“Wait, is ‘The Greatest Showman’ still playing?”
“You like musicals?”
“Not really, but it’s Hugh Jackman. I can just force myself into thinking it’s a Wolverine story.”
I hope a bunch of the anxiety on each of their parts was because of a lack of familiarity with “proper dating.”
Billie seemed to have problems with identifying as something other than “straight with exceptions,” but maybe we can see them grow as characters and as a couple once they get over an awkward “first date.”
I’m sorry but when did she call herself straight? She just went with “normal” cuz 1) she thinks that everyone thinks about it eventually. Which is honestly. Mood. And 2) she only rlly knows the word “bisexual” as a porn term. So.
I don’t recall if she used the word “straight;” I was just using “straight with exceptions” as a euphemism for how she tried to describe herself (which would have taken more than three words, as you showed).
Ohhhhhh, it wasn’t the dating women part, it was the dating *period*.
Not an uncommon problem nowadays, I bet, not in some critique on premarital hanky-panky as Joyce may put it, but because it’s just not exactly practical to do the “proper” dating in a lot of places and lifestyles.
As far as not having dating experience…well, Billie kind of explains her personal experiences. I’d say a number of my friends (and myself) didn’t really date in high school, so someone a couple months into college who hasn’t been on a real date before doesn’t strike me as surprising.
Yeah, I was wondering if she was having a weird moment about being at least bi-sexual. I would have expected her to have that moment back when she was having bi-sex-ya-know. They’re both so… vulnerable right now. Perfect time for them to develop some deep seated trauma they’ll keep with them for the rest of their lives.
(Why do I get the feeling that EXPECTING that is just what Willis wants)
This is how you know how inexperienced Ruth is. Last date I was on was in middle school, my boyfriend and I went to see Pink Panther and both of our parents and his little brother came with. Other dates were at his house. They made good chicken alfredo. Billie’s fresh out of high school which…honestly? There’s not much dating/wooing in high school. Nobody has the money to go out, only sometimes do they have a car, plus there’s parental concerns like “come home at 10 at the latest”. Then again maybe that’s because I’m from a small, cheap town where there’s not much places to go for a date…but yeah I’m not surprised that Billie’s inexperienced when it comes to dates. Real dates happen during college time and on!
Oh if I came home at 10 in the morning while in high school my mom would get angry. I guess 11 pm would be more realistic, but some parents get very tyrannical about their teens going on dates.
Oh c’mon, everybody dates in high school! You have a little pocket money from your part time job! You jump into your $100 tri-5 Chevy, pick up your girl, and go own to Arnold’s for malts with Joanie and Chachi. Maybe later you go to the drive-in, if there isn’t a dance at the school gymnasium.
(Not serious, just just makin fun of boomers’ outdated expectations.)
Sidenote, my town has a Drive-in (surprising, I know! It closed down for a while but got renovated and is still in business!) and I’d love to go for a date there. They have great food, and you get to see two movies for 6 bucks a person!
I mean yeah. But you also need the right mind set. I had several dates in the last years, none of which led anywhere because I wasn’t really okay with myself and and just hoped finding a girlfriend would cure my unhapiness.
Idk, for me it wasn’t even about it going somewhere, just that “Oh my god, I’m an adult and I’ve never been on a date and what if I do it wrong and we both DIE” feeling
My mom has a “friend” who told their other friend’s daughter, when said daughter was a junior or senior in high school, “College is about finding someone to marry.” And this was like three years ago.
Then she looked to my mother for backup of her position, and my mom was like, “College is for education, that is literally the person it’s a thing.”
It champagnes me to say that i had a Prophecy there would be at least 19 crimes of puns. Quite a zin if you ask me. But i might just be a Pessimist wine-ing about bubbly behavior.
The obvious drunk driving problem aside, internal possession (ie, intoxication) in a minor may itself be considered a crime; so that’s something to look into before considering going with the designated driver approach.
Fair enough, although considering we’re talking about something illegal in the first place (in the US) there are gonna be limits on how responsible you can be about it. Designated driver is probably a good step towards it though.
