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T Campbell, John Waltrip, Florence Machina
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Dumbing of Age
David M Willis
Joyce has been homeschooled her entire life until now, when she's suddenly a freshman in college! Things don't go well.
Cyanide & Happiness
Satire, dark humor and surreal humor.
Beka Duke
Desperate for companionship, Frankenstein's Monster pretends to be the Opera Ghost. A grave mistake.
Isa, Meg
There's ghosts at your heels and fairy tale worlds ahead. What do you do? Jump down the rabbit hole!
Mac Hall
Matt Boyd
The legendary early-aughts webcomic that inspired a wave of webcomic creators.
Paint the Town Red
Windy, Winter Jay Kiakas
Winona runs a werewolf shelter with partner in crime, Odile in the Gothic city of Merlot. One day they take in an injured vampire, and soon unravels many of the dark secrets of Merlot.
The Otherknown
Lorian Merriman
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Kadi Fedoruk
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TJ Cordes
This comic is about a robot powered by bees, but it's also about the kind of people who think filling a robot with bees is a good idea, and why they're wrong.
Countdown to Countdown
Iris Black is a self-proclaimed inventor with the curious ability to bring his drawings to life, and yearns to find a space where he can use his powers freely.
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A shortening of the Japanese term “Nan des ka,” which translates into “What is it?” Actually, “Nan des” translates into “What is,” and “ka” is the phrase which sets the statement as a question.
Just you wait until Danny finally hooks up with Ethan. Wonder what Walky’s response to learning his next love interest is gonna be. Ethan likes toys and cartoons, so I imagine Walky will be okay with it eventually.
Although Danny also has some ship-teasing with Sal. Walky may not enjoy that prospect as much.
Okay, so if Danny’s next ex is going to be Sal, that’s going to end the sequence since obviously Walky and Sal can’t date. To maintain symmetry, at least, Dorothy’s going to have to date Amber’s brother.
It’s like Scott Pilgrim in reverse. Instead of fighting Danny’s exes, he’s making out with them. Either that, or he’s become Knives Chau. “I’ve kissed the lips that kissed you!. Twice!”
Technically Ethan isn’t so much a love interest, but a friend and one time bi-curious interaction. Look forward to Walky walking in on Ethan in the shower or colliding into Ethan in the hallway and the imaginary makeout that follows.
After Danny came to terms with his bisexuality and talked it out with Ethan, I’m pretty sure it hasn’t been long enough for him to just totally lose interest. He’s just not being all obsessive about it. In a lot of ways, he’s become pretty much the healthiest of all of the characters . . . at least for now.
And before they fully hooked up, Mike berated Danny for his ongoing crush on Danny. Like we had an idea that he would have been interested had Amber’s feelings not been a factor, but it was Mike who confirmed that he was still legit interested.
So they’re definitely still potential love interests, but with this comic you never know if they’ll actually happen. They could happen soon. A lot of other stuff could happen, and they happen much later down the road. Or they could never happen. Only Willis knows for sure.
Why not? Seriously, these people are college freshmen. The most messed-up thing any of them can do is think they’ve found “The One” who is the only person they’re supposed to date, forevers.
That’s not meant to condone cheating or being disrespectful to your partners (Joe). But yes, right now, if you’ve broken up, or are in a carefully discussed open relationship, don’t hesitate if the mood feels right. And that includes break-ups that were only a couple days ago. Hell, most of these relationships have only lasted a few friggin’ weeks.
OTOH, despite the relationships being short, they can be very intense. Especially when, like for Walky, it’s his first real relationship.
And to some extent the strips time compression plays into this: If we just casually dismiss these relationships as trivial because they’ve only lasted a couple weeks, much of the dramatic tension fades. Who cares if anyone breaks up or gets together. It’s just a brief fling. No worries.
It doesn’t have to be “The One” and it doesn’t have to be a long time to recover, but Walky and Dorothy literally broke up yesterday (went on pause the day before). This isn’t to blame him if he jumps at this, but he’s not actually ready for it. He hasn’t had time to process not being with Dorothy yet.
Oh geez this is really cute, and it’s even happening on my birthday so I super wanna believe, but I dunno about this! They’ve both got problems they really should work on, they’re both good at avoiding doing that (especially Amber), and I have a hard time not reading Garbage Roof and all it’s subtext as unhealthy in the long term. Though I gotta say this sequence is super well done and that, aside from feeling kinda ominous, I really like it! And I really don’t think this reflects badly on either of them!
Also somewhat off-topic, related to one of Willis’s retweets and felt like writing this down – it still feels a little weird to pass by the UNC campus and no longer see that statue up. I mean, good riddance now that it’s gone (I had been wondering when it’d be its turn to go), but still.
No Walky! She broke up an amicable relationship with you. That means you don’t need a cool down period before you’re not considered trash. Follow your gut!
Not considered trash, but that doesn’t mean it’s a good idea. I mean, he’s clearly still hung up on Dorothy and hasn’t even begun to process the breakup.
Meh, some people need more time to process, others just need to keep moving along. Different blunt force trauma for different Hermanos y hermanas . It’s good for Wally to realize that his first good relationship isn’t the only one he’ll ever get. And for some people, if they waited to fully recover from a breakup before dating again, they’d never date again.
Have we even reached Halloween, yet? We’re talking a few months, at most, in any case, and none of the relationships were intact at the start of the semester. So honestly, I really don’t think it should take more than a few days to ‘process the breakup’. The only real downside here is that he’s thinking it’s somehow bad of him to move on–the self-recrimination of “Garbage Roof” is definitely not the healthiest thing out there.
I believe it’s currently, roughly, October 13th. Walky and Dorothy dated for five weeks, six weeks if we count from when he first threw the toy at her (which apparently Dorothy does). Regardless of the short time though, their relationship clearly meant a lot to both of them and they both got around to at the very least exchanging ‘I love you’. I think Walky has the right to be upset for longer than one day (as he said they broke up yesterday).
That’s a load off my mind and I’m actually kind of satisfied with this. You know what why over think it? It’s kind of like what Ethan said don’t deny yourself and just live a little.
This is not where I wanted this to go, however if Mike wanted to see Danny become a whimpering jealous mess, apparently he may succeed. Not the way he said he intended but a mess all the same, unless Danny has moved on from Amber already which I find unlikely. And I don’t see him and Sal having any relationship if only because I think Sal has stuff other than romance on her mind.
I think that’s mostly referring to big relationships like Joyce/Walky and Amber/Mike, considering Billie and Ruth was a (retroactive) relationship in the Walkyverse that’s now being fully explored. And since Danny and Sal weren’t together for most of the Walkyverse anyways, their relationship could actually be explored in DoA.
I don’t remember him mentioning her name. And Amber spoke about walkys appearance projecting “danger” in her mind, but that kind of turned into a racial joke, not his sister.
Let’s see this pairing started with the repeated act of confiding with each other while they were both at their lowest point and in return offering each other a piece of mind and acceptance of each others worst flaws.
Yeah, considering what comic this is, there’s no doubt SOME risk of their currently positive, supportive behavior devolving into actually wallowing in flaws they need to work on rather than accepting that they aren’t perfect, but so far it’s been very healthy
The Cedar Point ride “Valravn” -which I like partially because I’ll always be one of the few people in the park that can pronounce it properly- is set up so that it sloooooowly goes into the first (completely vertical) drop, letting people dangle in the air with nowhere to look but down.
And then whoooosh, everything happens at once. Except it does the “slow down before a vertical drop” trick one more time.
Because it’s a really evil ride!
I have no idea whatsoever why I’m now reminded of that ride. Can’t possibly see any similarities between this and DoA.
In It’s Walky, Walky ended up with the craziest woman available.
In Dumbing of Age, he may be starting a relationship with the craziest woman available.
I doubt he’ll do that one, since it was one of the iconic relationships, but it’s not a blanket ban – more like “unless he can explore something different with it.”
Prime example Billie/Ruth, which was a thing in the Walkyverse, if mostly in backstory.
You know everyone who break up with Dorothy ends up with amber, really doesn’t help the “you two look practically the freakin same” argument
Rather it does help it I guess
This is so cute and such a beautifully drawn strip (especially the last two panels – GORGEOUS) but I’m pretty sure Walky’s going to find out about the grade change soon and I don’t think he’ll take it well.
I feel like Garbage Roof/Walky and Amber have this overall theme of “we don’t have to be perfect”, which is a theme I’ve been toying with for a while so I find that really interesting and sweet. But then if you’re even slightly cynical you can also take their dynamic as “we can ignore our problems”, and… yeah there’s a lot of potential pitfalls for this relationship. And that makes me kind of sad because I agree, this sequence is really wonderful!
