I might have to get a Slipshine sub if this goes where I hope it is going. Although you should finish eating pizza before you try to do anything Dina. I can speak from experience and pizza is not an appropriate food to bring into the bedroom.
Relatedly, what is your favorite food to bring into the bedroom? (Doesn’t have to be for sex, could just be for a midnight snack)
I would also suggest avoiding touching spicy things before sexy times, certain areas react badly to spicy things. Even copious hand washing doesn’t help all that much.
That’s not so great for cleaning up after, though. Whipped cream is a classic, but mayonnaise or ketchup should work as well if you want something less sweet.
I generally avoid eating in bed, no matter what you always end up with crumbs or something and they’re just not very pleasant to sleep in.
Every time I have attempted to mix any sort of food with sex, it has not gone well. Even the relatively benign ones still made a stupid amount of mess.
Tip: If you want something tasty during sex, find a flavored lube you like. It’s actually designed for sexy times, and is also lube, which is supes useful during sex.
1.) I’m really glad that Becky’s being straightforward about this and clear. Sometimes cutting through the bullshit and being up front about how you feel is so damn important.
Probably not. Becky is still hung up on the “no sex before marriage” purity culture BS. I’m hoping that someone’s going to teach her the necessity of taking the car out for a test drive first.
I can see Becky coming around to the idea over time, but I suspect that won’t be immediate. Still, she and the roommate she got expelled for smooching seemed to get into fairly heavy makeout territory.
Her roommate remained at Anderson. There was (I think) a Patreon strip where Becky went to get her things from her old dorm room and her roommate was still there.
At the very least there’s been a Patreon strip in the last year or so in which we see her, still at Anderson, awkwardly trying to feign attraction to a celebrity dude and clearly extremely uncomfortable.
So yeah, Kaitlin’s still around, but only because she claimed Becky was a bad influence (or something to that effect, but that was Becky’s quote,) and now feels unsafe to express her sexuality in any way whatsoever. So while it wasn’t expulsion, it’s definitely not Acceptable to Anderson. (And I suspect Anderson knew damn well what they were potentially doing calling the parents.)
The fact that the school’s response was ‘call parents’ and that it seems likely people were present to hear his ‘we’ll FIX this’ bit does not bode well to me, though, nor the fact that Kaitlin only stayed by pretending to be straight again. (I don’t know much about Anderson’s codes of conduct, but it is an Extremely Christian college. It feels to me like a plausible deniability ‘of course we didn’t expel a student for being gay! We just told her parent what she was doing consensually with another young adult and if that happened to endanger her safety, how were we to know?’)
I’d guess that the plausible deniability is more a blanket policy against premarital sexual conduct between students, with supposedly no differentiation between gay or straight, but of course wildly different enforcement between the two.
And then of course if you can pressure one of them into saying the other was coercing them, then it would be discriminatory NOT to go after the other for sexual harassment.
That pre-marital “purity” is bullshit aside, it’s a LOT easier to subscribe to it when your right to marital isn’t in clear and present danger of being revoked.
3) I certainly hope so.
And, to the discussion in the rest of this thread, there is a big difference between full lesbian sex and some heavy petting.
I, for one, would very much be up for a Slipshine comic featuring some sweet exploratory stuff that remains from the waist up. Or maybe a bit below the waist, through clothes.
(I mean, I wouldn’t MIND more, but that’s probably about as far as these two are ready for – although I could be wrong about that)
At the very least I want some serious Science Snuggles. (Also, glad Becky’s doing at least some active thinking about her feelings! But I still want her to find a nice, queer-friendly therapist who she can meet as often as necessary and Robin will pay for in perpetuity.)
When you want to make your girlfriend happy through many difficult tasks, but she only wanted you to make love to her… Wait…
*Becky runs into the Quiet room with Dina.
Becky, pushing everyone out the door-“OUT! Everybody out!! Dina needs the quiet room! NOW!”
Sarah- “…”
Billy- “…”
Ruth- “…?”
Becky- “Dina needs me with her! For quiet reasons!” *Becky slams the door.
One would say the classic sexist phrase Bros Before Hos, but lets be honest, all non asexual people want the booty, and Dina isnt a ho, she is a lady. A dinosaur lady.
