Sidenote, anyone else having issues with the ads slowly creeping up the screen? I had to block ads and re-type this because the advertisements blocked the Post Comment Box no matter where I scrolled.
Dina, are you familiar with Utahraptors? They are actually named after Jurassic Park veliocraptors scientifically because it turns out they mostly resemble the ones in the film due to being the size of horses.
It’s true that Utahraptor is more like the Jurassic Park Velociraptors than actual Velociraptors were, but the part about the scientific name isn’t true. The name Utahraptor ostrommaysi has nothing to do with Jurassic Park (though interestingly enough Utahraptor was officially named and described the same month Jurassic Park came out). It’s true that they had considered naming it Utahraptor spielbergi, but that was because Spielberg had been talking about funding paleontological digs in exchange for having a dinosaur named after him, and that deal fell through before the name became official (note that that would have been before the movie came out).
I mean she’s aware they’re not real dinosaurs. They state. in the movie itself. they’re amalagums of 5+ different creatures to create something resembling what people thougth dinos were.
its like dino, frog, kimodo dragon? something and something.
so i think only them refering it to dinosaurs and not “dinosaurs” would be the only bother for her
Since DNA in amberized mosquitoes is out, our best bet now is back-evolving dinosaurs from chickens. Most of the genes are still there and for the rest we have genetic engineering.
It was actually very accurate at the time. They put some of their funding into advancing the scientific community’s understanding of how dinosaurs would have worked. The T-Rex in particular was as close to reality as they could get it with what they knew.
The movie isn’t all scientifically accurate, but it DID portray realistic animal behavior. They made a sincere effort, and they contributed to actual knowledge. It’s also fun to watch. Most paleonerds at least acknowledge all of that.
The rest of the movies got decreasingly accurate as things went on, but the first one was really just good. Aside from the amber thing- DNA degrades too fast, you couldn’t get it out of amber.
The dilophosaurus is also sized wrong and it didn’t have the neckfrill, which are are also wrong in the book. Ironically, the velociraptor thing is the one people always point out but is actually accurate in the book – Spielberg changed it for the movie.
I thought the Dilophosaurus was supposed to be a juvenile. In any case, the neck frill and venom were added on the assumption that at least one of the dinosaurs should have features we didn’t know about.
Which seems fair to me – not everything fossilizes. We didn’t know about things like boneless crests on hadrosaurs, dorsal spines on sauropods, or quills on ceratopsians until recently. I mean, how certain are you that Dilophosaurus didn’t have had a neck frill when they were young?
I mean, kinda. It’s not like we used to think Velociraptors were the size of ponies or that the Dilophosaurus spit poison back in the 90s either. Spielberg, quite reasonably, let accuracy take a back seat whenever it suited the story and/or he wanted to make a cool scene.
I know it’s not geometrically perfect, but I always figured the old “Overly Attached Girlfriend” meme was basically what her smile would look like in real life.
I have now an instant love of Dina. Been see sawing for a long while, but it has triumphed over my dislike of her It’s Walky incarnation. I have never been happier. Get ‘er Dina.
This was the first iteration of Dina I saw. When I got to see her It’s Walky version, I found myself strongly disappointed in her there. Her DoA incarnation is *way* better, indeed.
I’m… conflicted? Like yes it’s Dina and Robin and it’s pretty much a comedy scene and so I’m on the side of Dina for that, but publicly threatening someone with violence to change their political beliefs is… Hm.
I’m not a fan of threatening people with violence either, but this is less changing her political beliefs and more honoring the implicit promise she’s made to all the new progressives voters she’s courting.
My exact thoughts on this issue too. I appreciate what Dina is trying to do for Becky but… this is the equivalent of walking into your partner’s workplace and threatening their boss with a knife to give them a raise. Police would be called, and poor Dina would be stuck with a criminal record.
I don’t know that this is meant to be interpreted as a genuine threat. Partly because murder and cannibalism would be an extreme act of violence, entirely inappropriate to the situation.
Hey, don’t blame Dina too much. She was wearing her attracting a mate attire (not linking because you already know exactly which strip I’m talking about); and as shown three strips prior, it was clearly working. Again.
*With her new intrest in hormone based activities, Dina finds it harder and harder to answer that question, especially since the Jurassic Park/World Raptors aren’t scientifically accurate…*
Yes, I pinched that off Daniel the Human before he could post. I won fair and Square…
In this case Dina is like the boss from the Dinosaurs tv show. That guy was a triceratops, but he also was a carnivore by choice. That made him look evil and like some cannibalistic demon.
I speculated way back in the kidnapping arc that the lesson Dina took from not being able to bring Ross down in the woods was NOT that perhaps jumping an armed man three times your size was not the best thing to do, but that she needed to compensate for her lack of tooth and claws – in other words, arm herself.
Pretty sure it wouldn’t, but honestly the threat sounds so over the top and it’s a movie reference, so who knows if anyone would take it seriously? Perfect alibi.
Oh, I do hope Willis makes this happen. Even if the planned slipshine (if such a thing exists) had a different title, I hope he changes it based on this comment. That would be hilarious.
