After a case of mistaken identity, will awkward Daisuke find help from excitable Mamo, or will his love life be thrown completely off track?
The Otherknown
Lorian Merriman
Chandra is a 12-year-old accidental time traveler with a reluctant new dad, who happens to be a member of a feared galactic crime syndicate.
TJ Cordes
This comic is about a robot powered by bees, but it's also about the kind of people who think filling a robot with bees is a good idea, and why they're wrong.
Paint the Town Red
Windy, Winter Jay Kiakas
Winona runs a werewolf shelter with partner in crime, Odile in the Gothic city of Merlot. One day they take in an injured vampire, and soon unravels many of the dark secrets of Merlot.
Slightly Damned
Rhea Snaketail returns from the dead, befriending a Demon who falls in love with an Angel. The afterlife ain't what it used to be!
Isa, Meg
There's ghosts at your heels and fairy tale worlds ahead. What do you do? Jump down the rabbit hole!
Kadi Fedoruk
Tamaura, wrested into a world 300 years in the future, must find a way to save the magic fading from her country.
Guilded Age
T Campbell, John Waltrip, Florence Machina
Welcome to the saga of the working-class adventurer! Enjoy the complete story with new annotations daily!
Dumbing of Age
David M Willis
Joyce has been homeschooled her entire life until now, when she's suddenly a freshman in college! Things don't go well.
Mac Hall
Matt Boyd
The legendary early-aughts webcomic that inspired a wave of webcomic creators.
Beka Duke
Desperate for companionship, Frankenstein's Monster pretends to be the Opera Ghost. A grave mistake.
Countdown to Countdown
Iris Black is a self-proclaimed inventor with the curious ability to bring his drawings to life, and yearns to find a space where he can use his powers freely.
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…You do realize that Willis himself sells porn comics containing half the teens here (among others) right? That’re advertised right in the sidebar there?
This ain’t really the comic to go to if you’re gonna get self-righteous over college students banging, is my point.
Yes, I realise that. I’m not “getting self-righteous over” anything, I’m making a dig at the amounts of fluid on display in the average doujin. Have you read one? It’s like xenomorphs set up a hive between the mouths of two Japanese girls. That’s the imagery Doctor_Who’s comment brought to mind, and that’s what I was reacting to. As a gag.
If they’ve been in a slip shine, they’re an adult, so at the very least Amber and Walky are. Which is irrelevant because DT already said they were making a gag but I can’t help myself but to point it out.
There are kids born in September to December who may start college at 17 and turn 18 as the year goes by, but I’m told in the states it’s more common to wait a year before starting school in that case, so the kids with September-December would be older than their peers, which would make those kids 18 turning 19 now (so, like Dina).
Yeah, in my experience kids with September-December birthdays are almost invariably the older half unless they skipped a year. I guess that’s different in other places.
In my area of Canada, it’s nearly exclusively been that they were younger than me. I was born in April, so when I turned 10, girls with December birthdays turned 9.
Around here, it used to be more common for kids with September or October birthdays to graduate high school at 17 and thus turn 18 in college if they go right afterward (speaking as such a person myself). However, over the last few years, laws have changed so that if you want your kid to start kindergarten when they’re 4 going on 5, you have to submit a request or something. This has made it less common for kids to be in that situation.
Becky’s successfully kept secrets. Her own secret love for Joyce was one of them (or a two-in-one, if you also include her orientation as part of that). She could keep Walky’s and Amber’s secret if she feels so inclined; the question is whether she would indeed feel inclined in the first place. Walky is her friend, and maybe Becky might agree with Sal’s view that this is A Bad Idea.
Also wow these two are really going at it, they must really want to break that world record for making out for the longest time without breaking for air.
Well, Becky and Dina are adorable as heck. But what else is new? (Amber and Walky, that’s what’s new. And I suspect it might be *newS* in a bit. Becky does not have the smallest of mouths.)
The next panel would have been just Amber, Walky, and a Becky-shaped dust cloud. Tomorrow we cut to Joyce across campus. Suddenly a very excited Becky shows up, then Joyce’s phone dings with the text message Becky sent her en route: “OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG”.
She can keep a secret if she needs to. She kept her orientation and feelings for Joyce a secret for a long time. Also the fact that she got kicked out of school, at least until she was kind of forced to tell Joyce.
