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I mean, cat butt is still cat
name is “Sarah’s cat”
Depends on whether it’s Dora or Faye’s insult – it could be either assbutt or buttass. (just binge-reading QC again, why?)
Assbut: Between Faye using it in-universe at QC, and Jeph Jacques calling Willis that, one more would be too confusing.
I mean, I guess technically Anal is a name
(no really, and unfortunately)
The cat’s name should be simply Catbutt.
It isn’t Sarah’s cat until it goes home with her.
“Catass” was the pet name a coworker had for his girlfriend.
Was she betting on becoming a catass trophy wife?
It is important, however, the degree to which the cat properly cleans its butthole.
You’re welcome.
Yes. Name that cat.
*hashtags the cat*
Tag, you’re it!
Catty McCatface.
There, I said it.
Tag the cat! Tag the cat!
That’s his name. Tag, the Cat.
We named the cricket Tag.
All untagged critters are Tag until tagged otherwise.
I thought it was the lettuce we named Tag.
After it escaped.
It there’s a Mark Twain fan in Becky’s apartment, it has to be Catiline.
♫ Happy Buttday to you, Happy Buttday to you… ♫
♫ Now where is the pursuit, Happy Buttday to youuuu ♫ ♫
Look we all know the cat’s name is Heathcliff
This cat has been in three panels today and has not been especially, unfeline-ly, annoying. It can’t be Heathcliff.
Yes, the cat needs a name.
“The Naming of Cats is a difficult matter.” – T. S. Eliot, possibly also Taylor Swift
Blowjob the Cat
I propose Stinky, named after Power Girl’s cat from the Amanda Connor comics.
I’d go with Alexander O’Malley, as a partial tribute to Aristocats, but O’Malley already has a bit of a different association within this universe. :S
Weirdly, this is one bad habit my cat completely lacks. I’m very grateful for that.
Same. Rarely if ever do I get a butthole display, if I do it’s by accident, and I have TWO cats.
Okay, I wasn’t expecting Ruth to control the cat to do that to Sarah.
Her meds haven’t just unlocked her ability to feel emotions, they’ve also unlocked the unused 90% of her brain and given her psychic abilities.
Yes, I know that 90% thing is bullshit.
But does the cat?!
Assuming human psychic abilities can override a cat’s natural spite and obstinance.
Cat butts, cat butts,
Roly poly cat butts…
Cat butts, cat butts,
Eat them up, yum…
??? yeah that’s weird
Captain Buttface? I mean, sometimes simple is better.
Drop the “Captain”. The cat’s name is Buttface, that goes perfectly with Fuckface.
I usually use Fuzz Butt or Brat Butt is a favorite, also cats totally do this butt and all but especially laying right on your chest
name the cat!
This mean the cat really likes her though, right? Take the compliment, Sarah
Ruth, it’s not on Sarah to forgive or like you. She’s not a prop in your personal redemption quest.
I don’t think Ruth was trying to get Sarah to do any of those things. I’m not sure how you got that impression either.
She tries to defend Billie here. She’s also trying to chat up Sarah when Sarah makes it clear she wants nothing to do with her.
She simply apologized to Sarah for using the room. Which she had a right to do.
Yeah…for all Sarah says she’s not invested in this interaction she is interacting a lot. She said a lot more here than Ruth!
She’s said two sentences, none of which indicate any of that to me. I’ll give you the first one, maybe saying “you’d be happy to see anyone move” can be interpreted as defending Billie. Wishing Sarah a “happy birthday”, at Sarah’s own birthday party, is at worst a formality and at best an attempt to make things slightly less awkward. None of those sentences seem like Ruth is trying to get Sarah to forgive her, like her or to engage with her in lengthier conversation.
Wishing Sarah a happy birthday is also like, the bare minimum of her job as RA.
Wishing her a happy birthday is also a comment on the cat sticking their butt in Sarah’s face.
How does “trying to defend Billie” have anything to do with making Sarah feel a certain way about Ruth? Sarah doesn’t have to like or forgive Ruth, by the same token Ruth doesn’t have to put up with Sarah’s melodramatic hostility without comment.
There was an ad here for here just a moment ago.
I hope that doesn’t mean the cat’s name is Brigham Young.
Damn, I’m tired. I thought I saw “Comet Unto Christ.” I was about to look that up.
“Comet unto Christ” is a Pure Flix movie about one of the reindeer who Finds God and just won’t shut up about it on the proverbial shop floor.
I thought it was the Branch Davidian movie.
Good one.
That would be the Heaven’s Gate cult. The Branch Davidians were the David Koresh followers who fought the BATF at Waco.
What is that black blob shape on Sarah?
That’s Billie’s hair. You can see the rest of her in the fourth panel.
I believe it is Billie’s hair.
I was gonna say Sphynxter but cat’s not bald
*reads alt-text*
No we’re not, Willis.
You know why?
‘Cause you give cats bad names.
Yeah, Blowjob Cat should clearly have been called “Fellatio Feline”!
What about Jocelyne’s cat, Miss Sakaki?
Look, We may or may not have made that post without any knowledge about cats (comic universe or otherwise) that Willis may or may not have named.
In fact, if pressed, We might just admit that We simply wanted to make that punch line in response to the alt-text, facts be damned.
I accept your adherence to the rule of funny.
Rank hath it’s privileges and who could be ranker than the rightful Emperor?
