A queer romance about people attempting to build lives in a cold, post-apocalyptic world ravaged by hordes of undead.
Guilded Age
T Campbell, John Waltrip, Florence Machina
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Alex Assan, Lin Darrow
A ragtag band of bootleggers open a speakeasy for bottled colour in the greyscale city of Ironwell.
All Known Alternatives
Karolina 'Kajotko' Jankiewicz
Akane has only one way to get back home: collect the 42 keys to parallel worlds. Eri and Ben are just trying to get through the summer before university. When a magical key turns up in an old spare set, all three are forced to change their plans and fast.
Josceline Fenton
A witch accidentally marries a monster, and now she and her familiar has to navigate life around her monstrous husband and her even more terrifying in-laws.
Cyanide & Happiness
Satire, dark humor and surreal humor.
Dumbing of Age
David M Willis
Joyce has been homeschooled her entire life until now, when she's suddenly a freshman in college! Things don't go well.
Paint the Town Red
Windy, Winter Jay Kiakas
Winona runs a werewolf shelter with partner in crime, Odile in the Gothic city of Merlot. One day they take in an injured vampire, and soon unravels many of the dark secrets of Merlot.
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No, it means Sal heard Walky say he’d rather do better by Sal than date Amber. That’s the thing she’s okay with. There’s still time for her to voice her approval for the ship, but she hasn’t yet.
I don’t know about for good, but definitely for funny. Given the first four panels yesterday, the fifth one was inevitable. I didn’t think the situation could get more hilarious, but Sal and Willis have proved me wrong.
Haha! Sal must have been taking trolling lessons from Prothy the Prothean. Also yes very proud of Walky actually growing up and wanting to be a better brother.
And is Sal approving of this ship? Dare I unfurl the sails once more?
Eh, they were both kids, didn’t know each other, and Amber was clearly traumatized by her circumstances. Ther’s lots of issues with Garbage Scow, but this really shouldn’t be one of them, so long as Sal is fine with it.
I’d expect it to be more of a Scrooge McDuck vault scenario, if you could figure out the logistics. We all know fries only last about an hour before they go all mealy and gross. How do you fill an Olympic size swimming pool with fries and keep them hot and crispy?
Temperature control is key. If the oil’s too hot, or the fries spend too long in it, they’ll get burnt and dry. If the oil isn’t hot enough, or too many fries get added too quickly (lowering the temperature of the oil faster than the burners can bring it back up), they’ll come out soggy. We need either lots of fryers, or a few huge ones.
This is sounding more and more like an xkcd What If question…
Or in the case of McDonald’s fries, they turn rubbery and hard.
Well, do they have to be standard fries? Steak Fries are pretty great, and they last a heck of a lot longer, what with their insides being actual potato rather than just trace elements of potato caught within an oil filling.
Of course, if we’re going that route, we could go all the way and just stock up on potato wedges, instead. Mmm, potato wedges.
Regardless, fries always taste better from someone else’s swimming pool. The rule usually works for plates, but applies to all conceivable fry containers.
As I’ve seen it, it’s more common to get trolled/sabotaged by younger siblings, while it’s more common to be mercilessly teased by older ones. I think you’re in the right dynamic for this comic, though mayhap your sister is a bit less stressful than most siblings in such a regard.
Also, I know you guys mostly like tumblr, but y’all need to make Reddit accounts if not just to subscribe to r/dumbingofage and continue the drama if this source of drama ends in the future
Well right now the subreddit is basically dead, but if you all joined you could change the atmosphere to basically what we have here. The social atmosphere of a subreddit is made by the people who subscribe to it.
One of the key reasons we have what we have here is Willis’ careful and constant moderation. The subreddit, as far as I know, lacks that. I honestly feel more comfortable here.
Also, I feel like I must clarify that I’m not trying to slight or look down on those that do frequent the subreddit since I don’t know them; all I’m trying to say that this comments section here is what personally works for me.