Alternative to the quiet room, they could sneak out of the party and head back to the dorm. Practically the whole floor is there. They could have their pick of room’s, wouldn’t even have to be Dina’s. (It should probably be Dina’s.)
In honor of the discussion about food and sex above: “Canada Pounds My Butt And Covers My Pancakes With Real Maple Syrup In An Erotic Way Also It Is Delicious.”
Does Chuck Tingle actually write stories anymore or just titles? Cause really, the titles are enough.
Recently, while watching the Game Grumps guess the names of his books, I noticed that his books are all around 4000 words long. That’s barely a short story!
By contrast, none of my romance novels are under 100,000 words. My free-to-read in-universe short story, which isn’t up yet but will be soon, is 7200 words, almost double one of Mr. Tingles.
So yeah… his career appears to be based entirely off of absurd titles.
That said, I have never actually read one of Mr. Tingle’s books, so maybe those 4000 words are a scintillating masterpiece – but I kinda doubt it.
That…gave me a bad feeling. Back to the dorm. Where a certain duo, who doesn’t know about the condo (or whatever this is) but definitely knows the location of the dorm. Mmmmmmm I don’t like that.
On a slightly unrelated note, is Dina eating her pizza crust first? Because I used to do this when I was younger because I liked the crust the least and I wanted to end eating my favorite parts. (I still do this to a lesser degree, but I like pizza crusts more now, so sometimes I eat it last).
Mate. Mate. This is a separate thing, but your comment just sparked memories of similar childhood logic on my part: I used to eat cupcakes upside down because the frosting was my favorite part, so I wanted to end with it. It was often a messy way to eat cupcakes.
The tops of muffins and cupcakes are absolutely superior. I generally just pull off the bottom to eat first then tear off pieces of the top to eat. I usually don’t use icing because I don’t have a very big sweet tooth. I’m a weird person and eat many foods in order of how much I like it.
Did you have siblings around your age? My siblings are much older, so I was essentially an only child, and I’ve been told this is an only child thing– saving your favorite part vs eating it first. As it was, my mom sometime would eat some of the part I was saving because she “thought I didn’t want it.” Very upsetting.
I have two younger brothers (2-year gaps in between) and I often eat the favourite part last. We were well-behaved and didn’t snatch food of one another’s plate, I guess that helped.
I try to make it so I get some crust with every bite. That’s the only right way to do it, as far as I’m concerned. You need that crunchy texture to counter for the soft parts of the pizza.
Man I used to absolutely hate pizza crusts. But I really liked the non-crust part enough that I’d try to get as much of it off so I’d be sitting there gnawing on the crust trying to get every last tiny bit of non-crust pizza and cheese off like I was a friggin’ squirrel or something. I don’t mind pizza crusts anymore though.
My trick is that I always save a last bite of everything I really liked on my plate, so I can end a meal on a perfect bite. My husband stole that bite once, and I glared at him for a solid ten minutes while I reconstructed my bite. (All the while telling him that I loved him, so I GUESS I could forgive this horrible act.)
Now sometimes he asks me if that little bite in the corner is being saved for the end. :3 I always share my food, but that last bit is important!
I still eat the crust first because I like it least. OR I give it to my 3 year old because he loves all things bready.
Of course, I also use a plate and a fork. Trying to eat pizza without either and while standing seems like an exercise in failure and tragically lost pizza.
When I was young the local pizza joints would cut a round pizza into square slices. This meant that there were four slices in the center with no crust whatsoever, and four little tiny triangles that were mostly crust. I like the crust, so I always tried to get the corner triangles.
Well, if it’s a good thin crust pizza (the type usually cut into squares) then the crust IS one of the best parts. In that case, I go edge all the way.
However, the pizza above is canonically Little Caesars, and that I eat crust first (or give it away) as described above.
Every mass extinction is followed by a mass explosion – mass extinctions empty a lot of ecological niches and, since the niche is empty, whatever species fills it doesn’t have to be particularly good at it so you get A LOT of crazy dumb stuff*. Then competition ramps up again and the less optimal designs start falling to the wayside.
