The Dumbing of Age Book 7 Kickstarter has funded! Thanks, everyone! And also…
HATLESS DINA and DOUBLE BIRDS CARLA magnets are now unlocked! and as of this writing we’re about $1800 away from keeping Saturday/Sunday updates going for another year
The Dumbing of Age Book 7 Kickstarter has funded! Thanks, everyone! And also…
HATLESS DINA and DOUBLE BIRDS CARLA magnets are now unlocked! and as of this writing we’re about $1800 away from keeping Saturday/Sunday updates going for another year
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forexposure_txt, now featuring Walky
so much cringe. All of it, all at once. Euurrrgh
I know that that’s a thing that artists have to deal with, but seeing so much of it all grouped in one place like that? I think I’m going to be physically ill…
Don’t forget the classic “we’ll pay you in experience”.
god there’s so much and I couldn’t stop reading it (eventually the sensation of neck bones being crushed from my neck’s attempt to recede into my body rectified that but still)
“And now… ass-to-ass”?
Dammit, now I made myself sad.
Two guys 1 stick (ewwwww)
fun fact, poop transplants are actually a valid medical thing. I can’t remember what they cure, though. probably something to do with digestive bacteria.
When people are put on a course of antibiotics they kill off most of the good bacteria in their guts. Low bacteria counts in the gut can lead to all sorts of things. It’s actually been linked to depression as well as the more normal things like constipation and irregularity.
The transplants are basically putting one colony of bacteria from a healthy person into someone else. In other words, someone actually gave a shi(am I allowed to say that here?).
That’s a very weird definition of “fun fact”. Is that you, Walky?
Clostridium difficile infection, among other things.
(C. Difficile is a difficult-to-treat gut infection that tends to arise after someone has taken extended or high-dose antibiotics – thing is, C. Difficile isn’t great at competing with other gut fauna, so if you just put a bunch of normal gut bacteria in there, they’ll out-compete the C. Difficile and cure the infection. Buuut the only way to re-establish normal gut biome is the poop transplant.
Here’s the really gross part: They used to do it by enema, but now what they do is freeze poop and put it into slow-release capsules, and then you eat it.
So, yeah, sometimes medicine will have you literally eating shit. To not die. Yeah.
(I am from a medical family. Nothing grosses me out – this was milder than most dinnertime conversations for me when I was a kid – my extended family usually “talked shop” concerning all the weird and often disgusting things medical peoples could see in the run of a day. Problem is that it totally nuked any ability of mine to discern what’s “too far” for most people, so please let me know and I’ll shut up.)
Often causing pseudomembranous colitis…. You can nuke the C. difficile by administering metronidazole, but that doesn’t solve your fundamental problem. Unless you re-establish a healthy gut flora you’re quite likely to get another colonisation of the colon by C. difficile, which is a common soil bacterium.
In case you wanted to know more about this.
And in case that’s TL;DR (or, for that matter, didn’t listen), here’s a 3-and-something minutes short video by MinuteEarth:
Additional fun fact: Clinical studies testing to see if poop transplants can be a viable weightloss solution for obese patients have now moved into phase 2.
I recently started working at the NIH doing paperwork stuff, and I have to double-check approved and pending trial documents. There are at least three different pharmaceutical groups trying to crack this. It’s like, we already know gut bacteria effects whether metabolism is high or low, so what bacteria combos make it high for everyone?
I have never been obese, so I figured, “nobody would knowingly ingest poop capsules just to lose weight, they’re not going to get enough subjects to sign up” and it turns out I was VERY wrong.
Hmm, “Jason and Walky”? Could use a bit of shortening. What do you all think of calling the spin-off “Jace and Walky”?
Can they lead a team of Wheeled Warriors and fight evil plants?
jason’s expression in panel 6 is how im feeling right now
*Hall & Oates continues…*
This sounds more like Garfunkel and Oates to me. Or at least their most famous song, “The
PLoophole”.Next on slipshine…
If I had been here last night, this would have been my comment.
Thank you, Solenoid, for taking up the mantle and saying what needed to be said. I tip my hat to you.
“We could partially remove the stick up your ass and put it a little up mine” sounds like a Tobias Funke line.
Don’t forget the rubbing off on each other. That part’s crucial.
Walky should invest in a tape recorder.
He can borrow Billie’s. She hasn’t been using it lately.
“Oh Walky, you old blowhard!”
Phrasing. It is the awkward.
Confirm that I now ship JasonxWalky and only want strips to feature them from now on. Other characters should only appear insofar as Jason and Walky describe/argue about their off-screen actions that we never see.
That… that’s dumb… which means it perfectly fits the comic’s title. Dear god this is so dumb it’s brilliant!
Maxim 43 – If it’s dumb and it works, it’s still dumb and you’re lucky.
