The second bonus strip for October is now up at Patreon, which means all Patrons can go check it out! The theme: professional drivers. (you can also see it on drip)
And don’t forget, you can pledge $5 this month to see every new strip a day early!
that’s going to feel very valuable very, very soon
how badly did Walky play that he didn’t even get a proper starter
like, even if you purposely miss the main three, you still get Pikachu on offer, and you gotta get one of those to do anything else
[/rhetorical question, he must’ve
turned them all to candytransferred them to Professor Candyman](although both of them need like 800,000 Stardust unless Amber’s trading him BACK a Pidgey)
[also yeah vote today my Americans]
(except you 45-er cronies, you can stay home please)
You don’t just trade away your starter!! Not even an option
He probably meant he has only a Pidgey OTHER THAN his starter. He’s obviously not going to trade away his starter when he has almost nothing else.
you assume he cares about the game
I’m pretty sure he does, even if he won’t admit it.
He has three chest hairs! Three! The man’s a timberwolf!
Three chest hairs? Walky’s a freaking sasquatch!
I hate that I find them so cute together
And I love how cute they are!
I feel that should combine somehow into a metaphor about love and hate something something….
I have an on-again, off-for-a-year-and-a-half relationship with Pokemon Go. the
In case anyone’s wondering why pablo360’s second sentence ended so abruptly after “the”:
I actually have no idea whence cometh the the. That period was supposed to be the end of that post.
If you have SwiftKey, sometimes when you put a full stop and press space (for whatever reason) it will immediately type your most common sentence starter. In your case, ‘the’, for me ‘I’.
(Turns out I’m a narcissist)
Or, like I do, perhaps when I offer my perspective, without starting by telling others what their perspective is? I mean, if I offer what I’m feeling, that leaves others free to tell me if they agree, or if they know something/feel something else, an otherway, otherwise.
well today we got shiny ponyta.
Why are there Ponyta and Cubone all over the place today? Is there some holiday I missed?
It’s aniversary of Ingress thanks to which we have Go.
OH Cubone is Enlightened Ponyta is Resistance I GET IT
OOH. I MUST GET A SHINY PONYTA NOW. Well, I do want one.
And yeah, the real reason is probably that they just released shiny Ponyta and Cubone.
Or they released Shiny Ponyta and Cubone bc they are Resistance blue and Enlightened green, respectively
I saw dozens of each today too! One of my Pokemon friends has a shiny Ponyta with blue fire… maybe there are new Cubone shinies too?
Dumbing of Age Book 9: I Shaved Today Because I Had To
I’m leaning toward “Dumbing of Age Book 9: Well, CONGRATULATIONS, ‘cuz you’ve got me back into this NERD stuff”
“Dumbing of Age Book 9: It’s Not the Size that Matters”
Dumbing of Age Book 9: I Played Once A Billion Years Ago And All I Have Is This Pidgey
Dumbing of Age Book 9: “Now y’got one more”
Willis, have Walky grow a beard. I dare you.
I look forward to seeing the results in a couple of decades.
He could always do a flash forward scene. I’m not sure what color he’d use for that though.
Octarine? Pleurigloss?
Irrigo. No one remembers the future.
That’s like, 2 weeks in-comic time.
I predict he would look something like this:
“Not for the faint of heart or hairless of chest.”–Binkley in BLOOM COUNTY
Oh, right, this strip is ostensibly about non-Sal people as well and they will show up sometimes despite their non-Sal-ness.
Seriously though, these two are adorable. Shame they’re gonna go down in flames, but adorable nonetheless! That said, if Pokemon Go ever dies, this strip is going to look dated (although probably not too much so because there’s already like a zillion simulators).
And pfft, I see Walky’s taking after his non-twin sister here. Excellent!
(Off topic: Americans, remember the game plan for tomorrow is 1) Google and find your polling place, 2) Make a plan for you and yours about when and how you’re getting there, 3) Fill out your ballot and triple check to make sure the machine didn’t change it (especially if its an eSlate) and 4) Fucking VOTE).