*Not to be confused with crazy dumb stuff which is, presumably, actually very good at its ecological niche considering how long it lasted, like the platypus or the hallucigenia, critters so weird that the former was thought to be a hoax and the second was reconstituted in the exact opposite way of how it was.
Though the Cambrian Explosion was different because it didn’t just lead to lots of new species filling empty niches, but to entirely new phyla competing for those niches.
You think? I suspect that Robin is going to have to toss everyone else out of the apartment herself because her roomie and her roomie’s girlfriend are… otherwise occupied.
“What do you mean, you don’t constantly articulate your thoughts and feelings at 120 dB with zero regard to if other people want you to shut the fuck up or not? What are you, some kind of mute?”
This is so cute and surprising I was never expecting Dina to initiate getting physical but she may not mean sexually at all though. Or she might just be teasing cause she knows Becky is easily teased.
Hey, cool Becky. You not only get why you did what you did, you also get that explaining it at length to their person who ended up not seen is not the right thing, but asking her what she actually wants is.
Okay what is going on with Dina’s right hand in this comic? To me it looks like she’s holding it just behind the pizza giving a more and more enthusiastic thumbs up.
Behind the Sigma Alpha house,
On the studio floor at WFIU,
A quick squeeze in the mop closet at the Kelly School,
That’ll do for a start … oh, not THOSE places?
I love the expression on Becky’s face in the fifth panel, then Dina executes a perfect finishing move leading to complete brain lockup in the last panel.
Unless it is explicitly said they are having sex, you should assume they aren’t, especially when a lot of the characters in this are Christian to some degree, varying from very loosely so (Billie) to it was welded into their personality (Joyce). Though having a Slipshine is really what cements that they are, if they are, obviously.
ROZ: Niles said you’re going on a date with a trans woman.
FRASIER: I suppose you don’t approve.
ROZ: Oh, no, Frasier, I really feel for trans women.
FRASIER: Oh? Do go on.
ROZ: Oh, I can just relate to any woman who has a useless prick they’d like to get rid of
Dear cis people,
It's well past the point where this kind of thing will fix everything, but I want you to take note of how easy this is.
These little freaks are soft-handed little babies that will fold like a napkin in the rain.
Light these fools up.
Ari Drennen@aridrennen.bsky.social ⋅ 2d
Texas Republican Keithself storms out of the meeting he's supposed to be running because a Democrat asked him to treat his colleague Sarah McBride with respect. These people would not last one day as a trans person.
“like the back of a Volkswagon Beetle?”
Like in a much larger quiet room.
This sounds like the setup for a Green Eggs and Ham parody.
I saw Clerks, I understood this reference.
It’s a Mallrats reference, but close enough
saw neither, but know one happens concurrently or just before the other…
Mallrats takes place the day before Clerks. Just FYI.
That would be a very uncomfortable place
I see you are movie watchers of culture as well. And Mallrats is probably the best of those films in the Clerks to Dogma timeline.
Becky: Can…can many places include the top of your head?
Dina: Yes.
Becky: (Steam whistle noise)
Dina: I will now take off my hat.
Becky: (cartoon wolf noices)
I do miss those old cartoons and how expressive they are.
Dina peels back her hood to reveal a Stegosaurus beanie.
In that last frame, I don’t think Becky is looking at hat. I think she’s looking at tiddies.
Yeah, just do it. Hehe
I’m surprised that tie isn’t knotting itself out of awkwardness.
Looks like she is working herself up to it in the last panel.
1) I only now noticed the tie
2) An untied tie looks weird when worn.
The fact that the tie is now perpetually untied because Leslie knew how to tie it is my favorite little detail in recent memory.
The more closer they get the more that tie looks to be putting itself together
(I hope this ultimately leads somewhere comfortable for Becky; I’ve had stress dreams like this.)
She’s done… something with her old roommate before (I think her name was Kaitlyn?), so she might be fine.
True. That experience didn’t end well, though.
It might have been no more than kissing while on the bed if I recall that one flashback panel correctly.
*plays The Doors’ “Touch Me” on the hacked Muzak*
Ques “In the jungle” after that
Places a request for “Do You Wanna Touch Me” by Joan Jett and the Blackhearts.
