HE IS RISEN INDEED. A new Dumbing of Age Pornographique page is up today on Slipshine! Welcome to the Fuck Zone #32 features Besties Eternal JOE and DANNY.
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HE IS RISEN INDEED. A new Dumbing of Age Pornographique page is up today on Slipshine! Welcome to the Fuck Zone #32 features Besties Eternal JOE and DANNY.
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respect for Faz immediately skyrocketed
finished TWO drawings, DANG!!
(ok the same one twice but STILL)
You should see the Buffer Watch on his webcomic!
Well, the way to get good at drawing is to keep drawing the same thing a bajillion times, so y’know, he’s got his artistic career on the right track 🙂
Yeah, not really.
My uncle got really good at drawing hands due to years of being grounded and drawing pictures of his hands…
But only his own hands. He is unable to draw any other hands.
Well, yes, but he stuck with it til he got it right.
Wait for it.
You really have to hand it to him.
You are a language criminal. And you belong in word jail. >[
“word jail”
I hear they really watch their language there.
I hear they keep to a really punctual schedule there.
I hear the sentences they give out really run on.
I hear you have to be careful with your attitude, or the guards will leave you dealing with a com(m)a.
I hear they keep trying to imprison Larry Bird. Y’know, ’cause Bird is the word.
I hear that the only thing they serve in the prison is alphabet soup.
I hear..
Is that where you go when you get caught commiting word crimes?
You mean a punitentiary?
I’d imagine it to be more like a pungeon, to be honest
I want the next year of comics to be this.
APRIL FOOL’S! I want all comics from now on to be this.
*plays “Fooled Around And Fell In Love” on the hacked P.A. speakers*
Good choice, good choice!
Joyce + Faz = Jaz
welp sorry everyone Jaz is officially the best couple, the forms have been submitted and everything
Were they in triplicate?
You can’t Foyce’d that on us!
This ship sunk before it sailed. That’s an achievement. It wasn’t even in the water.
But it created quite the splash.
It’s good, but I like “Fayze” a little better. As in “NOT THE FAYZE!”
Of course he assume Jacob looks like him. Of course.
TBF, he doesn’t have the least clue what Jacob actually looks like.
Although he did get the “muscular” part right.
Faz 2018: Still more likeable than Mary.
There are venereal diseases more likeable than Mary.
Well Mary actually tried to harm people, so far Faz has shown no desire to physically or emotionally harm anyone.
Well, not INTENTIONALLY, anyway.
I bet he’s already a better artist, too.
He’s already past the ‘anime’ phase.
For him, it was the ‘hentai’ phase.
Good on Joyce, but I was kind of hoping that he’d keep getting passed around the cast. Maybe once Joyce is in class.
That would be awesome. Everyone passes him on to the next person, until he’s with increasingly minor characters with no connection to him or Amber whatsoever.
Eventually he ends up with Galasso, and It Begins Anew.
For a while he’s just chained to Blowjob Cat.
Faz drawn inside blowjob cat’s mouth with graphs littering the ground. Literally the closest he’s going to get to actual sex for a while.
Now I actually wanna see an arc that goes that direction..
I have a hunch his stint with Sarah would be…memorable.
What Lucy would make of him, I have no idea.
Nash and Rose would mercilessly mock him in sign and probably verbally as well.
Eventually someone passes him back to Amber with no idea there’s a connection.
A campus wide game of (not so) hot potato.
Within the day it just becomes accepted that This Is What Is Happening Now. Someone comes up to you with Faz and says, “Hey, can you watch this kid?” and you gotta.
Don’t forget to say “No Fazbacks!”. If you do that, then the other person will have to watch them for at least 10 minutes before being allowed to try and pass Faz on again.
10 minutes is too merciful. Make it 30, maybe an hour if you’re feeling really sadistic.
Nope, Joyce isn’t interested in Jacob at all, why else would she immediately look at the picture in Panel 4. 😛
Also, calling it – the slipshine is Joe and Jacob
oh damnit
Yep, a nice juxtaposition with Joyce’s swipe–crunch in Panel three.