They really are too cute.
And thanks for the reminder. Seconded: please vote, everyone in America! It’s really important. With all our powers combined, we can save the world… or something like that. Geez, the way you said it was a lot less cheesy… ^////^’
I’m too tired of the world’s rapid shift to the right to be cheesy. If this goes well, I’ll make some sappy post about it tomorrow.
Tell me about it. I hard a hard time coming out of Becky’s debut chapter realizing that this comic feature strips without any Becky in them.. Like, all right? What am I supposed to do with all this SQUEEEE, then?
I swear, this arc has ruined my expectations for Sal appearances. Watch me go into withdrawal within like a month of the next arc.
Of course Walky has the dedication to edit wikis but not to go to class…
And yeah, please vote USians, for your own sakes and for those of us who can’t but will be impacted by your choices. Sitting in your country and watching this play out, I now know what nonresident alien anxiety is.
I mean, yeah, that’s fandom shit.
One is his comfort zone, the other is the manifestation of his life as he knows it crashing around him.
Oh, that’s tomorrow? I thought it was today. Oh well. Sleep in. I’ll get to it tomorrow.
Or maybe this is one of those “Democrats vote on Wednesday” scams?
Or maybe some people type late at night when it’s technically the next day, but not for them cause they haven’t slept yet. For the record, voting is today. I’m skimming through the coments, eating breakfast, and heading down to my local library to vote. The only people who are supposed to wait until tomorrow to vote are those who vote a straight ticket because they can’t be bothered to educate themselves on the individual candidates.
For people pre-Eastern time the comic updates before midnight. Way out in Pacific it gets there at 9pm.
Yeah, I consider ‘tomorrow’ either ‘after I go to bed or before sunrise’. So yes, I was talking about today.
Yeah, I figured. But I read it today and it struck me as funny.
Fair enough!
And yeah, I voted a straight ticket.
I keep educating myself on individual candidates and then voting the straight ticket based on the results. I can’t really imagine that changing at any point in the near future.
Primaries are when I really do the research.
Thank you for taking voting seriously. Too many people don’t.
Too many people don’t vote at all.
Turnout at my polling place this year was by far the heaviest I’ve ever seen for a mid-term, and even heavier than I’ve seen in any Presidential year except maybe 2008. If there’s one good thing Der Donald has done, it’s pissing a whole fucking lot of people off enough to get them off their butts and out to the polls.
Yeah. Though it looks like his racist fear mongering was successful enough to get his supporters to the polls too.
I’ve still never in my life voted a straight ticket. But I live in a state where the Progressives are a viable party (the lieutenant governor race this cycle was the Progressive incumbent vs. my Republican former state rep, and despite a national-GOP push, it looks like the R is losing, which both keeps him out of the lt. gov. office and gets him out of the Assembly, which, yay), and, well, Bernie is one of my Senators (and was up for re-election this cycle), and was my Congressman before that. A fair few of the contests on my ballot weren’t D/R, but P/R or I/R. In past years, I’ve had D/P or D/P/R where the R was the also-ran, not the P, though there weren’t any of those this year.
And I wrote myself in for state rep, because there weren’t enough non-R candidates to fill all the slots. I may have to actually run for real if this situation holds next cycle.
To be fair, Walky in some very specific ways is as close to Sal as a non-Sal can get!
(Also, thejeff’s research-and-then-straight-ticketing is relatable!)
My non-Sal of choice is Marcie, but true, Walky and Amber are pretty good too.
*raises hand* I still play Pokemon Go…
yo yo yo
5583 2498 5406
2982 0803 4470
2276 8804 8915
My friends list is now going to include a random woman who I don’t really know and a perverted artist that I don’t really know. Someday I’ll have actual friends on my friends list.
That’s overrated. This way I get gifts all the way from Japan.
Oh, and: 4919 5078 9967
I have 75 friends now!