Considering that that’s exactly what both of them have been doing I’d hardly call it cynical to read it that way. Like, it’s not a place where they’re free to be imperfect it’s a place where they pretend that all of their problems are just inevitable so they shouldn’t do anything about them and just wallow in self pity instead.
Yeah, that’s the biggest problem with all this. She really needs to find some way to explain all that before going too much farther with this.
Or they’ll sleep together and Walky will be woken up in the middle of the night by a freaked out Amazi-Girl who had no idea he was there when she took over.
Eh, they aren’t that distinct–Amber/AG isn’t an alt-personality. It’s a personality switch she flips in her head to help process shit she can’t deal with.
So the first time they FIGHT, I can see the student paper reporting that AG was seen beating up some graffiti vandals.
They’re that distinct. Very clearly now.
Amazi-Girl is taking over while Amber sleeps and going out and doing her thing, which Amber only knows about from social media reports and bruised knuckles.
We haven’t seen AG on screen since the Ryan slashing, so it’s possible she still has access to Amber’s memories, but Amber doesn’t remember AG’s actions any more.
Also, the same day that Amber slashed Ryan, we saw the two of them arguing about Sal to each other. I think it’s pretty clear the split is getting worse, if it’s not a full split already.
I’m like betting on walky not having known his grades before, tbh, beyond “bad”- the one time I started to fail a math class I angsted about it but somehow did as much as possible not to think about it at the same time. And yeah, I think the art sort of makes this bittersweet- it’s a really dark composition with bright but sparse lighting, and the kiss is straight out of a romantic “lake at sunset” deal but in a setting that really goes against that grain
He doesn’t need to know what the grade is to find out it was changed – if he finds the file somewhere, if she tells him as a ‘nice thing I did for you’ thing, etc.
I think she would eventually but you’re right probably not soon. At least, I hope she would considering it comes with a risk of expulsion if the two of them get caught.
Yeah, we have the grade change as an immediate thing, the potential for a WHOLE lot of ugly on both sides when they realize the Sal connection (putting aside Amber’s reaction, what’s Walky going to think when he finds out he’s dating the person who stabbed Sal in the hand? Things may not be easy,) and of course Amber’s unresolved issues with AG are just getting worse and Walky and Dorothy aren’t fully over each other and Amber’s just accepting she will always feel bad about herself and I think suggesting Walky do he same?
Like I could definitely actually ship this if they both had some time, the grades thing never happened, and the Sal connection was already known and maybe Amber and Sal had made peace with each other. But right now this ship has a lot of obstacles before it’s smooth sailing, and I worry about that.
Oh yeah I can see it now, somewhere down the road Danny will find out and be like “Damn that Walky he keeps stealing my girlfriends.” Which will give him another thing to have in common with Sal, a mutual annoyance of Walky. Which can be listed right next too:
Behaviour that Dorothy said was perfectly fine to Danny, Danny has another girl go to team Walky, Amber is pretty close to Dorothy, Sal is his twin, Pot smoking girl is watching, not to mention this is a terrible idea for both of them. SO KEEN!
I may be wrong but I thought Dorothy and Wally were going to get back together after midterms or something. Or was “quitting cold turkey” saying that wasn’t happening anymore?
You know, I was hesitant up until now in some respects, and I don’t have high expectations of this being a lasting arrangement, but fuck it. Strap me in, I’m here for this ride while it lasts.
I’m actually banking on this somehow being part of Mike’s evil plan. This chapter is still titled “Of Mike and Men”. Walky is technically a man. It works out!
Welp, Danny went out with Dorothy, then Along came Walky. Danny went out with Amber (more or less), then along cake Walky. Well, Sal and Danny have gotten pretty chumy lately, so along will come….. oh wait…..
Ethan was with Amber, then she dropped him after she realized he was gay.
Danny was with Dorothy, then Amber, and given the eyes it’s likely that he’ll eventually get together with Ethan.
Walky was with Dorothy, and now Amber.
Damn I wish I wasn’t already busy drawing magical girls and stuff, (And had any confidence in my ability to draw either of these characters.) ‘cuz there is so much fanart that needs to exist before this blows up, like, tomorrow probably.
I wonder if Amber’s acceptance of her garbageness with Walky will mean that AG shows up less? You figure that AG does her thing when Amber feels particularly less in control, but if Amber feels like she doesn’t HAVE to be in control could spell AG not being as needed?
Or, alternatively, Amber’s new blasé approach to life w/ Walky means that AG in turn becomes more lax on rules. Interesting development, for sure.
In a way I guess I want Amber to have a normal teen relationship with someone who isn’t so close to ethan emotionally (danny) and experience something more chill and touch-and-go.
We haven’t seen Amazi-Girl since last April. Amber no longer shares her memories, so we only have hints of what she’s been up to, though we know she’s been going out at night while Amber sleeps. Amber’s been trying to suppress her, but it doesn’t seem to be working.
We don’t know if Amazi-Girl still shares Amber’s memories, though I’d expect the change goes both ways and she doesn’t.
This really spells trouble should they get at all serious.
I think it’s important to note that it is nighttime, and Amazi-Girl isn’t on patrol.
By his unique charms, Walky has successfully gotten Amber to do what she broke up with Danny to avoid doing.
Heck, if Walky actually does something with his realization regarding his math work, this relationship might be a healthy one. (probably not healthy as in green vegetables and plenty of exercise, especially considering the first kiss involves a burrito from Taco bell)
Not likely. Even back in the day, Amber showed up in the evenings. Since the Ryan stabbing incident, Amazi-Girl’s only been getting out while Amber is asleep.
Walky’s got nothing to do with this. And it’s not a good thing at all.
Since this strip is tangentially related to superheroes (at a big stretch), I’ve got a question about some superhero characters I’m working on, for a potential future comic series.
There are four of them, and they all got their powers from a wish, but only one wished for a “traditional” power set. She gets psychic powers, and is the primary focus character. I’m thinking she’s probably gay, possibly Asian*.
-One character gets super-cleaning powers, because he was a smart-ass with his wish, and he works as a janitor. I was considering making him Mexican*.
-The third character can summon sweets (cakes, candies, etc.), and is definitely gay. I thought she’d be Australian, and was leaning toward her being on the larger side*.
-The last guy has the power to manipulate luck around him. He’s also possibly Irish*.
Basically, I’m worried these character concepts are a bit… stereotypical, possibly even offensive, as I’ve conceptualised them. It feels that way, but I’m also wondering if maybe there’s a way to “lean into” the stereotypes and make them work? I don’t want to be the guy known for making the Stereotype Squad, especially not if I’m aiming to get into the increasingly-positive comics industry.
What, the super-brained Asian, Mexican janitor, lucky Irishman, and rotund dessertomancer aren’t good ideas? /s
Put that way, yeah, no. Definitely gonna have to shop these characters “just a tad”. Luckily, only the psychic powers and gayness are set in stone. Thank you for the brutal honesty.
Huh, my first thought when reading your description was “the cleaner is Mexican? That sounds stereotypical” and the “oh, and the person summoning sweets is ‘large’?”.
I don’t know squat about the comic industry so I can’t tell you anything about how this would affect what you are doing but: if you use stereotypes, you cannot avoid strengthening them. The human brain is not equipped to deal with the information overload around and it tends to get stuck on the stuff it hears most often, even if obviously untrue. That’s the trouble with refuting all the bullshit out there. If you say “xyz (stereotype) is untrue”, you brought the stereotye to mind and this strengthens the neuronal connections of that concept in the brains of the people listening, theirby getting the opposite effect of what you want.
You are definitely have some stereotypes in play from what you’ve laid out.
As a Hispanic in the U.S. the Mexican janitor made me wince.
It feels as if you wanted to have a diverse cast and used some tropes/stereotypes to create the powers and backgrounds for them.
I’d ask myself why those powers and backgrounds, does it fit the story I want to tell? Will some of the elements detract or enhance the story when someone reads it? Do I know enough about the culture/country/issue I’ve put in play? Am I willing to put in the research necessary if I don’t know enough?
Personally I’d play around more with your characters backgrounds and how they mesh at this point. Flesh out their personalities so that when you describe them to others it’s more about who they are than what they are.
Good luck on developing your comic, it’s tough but very rewarding when you finally lay your hands on your very first printed run.
Everybody else has already mentioned the stereotypical issues, so I’m going to provide a link. If you want to play with powers, this website has a phenomenal catalogue:
Dozens of, um, interesting relationships later, I think it’s safe to say that the moral of DoA is “be careful what you ship, because you might get it” and its slogan is “you will ship this”.
More specifically, they both used to date Amber and she and Danny had JUST broke up recently and neither wanted to hurt her feelings by getting together so soon.