Frankly speaking, even through a cynical lens, it probably is in her best interest to make good given how the old way’s burned to her, and because of how her disgust with the Ryan situation showed there are indeed limits to what Robin was comfortable with doing for a vote on the other side.
That said, obviously a lot of stuff for her to unlearn. Which is true of many people, but most don’t have official posts to worry about.
I mean, it’s not like a corrupt IT technician will turn off the prison safety system so the electric fence will run on backup generator so, when it runs out, any imprisoned velcioraptor will be able to flee, hitch a ride with a boat to the main land and overcome her lysine deficency by eating beans or anything. That would just be silly.
They’re broken, supposedly for years. There has been “issues” with getting them fixed since April, actually had a upper level employee come out within the last few weeks saying work orders for the locks are being closed out without the work being done.
Mostly everyone from all sides of the fence are wondering what the hell is going on with the department of corrections. This includes the prison guard association.
It’s a Rousseau quote.
Although I dare say he was probably quite metaphorical and not actually warning rich people about the impending danger of cannibalism.
Pas de trace de cette citation dans le dico des citations associé au Monde (827 citations). Un moteur de recherche ne me retourne qu’un dossier de presse sur un bouquin de Mordilalt: cette citation est vraisemblablement apocryphe.
Yes now that is how you threaten somebody. I approve.
And yes I know that it’s illegal and could probably get her sent to jail but c’mon this is Robin we’re talking about. She’d never do anything about it. Also this is a fictional comic.
Honestly, even if Robin were the type, the threat is so ridiculous and over the top (not to mention a movie reference), most courts would be hard pressed to take it seriously.
I assumed the precedent was that rich people should get away with anything, while for someone like Dina they could find a reason to consider it differently. Is that too cynical? It doesn’t feel like it these days.
Elon Musk was upset about his brilliant ideas being sidelined during the Thai cave rescue last year, so he called one of the rescuers a “pedo guy” and later backed it up with “child rapist” and I believe at least one other similar comment.
He just won a case suing him for damages.
God freakin’ DAMN Dina that is a voice from The People.
Willis: this is exactly the kind of weird shit that has kept me reading your comics for 20 years. Well done. I’ll high five you once Wilbur and Zak finally kiss.
Nah, people don’t chew their cud, Dina is not a rabbi who has further trained in ritually killing animals, and she won’t have drained out all Robin’s blood first.
Dina, I think that is factually wrong. From what I saw in a documentary about a velociraptor fighting another dinosaurs, a velociraptor’s big claw isn’t the slash, but to stab. You would have to stab Robin.
“threatening a politicain is ba-” Its a god damn web comic people. Fictional people threatening each other as part of a joke isnt going to hurt you. This comic goes anywhere near going out of a safety zone and you guys start clutching your pearls about it.
I always find people who telling someone “to chill” cause it’s fiction somewhat patronising. We all know it’s fiction. People can disagree with the actions of a fictional character without believing it to be real.
And aside from that, who can afford pearls in this economy? I’m not even sure why I’d want to “clutch” them, since that’s a word used to describe a dead banker’s grip on the note he read shortly before his heart attack.
If I wanted to be uncharitable, boomer-types applying culturally-inaccurate colloquialism because they never expanded their cultural horizons to find common ground with someone not already in their sphere.
I’d have gone with pointing out it’s such an over the top threat from somebody so small and normally non threatening that even ROBIN may be doubting it actually happened the next day, but eh, you do you
Well yes, it’s over the top, but crazy murderous people do come in various sizes and shapes, and Robin and Dina never talked before. Robin, as a politician, must have had quite a number of threats thrown at her, and she doesn’t know if this particular one is indeed serious or not. She doesn’t know Dina.
Also, the fact that a threat is over-the-top doesn’t make the threatening more okay. It’s still a frigging threat.
Most people will accept an over the top threat isn’t serious. Especially considering this one is a movie reference. I know I joked about how she shouldn’t talk to Robin like that, but in all likelihood, this isn’t the kind of threat that gets taken seriously.
Are you guys actually saying Im calling you virgins and that Im a boomer because I said dont take a webcomic so seriously? Is this how you react to everything?
Politicians arent getting hurt over a web comic or frustrated peoples “Time for the Guillotine” jokes and they arent going to start giving a damn about you or any of us because you so vehemently defend them. Theyre going to go on their merry way fucking us all over for money and I’m still most likely going to die because of their choices so you can miss me with that all.
I think I’ve figured out why she’ll get reelected. She will get injured (nonfatally) by Ross. Either she will have been trying to stop him, or she will just *spin* it as having been trying to stop him ..
Well, that seems entirely outside the typical behavior we display in this lovely comments section. I, for one, am baffled by this blatant mischaracterisation of your fellow regulars.
Eventually Dina will have re-enacted every scene from Jurassic Park in Dumbing of Age strips. And we’ll be able to read them in cinematic order after Willis collects them into another book!