I actually know like 3 of them!
(one of them is also me, yay blowing money on a second phone)
6511 9434 8648
I “paused” playing so long ago, I didn’t know there was such a thing as friends. took at break after leveling into the 30s and moved to Ingress.
though I still drop in when a see a cluster playing, since we share portals with PG. And yes, I am a Pokemon grandfather and sometimes play with my grandkids.
5731 74889 6616
Lol 16 new friends was less than I expected but I’m out of gifts so gimme a minute everyone
Well, if that’s what we’re doing here:
8306 6391 4971
Thanks for all the new Friends. Sorry to anyone who got rejected, my friends list filled up!
Well, Pokemon Let’s Go is coming out in a few short weeks. That’s soon enough that we see them “Switch” games before they even leave the building. Pokemon Go’s more relevant than it’s been in months.
8384 5952 9567
Haven’t done in awhile by never deleted the app for my phone.
So do I XD 2879 5701 7461
0277 3331 3561
Hope you like infrequent gifts from New Zealand
0334 9328 5212
I’ll send you all some love
Since we’re all sharing codes here I hope you don’t mind me adding mine as well.
7703 6690 5192
9207 5757 9355
1903 8321 4546
Why not? 7384 1525 1378
Nice try Walky, but you’re in a cast with Joe who’s had permanent five o’clock shadow for years now.
Just @ me next time
For all this talk about Amber being a Dorothy clone, she behaves very differently.
So very much that distinguish her from Dorothy.
She doesn’t even really look much like Dorothy.
They share enough traits that the point needed to be made. I think you are taking it a little too seriously
To be perfectly honest, I’m just trying to be (marginally) funny. My point was that the Amber-Walky dynamic here is pretty similar to the Dorothy-Walky dynamic I linked to.
Snark is usually the appropriate response when Walky tries to act super macho, anyway.
there are dozens of us! DOZENS!!!
You know, in Ohio there is no law or expectation that a person riding a motorcycle wear a helmet.
In Indiana, the law’s only for those under 18.
Which I think is silly, but I think many things about the US are silly.
Or anyone with a learner’s permit. I always ride with a full-face helmet and I think it’s stupid not to wear a good kid, but I’m also opposed to helmet laws.
I like having helmet laws because, while you (general you) have the right to risk getting your face mashed in if you get in an accident, you don’t have the right to traumatize the other driver with whatever happens to you. Same reason I’m okay with seat belt laws.
I like them because preventative care is a good thing. When most of the accident costs are paid by taxpayers, it makes sense to encourage responsible behaviour.
I’m not so sure about bicycle helmet laws though; it seems less clear whether those actually help. Especially now that there’s a lot more proper bike lanes around here to keep the cars at a safe distance.
What? Protecting you from vehicle collisions isn’t the point of a bike helmet. At all.
You can hit a pot hole or a branch or whatever at as little as 12 mph and be sent face first into the pavement with enough force to do serious damage
Technically, if you land face first I don’t think a bike helmet is going to help, since they tend to just cover the top and maybe back of the head.
But head-first, you’re probably right, or at least I’m too tired to look anything up.
I don’t remember the arguments of the anti-helmet people (there are quite a few around here), but I do remember Europe seems much less into bike helmets and much more into cycling. I vaguely remember waffling between thinking their arguments were valid and thinking that it was maybe wishful thinking. Maybe I’ll look it up in the morning, it’s not like I have anything better to do
Most of the arguments about bicycle helmets lack relevant knowledge about statistical data. A helmet helps prevent injury not for all perceivable szenarios of falling. But not all perceivable scenarios of falling are equally likely to happen, so you never know if you are discussing an edge case that’s likely to happen once in 1 000 000 cases or one likely to happen one in three.
I think that most cycling accidents in a certain large German city have one of two causes: A truck turning right without seeing the cyclist and stupid people who open the doors of their cars parked next to the bike lane without looking.