I think the idea (or at least, this was how I read it) was that Ethan broke up with Amber because he was Actually Gay(TM), and if a second boyfriend then went off to hook up with a guy it… might not do good things to her psyche.
Yay for the ship, but nay for the implications of the garbage roof. I get that they are there to cry about their pain without supporting each other, so… are they going to be intimate to deal with emotional pain instead of having a healthy relationship? Last time that happened Ruth ended up in the hospital.
To my eyes, it’s likely Ruth would have ended in hospital much sooner without Billie.
It’s not like being intimate with someone is the solution to dealing with problems but it might provide enough relaxation and strength to want to deal with them.
Hands up anyone who didn’t see this coming from a mile off! No-one! Good, I hoped that would be the answer.
Seriously, though, I’ve got a nasty feeling that this isn’t going to be healthy. ‘Reinforcing bad habits’ comes to mind because Amber is still on her “I’m a terrible person and should act accordingly” kick.
Well except that Walky’s nowhere near so bad off as either Ruth or Billie and Amber’s arguably much worse.
Walky has bad habits.
Ruth has depression and is an alcoholic.
Billie’s an alcoholic and has depression.
Amber has PTSD and some form of DID.
Walky also has a massive self-worth-tied-to-grades thing that’s gonna lead to Gifted Kid Burnout sooner rather than later, but yeah, I don’t think he’s depressed (or at least not as deep in it) the way both Billie and Ruth were. And while I don’t think Amber’s conditions make her unworthy of love, I am so extremely worried she’s no longer sharing memories with AG and AG’s coming out while she’s asleep. That can lead nowhere good, and I don’t want another relationship of hers* to go south with the AG/Amber situation being a factor, because Amber probably would internalize it.
I am so, so worried about Amber.
* Technically Danny was dating AG, but he blurred the lines because he didn’t know, and she still liked him and was sharing memories so that was probably complicated.
Yeah, Walky has issues, but they don’t rise to the level of “Needs professional help fast” that the other three do.
I certainly wouldn’t say “unworthy of love” for any of them, but damn Amber especially is a minefield to get involved with, especially if he doesn’t know anything about it.
As for Danny/AG/Amber, the lines were definitely blurry for both of them, especially at first. They treated it as more of a secret identity, don’t let anyone know thing for quite awhile, especially in private. Only as the split got worse did it really become a “you’re with her, not me” issue. Amber was, for example, present by the end of the mask/no mask sex scene.
Yeah, I really worry about the whole ‘AG takes over while Amber sleeps and they’re no longer sharing memories’ thing, nothing good can come of it. And with at least two or three other major things that could seriously hurt their relationship, I’d really rather these two wait until a couple things are out in the open and hope that in that time, Walky’s less torn up about Dorothy and Amber has found some kind of support to help with her dissociating.
I don’t think it’s a matter of worthiness so much as it is that she becomes increasingly dangerous the longer she lets the whole “I black out and assault people to vent my deeply repressed rage issues” thing go completely unaddressed. Like, I am far more worried about the bulk of Amber’s victims than I am about her at this point.
But we’re trash, you and me,
We’re the litter on the breeze,
We’re the lovers on the street,
Just trash, me and you,
It’s in everything we do,
It’s in everything we do…
I really hoped this wouldn’t happen but then it did. People who date Dorothy just always jump to Amber very quickly I guess! Unless next issue walky stops her.
Annnnd there it goes. Amber grabbing the guys Dotty threw away. I kind of feel sorry for Danny, he tried, he got thrown away and now got replaced with not-trying-at-all Walky…
or, you know. walky is just coming down with the last really bad infection that danny has recovered from. not disparaging either of the ladies, but post-relationship danny is clearly the healthier and happier danny.
To be fair, Danny is more on Joyce’s speed for relationships and commitment. Dorothy is the annoying over-achiever that sucks the fun out of everything, while Amber is finally figuring out how to loosen up.
I could see a Danny/Joyce (or my preferred Joe/Joyce) pairing, and Dorothy taking a year to struggle finding that perfect work-life balance. In comparison, Amber could take a similar year off to get fanily issues squared away.
Based on the title of the next chapter (no spoiler, it’s listed in plain text on the Archive page), I’ve got a feeling that Amber is experimenting with being a Bad Girl and I’ve got a feeling that it won’t end well.
Man, Dorothy gonna be hurt when she sees those two cuddling tomorrow two days after she broke up with Walky. Not that she should feel hurt as she was the one who suggested and is mostly responsible for the break-up but she gonna be hurt that he could “get over” her so quickly and find a new (and more fitting) girlfriend for him so quickly.
Nonono, it’s worse. She won’t be hurt that he got over her that quickly. If anything she’ll be relieved. She was guilting out over having been unfair to him and she sees the pain he was going through as her fault and now she’ll see that he wasn’t all that badly hurt, so no need for much guilt.
She’s going to be hurt that she lost him over some stupid studying.
And when she has her breakdown and her grades plummet as a result of too much studying, she’s going to be hurt that losing him resulted in bad grades.
Considering how quickly she got together with Walky after dumping Danny, she can go get hurt over this particular development all she wants without me giving a crap.
Also, AGAIN, relationships aren’t entitled to mourning periods.
Isn’t that a little…hypocritical? I mean, you’re right, relationships aren’t entitled to a mourning period but you’re condemning Dorothy for doing something that Walky could be doing that you approve of? “She’s wrong for hooking up with Walky so soon after, so Walky should hook up with Amber since he shouldn’t have to mourn their relationship!” you seeing where this isn’t checking out? If Walky shouldn’t have to wait, then Dorothy was fine not to wait as well. Let’s be fair here.
That’s… exactly what I’m doing? I’m not saying “Dorothy did a bad thing and so Walky should do the same bad thing to her”, I’m saying “Seeing as that to Dorothy quick rebounds are okay, she doesn’t have any moral grounds to be upset at Walky for a quick rebound.”
I can’t really tell if they’ll be good for each other because they understand each other’s failings, or if they’ll enable each other right into a hell-spiral.
So does this mean that Walky is the new Danny? He dated Dorothy, they split because of her career aspirations and now he’s with Amber… Dear god, no one let Walky near a ukelele!
So, they have an uncontrollable attraction to each other, to the point that more than a few minutes together leads to makeouts? Or did you mean actual silk, not Silk as in Cindy Moon?
…and that makes it incestuous how? BilliexWalky I could see – since they see each other as basically siblings, and Linda treats Billie as more of a daughter to her than Sal – but everyone else in the cast? What’s the logic in that?
I have trouble reading that as “grabs their head and forces a kiss”. Both of those shots with her hand on his chin look like very loose “grabs” to me. Guiding more than forcing.
Walky is specifically kissing Amber right now; the cheek blushes are there (the “in-comic” way of telling Amazi-Girl’s presence), and Amazi-Girl isn’t tagged – Amazi-Girl and Amber get separate tags.
Amber seems to keep getting Dorothy’s scraps. Not that it’s bad, Amber can do Amber. Just wondering if this dynamic will continue. Like, Dorothy then dates Joe, they split up and then Amber dates Joe. Dorothy then hate dates Mike, Mike then leaves and hate dates Amber, as per the ancient texts.
You’re forgetting – by this standard, Walky is also getting Danny’s “scraps”. So if Danny dates Ethan next, Ethan will eventually break up with him and then go out with Walky. If Danny dates Sal next…uh.
No no no no no no no no no no! This is wrong on a lot of levels, not least of which is that Walky is in no mental or emotional state for this. His first serious, not to mention sexual, relationship ended literally the day before. He doesn’t have the necessary tools to deal with this properly, even if Amber is just looking for some fun. Especially if Amber is just looking for some fun. We all love him too much to see him go through that.
The art has been f’ing awesome the last two days though. The lighting and shadows showing them on a rooftop at night? Absolutely on point! Amber looks awesome like that btw.
everyone who was shipping this yesterday has to be laughing at this next-day delivery. all the same, there are a lot of worthwhile reservations to be had here.
Coming Soon: Another Trashy Slipshine
…you know when you totes see it coming from miles away but your brain is still splattered across the pavement? D=
Omae wa mou Shindeiru
A shortening of the Japanese term “Nan des ka,” which translates into “What is it?” Actually, “Nan des” translates into “What is,” and “ka” is the phrase which sets the statement as a question.
What’s Japanese for Go Go Garbage Roof!!! ?
Iku Iku Rūfu no Gomi?
Although they like gratuitous English almost as much as American anime nerds like gratuitous Japanese so it’s possible they would just go with Go Go.
Rūfu no Go Go Gomi
Bravo on the pun. I am all up for some trashy Slipshines.
Walky and Amber Perform a Garbage, perhaps?
Walky and Amber Take Out the Trash?