Hey, don’t knock just saying whatever comes to mind! Apparently its a great way to become president. Dorothy could take notes.
If you want to become the worst president in U.S. history, saying whatever comes to mind is great for you. I’m assuming Dorothy wants to be a good president though.
We can’t all afford to be fussy. To become any sort of president, you have to be the kind of president that will get elected. The path to the White House leads through a TV studio, not Yale.
Greatest president in the world
Married to: Worst president in the world
Ladies and gentlemen, the Clintons!
I’m honestly not sure which of them you are claiming is the worst or the best, particularly since to date there’s only been one Clinton president…
…unless maybe you exist in a universe where Hillary won the election due to eschewing mouth filters, in which case, how do I get to where you are? Can I? Please?
But there are less than 1 million registered voters in the states in that reality …. mind you the total population is just under a million…. >_>
Is that a threat hover-text Willis? I will find you and destroy all your Dinobot toys if you take away Becky and Dina.
He’ll give them one-shot comics every month or so.
Just to string you along.
They won’t be in the same one-shot comics, though. He’ll alternate them.
Comparing DoA Jason-Walky interaction to the IW! version can be fascinating sometimes. Head-hurty, but fascinating.
For those of you who keep asking why Walky keeps saying what he said, here’s the explanation.
Thank the gods Jason brought it up. It took him a while, but he did it.
He has no consideration for the comfort of anyone around him?
I wonder if on some level Walky actually likes Jason and wants to be his friend.
He does have a sort of male Dorothy personality, so it’s not impossible for them to get along.
Their interactions suggests Jason is fun to wind up, if nothing else.
speak fearlessly, especially about the important stuff, like sticks and butts. 😛
Don’t forget the rubbing off on each other. That’s super important.
yep, that’s key.
Turkish delight *indeed*.
Panel 3 briefly rendered me speechless. And possibly sterile.
So, wait, Jason’s landlord isn’t the White Witch of Narnia? Darn.
Nah. Just because she pays her informants in Turkish delight doesn’t mean she accepts it in lieu of payment.
But if Jason was willin to sacrifice a Jesus lion to her, he’d probably be set for a good couple of months.
or until he respawns 3 days later.
I used to think it was weird that they said “three days”, when JC died on Friday afternoon and was back on his pins before dawn on Sunday — only 36 hours.
Then I got it: he was on double time because it was Easter.
Martyrdom is meaningless if death is impermanent.
Oh cheez, I’m feeling sympathy for Jason. It’ll pass, I’m sure.
I love Walky. The line about paying him in Turkish Delight is brilliant.
Walky is making the exact suggestion I was hoping for/commented about a couple weeks ago.
Cmon Walky! You learn to put a stick up your butt. Preferably not literally, unless that’s your thing.
….panel 3 is not something I expected to read. Jason’s reaction in panel 4 is…warranted as a result.
Am I the only one who thought of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe when he said “Turkish delight”?
Whenever someones mentions The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe I always think of this:
I don’t know what that is, but I have the sudden urge to binge watch it.
Me too.
Its one of the greatest (and by greatest I mean funniest) tv programs ever made.
Be warned though they only made 2 series however there are a lot, and i do mean a lot, of other tv series, specials and movies made by a lot of the collaborators
Rik Mayall and Ade Edmondson were just so good together…I’ll just say if you like this (and like british humour in general) then look up Bottom and Comic strip presents Bad news and Comic strip presents five go mad in Dorset (my personal favourites)
If you don’t want to watch all of The Young Ones then watch the Bambi episode as its the funniest episode with the best music and an amazing cast
It’s The Young Ones.
You were not.
Must have been another of Walky’s British jokes.
And I was so sure that the first comments tonight would be about Walky hoping that he and Jason would rub off on each other, and that Jason’s stick might go partially up Walky’s ass.
I have to confess that I, like Walky, have read The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, and still have no idea what sort of candy Turkish Delight is.
I’ve had it, and I’m still not entirely sure I can explain, except that it’s very much not worth selling your soul for.
In Edmund’s defense, it was wartime, sugar was scarce, and he was a kid. And I think once he ate the candy he didn’t have much of a choice, because magic.
In the book at least (been a couple of years since I last read it, so could be misremembering) the Turkish Delight was explicitly called out as essentially being a magically-enhanced truth/obedience serum in candy form. So there’s that.
Yeah, that sounds about right. Haven’t read the book since 5th grade, so I’m not too sure about the details of it myself.
Don’t take candy from strangers, children.
iirc, it’s a bit like… extra-firm jello. but not as sweet.
I think by the time Edmund knew there was two sides to the story Edmund was pretty much in his normal mind. However he was feeling slighted by his brother and sisters for reasons I don’t remember which made him less likely to believe he was wrong and Lucy was right even if only he because he happened to run into the witch first while Lucy happened to run into the good guys first. Plus I’m pretty sure that which story is true would really feel like blind guessing to someone his age who didn’t have the benefits of story structure to aid him.