I’m mostly conflicted about her calling a Deinonychus a Velociraptor, but if she decided that in this context adherence to the source material trumps pure scientific accuracy, I can respect that, even if I’m not sure that I agree with it.
Usually the comments section is discussing a comic about Joyce being naughty, or Mary being a bongo, or Mike doing Mike things.
I attribute any difference in the comments to this comic being about disemboweling and cannibalizing a human, no matter how much facetiousness Dina thinks she’s showing.
I always assumed Dina was shorter than 5′. Quite a lot of women are 5′ tall; it’s once you get shorter than that when people start doing a double-take. In my experience, anyway.
Dina. It’s not a good thing menacing to eat alive someone scared her so much. But I love the way you’ve done it. Also, now I want to have a
Velociraptor claw too.
While you *could” charge Dina with a crime, you’d never make it stick if she had a halfway decent defence attorney. She is autistic, was at a party and quoted a scene from a movie on subject matter she is interested in. She’d get a stern talking to about acceptable social context, but not much else.
Plus she’s small and normally non threatening. She hits all the checkboxes of making even her victim question reality after a day or two has passed. So long as she doesn’t make a habit of this, Dina could get away with these kinds of threats for quite a while
Also, charging the girlfriend of your campaign manager with threatening you so that you’ll live up to the promises she’s been making is…not a good campaign strategy.
Y’know, I love dina, but she just threatened to cut someone open and eat them alive, and admitted not knowing what fear is, which is pretty much the most psycopathic thing that anyone, beside Amazigirl and Ryan, have said .
Knowing what fear is and being able to read facial expressions aren’t the same thing.
I know what lust is. Doesn’t mean I’m capable of looking at someone’s face and going “oh, yeah, they want this.”
That Dina’s reacting to “oh hey this is the face I’m told is fear” with a grin? I’ll buy that as psychopathic. But being able to read facial expressions isn’t the same thing as knowing the emotion those expressions convey.
She has always rather… psychopathic to me. It is not just the facial things she cannot read. Social cues. I guess it could be aspergers but something seems more extreme with her. This act makes me think psychopath.
It’s kind of passively canon that Dina is supposed to be read as having autistic traits. It can cause a lot of difficulty with social things in general including social cues, facial expressions, comprehension e.g. being too literal (sarcasm and jokes go over head, not necessarily all the time, but it is hard initially to pick up), knowing how much physical contact or eye contact is expected, speaking bluntly regardless of topic/circumstance, understanding when something is appropriate to say and when it isn’t etc. because you don’t pick up everything naturally when you’re autistic. Like. I suppose it doesn’t mean she can’t be a sociopath/psychopath too, I don’t think those are mutually exclusive, but if you are basing it mostly off her difficulty with social cues, that is very much an autistic thing by itself and some will be worse at picking up social stuff by themselves than others.
God I hope two isn’t as half assed as one. Seriously Becky wanted her own place for actual reasons and if you sleep there and act like your doing her some favor be letting her throw a party when you are supposed to be somewhere else you are not treating it like her place.
ROZ: Niles said you’re going on a date with a trans woman.
FRASIER: I suppose you don’t approve.
ROZ: Oh, no, Frasier, I really feel for trans women.
FRASIER: Oh? Do go on.
ROZ: Oh, I can just relate to any woman who has a useless prick they’d like to get rid of
Dear cis people,
It's well past the point where this kind of thing will fix everything, but I want you to take note of how easy this is.
These little freaks are soft-handed little babies that will fold like a napkin in the rain.
Light these fools up.
Ari ⋅ 2d
Texas Republican Keithself storms out of the meeting he's supposed to be running because a Democrat asked him to treat his colleague Sarah McBride with respect. These people would not last one day as a trans person.
ok badass mothereffin’ girlfriend
I can’t decide if I like “mothertrucker” or “monstertrucker” more.
Never presume a woman does not have inaccurately portrayed velociraptors at her disposal.
[Ninja Rick hangs up his sword, knowing he has been defeated for all time]
This might make for a good new wallpaper: Becky in Galasso’s role, and Dina in Nick’s. “Never presume a woman does not have raptors at her command.”
There’s a question. Would Dina even like “Jurassic Park,” given its inaccurate depiction of velociraptors? (And T. Rex, for that matter.)
“While I enjoy Jurassic Park superficially as a cornerstone of mainstream dinosaur themed entertainment, I cannot endorse it fully due to several paleontological errors.”
Sidenote, anyone else having issues with the ads slowly creeping up the screen? I had to block ads and re-type this because the advertisements blocked the Post Comment Box no matter where I scrolled.
Dina, are you familiar with Utahraptors? They are actually named after Jurassic Park veliocraptors scientifically because it turns out they mostly resemble the ones in the film due to being the size of horses.
It’s true that Utahraptor is more like the Jurassic Park Velociraptors than actual Velociraptors were, but the part about the scientific name isn’t true. The name Utahraptor ostrommaysi has nothing to do with Jurassic Park (though interestingly enough Utahraptor was officially named and described the same month Jurassic Park came out). It’s true that they had considered naming it Utahraptor spielbergi, but that was because Spielberg had been talking about funding paleontological digs in exchange for having a dinosaur named after him, and that deal fell through before the name became official (note that that would have been before the movie came out).