Speaking of ‘splattered on the pavement’, you think the Slipshine will take place on Garbage Roof?
Just you wait until Danny finally hooks up with Ethan. Wonder what Walky’s response to learning his next love interest is gonna be. Ethan likes toys and cartoons, so I imagine Walky will be okay with it eventually.
Although Danny also has some ship-teasing with Sal. Walky may not enjoy that prospect as much.
Why would Walky care about Danny and Ethan hooking up?
The joke is that Walky has smooched on Danny’s exes in order.
It goes both ways.
Hopefully Dorothy can find someone equipped to date a vigilante to break up with next.
The two ways are:
• Walky dates Danny’s exes;
• Amber dates Dorothy’s exes.
Okay, so if Danny’s next ex is going to be Sal, that’s going to end the sequence since obviously Walky and Sal can’t date. To maintain symmetry, at least, Dorothy’s going to have to date Amber’s brother.
That’s right: Dorothy’s going to date Faz.
Dannethan confirmed!
I mean….obviously you don’t watch enough anime if you think siblings can’t date.
But don’t they have to be step-siblings?
Only in the English dubs.
Or, of course, in Star Wars.
Because this is the second time Walky has ended up kissing Danny’s most recent ex.
Easiest thing in the world to fix!
Danny, start making out with Sal, that’s a good boy.
Because Walky is two for two on getting together with Danny’s exes. A clear pattern!
It’s like Scott Pilgrim in reverse. Instead of fighting Danny’s exes, he’s making out with them. Either that, or he’s become Knives Chau. “I’ve kissed the lips that kissed you!. Twice!”
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Walky can’t get anyone unless they’re on the rebound from Danny.
Technically Ethan isn’t so much a love interest, but a friend and one time bi-curious interaction. Look forward to Walky walking in on Ethan in the shower or colliding into Ethan in the hallway and the imaginary makeout that follows.
After Danny came to terms with his bisexuality and talked it out with Ethan, I’m pretty sure it hasn’t been long enough for him to just totally lose interest. He’s just not being all obsessive about it. In a lot of ways, he’s become pretty much the healthiest of all of the characters . . . at least for now.
And before they fully hooked up, Mike berated Danny for his ongoing crush on Danny. Like we had an idea that he would have been interested had Amber’s feelings not been a factor, but it was Mike who confirmed that he was still legit interested.
So they’re definitely still potential love interests, but with this comic you never know if they’ll actually happen. They could happen soon. A lot of other stuff could happen, and they happen much later down the road. Or they could never happen. Only Willis knows for sure.
There is no edit button, dammit. Mike berated *Ethan,* if that wasn’t obvious from context.
*Puts on an M.Bison hat and pulls out cellphone*
*thrusts two fingers into the sky repeatedly* YES! YES! YES! YES!
Sorta sounds like you are all already getting it on.
So Walky and Sal (may) be going out with the other’s exes. Huh.
I do not believe Sal and Amber ever dated.
Shhh. Let them dream.
To Tacos: I just wanted to let you know that you have the best reply in the comments tonight so far. I am still laughing. Bravo.
Um, they did according to my fanfic, so
Words cannot express how perfectly that gravatar fits both the tone and content of your comment.
I meant Sal (maybe) going out with Danny (Amber’s ex), while Walky goes out with Amber (Danny’s ex).
Walky and Sal: “We ripped that couple apart and kept the pieces for ourselves.”
Going on a double date will be so awkward.
It was a short relationship, but there was penetration.
Amber stabbed Sal’s hand.
When did amber date Sal?
Technically, it was/is AG. And, Amber can’t remember it, because split personalities.
In any event, looks like an interesting Thanksgiving at the Walkertons
“Hm… Both this Amber and Amazing Girl seem to go to the bathroom a lot, and for a long time. And, we never see them both at the same time.”
“Oh, I’m sure that’s just a coincidence, dear.”
It’s sweet you think Sal gets invited to Thanksgiving.
I’m sure she does.
There’s a little note on Walky’s elaborate invitation telling him to mention it to Sal.
It ends with the words ‘You know, if it comes up and she doesn’t have plans, we can find a place for her.’
Billie and Dorothy also got elaborate invites (with Billie’s saying ‘Jennifer’) so he doesn’t need to tell them.
Hells yeah! Nice to see a ship you want actually happen… hopefully it will at least
dangit messed up my comment
Holy shit, that happened quickly.
Daaaaaamn, Amber, that was smooth
Came here to say just that. /applauds Amber/
Yeah, but I’m just imagining her words coming out all mangled as she says them with their lips pressed together.
You mean all murmured against skin in a husky voice and goddammit Yumi.
The groundwork was laid with the avengers slash fic.
Wait, which Avenger does this make Walky, then?
Well, okay then.
This should be interesting.
(is very surprised that Mayhaps was already taken)
I, too, second WALKY NO. we will stand together.
on the flipside I *do* think this is good for Amber so…daisy is conflicted.
It’s good until Amber meets Walky’s sister, and then starts seeing her face in Walky’s all the time.
Side effect from dating Danny.
Oh.. that will be… interesting
Also I can see clearly Dorothy being suuper jealous and a bit self-righteous abt it, that will be fun for everyone!
Why not? Seriously, these people are college freshmen. The most messed-up thing any of them can do is think they’ve found “The One” who is the only person they’re supposed to date, forevers.
That’s not meant to condone cheating or being disrespectful to your partners (Joe). But yes, right now, if you’ve broken up, or are in a carefully discussed open relationship, don’t hesitate if the mood feels right. And that includes break-ups that were only a couple days ago. Hell, most of these relationships have only lasted a few friggin’ weeks.
OTOH, despite the relationships being short, they can be very intense. Especially when, like for Walky, it’s his first real relationship.
And to some extent the strips time compression plays into this: If we just casually dismiss these relationships as trivial because they’ve only lasted a couple weeks, much of the dramatic tension fades. Who cares if anyone breaks up or gets together. It’s just a brief fling. No worries.
It doesn’t have to be “The One” and it doesn’t have to be a long time to recover, but Walky and Dorothy literally broke up yesterday (went on pause the day before). This isn’t to blame him if he jumps at this, but he’s not actually ready for it. He hasn’t had time to process not being with Dorothy yet.
*plays the Kool & the Gang song on the hacked speakers*
YES! Yesyesyesyesyesyes! And YES!
The SS Garbage Skowl has set Sail!
*breaks bottle of champagne*
*Bras band plays as the ship sets off on its maiden voyage*
Wait, a bras band?
Hopefully Walky will do better with the hooks this time.
I would pay to see that
All abord the garbage ship, next stop garbage island!
Walky had his first kiss, like, a month ago and he’s already swimming in the ladies. Moving on up in the world.
Icky metaphor?
yo dawg the name’s walky im so bad im drowning in all the issues up in here
GARBAGE ROOF FO LIFE ok i need some sleep now
Its a little late to mention that now.
Quick, suggest JoycexDorothy
Tomorrow’s comic: IT WAS ALL A NIGHTMARE
Oh geez this is really cute, and it’s even happening on my birthday so I super wanna believe, but I dunno about this! They’ve both got problems they really should work on, they’re both good at avoiding doing that (especially Amber), and I have a hard time not reading Garbage Roof and all it’s subtext as unhealthy in the long term. Though I gotta say this sequence is super well done and that, aside from feeling kinda ominous, I really like it! And I really don’t think this reflects badly on either of them!
It’s my birthday, too!
Mine’s tomorrow, hopefully I get the reaction as a Birthday present.
*Preemptive High-Five*
… Anybody else? I can share the enthusiasm all day!
It’s our cat’s birthday!
(19 !)
Congratulations to your cat! That is a strong kitty
Birthday partyyyy!
Also Walky is the twin of her Arch-Nemesis/Superhero-Team-Up-Partner.
It’s Ruth/Billie all over again. Except less gay.
… Well hell. This is new.
We gonna get Joyce x Dorothy next?
Cuz that’d be entertaining as hell.
I’m not sure who’s panic reaction would be more entertaining.
Not at all. Dorothy drops Joyce because of Jacob. Joyce turns to Amber as a new BFF.
Hmm… It is just slightly more possible now…
Consider my hopes raised.
Wait, what?
I’m sure nothing bad will come of this…
I give it 50-50. But some mistakes are worth making.
Ohhhh, so THIS is what you guys meant when you were okay with Ethan fucking Mike even though it was a bad idea!
Close. With Mike, no matter what you do you’re screwed so you might as well enjoy it.
Also somewhat off-topic, related to one of Willis’s retweets and felt like writing this down – it still feels a little weird to pass by the UNC campus and no longer see that statue up. I mean, good riddance now that it’s gone (I had been wondering when it’d be its turn to go), but still.
so…does she know he’s the brother of the lady she stabbed in the hand?