If only Walky had been there Joyce could have given the first one to eat.
He’d eat it for the few seconds before he figures out what it is and barfs it out. 😛
Wait, is it weird to headcanon a minor drawing porn? Because I was about to be like, “New headcanon: all Slipshines are drawn by Faz,” but
Faz is always there: sitting, waiting, watching…
I’m pretty sure most people develop an interest in sex, and possibly porn, before they’re legally adults. So no, not so weird.
No one commenting on Joyce leaning in with interest for the second drawing?
Well it was cute. Adorable, even.
Oh my god yes.
When Faz leaves…
Faz: I have made another drawing for you.
Joyce: Faz, I am not interested in…hey is that actually Jacob?
Faz: Yes.
Joyce: Aw. Thank you Faz!
Jacob: I am deeply uncomfortable.
Faz: It is actually Jacob’s head on my body. I know, it’s hard to tell the difference.
It’s kinda hilarious that Joyce wants to see what the Jacob one looks like.
Faz quite wrongly assumes she’d ever want to make out with him, but did get her favored bodytype right, it looks like. She’s crushed on Jacob, and gone on dates with Joe and Ethan. She does seem to like tall, broad shouldered dudes.
(Though, young her unwittingly crushed on young Walky, so all bets are off)
Was there a bit about a young Joyce and Walky in this universe?
When Walky appeared in the Hymmel the Humming Hymnal video.
When it was revealed that Walky was on some kiddie TV show earlier in the comic, Joyce remembered having a crush on him when she watched the show as a kid. When it was revealed that the little boy on the show and the guy she barely tolerates now were the same guy . . . yeah, that didn’t go over very well.
Yeah, awkwardness was had by both of them, with Dorothy teasing before they made a 3-way pact to strike the event from their memories.
Faz: And also this drawing I did of you kissing what I presume Jacob looks like.
Faz:April fool!!!! 😁
Of course Joyce leans in with interest to see a drawing of her making out with Jacob. Then again, I think everybody would do the same.
I’m not sure it’s even possible for Faz to dial down his creepazoid factor.
I mean, he did.
The problem is, this is it.
Yup, not a lot of travel on that dial.
So, do we get to see those drawings, or…
Given Willis’s ominous tweets, we get to see a whole lot more than those drawings.
…. or it can be Jonny.
… Janny? DaJoe? ….. whatever.
The slipshine quality has really slipped lately…
Oh, this’ll really shine, alright
Our Faz who art in Faz
Hallowed be thy Faz
Thy kingdom Faz
Thy will be Faz
On Earth as it is in Faz
Give us this day our daily Faz
And forgive us our Faz as we forgive those who Faz against us
And lead us not into Faz, but deliver us from Faz
For yours is the Faz and the Faz and the Faz forever
Happy Easter Faz’s Day!
Is it weird that I kind of hope something happens at the end of this arc that requires Faz to unleash his inner creepiness, but for the forces of good.
… You a fan of “Hentai Kamen” ? If not, you might want to give it a try.
Oh boy, I’ve seen the live action movie. It’s fantastic
And now you gave me a mental image of Ryan with his head caught in… well we all know where, as Hentai Kamen Faz poses. The criminals of this University thought that Amazi-Girl was bad… they were WRONG.
Faz will now tweet you a link to his DeviantArt account
Faz is a good enough artist that Joyce can recognize his own caricature of himself from a quick sketch.
Maybe Mary will take lessons from him?
I’ve said before that Joyce doesn’t want to be a mom.
It now appears obvious that she also doesn’t want to go into education.
Not disagreeing with you, but how do you figure? I’m curious.
Because teaching 6th grade would probably involve doing pretty much exactly this on a weekly basis.
Faz has a great art career ahead of him. It may exclusively be in hentai, but his work rate will be unparalleled.
I feel like he’d make a killing on the furries.
I have a completely optional challenge for anyone who’s interested:
(I’d recommend not doing this today because it’s April Fool’s and people can be suspicious and that’s not fun.)