On second thought, that was reporting bias. The two causes stated above are the most reported and often most serious cases, I don’t actually have a clue how often people fall off their bikes for other reasons as that doesn’t make it into the news.
Also applies only in large cities. Small town and rural accidents will likely have other frequent causes.
I didn’t use to wear a helmet biking, but a couple years back I got into an accident riding to work. No long term consequences, but head injury and short term memory loss: I made into work and my boss took me to the emergency room apparently over my protests. I’ve still got no idea how the accident happened or even where – which makes riding that route kind of freaky these days. I don’t even know what to watch out for.
I wear a helmet now though. It won’t protect you from all damage of course, but head injuries are nothing to mess with.
@thejeff: I can imagine riding the same route and not remembering how it happened can be freaky at times. I was looking over my shoulder in certain situations after 10 years, and it still happens on days when I’m edgy.
Even though my only accident cycling was far less harmless then in could have been due to my falling reflexes from learning judo in my youth. I still remember all of it, starting from car brakes screeching behind me.
Helmets are not encouraged for the scenario of falling on your head first.
No matter which direction you fall, if you don’t have reflexes for controlling a fall and keeping the head up, that you head hits the ground or other obstacles just from the force of crashing into the ground(or a car) with other parts of your body first is rather likely.
I know three people (a cousin, a friend and someone from college) who had their lives changed radically from motorcycle / moped accidents. One lost his leg at the knee. Another has permanent neurological damage. All were wearing helmets and none were at fault. People riding recklessly is evolution in action.
Shaving doesn’t make you MORE rugged! That’s not how rugged works!!
So, Walky, you realize that you’re talking about how jock-y you are to a woman who once wall-jumped over you, parkoured to the roof of a building, leaped off it, caught a power line in mid-jump, ziplined down it onto a moving truck, and then flipped you off as she truck-surfed away, right?
“And don’t forget, you can pledge $5 this month to see every new strip a day early!
that’s going to feel very valuable very, very soon”
I’m scared again.
Eh, someone is probably just going to smooch or something.
I’m sure nothing bad will happen.
Nothing bad at all…
Maybe it was just so we could see that nothing happened to the truck?
But in that case, wouldn’t that have already have been useful, not ‘will be useful very, very soon?’
hard to get sooner than negative days from now
Yeah, shit, didn’t see that he’d said it again post-truck.
I keep looking at the preview panels to try and guess what’s coming. Doesn’t help!
Amber’s still smiling in the preview for Nov.13, that’s all I can glean.
Hehe, I love these two.
Okay but what team is he gonna choose when he hits level 5
Also, I forget what team Amber is
I’m a bad fanShe’s gonna treasure it forever because that shit is gonna be lucky, GUARANTEED.
my first thought. XD Hell with the randomizing stats that bird could even turn out to be a perfect.
Careful, Amber, with the speaking truth to nerds. He might actually go out and try to get rugged. I know how Walky feels, though. I used to think I was the butchest thing that ever came up the pike, but a lady told me, “No, Barer, you’re rather on the femme side.” Except she didn’t call me Barer. She didn’t know that was my name.
This offically marks the first and last time Amber will ever complain about Walky’s soft, delicate hands.
Hey, have you ever been afraid of something you knew you wanted? Cuz that’s how I felt all these two when the ship just getting ready to sail.
I wasn’t sure at first but now that we have it I feel like I don’t want to give it up just yet.
Walky, you spent too much time with Billie today. Also, your entire life.
So Walky finally shaved that one hair on his chin then?
He felt he had to in order to convince Dorothy that he wasn’t a slob. She hadn’t noticed it.
considering that pidgey was first month that trade was probably going to result in Lucky Pokemon.
The oldest I have ever felt is when (admittedly pre-Pokemon-Go) I saw someone in a comments section write “who’s the yellow rat?”
(…has Pokemon Go really gone the way of G1 now?)
On Patreon Willis said he’s mad at Niantic but didn’t want to rewrite this sequence.