No…. look we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it.
There’s always room on the Titanic.
I think this is a good time for the malaprop version: “We’ll burn that bridge when we come to it.”
*breathes into paper bag*
She once remarked that Walky “set off alarm bells ringing in the back of her head”. Other than that, no, she doesn’t.
I guess she doesn’t get that sensation from him any more, huh?
I’m guessing it’s more smooth jazz saxophone music now.
Nah, just Careless Whisper, because fuck subtlety.
If she doesn’t by now, she still does, and is just pretending not to. She and Sal are even communicating, via Mario Cart. And, then there’s AG…
No Walky! She broke up an amicable relationship with you. That means you don’t need a cool down period before you’re not considered trash. Follow your gut!
Not considered trash, but that doesn’t mean it’s a good idea. I mean, he’s clearly still hung up on Dorothy and hasn’t even begun to process the breakup.
Meh, some people need more time to process, others just need to keep moving along. Different blunt force trauma for different Hermanos y hermanas . It’s good for Wally to realize that his first good relationship isn’t the only one he’ll ever get. And for some people, if they waited to fully recover from a breakup before dating again, they’d never date again.
Have we even reached Halloween, yet? We’re talking a few months, at most, in any case, and none of the relationships were intact at the start of the semester. So honestly, I really don’t think it should take more than a few days to ‘process the breakup’. The only real downside here is that he’s thinking it’s somehow bad of him to move on–the self-recrimination of “Garbage Roof” is definitely not the healthiest thing out there.
I believe it’s currently, roughly, October 13th. Walky and Dorothy dated for five weeks, six weeks if we count from when he first threw the toy at her (which apparently Dorothy does). Regardless of the short time though, their relationship clearly meant a lot to both of them and they both got around to at the very least exchanging ‘I love you’. I think Walky has the right to be upset for longer than one day (as he said they broke up yesterday).
They deserve each other?…I guess?
I want to say “No, you’re better than this!” to both of them, but I guess that cancels out, sorta.
Well they did just admit that they’re trash people so I have low expectations.
This is not where I wanted this to go, however if Mike wanted to see Danny become a whimpering jealous mess, apparently he may succeed. Not the way he said he intended but a mess all the same, unless Danny has moved on from Amber already which I find unlikely. And I don’t see him and Sal having any relationship if only because I think Sal has stuff other than romance on her mind.
But I’ve been way off before, so who knows?
Weren’t sal and Danny a thing in Roomies? It’s certainly possible at least
Willis said he wasn’t repeating relationships so that’s a no. Idk if it applies to roomies tho
I think that’s mostly referring to big relationships like Joyce/Walky and Amber/Mike, considering Billie and Ruth was a (retroactive) relationship in the Walkyverse that’s now being fully explored. And since Danny and Sal weren’t together for most of the Walkyverse anyways, their relationship could actually be explored in DoA.
Amber, don’t fuck this one up ok? He’s a much better match gor uou than Danny.
Ugh. So many typos. I wish I could edit these things XD
If I had a nickel for every time someone, including myself, wished they could edit their comments here…
And you get a nickel, and you get a nickel! Nickels for everyone!
Don’t forget the nickel for your mom!
Is it weird that even though I saw this coming, this is still very surprising?
Could this turn out to be…slightly unhealthy???
What? No. In this comic? On Garbage Roof? Never.
slightly is underestimating
Also add the fact that Dorothy doesn’t seem to actually be over Walky and they boned rather recently to the equation and ask yourself that again.
Add to that the fact that she doesn’t know he’s sals sister.
I thought he brought up Sal in garbage roof? Plus they look almost EXACTLY THE SAME minus boobs and hair
I don’t remember him mentioning her name. And Amber spoke about walkys appearance projecting “danger” in her mind, but that kind of turned into a racial joke, not his sister.
Let’s see this pairing started with the repeated act of confiding with each other while they were both at their lowest point and in return offering each other a piece of mind and acceptance of each others worst flaws.
I don’t see what’s so toxic about this.
Oh wait no there’s still that one thing.
Just so.
Amber perhaps needs a psychologist more than she needs a lover right now, but hey! Why not have both?
Pretty sure one isn’t supposed to bang their psychologist.
See also Harley Quinn.
Unless Walky changed his name to Kiley, I don’t think Amber needs to worry too much.
Yeah, considering what comic this is, there’s no doubt SOME risk of their currently positive, supportive behavior devolving into actually wallowing in flaws they need to work on rather than accepting that they aren’t perfect, but so far it’s been very healthy
Yeah, some level of accepting your flaws can be a good thing. Developing a relationship based around being garbage, not so much.
It isn’t called Smarting of Age.
That actually wouldn’t be such a bad titlle, given the original meaning of the verb “smart”…
Well…this happened…
Not gonna lie, I dropped my phone when I read the last panel.
I am reasonably expected to die before the end of semester.
*Shrugs.* Hey, at least the line is short.
You can always stop reading…
Oh who am I kidding
The Cedar Point ride “Valravn” -which I like partially because I’ll always be one of the few people in the park that can pronounce it properly- is set up so that it sloooooowly goes into the first (completely vertical) drop, letting people dangle in the air with nowhere to look but down.
And then whoooosh, everything happens at once. Except it does the “slow down before a vertical drop” trick one more time.
Because it’s a really evil ride!
I have no idea whatsoever why I’m now reminded of that ride. Can’t possibly see any similarities between this and DoA.
In It’s Walky, Walky ended up with the craziest woman available.
In Dumbing of Age, he may be starting a relationship with the craziest woman available.
At least his character is consistent.
He already pointed out he considers Joyce pretty, so that could still be a possibility.
Willis isn’t repeating relationships from the walkyverse
I doubt he’ll do that one, since it was one of the iconic relationships, but it’s not a blanket ban – more like “unless he can explore something different with it.”
Prime example Billie/Ruth, which was a thing in the Walkyverse, if mostly in backstory.
The time loop has been broken…
Destiny shall now arise.
(I really like this. I feel a little verklempt)
Is that an imperative or an exclamation?
It’s an ejaculation.
That’s a little quick for a first kiss, but we’ll see if it’s headed that direction tomorrow.
this seems healthy
Perfect grav, tbh
Is “breaking up with your significant other and then immediately getting together with someone else” an STI? ‘Cause Dorothy must have infected Walky.
You know everyone who break up with Dorothy ends up with amber, really doesn’t help the “you two look practically the freakin same” argument
Rather it does help it I guess
Everybody that breaks up with Danny winds up with Walky and they even have the same shoe size.
So Danny is Walky’s ultimate wingman? Joe’s gonna be so jealous.
What kind of garbage roof are we even having. You are supposed to be garbage, not cute and happy and… hello? Are you even listening to me?
Don’t listen to Bagge!!!
I certainly never do.
Huh? Did someone say something?
This is so cute and such a beautifully drawn strip (especially the last two panels – GORGEOUS) but I’m pretty sure Walky’s going to find out about the grade change soon and I don’t think he’ll take it well.
I feel like Garbage Roof/Walky and Amber have this overall theme of “we don’t have to be perfect”, which is a theme I’ve been toying with for a while so I find that really interesting and sweet. But then if you’re even slightly cynical you can also take their dynamic as “we can ignore our problems”, and… yeah there’s a lot of potential pitfalls for this relationship. And that makes me kind of sad because I agree, this sequence is really wonderful!
Considering that that’s exactly what both of them have been doing I’d hardly call it cynical to read it that way. Like, it’s not a place where they’re free to be imperfect it’s a place where they pretend that all of their problems are just inevitable so they shouldn’t do anything about them and just wallow in self pity instead.
just wait ’til he finds out about Amber’s weapons grade industrial strength mental health issues that he is kind of adorably ill-prepared to deal with
Yeah, that’s the biggest problem with all this. She really needs to find some way to explain all that before going too much farther with this.
Or they’ll sleep together and Walky will be woken up in the middle of the night by a freaked out Amazi-Girl who had no idea he was there when she took over.
Eh, they aren’t that distinct–Amber/AG isn’t an alt-personality. It’s a personality switch she flips in her head to help process shit she can’t deal with.
So the first time they FIGHT, I can see the student paper reporting that AG was seen beating up some graffiti vandals.
They’re that distinct. Very clearly now.
Amazi-Girl is taking over while Amber sleeps and going out and doing her thing, which Amber only knows about from social media reports and bruised knuckles.
We haven’t seen AG on screen since the Ryan slashing, so it’s possible she still has access to Amber’s memories, but Amber doesn’t remember AG’s actions any more.
Also, the same day that Amber slashed Ryan, we saw the two of them arguing about Sal to each other. I think it’s pretty clear the split is getting worse, if it’s not a full split already.