You usually look around frantically while engaging in romance?
I heard that was a dating no-no, but it’s good it’s working out for you!
Teasing aside, Sal may have been hiding in the stairwell or, judging by where she’s popping up, either in shadows on the side of the stairwell structure, or entirely behind the structure.
Also, peripheral vision tends to work better for motion and sharply contrasting elements. It’s been established that the roof is popular among lots of students (so a vaguely glimpsed profile wouldn’t be startling), and if Sal was just staying still in the darkness of the roof, it’s not like her dark complexion and hair would really make her stand out to someone not actually looking her way.
Oh my gosh. I already know without reading the comments yet that I’m NOT the first to say this, but I love Sal. I love her so much here especially. I just choked on my drink from laughing too hard and now my husband is worried I’m dying or something. Sometimes… you just gotta use dramatic timing to scare the shit out of your brother.
And FWIW, @David — I’m sorry about the stressful commenting situation. Wanted to say as someone who reads these daily and the comment section hungrily between updates but doesn’t often get into the comments (esp if they’re looking nasty) — I think that the overall experience for readers at my level of engagement has not been too tainted by the “pissy-baby fights” of your attention. So I thank you in general for influencing the atmosphere and discourse here, and I guess I’m also trying to say something like…
If you build a wall with a thousand bricks and you stand back and notice two askew bricks, human nature is to focus on the two bad bricks and forget about the 998 perfect ones! But wisdom is being aware of both. (Credit to Ajahn Brahm for the metaphor)
So, I’m personally glad that you closed the comment section yesterday, and glad that you opened it today, and grateful for the 998 good bricks that this comic gives to my life.
Also FWIW part 2, I always feel like your comic is more wise than its individual characters are, but that’s hard for people to trust in sometimes when there’s so much dumbing, haha. The danger of serial updates! (but I do like it, at the same time — it’s like a huge book club where we’re forced to pace ourselves…)
I bet the real reason you’re reading the comments “hungrily” is you’re looking to get in someone’s fries. Well you can’t have mine! They’re mine! I stole them from Bunk fair and square!
Yaaay – I was hoping that this would happen Would have called it but was thwarted by there being no comments section yesterday in which to do so but if people have been being bongos, taking away the means is fair enough…
I don’t pay attention to the comments 90% of the time so I assume you had valid reason to shut ’em down but I will add what I intended to say yesterday:
So did the alt-text prediction come true? Inquiring minds want to know!
It is the intrinsic right and responsibility of the sibling to choose the most embarrassing moment to interject themselves into the other’s life! Or at least so Sal thinks. I’m glad to know that Joyce isn’t the only person whose entire view of adulthood comes from sitcoms!
Heh, seems to me this is more than her fooling around. Sal is being goofy, silly and engaged in a stupid scheme. That sounds like her trying to be a person WALKY can engage to.
I think that it will be interesting to see how long Sal wants to drag this out before telling Walky that she is cool with him being with Amber. The exact reasoning will be interesting to see. I suspect that the phrase ‘none of us are still the people who we were back then’ will come into it at some point.
I wonder if it’ll be enough. Walky may still not be cool dating Amber, regardless. I think Sal would probably be okay with it – she did say she’d forgive Amber.
Thanks, I appreciate that. I’ve got a few potential jobs lined up, and they look decently likely, so hopefully I won’t be on my ass long. I’m gonna try my hand at streaming in the meantime, just to keep busy.
It’s the latter. It’s generally a saying when a female character you like is being awesome.
But yeah, stan generally means huge/extreme fans, often who have problems acknowledging flaws/problems with a character (though not always – a lot of people just use it to be mean ‘big fan’).
AD ALERT: jsyk got a semi-invasive ad from fred meyer for their weekly sales items. It popped from the corner to grey out/cover most of the webpage. Give Hiveworks my best regards
I work at Fred Meyer and we were given the message on Friday that we weren’t allowed to wear hooded jackets anymore (“it could be a choking hazard”) when working outside. Right as we’ve got a forecast of rain for the next week.
