There's ghosts at your heels and fairy tale worlds ahead. What do you do? Jump down the rabbit hole!
Mac Hall
Matt Boyd
The legendary early-aughts webcomic that inspired a wave of webcomic creators.
The Otherknown
Lorian Merriman
Chandra is a 12-year-old accidental time traveler with a reluctant new dad, who happens to be a member of a feared galactic crime syndicate.
2 Slices
RJ Morel
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TJ Cordes
This comic is about a robot powered by bees, but it's also about the kind of people who think filling a robot with bees is a good idea, and why they're wrong.
Paint the Town Red
Windy, Winter Jay Kiakas
Winona runs a werewolf shelter with partner in crime, Odile in the Gothic city of Merlot. One day they take in an injured vampire, and soon unravels many of the dark secrets of Merlot.
Cyanide & Happiness
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Slightly Damned
Rhea Snaketail returns from the dead, befriending a Demon who falls in love with an Angel. The afterlife ain't what it used to be!
Beka Duke
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Guilded Age
T Campbell, John Waltrip, Florence Machina
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Dumbing of Age
David M Willis
Joyce has been homeschooled her entire life until now, when she's suddenly a freshman in college! Things don't go well.
Kadi Fedoruk
Tamaura, wrested into a world 300 years in the future, must find a way to save the magic fading from her country.
Countdown to Countdown
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People like to discredit Mako a lot. He did mess up two relationships, but his reaction to that was to focus inward and become a better person. The LoK cast does a helluva lot of growth throughout the series.
Mako is a character from Legend of Korra named in tribute to the actor. The character is infamous for coming out of the love triangle from the first couple seasons worse for the wear.
He came out very single from the whole mess (most of which he brought on himself; I was screaming at my TV during Book 2), but he grew a lot, and Brike went on the record saying that he’ll be a better partner down the road after all of it.
As I said two days ago: It’s not obvious Jacob will dump her. Right now, he probably thinks Harrison was confused, and has no idea Joyce made a self-fulfilling prophecylied.
He was already unhappy with Raidah. The confusion made him realize he could be with Joyce. He’ll likely be happy with Joyce.
She briefly said she was his girlfriend before she actually was – and remember, she was running away ten seconds later – it wasn’t a sustained campaign of deception. By the time he finds out what actually happened (if he ever does), he’ll probably let it slide.
I don’t see any evidence of it. There’s certainly nothing direct. Maybe people taking the implication that he picked her to impress Harrison to mean he doesn’t really like her. Or assuming he wouldn’t be so obviously attracted to Joyce if he was happy.
Yeah honestly, I could see this story condemning the use of superficial relationship indicators- Joyce has a lot of information that could make it seem like Jacob isn’t happy with the Rhaida but at the same time we’ve barely seen them alone and they get along fine; it’s also possible Jacob could even be attracted to Joyce but not like choose to let that attraction terminate another relationship he’s still perfectly happy with
I have no idea how PDA/physically affectionate they are*. There was the one time Jacob hinted at “fooling around” and Raidah responded, not coldly, that they each had to study.
(* I’m of the totally unlearned opinion that huggers usually end up with huggers. My wife and I are both huggers, a couple we know are married and she’s a hugger and he’s not and it befuddles us both. Jacob and Joyce seem to have no problem being huggers/physical contact, like when he carried her with her Xteme Workout Injury.)
Really hope it doesn’t play out that way. Joyce does not need her rom-com based romantic ideas reinforced. Her boundary violations don’t need to be rewarded.
See, that just makes me picture Joyce and Jacob side-by-side on two of those quarter-operated kiddy rides blissed out of their minds due to hypoxia from a gas leak.
More than her dating her ex nemesis’ twin and Ethan finding out he was gay during prom night? I’d guess it might blip, but much like a really small earthquake, where she’d only feel it in the basement of her mind or when you realize you felt something momentarily earlier but you couldn’t place it until you saw it on the news.
