I’m goin’ to the 2019 Toronto Comic Arts Festival! That’s right, TCAF! In Canada!
oh god here comes the anxiety
Well, I’ve got until May 11 and 12th to get my butt together.
I’m goin’ to the 2019 Toronto Comic Arts Festival! That’s right, TCAF! In Canada!
oh god here comes the anxiety
Well, I’ve got until May 11 and 12th to get my butt together.
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Did… did you change your gravitar specifically for this comment?
I think you are my hero.
And she did it just for our enjoyment. Thank you Lucy, err Ana.
I am picturing Carla doing the Kermit flail in the last panel.
It is hereby decreed that today shall be Carla Appreciation Day.
This strip features Carla. Appreciate it!
Book title!
Dumbing of Age Book 9:This
stripbook features Carla. Appreciate it!Dumbing of Age Book 9: Carla Saves Everyone, Big Hero Time
I have attempted to improve this strip for you (and for everyone else as well): http://i.imgur.com/xkiyXnc.png
Why are Joyce’s eyes just visible peeking over the top of Carla’s speech bubbles? 🙂
Her blush is also correspondingly at the bottom of each panel.
Great. Now I want to see him and his luscious beard in every DOA strip.
Praise be
What’s the proper way to celebrate Carla Appreciation Day? Not all of us have the proper skill set to build pie throwing machines.
Skating and wearing Ruttech jackets?
PRAISE BE TO CARLA you happy now
A bit too toned down, but works for a start.
Lucy may not have gone to finishing school but she knows what to do when someone theatrically coughs.
Hm. Maybe…Maybe don’t casually throw out things about someone’s suicidal experiences without their knowledge?
You’re absolutely right.
Problem is, Carla doesn’t care.
If we’ve established anything about Carla beneath her surface bluster, it’s that she cares more than she wants to. I think it’s not that she doesn’t care so much as that she’s so practiced at playing the part of the asshole that she can ignore her better angels. Any moment people see her take an interest in anyone’s needs but her own is an opening in her defenses that can be used to hurt her.
More than she wants to but seeing as she doesn’t want to at all that’s not actually as encouraging as you seem to think it is.
That was kinda what Carla did to save Ruth…
Kinda a huge difference in context, though.
Although this could prove to be the kick in the pants Billie needs to stop being self-obsessed and harmful to people like Walky and Ruth who care about her.
Carla once again saving Billie by tearing off the band-aid, only indirectly this time, through Lucy.
Warning someone that someone is having a suicidal episode is not the same as gossiping about said suicidal episode after the fact with someone completely unrelated to it.
Yeah. That said, I think that Carla deeply resents her actions being perceived as wrong when she feels that she saved Ruth and possibly Billie’s lives. So, given the character’s personality, mentioning that was pretty much inevitable.
That said, ‘alcoholic, depressive and possibly suicidal’ is the sort of thing about which I think a room-mate would have a need-to-know.
I don’t think she so much resents it as worries that that they were wrong. We see her checking in on Ruth to make sure she’s okay and reassure herself that it turned out for the better.
Billie hating her for it hurts and she’s scared that Billie’s right.
All covered up with her usual bravado and bluster, of course.
Well and you know saying in front of Ruth how the whole situación turned so beneficial for her because Malaya move in, complaining that Ruth is acting “soft” now ( even if she’s justo joking about still a wonder Ruth and Billie are a little pissed at her).
Given that it’s common public knowledge on the floor and in the rumor mill, it’s hard for me to see it as a big deal.
If it was a secret – say Billie had reacted reasonably to being told Ruth wanted to die and they’d managed to get her help quietly, that would be a different story, but there’s a point at which you just can’t pretend things are secret anymore.
Maybe not a big deal, still something I wouldn’t recommend someone doing. There’s also a difference between pretending things are secret and practicing, like, basic levels of discreteness.
Telling her new roommate that Billie’s recently been suicidal is actually pretty smart of her. They almost lost Ruth because not enough people knew to keep an eye on her.
I might be able to see that–though I would still personally disagree with it– if I believed it was Carla’s intention in doing so. I’m sure people will argue that, in fact, was her intention, but while I like Carla, I’m not quite as sold on giving her the most benevolent intentions at all times.
Oh hey, a reference to invasion of the body snatchers! Just like the one I made! Lucy, you’re alright in my book. And also Carla’s pretty damn accurate.
Which version though?
Lucy is, uh, probably getting more of Billie’s story than she wanted now!
I think this is EXACTLY what Lucy was looking for.
I’m pretty sure Lucy wants all the dope she can get. I think she means harm to Billie.
