As a matter of fact, I was referring to the alt-text of the strip called “Free Gay Pizza” (which, in my original comment, was apparently the only link I DID set up correctly on the first try last night, so I feel your pain, Khno – I too used to be flawless at links, but WYSIWYG editors have apparently made me lazy now xP)… but I had forgotten there was another sausage reference a couple of strips before/after that one as well, which appears to also be somewhat relevant! Nice catch, friend.
@ Clif – No, the heteronormative pizzas can have sausage on all the slices, they just have to have olives in between. After all, it’s not gay if there’s an olive there too – that’s just a threesome. Totally fine.
The brand implies a degree of sloppiness and grease that might turn a nose or two, but also an ease of access that ensures you’ll find someone to take up the offer.
The thing is, apparently she does it manually. If it were scripted, that would be easy to explain. But manually? She’s defying the laws of time, space, and quantum physics. And she does it almost every night.
Man, I don’t know, but if anyone wants to link another example or three, I’d love to review them, because I know there are more but I can’t remember exactly where to find any of them.
Not about whether the pizza portrayed was Little Caesar’s (Willis defined that almost immediately), but about whether or not it was any good, there was some disagreement, yes.
Walky pigged out on free campaign pizza earlier in the day, so even with his legendary stomach capacity, free pizza might not be as much of a draw. But it’s not like he won’t come for free food, on principle. But he might have been delayed. But of course, no foreshadowing here!
Do Blaine or Ross know that Amber likes Walky? I don’t think they had even kissed, much less spent any time together outside Garbage Roof, when Faz visited.
A military history that I read once said that he had a great many more than 10,000 men, and that if he had every done anything half so decisive as march them up a hill and then march them down again the entire course of modern history would have been different.
I think half the frozen pizzas on the market are worse than Little Caesar’s. With few exceptions, the square, microwaveable, and store brand ones are all generally nasty.
There’s a local restaurant chain around here that partnered with some other company to start making frozen pizzas. The sauce is the same, but the crust is terrible. I tried one once and the crust didn’t bake as much as it set. It was like a big stale cracker that was doughy and wet in the middle. It’s a shame, because that chain’s real pizzas are pretty good.
Little Caesar’s, like McNuggets, goes with a particular mood. Every now and then when I’m sick and reacting to something, somehow Little Caesar’s is one of the only foods that tastes palatable.
That would actually be the most in-character explanation I’ve heard so far. Therefore, I’m certain this is the answer and there is absolutely nothing else afoot!
I love watching Amber break the Fourth Wall on the last panel, sharing her thoughts with the audience.
Ruth did that too, when “Everything was in colour”.
I’m seriously worried about Walky. Only something really terrible can keep him away from the free Pizza. Maybe the union of the Two “fathers” has kidnapped him?
Little Caesar is… Not even bad enough to be dissed.
Amount of grease aside, it really is —and deliberately so— designed to be tolerable. Inoffensive. It’s a pizza that practically nobody loves, but which a lot of people will accept when they’re too tired to make food, but too broke to get the good stuff.
Completely off-topic, but I just remembered Jacob wanted to search for a new girlfriend who is exactly like Joyce, but not Joyce… It’s going to be Lucy, isn’t it?
I mean, don’t wanna eat all the bait, maybe
alt text about the pizza or Amber?
I like the cut of your jib.
i like the slice of your pizza
You can tell it’s gay if the sausages are touching.
Sounds dirty.
So hetronormative pizza has one sausage on every other slice?
They means this one, right?
Fudge, I used not to suck at HTML, back in 2000 when everyone was chatting on phpbbforum and it was a given you’d had to link images using it
As a matter of fact, I was referring to the alt-text of the strip called “Free Gay Pizza” (which, in my original comment, was apparently the only link I DID set up correctly on the first try last night, so I feel your pain, Khno – I too used to be flawless at links, but WYSIWYG editors have apparently made me lazy now xP)… but I had forgotten there was another sausage reference a couple of strips before/after that one as well, which appears to also be somewhat relevant! Nice catch, friend.
@ Clif – No, the heteronormative pizzas can have sausage on all the slices, they just have to have olives in between. After all, it’s not gay if there’s an olive there too – that’s just a threesome. Totally fine.
I was going to answer “I drink your milkshake!,” but that just didn’t seem appropriate.
My pizza is flattered, but I’m still not sharing.
I like the cheese of your burger.
How do we read the alt text on mobile these days?
Tap on the empty space next to the “latest” button
“You can call me Little Caesars.”
**Homura style dramatic hair flip**
“Because I’m hot and ready.”
The brand implies a degree of sloppiness and grease that might turn a nose or two, but also an ease of access that ensures you’ll find someone to take up the offer.
Who are you, Stan Freberg?
What about Wendy, she is hot and juicy.
