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No End
Erli, Kromi
A queer romance about people attempting to build lives in a cold, post-apocalyptic world ravaged by hordes of undead.
Alex Assan, Lin Darrow
A ragtag band of bootleggers open a speakeasy for bottled colour in the greyscale city of Ironwell.
Josceline Fenton
A witch accidentally marries a monster, and now she and her familiar has to navigate life around her monstrous husband and her even more terrifying in-laws.
Paint the Town Red
Windy, Winter Jay Kiakas
Winona runs a werewolf shelter with partner in crime, Odile in the Gothic city of Merlot. One day they take in an injured vampire, and soon unravels many of the dark secrets of Merlot.
Dumbing of Age
David M Willis
Joyce has been homeschooled her entire life until now, when she's suddenly a freshman in college! Things don't go well.
Cyanide & Happiness
Satire, dark humor and surreal humor.
All Known Alternatives
Karolina 'Kajotko' Jankiewicz
Akane has only one way to get back home: collect the 42 keys to parallel worlds. Eri and Ben are just trying to get through the summer before university. When a magical key turns up in an old spare set, all three are forced to change their plans and fast.
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He indeed can also play guitar, bass, plus the piano and the drums. He’s something of a natural talent with music, in canon, which does make sense, since from what we see/know of Homeworld, it uses musical tones in a lot of their tech, and Greg is also a musician.
Crystals can be tuned to certain frequencies. It’s pretty neat. Acutron watches used tuning forks for typing, but all the later battery powered watches use crystals.
Unless I am wrong – and I am never [not usually] wrong, Steven Universe plays ukulele, guitar, bass, and drums – the three latter he plays in Steven and the Stevens, to name one. And he sings, obviously. He can’t help it if he makes a scene.
Steven also plays the guitar, drums, and bass, though. He also turns things into instruments, like Peridot’s drill, so I don’t think he’d let Sal put him out. They could have stunning duets.
“Also it can be totally cool to have a roommate //
Even if you don’t get along //
Maybe she tried to drown you and the entire planet //
Or she’s just a jerk with a lizard, anyway, you can siiiiing a soooooooong…”
Rebecca Sugar self-described her ukulele playing as something like “unique” or “non-trained” or “non-textbook”. However, listen to her demos, or live, and so much of the underpinnings of the uke on the show is already there. She’s a bit modest in her self-assessment, methinks.
The great thing about ukelele is that if you have any kind of music background, particularly guitar, you can figure pretty much all of it out. They sell whole books of chords, etc, but even more than guitar, anyone with a good ear can play anything they want on it if they put their mind to it.
So I’m gonna say that Sugar wasn’t necessarily being modest- nowhere in your quote did she denigrate her own playing; all she said is that she never, like, took lessons in ukelele.
Like many amazing musicians and songwriters, I’m pretty sure you could put her in front of any instrument she’s never seen before in her life and she could do something cool with it, even if someone who plays it professionally would be like “you’re not using the right fingering!”
Reminds me of Ian Anderson, Jethro Tull’s flautist, discovering after decades of celebrated flute-playing that he was doing it wrong.
He was self-taught and he learned when his daughter took lessons that his fingering was all wrong. He relearned it because the “correct” way actually was easier to play, but it took a while to convince himself.
I’m also reminded of Adolph (Arthur) “Harpo” Marx who was self taught on the harp! After they’d become established stage stars, Harpo tried to hire someone to teach him to play “properly,” the guy pretty much said “Move the harp onto the other shoulder and don’t change a thing!”
I like using my forehead to strike matches, because people don’t remember that strike-anywhere matches exist and it’s hilarious to see people freak out that my head makes fire.
I know a serious ukulele player who would probably be torn between fighting Sal over that comment and looking at Danny like, “Okay, he’s probably not the best rep for us.”
Ukulele is a real instrument, and if Danny works really hard at it he may someday be a real ukulele player.
Or is it ukulele is a real instrument and most ukulele players aren’t XYZ (using it to substitute for personality?
I always have to re-tune after using a tuner or tuning app for it to sound right. Decades ago, I got a Sal-like reaction from my cousin when he saw me using a tuning fork. “Why don’t you just tune by ear?”
Man, despite Amber’s connection to both of them, and the kind-of-horrific nature of their relationship in another universe…Danny and Sal seem to have better conversations with each other than anyone else.
yeah it’s like? i hate walkyverse Danny n i don’t rlly like or relate with walkyverse Sal at all////the difference in writing quality makes for better/more interesting characterization too.