Adds Jurassic Park theme to request list.
Adds a request for “Touch-a Touch-a Touch me “, from the Rocky Horror Soundtrack.
“Lemme graze into your veldt
Lemme stomple your albino
Lemme nibble on your buds
I’m your Love Rhino”
Please please please tell me that’s an actual song, and if so, who the performer is.
Billy and the Boingers (fka Dethtongue) from ‘Bloom County’
I believe that’s from Bloom County.
ninja’d by seconds! well done, NickG!
Creature of the Night from Rocky Horror rounds off the play list
But…but the pizza!
Hold onto your butt, things are abojt to get … Cheesy
With absolutely no peperoni!
Its proximity to Becky’s crotch in the final panel is…worrisome
aaaaaaaaaand Becky gets a very happy unbirthday present too!
Panel five: Becky’s eyebrows shoot up above her head.
Panel six: Only one has returned. The other is caught in the ceiling fan.
It lands on Walky’s off-hand pizza slice, and has to inchworm its way off before it’s devoured.
oh my god I’m grossed out and laughing at the same time
This made me LOL for real!
I might have to get a Slipshine sub if this goes where I hope it is going. Although you should finish eating pizza before you try to do anything Dina. I can speak from experience and pizza is not an appropriate food to bring into the bedroom.
Relatedly, what is your favorite food to bring into the bedroom? (Doesn’t have to be for sex, could just be for a midnight snack)
Nothing thats spicy or could lead to bathroom issues; especially if it’s a mid-sex snack.
Also something that’s low cleanup and is fine even if you just brushed your teeth. So nothing with nuts or similar that can get stuck.
No nut granola bars are usually my pick.
I would also suggest avoiding touching spicy things before sexy times, certain areas react badly to spicy things. Even copious hand washing doesn’t help all that much.
A lesser person would say honey
That’s not so great for cleaning up after, though. Whipped cream is a classic, but mayonnaise or ketchup should work as well if you want something less sweet.
I generally avoid eating in bed, no matter what you always end up with crumbs or something and they’re just not very pleasant to sleep in.
…mayonaise ?
It’s the poor man’s whipped cream, after all.
That night was sick
I got sauce on your–
(–And that burned!)
–disco stick?
It’s nice to meet you.
Every time I have attempted to mix any sort of food with sex, it has not gone well. Even the relatively benign ones still made a stupid amount of mess.
Tip: If you want something tasty during sex, find a flavored lube you like. It’s actually designed for sexy times, and is also lube, which is supes useful during sex.
I think she broke Becky.
and she didn’t even take off her hat.
Dina you big flirt.
1.) I’m really glad that Becky’s being straightforward about this and clear. Sometimes cutting through the bullshit and being up front about how you feel is so damn important.
2.) This is adorable.
3.) Is this about to go to slipshine territory?
Probably not. Becky is still hung up on the “no sex before marriage” purity culture BS. I’m hoping that someone’s going to teach her the necessity of taking the car out for a test drive first.
I can see Becky coming around to the idea over time, but I suspect that won’t be immediate. Still, she and the roommate she got expelled for smooching seemed to get into fairly heavy makeout territory.
Her roommate was not expelled.
Becky wasn’t technically expelled either. The school told their families, and that lead places.
Her roommate remained at Anderson. There was (I think) a Patreon strip where Becky went to get her things from her old dorm room and her roommate was still there.
At the very least there’s been a Patreon strip in the last year or so in which we see her, still at Anderson, awkwardly trying to feign attraction to a celebrity dude and clearly extremely uncomfortable.
So yeah, Kaitlin’s still around, but only because she claimed Becky was a bad influence (or something to that effect, but that was Becky’s quote,) and now feels unsafe to express her sexuality in any way whatsoever. So while it wasn’t expulsion, it’s definitely not Acceptable to Anderson. (And I suspect Anderson knew damn well what they were potentially doing calling the parents.)
Ah, right, Ross had her pulled immediately.