Appreciate hearing that.
I’m still trying to collect my thoughts enough but realistically, it’s not like they’ll see some hurt blog post on WordPress and it’s not as though I’ll be the one that somehow breaks through to them that they’re backing a hate group whose ideal world would never have let their product exist.
Yeah I need to get to sleep and then not internet entirely for the day and minimize comments again now that I have that info I was curious about. Vote if you can and haven’t folks. (Haphazard fist pump of early voting.)
Can you fill me in? An admittedly quick Google search didn’t seem to bring up anything relevant.
They did a thing for Autism Speaks, which I don’t know a lot about, but a lot of autists and supporters have serious problems with.
Autism Speaks wants to eliminate autism entirely, doesn’t prioritize putting autistic people on their boards, spends all their money on ‘research’ to cure or eliminate us rather than helping people, funneled money into ‘Do vaccines cause autism? (And if so clearly we should never vaccinate because death from polio is preferable to a disabled child)’ research for a decade, and in one film a member of their board discussed how she once considered driving off a bridge with her autistic child in the car with her, and it was only the thought of her other, allistic child that stopped her. The autistic child was in the room with her.
We’re never letting that one go, especially as disabled people (autistics in particular) are still killed by their able caretakers in disturbing numbers and the media coverage always pins the sympathy on the murderer.
IIRC, Niantic Labs partnered up with Autism Speaks, an anti-autistic group, and has still effectively refused to apologize. This being especially galling because Pokémon Go has a wide autistic audience, and Pokémon itself was originally created by an autistic person.
Oooh, okay. Yeah, fuck Autism Speaks.
Amber’s line in panel 3 makes me think of Yoda, by the way.
Hey Amber give me your friend code and I’ll add you. Angie and I still play PokemonGO
This strip is extra funny for me as the only people playing Pokemon Go around here are middle-aged people. xD
I still play and I’m 30. I hope I’m not considered “middle aged”
Anything past drinking age is middle aged. :p
I’m only middle aged if I can live to 120.
Same. When I was into it enough to bother doing raids, I’d know I was at the right place if I saw a group of middle-aged Chinese people standing around. (I once did a raid with a high school friend’s mom.)
Oh Walky.
I realize I’ve been saying this a lot (or at least something similar) but it’s very apt!
Illusions about our own identity always hurt the most before they crash and burn! For some reason, I can see Walky as the extremely pedantic Admin on the Dexter and Monkey Master wiki who is always changing word orders and deleting images that “do not meet this Wiki’s resolution, clarity and cropping standards”.
It’s sweet watching Amber and Walky being geeks together. I hope that Amber is strong enough to persuade Walky to stop hiding behind his illusions and be who he wants to be, not what Linda wants him to be.
Walky can take “rugged nerd” inspiration from Joe Manganiello.
As someone who never stopped playing Pokemon Go I totally feel Amber in this one. Most people around me are Walky.
Ironically pidgeys are a hot commodity right now due to the task involving them and them not spawning
That’s what i would have said if i hadn’t used search first to see if someone did
I stopped playing Pokemon Go when they banned rooted devices and I never looked back, even though my current phone is not rooted (…yet).
Also, bonus panel: I KNOW, it was bothering me for the whole damn sequence.
I’m half tempted to start a friend code exchange thread now.
I am just deciding whether I’d be crossing some line to post my code in this reply…
OMG, That’s probably a guaranteed lucky trade!
I like that this comic is basically immune to aging . no matter how much time slides in comic book time, it’s probably true someone say “is that still a thing?” and the response would be “yeah sure lots of people do it”
Walky, denial is just a step. Acceptance is the final step.
(Can’t believe no one’s said this yet) POKEMON-GO-TO-THE-POLLS!!!