Dammit what? This page was LITERALLY not up 5 seconds before I got here!!
You got Ana’d. Like pretty much everyone every night.
By all accounts it doesn’t make sense.
You learn to accept that Ana will almost always have the first comment, not every time but damn near it.
It’s one of my favorite traditions around here.
The thing is, apparently she does it manually. If it were scripted, that would be easy to explain. But manually? She’s defying the laws of time, space, and quantum physics. And she does it almost every night.
Everyone needs a
superpower, and Ana is clearly a sugar-powered speedsterhobbyI can confirm she does it manually. Her comments are different on patreon.
Who is the Ana of non-Patreons?
This is WALKY. If all the pizza were gone when he got there, he’d be scraping toppings and scraps of cheese off the cardboard.
Who is in the red in panel one, not tagged?
It’s Meredith. She’s seen a few comics back in the same color, and her hair is the same round shape. It’s still not a joint party, though.
The hair color might be a bit off. It’s such a small sample, it’s hard to be sure. But this is my best guess.
Ahh. Yup, looks like her.
If it were someone we know, they’d be tagged, right? There’s about as much of Mandy in the same panel, and she’s tagged.
Maybe it’s, uh, what’s-her-name. Bloodrose?
A fancharacter whose design was never fully completed.
(that’s my headcanon, anyway)
Today’s strip is brought to you by 502 Bad Gateway. And GameStop.
No music today? Its all stuck on the 502? That’s Demarest Rd. In Bergen County, right, 502?
That’s a good question, where is Walky? Free greasy food of any description can summon him, whether it be pizza, burgers, or burritos.
Even if he needs to provide a blowjob to get it.
Okay so apparently the link didn’t work, let’s try that again
How many times has Walky mentioned exchanging that act for stuff like pizza, or good grades?
Man, I don’t know, but if anyone wants to link another example or three, I’d love to review them, because I know there are more but I can’t remember exactly where to find any of them.
Here is the one for math class.
What makes you think Joyce would have invited Walky.
Not Joyce’s party.
Yeah, he and Becky were pretty tight, i’d imagine he’d be invited…
I’m kinda worried about him, myself, now. He is NOT the sort to miss free pizza…
Little Caesars, re-confirmed. (Wasn’t there some debate about this at some point?…)
Not about whether the pizza portrayed was Little Caesar’s (Willis defined that almost immediately), but about whether or not it was any good, there was some disagreement, yes.
aha, that makes more sense. Because I remember being confused because the alt text literally said “it’s Little Caesars” or something at one point.
Becky: Walky? Why would I invite a boy?
They actually get along, though. When Becky first got to IU, she and Walky turned out to be damn near the same, personality-wise.
Much to Joyce’s chagrin, and Becky’s enjoyment.
First guest to arrive was Danny.
And Joe’s also invited. Danny says he was “supposed to come with [his] roommate.”
Her hair looks so poofy in that last panel.
Also good on Becky for checking in on her guests.
Hm, is Ethan invited to this thing? Gut says yes, since Joyce might have invited him and Amber’s here, but he’s also Jacob’s roommate.
Actually, if Ethan is invited, I’m suddenly interested if Drew’s gonna come, too.
You’re right. Where IS Walky during all this?
The suspense increases.
Walky pigged out on free campaign pizza earlier in the day, so even with his legendary stomach capacity, free pizza might not be as much of a draw. But it’s not like he won’t come for free food, on principle. But he might have been delayed. But of course, no foreshadowing here!
Amber’s and Becky’s “fathers” have kidnapped him for blackmail Amber. She will have to ruin the party or they will torture him.
Do Blaine or Ross know that Amber likes Walky? I don’t think they had even kissed, much less spent any time together outside Garbage Roof, when Faz visited.
Now, this may sound crazy, but maybe Walky’s studying?
Away with you and your crack fic!
Maybe Lucy figured out how to perform a “moves.”
If I wasn’t so tired, I’d write a Julia Gray-style story about Lucy performing a “move” on Walky.
You’re right, that does sound crazy.
Willis put that alt-text there just to hurt me.
Yup. They’ll be closed by the time I get off work. It’s torture!
Why would you feel the need to hurt me even worse? What did I do to you?
I really hope Toedad and the Blaine aren’t
torturing Walky by keeping him from pizzathe cause of Walky’s lack of presence…It’s sweet of Becky to check in, but now I’m concerned where Walky is.
Better question:
Where is Night Guy (TM)?
Even better question: where is the Duke of Thingley?
I mean, presumably in Thingley.
If he is I haven’t noticed him.
Is the Prince of Wales often in Wales? Is the Duke of Cambridge in Cambridge? Did the Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha live in either Coburg or Gotha?
(Unrelated, but necessary to ask: Did the Grand Old Duke of York really march 10,000 men up the hill and down again?)