The fact that the school’s response was ‘call parents’ and that it seems likely people were present to hear his ‘we’ll FIX this’ bit does not bode well to me, though, nor the fact that Kaitlin only stayed by pretending to be straight again. (I don’t know much about Anderson’s codes of conduct, but it is an Extremely Christian college. It feels to me like a plausible deniability ‘of course we didn’t expel a student for being gay! We just told her parent what she was doing consensually with another young adult and if that happened to endanger her safety, how were we to know?’)
I’d guess that the plausible deniability is more a blanket policy against premarital sexual conduct between students, with supposedly no differentiation between gay or straight, but of course wildly different enforcement between the two.
And then of course if you can pressure one of them into saying the other was coercing them, then it would be discriminatory NOT to go after the other for sexual harassment.
Are you sure? I seem to recall Becky getting snippy at Joyce when Joyce said “you still have to wait until marriage”.
That pre-marital “purity” is bullshit aside, it’s a LOT easier to subscribe to it when your right to marital isn’t in clear and present danger of being revoked.
Well, the only bedroom is currently occupied by a Sarah and Billie and cat.
I quote: “You need to leave.”
“I need to leave.”
3) I certainly hope so.
And, to the discussion in the rest of this thread, there is a big difference between full lesbian sex and some heavy petting.
I, for one, would very much be up for a Slipshine comic featuring some sweet exploratory stuff that remains from the waist up. Or maybe a bit below the waist, through clothes.
(I mean, I wouldn’t MIND more, but that’s probably about as far as these two are ready for – although I could be wrong about that)
It’s about to become the very loud bedroom.
Joyce: “Why do I hear roarings in that room?”
It’s the dinosaur mating call.
I sorta remember a Walky/Dorothy scene telling Sierra (?) that she needed to get out, and I expect the same to happen to Sarah & Ruth now
Dorothy: You need to leave.
Sierra: I need to leave?
(next panel: Sierra standing outside)
Sierra: I needed to leave.
That would be http://www.dumbingofage.com/2014/comic/book-4/01-the-only-dope-for-me-is-you/need/
If you know the characters involved, you can search for them with character tags. For example: http://www.dumbingofage.com/tag/sierra+walky+dorothy/ Give it a try! SOOO much time saving.
At the very least I want some serious Science Snuggles. (Also, glad Becky’s doing at least some active thinking about her feelings! But I still want her to find a nice, queer-friendly therapist who she can meet as often as necessary and Robin will pay for in perpetuity.)
Dr. Beverley wondering why all her recent clients are sapphic redheads with raven-haired girlfriends
Too bad, the quiet room is occupied at the moment
Not if Becky bribes them with political money. Billie is too sick to care.
When you want to make your girlfriend happy through many difficult tasks, but she only wanted you to make love to her… Wait…
Willis can also go through each of the other sub-plots a couple of times beforehand, I would not be surprised
Tomorrow’s strip: Need 2.0 — Becky and Dina telling Sarah “You need to leave.”
*Becky runs into the Quiet room with Dina.
Becky, pushing everyone out the door-“OUT! Everybody out!! Dina needs the quiet room! NOW!”
Sarah- “…”
Billy- “…”
Ruth- “…?”
Becky- “Dina needs me with her! For quiet reasons!” *Becky slams the door.
One would say the classic sexist phrase Bros Before Hos, but lets be honest, all non asexual people want the booty, and Dina isnt a ho, she is a lady. A dinosaur lady.
I’m sure the prospect of Becky being quiet would be very convincing to this audience.
Oh boy.
Bagge? Are you alive? Fart Captor, how about you?
They died from DOOFUS overload.
I really picked the worst time to let my patreon payment slip, didn’t I?
Well, Bagge survived, if only barely.
But at this point, I think it’s safe to say Fart Captor didn’t make it.
It’s about to go DOWN!
No, -Becky- is about to go down.
Down where no other lesbian has gone before.
Down… where the pizza lays, inviting.
Close the thread. You just won.
Alternative to the quiet room, they could sneak out of the party and head back to the dorm. Practically the whole floor is there. They could have their pick of room’s, wouldn’t even have to be Dina’s. (It should probably be Dina’s.)
Sex on the giant stuffed dinosaur, yesssssss.
“Ravaged ON the Velociraptor”
Was… was that a Chuck Tingle reference?