Probably less now that she’s dating Walky (or whatever their actual status is), but her second boyfriend hooking up with her first is definitely going to build on the trauma from that first revelation.
I sympathize with Danny on that – confessed once when I was really high. Nothing came of it though, which was for the best – it wouldn’t have been consensual, I suppose.
I feel like an inebriated confession could still be valid, if you followed up with them sober. Definitely not touching anyone before they’re sober, though.
People have been typing like that a lot more, lately. I absolutely hate it, because it makes them seem like they’re mimicking an early text-to-speech program.
I approve this ship, but I hope Danny doesn’t repeat the same obsessive behavior that he did with his previous girlfriends. Also, is Ethan willing to a relationship after confessing his desire to “collect” exes?
On another note, it’s ridiculous for Danny to expect Ethan was going to turn around and notice him. The only time people check behind them is if they are about to do something publicly inappropriate or something redirects their attention in that direction. Otherwise you can pretty much tail someone all day without them being aware of it.
I look behind me when on campuses all the time – because if people didn’t have the roller skate shoes, they were running late to class with coffee in their hands, walking with their phone in their hand and being unaware or a giant cartload of books was being pushed around. The building common areas could have been renamed as commotion areas with complimentary hard hats for how many times I’ve been jostled.
Yeah, I checked behind me fairly regularly even before I took a Martial Arts class where the instructor emphasized that the easiest way to prevent a mugging was to be aware of your surroundings. Combine that with working in a factory for the last six years where the forklift drivers are somewhat less than careful and I’m actually pretty much keeping my head on a swivel at all times.
Honestly, in what universe do you see a friend get hurt and immediately make sure they’re aware that you ONLY JUST NOW noticed them before even asking if they’re okay? These friggin dorks, I swear to God.
I feel like I shouldn’t approve of head injury as a method of inducing honesty, but if it finally moves this subplot forward, I can’t find it in myself to complain.
so it occurs to me that if I post a rot13’d content warning only when necessary, that itself is a bit of a spoiler. so I’m gonna try and remember to post some rot13 text every day, and people who want to skip certain characters can decode it and see if it’s time to take a break.
today in #9ChickweedLane I learned we should ask our parents completely normal, not fucked-up questions like "hey what was sex with the other parent like"
So many opportunities for a good old-fashioned booing ⋅ 1d
Schumer begins a book tour this week.
Mon 3/17 7pm Central Library, Baltimore
Wed 3/19 Politics & Prose, DC 7pm
Thursday 3/20 at the Weizman, DC 12:30PM
Sunday 3/23 · 3pm Moss Theatre Santa Monica, CA
Mon 4/21 MJCCA Atlanta 7:30PM
Line the sidewalks. (List may not be complete)
These are the same Senate Democrats who lectured the base for years about the importance of preserving the filibuster so it would still be available when Democrats were in the minority
new from me: I wrote about the mess that just went down in the Senate, where Democrats under Chuck Schumer look disjointed and rudderless in the face of Trump's agenda, especially compared to their House counterparts
The most annoying thing about this cowardice by the book-touring Dems is that MAGA will lose. A full-throated opposition will win. This administration is brazen and corrupt, but they're overconfident and incompetent and not people to run away from. We'll win, even if we have to do it ourselves.
today in #9chickweedlane i've learned that the fetishization of post-marital hanky-panky has resulted in the straining of everyone's mental health, #somehow
#BREAKING: Yellow and Green fire was seen exploding out of a manhole at Texas Tech University moments ago.
Evacuations are underway for the whole campus.
This "mob" of "Anti-Israel" protesters is predominantly Jewish.
Sheryl Weikal (The Leftist Lawyer) ⋅ 1d
And now, let's see how news media in the purported only democracy in the middle east is covering the Trump administration disappearing a Palestinian American for his speech.
kind of stunning how unpopular trump is already...and yet how craven senate Ds remain in confronting him.
like, everyone hates him. just oppose him relentlessly! this is a fucking lay up!