That alt text is the cutest fucking thing. You live your best dino life, baby Willis. What are his brother’s thoughts on dinosaurs?
Reminds me of how occasionally, we’ll get a kid at my store who wants to be called something off the wall, usually a character name from something. They are my favorite. The one I recall best was a toddler who wanted to be called Green Monster Turtle–his name for the Ninja Turtles
We know they both ABSOLUTELY LOVE Studio Series Grimlock, and that they both have Nondescript Velociraptor shirts after Chase asked for one and Willis realized he had the art. So I’d expect Zack agrees with dinosaurs as a concept. As well he should.
(I also remember a tweet months back before they were talking about signing ‘dinosaur’ at a non-transforming toy expecting it to do so, Willis explaining it didn’t turn into a dinosaur, and then responding with the sign for ‘truck’. The moral of this story is the babies Willis have Expectations for their toys.)
On the second time I came up with a second punchline, and now I’m not sure which is correct.
Is the joke “Becky saw something she shouldn’t and now it’s a plot point” or “Becky had to quickly change her answer to be less nerdhorny in case they’re actually listening”
I was originally gonna guess no, but now I’m glad I double-checked! Walky told her about it when he and Jason got drunk at Galasso’s and Becky’s response was pretty much “aw dude that sucks, she doesn’t deserve you”.
So, there’s:
– Dorothy’s feelings,
– Walky’s feelings that he shouldn’t be dating within 48 hours of a breakup,
– Probable drama from Joyce,
– Possible drama from Billie, who would probably come around quickly a la Sal but would still be like ‘damn.’
– Potential drama from Danny, who is not in immediate contact with either currently (Amber’s tried to rebuff him from being friends) but is no more than two degrees of separation.
– I don’t know if either of them is aware the other is connected to Mike, but once they realize that they should be Concerned. Like, seriously so.
Billie was supporting Joyce in trying to poach Jacob.
I seriously doubt she’d have an issue with Walky getting with Amber.
If she does, she has some very confused morals to look down on two single people dating while encouraging breaking up a happy couple.
Walky should be heartbroken over losing a perfect cinnamon roll who was much too good for him, rather than (apparently) happily moving on. Anything less is an insult to Dorothy. (Joyce’s take, obviously)
Joyce has been covered. If you mean Billie, she will probably be fine after surprise (she was coaching Walky about how Dorothy Wasn’t That Great Anyway,) but there will definitely be surprise and there might be more questions.
Also I don’t know if Billie knows Jacob well enough to recognize he’s dating Raidah (they were at the party, but not for long and it was a very early date.) She’s not actively in on the plan, she just did the buttons seeing Jacob and Joyce’s reaction. Raidah wasn’t there then.
Plus, it’s not exactly uncommon to want to keep a new relationship on the down-low for a few days, if only to see if it’s going to last before it becomes a known thing.
There’s also a strip in Shortpacked! where Amber orders a drink and says something is wrong with it, and Faye says “something’s wrong with your face” or something.
Apparently in that ‘verse, Dora founded her coffee shop on the west coast instead of the east. Or she took up Marten’s mom’s offer to franchise her store.
That is a good option, Becky. I like that in many artistic intepretations that dinosaur has feathers and looks like a giant murderous bird. Joyce would be scared of looking at something like that, or the terror bird that ate small horses.
I like how Therizinosaurus looks a lot like a theropod sloth. Like, what the hell Therizinosaurus. Your evolutionary path must have been bizarre. You’re the only clade of the entire dang suborder that we actually think was primarily herbivorous.
Aw! Becky knows just what to say to make Dina happy and I find that cute in lots of ways!
I suspect that Becky is going to ask Dina whether or not Walky and Amber have been up for air yet. Based on that and the length of time they’ve been kissing, they might need to consider an emergency intervention to remind them to eat.
today in #9ChickweedLane I learned we should ask our parents completely normal, not fucked-up questions like "hey what was sex with the other parent like"
So many opportunities for a good old-fashioned booing ⋅ 1d
Schumer begins a book tour this week.