It’s the Willis Way, to alternate between unhealthy (Walky/Amber) and healthy (Walky/Dorothy) interactions. Breathe in, breathe out. Wax on, wax off. Mike/Ethan, Sal/Danny.
Yeah a dick is more more similar to a recorder, the hole is at the front, everyone has to learn to use one growing up and yet most people are terrible with theirs.
This was my main thought on the matter. Also, again, I don’t play the flute, but I don’t think you’re supposed to try to fit s much of it as you can in your mouth.
Okay, any strip involving music is immediately one of my favourites, and any strip where Sal opens up is immediately one of my favourites. THIS strip… this is what I needed after a 12-hour workday.
Sal makes more and more sense with this. She can play an instrument, she either figure-skated or did ballet (I don’t remember if it was ever cleared up what let her show off her roller-skating abilities to Carla the way she did), she can do remarkable motorcycle stunts, etc., etc. — Clearly, she’s the talented Walkerton child. But when Linda had to choose only one of them to audition for an admittedly terrible TV show, she picked Walky. Hence Sal’s constant being the best at everything, and yet it never being good enough. The only surprise is that she turned out not to be very good at sticking up convenience stores.
Both Sal and Walky think that Linda was offended by the colour of Sal’s skin. If this horrible theory is correct, then Sal being more talented than Walky in the field of practical skills would, in her view actually be a negative.
Less color and more general phenotype, like hair. Have you ever seen a parent inform their teenage child that their hair looks MUCH better murdered with chemicals and it’s a shame they’re wearing it the way it naturally is?…
Teenage no, everyday no, optional no.
I have seen a parent inform there child child that they need to have hairspray and curls because of X event.
Doesn’t mean that Sal’s mom was not racist but its an extreme of regular non racist behavior (which is the form racism usually takes now a days).
Sal thinks that. I’m pretty sure Walky just thinks that now that he’s not outright dismissing the possibility there was real favoritism before it was justified and it could be racism.
Wow that’s Sal for yeah, once you thought you got her figured out she pulls a nother surprise on you. Then again I can see her knowing how to play a country guitar.
I was gonna comment on that too. It’s not even a sarcastic smile, a smirk, or an ugly grin. (Just got to the “Mike smiles, kisses Amber, and tells her he loves her” bit in SP! – now THERE’S an adorrifying smile.) Just a gentle smile for having gotten the punchline in.
–Dave, and Danny needs the practice at being the straight man
Guys I talked about this comic in response to a question in class, and now my teacher has started reading it. (The class is about branding and marketing of creative content.)
To be fair Willis is among the best case studies of growing and maintaining a dedicated audience in webcomics from the era he started. Pete Abrams, Jorge Cham and the PA crew are the only ones I can think of who have done it about as well for as long.
You forgot Fred Gallagher, Brad Guigar, Dan Shive, Danielle Corsetto, Randy Mulholland, Jeph Jacques, Crave (Jackie Wohlenhaus), Kris Straub, Jennie Breeden, just off the top of my head.
Perpetual frustration with the TU-3 pedal I use for my Telecaster. I’d much rather tune by ear. But it’s useful when tuning on stage while the bass player is making too much noise…
Just give the bass player some crayons. That should buy you a little peace and quiet for tuning, unless the drummer starts fighting with them over the free snacks.
I’ve never had a tuner app that actually worked. They’ve all been inaccurate compared to a tuning fork reference and other electronic references. i have a cheap clip-on tuner (the Snark) that costs less than $15 (within the budget of even a cheap college student) and actually works. For tuning by ear, if one string is in tune it’s easy for me to tune to that reference without even fretting any strings, but I can’t tell whether I’m flat or sharp without a reference thus tend to detune to the next lowest note or pop a string trying to tune to the next highest note unless I tune at least one string with the Snark first, or have another properly tuned instrument around to use as a reference. Does make it fast to switch between drop-D and normal tuning on my guitar though, since I have the other strings as a reference.
I really hope my ear will eventually get good enough to double check after the app, so far the best I can do is spot “very badly out of tune” when playing a chord. I can’t even fucking tell if a string is flat or sharp when doing relative pitch, just ‘close’/’far’.
So compared to me trying to tune by ear, tuning app is still the lesser evil…
I have found a few that aren’t bad in a pinch. I tend to use a cheap clip on tuner. Seems to be pretty accurate. I can’t tune by ear, as I have a mild hearing impairment that affects most of the range guitars are tuned at, although I can usually tell when a note is off. My brother can tune by ear, I consider people who can tune by ear to be amazing wizards.