So…instead of being named after Spielberg it was named after Oscar Mayer?
Yes, it’s seldom used full name is Utahrapter. weineri.
I mean she’s aware they’re not real dinosaurs. They state. in the movie itself. they’re amalagums of 5+ different creatures to create something resembling what people thougth dinos were.
its like dino, frog, kimodo dragon? something and something.
so i think only them refering it to dinosaurs and not “dinosaurs” would be the only bother for her
Since DNA in amberized mosquitoes is out, our best bet now is back-evolving dinosaurs from chickens. Most of the genes are still there and for the rest we have genetic engineering.
It was actually very accurate at the time. They put some of their funding into advancing the scientific community’s understanding of how dinosaurs would have worked. The T-Rex in particular was as close to reality as they could get it with what they knew.
The movie isn’t all scientifically accurate, but it DID portray realistic animal behavior. They made a sincere effort, and they contributed to actual knowledge. It’s also fun to watch. Most paleonerds at least acknowledge all of that.
The rest of the movies got decreasingly accurate as things went on, but the first one was really just good. Aside from the amber thing- DNA degrades too fast, you couldn’t get it out of amber.
And the velociraptors themselves, where they basically took a cool sounding name and applied it to a different dinosaur.
And the abuse of chaos theory.
It wasn’t really that bad as movies go, but it wasn’t all that either.
The dilophosaurus is also sized wrong and it didn’t have the neckfrill, which are are also wrong in the book. Ironically, the velociraptor thing is the one people always point out but is actually accurate in the book – Spielberg changed it for the movie.
I thought the Dilophosaurus was supposed to be a juvenile. In any case, the neck frill and venom were added on the assumption that at least one of the dinosaurs should have features we didn’t know about.
Which seems fair to me – not everything fossilizes. We didn’t know about things like boneless crests on hadrosaurs, dorsal spines on sauropods, or quills on ceratopsians until recently. I mean, how certain are you that Dilophosaurus didn’t have had a neck frill when they were young?
I mean, kinda. It’s not like we used to think Velociraptors were the size of ponies or that the Dilophosaurus spit poison back in the 90s either. Spielberg, quite reasonably, let accuracy take a back seat whenever it suited the story and/or he wanted to make a cool scene.
The Dilophosaurus is on Crichton, not Spielberg – HE’s responsible for the Velociraptor size.
Right, I keep forgetting there’s a novel.
My real question is if that’s an actual raptor claw. The real ones were, what, two and a half inches? That one looks a little large.
It’s either a replica or a utahraptor claw.
So it is actually possible for a human being to make a triangle smile.
Like Joyce’s?
I know it’s not geometrically perfect, but I always figured the old “Overly Attached Girlfriend” meme was basically what her smile would look like in real life.
For you youngins’.
Different kind of crazy eyes.
I have now an instant love of Dina. Been see sawing for a long while, but it has triumphed over my dislike of her It’s Walky incarnation. I have never been happier. Get ‘er Dina.
This was the first iteration of Dina I saw. When I got to see her It’s Walky version, I found myself strongly disappointed in her there. Her DoA incarnation is *way* better, indeed.
Problem now is, not everyone would, or could, kow-tow to Dina
Keep bein’ good to her Becky, She’s a keeper.
I mean, srsly, I wouldn’t feel safe breaking up with her, now.
This is a new and disturbing side of Dina. I think I like it.
0_0 sooooo Dina!!! thank you!!!!
I’m… conflicted? Like yes it’s Dina and Robin and it’s pretty much a comedy scene and so I’m on the side of Dina for that, but publicly threatening someone with violence to change their political beliefs is… Hm.
I’m not a fan of threatening people with violence either, but this is less changing her political beliefs and more honoring the implicit promise she’s made to all the new progressives voters she’s courting.
Oh, yeah, IRL this would not be cool. But is comic, and genuinely funny, so I’m on board.
I appreciate this point.
My exact thoughts on this issue too. I appreciate what Dina is trying to do for Becky but… this is the equivalent of walking into your partner’s workplace and threatening their boss with a knife to give them a raise. Police would be called, and poor Dina would be stuck with a criminal record.
More like threatening someone with a soup spoon. Fossilized raptor claws are pretty blunt these days.
Not that you couldn’t get arrested for threatening someone with a soup spoon – it would just be for the threat rather than for the “weapon”.
Threatening to dig out someone’s eyes with a soup spoon and eating them would definitely be arrestable material, I think.
I’ve heard it is more than possible in Britain.
I’m refering to the police of London posting a picture of seized weapons and in among all the knives there was a dinner spoon.
I don’t know that this is meant to be interpreted as a genuine threat. Partly because murder and cannibalism would be an extreme act of violence, entirely inappropriate to the situation.
Oh, I totally believe Dina would eat Robin alive. Betrayal of her lover after she gets you elected is very bad news bears.
Isn’t Dina in the Triceratop tho?
