Remember, kids: the difference between screwing around and science is writing the results down!
Also, if you like Mythbusters look up “Smyths”. They’re fan edits of that cut out the redundancy and explanation of the obvious, and reassembles two segments per episode so you’re not constantly jumping back and forth between myth A and myth B. They’re actually really good!
Well the hoped for results is an option depending on what the original question was.
A) What happens when ….. (you have no idea and just document)
B) What do you need to do to get …… (you have an idea and are trying to find a way to make it happen)
Yeah, that baffles me.
Then again, being bi myself, I have always preferred bi partners.
Although that also has its issues. Like how everyone assumes I’m a lesbian just because I married a (bi) woman.
Amber, you aren’t considering the possibilities, you crazy fujoshi!
Also, Danny at this time should stop any future girlfriend/boyfriend from meeting Walky. Walky gets anyone that has ever been interested in Danny, even Joyce in the Walkyverse.
Danny really needs to stop putting Amber’s happiness before his own. She obviously does not return even a fraction of that consideration toward him. It’s starting to feel a little unhealthy at this point.
Yeah, their relationship was too much one sided from the beginning, with Amber not wanting to make it official and using her alter ego to date Danny. Danny just has terrible luck with women and men.
Dorothy’s dream is to be president. Danny didn’t really see that as important or more important than his own fantasy of the two of them being Together Forever.
If he had actually believed in Dorothy or figured out his own life that didn’t involve ‘Just Gonna Be Next to Her’, Dorothy would have more faith in the balance of power in their relationship.
The moment Danny went, ‘y’know, maybe you could give up your lifelong dream and stay here with me, maybe?’ that was the last straw for Dorothy.
To be in true love is to be individual that see each other as equals and respect each other’s goals. Of course, their relationship was doomed because of Danny being too needy and Dorothy being a workaholic.
It’s nice that Dina always asks on these things when she isn’t sure. Sometimes I have a hard time not just nodding and going along with things I’m unsure of. I wish I could just ask like she does without getting hung up on it.
And this revelation is starting off well for Danny. We’ll see how well it continues to go, being that this is DoA.
I don’t think it can be scientifically proven one way or the other. But I always thought that the number of times one falls in love is dependent on character and/or relationship status (and if the latter, if you are poly or not) and your ability to be around people but not on which gender or lack therof you tend to fall for.
At some point, Danny does need to start asking himself if maybe he’s just letting himself get interested in the wrong sort of people for it to work out for him.
@BenRG – yeah, that particular sentiment was in the short Discworld story from the Legends anthology, in regards to a still. It will always be stuck in my head.
About how long has it been since Danny and Amber split? In-comic time is confusing as always, but considering both of them have other romantic interests, I imagine it’s been long enough? Anyone have a rough timetable?
HAHAHAH, I just reread that story arc and at the tailend of it when the Saruyama’s wire Dina $200 to take Becky on a date, the comments are filled (FILLED!) with people saying how good the Brown parents are!
*Dina makes a startled face*
“What are you doing”
“I am trying to replicate the results a la MythBusters”
The hat’s close enough, but can she grow a sufficient mustache?
“Now comes my favorite part of the myth where we replicate the results”
-Tori Bellaci et. al
And after we disprove it, we blow it up anyway.
Everyone’s favorite part.
Remember, kids: the difference between screwing around and science is writing the results down!
Also, if you like Mythbusters look up “Smyths”. They’re fan edits of that cut out the redundancy and explanation of the obvious, and reassembles two segments per episode so you’re not constantly jumping back and forth between myth A and myth B. They’re actually really good!
Well now that’s just not true!
You also need to write down your method and what you hoped would happen.
Well the hoped for results is an option depending on what the original question was.
A) What happens when ….. (you have no idea and just document)
B) What do you need to do to get …… (you have an idea and are trying to find a way to make it happen)
Either way, let’s hear it for screwing around for science.
Scientific method requires a hypothesis, hence why I said what you hoped/thought would happen.
In my book, “I wonder what happens if…” is good enough to justify some screwing-around quasi-science!
“Smyths” gets it. I’ve always thought that Mythbusters was a great half-hour show, expanded to an hour with boring crap.
Danny, if your hat’s not there, shouldn’t your eyebrows be floating above your head?
Who says they aren’t?
His eyes have been wandering around his face and forehead through most of today. He’s obviously quite perturbed.
That’s Joyce, not Danny.
When was the last time we saw Danny hatless?
that should be its own tag, hatless danny
To the tune of Warren Zevon’s “Roland, the Headless Thompson Gunner:”
“Danny, the hatless slashfic lover”
Real answer: about a year ago, in class.