I’m like betting on walky not having known his grades before, tbh, beyond “bad”- the one time I started to fail a math class I angsted about it but somehow did as much as possible not to think about it at the same time. And yeah, I think the art sort of makes this bittersweet- it’s a really dark composition with bright but sparse lighting, and the kiss is straight out of a romantic “lake at sunset” deal but in a setting that really goes against that grain
He doesn’t need to know what the grade is to find out it was changed – if he finds the file somewhere, if she tells him as a ‘nice thing I did for you’ thing, etc.
I don’t think she we tell him as she did it against his expressed wishes.
Excellent way to start a relationship.
I think she would eventually but you’re right probably not soon. At least, I hope she would considering it comes with a risk of expulsion if the two of them get caught.
Yeah, we have the grade change as an immediate thing, the potential for a WHOLE lot of ugly on both sides when they realize the Sal connection (putting aside Amber’s reaction, what’s Walky going to think when he finds out he’s dating the person who stabbed Sal in the hand? Things may not be easy,) and of course Amber’s unresolved issues with AG are just getting worse and Walky and Dorothy aren’t fully over each other and Amber’s just accepting she will always feel bad about herself and I think suggesting Walky do he same?
Like I could definitely actually ship this if they both had some time, the grades thing never happened, and the Sal connection was already known and maybe Amber and Sal had made peace with each other. But right now this ship has a lot of obstacles before it’s smooth sailing, and I worry about that.
that last panel has me on an emotional roller coaster except all the ups and downs are all at the same time and it’s mostly just me screaming NO
Holy shit
Hooray, they’re gonna doink!
Wow…………..I shipped them yesterday and today the ship is confirmed! Now all that is left is the slipshine and we are set!
I saw it coming but I’m not happy about it
Ukulele man is gonna be pissed……
Nah, he’s a good egg.
Plus, he’s now getting dueling lessons from Sal (that’s my headcanon and I’m sticking to it).
Danny needs to believe in the Heart of The Cards.
Maybe learn to ride a motorcycle later.
Oh yeah I can see it now, somewhere down the road Danny will find out and be like “Damn that Walky he keeps stealing my girlfriends.” Which will give him another thing to have in common with Sal, a mutual annoyance of Walky. Which can be listed right next too:
• Parents that are damn near impossible to please
love the irony that she’s in love with the brother of the girl who made her snap and develop the amazi-girl persona
Further, said AG personality, when last we heard her on camera, was gushing about Sal to regular Amber.
To be fair, I think it was the Red Rage personality that came out that one day. I think AG is supposed to be a counter to RR.
So, yeah…
Red Rage would be a fuckin dope name for a heavy metal babs
Band* damn you phone
It’s cute that you think this is love.
It wasn’t really Sal that made her snap, though. It was her shitstain of a “father”.
Sal just happened to be the first target of said snapping.
Not just a target, but a trigger on the longer term damage her father had done. The robbery added its own level of trauma.
yea that figures aight.
Behaviour that Dorothy said was perfectly fine to Danny, Danny has another girl go to team Walky, Amber is pretty close to Dorothy, Sal is his twin, Pot smoking girl is watching, not to mention this is a terrible idea for both of them. SO KEEN!
Because Garbage Roof hype is real?
I may be wrong but I thought Dorothy and Wally were going to get back together after midterms or something. Or was “quitting cold turkey” saying that wasn’t happening anymore?
Yes to your last question.
“We were on a break!”
Walky specificially said the pause was to avoid Friends references, how dare you?
You know, I was hesitant up until now in some respects, and I don’t have high expectations of this being a lasting arrangement, but fuck it. Strap me in, I’m here for this ride while it lasts.
Same, give me your best shot:
*Munching popcorn*
I’m actually banking on this somehow being part of Mike’s evil plan. This chapter is still titled “Of Mike and Men”. Walky is technically a man. It works out!
DAMMIT MAN! We all know Walky and Joyce are meant to be together no matter what universe we are in! Stop braking our minds man!
Actually, no. There is one, and only one, where they don’t, because he hooks up with Dorothy first. And, guess which one this is.
All I can think of to say about this development is “RUH ROH.”
Let’s split up, gang!
Hi! I’m Scrraaaaappeee Daaappeeee D…
terrible and beautiful like a unicorn nuking canada
Welp, Danny went out with Dorothy, then Along came Walky. Danny went out with Amber (more or less), then along cake Walky. Well, Sal and Danny have gotten pretty chumy lately, so along will come….. oh wait…..
“I got it from Agnes
She got it from Jim
We all agree it must have been
Louise who gave it to him
Now she got it from Harry
Who got it from Marie
And ev’rybody knows that Marie
Got it from me “
Obscure Tom Lehrer track FTW!
Cue Game of Thrones music.
at least Amber will be dating, not AG
Cogent point.
That’s very important.
Yeah, this is the first time Amber has dated since…Ethan, I believe?
WHY I mean I get why and honestly this is probably what these Troubled Teens would do realistically but WHYYYYY
I mean they’re both at an emotional low point and have been relying on each other to cope. It adds up.
I love seeing Amber like this. Chill and confident and happy
Ok, so let me get this straight:
Ethan was with Amber, then she dropped him after she realized he was gay.
Danny was with Dorothy, then Amber, and given the eyes it’s likely that he’ll eventually get together with Ethan.
Walky was with Dorothy, and now Amber.
This appears to be some kind of mixer dance.
Or a really complicated swingers party
Now *that*’s the Slipshine we want. I just don’t know if it’s the Slipshine we deserve.
Damn I wish I wasn’t already busy drawing magical girls and stuff, (And had any confidence in my ability to draw either of these characters.) ‘cuz there is so much fanart that needs to exist before this blows up, like, tomorrow probably.
I just said “YES!” out loud, and I never do that.
Oh no. Oh no Oh no. I half expected it but not so faaast
I wonder if Amber’s acceptance of her garbageness with Walky will mean that AG shows up less? You figure that AG does her thing when Amber feels particularly less in control, but if Amber feels like she doesn’t HAVE to be in control could spell AG not being as needed?
Or, alternatively, Amber’s new blasé approach to life w/ Walky means that AG in turn becomes more lax on rules. Interesting development, for sure.
In a way I guess I want Amber to have a normal teen relationship with someone who isn’t so close to ethan emotionally (danny) and experience something more chill and touch-and-go.
We haven’t seen Amazi-Girl since last April. Amber no longer shares her memories, so we only have hints of what she’s been up to, though we know she’s been going out at night while Amber sleeps. Amber’s been trying to suppress her, but it doesn’t seem to be working.
We don’t know if Amazi-Girl still shares Amber’s memories, though I’d expect the change goes both ways and she doesn’t.
This really spells trouble should they get at all serious.
Huh. Did not expect that to happen in the course of one strip.
I think it’s important to note that it is nighttime, and Amazi-Girl isn’t on patrol.
By his unique charms, Walky has successfully gotten Amber to do what she broke up with Danny to avoid doing.
Heck, if Walky actually does something with his realization regarding his math work, this relationship might be a healthy one. (probably not healthy as in green vegetables and plenty of exercise, especially considering the first kiss involves a burrito from Taco bell)
Not likely. Even back in the day, Amber showed up in the evenings. Since the Ryan stabbing incident, Amazi-Girl’s only been getting out while Amber is asleep.
Walky’s got nothing to do with this. And it’s not a good thing at all.
Oh. Now my heart hurts
Ohhhh this is new.
Not a good idea, in my opinion, at all, but definitely new.
Well this is a most unusual pairing.
♫ We can be garbage
Just for one day
Since this strip is tangentially related to superheroes (at a big stretch), I’ve got a question about some superhero characters I’m working on, for a potential future comic series.
There are four of them, and they all got their powers from a wish, but only one wished for a “traditional” power set. She gets psychic powers, and is the primary focus character. I’m thinking she’s probably gay, possibly Asian*.
-One character gets super-cleaning powers, because he was a smart-ass with his wish, and he works as a janitor. I was considering making him Mexican*.
-The third character can summon sweets (cakes, candies, etc.), and is definitely gay. I thought she’d be Australian, and was leaning toward her being on the larger side*.
-The last guy has the power to manipulate luck around him. He’s also possibly Irish*.
Basically, I’m worried these character concepts are a bit… stereotypical, possibly even offensive, as I’ve conceptualised them. It feels that way, but I’m also wondering if maybe there’s a way to “lean into” the stereotypes and make them work? I don’t want to be the guy known for making the Stereotype Squad, especially not if I’m aiming to get into the increasingly-positive comics industry.
Hahahahahahahaha. Dude. Don’t.