Hey, that’s right. Triceratops don’t have velicioraptor claws.
Come on, Dina. You are better than this.
It’s not even the first time she made this mistake.
Hey, don’t blame Dina too much. She was wearing her attracting a mate attire (not linking because you already know exactly which strip I’m talking about); and as shown three strips prior, it was clearly working. Again.
Well, what’s most important? Scientifically accurat depiction of dinosaurs, or getting laid?
Well, Dina? What’s your answer? We are waiting.
*With her new intrest in hormone based activities, Dina finds it harder and harder to answer that question, especially since the Jurassic Park/World Raptors aren’t scientifically accurate…*
Yes, I pinched that off Daniel the Human before he could post. I won fair and Square…
It’s an advanced form of camouflage. Who expects the predator to look like an herbivore?
In this case Dina is like the boss from the Dinosaurs tv show. That guy was a triceratops, but he also was a carnivore by choice. That made him look evil and like some cannibalistic demon.
God, I forgot that little nugget of Nightmare Fuel.
oh i didn’t think it was possible for me to love dina any more than i already did but here we are
We don’t know the meaning of Fear
We play every moment by ear… (Paul McCartney’s ripoff of Adam Ant)
I speculated way back in the kidnapping arc that the lesson Dina took from not being able to bring Ross down in the woods was NOT that perhaps jumping an armed man three times your size was not the best thing to do, but that she needed to compensate for her lack of tooth and claws – in other words, arm herself.
I was not entirely comfortable with that notion.
Yikes – turns out I was right.
Good thing Dina is so adorable – otherwise she would be friggin’ terrifying.
She’s adorifying.
Oh yes
Dina’s terrific. She inspires terror.
People do say she’s nice, though.
I’m glad you made that reference so I didn’t have to
Dina, you’re the best.
“I am told this is fear” lol
“I do not feel it myself, so I cannot confirm whether the look you wear is it. Please confirm for me.”
I took it more as Dina having the common autistic difficulty in reading facial expressions.
I dunno about this whole “threatening politicians with sharp objects to make them change policies” thing. Seems like it could go sideways real fast.
Yep. Someone else pointed that out above.
Yes, never threaten. Strike first, without mercy, and have Becky take over the campaign in memorium.
Little error in your Latin, that’s all. I’m sure Niccolò Machiavelli would endorse your political advice as sound.
The REAL question is… when exactly did Dina start carrying a Velociraptor claw around with her everywhere she went?
Was it after Robin gave Becky the apartment?
After Toedad tried to toe-nap Becky?
After the expedition to the lake, during which Dina was kidnapped by a shark with abs carved from caramel?
Perhaps a birthday present from her folks? “Here, my dinosaur daughter. Use this to protect your mate.”
I think it was after her ambush of ToeDad in the woods didn’t work. Clearly she felt the need to up her game.
My guess is that it’s a prop replica that isn’t any more suitable to stabbing than, say, a pencil, and she’s had it for years.
Shortly after acquiring a velociraptor claw, I’d imagine
Oh, huh, Dina’s going to jail.
I’m joking but like, maybe hold off on threatening to murder a congressional rep, Dina? They don’t tend to like that.
Technically, it’s not murder if Robin’s still alive when Dina starts to eat her!
I really hope that wouldn’t hold up in court.
Pretty sure it wouldn’t, but honestly the threat sounds so over the top and it’s a movie reference, so who knows if anyone would take it seriously? Perfect alibi.
“An’ she looked at me dead eyed then smiled an’ asked me to confirm if I was showin’ FEAR!”
“…Ok Robin, the court orders you to lay off the Cadbury”
Well, Dina’s LGBT+ and Robin tries to enact policies that result in the death of LGBT+ folks, so this is technically self-defence.
best reply so far.
like, maybe hold off on threatening to kill anyone
“You are alive when I start to eat you” sounds kinda dirty now.
I think Robin and Becky heards quite different things when Dina says that.
that’s the title of their future slipshine
**eyes widen**
Oh, I do hope Willis makes this happen. Even if the planned slipshine (if such a thing exists) had a different title, I hope he changes it based on this comment. That would be hilarious.
“You will die a little before I finish.”
Mama bear Dina! …Er, no, mama raptor! …….Mama triceratops?
Frankly speaking, even through a cynical lens, it probably is in her best interest to make good given how the old way’s burned to her, and because of how her disgust with the Ryan situation showed there are indeed limits to what Robin was comfortable with doing for a vote on the other side.
That said, obviously a lot of stuff for her to unlearn. Which is true of many people, but most don’t have official posts to worry about.
stares in ‘intense scientific curiosity’
Dina got a Velociraptor claw for this specific reason years ago, and has waited all this time to use it.
Dina, panel 1: “… A turkey, huh.” (Yeah, I have the scene more or less memorized. Don’t you?)
And then Dina goes to prison because she just threatened a senator, yaaaaay.
Congressional rep, actually, but that’s not better.
Thank goodness this is a usually-goofy webcomic, and not real life, huh?
I’m sure the prison will be able to hold her.