Danny knows the importance of hats
…as does Dina
Are they potential Jaegermonsters?
And now I’m picturing the epic battles where they won their respective hats.
…Danny defeated a hipster in ukulele duel?
If you wrote that up I would read the hell out of it.
(Provided you have the time?)
I am split between a remake of Deliverance or El Kabong.
Heh, I don’t think I could do it justice.
(and I don’t know that much about hipsters OR ukulele, so it would probably miss the target by a mile)
That reminds me, I bought myself a ukulele this summer, and I swear half the Steven Universe songs contain Bwtf# :p
“I guess it’s not that surprising. I mean, have you seen that bike?”
I have a feeling Amber might start writing slash fics about Danny if she finds out he’s bi.
Or, as Danny fears, a second ex-boyfriend being into dudes might send her into a spiral of self-blame.
Or she’ll be cool with it since it’s not triggering a breakup? #optimism2019
I think the second ex-boyfriend being into specifically the previous ex-boyfriend would be the real kicker of the ordeal.
She could also be fine with it since bi wouldn’t make her think “I disgust him so much he won’t touch ny woman ever again”. He’s just also into dudes.
Although yeah, the exes getting together might be weird at first.
I dunno, I’ve heard horror stories of straight women being REPULSED the second they find out a dude is bi
Unlikely with Amber. I could be wrong, but I’ll bet those straight women aren’t best friends with gay dudes.
The combination is likely to disturb her though – all my boyfriends start liking dudes and particularly each other.
Oh, they can be. There’s a weird disconnect with fetishism, where it’s hot if it’s not happening to you.
Finding out a guy might be bisexual might be totally up Amber’s alley, but finding out a guy she’s into? Suddenly it’s weird.
Then again, she might attempt to take advantage of it instead. Many people are shippers, but few can ensure their ships sail merely by dating them.
Yeah, that baffles me.
Then again, being bi myself, I have always preferred bi partners.
Although that also has its issues. Like how everyone assumes I’m a lesbian just because I married a (bi) woman.
Never presume Dina does not have hats at her disposal.
Or ninjas.
Dina is really starting to get the hang of social interaction. I think she’s been the LEAST awkward person in this whole exchange.
In the land of the blind…
Drew though! He just walked by and got a booty call scrambling after him.
I consider Drew an outside actor on the situation. He wasn’t sitting on the floor.
Audience participation is still participation!
Someone feels awkward, make sure they aquire a piece of clothing. Easy peasy!
It she knew you also like dudes she would probably star writing fan fiction about herself as the meat in a Walky-Amber-Danny sandwich, dude.
Buy Walky some pizza, and you can probably make it a reality.
Nice callback!
I think Walky would rather be in a pizza, rather than a sandwich.
How about a pizza sandwiched between two other pizzas?
That would be a Stromboli or a Calazone which a variations on the pizza as a sandwich theme.
If I understand Amber’s interests, she’s more likely to focus on Ethan/Danny (or Walky/Danny) without herself involved.
This strip, the alt-text, the hat- beautiful
“You’ve heard of wool hats? THAT’S HIM!”–Micky Dolenz
Amber, you aren’t considering the possibilities, you crazy fujoshi!
Also, Danny at this time should stop any future girlfriend/boyfriend from meeting Walky. Walky gets anyone that has ever been interested in Danny, even Joyce in the Walkyverse.
Thank Willis incest isn’t happening now that I remember Sal and Danny’s past.
Well, Billie.
Oh Jegus!
These are really good Danny faces.
With hypermobile eyes, wand’ring from his cheeks to his forehead and back.
Wait, Danny wasn’t wearing his hat? How’d I not notice it?
The same reason Joyce only notices his hat: he has become a cosmic punching bag.
I think you mean he was always a cosmic punching bag.
Danny really needs to stop putting Amber’s happiness before his own. She obviously does not return even a fraction of that consideration toward him. It’s starting to feel a little unhealthy at this point.
Yeah, their relationship was too much one sided from the beginning, with Amber not wanting to make it official and using her alter ego to date Danny. Danny just has terrible luck with women and men.
Danny has that problem in general With Relationships. It’s the exact Reason Dorothy broke up with him.
Except the reason Dorothy broke up with him was because, for once, Danny put himself and his fantasy of their coupledom before Dorothy’s wants.
Okay, You’re gonna have to explain that one to me, Because that’s not my read on that situation at all.
Dorothy’s dream is to be president. Danny didn’t really see that as important or more important than his own fantasy of the two of them being Together Forever.