Mon 3/17 7pm Central Library, Baltimore
Wed 3/19 Politics & Prose, DC 7pm
Thursday 3/20 at the Weizman, DC 12:30PM
Sunday 3/23 · 3pm Moss Theatre Santa Monica, CA
Mon 4/21 MJCCA Atlanta 7:30PM
Line the sidewalks. (List may not be complete)
These are the same Senate Democrats who lectured the base for years about the importance of preserving the filibuster so it would still be available when Democrats were in the minority
new from me: I wrote about the mess that just went down in the Senate, where Democrats under Chuck Schumer look disjointed and rudderless in the face of Trump's agenda, especially compared to their House counterparts
The most annoying thing about this cowardice by the book-touring Dems is that MAGA will lose. A full-throated opposition will win. This administration is brazen and corrupt, but they're overconfident and incompetent and not people to run away from. We'll win, even if we have to do it ourselves.
today in #9chickweedlane i've learned that the fetishization of post-marital hanky-panky has resulted in the straining of everyone's mental health, #somehow
#BREAKING: Yellow and Green fire was seen exploding out of a manhole at Texas Tech University moments ago.
Evacuations are underway for the whole campus.
This "mob" of "Anti-Israel" protesters is predominantly Jewish.
Sheryl Weikal (The Leftist Lawyer) ⋅ 1d
And now, let's see how news media in the purported only democracy in the middle east is covering the Trump administration disappearing a Palestinian American for his speech.
kind of stunning how unpopular trump is already...and yet how craven senate Ds remain in confronting him.
like, everyone hates him. just oppose him relentlessly! this is a fucking lay up!
Polling ⋅ 2d
Trump's Approval On Foreign Policy:
Disapprove: 48%
Approve: 37%
Ipsos / March 12, 2025 / n=1422
“Get a room?”
“…a different one??”
aww, what does Zack say? =D
“Get a room you two”
“We’re in a room”
“Then lose some weight”
Futurama will never not be funny.
This would be a fantastic double date. In that they probably would ignore the other couple the entire time but have the most fun in their lives
Couples make out competition! Whoever swaps the most spit in five minutes wins!
That’s disgusting. They’re teenagers, not characters in your typical doujin.
So what you’re saying is… save it for the Slipshine?
More or less.
They’re all 18 dude…
Its fair game
This your first time in a college dorm, Taffy?
I’ve never been inside of one, personally. I’m aware of their reputation as Makeout Central, though.
…You do realize that Willis himself sells porn comics containing half the teens here (among others) right? That’re advertised right in the sidebar there?
This ain’t really the comic to go to if you’re gonna get self-righteous over college students banging, is my point.
Yes, I realise that. I’m not “getting self-righteous over” anything, I’m making a dig at the amounts of fluid on display in the average doujin. Have you read one? It’s like xenomorphs set up a hive between the mouths of two Japanese girls. That’s the imagery Doctor_Who’s comment brought to mind, and that’s what I was reacting to. As a gag.
They’re in college. So, like, bare minimum of 17. They’re practically adults.
If they’ve been in a slip shine, they’re an adult, so at the very least Amber and Walky are. Which is irrelevant because DT already said they were making a gag but I can’t help myself but to point it out.
They are all adults, most college kids are 18+, it’s pretty rare to start college before your 18th birthday
There are kids born in September to December who may start college at 17 and turn 18 as the year goes by, but I’m told in the states it’s more common to wait a year before starting school in that case, so the kids with September-December would be older than their peers, which would make those kids 18 turning 19 now (so, like Dina).
Yeah, in my experience kids with September-December birthdays are almost invariably the older half unless they skipped a year. I guess that’s different in other places.
In my area of Canada, it’s nearly exclusively been that they were younger than me. I was born in April, so when I turned 10, girls with December birthdays turned 9.
Around here, it used to be more common for kids with September or October birthdays to graduate high school at 17 and thus turn 18 in college if they go right afterward (speaking as such a person myself). However, over the last few years, laws have changed so that if you want your kid to start kindergarten when they’re 4 going on 5, you have to submit a request or something. This has made it less common for kids to be in that situation.
That must be awkward to judge.
Well, surely Becky will be able to be subtle about this.
Becky and subtle go together about as well as Robin and…subtle. Or, or Faz and subtle. Joe and subtle?
There’s gotta be someone around here who’s subtle, but if there is they’ve been too subtle about it for me to notice.
In related news, the word subtle now looks funny and misspelled to me from typing it so many times.
Subtle is a word that subtly destroys one’s confidence that they spelled it correctly.
It’s subtle that way.
Dina is so subtle, you don’t realize she’s in the room.
You notice ONE Dina.