What, the super-brained Asian, Mexican janitor, lucky Irishman, and rotund dessertomancer aren’t good ideas? /s
Put that way, yeah, no. Definitely gonna have to shop these characters “just a tad”. Luckily, only the psychic powers and gayness are set in stone. Thank you for the brutal honesty.
Go with the Irish janitor, lucky Asian and super-brained Mexican and your golden. The rotund dessertomancer with a heart of gold is fine.
Huh, my first thought when reading your description was “the cleaner is Mexican? That sounds stereotypical” and the “oh, and the person summoning sweets is ‘large’?”.
I don’t know squat about the comic industry so I can’t tell you anything about how this would affect what you are doing but: if you use stereotypes, you cannot avoid strengthening them. The human brain is not equipped to deal with the information overload around and it tends to get stuck on the stuff it hears most often, even if obviously untrue. That’s the trouble with refuting all the bullshit out there. If you say “xyz (stereotype) is untrue”, you brought the stereotye to mind and this strengthens the neuronal connections of that concept in the brains of the people listening, theirby getting the opposite effect of what you want.
That’s about what I figured, after I saw it all typed out.
You are definitely have some stereotypes in play from what you’ve laid out.
As a Hispanic in the U.S. the Mexican janitor made me wince.
It feels as if you wanted to have a diverse cast and used some tropes/stereotypes to create the powers and backgrounds for them.
I’d ask myself why those powers and backgrounds, does it fit the story I want to tell? Will some of the elements detract or enhance the story when someone reads it? Do I know enough about the culture/country/issue I’ve put in play? Am I willing to put in the research necessary if I don’t know enough?
Personally I’d play around more with your characters backgrounds and how they mesh at this point. Flesh out their personalities so that when you describe them to others it’s more about who they are than what they are.
Good luck on developing your comic, it’s tough but very rewarding when you finally lay your hands on your very first printed run.
I’m sorry about that. It only hit me the other day, which is what got me thinking about this more closely.
Eh, the alarm bells were ringing in the back of your mind. Sometimes you got to kick the idea out in the open to see the problem.
Everybody else has already mentioned the stereotypical issues, so I’m going to provide a link. If you want to play with powers, this website has a phenomenal catalogue:
When you said “phenomenal”, I thought you just meant it’s good quality. I didn’t expect it to be this… much.
Honestly, I’d take the group of traits you already have and swap the ethnicities around.
Yeah, was kinda hoping this would be platonic. :/ It felt kind of special when it was.
Now I’m just…. “Meh”.
And less likely to end in disaster when Amber finds out he’s Sal’s brother.
Or for that matter when Amazi-Girl takes control after Amber falls asleep with Walky.
God this is going to be a mess.
You don’t have to be so cheerful about it. Or maybe it’s I don’t have to be so cheerful about it. Either way.
Dozens of, um, interesting relationships later, I think it’s safe to say that the moral of DoA is “be careful what you ship, because you might get it” and its slogan is “you will ship this”.
And that’s TWICE That Walky has picked up Danny’s X
Aww look at these two cute trashbags <3
Damn, I wanted the friendship.
…but I’m looking forward to the slipshine.
I wasn’t expecting this AT ALL omg
Ok please dont fuck up you kids
Also i really want danny and ethan to know this because they precisely didnt wanna date because they used to date amber
More specifically, they both used to date Amber and she and Danny had JUST broke up recently and neither wanted to hurt her feelings by getting together so soon.
I think she’s clearly moved on by now.
I think the idea (or at least, this was how I read it) was that Ethan broke up with Amber because he was Actually Gay(TM), and if a second boyfriend then went off to hook up with a guy it… might not do good things to her psyche.
It was only a couple of days ago that she was talking to Dorothy about how she wanted him back.
Moving on to being on the rebound is still moving on, if not the in the most complete sense.
So down? Sideways? Upside down?
Yay for the ship, but nay for the implications of the garbage roof. I get that they are there to cry about their pain without supporting each other, so… are they going to be intimate to deal with emotional pain instead of having a healthy relationship? Last time that happened Ruth ended up in the hospital.
To my eyes, it’s likely Ruth would have ended in hospital much sooner without Billie.
It’s not like being intimate with someone is the solution to dealing with problems but it might provide enough relaxation and strength to want to deal with them.
Ruth might have also got help sooner without Billie. Their relationship had both positive and negative effects.
Much like any/all relationships.
Whoa I wasn’t expecting Walky x Amber to come to fruition.
Maybe this is just temporary and he falls for someone else later on?
I have to admit I just don’t like Walky and I don’t want him kissing on my Amber. Even though it’s actually Amber kissing on him.
Oh, Amber, you Stupid Girl, you know that you’re Only Happy When It Rains. Stop acting like your lips are Magnetized to his.
Walky, watch out, I Think she’s Paranoid. Run, Baby, Run.
You’re Cherry Lips, to be precise (I knew I forgot something).
Hands up anyone who didn’t see this coming from a mile off! No-one! Good, I hoped that would be the answer.
Seriously, though, I’ve got a nasty feeling that this isn’t going to be healthy. ‘Reinforcing bad habits’ comes to mind because Amber is still on her “I’m a terrible person and should act accordingly” kick.
This relationship could easily turn sour, but I’m really interested in seeing how this plays out.
Honestly it kind of reminds me of Ruth and Billie’s relationship. Two humanoid messes, enabling each other’s bad habits…
Well except that Walky’s nowhere near so bad off as either Ruth or Billie and Amber’s arguably much worse.
Walky has bad habits.
Ruth has depression and is an alcoholic.
Billie’s an alcoholic and has depression.
Amber has PTSD and some form of DID.
Walky also has a massive self-worth-tied-to-grades thing that’s gonna lead to Gifted Kid Burnout sooner rather than later, but yeah, I don’t think he’s depressed (or at least not as deep in it) the way both Billie and Ruth were. And while I don’t think Amber’s conditions make her unworthy of love, I am so extremely worried she’s no longer sharing memories with AG and AG’s coming out while she’s asleep. That can lead nowhere good, and I don’t want another relationship of hers* to go south with the AG/Amber situation being a factor, because Amber probably would internalize it.
I am so, so worried about Amber.
* Technically Danny was dating AG, but he blurred the lines because he didn’t know, and she still liked him and was sharing memories so that was probably complicated.
Yeah, Walky has issues, but they don’t rise to the level of “Needs professional help fast” that the other three do.
I certainly wouldn’t say “unworthy of love” for any of them, but damn Amber especially is a minefield to get involved with, especially if he doesn’t know anything about it.
As for Danny/AG/Amber, the lines were definitely blurry for both of them, especially at first. They treated it as more of a secret identity, don’t let anyone know thing for quite awhile, especially in private. Only as the split got worse did it really become a “you’re with her, not me” issue. Amber was, for example, present by the end of the mask/no mask sex scene.
Yeah, I really worry about the whole ‘AG takes over while Amber sleeps and they’re no longer sharing memories’ thing, nothing good can come of it. And with at least two or three other major things that could seriously hurt their relationship, I’d really rather these two wait until a couple things are out in the open and hope that in that time, Walky’s less torn up about Dorothy and Amber has found some kind of support to help with her dissociating.
I don’t think it’s a matter of worthiness so much as it is that she becomes increasingly dangerous the longer she lets the whole “I black out and assault people to vent my deeply repressed rage issues” thing go completely unaddressed. Like, I am far more worried about the bulk of Amber’s victims than I am about her at this point.
And Amber also has anger issues – those are their own thing, although maybe tangled up with the PTSD a bit.
And it’s still not clear whether walky has adhd or is just really intent on avoiding uncomfortable things.
I kind of saw this coming.
Why am I waaaay more upset about this than Mike and Ethan
Re-reading the last panel, I suddenly realised that Amber was saying “What happens on the Garbage Roof stays on the Garbage Roof!”
This makes a lot more sense after your comment!
I was against it early on but now I like it
Hot garbage! Yisss! The garbage is on fire! And there will be a shipwreck afterwards
But we’re trash, you and me,
We’re the litter on the breeze,
We’re the lovers on the street,
Just trash, me and you,
It’s in everything we do,
It’s in everything we do…
I really hoped this wouldn’t happen but then it did. People who date Dorothy just always jump to Amber very quickly I guess! Unless next issue walky stops her.
One could flip it and say that “people who date Danny always jump to Walky”.
True true
I sincerely hope that these two have a good, fun time. I’ll let everyone else worry.
Oohhhhhh…the drama that is coming.
I knew we were kind of going this way, but damn, that is so interesting new territory in character interactions.
*Then the camera pans to the person that is still up there, trying to smoke their weed*
Person: Gonna eat that burrito?