Heh, compare and contrast panel 1 and 5. New Danny may be many things, but “cool” is not one of them.
“A good egg” is one of them. After a day with Malaya Sal BADLY needed to push someone around, and he allowed it without fuss. That happy smirk in the lsat panel is heartwarming.
It’s sorta a money thing and an energy thing for me right now. Not looking, but just semi idly thinking, and several other burners are on a high simmer.
Tuning apps are great starter kit in theory, but in practice they have one really problematic issue I’m a wee surprised Danny isn’t aware of. Any tuning app is only going to be as good as the mic feeding data to it at best. No phone on the market, none which I’ve ever heard of at any rate, has a good enough built in mic to do the job nearly as well as a properly trained ear. Don’t rely on an app unless you have a quality mic to feed it, just learn to tune it by ear with known samples or splurge and buy a dedicated chromatic tuner and call it a day.
I rely on ear to tell when my guitar is out of tune, then use the app to tune it, then double-check with relative tuning while PRAYING the first string is ok
My guess is that she knows how to play the piano. Back in her obedient daughter days taking piano lessons would have been just the ordinary upper middle class rite of passage. And Sal being Sal, she would have been *good* at it, attempting to impress her parents.
BTW, has anyone heard from Cerb lately? Her last appearance here was over half a month ago.
On the one hand, she was doing almost daily posting and described this as her therapy, and said she was having med issues last month linked to… depression? I think? So her absence is a bit worrisome.
On the other hand, I think she’s got a grad student job so maybe she just has to work her butt off now that the term’s started again.
My mistake, it was a pretty bad stomach bug that put her into the hospital. Why’d I think she was having medication issues? Whatever, I’m still slightly worried.
She was also going through unplanned antidepressant withdrawal (at the exact same time I was going through *planned* withdrawal, whee) and there was some concern she might be joining the chronic pain club. :/ So yeah, shit came in threes, I don’t remember which of them were resolved beyond her surviving the hospital trip.
I’m in withdrawal again myself, … Oh, that reminds me, apparently the flu is nasty this year and flu shots aren’t doing much? Maybe she got hit with that *too* :/
And then there’s dissociation, which is keeping like 90% of my comments from escaping my head recently. Brains are weird. It’s hard to talk about not being able to talk.
it’s been kinda trippy today. but in a mostly-good way, surprisingly I took advantage of the good parts of the rollercoaster to do some brain-debugging.
I just said aloud to myself the words… “Man… I love Sal/Danny.”
Then I remembered that that’s actually one of the most important and most toxic romances in Roomies! and It’s Walky!… but specifically NOT the one that became canon, since we already know that’s not happening.
Wasn’t sure why Sal was so pissed off, but I checked the tags and she just came from an encounter with Malaya, so that make sense. Four panels of Danny and she’s at least amused if not happy.
I don’t think so? It looks and sounds much more like she’s reacting to a fight. I don’t think Amber would climb down from the roof just to stop Sal (who AG at least somewhat trusts, even if she still makes Amber anxious) from hanging out with Danny.
Especially “Ehime Maru”. He makes such a complexity of sounds that shouldn’t be possible on a ukulele, and I am utterly convinced that he is in fact a wizard that makes those sounds happen by using magic.
Two more notes relating to this strip:
1) It’s possible Sal has perfect pitch! That doesn’t have to be the case, she could just be using relative pitch, but there’s a few hints that could be the case.
2) If you take out the space, that last panel says “NOAH plays a real instrument”, which I like because my name is Noah and I also play a real instrument!
she’s playin’ ya laik a fiddle, Danno
I’d actually be interested in her holding him up to her chin and playing him with a bow… but strumming or plucking would be fine.
Hell, try telling Steven Universe he doesn’t play a real instrument.
Steven can also play guitar, I think. I’m not positive about that, though.
He plays guitar here https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=f8kHSyeM8_Q
And piano here https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uZQmOLxE7xQ
And drums (and maybe bass) here https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=P-cx0qToGhU
He indeed can also play guitar, bass, plus the piano and the drums. He’s something of a natural talent with music, in canon, which does make sense, since from what we see/know of Homeworld, it uses musical tones in a lot of their tech, and Greg is also a musician.
Steven is a freaking beast when it comes to music, have you ever tried to play Peace and Love on the ukulele?