I hope she doesn’t mean to, because it’ll happen either way and I want to see Lucy as bewildered by it as everyone else, not cackling evilly in the corner twirling her Snidely Whiplash mustache.
I really don’t know why you think that? Lucy’s been shown to be a generally nice person who wants people to like her, not acerbic or cutting, and likely to be a little too much of a people-pleaser at her own expense rather than a poison butterfly.
Like, if Malaya didn’t tempt her to harm, and she’s clearly convinced it’s her fault Malaya didn’t like her (when really Malaya doesn’t like much of anyone except Marcie, Fuckface, and maybe Carla?) then I can’t imagine why anyone would think she would want to harm Billie.
I see Lucy as a little more complicated than that. Her niceness is manipulative. If she can’t manipulate, she bullies. I don’t like Lucy.
Furthermore. The girls in the dorm made Billie their hero. They swarmed around her even when she preferred to be alone. They wake her up to smell milk. How is that Billie’s fault?
Yeah, Billie totally didn’t immediately start actively feeding into their misconception of her to bolster her own ego.
Seriously? Lucy generally strikes me as That Socially Awkward Nerd nobody likes. She isn’t some Queen Bee.
I’m not sure where you see the bullying.
I mean, maybe it’ll happen, but it’s not there yet.
There is literally no basis for this interpretation. Like, at worst Lucy is overly pushy in her need to people please but there’s been zero indication that her motivation is anything darker than “get people to like her because she is a lonely nerd.”
There’s a difference between harm and putting someone in their place. This seems underhanded, yes, but not malicious. (That doesn’t mean I agree with it!)
Yea, putting someone in there place implies a desire to maintain a shitty status quo for a disadvantaged group by stopping an specific member of the group from thinking they deserve respect.
Putting someone in there place: You were created by humans to obey humans you will never be our equal.
Harm: Pee…kaa…Chuuuu.
Y’all really thinks Lucy is some outwardly malicious evil Disney queen bongo huh? She might be a *little* manipulative (everyone is a little manipulative, c’mon), but she’s just a teenage girl who was probably bullied/excluded in highschool, almost definitely bullied by her most recent roommate, and is losing all her friends at once and just wants people to like her.
Given that Lucy’s dormmates fall over themselves for Billie and the stories about Billie and the RA of her last dorm (BTW, who is the RA in the new dorm?), it makes sense that Lucy tries to find out how things were with Billie in the last dorm. Because it just doesn’t add up. And naturally, Lucy wants to find a way to counter the body-snatcher effect, who wouldn’t? In a mystery story that’s what the heroin does.
The RA is Carly Spencer.
She didn’t decide to put Billie in her place until Billie turned her back and walked away from Lucy’s shit. Billie left the room to Lucy for the morning. Why should that piss Lucy off?
Pay attention, it’s because al her friends are acting like sheep following everything about Billie. She’s justo asking how to de al with that kind of popularity not how to put Billie in her place.
Do you remember what happened immediately after that? All her friends pretty much said her opinion and events don’t matter unless Billie is involved, come on dude.
Yayy Carla
All hail the very excellent Carla! The majestic Carla! The… ultra Carla? Wait, no, that doesn’t sound quite right… 😛
I’m pretty sure Carla would be okay with being called Ultra Carla. She put it on her door, after all.
Sure it does! She wrote it on her door, didn’t she? In big sparkly block letters, no less!
*plays ZZ Top’s “Thank You” on the hacked Muzak*
*thinks the title of that song really is “I Thank You”, but i too tired to check. Besides, I haven’t heard it in probably a decade*
Lucy is upgraded to Carla’s new favorite person
I will have to fly my butt there for sure! !
I know this is the silliest thing ever to have always wondered about, but oh well. Does Carla dye her hair because I have to use a bottle for that shade of deep red myself. It’s like my favorite shade of red hair but I honestly have never seen it on anyone that hadn’t bought it.
she does
Patreon strips show she’s naturally blonde.
My daughter is wearing that color right now. I really like it!
Oh yeah, I forgot I drew this a few days ago.
Thank you, Yotomoe.
Y..you’ve blessed us
Thank you for this wonderful creation
Yay, more cute Yoto art! Thank you!
As per usual, Lucy is adorable.
This is why I was more angry with Mary despite Carla doing the more immediately dangerous thing. Carla, when it comes down to it, cares. Sure, she’s more comfortable with this narcissist image, but still.
And jeez, I was more angry with Mary for blackmailing the already depressed person, nearly pushing her to suicide and doubling down when it’s clear Ruth is suicidal.