I don’t see how being with amber prevents walky from getting closer to sal, unless she doesn’t approve. So shouldn’t walky talk to Sal before breaking up? Or is the point that he doesn’t feel like he can be around sal if he is macking on someone who stabbed her?
Oh neat… WordPress is chopping off the end of that on my phone, even in a browser, but I found a quick workaround: long press on the word selects all of it (with the second selection handle also cut off, that’s gotta be a bug in *something* that that can happen) and then I can c&p it into the comment box to read it.
I wonder if the bug is in Firefox… Which I could actually RTFS for iif my brain didn’t just threaten a headache :p but just being able to think about it so much is an improvement
Sal is going to give them the go ahead to be together because she’s a good sister. Walky needs to finally do something for her. He needs to actually commit some effort on her behalf.
Sir Willis, this page was brilliant, and nice job setting it up.
Also glad to see the comments are back, reading the comments for this comic are an important part of why I read, and seeing the comments closed was jarring. That said, I understand why you did it.
Sal has learned Trolling!
It’s super effective!
WALKY has fainted!
She has baseline Walkerton Snark, enhanced by the subtlety needed for years of boarding school shenanigans.
Lol, just a boy and his annoying sister walking in on him with his girlfriend. Just like any other
So does that mean Sal is okay with Amber and Walky being a thing now? ‘Cos that would be cool.
What should I call this ship? Amky? Walber?
…yeah, I kinda like Walber. It’s adorkable sounding, just like both of them.
I think “Wamby” sounds nice as well.
Wamber Bamber thank you Mamber
It only uses one letter from Walky’s name, but makes up for it by being a synonym.
No, it means Sal heard Walky say he’d rather do better by Sal than date Amber. That’s the thing she’s okay with. There’s still time for her to voice her approval for the ship, but she hasn’t yet.
Although in fairness, she also hasn’t said she’s against Amber and Walky being a couple.
Sal, trolling for good.
I don’t know about for good, but definitely for funny. Given the first four panels yesterday, the fifth one was inevitable. I didn’t think the situation could get more hilarious, but Sal and Willis have proved me wrong.
Haha! Sal must have been taking trolling lessons from Prothy the Prothean. Also yes very proud of Walky actually growing up and wanting to be a better brother.
And is Sal approving of this ship? Dare I unfurl the sails once more?
At the very least, Sal is amused.
Don’t you mean… Saal?
It SEEMS like it? Maybe?
Anyway, I never put the sails away. Garbage Scow is still my preferred ship for both characters involved in it.
I’d even say she revealed herself only because the kiss was going to be on the cheek. She’ll now try to get them to shag.
Are panel one Amber’s lips still pursed? If so, it’s hilarious.
She couldn’t get out of kiss mode fast enough.
There’s a Transformers joke in there but I don’t know enough of the lingo to find it
I love how Amber’s trying to wipe the kiss off her face in the 3rd panel
Yep, as if it were lipstick (to mention the old movie cliche).
Yay! We avoided a dramatic misunderstanding and began repairing the relationships between all parties involved in a healthy and adult matter!
Am I in the right comment section? Clearly this is Smarting of Age
Don’t worry, it’ll be smarting in the other sense soon enough
… yes? It kinda seems like Sal is about to give Garbage Scow her blessing.
Even if she does, that doesn’t mean walky’s okay with dating someone who hurt her
Eh, they were both kids, didn’t know each other, and Amber was clearly traumatized by her circumstances. Ther’s lots of issues with Garbage Scow, but this really shouldn’t be one of them, so long as Sal is fine with it.
Feelings aren’t always rational though.
It’ll go back to Dumbing eventually, I’m sure.
Yeah, this is going as well as I could possibly have imagined. So clearly I woke up in some bizarro alternate dimension.
But as long as I’m here, I have to say I am totally loving Sal here.