I mean, it’s not like a corrupt IT technician will turn off the prison safety system so the electric fence will run on backup generator so, when it runs out, any imprisoned velcioraptor will be able to flee, hitch a ride with a boat to the main land and overcome her lysine deficency by eating beans or anything. That would just be silly.
Well in Arizona we have a jail that has cells that don’t lock. No need to set anything up for her inevitable escape.
Do they not lock because the locks are broken, or does the jail employ the “Otis the town drunk” system?
They’re broken, supposedly for years. There has been “issues” with getting them fixed since April, actually had a upper level employee come out within the last few weeks saying work orders for the locks are being closed out without the work being done.
Mostly everyone from all sides of the fence are wondering what the hell is going on with the department of corrections. This includes the prison guard association.
I’ve heard that in Iceland the prison is closed on weekends, and they send all the convicts home on Friday night to return on Monday morning.
…that seems suboptimal
Welcome to Arizona.
Oh, Amber, we have a job for you…
Dina can go just about anywhere without being noticed. She would soon walk right out of prison.
Hey, Robin may be a lot of things, but she’s not a snitch.
So it turns out the kid in the movie was credited: #pointlesstriviaoftheday
Is Dina saying this because she shares those political beliefs or she’s so horny she wants Robin to leave?
Yes, it’s probably at least one of those reasons.
you know what they say, eat the rich
Dina never was one for subtility.
Or metaphores.
Not entirely metaphorical. Translated from the original French: “When the people shall have nothing more to eat, they will eat the rich.”
as a french person : what ?
It’s a Rousseau quote.
Although I dare say he was probably quite metaphorical and not actually warning rich people about the impending danger of cannibalism.
Pas de trace de cette citation dans le dico des citations associé au Monde (827 citations). Un moteur de recherche ne me retourne qu’un dossier de presse sur un bouquin de Mordilalt: cette citation est vraisemblablement apocryphe.
Attributed to him then, at least.
Feel free to slap a “citation needed” on the “Eat the rich” wikipedia page.
I thought they said “All toasters toast “.
I guess the I stands for INVISIBLE, rather that It’s Leaning, today.
Dina, that’s illegal.
Robin, a five foot turkey would be terrifying, and you know it.
I mean, now she does.
Turkeys are already pretty terrifying.
Nothing that big should fly at you out of a tree in the dark.
There’s a reason Benjamin Franklin wanted the turkey to be the national bird of America.
I thought it was because a war gobble is more terrifying than a bald eagle peep?
Damn. Can we get Dina a meeting with President Trump?
She would stab him before he speaks. Everything from his mouth is umpleasant.
Greta Thunberg, when asked if she wanted to meet President Trump: “I just think it would be a waste of time, really.”
Now that’s badass.
and realistic
Yes now that is how you threaten somebody. I approve.
And yes I know that it’s illegal and could probably get her sent to jail but c’mon this is Robin we’re talking about. She’d never do anything about it. Also this is a fictional comic.
Also, she can’t afford to piss off her campaign manager.
Honestly, even if Robin were the type, the threat is so ridiculous and over the top (not to mention a movie reference), most courts would be hard pressed to take it seriously.
Yeah, like calling someone “pedo guy.” Obviously not meant to be taken literally.
Don’t get me started on that.
That’s a strangely specific example.
It is a strong legal precedent for deciding a crime doesn’t matter.
I assumed the precedent was that rich people should get away with anything, while for someone like Dina they could find a reason to consider it differently. Is that too cynical? It doesn’t feel like it these days.
Elon Musk was upset about his brilliant ideas being sidelined during the Thai cave rescue last year, so he called one of the rescuers a “pedo guy” and later backed it up with “child rapist” and I believe at least one other similar comment.
He just won a case suing him for damages.
Fictional comic with shades of realism is the thing.
It’s why Mike’s antics aren’t funny either, because we’re meant to treat the issues a bit more seriously.
Blaine and toe dad might not want to mess with Becky when Dina is around.
Good. They may not want to mess with Dina or any of their other friends either.
Dina is what Robin needs.
Dina is what the world needs.
Dina makes a strong, pointy case for “Best DoA partner”.
She sure is a badass
…clever girl.
I was waiting for it.
Clever girl indeed
God freakin’ DAMN Dina that is a voice from The People.
Willis: this is exactly the kind of weird shit that has kept me reading your comics for 20 years. Well done. I’ll high five you once Wilbur and Zak finally kiss.
A year ago I wasn’t following Willis on Twitter, or reading Joshreads.
But I’ve made those significant upgrades to my life, and today “I understand that reference”.
(And IRL I may be as old as Wilbur. He’s a perfect antithesis of a role model for us not-so-young guys.)
The kid in that scene was an excellent child actor.
I’m sure being threatened with being eaten alive will cause you to change your publicly espoused political views. Not sure if that’s kosher.
It’s kosher as long as you don’t serve her with cheese or in a cream sauce.
Nah, people don’t chew their cud, Dina is not a rabbi who has further trained in ritually killing animals, and she won’t have drained out all Robin’s blood first.