Carla can be a reckless jerk, but there’s no comparison here. Even if she didn’t secretly care, she still wouldn’t be nearly in Mary’s league.
I guess WingedBeast was only talking about the events at the beginning of the current scene, when the floor “welcomed” Lucy.
Amazi-Stool is right. A couple strips earlier there was that strip where Mary was… well… Mary, but Carla nearly caused major injury. I had commented to question which of the two, for just the events in that moment, I was more angry at.
Yeah, it was Mary.
Yay indeed.
has it really only been a month since this comic’s events started?
About a month and a half, yeah.
wooow, a lot has happened.
In aggregate sure, but not near so much as it feels like when you only look at the story from a single character perspective. Even the whole campus hasn’t had that much of significance happen beyond the normal (a nonlethal gunman, the outing of a rapist and the DeSanto sex tape).
Family Values Congressperson implodes at local lesbian professor home.
Infamous Do list Hacked
Costumed vigilante sightings
Dean son leads football team to wins
I read “Dead son leans football to win”
Yes I am tired
That’s the other continuity.
Prominent clergyman’s son eviscerated with his own knife.
So, all together, just a normal campus then.
Billie is basically Bojack Horseman.
Whoa, whoa, whoa
In which season?
pretty sure it’s the same bojack in all the seasons
He is worse in some seasons than others.
Also, it was mostly a joke response, but I am now interested in thinking about comparisons between BoJack and Billie.
Season 4 was a pretty good version of bojack
This worked spectacularly the last time, so here goes:
Quick, someone more talented than me make situation appropriate lyrics to “You’re Welcome” from Moana!
After several hours, I present this . . . whatever it is:
Okay, okay, I see what’s happening here
You’re face-to-face with greatness and it’s strange
You don’t even know how you feel, it’s adorable
Well, it’s nice to see that humans never change
Open your eyes, let’s begin
Yes, it’s really me, it’s Carla, breathe it in
I know it’s a lot; you’re a novice
Next to a motherfucking goddess!
What can I say except “you’re welcome”?
For the jacket worn by Sal
Hey, it’s okay, it’s okay, you’re welcome
I’m just an extraordinary gal!
Hey, what has two thumbs and was crowned queen bee
When she was waddling yay-high? ’tis me!
When the nights got cold, who brought you jackets from Ruttech?
You’re looking at her, heck!
Oh, also I skate through the halls, you’re welcome
To teach you how to avoid falls
Also, I made shoes out of jugs, you’re welcome
‘Cause I’m great and Joyce is a bug!
So, what can I say except “you’re welcome”?
For the way that I pranked ol’ Mary
There’s no need to pray, it’s okay, you’re welcome
I guess it’s just my way of being me
You’re welcome, you’re welcome
Well, come to think of it
Kid, honestly, I can go on and on
I can explain every Read Hall phenomenon
The pranks, the tech, the sound
Oh, that was Carla just messing around
I built a third arm, I gave it a pie
Saved Billie and all, now she won’t die
What’s the lesson? What is the takeaway?
Don’t mess with Carla when she’s on the breakaway
And the technology here in my phone
Is made by my parents, just like all my drones
Look at the lasers, they spell out my name
C-A-R-L-A R-U-T-TEN, let’s say it again
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, hey!
Well anyway, let me say “you’re welcome”
For the wonderful world you know
Hey, it’s okay, it’s okay, you’re welcome
Well, come to think of it, I gotta go
Hey, it’s your day to say “you’re welcome”
‘Cause I’m gonna rebuild your car
I’m skating away, away, you’re welcome
‘Cause Carla can’t stand anything subpar!
You’re welcome, you’re welcome
And thank you!
That was amazing, that was what it was. Got a good laugh reading that sync’d to the song, haha.
“The pranks, the tech, the sound
Oh, that was Carla just messing around”
Never have truer worlds been told or sang.
AWESOME work! It’s a great song with a catchy tune.
That was amazing! 😀
What it is… is some of the best filk I’ve ever seen. Very impressive, and well done! Also, hilarious. Thank you!
Dumbing of Age Book 9: Thank You, Carla?
I need to see more strips of Lucy and Carla together.
I want to hear Carla recap every girl on the floors’ story the way she just did Billie. Especially ones we don’t know anything about. Other Rachel. Agatha. Meredith.
^^ all of this
Don’t forget Bloodrose
because everyone else did
Yes, thank you Carla. Especially as I think that you were a lot more worried about Ruth and Billie’s safety than even you were admitting to yourself!