That does have a Chuck Tingle vibe to it, I will give you that.
In honor of the discussion about food and sex above: “Canada Pounds My Butt And Covers My Pancakes With Real Maple Syrup In An Erotic Way Also It Is Delicious.”
Does Chuck Tingle actually write stories anymore or just titles? Cause really, the titles are enough.
Recently, while watching the Game Grumps guess the names of his books, I noticed that his books are all around 4000 words long. That’s barely a short story!
By contrast, none of my romance novels are under 100,000 words. My free-to-read in-universe short story, which isn’t up yet but will be soon, is 7200 words, almost double one of Mr. Tingles.
So yeah… his career appears to be based entirely off of absurd titles.
That said, I have never actually read one of Mr. Tingle’s books, so maybe those 4000 words are a scintillating masterpiece – but I kinda doubt it.
I’m at work. Should I be afraid to google Chuck Tingle?
That…gave me a bad feeling. Back to the dorm. Where a certain duo, who doesn’t know about the condo (or whatever this is) but definitely knows the location of the dorm. Mmmmmmm I don’t like that.
Hasn’t campus security escorted Blaine off campus at least once or twice? And Ross is, y’know, a very familiar face there.
Doesn’t Becky have her very own room? Why not use that?
I’m assuming the quiet room is usually Becky’s room.
Isn’t this a two-story? I thought when Becky looked down at Blowjob Cat her first night there it was from the second floor.
Literally as soon as I read those last panels alarms went off in my head saying “RED ALERT PEOPLE, IT’S HAPPENING!”
An approximation of what is going on in Becky’s emotional command center right now.
“You have an operational code for this situation?”
Thanks, I needed yet another webcomic on my roster.
Be aware that his Butts Disease is at a more advanced stage.
On a slightly unrelated note, is Dina eating her pizza crust first? Because I used to do this when I was younger because I liked the crust the least and I wanted to end eating my favorite parts. (I still do this to a lesser degree, but I like pizza crusts more now, so sometimes I eat it last).
Mate. Mate. This is a separate thing, but your comment just sparked memories of similar childhood logic on my part: I used to eat cupcakes upside down because the frosting was my favorite part, so I wanted to end with it. It was often a messy way to eat cupcakes.
The tops of muffins and cupcakes are absolutely superior. I generally just pull off the bottom to eat first then tear off pieces of the top to eat. I usually don’t use icing because I don’t have a very big sweet tooth. I’m a weird person and eat many foods in order of how much I like it.
Did you have siblings around your age? My siblings are much older, so I was essentially an only child, and I’ve been told this is an only child thing– saving your favorite part vs eating it first. As it was, my mom sometime would eat some of the part I was saving because she “thought I didn’t want it.” Very upsetting.
Actually, I’m the youngest of 4 (no more than 2 years gaps for each of us). But OCD runs in my family, so that could be it lol
I’m an only child and I definitely save my favourite part for last. Didn’t even know that was a widespread thing.
I have two younger brothers (2-year gaps in between) and I often eat the favourite part last. We were well-behaved and didn’t snatch food of one another’s plate, I guess that helped.
See, what I do is I tear the bottom part of the cake bit, and stack it on the top of the icing, and eat it as a sort of icing sandwich
I try to make it so I get some crust with every bite. That’s the only right way to do it, as far as I’m concerned. You need that crunchy texture to counter for the soft parts of the pizza.
I do love a good crust, by the way.
Fold your pizza slices in half then.
Or do what someone u know did and take another slice and put it on top of the first one but in the opposite direction.
A pizza sandwich!
A sandwich implies the existence of something in between though.
(Fun fact: that same person tried putting ice cream in between the pizza once. He was fairly sloshed.)
Easy, place another slice of pizza as the filler.
Still not as crunchy as a proper edge crust.
Man I used to absolutely hate pizza crusts. But I really liked the non-crust part enough that I’d try to get as much of it off so I’d be sitting there gnawing on the crust trying to get every last tiny bit of non-crust pizza and cheese off like I was a friggin’ squirrel or something. I don’t mind pizza crusts anymore though.
My solution to not liking pizza crusts is dipping sauce. Everything tastes better when dipped in garlic sauce, (or my fav, cheddar jalepeno).