Crystals can be tuned to certain frequencies. It’s pretty neat. Acutron watches used tuning forks for typing, but all the later battery powered watches use crystals.
Err: timing. fingers are for typing, crystals are for timing”
Unless I am wrong – and I am never [not usually] wrong, Steven Universe plays ukulele, guitar, bass, and drums – the three latter he plays in Steven and the Stevens, to name one. And he sings, obviously. He can’t help it if he makes a scene.
Stepping out of his hot pink limousine.
He’s turning heads and he’s stopping traffic
When he poses they scream and when he jokes they laugh
Steven also plays the guitar, drums, and bass, though. He also turns things into instruments, like Peridot’s drill, so I don’t think he’d let Sal put him out. They could have stunning duets.
I feel like it would just be Steven trying to get Sal to open up while singing about how she should talk to Amazi-Girl.
“Also it can be totally cool to have a roommate //
Even if you don’t get along //
Maybe she tried to drown you and the entire planet //
Or she’s just a jerk with a lizard, anyway, you can siiiiing a soooooooong…”
My ear is not coming up with the tune you’re riffing.
I made it up
Rebecca Sugar self-described her ukulele playing as something like “unique” or “non-trained” or “non-textbook”. However, listen to her demos, or live, and so much of the underpinnings of the uke on the show is already there. She’s a bit modest in her self-assessment, methinks.
The great thing about ukelele is that if you have any kind of music background, particularly guitar, you can figure pretty much all of it out. They sell whole books of chords, etc, but even more than guitar, anyone with a good ear can play anything they want on it if they put their mind to it.
So I’m gonna say that Sugar wasn’t necessarily being modest- nowhere in your quote did she denigrate her own playing; all she said is that she never, like, took lessons in ukelele.
Like many amazing musicians and songwriters, I’m pretty sure you could put her in front of any instrument she’s never seen before in her life and she could do something cool with it, even if someone who plays it professionally would be like “you’re not using the right fingering!”
Reminds me of Ian Anderson, Jethro Tull’s flautist, discovering after decades of celebrated flute-playing that he was doing it wrong.
He was self-taught and he learned when his daughter took lessons that his fingering was all wrong. He relearned it because the “correct” way actually was easier to play, but it took a while to convince himself.
I’m also reminded of Adolph (Arthur) “Harpo” Marx who was self taught on the harp! After they’d become established stage stars, Harpo tried to hire someone to teach him to play “properly,” the guy pretty much said “Move the harp onto the other shoulder and don’t change a thing!”
There is no such thing as correct fingering, it is whatever works for you and the situation.
Phrasing, boom.
*instinctively plays Desperado*
And with that, I’m taking the rest of the week off. *hands Pass the controls to the Muzak*
*accepts the controls*
*relishes in the power*
I wonder what someone going mad with power while in control of the Muzak is like. Probably like that John Mulaney routine.
If it is anything like my daughter, we will only be hearing 45 seconds worth of any given song.
Six continuous hours of rickrolling.
I like that portrayal of the sound of tuning
Wait, did sal just use her breast to light that match? BADASS
No, she just gripped it, concentrated, and it burst into flame.
That’s how hot she is
Fire boobs would be so conflicting to me. My fear of fire meets my love of boobs.
Come, fill that Cup, and in the Fire-Boob of Spring
That Winter-garment of Repentance fling!
You noticed that too, did you?
strike. ANYWHERE.
(nah but the best thing to do with strike anywhere matches is light them on your teeth.)
I like using my forehead to strike matches, because people don’t remember that strike-anywhere matches exist and it’s hilarious to see people freak out that my head makes fire.
It is just a little cool tonight.
I know a serious ukulele player who would probably be torn between fighting Sal over that comment and looking at Danny like, “Okay, he’s probably not the best rep for us.”
But his jaunty cap!
Ukulele is a real instrument, and if Danny works really hard at it he may someday be a real ukulele player.
Or is it ukulele is a real instrument and most ukulele players aren’t XYZ (using it to substitute for personality?
Try telling Hawai’i the ukulele isn’t a real instrument. (Because it is, and seriously, watch some videos of some of the serious practitioners)
It can be played so beautifully/awesomely.
Anyway, here’s “Wonderwall.”
Fact: whenever Sal plays any instrument the noises spontaneously form Smoke on the Water
Dave Barry wrote that if you throw an electric guitar down a cliff, the series of collisions will play “Smoke on the Water” naturally.
What if you burn it to the ground with a flare gun?
Then it skips straight to “fire in the sky,” duh.