What you don’t realize is that she’s a pack hunter, and only allows one to be seen at a time. At any given time, there are three or four present.
One in sight.
One behind each exit.
One at your six.
Becky’s so subtle she’s not even tagged for this strip!
Welp, now Becky knows. Methinks this secret relationship won’t stay secret for much longer!
Once I had a secret love.
It’s easy to see why she’s got that reputation, but Becky’s perfectly fine at keeping secrets when she wants to.
Becky’s successfully kept secrets. Her own secret love for Joyce was one of them (or a two-in-one, if you also include her orientation as part of that). She could keep Walky’s and Amber’s secret if she feels so inclined; the question is whether she would indeed feel inclined in the first place. Walky is her friend, and maybe Becky might agree with Sal’s view that this is A Bad Idea.
Very Smooth Beck.
Also wow these two are really going at it, they must really want to break that world record for making out for the longest time without breaking for air.
Panel 4
Alert: Heterosexuality
Program BECKY is loading…
Heh, smooth.
Dina is a lucky girl
I find your lack of “DOOFUSES!!”… disturbing.
*Stares at mirror in horror*
What… what have I become?
We’re not angry at you, Bagge, We really are not.
But we -are- disappointed in you. You are so much better than this.
Well, Becky and Dina are adorable as heck. But what else is new? (Amber and Walky, that’s what’s new. And I suspect it might be *newS* in a bit. Becky does not have the smallest of mouths.)
The next panel would have been just Amber, Walky, and a Becky-shaped dust cloud. Tomorrow we cut to Joyce across campus. Suddenly a very excited Becky shows up, then Joyce’s phone dings with the text message Becky sent her en route: “OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG”.
She can keep a secret if she needs to. She kept her orientation and feelings for Joyce a secret for a long time. Also the fact that she got kicked out of school, at least until she was kind of forced to tell Joyce.
That alt text is the cutest fucking thing. You live your best dino life, baby Willis. What are his brother’s thoughts on dinosaurs?
Reminds me of how occasionally, we’ll get a kid at my store who wants to be called something off the wall, usually a character name from something. They are my favorite. The one I recall best was a toddler who wanted to be called Green Monster Turtle–his name for the Ninja Turtles
We know they both ABSOLUTELY LOVE Studio Series Grimlock, and that they both have Nondescript Velociraptor shirts after Chase asked for one and Willis realized he had the art. So I’d expect Zack agrees with dinosaurs as a concept. As well he should.
(I also remember a tweet months back before they were talking about signing ‘dinosaur’ at a non-transforming toy expecting it to do so, Willis explaining it didn’t turn into a dinosaur, and then responding with the sign for ‘truck’. The moral of this story is the babies Willis have Expectations for their toys.)
hmmm… would that be the baby Willis’, baby Willi, or are you correct with babies Willis ? Damn it, my English edumacation didn’t get that far.
Plurals with an S on the end are hard. Baby Willises might be correct, actually.
On the second time I came up with a second punchline, and now I’m not sure which is correct.
Is the joke “Becky saw something she shouldn’t and now it’s a plot point” or “Becky had to quickly change her answer to be less nerdhorny in case they’re actually listening”
Why not both?
Correct? I should probably have said “intended.”
Of course, the answer is probably “both” anyway.
“Long, probing claws for removing foliage”. That is absolutely the non-horny version of some sort of innuendo about hands and clothes.
As readers, we have had four months to the day to speculate about/come to grips with this particular ship.
Becky is walking in on it for the first time, blindsided.
Does becky know that walky and Dorothy broke up? I don’t remember..
I was originally gonna guess no, but now I’m glad I double-checked! Walky told her about it when he and Jason got drunk at Galasso’s and Becky’s response was pretty much “aw dude that sucks, she doesn’t deserve you”.
Thanks for checking that
You’re welcome! Always happy to help~
All this straightness DISPLEASES Becky
Becky or the readers?
I kid, I kid.
(Alt joke: “Huh. so THAT’s how the straights tie tongues”
I would have pegged Becky as one of the least judgmental characters in the strip.
The two aren’t mutually exclusive
Looks like my worry that Dina would let Becky know about the SS Garbage Skowl was more relevant than I thought.
Maybe we were all just in dina-nile….
I thought it was called the SS Garbarge.
I always go with garbage barge, since people keep… Barging in
To my understanding, there are two garbage ship names.
One is the SS Garbage Skowl.