I never thought I’d live to see the day I’d say this, but—
That last panel smirk really Sals it.
I promise to only get into my own fries, Willis.
They’re chicken fries.
No you can’t have some
You have fries? Let me get inside them!
Don’t judge me.
Suddenly “ketchup stuffed fries” takes on a sinister twist…
How can you get *inside* fries? They’re like the size of a finger, more or less.
Do you have access to shrinking technology. If so, can I borrow it?
I’d expect it to be more of a Scrooge McDuck vault scenario, if you could figure out the logistics. We all know fries only last about an hour before they go all mealy and gross. How do you fill an Olympic size swimming pool with fries and keep them hot and crispy?
U fry them in place, then drain the oil?
It’d take too long to drain the oil, especially given that you can’t use any larger drainage that would allow for the fries to pass through it.
Temperature control is key. If the oil’s too hot, or the fries spend too long in it, they’ll get burnt and dry. If the oil isn’t hot enough, or too many fries get added too quickly (lowering the temperature of the oil faster than the burners can bring it back up), they’ll come out soggy. We need either lots of fryers, or a few huge ones.
This is sounding more and more like an xkcd What If question…
So we’re surrounding a pool with rows and rows of friers and fry cooks?
Rich people parties really are different.
Or in the case of McDonald’s fries, they turn rubbery and hard.
Well, do they have to be standard fries? Steak Fries are pretty great, and they last a heck of a lot longer, what with their insides being actual potato rather than just trace elements of potato caught within an oil filling.
Of course, if we’re going that route, we could go all the way and just stock up on potato wedges, instead. Mmm, potato wedges.
Regardless, fries always taste better from someone else’s swimming pool. The rule usually works for plates, but applies to all conceivable fry containers.
Yes, because we can find so many people who have swimming pools filled with french fries. :’P
..I hope we can find someone with a side pool filled with vanilla shake, for dipping..
You can have the fries, I’ll just take some chicken nuggets instead.
–When I look into your eyes
Is that love I see, or just another pack of French fries?–a parody of “I Can’t Wait” titled “I Gain Weight”
And people wonder why Sal is my favourite when here she is being SUPER ADORABLE and probably relatable to Walky with the hijinks.
Seriously though, this is literally every sibling I’ve ever met, hanging around until they think doing the thing is funniest.
I mean, what is even the point of knowing/putting up with someone your entire life if you can’t occasionally use it for hilarious pranks?
Now Marcie needs to walk in for the double-troll.
Then Carla for the triple-troll.
Then Malaya for the quad.
We also need Danny and Dotty (but in what order?) And then Lucy.
And then Mike.
MALAYA: “Sal invited us up here! She even gave us soda and popcorn!”
well at least thats one dumb plotline averted. I dont know how many i could take.
Sal has a good sense of humor. Love her smug face.
But now it’s mandatory that Amber and Walky put their heads together to find someone to set Sal up with. Whether she wants them to or not.
Wow what a nightmare
I love Sal so much
Panel one Amber is the best expression ever.
Classic Sal.
I never had an older sister. My sister is the baby, I’m the oldest. So while I’ve heard of this scenario it’s not familiar.
As I’ve seen it, it’s more common to get trolled/sabotaged by younger siblings, while it’s more common to be mercilessly teased by older ones. I think you’re in the right dynamic for this comic, though mayhap your sister is a bit less stressful than most siblings in such a regard.
Also, I know you guys mostly like tumblr, but y’all need to make Reddit accounts if not just to subscribe to r/dumbingofage and continue the drama if this source of drama ends in the future
I considered that option but then I checked out the subreddit and, honestly, I’m not really a fan of the atmosphere there.
Well right now the subreddit is basically dead, but if you all joined you could change the atmosphere to basically what we have here. The social atmosphere of a subreddit is made by the people who subscribe to it.