I alternate between crust and non-crust pieces when I eat pizza.
My trick is that I always save a last bite of everything I really liked on my plate, so I can end a meal on a perfect bite. My husband stole that bite once, and I glared at him for a solid ten minutes while I reconstructed my bite. (All the while telling him that I loved him, so I GUESS I could forgive this horrible act.)
Now sometimes he asks me if that little bite in the corner is being saved for the end. :3 I always share my food, but that last bit is important!
I still eat the crust first because I like it least. OR I give it to my 3 year old because he loves all things bready.
Of course, I also use a plate and a fork. Trying to eat pizza without either and while standing seems like an exercise in failure and tragically lost pizza.
When I was young the local pizza joints would cut a round pizza into square slices. This meant that there were four slices in the center with no crust whatsoever, and four little tiny triangles that were mostly crust. I like the crust, so I always tried to get the corner triangles.
Well, if it’s a good thin crust pizza (the type usually cut into squares) then the crust IS one of the best parts. In that case, I go edge all the way.
However, the pizza above is canonically Little Caesars, and that I eat crust first (or give it away) as described above.
Oh my.
Literally the first thing I thought of when I read this strip.
So, once again Becky has ideas on what she should be doing for/with her girlfriend.
Once again, Becky’s ideas originate in unrealistic tropes that does more harm than good in real life.
Once again, once Becky realises this, she actually talks to Dina about it openly.
And once again, Dina puts her straight.
(Wait, that last one doesn’t sound right….)
I’m really proud of Becky for actually getting to step two* and talking to Dina.
*) Or was that base two?
Once again Dina puts her lesbian.
Dina puts her many places.
*The sax from Careless Whisper starts to play*
Becky’s brain: BANG.
Thumpitty Thumpitty Thumpitty Thumpitty Woob Woob Woob *wibble* *scraaaape*
Looks like a few people (and a cat) will be getting kicked out of the quiet room in a little while.
In a very little while.
you gotta be specific.
Eyebrows, and kneecaps are places is all I’m saying.
Those to, those to…you’d be surprised at some place you’d never expect. Though some take a slightly different touch/approach.
Well, there we go. Sarah, skip out of the room stat. Dina got dips.
… ever since watching Hazbin Hotel, I keep misreading your name as one of the characters therefrom.
Huh, I should watch that.
While its not whats conventionally refered to as a birthday suit, Dina nails it.
becky.exe has stopped responding, and may need to be restarted.
I’m sure Dina can find her manual restart button…
Is this like Chobits? Because…
I’m sure Dina will find a way to turn her on
Dina eats her pizza crust-first! Like me!
(Yes of course I’m excited for everything else happening in today’s strip but loooook)
To be honest, the quiet room may soon be proven to be false advertising.
I love how Dina continiously manages to catch Becky off guard.
oh my
is she gonna touch the pizza too?
Touch my pizza and die! Stick to the pie.
These two are gonna party like it’s the late Cretaceous period.
Well as long as it doesn’t end in a mass extinction event like the Cretaceous…
Wasn’t the Devonian the one with the opposite of a mass extinction, a mass explosion of new species? Or was that the Cambrian?
I’m a writer and retired super, not a paleontologist.[/McCoy]
Every mass extinction is followed by a mass explosion – mass extinctions empty a lot of ecological niches and, since the niche is empty, whatever species fills it doesn’t have to be particularly good at it so you get A LOT of crazy dumb stuff*. Then competition ramps up again and the less optimal designs start falling to the wayside.
*Not to be confused with crazy dumb stuff which is, presumably, actually very good at its ecological niche considering how long it lasted, like the platypus or the hallucigenia, critters so weird that the former was thought to be a hoax and the second was reconstituted in the exact opposite way of how it was.
Though the Cambrian Explosion was different because it didn’t just lead to lots of new species filling empty niches, but to entirely new phyla competing for those niches.
oh my god
This is where Sarah, Ruth and Billie get tossed out of the bedroom and are going to have to learn to like it!
As long as it’s not as lewd as handholding.
You think? I suspect that Robin is going to have to toss everyone else out of the apartment herself because her roomie and her roomie’s girlfriend are… otherwise occupied.