Did…did she light a match off her shirt????
Looked like off of her boob as well.
I’m no boob expert, being a guy, but that seems like it would hurt.
she could have a match book
More like a match boob amirite?
On a technical issue, she could be wearing a bra although from the drawing it would seem unlikely.
*strums careless whisper*
Did Sal learn how to play the guitar in the Catholic boarding school?
or is this a crossover skill from the Roomies verse?
No, she learned to play the pipe organ. That’s what Sal considers a ‘real instrument’.
What about a didgeridoo or a theremin then?
So basically if you don’t need heavy machines to move it, it’s not a real instrument?
She snuck into the belltower late at night to play heavy metal on the carillon.
If your instrument doesn’t need a building to be built AROUND it, it’s not a real instrument.
Doesn’t the sneaking become pretty irrelevant as soon as you start to play?
I guess if it’s a short song and you’ve got your escape route planned…
Yea, she never managed to get in more than the first four notes of Smoke on the Water before she had to run away.
I love this so much.
– Personal info about Sal! *squee*
– Sal ribbing Danny! Yay!
– Sal’s face when she hears about his ‘tuning app’. Oh, Sal. Same.
– “Played” an instrument. So she doesn’t now? Interesting.
– She stops lighting her cigarette so she could tune the ukulele.
– Ukulele jokes. XD
I love this strip.
Well it’s nice to see that he seems to be serious about learning to play that ukulele. Even got a tuning app.
Don’t see what is wrong with a tuning app. I use one with my guitars. However, in my defense, I have a slight hearing impairment.
I always have to re-tune after using a tuner or tuning app for it to sound right. Decades ago, I got a Sal-like reaction from my cousin when he saw me using a tuning fork. “Why don’t you just tune by ear?”
I don’t remember seeing Sal play any instruments, in this comic or in the Walkyverse.
All bad ass girls can play guitar, usually bass.
Sweetwater is trying to sell me a bass guitar in the ads on this page. Unfortunately I seem to lack the badassery to learn. I’ll keep trying, though.
Man, despite Amber’s connection to both of them, and the kind-of-horrific nature of their relationship in another universe…Danny and Sal seem to have better conversations with each other than anyone else.
yeah it’s like? i hate walkyverse Danny n i don’t rlly like or relate with walkyverse Sal at all////the difference in writing quality makes for better/more interesting characterization too.
Ahhh. A refreshingly healthy interaction. That’s a relief.
It’s the Willis Way, to alternate between unhealthy (Walky/Amber) and healthy (Walky/Dorothy) interactions. Breathe in, breathe out. Wax on, wax off. Mike/Ethan, Sal/Danny.
Off topic but this is the first day I’ve had working subtext since the great lettuce escape. And now they all work. Anyone else have issues recently?
Yes, this is the first time since then it’s worked on my iphone.
Specifically the vuvuzela.
Meanwhile, Mike is playing Ethan like a flute…
Ethan should be so lucky.
You know, I’ve never played the (musical) flute, but it seems like it’d be a bit…different than it’s skin counterpart.
Yeah a dick is more more similar to a recorder, the hole is at the front, everyone has to learn to use one growing up and yet most people are terrible with theirs.
I mean
not everyone has to learn to use one growing up
look, I can’t believe your still stuck in the past, plenty of girls today play the recorder.
(in all seriousness, yeah I know, but the joke wouldn’t work otherwise, this is why asshole jokes are more popular)
Also, you don’t blow into a dick-hole.
“Suck, dammit. Blow is just an expression.”
I knew someone would step up.
This was my main thought on the matter. Also, again, I don’t play the flute, but I don’t think you’re supposed to try to fit s much of it as you can in your mouth.
Okay, any strip involving music is immediately one of my favourites, and any strip where Sal opens up is immediately one of my favourites. THIS strip… this is what I needed after a 12-hour workday.
Joke set-up question: What do you call people who hang around with musicians?
Up until tonight, the only three canonical answers I knew were:
a) singers
b) drummers
c) violists
Tonight I suppose I have to add
d) ukuleleists
e) whoever programmed Danny’s tuning app. It takes true “genius” to screw that up.
In my own experience, the only joke answer that applies in real life is a), and even then only for a very small set of them.