Annnnd there it goes. Amber grabbing the guys Dotty threw away. I kind of feel sorry for Danny, he tried, he got thrown away and now got replaced with not-trying-at-all Walky…
or, you know. walky is just coming down with the last really bad infection that danny has recovered from. not disparaging either of the ladies, but post-relationship danny is clearly the healthier and happier danny.
To be fair, Danny is more on Joyce’s speed for relationships and commitment. Dorothy is the annoying over-achiever that sucks the fun out of everything, while Amber is finally figuring out how to loosen up.
I could see a Danny/Joyce (or my preferred Joe/Joyce) pairing, and Dorothy taking a year to struggle finding that perfect work-life balance. In comparison, Amber could take a similar year off to get fanily issues squared away.
Based on the title of the next chapter (no spoiler, it’s listed in plain text on the Archive page), I’ve got a feeling that Amber is experimenting with being a Bad Girl and I’ve got a feeling that it won’t end well.
To be fair that sums up most of the things Amber tries…
Amber needs to experiment with getting therapy.
I guess that Walky toy throwing matting call actually works-
This is not going to end well… And yet, I still kind of ship it.
I’m guessing “Mask or no mask?” won’t be part of their foreplay.
Billie approves of this garbage.
Grah. Garbage links are garbage. We need a preview function or something.
Nononono I copied the wrong address bar this time around this time it works or I’m smashing my laptop!
Does that mean Amber is going to get Huge Ass-Thanks?
I think we all kinda did. Also DBZA Cooler reference.
You idiot.
I was going to ask which of the two you’re addressing, but then I realised it didn’t matter.
Man, Dorothy gonna be hurt when she sees those two cuddling tomorrow two days after she broke up with Walky. Not that she should feel hurt as she was the one who suggested and is mostly responsible for the break-up but she gonna be hurt that he could “get over” her so quickly and find a new (and more fitting) girlfriend for him so quickly.
Nonono, it’s worse. She won’t be hurt that he got over her that quickly. If anything she’ll be relieved. She was guilting out over having been unfair to him and she sees the pain he was going through as her fault and now she’ll see that he wasn’t all that badly hurt, so no need for much guilt.
She’s going to be hurt that she lost him over some stupid studying.
And when she has her breakdown and her grades plummet as a result of too much studying, she’s going to be hurt that losing him resulted in bad grades.
On the other hand, she still wants to jump him (just a quickie to comfort him, really), so I doubt she’ll just be relieved.
yup, I think her feelings are gonna be Complicated.
Considering how quickly she got together with Walky after dumping Danny, she can go get hurt over this particular development all she wants without me giving a crap.
Also, AGAIN, relationships aren’t entitled to mourning periods.
Isn’t that a little…hypocritical? I mean, you’re right, relationships aren’t entitled to a mourning period but you’re condemning Dorothy for doing something that Walky could be doing that you approve of? “She’s wrong for hooking up with Walky so soon after, so Walky should hook up with Amber since he shouldn’t have to mourn their relationship!” you seeing where this isn’t checking out? If Walky shouldn’t have to wait, then Dorothy was fine not to wait as well. Let’s be fair here.
That’s… exactly what I’m doing? I’m not saying “Dorothy did a bad thing and so Walky should do the same bad thing to her”, I’m saying “Seeing as that to Dorothy quick rebounds are okay, she doesn’t have any moral grounds to be upset at Walky for a quick rebound.”
its all eventually ging to end in one big hatesex orgy where everyone bangs everyone. and then at the building explodes.
You’ve been reading Willis’ notes for the end of the series, haven’t you?
He cribbed them from Jeph, but its still a solid ending.
Cribbed, or is it a crossover finale?
And then soggies may rule!
Would you rather the building explodes first? I mean, that worked for Maritza Campos…
Well I didn’t see that one coming…
Amber has a booty. Dorothy does not have a booty. Good pick, Walky! BOOTY DIS!
Although boy I hope Walky gets over his (misplaced) guilt quick so we can fast forward to Amazi-Girl’s new sidekick.
Don’t let us down, that had better be the title to the next book!
i didnt know i wanted this
D= this hurts my inner danny so much
I knew this was being built up to, still have mixed feelings about it, but I do think they make for a good couple so… lets roll with it SHIP SHIP SHIP
Oh this is going to be a mess (a garbage fire, if you will) and I cannot wait
I can’t really tell if they’ll be good for each other because they understand each other’s failings, or if they’ll enable each other right into a hell-spiral.
So does this mean that Walky is the new Danny? He dated Dorothy, they split because of her career aspirations and now he’s with Amber… Dear god, no one let Walky near a ukelele!
Not at all. It means Amber is the new Dorothy and Amazigirl will be president. We’ve had worse.
How did this take me by surprise???
Yep, saw this coming.
Also, more importantly, THIS MEANS DANNY CAN BE FREE FOR ETHAN. <3
Except I think he’s been hanging around Sal now.
I’ve got a bad feeling about this….
No booty like rebound booty!
All worries about the mental health of these two and the eventual terrible repercussions of this aside……DAMN AMBER THAT WAS SMOOTH AS SILK!
So, they have an uncontrollable attraction to each other, to the point that more than a few minutes together leads to makeouts? Or did you mean actual silk, not Silk as in Cindy Moon?
This is turning into the most incestuous cast since Flowers In The Attic.
All of the members of the same friend group keep hooking up.
…and that makes it incestuous how? BilliexWalky I could see – since they see each other as basically siblings, and Linda treats Billie as more of a daughter to her than Sal – but everyone else in the cast? What’s the logic in that?
But no one’s poisoned the cookies yet!
Still waiting for my Sal / Danny ship to depart Mr Willis.
[Very valid reasons why person A can’t date person B]
[Person B, who has in the past specifically stated she could physically overpower person A, grabs their had and forces a kiss]
Yeah, fuck this.
Walky might get around to it, but for now he appears to be enjoying the kiss.
I have trouble reading that as “grabs their head and forces a kiss”. Both of those shots with her hand on his chin look like very loose “grabs” to me. Guiding more than forcing.
Compare to the infamous Ruth/Billie kiss.
Does Amber know who is sister is?
Walky doesn’t know who his sister is.
And Billie thinks his sister is Amazi-Girl, whom he’s currently kissing.
Walky is specifically kissing Amber right now; the cheek blushes are there (the “in-comic” way of telling Amazi-Girl’s presence), and Amazi-Girl isn’t tagged – Amazi-Girl and Amber get separate tags.
*the “in-comic” way of telling Amazi-Girl’s presence is when the cheek blushes are absent, that is.
So is Walky the rebound from Danny guy now or what
Anyway, Joyce and Walky when
More like Amber is the rebound from Dorothy girl.
This is the best strip I’ve seen in DOA, and I love DOA
Amber seems to keep getting Dorothy’s scraps. Not that it’s bad, Amber can do Amber. Just wondering if this dynamic will continue. Like, Dorothy then dates Joe, they split up and then Amber dates Joe. Dorothy then hate dates Mike, Mike then leaves and hate dates Amber, as per the ancient texts.
You’re forgetting – by this standard, Walky is also getting Danny’s “scraps”. So if Danny dates Ethan next, Ethan will eventually break up with him and then go out with Walky. If Danny dates Sal next…uh.
All roads lead to Rome; except when Caligula reigned and all roads led away from it.
We have established that Wally has an open mind.
I ship it HARD.
“Amber can do Amber”?
Are we back to the vibrator question again?
Did they just enter into a sexy hetero self depreciation pact?
No no no no no no no no no no! This is wrong on a lot of levels, not least of which is that Walky is in no mental or emotional state for this. His first serious, not to mention sexual, relationship ended literally the day before. He doesn’t have the necessary tools to deal with this properly, even if Amber is just looking for some fun. Especially if Amber is just looking for some fun. We all love him too much to see him go through that.
The art has been f’ing awesome the last two days though. The lighting and shadows showing them on a rooftop at night? Absolutely on point! Amber looks awesome like that btw.
everyone who was shipping this yesterday has to be laughing at this next-day delivery. all the same, there are a lot of worthwhile reservations to be had here.
Let them bask in the glow a little bit longer.
I’m kinda basking too. Not gonna lie and say this isn’t sweet.
I called this shit back when they first started talking on the roof.
It is a logical move.
Welp, the poll DID give the option of eating a taco, I wonder if Walky will be eating Amber’s taco from this o3o
honestly?? not a fan of this ship, bonding over your bad qualities isn’t a great start to a relationship. i know it’s more than that, but still
Hey, it always worked for… no, wait, it *never* worked for me.
Damn it, I’ve run out of Garbage songs to make references to…
The garbage man can…..
I’ve got to admit, I’m a little jealous of Walky now. Totally crushing on her.
I like how she can kiss and talk at the same time.
I hereby dub this pairing “Amberwalk”