A military history that I read once said that he had a great many more than 10,000 men, and that if he had every done anything half so decisive as march them up a hill and then march them down again the entire course of modern history would have been different.,_Duke_of_York_and_Albany#Flanders
DS? Hot.
Party? Ready.
Walky? None of the above
So cold and ill-prepared? Yes, that does sound like Walky.
…Truth hurts. </3
Walky probably has indigestion problems from all the pizza he ate. That is karma.
Yech, so we’re still on Little Caesars Pizza? The most disgusting pizza-like objects ever produced?
It’s cheap as hell, but there’s a limit on how low you should let yourself stoop for the sake of monetary convenience.
I’d rather have Little Caesar’s than Chuck E. Cheese. Not by much, but still . . .
Agreed. However, that’s not the compliment that Little Caesar’s was looking for.
If it makes Little Caesar’s feel better, they also are better than Papa John’s.
I think half the frozen pizzas on the market are worse than Little Caesar’s. With few exceptions, the square, microwaveable, and store brand ones are all generally nasty.
There’s a local restaurant chain around here that partnered with some other company to start making frozen pizzas. The sauce is the same, but the crust is terrible. I tried one once and the crust didn’t bake as much as it set. It was like a big stale cracker that was doughy and wet in the middle. It’s a shame, because that chain’s real pizzas are pretty good.
Little Caesar’s, like McNuggets, goes with a particular mood. Every now and then when I’m sick and reacting to something, somehow Little Caesar’s is one of the only foods that tastes palatable.
“Batsignal” would have made a better episode title.
Errybody horny tonight
Every Body Wang Chung tonight.
Top comment.
(“What the *bleep* is a wang chung?”)
Not sure, but apparently everyone is doing it in the evening.
awwwww. Becky is a good host (for people who aren’t Dorothy, at least)
Maybe there’s another party with free pizza at the same time, and Walky had to try some of their pizza first.
That would actually be the most in-character explanation I’ve heard so far. Therefore, I’m certain this is the answer and there is absolutely nothing else afoot!
Amber… I’m gonna have to ask you to either stop being fictional or stop being the perfect woman. Really it’s your choice
That, ladies and gentlemen, is why Walky and Amber are perfect for each other!
I love the colour palette in these panels.
I love watching Amber break the Fourth Wall on the last panel, sharing her thoughts with the audience.
Ruth did that too, when “Everything was in colour”.
I’m seriously worried about Walky. Only something really terrible can keep him away from the free Pizza. Maybe the union of the Two “fathers” has kidnapped him?
Dang, Willis, we’d only diss about Little Caesars if we had eaten some before.
I haven’t yet, but there’s a new one an hour away, so… *hand steepling intensifies*
its is a good pizza not something you will want weekly but something you will want in the night after a bad day
Perfect gravatar for that comment!
Little Caesar is… Not even bad enough to be dissed.
Amount of grease aside, it really is —and deliberately so— designed to be tolerable. Inoffensive. It’s a pizza that practically nobody loves, but which a lot of people will accept when they’re too tired to make food, but too broke to get the good stuff.
Becky is a good person.
The Navy Chief in me feels a very slight desire to correct that civilian’s “boomerang salute”.
Which would make you still less hated than the person who always corrects pronunciation.
At least his reason isn’t pedantry.
Also, what’s with the left hand salute? Becky’s not one of the known left-handers.
I wonder at what point the sliding time-scale will turn Amber’s 3DS into Amber’s Switch?
I thought milkshake brought all the boys to the yard. Not pizza.
Pizza first, milkshake to wash it down with.
I despise that song.
You, me and probably everyone else. Probably why its such a ridiculed song.
Completely off-topic, but I just remembered Jacob wanted to search for a new girlfriend who is exactly like Joyce, but not Joyce… It’s going to be Lucy, isn’t it?
Oh my god, Lucy’s head would pop a gamma ray burst out the crown if Jacob started to woo her.
Very possibly. They were teased in the walkyverse but never happened. It might be a thing now that Willis has another opportunity to explore that.
A normal and presentable girl who otherwise resembles Joyce?
What an awful thing for Lucy.
“I like you because you remind me of someone else but I can’t overlook her flaws.”
Wow, I didn’t remember that. Foreshadowing…
…Oh, and then there’s that amazing hair that Amber has.
If Sal gave her a bike ride, what would she use for a helmet? A cut-down Matt’s Beer Ball?
Great now I gotta scold myself and refuse to buy hot n ready pizza after work, goddangit Willis!!
i absolutely love that becky clearly got that tie with the intention of never wearing it actually tied. it’s very her
Becky’s had her tie tied before.
By Leslie.
I dunno what it is, but, the rounder Amber’s hair gets, the more I like it!
A very local sucesion of thoughts right here with Amber
I am still very amazed that they are having a party with a quiet room available!