… wait, musicians let ukuleleists hang around them?
f) The set crew. They hang decorations, hang lights, hang mics…
g) The opening act.
h) groupies
Sal makes more and more sense with this. She can play an instrument, she either figure-skated or did ballet (I don’t remember if it was ever cleared up what let her show off her roller-skating abilities to Carla the way she did), she can do remarkable motorcycle stunts, etc., etc. — Clearly, she’s the talented Walkerton child. But when Linda had to choose only one of them to audition for an admittedly terrible TV show, she picked Walky. Hence Sal’s constant being the best at everything, and yet it never being good enough. The only surprise is that she turned out not to be very good at sticking up convenience stores.
She never said what made her good with skating. Honestly, my bet would just be pal-ing around with Marcie.
And I think Sal was trying to get caught at the store.
Both Sal and Walky think that Linda was offended by the colour of Sal’s skin. If this horrible theory is correct, then Sal being more talented than Walky in the field of practical skills would, in her view actually be a negative.
Less color and more general phenotype, like hair. Have you ever seen a parent inform their teenage child that their hair looks MUCH better murdered with chemicals and it’s a shame they’re wearing it the way it naturally is?…
Yes, yes the Walkertons are fucking racist.
Teenage no, everyday no, optional no.
I have seen a parent inform there child child that they need to have hairspray and curls because of X event.
Doesn’t mean that Sal’s mom was not racist but its an extreme of regular non racist behavior (which is the form racism usually takes now a days).
Sal thinks that. I’m pretty sure Walky just thinks that now that he’s not outright dismissing the possibility there was real favoritism before it was justified and it could be racism.
Wow that’s Sal for yeah, once you thought you got her figured out she pulls a nother surprise on you. Then again I can see her knowing how to play a country guitar.
Do you mean an acoustic guitar player country style, or a steel lap guitar?
Not joking, just curious, cos I can sorta imagine Sal with a steel lap guitar.
Can’t say
I figured “country guitar” was a euphemism for “banjo”
Sal with a Dobro guitar.
Now I want the next strip to be Sal doing a whizbang take of Django, on the uke.
i never assume i got Sal figured out ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Man, Sal looks lovely in that last panel.
She’s smiling. She never smiles. But she’s smiling all the same.
I was gonna comment on that too. It’s not even a sarcastic smile, a smirk, or an ugly grin. (Just got to the “Mike smiles, kisses Amber, and tells her he loves her” bit in SP! – now THERE’S an adorrifying smile.) Just a gentle smile for having gotten the punchline in.
–Dave, and Danny needs the practice at being the straight man
ps: ba dum TISSSH
Guys I talked about this comic in response to a question in class, and now my teacher has started reading it. (The class is about branding and marketing of creative content.)
Also the first strip he saw was the one with Billie and Ruth full-on snogging
DoA was in my Mass Comm 101 text book! Its the perfect teaching tool tbh
To be fair Willis is among the best case studies of growing and maintaining a dedicated audience in webcomics from the era he started. Pete Abrams, Jorge Cham and the PA crew are the only ones I can think of who have done it about as well for as long.
You forgot Fred Gallagher, Brad Guigar, Dan Shive, Danielle Corsetto, Randy Mulholland, Jeph Jacques, Crave (Jackie Wohlenhaus), Kris Straub, Jennie Breeden, just off the top of my head.
I’m with Sal on this one. Not even Boss/Roland can make a good tuner app
I’ve tried a couple different ones. They get close enough for learning on a $100 Squier, I guess.
Perpetual frustration with the TU-3 pedal I use for my Telecaster. I’d much rather tune by ear. But it’s useful when tuning on stage while the bass player is making too much noise…
Just give the bass player some crayons. That should buy you a little peace and quiet for tuning, unless the drummer starts fighting with them over the free snacks.
(I kid, I kid.)
I’ve never had a tuner app that actually worked. They’ve all been inaccurate compared to a tuning fork reference and other electronic references. i have a cheap clip-on tuner (the Snark) that costs less than $15 (within the budget of even a cheap college student) and actually works. For tuning by ear, if one string is in tune it’s easy for me to tune to that reference without even fretting any strings, but I can’t tell whether I’m flat or sharp without a reference thus tend to detune to the next lowest note or pop a string trying to tune to the next highest note unless I tune at least one string with the Snark first, or have another properly tuned instrument around to use as a reference. Does make it fast to switch between drop-D and normal tuning on my guitar though, since I have the other strings as a reference.
I used to use as tuning app when i was thirteen but it started to annoy me into stopping as my ear got more trained
I really hope my ear will eventually get good enough to double check after the app, so far the best I can do is spot “very badly out of tune” when playing a chord. I can’t even fucking tell if a string is flat or sharp when doing relative pitch, just ‘close’/’far’.