The other is Garbage Barge, with no SS.
But I maybe mistaken.
Do you mean perhaps “SS Garbage Scow”?
Nope, cbwroses’ spelling is correct.
I checked. With THE AUTHORITIES.
If it’s a barge, it can’t be SS anything. Unless it’s self-propelled by a steam engine. And then it’s not a barge.
So if it’s a barge, where (and/or who) is the tugboat?
It’s been misspelled Skowl from the beginning and I support it.
Names don’t have to follow grammatical rules.
Other than hurting Dorothy’s feelings is there a reason they wanted to be secret?
Wanting to wallow in their own self satisfaction a little more? I dunno fam they’re not operating on their best brains right now.
To hide how “terrible” they are?
They haven’t really explained the need for secrecy, yet.
I was going to list a bunch of characters and their reactions, but sometimes you just don’t want to be the newest piece of gossip.
Maybe not hurting Danny’s feelings?
There IS a chance that Joyce will flip her shit at Walky when she finds out Walky’s hooked up with anouther girl so soon after Dorothy.
So, there’s:
– Dorothy’s feelings,
– Walky’s feelings that he shouldn’t be dating within 48 hours of a breakup,
– Probable drama from Joyce,
– Possible drama from Billie, who would probably come around quickly a la Sal but would still be like ‘damn.’
– Potential drama from Danny, who is not in immediate contact with either currently (Amber’s tried to rebuff him from being friends) but is no more than two degrees of separation.
– I don’t know if either of them is aware the other is connected to Mike, but once they realize that they should be Concerned. Like, seriously so.
Billie was supporting Joyce in trying to poach Jacob.
I seriously doubt she’d have an issue with Walky getting with Amber.
If she does, she has some very confused morals to look down on two single people dating while encouraging breaking up a happy couple.
Joyce has very confused morals.
Walky should be heartbroken over losing a perfect cinnamon roll who was much too good for him, rather than (apparently) happily moving on. Anything less is an insult to Dorothy. (Joyce’s take, obviously)
I was talking about Billie, yes.
Ah. Misread somehow. Billie would be all for it.
Joyce has been covered. If you mean Billie, she will probably be fine after surprise (she was coaching Walky about how Dorothy Wasn’t That Great Anyway,) but there will definitely be surprise and there might be more questions.
Also I don’t know if Billie knows Jacob well enough to recognize he’s dating Raidah (they were at the party, but not for long and it was a very early date.) She’s not actively in on the plan, she just did the buttons seeing Jacob and Joyce’s reaction. Raidah wasn’t there then.
Billie deduced the plan and stated as much to Sarah the morning they sent Joyce to go to church with Jacob, including that it was to mess with Raidah.
Billie also was at the party where Sarah stated, quite plainly, she refused to let Raidah have Jacob.
Plus, it’s not exactly uncommon to want to keep a new relationship on the down-low for a few days, if only to see if it’s going to last before it becomes a known thing.
Coffee of Doom shirt! Now I want to see a QC crossover.
Faye was in the background of one of the earliest strips, back when everyone was moving in
Not that early – as linked above, her appearance was during Freshman Family Weekend, not Moving-In Day.
There’s also a strip in Shortpacked! where Amber orders a drink and says something is wrong with it, and Faye says “something’s wrong with your face” or something.
It’s a whole location in Shortpacked!, tagged as “Coffeeright Theft”:
Apparently in that ‘verse, Dora founded her coffee shop on the west coast instead of the east. Or she took up Marten’s mom’s offer to franchise her store.
Becky comin in to save this comic! Hooray!
Ohai!! I herd u haz borin comic. I fix it.
Well, I guess Walky and Amber aren’t going to be playing a lot of video games after all.
Sometimes false temptations of the flesh distract from the true path
They’re working on the “fuck-all” part.
Well that’s one less one of their friends to break the news too, guess we’re doing this one at a time. Who’s next?
I’m not sure if Becky is under ‘Friend’ status with either of them at this point.
I think Becky and Walky are better friends than Joyce and Walky.
D’aww Dina and Becky are adorable.
Can someone refresh me – where is Becky living nowadays?
Leslie’s place if I recall.
Yeah, I think this is the first time we’ve seen her inside the dorms since moving out
She came visiting at the start of Faz is Great too.
Is “foliage” code for “clothes”?