Tocuhy feely time!
I mean touchy feely time. (Wish I could edit comments.)
But that’s the best part…you can practice until you get it perfect.
Oh my god I lovehate you so much right now
Keep the pizza slice.
That’s going to be the most awkward and yet best Slipshine
Like…behind the ears?
But not as lewd as hand-holding.
Keep your degenerate fetishes to yourself, you pervert. Holding hands? Next think you know, it’ll be longing gazes.
But they haven’t done the ‘run across fields in slow motion’ bit yet!
I’m sure Dina hasn’t figured out exactly what places yet.
But she’s willing to experiment.
Something about hypotheses requiring repeated experimentation, as I recall.
Good on you, Dina.
See, people? Just because we’re introverts doesn’t mean that we can’t express what we want. 
“What do you mean, you don’t constantly articulate your thoughts and feelings at 120 dB with zero regard to if other people want you to shut the fuck up or not? What are you, some kind of mute?”
Dina is my favorite.
Ah, so dina is top. Gotcha
Aww, I’m so sorry that Becky is feeling so insecure. I hope Dina can get her to be more at ease eventually.
I’m sure as soon as they get to that whole lady-syrup-thing Becky will find a way to be at ease.
Well, I guess we know what this [unit of time corresponding to the frequency of Slipshine comics being released]’s Slipshine is gonna be.
Welp, looks like it’s time to get a Slipshine account . . .
They’re going to h*ld h*nds!
But just where are they gonna hold the hands?
Dina is a Bad Girl!
Yep, time to renew MY slipshine account…. heehee
I know, right.
Yup, plus it will give me an opportunity to finish reading Moon over June. Slipshine, come for the porn, stay for the soap opera.
This is so cute and surprising I was never expecting Dina to initiate getting physical but she may not mean sexually at all though. Or she might just be teasing cause she knows Becky is easily teased.
I think that it is quite possible that Dina has been preparing herself psychologically for the ‘next step’ for a while.
You think so? That possible I guess I never picked up on it I really hope it works out for them. They are so sweet and deserve to be happy
There are not many parts of Dina she knows how to flirt with, but she wants Becky to touch all of them.
Hey, cool Becky. You not only get why you did what you did, you also get that explaining it at length to their person who ended up not seen is not the right thing, but asking her what she actually wants is.
Awwwwww….Dina is so sweet. She wants a gift that her girlfriend can enjoy with her♡ This is so cute and Becky expressions are priceless
This relationship is so damn pure down to their intimacy. God damnit I wish I had slipshine money
Okay what is going on with Dina’s right hand in this comic? To me it looks like she’s holding it just behind the pizza giving a more and more enthusiastic thumbs up.
Oh good, I’m not the only one who can’t figure out what’s happening there.
Dina looks at the ceiling. “Jesus, you better shut your eyes, buddy.This is gonna get real.”
Oh wow, Dina is being way more forward than I anticipated
People often underestimate her. I suspect that she’s done her research, knows what she’s saying and is ready to say it.
Dina is telling Becky that she wants more physical affection with her in public like hugging and hand holding. For now, anyway.
If only we lived in a world where everyone was that straightforward about what they want..
to quote the the immortal words of George Takei
Oh my
i would like you to touch me
many places
wet places
Behind the Sigma Alpha house,
On the studio floor at WFIU,
A quick squeeze in the mop closet at the Kelly School,
That’ll do for a start … oh, not THOSE places?
I can’t believe Becky’s friggin’ dead!
I love the expression on Becky’s face in the fifth panel, then Dina executes a perfect finishing move leading to complete brain lockup in the last panel.
This is going to go really good or really bad. My money is on bad. It’s just a safe bet with this comic.
Dina is horny.
Yep, she’s got three of ’em!
Wait, I kind of assumed they are already doing it?
Unless it is explicitly said they are having sex, you should assume they aren’t, especially when a lot of the characters in this are Christian to some degree, varying from very loosely so (Billie) to it was welded into their personality (Joyce). Though having a Slipshine is really what cements that they are, if they are, obviously.
Funny, I don’t remember signing up for a Slipshine account.