“But Edmund secretly thought that it would not be as good fun for him as for her. He would have to admit that Lucy had been right, before all the others, and he felt sure the others would all be on the side of the Fauns and the animals; but he was already more than half the side of the Witch.”
He’d originally made fun of Lucy’s story, which was reasonable, though mean, since a whole country in a wardrobe is a ridiculous idea, then he doubled down since he didn’t want to admit being wrong. Plus the witch’s influence, plus him being a jerk to start with.
Thank you. Basically it was less sell your soul for Turkish delight or outright brainwashed and more wanting the witch to be the good guy because it made him right, and being spoiled rotten appealed to him, and you know nothing too solid favoring either of them yet.
Yea he was sort of a jerk too otherwise he would have been thrilled that his brother and sisters could be there too instead of wining either because it would be embarissing or because he wanted her to himself.
Well, the Turkish Delight was also magic, IIRC, so that was a factor too. There was definitely the whole Christian moral element of falling to temptation, set up by him behaving badly even earlier in the story.
Of course he repents and is redeemed in the end.
I had a friend give me a package of Turkish Delight for my birthday once. I appreciated it because I had long been curious about it, but it wasn’t that good.
Kind of amusing that Turkish Delight is a candy that probably about 90% of those who know about only do so because of that book.
Well, candy making has come pretty far since it was first made. It’s probably not on par with the high fructose corn syrup/cavity causing candy we have now.
I’m thinking of a double-ended dildo instead of Jason’s actual stick!
Turkish delight is a squashy, sticky confection made of sugar syrup and thickened with cornflour and I think some sort of vegetable gum. It’s transparent, pink, amber, or green, flavoured with rosewater, vanilla, or mint, and sometimes has a bit of chopped nuts in it. It’s served in little blocks cut from a slab, which are usually rolled in powdered sugar so that it doesn’t just stick to everything.
It sticks to your teeth (but doesn’t stick them together unlike toffee) and is horribly, revoltingly sweet. Eat with black coffee.
Jeez, Edmund really got the short end of that bargain.
I love faux turkish delight
Ya know…. Walky isn’t wrong about being a joy kill. It is probably one of the many factors that is keeping Jason from being a good teacher. (well that and what happened with Sal…..). If a teacher is too uptight and easily frazzled, it becomes kind of a crappy experience for everyone having to work with that teacher. Don’t get me wrong, a teacher shouldn’t be their buddy, but if they don’t seem to enjoy the topic they teach and are unapproachable, it can be an issue as students are less likely to come to that teacher for help.
oyceason and WalkyWhy doesn’t Walky offer Jason money? I think the implication is that Walky’s parents are well off like Billie’s parents.
Billie was throwing $20’s around, but Walky does not, maybe his parents are not so generous with his allowance?
I was under the impression the Walkertons were upper middle class. Not hurting for money but not swimming in it either.
Yeah, and it’s possible they have the money to easily pay for a tutor for him, but that would likely require Walky telling them he’s failing (or at least needs help)…which seems unlikely to happen.
Not only that, but for all their problems, the Walkertons don’t use money as a substitute for affection (or presence), so he likely neither learned the habit nor has rolls of $20s to dispense.
Billie does so not just because her family is rich, but because that’s how they treated her.
I don’t think walky has quite reached that level of social awareness. Money is for buying things from corporations, why would he give it to someone else? 🙂
Phrasing, Walky.
Holy shit, hatless Dina.
It’s the best Willis could do.
Jason in panel four taks all the fun out of mocking Walky in panel three.
last panel: dumbass has a point
Walky is lucky to have Dorothy. Other women would throw him out the window if he doesn’t stop saying double meaning stuff. Also, Jason could consider joining a secret organization fighting against evil aliens…
Nah, that would mean admitting that his father was right about him all along.
I dunno, there are a lot of women who don’t exactly have the best social graces, either, who might not mind that aspect of him.
Amber would just enjoy the visuals.
Amber reads Superman x Batman fics when kinky. It’s right in the nsfw ad of this page. If you mean that she would enjoy seeing Walky being thrown out of a window, well, that too.
I appreciate that every now and then the strip reminds me why I actually don’t like Joyce or Walky.
He’s just at a level of obliviousness and stupidity that I’m not even sure how he made it through high school.
He’s just smart enough that he can bluff or guess his way through high school-level tests with excellent marks.
Not necessarily even bluff or guess, but just absorb that level of material without real effort. I assume he also does the actual graded homework or most of it – you can’t really get high grades without that, since they were usually a good chunk of the grade.
It’s studying beyond that he never bothered with.