I just meant, the options available for completely negating any issues with such a course of action are pretty much just limited to the one option of “Stay in Canada until you sober up”.
You’re right, though- if you’re bothering to travel across a border just for an alcohol fix, more likely than not you’re not too concerned with approaching the matter with strictly responsible conduct.
Just remember, though- if you approach things too recklessly, you’ll end up confused and half-frozen out in the snow, with your best friend Hans shoving you into the steaming intestines of a dead moose.
Pretty much – seems like the responsible thing to do is stay the night and possibly the next day to sober up. Although in that case, a designated driver is still always a good idea for getting to and from wherever you’re staying.
Probably not, but in that case I’m less inclined to say ‘Eh, may as well’. If you’re going to be irresponsible, my inclination is to say ‘that is a terrible idea’.
My friends and I did this for either my 19th or 20th birthday. We booked a hotel room, went to liquor store, and went clubbing. Then we left the hotel the next day, sober and a little tired.
Lousiana isn’t actually unique in that: The National Minimum Drinking Age Act of 1984 strongarmed states into adopting a minimum purchase age of 21, by threatening a reduction of the federal highway budget allotment for any state which failed to adhere to that restriction. The act didn’t set any ground rules for possession or consumption, so that ended up varying widely state to state.
Most notably, Louisiana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, Oklahoma, and South Carolina all allow a minor to consume alcohol in private without parental consent. There is no state that allows for public consumption without parental consent- thus, those six states stand as having the lightest underage consumption restrictions among the states.
I dunno. Becky & Dina make for a hard pair to beat on cuteness overload.
Dan & Ethan could probably pull off reasonable competition, as well.
The real winner, however, might end up being any relationship involving Sal- if she can ever drop her barriers enough to be “mushy”, she’d probably be ridiculously adorable at it.
Becky and Dina are far cuter. The edges of alcohol, insecurity, and depression that thread through Ruth/Billie really leaven the cuteness with potholes of potential angst.
Well, if they’re in a restaurant nice enough to have a proper sommelier on staff, then we can assume Billie [or rather, her rich parents] is the one footing the bill.
On the other hand, what kind of place has a sommelier but doesn’t serve lobster? ~.^
This is one of those American appropriations that really baffle me. “Maitre d'”, which tranlates as “Master of”… There’s something missing, there. You took the first part of a job title but left out the other part that actually identified the function of the person holding that title. There are so many different “Masters of {things}”, both in English and in French, why the hell would you take such a generic term to designate such a specific job ?
I imagine that originally, people actually knew what it meant, but it came to be used by people who knew what the whole thing referred to, but not what the actual translation was. Eventually, people clearly decided it was too damn long and just shortened it phonetically.
I imagine that kind of thing probably happens a lot when words or phrases get taken from other languages.
It’s not unusual to find words which mean something more general, but without specification are used to refer to a singular usage of the word. For example, orgy- you can have an orgy of blood, an orgy of violence, and orgy of laughter, whatever. But we all intuitively understand that, if there’s no specification, the word is used to mean an orgy of sex. Simply put, we don’t like speaking more syllables than we have to, especially not when there’s a standard interpretation for the phrase that we can rely on to handle clarification for us.
Add in that maitre d is a loan word, for a role we didn’t have another title for, and that we weren’t using it for anything else to begin with, and that we already have an existing word to mean “master [of]”, and there’s really no reason NOT to use it in the manner by which it currently is being used. In language (the purpose of which is communication), what is important is clarity of meaning. Outside of an instinctive aim toward achieving that reliability of meaning for any individual word, language development can be pretty haphazard.
Oh, this is Willis. I’m strongly suspecting that Billie and Ruth will both be so nervous that they’ll finish a bottle between them and then have a blackout. Depending on how nice Willis is feeling, what they hear about their overnight behaviour from others in the dorm will be either positive or negative.
Best case scenario: “Amazi-Girl and her two sidekicks saved you!” (Amber finds them weaving drunkenly across the quad; she, Sal and Danny escort them back to Ruth’s room.)
