buttons or whatever.
But we know Becky has a special talent for taking clothes off.
Quick change is an art! She’s got it!
I’ll happily share my favourite holiday with Sarah. Sarah rocks and I appreciate knowing more about her.
Did you know…that there’s a skeleton inside of you…right now. Don’t try to look at it though. If you try to look behind you quickly it won’t work, for the skeleton will have turned its head as well!!!
But if the skeleton turns its head, then it won’t see me as I’m looking at it!
If your skeleton’s head turns while your flesh head don’t then there’s a problem…
Yes it will. It’s got your eyes. RIGHT NOW.
It’s always waiting where your eyes don’t go.
Whoa, that’s too spooky for me.
You think that’s scary. Once I was in the hospital after sustaining an injury and I saw my X-ray and they were FIXING the skeleton’s arm! THEY’RE WORKING WITH THE SKELETONS!!!
That’s nothing. When they’re short on people they’ll use a skeleton crew.
It begins, the Halloween arc has.
Like. Is Halloween gonna be the last straw for Joyce’s religion? I can totally see it going that way.
“No, Becky! You can’t celebrate that!”
“But Joyce, look at all this candy I now get to eat!”
“… I’m atheist now.”
In all seriousness, I definitely think this will play into Joyce’s doubts. Sarah’s decorations won’t really hurt anybody, and her upbringing was nothing but fearmongering.
I like to think Joyce must have gotten something out of it beyond a steady diet of hate. Then again, I note the strong difference between Dad and Mom.
As a lapsed Unitarian, I am an outside observer on all things Christian. But from my outsider view, it seems to me that in any given Christian congregation, you can find people side by side in the pews, worshiping two completely different concepts of God-the-Father: the God of Fear, and the God of Love.
From what we’ve seen, Hank is in the latter camp, Carol in the former. Joyce, definitely the latter.
I fear that many people have love confounded with fear across the board.
Maybe her friends will convince her that Halloween is no big deal, and hey, wouldn’t she like to dress up? And then Carol comes to the school to surprise (keep tabs on) her, and Joyce is in costume. And drama ensues.
She already was in costume for Freshman Family Weekend
Yes, but that wasn’t in celebration of devil worship.
Also, Halloween is on a Sunday, so I’m adding on to my wildspec with what if Joyce decides to skip church to do a Halloween activity with her friends and then her mom shows up. Of course, I feel like that would have her mom skipping church too, but I can imagine she’d have no problem being hypocritical about that.
I also don’t know what kind of Sunday morning Halloween festivities this college would be having, but whatever.
Pagan outdoor breakfast with short worship ritual to keep Satan away.
Organized by the IU Pagan Society
It’s okay to skip church if you’re making sure someone ELSE isn’t skipping church!
Remember, when Toedad first came looking for Becky in Read Hall, Dina told him she was out shopping and he said ‘On a Sunday?! She should be in church, worshipping the lord!’ …Meanwhile, he was very much NOT in church at the time himself.
My college roommate was not *quite* as fundie as Joyce, but she was evangelical enough that her parents banned Harry Potter and she was still ok with Halloween (we did an obscenely nerdy group costume freshman year).
Though on the other hand, she had in fact secretly read HP as an act of teenage rebellion, so maybe her parents didn’t want her doing Halloween either ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
So there is something Sarah gets excited about!
She wants to see Jacob’s bone–I mean skeleton
Of course, the real concern is not Joyce being offended or scared of Sarah’s halloween kitsch, but being SUPER INTO IT and doing a Joyce and making it all weird.
It’s a valid concern.
but what if Sarah is more over-the-top enthusiastic about something than Joyce is
that’s what keeps me up at night
Alright, ya got me… truth be told, it’s all part of my secret plan to fuck with Joyce’s brain when she’s half asleep and I bring all this shit out…..
Early morning…. October 31st…. Joyce slowly opens her eyes…. only to see Sarah in skeleton costume, grinning skull makeup inches from Joyce’s, flanked by burning jack-o’-lanterns.
THAT was the first warning Sarah was going to give her.
Big sisters and all that.
Or, naked EXCEPT FOR the skeleton t-shirt?
Oh right, it’s October in-story. Got confused for a sec cuz there’s all the Easter stuff at stores right now and forgot that this comic isn’t real-time.