Don’t eat people. Not kosher.
Eat people. They’re part of a balanced breakfast.
But you are what you eat, so if you want to be people…
Kroot spotted.
Might be a Plasmavore.
plus, if she pierce the intestines the meat will be all contaminated
Dina, do you realize that you just openly threatened to murder an elected official?
Just checking.
you mean it’s less important if she threaten someone else ?
It’s… less likely to get her in trouble, I guess?
Yes, never warn your prey before you strike!
*Becky, Dina, and Joyce tear Robin apart as one pack*
Somehow everything Dina does is even more Dina than I expect.
Dina, I think that is factually wrong. From what I saw in a documentary about a velociraptor fighting another dinosaurs, a velociraptor’s big claw isn’t the slash, but to stab. You would have to stab Robin.
Also, you would go to jail for threatening her.
She’s quoting Star Wars, which isn’t known for Dino accuracy.
… Pretty sure you meant Jurassic Park. Although Star Wars SHOULD have dinosaurs in it.
Are you crazy? It’s obviously from Casablanca.
That’s the one about the bratty Irish girl who marries a rich guy because he thinks she’s hilarious, yes? “Frankly, my dear, that’s a lot of fish.”
No, that’s Gone with the Wind. Casablanca is the one where the Nazis are killed by an Ark.
That’s Noah. Casablanca is the one with the whales.
That IS a lot of fish.
Attack of the 5-foot woman dressed as a dinosaur
Attack of the five-foot-oh woman!
“threatening a politicain is ba-” Its a god damn web comic people. Fictional people threatening each other as part of a joke isnt going to hurt you. This comic goes anywhere near going out of a safety zone and you guys start clutching your pearls about it.
Ooh, call us all repressed virgins, too. I’m one square away from Bingo.
I always find people who telling someone “to chill” cause it’s fiction somewhat patronising. We all know it’s fiction. People can disagree with the actions of a fictional character without believing it to be real.
And aside from that, who can afford pearls in this economy? I’m not even sure why I’d want to “clutch” them, since that’s a word used to describe a dead banker’s grip on the note he read shortly before his heart attack.
If I wanted to be uncharitable, boomer-types applying culturally-inaccurate colloquialism because they never expanded their cultural horizons to find common ground with someone not already in their sphere.
I’d have gone with pointing out it’s such an over the top threat from somebody so small and normally non threatening that even ROBIN may be doubting it actually happened the next day, but eh, you do you
Well yes, it’s over the top, but crazy murderous people do come in various sizes and shapes, and Robin and Dina never talked before. Robin, as a politician, must have had quite a number of threats thrown at her, and she doesn’t know if this particular one is indeed serious or not. She doesn’t know Dina.
Also, the fact that a threat is over-the-top doesn’t make the threatening more okay. It’s still a frigging threat.
Most people will accept an over the top threat isn’t serious. Especially considering this one is a movie reference. I know I joked about how she shouldn’t talk to Robin like that, but in all likelihood, this isn’t the kind of threat that gets taken seriously.
Are you guys actually saying Im calling you virgins and that Im a boomer because I said dont take a webcomic so seriously? Is this how you react to everything?
Politicians arent getting hurt over a web comic or frustrated peoples “Time for the Guillotine” jokes and they arent going to start giving a damn about you or any of us because you so vehemently defend them. Theyre going to go on their merry way fucking us all over for money and I’m still most likely going to die because of their choices so you can miss me with that all.
Get you a girlfriend who will threaten to gut and eat an elected official to you get all Three of your demands!!!
I approve of this strip, for that Velociraptor claw is shaped exactly like mine. I approve of this attention to detail.
I think I’ve figured out why she’ll get reelected. She will get injured (nonfatally) by Ross. Either she will have been trying to stop him, or she will just *spin* it as having been trying to stop him ..
It’s a definite possibility.
Then people around here will blame Becky for it.
Well, that seems entirely outside the typical behavior we display in this lovely comments section. I, for one, am baffled by this blatant mischaracterisation of your fellow regulars.
Hating on characters for things they didn’t actually do is totally a normal thing in the comments.
For example, I hate on Walky for actually not washing his clothes.
Not if they can find some way to blame Danny for it!
You foolish FOOL!
Thinking that there needs to be a way to blame Danny. What do they even teach in your schools anymore.
Mike is at the party
He’s getting the blame for sure
I feel Dina makes a compelling argument here. And if Robin thought being Liberal meant being soft, she also shows another perspective…
I’m sure Robin sees Dina’s POINT
Eventually Dina will have re-enacted every scene from Jurassic Park in Dumbing of Age strips. And we’ll be able to read them in cinematic order after Willis collects them into another book!
I’m mostly conflicted about her calling a Deinonychus a Velociraptor, but if she decided that in this context adherence to the source material trumps pure scientific accuracy, I can respect that, even if I’m not sure that I agree with it.
Dina is a pragmatist.
It’s big enough for gutting purposes so that’s what matters here.
When I looked for “velociraptor claw” the Internet Overlord also suggested
“velociraptor claw knife”.