Write messages, letters, whatever to people you care about. Friends, mentors, family if you have that kind of relationship with your family, whoever. Maybe someone you’ve admired for a long time but have never really talked to. Write them to as many people as you feel comfortable sending them to. Make them cheesy and heartfelt and tell them what you like about them, any special memories, whatever.
I did this last night, writing messages to ten people. My mental health has been shit lately– in fact at the time I undertook this project, I was crying in a Starbucks. But doing this really helped me feel better, at least for a day. So really this is a self-care challenge, along with a the-world-is-shitty, make-it-suck-slightly-less challenge.
I also did this a few years back where I was writing one message a night for a while. I have to say that I prefer doing a bunch at once and found it impacted me in a greater way.
This is also what I was getting at with my “you’re good eggs” comment on here yesterday. I was just, like, drunk levels of tired by that point. But, yeah, good eggs.
Back when I was a teacher, I set aside time every week to call parents of kids who did Good Things. It’s always great to get the “hey, I’m calling about Johnny” “what did he do now?” “oh, no, he gave me a drawing today that I thought was really good and I wanted to share with you!” exchange, and it really makes both parties feel a lot better.
This is a genuinely great idea: you keep in touch with the parents, they feel more connected to what happens to their kid in school and there’s positive reinforcement too.
One of the best parts about student teaching was that my mentor teacher let me make these calls “for practice” without making me also make the “your student is failing my class” calls.
*hug* You have my sympathies, empathies, and prayers Yumi. Whatever can be done to help you, I want to help with.
Internet hugs if you would like them. That’s a lovely undertaking, and I hope your mental health improves soon!
Faz is such a sketchy teen.
He is not bad. He is just drawn that way.
Does anyone know whether or not a pencil or a pen is what he uses to draw?
Faz? Definitely a pen is.
Don’t be so cocksure!
That’s a pretty bold predicktion
Could what he said yesterday be an inkling as to his true colours?
How is that whole “dialing down” thing working for you, Faz?
I’m taken aback that he actually recognizes the creepazoid factor, in order to try dialing it down.
Faz has some art skills, but he’s still a little creep. :p
He wouldn’t be Faz if he didn’t use his artistic skills to flirt… unsuccessfully.
Faz crossed the line from flirtation to sexual harassment pretty much instantly.
I’m not sure about that, you assume that his very existence is not an act of sexual harassment.
Nice April fools joke there Faz.
Sasuga Faz.
Is it just me or he is messing with Joyce?
Has it occurred to you that Faz messes with EVERYONE?
Ah what I mean is Intentionally. Not just by being Faz and unknowingly disturbing people but he genuinely understands Joyce and used that to mess with her.
Is his behavior really any different than with anyone else?
It’s just this feel that the last panel gave me.
RE: April’s Fools: not the well-chinned tall Jewish hunk Danny wants, but the one he deserves.
Joyce’s indignant face in the last panel is so goddamned adorable. Also, goddamn, Faz. Stopit.
Right on both counts
Faz is Fazing a faz in the fucking faz
Faz is the new smurf?
Faz is starting his own Slipshine page.
“What the heckin’ heck.” will be my new catch phrase.
It is a pretty amazing phrase.
Alternatively, “What the fudging fudge?”
We Rate Dogs followers would say, “What the h*cking h*ck?”
Wasn’t “effin effer” Joyce’s first outburst after the toenail was conquistadored?
I think “Xin x(er)” is her substitute for all occasions.
Joyce wants big guys, not little grunts that… wait, she married Walky in the Walkyverse. Nevermind, she just wants a guy that isn’t a creep.
He is risen!
Faz is always risen.
…This pairing kinda makes me wish we could buy like a floppy of single Slipshine comic or a single print, physical maybe so it wouldn’t hurt not dropping fifty bucks on a subscription. That’s not a thing, is it? (No offense, I get the impression the site is primarily het.)
Maybe I could just buy a book-and-sketch and ask for Joe and Danny smooching. Is *that* a thing?
Actually, the site is far from primarily het.