So compared to me trying to tune by ear, tuning app is still the lesser evil…
I have found a few that aren’t bad in a pinch. I tend to use a cheap clip on tuner. Seems to be pretty accurate. I can’t tune by ear, as I have a mild hearing impairment that affects most of the range guitars are tuned at, although I can usually tell when a note is off. My brother can tune by ear, I consider people who can tune by ear to be amazing wizards.
Heh, compare and contrast panel 1 and 5. New Danny may be many things, but “cool” is not one of them.
“A good egg” is one of them. After a day with Malaya Sal BADLY needed to push someone around, and he allowed it without fuss. That happy smirk in the lsat panel is heartwarming.
I just realized…I have the same ukulele as Danny xD
I don’t know you, but odds are you are a good egg
Do you think it would okay if I posted a video of me playing?
I think it would be cool!
Please do!
Here you go! ^_^ Sorry it took a little while to get
Only if you have the same hat.
If only……
Is the tuning reversible on that size for us lefties? Or would the strings need to be removed and put back in like a guitar, top to bottom?
Most lefties I know of swap the strings around. (I’m sure they make a lefty uke with the proper sized slits in the nut, though…)
Freudian avatar slip, surely.
–Dave, now wincing, having read it again
Yes. Avatar slip. *ahem*

Not fun news, but thanx.. Nothing like having a bit of musical talent and not be able to use a uke someone has brought to a party.
(I’m not buying one unless I get a lot richer. My guitar would get jealous anyway.)
How expensive are the ukuleles you are looking at? Most are pretty cheap.
It’s sorta a money thing and an energy thing for me right now. Not looking, but just semi idly thinking, and several other burners are on a high simmer.
I’ve seen Roger Daltrey play the uke live. That legitimizes any instrument.
Danny, the ukelele’s very existence tees them up, the only thing you could do to stop it is burn the thing
Maybe if it wasn’t painted… …blue?
That’s the only thing that makes it half-way acceptable!
Hey, it could have been pink.
here is kitty’s finnish word of the day!
kissa (kitty)
on the computer I go by kitty because I like the appearance better, and kissa is too close to “kiss”.
have a nice day!
I know kissa!
(thanks to reading Stand Still, Stay Silent)
re. alt text: I reckon Sal would beat The Rock in a fight, so she’s safe.
Death metal on the ukulele. Because she’s Sal Walkerton.
This is as close as DOA has EVER had me to shipping these two.
Holy shit. Willis. If you give me Queer Death Metal Danny I would have no idea how to take such a wondrous, nonsensical, joy in my heart.
I can’t even picture Queer Death Metal Danny without it veering dangerously into emo territory.
Mhm Danny in a KISS getup, shredding the ukulele while growling his songs with Ethan in loincloth clinging to his leg?
As the kids would say:
I ship ’em.
Personally, I’ve always seen Danny as ending up as Sal’s first friend outside of the group of ‘second-hand associates’ she gets from Marcie.
Did you make Claire your custom avatar because you, also, do lots of shipping?
Or is it just the puns?
Both 8) but I usually get to the pun party late
Tuning apps are great starter kit in theory, but in practice they have one really problematic issue I’m a wee surprised Danny isn’t aware of. Any tuning app is only going to be as good as the mic feeding data to it at best. No phone on the market, none which I’ve ever heard of at any rate, has a good enough built in mic to do the job nearly as well as a properly trained ear. Don’t rely on an app unless you have a quality mic to feed it, just learn to tune it by ear with known samples or splurge and buy a dedicated chromatic tuner and call it a day.
I rely on ear to tell when my guitar is out of tune, then use the app to tune it, then double-check with relative tuning while PRAYING the first string is ok
…people haven’t tried to murder me so far?
Oh my god does she have perfect pitch I have perfect pitch and my tuning app always says I’m wrong am I vindicated please tell me I’m vindicated
You don’t need perfect pitch to know that most tuning apps are crap. You just need to have had access to a tuning fork at some point in your life.
To be fair, it’s only not a real instrument when a non-hawaiian person plays it
My guess is that she knows how to play the piano. Back in her obedient daughter days taking piano lessons would have been just the ordinary upper middle class rite of passage. And Sal being Sal, she would have been *good* at it, attempting to impress her parents.
Nah, she refused to learn to play anything except Smoke on the Water.
I have to say that the image of The Rock holding the tiny ukulele in his huge hands is pretty adorable.
