yo book 8 is in the online store, in time for *robot voice* HOLIDAY SEASON
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yo book 8 is in the online store, in time for *robot voice* HOLIDAY SEASON
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I mean, gotta balance out the cat
like, cat on my birthday would be winning the damn lottery
(ok, I had one before, but Hubs is cat-averse and like 90% perfect otherwise so “no cat” is my trade-off for “clean spouse”)
90% perfect is pretty damn good.
Poor Sarah. Shoulda tried sooner. XD
It took me an embarrassingly long time to realize that Billie was there.
Also, I am beginning to thing that Dina has been giving teleportation lessons to people. Sign me up, I’d love to do away with my commute even if it means my boss just finds me behind the door every day.
Eh, I didn’t really catch on quickly either. I’m wondering how much napping Sarah got between panels five and six.
looking at the windows could be 5 minutes, could be 5 hours.
Cat needs to snuggle beside her. That would make it perfect.
I didn’t realize it until I read your comment.
I didn’t notice Billie was there until I saw the tags.
It’s not teleportation. She just takes short cuts.
Oh, that is Billie? I couldn’t figure out who it was, I thought Dina at first, but it didn’t look right.
Trust yourself, I guess? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Joyce must be giving out trade secrets to those two. Or Sarah’s monologuing took too long
But what if you know from experience that you’re unreliable? Should you really be trusting yourself then?
I have a feeling my paranoia is out to get me.
My paranoia tells me I can’t trust anyone else.
Paranoia, Paronoia, somebody’s coming to get me
I agree with Sarah, this many things going right on my birthday or at my own party would make me paranoid. Which relatedly is coming up in like 6 days or so.
Happy birthday!
…or is it??
*plays the Art of Noise’s “Paranoimia” on the clock radio*
(Whether the Max Headroom version or the one without him, your call.)
With, please.
(“How do I get to sleep?“)
Clearly the superior version, and quite appropriate for someone who wants a nap.
“Come sweet slumber, enshroud me in thy purple cloak… huh. Doesn’t even rhyme.”
“Is that my teaspoon?”
“I can’t stand tea. Tea. (tea). TEA.
Someone dressed as Max Headroom hijacked a Chicago broadcast TV almost exactly 32 years ago.
What could be more Paranoimia than the Max Headroom version?
…copyedit: Chicago TV broadcast.
Literally showed up on the air of thousands of viewers.
That’s weird. Does anyone know what show
The two incidents, on the same night: About half a minute interrupting the news on WGN, then two hours later, ninety seconds interrupting Doctor Who on WTTW.
It was a guy in a rubber mask imitating Matt Frewer’s Max Headroom voice and saying pretty much nonsense things. Here’s one video discussing it.
Oddity Archive is amazing.
I like the zombie apocalypse EAS alert from 2013, because it’s a comedy of completely believable errors. You wouldn’t believe how much broadcast equipment out there just uses a simple default password.
Oddity Archive’s collection of electronic esoterica is what I’d have if I really let my hoardingness run rampant. I’m glad someone’s doing what he does, but I’m grateful it’s not me (and so is my wife).
Started hoarding old tech junk after I bought a place, can confirm. It easily gets out of control when there’s nobody to stop you.
I try to scratch that itch by watching tech YouTube channels like Oddity Archive, LGR, 8 Bit Guy, and Techmoan, but it’s not the same as being surrounded by leaking capacitors and yellowing plastic.
Didn’t realise Max Headroom was a thing in the States
He had two different TV programmes and everything.
And there was me thinking Enter Sandman would fit nicely here.
Menage e trois?
Hold back Billie’s hair as she vomits?
Most likely the last one.
To quote Grandpa Simpson:
“A little from column A, a little from column B…”
Fun fact, I was going to link to a Youtube clip of that line, and I even had the HTML tags all done… and then I was like “wait, how do you close a href link again?”
If there was an edit button on these comments, I would have gone for it. Alas, I shall leave linking to others less likely to fuck it up.
I don’t think Radiah ever was banging Jacob, wasn’t he celibate?
Huh, you’re right. Sarah’s projecting, I guess, since she finds Jacob eminently bangable.
I thought that was never determined, but correct me as needed.
C’mon, you’re not leavin’ that body lyin’ around.
he wasnt celibate, just not interested in casual sex. He probably would have been interested in sleeping with Raidah had the relationship gone on longer and become serious
I don’t think there’s any real reason to think so. As zee says he was just not interested in casual sex. Their relationship may well have been sufficiently non-casual.
The only direct clue we’ve got is that he suggests going to “fool around” at one point. She declines, but casually, not as if it’s a surprising request.
It’s sweet that Ruth thought they should be there, but it really is okay to call out sick for a birthday party, you poor depressed dears.
I feel Ruth just really wanted to do something fun and normal-ish with her girlfriend. Like way back when she made the drunk people in Joyce’s room watch a movie so she could (secretly) hold her girlfriend’s hand during.
Billie just came because of love, and will surely throw up sometime during the party.
Yeah, I’m surprised it took this long for someone to sneak into the quiet room for some boinking.
