It’s Christmas! You can pop over to Slipshine today to see a Christmas-themed Dumbing of Age naked person! It’s Christmas themed because it’s a naked person in a Santa hat.
I apologize belatedly for not having any Hanukkah-themed naked people.
It’s Christmas! You can pop over to Slipshine today to see a Christmas-themed Dumbing of Age naked person! It’s Christmas themed because it’s a naked person in a Santa hat.
I apologize belatedly for not having any Hanukkah-themed naked people.
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“I’ll be the bongoest Alpha Bongo and show those darned muffin hanky-pankiers what’s what!”
bongo bongo
bongo bongo
bongo bongo
bongo bongo
Bingo Bongo!
Plasma Mongoose is about to make a Steven Universe reference!
I look forward to seeing the newest episodes of SU once I get back from holidays.
I cannot believe I failed to figure out that RQ=PD, I was so sure PD was going to come out of hiding with everyone in shock.
Imagine Ronaldo’s surprise, when he found out his little brother was secretly a magical alien rebel.
At least Walter is still best gem.
No way, it’s definitely Jelly Bean.
A fan of the meme dorito I see.
Stretch has been kinda dropped in my esteem somewhat now she has revealed herself to be less of a renegade and more of a slave “in love” with her master.
Yeah, that particular twist kinda cheeses my onions. A lot of the latest season has sorta been doing that.
Mmm. Cheese and onions.
Onion and Aquamarine are my favourite crack evil ship.
Have to agree with Delicious Taffy, Jellybean/Meme Dorito is the best gem. That said, Razzle Dazzle Dorito>Meme Dorito.
Thanks, Padparascha.
Or you can just listen to the opening of Hare+Guu.
Lots of Bongo in that, conga too.
Bingo bango bongo
I don wanna leave da jungle
Oh no no no no no
Bingo bango bongo
Ahm so hoppy in da jungle
I refuse to go
Bing Bang,
Funny words I sing when I am dancing!
(Dancing, dancing, dancing)
Bing Bang,
Silly words that can mean anything!
I’ve never seen that written out. It’s kind of dirty, isn’t it? Of course, the whole show was for the edification of pedophiles.
Bingo bango bongo
I dont wanna leave the Congo
Ohhhh no no no no noooo
Hmm… an “Alpha Bonobo” actually sounds more interesting… though once Joyce Googles them, and realizes she’s been loudly proclaiming herself one…
…Actually that sound’s fantastic! Go for it, Dave! ^_^
It’s Canon now. Hee hee.
Not only is it canon, but it is de factoproof that the Dumbiverse is, in fact, the real world.
I think it’s more like proof that the real world is in fact the Dumbiverse.
Life Imitates Life.
If she’s wearing a hat, she’s not naked, is she?
If you think that hat’s not getting tossed away in a few moments, you’re as naïve as me.
Oh sure, ask that question here and it’s philosophical. Ask it at the grocery store and it’s “disturbing the peace”.
Well she’s in high spirits.
Yippie-ki-yay, Mister Falcon.
This is what happens when you find a stranger in the Alps!
This is adorable. I love that Billie doesn’t even have a look of judgment, she’s just… used to it.
If I remember correctly, Billie had the sudden realization that Joyce was, for the moment, technically her only friend.
At this point, despite not enjoying her mannerism, she considered Joyce a friend.
The bongo IS the mean girl of the rhythm section…
[chanting]Bongo! Bongo! Bongo!
i don’t wanna leave the congo
dey have things like the atom bomb
So I think I stay right where I omb
I’ll! Stay! Right! Here!!!
But then you gotta watch out for malaria and stuff there if you stay.
I don’t wanna work
I just wanna Bang On The Drum All Day…
I don’t wanna play
I just want to bang on me drum all day
No! My precious fourth wall!
The forth wall was just an illusion Joyce was allowing you to hold on to.
For a time.
It’s like Haruhi, wherein Joyce is the god of Dumbing of Age.
Would that mean that Walky is Kyon?
Or Guu.
“If you don’t break it every so often, how will it know you’re friends?”
-Deadpool, probably.
I say this as a joke, but I’m quickly remembering Deadpool’s history of torturing his “friends,” so… Ouch. Don’t be friends like Deadpool, people… What were we talking about again?
Billie and Sal are like sisters. So if Joyce is like Sal’s little sister, she can be like Billie’s little sister!
And Sarah’s.