Dina just became my new favorite and if anything happens to her i will kill everyone on this site and then myself
That’s dark.
Look, some of us don’t want to do it ourselves.
Has Dina evolved into a murder bird?
Feels like the comments are significantly more cop then normal.
You know how much us lefties love bacon.
No kidding
I seriously can’t tell if people don’t get the reference or if they actually think quoting Jurassic Park at someone is illegal.
If it isn’t, then it should be.
Usually the comments section is discussing a comic about Joyce being naughty, or Mary being a bongo, or Mike doing Mike things.
I attribute any difference in the comments to this comic being about disemboweling and cannibalizing a human, no matter how much facetiousness Dina thinks she’s showing.
Here Dina has a chance at converting Robin into a shill for good and people are all nit-picky over a little cannibalism.
Dina is the best!
So… That’s actually horrible?
I wonder how the others are going to react to hearing this
Eh, they’ve all probably seen Toy Story before, so they’ll most likely get the reference.
It’s a Jurassic Park reference.
I’m pretty sure it was from E.T. when E.T. pulled out the knife to call home. (It was a knife, not a phone!)
Good point.
“Oh good now I know who is most likely to be school shooter. Time to be INCREDIBLY nice in hopes of being spared”?
Save the claw for when Team Worst Dads arrive
Bodyguards are useless, she can materialize tracelessly past them!
Robin fired everyone, anyway
I always assumed Dina was shorter than 5′. Quite a lot of women are 5′ tall; it’s once you get shorter than that when people start doing a double-take. In my experience, anyway.
you gotta love a woman who carries a claw in her pocket
You gotta carry a woman in your clocket.
Wait… mcgee and me? *googling intensifies* How have I never made this connection?!?!?
Dina. It’s not a good thing menacing to eat alive someone scared her so much. But I love the way you’ve done it. Also, now I want to have a
Velociraptor claw too.
… so I guess that’s ONE WAY to literally demand respect.
While you *could” charge Dina with a crime, you’d never make it stick if she had a halfway decent defence attorney. She is autistic, was at a party and quoted a scene from a movie on subject matter she is interested in. She’d get a stern talking to about acceptable social context, but not much else.
Pretty much.
Plus she’s small and normally non threatening. She hits all the checkboxes of making even her victim question reality after a day or two has passed. So long as she doesn’t make a habit of this, Dina could get away with these kinds of threats for quite a while
Also, charging the girlfriend of your campaign manager with threatening you so that you’ll live up to the promises she’s been making is…not a good campaign strategy.
God damn Dina… I was not expecting such brutality from you but I love it
Haha Dina just threatened a representative. That’s fucking dope
I still think someone should ask why Desanto has “given” Becky an apartment but is living there despite owning two houses.
Because the houses aren’t in town and she needs to be here to campaign?
She’s never said they’re not in town. She’s said they’re really far from Leslie’s house. When she didn’t want to leave for any reason.
I love Dina so much.
Y’know, I love dina, but she just threatened to cut someone open and eat them alive, and admitted not knowing what fear is, which is pretty much the most psycopathic thing that anyone, beside Amazigirl and Ryan, have said .
Knowing what fear is and being able to read facial expressions aren’t the same thing.
I know what lust is. Doesn’t mean I’m capable of looking at someone’s face and going “oh, yeah, they want this.”
That Dina’s reacting to “oh hey this is the face I’m told is fear” with a grin? I’ll buy that as psychopathic. But being able to read facial expressions isn’t the same thing as knowing the emotion those expressions convey.
She has always rather… psychopathic to me. It is not just the facial things she cannot read. Social cues. I guess it could be aspergers but something seems more extreme with her. This act makes me think psychopath.
Now, when you say “psychopath”, do you mean it in the real sense, or the Hollywood sense? There’s a very important distinction.
It’s kind of passively canon that Dina is supposed to be read as having autistic traits. It can cause a lot of difficulty with social things in general including social cues, facial expressions, comprehension e.g. being too literal (sarcasm and jokes go over head, not necessarily all the time, but it is hard initially to pick up), knowing how much physical contact or eye contact is expected, speaking bluntly regardless of topic/circumstance, understanding when something is appropriate to say and when it isn’t etc. because you don’t pick up everything naturally when you’re autistic. Like. I suppose it doesn’t mean she can’t be a sociopath/psychopath too, I don’t think those are mutually exclusive, but if you are basing it mostly off her difficulty with social cues, that is very much an autistic thing by itself and some will be worse at picking up social stuff by themselves than others.
hahahahaah,,, I LOVE it!!!! You go girl,,,, kick some Desanto ass!
No, then that’s where the guts will spill out and she’ll be obligated as a raptor to eat it
God I hope two isn’t as half assed as one. Seriously Becky wanted her own place for actual reasons and if you sleep there and act like your doing her some favor be letting her throw a party when you are supposed to be somewhere else you are not treating it like her place.
“Robin is shit. Film at eleven.”
lmao Dina that’s…a great use of that quote from the movie XD
Check it out, Dina uses a contraction.