If he had actually believed in Dorothy or figured out his own life that didn’t involve ‘Just Gonna Be Next to Her’, Dorothy would have more faith in the balance of power in their relationship.
The moment Danny went, ‘y’know, maybe you could give up your lifelong dream and stay here with me, maybe?’ that was the last straw for Dorothy.
Huh. Hadn’t thought about that. Definitely a good call on Dorothy’s part.
To be in true love is to be individual that see each other as equals and respect each other’s goals. Of course, their relationship was doomed because of Danny being too needy and Dorothy being a workaholic.
It’s nice that Dina always asks on these things when she isn’t sure. Sometimes I have a hard time not just nodding and going along with things I’m unsure of. I wish I could just ask like she does without getting hung up on it.
And this revelation is starting off well for Danny. We’ll see how well it continues to go, being that this is DoA.
Man it feels so wrong seeing you without Alex (that was her name right?) As your gravatar
Dina still calls him Walkerton and why does that make me smile
Perhaps this is in line with the fact that she does not use contractions? Even in this strip, she says “it is” instead of “it’s.”
It’s a step up from “Fake dinosaur boy”
Did she just steal Danny’s hat?! Dina of all people should know better!
Oh nvm I looked through the archives. She just picked it up off the ground
dina continues to be the best person in this building
RE alt-text: don’t I wish!
Who else didn’t notice until just now that Danny’s hat and cell phone literally disappeared in the previous two strips?
Nope, nobody noticed that. Could have been someone sitting on them though..
Yeah, bisexual. That means you can get rejected by both women *and* men.
Only if you insist on a half-empty glass.
Or do you think being bi makes you fall in love more often than you would as either straight or homosexual?
Crap, it doesn’t? I guess that’s just me then.
I don’t think it can be scientifically proven one way or the other. But I always thought that the number of times one falls in love is dependent on character and/or relationship status (and if the latter, if you are poly or not) and your ability to be around people but not on which gender or lack therof you tend to fall for.
If you’re bi, you meet roughly twice as many people you might be interested in. Which could affect the number of them you fall for.
Example: one can be bi, and also particularly picky, and therefore not get crushes/fall in love all that often.
But on average, being bi would increase your chances.
Even the particularly picky one would have more chances than someone equally picky, but only interested in one gender.
At some point, Danny does need to start asking himself if maybe he’s just letting himself get interested in the wrong sort of people for it to work out for him.
It’s much easier to answer that question than to do anything about it.
Rot13 of the day: Fhpu qnaal, irel qna. Jbj.
Gur Qnaal vf fgebat jvgu guvf bar.
W gss lcif fch13 odr fowgs hc fch14.
Secrets are really hard to keep openly
Actually, it’s amazing how easy it is to keep a secret just by no-one feeling the need to talk about it!
Discworld fan?
Oh yes. A fantasy world that has the decency to be up-front about the insanity of the real world is compulsive reading for me!
Things just happen, what the heck.
@BenRG – yeah, that particular sentiment was in the short Discworld story from the Legends anthology, in regards to a still. It will always be stuck in my head.
Dina sees no reason why she cannot live in a TV cartoon world… Or why Danny cannot be the Engineer from Team Fortress 2.
Please, return the hat so the Good Danny may also return.
I’m getting “Mario Odyssey” flashbacks here.
That exchange of look in the 2nd panel tho xD
Well, at least he finally knows.
About how long has it been since Danny and Amber split? In-comic time is confusing as always, but considering both of them have other romantic interests, I imagine it’s been long enough? Anyone have a rough timetable?
Just over two weeks.
They broke up in When God Closes the Door which was October 2 and it’s now October 18.
In other news: Dina continues to be just the best
She blesses this ship. That’s all we need to know.
I note that Dina said “Walkerton”, not “Walky”. Overly-formal reference to David, or a subtle hint meant to reference Sal (or both twins)?
Didn’t she call him Walkerton in IW?
Don’t trust my memory but I don’t think DofA Dina has ever said his name, either.
When did Dina learn that Danny is bi? I can’t remember that.
Well, she was at the meeting earlier on, for the queer/questioning people. “I’m more unconcerned with the answer,” remember?
But more likely, she was in the room when someone talked about it and no one noticed.
She apparently overheard it here:
And it wouldn’t be the first time Danny accidentally came out to someone:
Oh yeah, that meeting. I didn’t remember that far back.
HAHAHAH, I just reread that story arc and at the tailend of it when the Saruyama’s wire Dina $200 to take Becky on a date, the comments are filled (FILLED!) with people saying how good the Brown parents are!
Sweet summer children all.
Yo it’s been like a week since u updated is it glitching?
are u ok?