Sal and Billie don’t actually seem to consider each other like sisters. Walky, yes, and Billie definitely considers Sal’s parents to be like her parents…but Billie doesn’t seem to extend the same feeling to Sal. Partly because Sal was away for 5 years and partly because when they meet up again, well….refer to one of the earliest pieces of evidence of Billie’s bisexuality:
That said, Joyce is ABSOLUTELY like a little sister for Billie. And Sal. And Sarah. And she’s got other sisterly relationships with Dorothy and Becky. Not to mention her actual sister, Jocelyne.
Joyce is the Steven Universe of sisters, yes.
Is there a DoA wiki or age chart or something? All this little sister talk reminds me that Joyce started at the same time as most of the cast and could in fact be as old or older than Sal and Billie which would be funny, Kinda like how Dina’s a year older than most of them.
If the birthdays are the same as in Walkyverse (but different birth years), Joyce is about a month younger than Sal (and Walky). Not sure about Billie though.
And yes, you are referring to walkypedia and we desperately need contributors. I’m technically an admin, but I have a lot of other commitments and rarely have a ton of time. We’re fairly irreverent, so as long as you’re not posting bigoted shit or spam, please feel free.
For those curious
Walky and Sal’s Walkyverse birthday – April 1st
Joyce’s Walkyverse birthday – May 5th.
Birthday on Billie’s fake id- October 19. My birthday.
Willis said that’s not necessarily her real birthday though, and unlike Dina and Sarah’s, Billie’s isn’t mentioned as coming up soon.
I know what he said. That’s why I was careful to say on her fake ID.
Dorothy is nineteen. Others I cannot say.
I remember a reference to Dina being 19, and other characters surprised she’s on the older end of the main cast.
Ruth’s twenty, we know that from Chloe’s attempt at a pep talk in the hospital.
Other Rachel’s birthday was September 9, Meredith’s was September 17.
Dina’s actually still 18. Her nineteenth birthday is coming up shortly though.
This comic is becoming self aware. That’s a sign of the robot apocalypse! Also “bongo”. Yes I actually typed the word for the filter.
Double also: Happy Holidays, but don’t kid yourself into thinking we’ll see Christmas in comic before 2025!
the word bongo will soon become the word “beach” just to mess with us.
Peak Meta Joyce is peak meta.
Also, happy 11th day of Agnostica.
You know, Joyce, it’s not the word that’s a problem but how it’s used. Sensoring it with a placeholder everyone knows the real meaning of does nothing to stop hateful speech.
This reminds me of when I watch dog shows and they sometimes say “b*tch”(We’ll find out if this gets passed the filter) and I gasp a little before remembering that’s actually how the word is used. Soon “bongo” will be the defacto derogatory term around here if it isn’t already.
Today, the comment section. Tomorrow, the world.
An older friend of mine breeds and shows dogs. It’s always amusing to listen to these nice old ladies talking about bongoes.
Up in the mountains where I come from, they’re too finicky to say bongo, so they call a female dog a “gyp.”
I’m pretty sure there’s an Oingo Boingo joke to be made here, but I can’t figure one out.
Does it count as an ascended meme when Willis is the one who came up with the word filter in the first place?
Yay! It’s canon now! <3
Merry Christmas, (belated) Happy Hanukkah, Happy Children's day, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Yule, happy holidays for anything I missed, and if you're not celebrating anything at all, then have a nice day.
Agnostica — “the holiday for anyone who has ever calculated Santa’s airspeed” — began on Dec. 14 and has a half-life of 10 days, so celebrations are still ongoing. There’s still time to string up the Moebius chains, not open the Schroedinger’s box, and dress up as your favorite scientist.
Sounds like something Sheldon from “Big Bang Theory” would celebrate.
Wow. Burn.
It was not intended as one. Wasn’t there an episode of “BBT” in which the group *DID* have a party and the invitees played a game where they were supposed to choose someone from the world of science and interact with the others? And the reference to Möbius chains and the Schrödinger’s box was just a natural call-out to everyone’s favorite physicists.
Well… Big Bang Theory is about as representative of nerds as Swamp People is of Louisiana. Any comparison or parallels drawn to it can be taken as a backhanded compliment.
Knowledge of that would require watching BBT.
Don’t know about BBT, which I find unwatchable unless Mayim Bialik is onscreen, but that sounds about right.
Agnostica is associated pretty much exclusively with the comic strip Nukees, and even there it seems to be dying out — Darren didn’t even send out an announcement this year (nor last year, either).