I think in this specific case, it’s code for “heteros making out”
So Becky is planning to remove Walky and Amber?
they’re probing alright wink wink nudge
Bob’s your uncle.
Say no more.
Why does is sound like a joke name?
There is no saurus
As said by an Italian no less. THERE-IS-A-NO-SAURUS AEH?!
Sounds like a saurus!
…and will she be able to keep quiet about those two? Will she learn who Amazi-Girl is?
– Sure, she doesn’t care. And probably not, there’s no need to tell her.
That is a good option, Becky. I like that in many artistic intepretations that dinosaur has feathers and looks like a giant murderous bird. Joyce would be scared of looking at something like that, or the terror bird that ate small horses.
I like how Therizinosaurus looks a lot like a theropod sloth. Like, what the hell Therizinosaurus. Your evolutionary path must have been bizarre. You’re the only clade of the entire dang suborder that we actually think was primarily herbivorous.
They’re delightful.
Oh abbysswatcher1993, so you didn’t hear yet? Diatryma (aka “the terror bird that ate small horses”) is now suspected to have been herbivorous.
The phorusrhacids are definitely carnivores, though, and they’re what “terror bird” usually means. They just lived later than the tiny horses did.
And yet when you call your girlfriend old like Becky just did, you can bet you would get your-ass-kicked
(pronounced Jurassic)
Is that what they call “first-base” in the dinosaur world, Becky?
Fourth base is the meteo… TOO SOON!
That sounds more like a homerun.
I’ll be honest – I never understood baseball.
It’s exactly like cricket, except that everyone get struck out all the time and occasionally someone scores a point.
So exactly like cricket, except when it’s the complete opposite of it.
*checks tags* So, is Becky not actually there, or… ?
Aw! Becky knows just what to say to make Dina happy and I find that cute in lots of ways!
I suspect that Becky is going to ask Dina whether or not Walky and Amber have been up for air yet. Based on that and the length of time they’ve been kissing, they might need to consider an emergency intervention to remind them to eat.
Amazi-girl can breathe in space.
Amber can breathe while making out.
Are one of these two people really that good of a kisser?
Practice make perfect.
Say no more, nudge nudge, wink wink, know what I mean?
…I’m not quite sure I do.
(meant as an answer to the FacelessDeviant above, which is very normal sentence)
Honestly if this comic was nothing but Dina and Becky being cute I’d be a happy camper.
I’d be on board for that.
(Comic #378: they might have to cancel their hot date because the museum is closed. THE DRAAAAAMA!)
“Always Human” was roughly 99% about two doofuses falling in love and being adorkably cute.
I still remember when I finally got Bagge to read it; and how he made comments here while progressing through it.
I read it at that point too.
I’m sending you a bill for my dental health requirements.
On the other hand, I’m sure it was good for your mental health to read it, so let’s call it even, eh?
My dentist’s billing department would strongly disagree.
Sweet, now they have four players. Time for kart racing.
Panel 3- Dina’s cute little smile was so heart warming I Die
wonder if Dina plays ARK
I dunno about Dina, but I have played ARK, and Therizinosauruses are fucking terrifying.
“Dang, when did it get so HETERO in here?”
“… My roommate has always been -”
“Yeah, but that tall guy she had before gave off enough gay vibes to counter it. THIS one… *cough* *cough* They’re pollutin’ the atmosphere in here!”
“We could always go somewhere else…”
“And let this toxic straightness spread? We gots a duty to the community, Dina!”
“What do you suggest, then?”
“Only one way to counter hetero pollution!
*rips off shirt*
And everyone was happy. THE END.
Becky has the most powerful eyebrows out of any other character in this webcomic
Becky’s sly transition from panel 2 to panel 3 is great evidence of that.
Does she have visible eyebrows?
I’m just impressed that Becky has absorbed enough knowledge to be able to make a legit dinosaur-based sex joke!
So is Dina!
It’s been too long since we had some Becky and Dina interaction. I am pleased.
Dimetrodon. Yes, I know damn well it didn’t even live at the same time as the dinosaurs, but it’s still cool, dammit.
That’ll likely get you a print-out of Dimetrodon‘s Wikipedia page shoved under your door.
there’s a subtropical storm joyce in the atlantic
i really have nothing else to say, i’m just a huge nerd
Just gonna leave this here
Therizinosaurus is basically the Salad-Fingers of dinosaurs