That was pretty much in high school and most of college. Kind of pay attention in class maybe taking some notes I’d never look at again, do most of the assigned work (problems and papers and the like), skim the reading, ace the tests. It’s the Dorothy style of outlining/highlighting the reading, revising the notes, etc, that I never mastered. I kind of hit the same wall Walky’s hitting now in my last year, in the upper level math & physics classes.
As for the other side of high school, from comments to Billie, he apparently spent much of it being stuffed into lockers.
I don’t need reminding why I dislike Walky because the answer is most facets of who he is as a person.
If she ends up like her alt universe counterpart I will eventually like Joyce after quite a bit of character development. Walky not so much. He has his moments though.
I like them both. Despite there being very frustrating things about both of them.
This is a duo we don’t get a lot of in this timeline/continuity.
It’s the new new new new Odd Couple! Coming to The CW this fall!
Sometimes, Walky’s level of self-awareness about his social lacks simultaneously terrifies and amazes me!
Just aware enough to comment on them but not enough to do a single damn thing to change them. Well, more like too lazy to.
Why, Walky, what a delightful mental image!
Walky: “Tell me Jason, have you ever been in a Turkish prison?”
“Jason: “Now that you mention it, there was this one time in Feltham …”
Walky: “MY MAN!”
I’d be cool with Jason and Walky
He’s an uptight British math teacher whose job is hanging by a thread!
He’s a McNugget-munching slacker who can’t keep his mouth shut!
This fall, earn college credit for WACKINESS!
Reminds me of the ‘Together They Fight Crime’ I made up for Sal and Amazi-Girl.
This week’s episode of Dumbing of Age was filmed before a zombie audience.
[[[ IN STEREO ]]] (Where available)
Dumbing of Age was drawn by a live studio audience.
So, at what point do you think Jason realizes that Walky’s sister is the undergrad he’s been banging?
And does Sal deny it so he can keep his job? I actually suspect she does, especially considering she initiated it, not for her grades but because she wanted to get laid. I mean, “you’ll do” isn’t exactly grades for sex scandal material, is it?
I’m pretty sure that Jason already knows that Walky is Sal’s brother. He’s said stuff to this effect within the previous few strips.
Also, he’s marked both of their papers and so knows they have the same last name.
Plot twist: the people sent by the board to investigate the matter take a look at Sal and conclude there’s no way Jason is banging that. Unanimously.
Malaya goes into a deep gloom when she realises that random strangers think that Sal is hot.
Then sets out to seduce Jason to outdo Sal.
While she doesn’t deny there was some level of attraction, she definitely intended it as grades for sex – there was the bit about “We both want to get out of here” – ie stop with the tutoring, which would make no sense if her grades weren’t going to be helped. Not to mention her reaction when her grades weren’t helped.
Jason knows and, gentleman he is, probably is keeping it quiet on purpose. (Stick up yer butt is good for something.)
I’m waiting for Walky to discover it. His eyebrows may hit an LEO satellite.
Jason will keep his job because (meta) otherwise the ‘Walky has problems with his grades’ arc is dead. (/meta)
Maybe it will come out that Penny’s accusation is fabricated.
Not necessarily. Walky could always find another tutor. Joyce, Sal, even Danny are all there and know the material better.
That said, I doubt Jason’s leaving. My guess is even if he’s fired, he’ll find another job.
the odd couple
I can’t wait until he finds out that his new friend totally slept with his sister.
Panel 6 Walky: Your mouth? IT’S DOING IT RIGHT NOW.
The 3rd panel is kinda asking for a slipshine
Don’t know why, but this to me is one of the best strips ever!
I’m really disappointed these two aren’t going to hook up. They make a much better couple than Dorothy and Walky.
Eaugh, you could make a Slipshine out of panel 3 and that makes me uncomfortable.
Corblimey, Jace. Teach’im Ainglish proper like what I speaks it me ol’china.
‘Ere, with a lamb’s shake of m’ apples and pears.
Go team venture!
My guess: Jason helps walky if walky agrees to imitate his sister to say they didn’t have sex so he keeps his job?
Ah, the self-awareness kicking in a beat too late.
So when is the Walky/Jason slipshine?
Panels two and five show how good Willis is at drawing faces that’re asking for a good slapping
If you abandon your real stories for a stupid odd-couple comic starring Walky and Jason…I would gladly read it.
Spinoff! Jason and Walky!
As Needfuldoer mathed it, one DoA year is 66.75 real-world years.
In DoA, it’s now Oct. 12; assuming dorm-closing day is Apr. 7, that means that Willis will have to work at his current pace for over 37 years just to complete DoA.
And you want him to take time away from DoA to do a spin-off? Knowing that that means his DoA buffer might drop down to two months, maybe even one month? 🙂
How is the title for this comic not “Stick”?