The last panel reminds me of the time I got a text message from a cat owner friend, who was voice-texting. Text went “What are we doing tomorrow get your ass out of my face” …
Just call the cat Butts.
Simple, relevant, poignant.
Malaya would name it Assface and would struggle to disagree.
He’s called Susan and he wants you to respect his life choices
The cat’s name is Tag, because:
A: It’s made Sarah’s day
B: It’d technically be in the tag list already.
I don’t think you should name it, but I do think you should tag it. As “a stray cat”.
I mean, kitty. Unless you’re allergic or afraid of them, you gotta.
Haras. Sarah backwards coz the cat is sat on Sarah backwards. Depending on how you say it sounds like harass or her ass. Or Harris, when s/he isn’t being a buttface or you need to call for them and don’t want your neighbours to think you’re odd.
We’re not going to make you name the cat. I mean, come on, it’s a cat. That would be ridiculous.
However, we ARE going to make you feature it in next month’s Patreon bonus strip.
Yeah, it would be ridiculous. We’ll just have to wait for the cat to share its name with us.
I lean toward “Buttface” for the cat, both for the obvious and for the analog to the other named animal.
Name suggestions: Fanny, Uranus, Button, Hugh Jazz, Peach.
I mean, well of course we commentors want the cat named. It’s like our nature to want unnamed characters named regardless of if they’re human or otherwise.
The cat shall be named Heinrich von Buttzinface.
the very fact that you posted that with Galazzo as your gravatar somehow makes this EVEN BETTER because I read it in his voice…. uh… well… imagined voice, because, you know, not voice acted.
I always imagined Galasso sounds like Clancy Brown doing his Dr. Cortex voice.
I dunno. I hear Galasso as Liam Neesan doing an American accent. And that really makes brionl’s comment hilarious.
Go ahead, picture Liam Neesan saying that with a perfectly straight face. I dare you.
I triple-dog-dare you.
Or, you don’t have to imagine it for yourself.
You’re welcome.
Cat achieved.
The cat’s name is Butterscootch. I have spoken.
Seconded wholeheartedly. I don’t know why, but this is my favorite so far and I’m like 3/4 down the page already.
Willis. The PEOPLE HAVE SPOKEN. And they have said:
Well he/she behaves like my cat Clint. Also colored much like Clint, orange tabby with white socks.
So, Not Clint
I have an orange tabby too!
I named him Garfield.
Me too. He is named Schnitzel, because of the colour resemblens and is a very weird and lovely little eunuch.
Just going to respond to Sarah in the first panel: it wasn’t your birthday party until this in-comic morning, when Becky decided to tack it onto Dina’s.
Also, does Sarah’s family just ignore her desire to be left alone? She did (sarcastically, I know) offer to let Dina’s parents adopt her when she saw how quiet they are, and this is a “Top 5” birthday for her, so I’m thinking that they might try too hard to get her out of her shell.
Anyone else miss Billie laying down and wondering when the second large black cat showed up and started sleeping on the bed?
I didn’t notice her until I began trying to figure out who Sarah was talking about in the first panel. Then I had to go back to yesterday to see if I’d missed the strip where she showed up.
Me cat does this! His name is Danny (yes, after the character because he was a sweet adorable stalkerish boy who followed me EVERYWHERE XD) and he likes to lay down with his butt over half my face when I feel bad XD
My uncles had a cat named Butthead. Not sure why they named it that, though they also had another cat named Dammit at the same time.
Dumbing of Age Book 10: I’d Still Put This in the Top Five
Teabag Cat?
Cat has two warm human-shaped pillows to claw-massage and snooze upon. Cat is content.
Meanwhile, I think that Sarah should be alarmed at just how well Ruth knows how her mind works.
That’s COLONEL Mustard. He did not do three tours in the Cat Army to not be addressed by his standing rank.
My apologies.
But, what is his sitting rank?
No, Mr. Willis. It is WE who shall name the cat!
Begun, the Cat Name Wars have.
Really, Sarah? You really think you can’t be reasoned with?
I’m sure someone could correct you with an adequate rebuttal.
don’t be such an arse, kitty
Awwwww. The cat love Sarah♡♡♡
I’m willing to bet you already have a name for the cat.
1. I’ve been asking for the cat’s name since the first panel it existed
2. I really like this cat
3. Yes, you have to name the cat
As I was lying in bed reading this my cat came up cuddled up and sent to sleep.
*Danny busts in playing a song on his uke*
Cat came back, he wouldn’t stay away
Started back again
When he heard them say ‘Birthday’
Well the cat came back
With a present of his own
He had to tell Sarah
That his butt had found a home
Danny may lack judgement on occasion, but he isn’t suicidal.
Now the cat starts kneading her boobs like they do.
Name the cat: “Buttplant.”
Second: “Assplant”
Took me a while to actually notice where Billie was, so I assumed the cat should also be named Billie.
you know i see Sarah somewhere in the future in the basement of some law office doing schlub reference totally wasting any talent and degree she was simply because she cant voluntarily talk to most human beings and yes if you want to be in law you have to be socially inclined even if you never set foot in a courtroom
erm schlub reference work
Cat Tastrophe
BTW, I have a 13-year-old, 18-lb, Orange Tabby named “Hoss Catright”
(for those of you old enough to remember the Bonanaza TV show).
That cat’s name is Asterisk.