Polling ⋅ 1d
Trump's Approval On Foreign Policy:
Disapprove: 48%
Approve: 37%
Ipsos / March 12, 2025 / n=1422
like the dead birds I find outside our building that’s 95% window
(the impact, not the wanna kiss thing)
they should totes go full Korrasami tho, even Mako was cool with that
I always thought it was funny people actually thought he wouldn’t be.
People like to discredit Mako a lot. He did mess up two relationships, but his reaction to that was to focus inward and become a better person. The LoK cast does a helluva lot of growth throughout the series.
Wasn’t that another actor with a similar voice? Mako passed away in 2006.
Mako is a character from Legend of Korra named in tribute to the actor. The character is infamous for coming out of the love triangle from the first couple seasons worse for the wear.
Ah, okay. That makes more sense. I’ve only seen a bit of Avatar: The Last Airbender, and knew he voiced a character on that show.
FWIW, the Korra Mako is voiced by Bud Bundy
*dates self by making that reference*
He came out very single from the whole mess (most of which he brought on himself; I was screaming at my TV during Book 2), but he grew a lot, and Brike went on the record saying that he’ll be a better partner down the road after all of it.
Specifically, he’ll be a better partner to Wu.
In concussio veritas.
and truth shall set your PDA free.
Well, somethings been set free.
I still read “PDA” as “Apple Newton” first and “public displays of affection” second.
SMOOTH. At least as smooth as Joyce’s tactics anyway.
But honestly I think the possible concussion will be less painful than Jacob angrily frienddumping her after this awkward day.
As I said two days ago: It’s not obvious Jacob will dump her. Right now, he probably thinks Harrison was confused, and has no idea Joyce
made a self-fulfilling prophecylied.He was already unhappy with Raidah. The confusion made him realize he could be with Joyce. He’ll likely be happy with Joyce.
She briefly said she was his girlfriend before she actually was – and remember, she was running away ten seconds later – it wasn’t a sustained campaign of deception. By the time he finds out what actually happened (if he ever does), he’ll probably let it slide.
I don’t think he’ll let it slide exactly, but he probably won’t be permapissed with her. Just need a little to cool off
When was he unhappy with Raidah? I might have missed that.
I don’t see any evidence of it. There’s certainly nothing direct. Maybe people taking the implication that he picked her to impress Harrison to mean he doesn’t really like her. Or assuming he wouldn’t be so obviously attracted to Joyce if he was happy.
Yeah honestly, I could see this story condemning the use of superficial relationship indicators- Joyce has a lot of information that could make it seem like Jacob isn’t happy with the Rhaida but at the same time we’ve barely seen them alone and they get along fine; it’s also possible Jacob could even be attracted to Joyce but not like choose to let that attraction terminate another relationship he’s still perfectly happy with
She does? I still don’t see it. Or any indication Joyce thinks he’s unhappy, for that matter.
She sees that he’s attracted to her, but that’s not the same thing.
I don’t really remember that either.
I have no idea how PDA/physically affectionate they are*. There was the one time Jacob hinted at “fooling around” and Raidah responded, not coldly, that they each had to study.
(* I’m of the totally unlearned opinion that huggers usually end up with huggers. My wife and I are both huggers, a couple we know are married and she’s a hugger and he’s not and it befuddles us both. Jacob and Joyce seem to have no problem being huggers/physical contact, like when he carried her with her Xteme Workout Injury.)
Your opinion might be right. My fiancee and I are both snugglers, so that’s a little more proof for ya.
Really hope it doesn’t play out that way. Joyce does not need her rom-com based romantic ideas reinforced. Her boundary violations don’t need to be rewarded.
I read that as friendhumping. Totally a possible result.
“Oh, Joyce, uh, we are, mmph, such, such, ah, mmm, good, ah, friends!”