One of the key reasons we have what we have here is Willis’ careful and constant moderation. The subreddit, as far as I know, lacks that. I honestly feel more comfortable here.
Also, I feel like I must clarify that I’m not trying to slight or look down on those that do frequent the subreddit since I don’t know them; all I’m trying to say that this comments section here is what personally works for me.
Thanks, but I think I’ll vote with my seat and not my feet.
That goofy grin? “The most hilarious moment to reveal myself?” Sal got more from watching cartoons with Walky as a kid than I thought!
Peripheral vision guys, have you heard of it?
Everybody knows that if you can’t see it in the panel, it doesn’t exist. :p
You usually look around frantically while engaging in romance?
I heard that was a dating no-no, but it’s good it’s working out for you!
Teasing aside, Sal may have been hiding in the stairwell or, judging by where she’s popping up, either in shadows on the side of the stairwell structure, or entirely behind the structure.
Also, peripheral vision tends to work better for motion and sharply contrasting elements. It’s been established that the roof is popular among lots of students (so a vaguely glimpsed profile wouldn’t be startling), and if Sal was just staying still in the darkness of the roof, it’s not like her dark complexion and hair would really make her stand out to someone not actually looking her way.
Pfft, oh Sal.
Seriously, though, even if she’s dunking on him, I am glad she’s recognizing that he’s genuinely putting in an effort to not be like things were.
Aww this is sweet
Sal remains the best character in this strip. Love that consistency.
Oh my gosh. I already know without reading the comments yet that I’m NOT the first to say this, but I love Sal. I love her so much here especially. I just choked on my drink from laughing too hard and now my husband is worried I’m dying or something. Sometimes… you just gotta use dramatic timing to scare the shit out of your brother.
(And yes, I speak from experience.)
*Slow Clap*
Sal is amazing. end of story.
So this is why yesterday’s comments were disabled. :y
Literally the best subversion of “not what it looks like” I’ve seen.
And FWIW, @David — I’m sorry about the stressful commenting situation. Wanted to say as someone who reads these daily and the comment section hungrily between updates but doesn’t often get into the comments (esp if they’re looking nasty) — I think that the overall experience for readers at my level of engagement has not been too tainted by the “pissy-baby fights” of your attention. So I thank you in general for influencing the atmosphere and discourse here, and I guess I’m also trying to say something like…
If you build a wall with a thousand bricks and you stand back and notice two askew bricks, human nature is to focus on the two bad bricks and forget about the 998 perfect ones! But wisdom is being aware of both. (Credit to Ajahn Brahm for the metaphor)
So, I’m personally glad that you closed the comment section yesterday, and glad that you opened it today, and grateful for the 998 good bricks that this comic gives to my life.
Also FWIW part 2, I always feel like your comic is more wise than its individual characters are, but that’s hard for people to trust in sometimes when there’s so much dumbing, haha. The danger of serial updates! (but I do like it, at the same time — it’s like a huge book club where we’re forced to pace ourselves…)
Okay thanks for bearing my rambling.
I bet the real reason you’re reading the comments “hungrily” is you’re looking to get in someone’s fries. Well you can’t have mine! They’re mine! I stole them from Bunk fair and square!
1) That move to disable the comments yesterday was probably for the best. I could just SEE that one exploding into a hellfire
2) I love you Sal, you’re amazing XD
Oh god, shit would’ve gotten waaaay more personal last night and it would’ve been a mess.
oh yeah most definitely, it woulda been annoying to die on that particular hill
Yaaay – I was hoping that this would happen
Would have called it but was thwarted by there being no comments section yesterday in which to do so but if people have been being bongos, taking away the means is fair enough…
well played, Lord Willislington.
well played.
god this scene is going so much nicer than expected theyve all grown a lot!!!!!!!
Sal, that’s magnificent.
Honestly. I read this comic for Sal.
This is why Sal is my favorite.
She’s got it all.