Guests at Agnostica parties are invited to come as their favorite scientist. It was a running joke in-strip (outdated even in 2000, even more so now) that all the women came as Marie Curie.
Except Jeannie, who came as Irene Joliot-Curie
This makes me absolutely want to dunk on those who get upset by people saying “Happy Holidays” by just saying, “Have a nice day!” to people on Christmas itself, or at least close to it since I don’t see much non-family on Christmas.
Wish people a pleasant day to own the libs?
Seriously, just appreciate someone being nice. Why does the party that rallies against “identity politics” get so upset when they’re not being pandered to?
Supreme Saturnalia!
I approve of this meta
I was not prepared for this.
merry christmas all you little bongos
I saw three bongos sailing in, on Christmas Day, on Christmas Day…
We wish you some merry bongos, we wish you some merry bongos….
Bongos, bongos, all over the town, our cup it is white and our ale it is brown…
The holly and the bongos, when they are both full grown…
Up on the housetop the bongos pause…
O come, all ye bongos…
Bongo, the red-nosed reindeer…
Walking in a bongo wonderland…
Bongo, the snowman, was a jolly happy soul…
Bongo belles, bongo belles, bongo all the way…
Merry Christmas you filthy animal
And to you and your appropriate avitar.
So we have to wait til next year for naked Hannukah Ethan, then?If you have an erection lasting more than eight days, contact your physician immediately.
It’s a Chaunukka Miracle!
It should be noted that Bongo is an African name. Omar Bongo Ondimba, born Albert-Bernard Bongo, was the second President of Gabon, serving from 1967 until his death in 2009. His son Ali Bongo Ondimba was elected as his replacement in 2009.
Out of curiousity, wikipedia, google, or top of your head?
Wikipedia. Omar Bongo’s Wikipedia entry was featured entry of the day years back, and the fact his family name was Bongo always stuck with me. It’s the kind of name that if it was used in a movie or novel by a non-African would probably get them in trouble.
And Bongo is an anagram of Gabon.
Oh wait shit no
Merry Christmas Dave and everybody else
thanks for the laughs!
I have HAD IT with these monkey faced snakes on this Monday to Friday plane!
Monkey-faced snakes sound absolutely horrifying.
to be fair, bongo just doesn’t have the same impact. It lacks the panache that bongo has
I love how we’ll never be able to tell which is which
This is my favourite strip this year.
I’m So Meta, Even This Acronym
Hi, Smeta! I Yumi.
This is a lovely gift. Thank you Willis!
You just know panel 5 is Joyce having a Scrubs flashback.
Alpha Bongo. I like it.
Baddest bongo on the block baby
I hope Joyce hasn’t developed the ability to see the comments through the fourth wall now.
Eh, even if she has, we’ll make her faint within the day.
Is this thing on? Alright, cool.
*ahem* Uvula.
This is the first time I’ve really wanted to get a Slip shine subscription. Naturally, it comes at a time when I have absolutely no money at all.
If I get a subscription later on, will I still be able to view this particular image, or is it a limited-time thing? I’ve never paid for smut before.
I’m not a subscriber, but from what I understand, all of Willis’ work is always available, so you should be able to see it.
Everything that gets uploaded to Slipshine is there forever (it’s why the first month is a lot more expensive than the subsequent months, because you have this MASSIVE archive to work with).
The only time something got removed (that I saw) was because of a copyright issue.
They’re on sale right now, too!
Just gonna test this: “alpha bongo”
AH. I see. Alright, I didn’t get it at all. I Googled frantically for a while. For anyone else who was extremely confused by the alt text and all the comments, the DoA comments filter doesn’t let you type that word that Joyce won’t say. It replaces it with bongo.
For a bit of background about this word-filter, read this comic and count the number of musical instruments in the comments!
Merry Christmas to my fellow readers, to the Willis family, and bongos everywhere.
Is Billie still trying to get Ruth to somewhere they serve alcohol?
Well, she was using “lead us not into temptation” as a guideline, but since the Pope tossed that out the window, Billie figured she might as well do the same.
oh and merry christmas everyone
I love this!
I love Ruth and Billie banter
I love Joyce popping up as a mini-me for Billie
I love Joyce taking on the mantle as an alpha bongo (and with about as much effect as Billie herself, when it comes to Walky and his love life).
I LOVE Joyce picking up our running gag from the comment section
And I really love the last panel, with Joyce being content staring into the glorious, Bongo-filled future as Ruth and Billie add commentary.
Merry Christmas!
Bongoes love cannons.