“Mm, yeah, Friendship! Ooo, friendship is, is, is, magicaaaallllright there! Right there! So magical!”
See, that just makes me picture Joyce and Jacob side-by-side on two of those quarter-operated kiddy rides blissed out of their minds due to hypoxia from a gas leak.
Sounds a bit like Praiseland from The Simpsons, but I bet you were already thinking that.
This isn’t nearly as bad since they both think the other person is attractive. It’s just that they both acknowledge that Amber is a thing.
The funny thing is, they both know she’d be fine with it, especially with video. I mean, she’s already written ten chapters of her slash fic of them.
She certainly wouldn’t object and yes, she’d fantasize about it, but that doesn’t mean it wouldn’t mess with her self esteem.
More than her dating her ex nemesis’ twin and Ethan finding out he was gay during prom night? I’d guess it might blip, but much like a really small earthquake, where she’d only feel it in the basement of her mind or when you realize you felt something momentarily earlier but you couldn’t place it until you saw it on the news.
Probably less now that she’s dating Walky (or whatever their actual status is), but her second boyfriend hooking up with her first is definitely going to build on the trauma from that first revelation.
So about as smooth as sandpaper with nails stuck through it?
So kiss, already!
word. I feel for Danny
Danny can only express his wayward horniness for Ethan in a compromised mental state
I sympathize with Danny on that – confessed once when I was really high. Nothing came of it though, which was for the best – it wouldn’t have been consensual, I suppose.
I feel like an inebriated confession could still be valid, if you followed up with them sober. Definitely not touching anyone before they’re sober, though.
I get it, Danny. Walking is hard.
Imagine how much more concussed he’d be without the hat!
“I, too” is definitely something people say when they aren’t bullshitting.
there are too many consecutive commas in his sentence
People have been typing like that a lot more, lately. I absolutely hate it, because it makes them seem like they’re mimicking an early text-to-speech program.
It’s a rule, walk into something and you get to invalidate all factors preventing smooches.
*plays The Cars’ “Hello Again” on the hacked Muzak*
RIP Ric Ocasek :/
What?!? … Aw nuts
Pour one out.
What I will be listening to when I get home.
And Eddie Money this past Friday.
Oh no, who completes the trifecta?
These things happen in threes, it seems.
Both Ocasek and Mahoney (his real last name, New York Irish) were born in 1949…
Oh, great, someone check Danny for head injuries! The way he’s talking worries me.
Danny dies 4 chapters from now due to an unchecked head injury
[Insert Overly Literal Response About Character Death in Comic]
Oh no, I was shipping EthanXMike, but now I’m reminded that I like EthanXDanny!
I feel like Danny and Ethan get along better than Mike and Ethan but it would be nice if Mike had some love.
I don’t know if Mike really cares about having relationships, though.
On a related note, I need more EthanXMike content. Anyone have any fics or fan art or anything?
Welcome, my friend, to multi shipping hell!
Smooth, dude.
Jeepers how fast was he moving?!?!
Oh no, he’s concussed!
Jeepers, how hard did he hit that friggin window?
I approve this ship, but I hope Danny doesn’t repeat the same obsessive behavior that he did with his previous girlfriends. Also, is Ethan willing to a relationship after confessing his desire to “collect” exes?
I think it was more his idea of getting action that he was excited about. This ship could transcend that.
On another note, it’s ridiculous for Danny to expect Ethan was going to turn around and notice him. The only time people check behind them is if they are about to do something publicly inappropriate or something redirects their attention in that direction. Otherwise you can pretty much tail someone all day without them being aware of it.
I think you underestimate my crippling anxiety. I’m always glancing over my shoulder nervously.
There’s a reason why I have my phone out sometimes, and it’s to have the camera open so I can see behind me under the guise of taking a selfie.
I’ve gotten really good at glancing into reflective surfaces to see around me without spinning around all the time.