I don’t pay attention to the comments 90% of the time so I assume you had valid reason to shut ’em down but I will add what I intended to say yesterday:
So did the alt-text prediction come true? Inquiring minds want to know!
I stopped reading the comments a few months ago for the exact reason Willis shut them down.
That said: according to Jeph Jacques’ twitter feed, he was off by one day and that was his comment for today.
(Maybe not the exact reason; I check back every few weeks though and it definitely got worse the past two weeks or so.)
huh. Well if it’s a day later it seems more like Jeph said it ’cause of the alt-text rather than the alt-text predicting it.
Sal uses Dreamworks eyebrows!
One good set of eyebrows (Amber, panel one) deserves another.
Amber might have won. She eyebrowed so hard her mouth disappeared.
I, too, love Sal. As may be obvious. But that smile!!!
Sal is fucking fantastic.
Sal feels comfortable enough to rib on her brother? GROWTH ALL AROUND!
*Sal pauses for laughtrack*
Oh gosh, Carla rubbed on Sal.
eyebrow game so strong you can see it through her hair ^^
It is the intrinsic right and responsibility of the sibling to choose the most embarrassing moment to interject themselves into the other’s life! Or at least so Sal thinks. I’m glad to know that Joyce isn’t the only person whose entire view of adulthood comes from sitcoms!
That’s not a sitcom thing, that’s just a sibling thing and as the eldest, it is indeed Sal’s right.
It is the duty and pleasure of family to mess with their sibling when the opportunity presents itself.
I love Sal so much here.
oh my god I love Sal so much. I mean I love all these dumb babies. I knew she wasn’t gonna be weird or mad!! ahahahaha ILUDB
Thank you Willis for letting sal bless this union of trash!
She hasn’t done so yet, but we can hope.
That is some impressive trolling from Sal here.
Friggin’ Sal.
Heh, seems to me this is more than her fooling around. Sal is being goofy, silly and engaged in a stupid scheme. That sounds like her trying to be a person WALKY can engage to.
It can be both.
oh sal, what a troll
I think that it will be interesting to see how long Sal wants to drag this out before telling Walky that she is cool with him being with Amber. The exact reasoning will be interesting to see. I suspect that the phrase ‘none of us are still the people who we were back then’ will come into it at some point.
I wonder if it’ll be enough. Walky may still not be cool dating Amber, regardless. I think Sal would probably be okay with it – she did say she’d forgive Amber.
I said it before but I LOVE this new Sal.
Super classic.
The good news is, I won’t have to use the workplace anxiety relief advice y’all were kind enough to provide a few nights ago.
Well, good luck with finding new endeavors.
Thanks, I appreciate that. I’ve got a few potential jobs lined up, and they look decently likely, so hopefully I won’t be on my ass long. I’m gonna try my hand at streaming in the meantime, just to keep busy.
Yay! Good luck!
I’m sorry to hear that.
Hopefully something better comes along soon, somewhere that is a better fit for you and causes you less distress.
Good luck!
Sal needs to stop being the best character before I marry her.
Why are the comments disabled under the previous strip ?
I guess a couple peopl were having a continuous fight that bled over from day to day, and Willis decided to put his foot down on everything for a day.
There is a comment there about people having, and I quote ” goddamn pissy-baby fight” so he disabled them to make people chill out.
Ah, thanks ^^
Everybody got a time-out to put a stop to the obtuse pissy-baby fight that’s been simmering for most of this chapter.
But our pissy-babies!
Delayed pun from yesterdays strip, since comments were gone.
“No Sal, this is a roof. A well is a hole in the ground for getting water.”
“But that is not important right now.”
-no see if anyone gets the reference.
Surely someone has to get it.
“Are y’all gonna fuck already or what?”
Sal sticks the landing for a perfect 10.
How did you know it’s my birthday? This page feels like a gift
Sally and Amber exchanged glances. Sal was never seen again. The end.