I had been wondering whether the word filter corrected the plural. I guess not.
Oh, and Merry Christmas from Sweden, where all is well and THE GOAT LIVES!!!
Merry Christmas from Illinois, where all is corn and there are also some goats.
You are corn.
I am corn.
All is corn.
There are also some goats.
Welcome to NightVale.
(With apologies to Illinois)
Merry Christmas from central Washington State, where there are more apples and cherries than corn, but the good corn is local.
Merry Christmas from Texas where the goats and mosquitoes are bigger.
Merry Christmas from Massachusetts, where even Santa cuts across three lanes of traffic flipping you off to get to Dunk’s.
Enjoy the day with your family, be they by biology, marriage, or of your choosing.
Merry Christmas from New Mexico, where Santa controversially (though unsurprisingly) favors red chiles over green ones.
Merry Christmas from Canada, where our smiles are warm, but precious little else is.
The real Christmas miracle!
I wonder if the livestream helped the goat live this year. one of it’s legs got scorched last week but nothing worse? Dissapointed.
Alpha bongo has me picturing Richard Feynman.
Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all you shippers out there! °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°
I thought Joyce broke the fourth wall.
Merry Christmas or appropriate holiday to y’all!
Merry Christmas/Yule/Hogswatch/Saturnalia/Winter Solstice/Gristmas!
Seeing Hogswatch there made me smile
it’s been way too long, I should really read that book again (or what the hell, just go through all the Discworld novels).
Merry Christmas (and other adjacent holidays) everyone!
I should really read that book again.
Or see the movie?
Shouldn’t these kids be off for the holidays? Or is it still fall?
It’s the middle of October. This strip doesn’t go in real time.
For what it’s worth Ruth, I wouldn’t worry. There’s nothing about Joyce Brown, her behaviour or her utterly bizarre tendency to imprint on and mimic the strongest personalities around her that could be classified as ‘foreshadowing a larger movement’! XD
Bongo Bongo Bongo I don’t want to leave the Congo, no no no
Bingo Bango Bongo I’m so happy in the jungle I refuse to go
*listens to racist song while shooting Super Mutants*
I thought that was only from Melvin of the Apes, as referenced upthread.
Can we get a Pesach (Passover) themed slipshine then?
(Not now. For Pesach.)
My Jewish heart would love that so much
Merry Bongos, everybody!
That’s a bit of amazing! Thanks for sharing.
Merry Xmas. And happy holidays to all.
Was supposed to be a reply to Bagge. Ugh.
Still appreciated
*starts playing the bongo*
The last thing the world needs is more Billies regardless of scale.
Joyce doesn’t agree.
Joyce has questionable priorities and perspective as evidenced by this entire comic.
…Can’t argue with that.
So… we in this comment section are all Joyce?
If the shipping fits … Signs point to yes. We were all Joyce all along. Merry Christmas, Bagge.
Well, for choice it’s an active choice rather than something she literally is not able to do and also she refuses to use it because it’s a “bad word” and not because it specifically is a gendered slur used primarily to degrade women. We can still say fuck.
Really should have proofread that. Should have been “Well, for one thing”
“Look at me. Look at me. I’m the alpha bingo now.”
Now we need the t-shirt to prove it.
Hey guys.
The bongo filter is broken!! Billie’s B-word got through!!
Hey, Willis.
Anyone want to guess how long Willis has been planning this gag?
I quite enjoy panel three where Ruth, Billie and Joyce all say something about “little Billies” separately.
Setup, denial, and delivery! It’s enough material to be the entire joke of an ordinary strip, but here’s it’s only the halfway point!
Bongos…I feel like there’s a dirty joke about boobs in there…
You could use someone’s boobs as bongos, depending on their mood and general patience.
Results may vary. Ask your parents’ permission before logging on.
I know this is a young and US comment section, but am I the only one who remembers King Leonardo of Bongo Congo?
Last panel for book cover
And there’s a reason she’s not gonna call herself a witch.
“Are … are you inviting me into your coven?“
Joyce has totally been thinking of Billie specifically as ‘alpha bongo’ in her head this whole time, hasn’t she? That’s amazing.
It really brings a different connotation to bongo Cat, doesn’t it.
Bahahahahahaha. Love the metahumor.
Alpha Bongo: a weapon to surpass metal gear
Since I know you can get past the dOrthy=Dorothy censor by random capitalization, and I’m curious, is there any way to pass the bongo filter?
Not that I want to. It’s for science.