Apparently, there’s huge lines to vote already in several places, which honestly is the most beautiful view there can ever be from a Democracy standpoint. Go be a part of those lines! Otherwise, WHY DO YOU HATE DEMOCRACY?! (if you’ve voted already, disregard)
Related to the long lines, remember: if you’re in line at poll closing time, YOU’RE STILL ALLOWED TO VOTE!
Also, if you’ve already voted or been disenfranchised somehow, consider giving people rides to the polls or spreading info on things like whether your state has same day registration or what ID you need.
While it is immediately satisfying to see proof that many people are voting, remember that those long lines -also- mean that those communities are poorly served by insufficient polling places. True beauty would be if every single voter in every single community could vote without excessive wait times. Not everyone can afford to wait hours in line to vote when it comes down to that or taking care of their own immediate survival needs.
(mad respect, though, for those who do anyway, and all my contempt for those who can but choose not to out of mere laziness)
Especially as it’s pouring rain here! When I was at the polling place, everyone was able to be inside when waiting, so hopefully that’s still the case. And, hoopefully the ballot measure here that will make voting more accessible will pass so it’s made a little easier in the future.
Can’t afford… To vote? :/
That sounds so very, very American. :/
I’m pretty sure there’s a legal requirement to let people go vote in Canada, plus several advance voting days and mail-in ballots.
From what I understand, the elections take place on Tuesdays and not Sundays PURPOSEFULLY so that the more disadvantaged folk have a harder time voting and maybe don’t.
It’s a feature, not a bug.
It’s probably true now, but I believe it started back in slower more agrarian times when it was often a full day’s trip for farmers to reach the county seat. You couldn’t vote on Sunday, because that would interfere with church.
For clarification, Tan doesn’t mean that there’s a fee to vote – there’s no collector at the ballot box that needs you to put money in. What voting DOES cost is time, which, if you’re down in the social ladder, is terrible, because if you don’t have job security skipping half a day can get you fired, and if you happen to paid by the hour you might not be able to afford the pay hit if you want to, y’know, eat that month.
Also, I lied to you – there’s totally a fee to vote, it’s just that it isn’t paid at the polling booth. More and more (Republican-controlled) states are putting more stringent requirements on the ability to vote, and the documentation for that takes both time and money. If you happen to not live where said documentation is issued, then you need to GET THERE first, and that takes, you got it, more time and money.
Of course, that assumes you can get the documentation: I think it was 2 years ago, there was a report on a black woman that had voted on every possible election at every level, and the new (Republican-mandated) requirements made her ineligible to vote, because the documentation that was now required needed documentation she never had in the first place. This had been, of course, the intended result of the (Republican-passed) legislation.
Meanwhile, on the way to the last election here (I voted early on a weekday, the main voting day was a Saturday), I passed a sign with instructions on how to vote if you have no fixed address.
Like me, you must be from one of those weak librul commie snowflake countries that give a fuck about democracy and crap like that (our main voting day is Sunday).
I THINK our last election (local) was a Monday or Tuesday? My mom and I went after dinner. I just brought my health card. Didn’t need a birth certificate, driver’s license, etc. that I recall.
Soviet Canuckistan
Rest assured, though, that those don’t vote are sure as hell going to complain loudly about how everything sucks and the government does nothing about it. Fuckers.
Hearts out to folks who would LIKE to vote but have been denied that right.
Good luck, hope everything turns out ok.
Walky: “I’m a super rugged nerd.”
Amber: “Speaking of, do you want to hear some fanfic ideas I’m working on…”
Danny: “Yeah, happened to me to.”
It amuses me to no end that Walky claims to be a rugged nerd to a girl who can do back-flips and has a super hero alter-ego. Get on her level you scrub! Git Gud!
It’s technically possible to take even a 10hp thing and stardust it to crazy levels. Now watch, that pidgey’s got like perfect IVs or something XD
Yeah it’ll get evolved for XP and ground into candy soon enough >.>
Unlikely; Walky and Amber just aren’t that good friends for it to end up with even good IVs after a trade.
I can’t wait for Walky to let the toxic masculinity go.