I look behind me when on campuses all the time – because if people didn’t have the roller skate shoes, they were running late to class with coffee in their hands, walking with their phone in their hand and being unaware or a giant cartload of books was being pushed around. The building common areas could have been renamed as commotion areas with complimentary hard hats for how many times I’ve been jostled.
Yeah, I checked behind me fairly regularly even before I took a Martial Arts class where the instructor emphasized that the easiest way to prevent a mugging was to be aware of your surroundings. Combine that with working in a factory for the last six years where the forklift drivers are somewhat less than careful and I’m actually pretty much keeping my head on a swivel at all times.
Notice me, Ethan-senpai!
Was hoping someone would make this comment.
Mike cosplaying as Vegeta during Halloween and angrily growling “Senpai” at an Ethan “shrine” (photo) would make a disturbing amount of sense.
My thoughts exactly.
Who hacked the site and why is fanfic being posted?
right, here’s the mandatory j/k.
Danny just wants senpai to notice him. And he has.
kiss! kiss! kiss! kiss!
I love any hints of this ship, but right now I can’t stop laughing at panel 3.
“And you, Ethan, I, too, have only just now noticed.”
Just so we’re both clear neither of us noticed the other. Are we ABSOLUTELY clear on that?
Honestly, in what universe do you see a friend get hurt and immediately make sure they’re aware that you ONLY JUST NOW noticed them before even asking if they’re okay? These friggin dorks, I swear to God.
And thus the anti-Danny was released on the world.
That works.
Gotta hand it to Danny – he found a way to Danny forward.
“Well, if you really want me to. You sure?”
“Heh… Eheheheh. Yeah?”
Fixed that for you, Ethan. Seriously, do the awkward playfully-flirting-and-probing-and-hinting right, would ya?
The price of makeouts with hot dudes is high but its one I’m willing to pay
Did Slipshine raise their prices?
Probably, check your bank statements people!
…. wasn’t this supposed to make things LESS awkward?
Too late. Danny injured himself so all plans are off the table.
Danny doesn’t really do “Less awkward”
this is really cute and kinda hot, too
damnit Willis I don’t have time to deal with my latent bisexuality right now
Um . . . it’s “damn YOU, Willis”, not “dammit Willis”.
Good to see he hasn’t forgotten how to Danny things up.
danny is making at bad plans
Perhaps Danny needs that “it hurt itself in it’s confusion” box over his head now.
He needs that all the time, if it applies to emotions, too.
Though in that case, a *lot* of the cast would find it useful.
danny is adorable
Ethan noticed…
I feel like I shouldn’t approve of head injury as a method of inducing honesty, but if it finally moves this subplot forward, I can’t find it in myself to complain.
Maybe not the smoothest, but if it works…
This romantic moment is brought to us by the letter C…for concussion
One of those cases where accidentally hurt herself makes you smarter Or help some inhibition to collapse?
Wow i have never related to Danny more this waking moment
FUTURE ETHAN: I really like this guy, but he’s straight. Ask him out, Amber.
FUTURE ETHAN: You can watch.
FUTURE AMBER: What’s his number?
I guess Mike did say Ethan can turn people bi just by walking past them.
This is going into a gloriously wrong direction hahahahaha
you are hereby ordered to watch the rest of it!
OK, LoK you are hereby strongly suggested to watch as well
@Needfuldoer you are hereby ordered to watch the rest of it!
OK, LoK you are hereby strongly suggested to watch as well
goddammit, no edit or delete buttons?
i’m like grandpa trying to text message over here
so it occurs to me that if I post a rot13’d content warning only when necessary, that itself is a bit of a spoiler. so I’m gonna try and remember to post some rot13 text every day, and people who want to skip certain characters can decode it and see if it’s time to take a break.
fgvyy tbaan or qnaal gbzbeebj, lnl
…naq ol gbzbeebj V zrna unys na ubhe sebz abj, yby
Jeez, Danny. Walk much? How fucking fast was he going?
*laughs gleefully* YAAAAASSSS