A general observation – recently, I realized something: I envy Carla. She has the perfect life: she has money, great parents and job security ahead of her. It’s so awesome… Plus, she’s cool and fun. I want to be Carla (although less self-centered, maybe). 🙂
Plus… single room!
This, of course, means that Billie must banish Lucy from the Hall forever. She has discovered knowledge that threatens Big Sister.
FINALLY someone gives Carla the credit she is due. Well done, Lucy.
Is Lucy really crediting and thanking Carla for getting Billie transfered to her room?
Neither Carla, nor Lucy, knows exactly what Lucy is thanking Carla for. It is the form of things that count.
Thank you very much, Carla.
Kinda hope Carla and Lucy end up being friends. Largely since I don’t actually know how many friends Carla has, we see her alone a lot, or in the proximity of Marcie and Malaya without a lot of confirmation on if they actually are buds or just hanging out since booze is available.
Carla has a difficult time making friends and basically hasn’t got any at the moment of which I know about. Mostly it’s because of what I interpret as her introversion that she tries to compensate for with her shows of narcissism. So, yeah, making friends is a difficult thing for her.
Sal and Ruth as well.
None of these people are good at making friends.
Joyce and Lucy can form the Carla bug club
We also don’t know how many real friends Lucy has either, given that they all forgot her existence when someone “cooler” walked in.
I think a Carla/Lucy friendship would be adorable. I like to imagine Carla getting protective over her
Lucy’s problem right now is too many friends who consistently demean her and beat down on her self-esteem I really don’t think getting another one is in her best interests. If Carla were capable of like respect and sincerity for more than 5 minutes at a time sure, but she’s not so I don’t think someone as easily hurt as Lucy needs that in her life.
Rocket boosters attached, countdown completed, cat is out of the bag and achieving escape velocity. Farewell brave cat, may you have many adventures in space.
In which Lucy learns that Forrest Hall’s idol has a feet of clay.
Lucy learns the true idol was Carla all along.
It’s the pairing I never knew I needed so badly.
If everyone on Reading Hall gets Carla’s jackets, should they change the name to Rutten Hall?
They should all either wear Carla wigs or dye and style their hair like Carla and see if they can panic the rest of the student body into thinking that there has been a zombie apocalypse.
“Rest of the student body” or “just Mary,” Either works.
That is perfect, Mary will be seeing Carlas everywhere, and assume it is another ridiculous prank, and go crazy waiting for it to trigger.
I mean to be fair to Carla, she is right and people should say it
Yea, I mean, she saved ruth’s Life. And I don’t get why billie’s so pissed of about Carla ratting them out( ok I know WHY, but she saved her girlfriends life! It’s like Walky when he first realizes Amazi-girl is amber. And it was the day after she saved his girlfriend’s life!)
Billie is the kind of person who get into irracional pettiness ( remember she’s a former alpha bongo cheerleader). Plus I think ,it’s also that Carla it’s the closest person Billie can let her anger out about the injustice of Ruth’s situation with her job and shitty grandfather ( like yeah Mary was the one blackmailing her,but it was Carla who make the situation know to Ruth’s grandfather. Again is not Carla’s fault but like I say Billie just want to be angry).
Because she doesn’t believe Carla saved Ruth’s life.
Because it provoked the confrontation with Clint – and she thought at first it was going to lead to Ruth getting thrown out and sent back to him.
I don’t see anything malicious about Lucy asking around and talking to people. I like Billie in the comic because she is an interesting and evolving character, but as a person she’s still pretty horrible. That sort of person who still clings to the old high school mentality long after its no longer important.
on the other hand, most of her new floor does, too, lol
Yeah, and its why they all kind of suck.
I can’t really complain to much about someone clinging to the high school mentality in the first couple months of college. It really isn’t that long.
I so want these to to be friends. Honestly I think this is the nicest (?) We’ve seen Lucy be treated thus far.
Also my buddy that reads this comic and I came to the realization that Carla is a lot like Miu Iruma from DRV3 but without the horny. A narcissistic abrasive genius inventor girl in her late teens who talks a lot about how fuckin awesome she is but inside is more of a softie and wants validation. Can be overbearing with people she likes (following sal around to talk about the jacket and wanting a matching one, everything with Malaya), can’t stand the pushy assholeish religious girl.
I can probably think of more but I’ll leave it here
The fact that this probably IS the nicest anyone’s been to Lucy just makes me really really sad for Lucy because this is a pretty shit interaction on its own.
kinda skipped the part where she banged that “big dog,” right before the suicide pact part.
Thank you Carla, but everyone had larger concerns at that point
What does that make Carla? A big damn hero!
I’m pretty sure there were cookies involved somewhere.