It’s roughly October 16th ish. So we’ll be waiting on Halloween for a while.
Which, y’know, fine with me. I want more Halloween stories not fewer.
We are together in spirit on this one.
This is HALLOWEEN, motherfuckers!
I already love Sarah but knowing there’s a holiday she’d decorate for makes me love her even more.
Hooray, Sarah enjoys my favorite holiday, this pleases me more than it should. I am excited to see how Sarah celebrates Halloween, and simultaneously unexcited to see how people rain on her enjoyment. Because I predict that will also happen.
Where can I buy that skeleton shirt?
Before my job got in the way I used to make the most wonderful Jack-o-lantern. I’d take a big pumpkin carve out a a razor sharp mouth and cat like eyes. Then I’d install a strobe light and a tube leading to a smoke machine.
I called it the Doom pumpkin… I miss my doom pumpkin.
I’m just sad we didn’t get panel 5 as an out-of-context preview on tumblr or something. That would have given us VERY wrong ideas about what’s really going on.
Becky maybe don’t rip women’s clothes off.
I dunno, under other circumstances, it might be perfectly appropriate.
The qualifier is “without the other woman’s consent.”
No, tear it ALL off
Muscle and sinew
Free all the spooky skeletons
I have missed Becky so so much.
I know, right
Oh, so THIS is the October Surprise.
Yay, Halloween celebration! I was hoping this day would come to IU.
And from Sarah of all people, but it totally makes sense.
Nigel: This is my exact inner structure, done in a tee shirt. Exactly medically accurate. See?
Marty: So in other words if we were to take all your flesh and blood…
Nigel: Take them off. This is what you’d see.
Marty: It wouldn’t be green though.
Nigel: It is green. You see how your blood looks blue.
Marty: Yeah, well that’s just the vein. That’s the color of the vein. The blood is actually red.
Nigel: Oh then, maybe it’s not green. Anyway this is what I sleep in sometimes.
I didn’t think of this until I saw her in that cap, but:
Becky MacIntyre and Wendy Corduroy: separated at birth?
Did Willis cosign himself to drawing Halloween-themed environments for the next 2 years?
Aha! I always suspected Sarah was an agent of Shocker!
This Twisted Freak LIKES Halloween
This could have gone very wrong.
Becky always wanted to be the TV. Detective who dramatically unmasked the killer in the last act, didn’t she? Either that or she always wanted her life to be a season of Scooby-Doo!
Seriously, though, this is one of the challenges of shared living spaces that Joyce has yet to fully confront.
Okay, so I’ve gone on a long archive trawl (including several irrelevant rereads of the comments sections), and I THINK that Sarah only started wearing the orange headcovering yesterday, comic-time. If so… MORE HALLOWEEN SPIRIT!
Bets on if she gets pumpkin earrings part way through? Oh she’s probably more of a spider girl… she’d need to get an extra set of sal so they could both wear the -_- expression.
*for sal; not of sal… please don’t steal sal femurs as decor. That’s not a proper or probably use of housemates.
It’s not? Well now I just feel foolish. Guess I’d better give those back…
Does Joyce really thinks Halloween is a devil’s celebration? Maybe now that she had an atheist epiphany maybe she will just shrug and move on.
I don’t understand why many Christians hate Halloween. It’s a pagan-ish celebration that became a secular celebration. Here in Mexico many Catholic fundies act liker jerks and tell kids that halloween is a satanic celebration. It isn’t different from Dia de Muertos!
The Abrahamic religions and the occult have a… difficult and adversarial history. In any case, a lot of Protestant groups (especially the younger ones) deliberately reject the old pagan celebrations adopted by the Catholic Church in bygone centuries.
I think it largely stems from the “You shalt have no other gods before me.” commandment. Some followers of the Abrahamic religions take it VERY seriously, to the point where any hint of associating with supernatural elements aside from God is a big no-no.
Catholic fundies hating it is wild to me because modern Halloween might have pagan roots, but the name is still All Hallow’s Eve, aka. the night before All Saints Day on Nov. 1st, aka. a real (if co-opted from the pagan) Catholic/Orthodox holiday. Like you said, it’s Dia de Muertos.
per above, it’s not the Catholic fundies so much…
(at least not in this country. I should read better maybe.)