Of all the times for Spell-correct to change Walky to Sally.
mine thinks he’s called either walkthrough or Wally. (Seriously, I typed his name for both of those right there)
I fuckin love my girl sal
We stan a queen as the kids say.
The kids say what? I’m familiar with the use of stan as an extreme fan, but whence comes the a queen? Or are you calling Sal a queen?
It’s the latter. It’s generally a saying when a female character you like is being awesome.
But yeah, stan generally means huge/extreme fans, often who have problems acknowledging flaws/problems with a character (though not always – a lot of people just use it to be mean ‘big fan’).
Good sistering, Sal. Now go give him a noogie like a good older sister.
(YES I KNOW they’re twins but EMOTIONALLY Sal is older and you know it)
Sal is actually the older twin – she’s been known to call him her ‘lil bro’.
That is very, very true. And both of them are really proud of their roles as their younger/older sibling.
Sal you little shit
I love that she’s wiping her mouth as if to hide the evidence that her lips touched a cheek.
AD ALERT: jsyk got a semi-invasive ad from fred meyer for their weekly sales items. It popped from the corner to grey out/cover most of the webpage. Give Hiveworks my best regards
I work at Fred Meyer and we were given the message on Friday that we weren’t allowed to wear hooded jackets anymore (“it could be a choking hazard”) when working outside. Right as we’ve got a forecast of rain for the next week.
Just thought you’d like to know.
Your employer sounds…. interesting.
Do they think you’re going to swallow the hood, or something?
Well, when I was in mortar platoon we weren’t allowed to wear hoods on our parkas, in the middle of winter when it was below -30 (-22F).
That was because if the hood flopped over the muzzle of the mortar it could kill someone though.
I don’t see how being with amber prevents walky from getting closer to sal, unless she doesn’t approve. So shouldn’t walky talk to Sal before breaking up? Or is the point that he doesn’t feel like he can be around sal if he is macking on someone who stabbed her?
I think it’s the last bit.
Sal: smirks
Amber: wiping the evidence
Walky: don’t kill me! i’m too young and manly to die, please!
everyone else: WTH Walky
ah, feels good to be commenting again
Best Sall moment ever?!…*the fates whisper* “Just wait.”
My favourite detail of this strip is Amber cleaning her mouth in panel three XD
Aw man, how can you have wacky hijinks if everyone’s being all reasonable and understanding?
Oh neat… WordPress is chopping off the end of that on my phone, even in a browser, but I found a quick workaround: long press on the word selects all of it (with the second selection handle also cut off, that’s gotta be a bug in *something* that that can happen) and then I can c&p it into the comment box to read it.
I wonder if the bug is in Firefox… Which I could actually RTFS for iif my brain didn’t just threaten a headache :p but just being able to think about it so much is an improvement
Or… I could write reasonable sentences instead of weird hashtags. I could do that.
I’d say even 19-character hashtags are pushing the limit. 42-character hashtags are right out.
always assuming I didn’t miscount.
Aww, but that’s no fun!
I was so worried reading the strip yesterday, but it seems I can relax a bit now.
Ha! Go Sal!
I apparently missed the big arguments on the past comment threads, so I didn’t realize people were being Bongos to each other.
That wasn’t censored, I purposefully wrote “Bongos”.
Quote: “That wasn’t censored, I purposefully wrote “Bongos”.”
haha, thank you. I was wondering! <3
Sal is going to give them the go ahead to be together because she’s a good sister. Walky needs to finally do something for her. He needs to actually commit some effort on her behalf.
I hope she does the same. He wants to be there, and I hope she stop pushing him away. Sounds here, though, like she’s receptive.
Is Sal not wearing gloves?
Yeah, I think she’s been without them a fair bit.
I really like Sal.
Sir Willis, this page was brilliant, and nice job setting it up.
Also glad to see the comments are back, reading the comments for this comic are an important part of why I read, and seeing the comments closed was jarring. That said, I understand why you did it.
This is so sweet, just what I needed after the grueling day of work I uad…