Pretty sure Ruth brought Billie in there because she’s too sick to be around a ton of people, and/or the smell of pizza.
True enough, sadly. They could do with some boinking.
I am guessing she sleep for a while as there was enough time for Billie and Ruth to arrive and for the first to lay down.
Dumbing of Age Book 10: Paranoia has never let me down… which makes me paranoid.
Dumbing of Age Book X: …and It Only Destroyed Joyce a Little Bit
DoA Book 10: Could The Universe Really Let Me Have This?
That sort of sounds like Joyce had her first la petite morte.
Dumbing of Age Book 10: I Have a Cat.
Why is everybody teleporting into the room?!
Also, damn Billie, no chill in taking the bed that’s already (partially) occupied.
You can trust Friend Computer. Those who don’t trust the Computer are traitors and are likely to be used as reactor shielding.
…and mutants and Communists.
And members of secret societies.
I appreciate that Sarah really is enjoying the things she said she’d enjoy. It’s nice to have personal preferences respected in fiction. I half expected Joyce to be “right”, even though I know this comic is not written by an obligate extrovert, just because it’s such a common setup. People in fiction want/need the opposite of what they say they want/need far more often than real people do.
Agreed. That was well-said, too, so thanks for commenting. I hadn’t noticed that respect for personal preferences was going on here until I read your comment, but I have noticed the problem elsewhere in fiction, and agree with your sentiments. Thanks for pointing out the occurrence here so others could also enjoy it.
Sarah and Billie cuddles!
I genuinely can’t recall the last time these two interacted aside from when Ruth caught her skipping the meeting at the beginning of the comic.
I searched the tags for Ruth and Sarah (did you know you can search for multiple tags at once?) and it’s this.
So yeah. They’re aware of each other’s existence and that’s about it. I guess we’ll have to see where this goes.
Wow, Sarah. Just when I thought you were different from your scifi counterpart. Joyce messed up, but she admitted she did wrong about the Jacob thing.
The universe isn’t letting you get away with anything, so have a Ruth.
And a Billie because I just noticed after reading the comments.
“only destroyed Joyce a little bit”…
That is a big understatement.
Don’t worry, there’s still lots of room for “The Dads” to try some bullsh** at the party.
Or, since a lot of people expect that, slightly AFTER the party to surprise everyone.
Although, some people might expect THAT, in which case the surprise is… it happens anyway!!
Silly question — how would “the Dads” know about going to an off-campus party? I would expect they’d try to go to Read Hall to locate Joyce and Becky, only to find them not there. Sure, maybe someone there knows “Oh, she went to a party” — but WHERE?
Sillier question. Do you think Sarah brought a baseball bat as her comfort item to the party and it’s stashed in the coat closet? No? TOO paranoid?
What is “too paranoid”? These words do not make sense when put together. This is what we like to call a “paradox” or even and “oxymoron.”
Ruth, has no-one ever told you not to dump your unconscious girlfriend next to someone who is having a nap? It might give them the wrong idea about your intentions!
Just a PS: Name for Robin’s cat, please!
Finger weg von meiner Paranoia
“And it only destroyed Joyce a little bit”
Bongo you what
Are you for real, Sarah
Eh, Ruth is fine. She can stand guard and kill anybody who tries to stop your nap. This is a BONUS
Yeah, I feel that. “This was too nice, something terrible is going to happen.” It’s not even funny how often that’s actually the case.
Hey y’all, hope you had a pleasant Thanksgiving Day, maybe even Sarah-style if that’s your preference. For those who don’t celebrate it, I still hope you had a pleasant day.
I started off watching the Winnie the Pooh special, cooked some spaghetti for Puhskinti Day, then helped prep a surprise meal for our D&D group. We even did a one-shot casual session where we fought an army of turkeys as various real-life game developers. Got to hang out with most of the people I care about, try my new pride-themed dice, and play with a cat. Taffy’s oversharin’ again, time for ’em to shush.
Are we oversharing now? Because I just accidentally stole a ham and cheese croissant from a Starbucks by attempting a Random Act of Kindness and the urge to overshare about it is strong.
Aaaand the cat is gone.
Cats know when humans are about to start making a noise and make it their business to be elsewhere.
And Billie was the cat all along.
Last night, my spouse and I went to a ‘Friends-giving’ party. Lots of good food, booze, and talking with friends. After a few hours, though, the party got too loud and boisterous for us. Fortunately, the host had thoughtfully set aside a quiet room upstairs. We spent some time in there reading and napping, and came back down for dessert. It’s a GREAT party that caters to introverts.
That’s more my impression of introverts (and my personal experience) than Sarah’s approach here. Need a break from the crowds and don’t like it when it gets too much, but also doesn’t want to lock themselves away the whole time.
Everyone is ninjas.
Shake your paranoia
Oh hey the cat’s still there. Figured it woulda left already.
who’s cat is that anyway?
I actually had to go back and read this comic to understand the next one because I totally had failed to realize that Ruth had dumped Billie on Sarah.
Only girls can get away with taking a nap on their friend’s butt.