If you check if Halloween is okay for catholics in latin american and catholic sites you will get big NOs and spanish speaking videos making Halloween seem like a Devil’s invention.
Well, if you ask certain fundamentalists, it IS apparently his birthday.
It’s got roots in Samhain and is therefore evil.
If we’re gonna call all Christian-rebranded holidays with pagan roots evil, I’ve got some bad news about Christmas.
There are fundamentalists who don’t celebrate Christmas actually, because of the connections to Saturnalia and other pagan holidays. They just go to mass about Christ’s birth (which was actually probably closer to March than Dec so far as we can tell) and that’s it.
I get where you’re coming from but Halloween is DEFINITELY different from Dia de los Muertos
I am Mexican and I celebrate both. They are just big parties with costumes and supernatural iconography.
Let 2019 be the year of Halloween! I welcome the holiday!
I’m thinking from panel 6 that Sarah is thinking: “Why do I have to be the one who keeps tabs on the two cute-as-buttons-but-zero-personal-boundary-comprehension fundie girls?“
You are the only one with enough Cynicism power and Big Sister Authority to keep them from going full Pollyanna on everyone.
It’s a tough job, but she’s the only one qualified.
Oh come on Sarah, like a Pessimistic Doom Prophet like yourself wouldn’t be all over the Spookiest Holiday of the Year.
Wow, Becky laid Sarah bare just like that
This strip is cute and all, but in real life, please please PLEASE do not run around ripping other people’s clothes open. You don’t even know Sarah THAT well, Becky!
Like I said in my comment above, I think it mostly stems from Becky’s desire to be the lead character in a Law and Order or CSI spin-off and be able to regularly do the “J’accuse!” scene with the villain of the week.
This may be the greatest revelation in DOA to date, I say as an accountant Halloween devotee
8+ years and we finally reach October!
I heard of skeletons in the closet but this is just ridiculous!
Never really understood Halloween being the ‘Devil’s Holiday’. I was raised in a Catholic family that treated it as the Eve of All Saints Day, so it was all good – dress up and accost the neighbors for candy. Guess that’s why us Catholics are all goin’ ta hell
If the next two years of this comic are dedicated to Halloween, I’m definitely about it. I hope everyone gets a fun costume.
Seriously though this is super cute and I love it and getting a litttle Halloween in March is the BEST
I’m gonna be totally unbearable talking about Halloween now and my friends are just gonna say ‘BBCC, it’s March you fucking animal’
Oh god, I’ve turned into my mother, who puts up Christmas decorations like the week before Halloween.
If we’re lucky Halloween will last AT LEAST until Halloween
It’s only the middle of March. It’s gonna be Halloween season for at least a year or two.
8D (vibrating from sheer joy)
I made that sound too! Pretty sure housemates thought I set off the fire alarm. So excited!
I’m hoping for 2 years of Halloween themed backgrounds. >:-)
Who knew that Sarah was a closet “trick or treater”? People can still surprise you.
Haha, Sarah you totally care about Joyce.
If it’s the “devil’s holiday,” then surely that should mean the devil is taking the day off. Therefore nothing that happens that day should be the devil’s work. Right?
There’s no functional difference between Halloween and Easter or Christmas. All three of them were popular holidays celebrated by ancient cultures (pagan, druid, etc) that the Chuch chose to adapt to their religion rather than fight the people to force them not to celebrate anymore. Besides, the original purpose of Halloween was basically a mass exorcism ritual, keeping the spirits of the dead away and preventing them from possessing the living and all that. That’s pretty much as close to opposite of “devil worship” I can think of.
Do you think we’ll finally get to Halloween in the story by real-life Halloween 2019? haha
It’s currently around October 16th. Not even close.
Halloween 2020, maybe.
Halloween 2021 or 2022, more likely.
Sarah, you can still salvage this. Remember your training – Strike First, Strike Hard, No Mercy.
I forgot how slow time moves in this comic.
When you hear sweet syncopation,
And the music softly moans,
T’ain’t no sin to take off your skin
And dance around in your bones!
Becky: Destroyer Of Secrets
Just to say it, it’s clear in yesterday’s comic that Sarah’s wearing another shirt.
so it begins
Sarah: the closeted goth.