You just think it is a ukulele because of his size, it is actually a concert acoustic guitar.
Alt-text: Yes, Dwayne Johnson plays a real instrument. He also plays ukulele.
BTW, has anyone heard from Cerb lately? Her last appearance here was over half a month ago.
On the one hand, she was doing almost daily posting and described this as her therapy, and said she was having med issues last month linked to… depression? I think? So her absence is a bit worrisome.
On the other hand, I think she’s got a grad student job so maybe she just has to work her butt off now that the term’s started again.
My mistake, it was a pretty bad stomach bug that put her into the hospital. Why’d I think she was having medication issues? Whatever, I’m still slightly worried.
I asked last week – BBCC said she waw going to shoot Cerberus an email back then, dunno if she got around to it.
I never know how much I should ask – I’m not particularly good with people in real life, let alone over this “enterwbz” thingie. 8/
Send good thoughts her way regardless.
I messaged her on Saturday. No word from her yet, but it is a school week.
She was also going through unplanned antidepressant withdrawal (at the exact same time I was going through *planned* withdrawal, whee) and there was some concern she might be joining the chronic pain club. :/ So yeah, shit came in threes, I don’t remember which of them were resolved beyond her surviving the hospital trip.
I’m in withdrawal again myself, … Oh, that reminds me, apparently the flu is nasty this year and flu shots aren’t doing much? Maybe she got hit with that *too* :/
And then there’s dissociation, which is keeping like 90% of my comments from escaping my head recently. Brains are weird. It’s hard to talk about not being able to talk.
*desired expression of support*
*jedi hugs*
this seems to fit that mental state quite well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqJ7LtZgMAc (and it’s a good thing, because now I know how to approach fixing it!)
All my sympathy there. Withdrawal is the absolute pits.
it’s been kinda trippy today. but in a mostly-good way, surprisingly
I took advantage of the good parts of the rollercoaster to do some brain-debugging.
Sal got sass hahaha
They look cute together
Sal just lit that match on her abs.
What instrument, second fiddle to Malaya?
I just said aloud to myself the words… “Man… I love Sal/Danny.”
Then I remembered that that’s actually one of the most important and most toxic romances in Roomies! and It’s Walky!… but specifically NOT the one that became canon, since we already know that’s not happening.
And they’re… cute as heck?
Good job, Willis.
Maybe Willis will want to explore this VERSION of their relationship, now that DoA’s been going for… seven years???? Holy crap how did that happen!
…. ahem. Regardless of the romance-ship, I friend-ship them.
*selects 3 Wood from bag*
*places golf ball on Danny’s head*
*winds up*
Wasn’t sure why Sal was so pissed off, but I checked the tags and she just came from an encounter with Malaya, so that make sense. Four panels of Danny and she’s at least amused if not happy.
Again, Amber is on the roof, yelling at them to break it up. Just as she has been for every couple we’ve seen since that strip. Eventually, she will drop down and let us know just who she was yelling at. http://www.dumbingofage.com/2018/comic/book-8/02-this-is-the-way-that-we-love/jackass/
I don’t think so? It looks and sounds much more like she’s reacting to a fight. I don’t think Amber would climb down from the roof just to stop Sal (who AG at least somewhat trusts, even if she still makes Amber anxious) from hanging out with Danny.
Maybe Sal and Danny are disturbing the public peace by rocking on that ukulele and singing?
Look at almost anything by Jake Shimabakuro
Especially “Ehime Maru”. He makes such a complexity of sounds that shouldn’t be possible on a ukulele, and I am utterly convinced that he is in fact a wizard that makes those sounds happen by using magic.
I love these two and their interactions. Sal’s face in the last panel is good.
The one thing that obviously is a source of unequivocal happiness to Sal is music.
Yup! Just look at the unequivocal happiness on Sal’s face in Panel 5 of this comic!
GOOD music.
I’m impressed. The chord charts are actually correct for that tuning.
Two more notes relating to this strip:
1) It’s possible Sal has perfect pitch! That doesn’t have to be the case, she could just be using relative pitch, but there’s a few hints that could be the case.
2) If you take out the space, that last panel says “NOAH plays a real instrument”, which I like because my name is Noah and I also play a real instrument!
Music dummy here- what are the hints?
Get one with an inbuilt tuner.
Sal looks happy in the last panel. Did we ever see that before?
I’d ship Danny and Sal.
Going from SEMME to uke’?
Oh my god
That was awful. I like you.
love Sam’s smile in the last panel.