A D’n’D intellect devourer comes to mind. Though if Ruth’s brain sprouted legs and ran around by itself that would make this a very *different* comic. Not necessarily worse mind you.
That kind of puts me in mind of the original Walkyverse, not that I’ve read the whole thing yet. I’ve only read Roomies and the first couple years of It’s Walky!, but that seems like something that could have happened.
I’ll get around to reading the rest if the Walkyverse at some point. I can’t archive binge like I once could, and this one is more daunting than most I’ve read.
Seriously, am I really so archetypal that an artist from a nearby state who goes to create “midwestern bisexual in lesbian relationship” character and basically creates me? Or me + alcoholism anyway.
Desperately hoping that your partner know what they are doing while desperately hoping your partner will not find out that you don’t know what you are doing.
So, as I suspected, Billie’s ‘experience’ of dating and serious romance is pretty much teen TV romcoms. This is a great load off of Ruth’s shoulders. Additionally, it leaves them both with a lot of ‘wriggle room’ – They can both decide for themselves what is ‘acceptable behaviour’.
Hey fans, does the head cheerleader being “touchy smoochy under the bleachers at halftime-y” with the aforementioned “sexy football team captain” really lead to those game-winning adjustments in the second half?
It depends if you are in a teen romance comedy or drama. If the answer to that is ‘yes’, then, yes, it can have spectacular effects on the second-half performance of the captain. IRL, the results are variable.
Ruth: during my experimental phase I dates lots of boys so I totally know how to treat chicks on dates.
Billie: ah yea.. I like the sound of that.
Ruth: ‘oh no’ I forgot my wallet. You pay for this Sweet Cheeks. Wait, my phone is ringing. Super important (aside: Toronto’s winning the game. Hell yea, **BURP**)
Damn, I thought “Hey at least if they get sloshed they will be in good mood and will have terrible fun” and then you reminded me that they are alcoholics… not good, this is not going to end well…
It’s not going to hell yet, but that definitely seems a likely route to get there. It could ALSO lead to Ruth stopping her and the two of them talking about Billie’s drinking and maybe even how she should’ve actually gone to that counselor she was supposed to see. I mean there’s no way it’s that easy, but still about two weeks to early for doom
“What?” said her girlfriend.
“What?” said the waiter.
“What?” said the sommelier.
“What?” said the Duke of Thingley, who had dropped by to check how the date was going.
I don’t know what you’re talking about, and I don’t have time to internet search it, because I’m too busy making this comment telling you that I don’t know what you’re talking about.
“Also we’re supposed to see a movie?”
“Why? Black Panther isn’t out until next month, I haven’t seen the FIRST Maze Runner, and what the fuck else is out”
“Look, I’m telling you that’s what’s in the Date Manual”
“Your manual is bullshit”
“Come to think of it I remember someone telling me first date, stick to vandalism and loitering. but I always had to be different.”
“Wait, is ‘The Greatest Showman’ still playing?”
“You like musicals?”
“Not really, but it’s Hugh Jackman. I can just force myself into thinking it’s a Wolverine story.”
How does one not like musicals?
They’re quite pretty when they burn.
Funnily enough, IRL, I actually got suspended for “trying to burn down the theater” when I went to a musical on a field trip.
I was so offended by the assumption that I almost told the principal that I’d rather burn the school down… Almost.
Was it “Barnum” by any chance?
No, that’d be more of a “hilariously enough” story. Sadly my story is just plain-old funny.
Well c’mon, don’t leave us hanging
Musicals are pretty good. I particularly enjoy Grease (and its sequel xD) and Hairspray.
Although, favourite movie ever? …The Secret Garden. I am such a big kid at heart.
… and now I’m reading this as “Grease and its sequel, Hairspray”.
–Dave, I heartily endorse this analytic continuation and or evolution
Man, this is the longest undercover mission Wolverine has ever done.
They could just get the author to cut to someone else and then come back to them when Black Panther’s out.
Truly experts of romance, these two.
Might need some more wine than just one bottle, Billie
Gravroulette, whee!
I hope a bunch of the anxiety on each of their parts was because of a lack of familiarity with “proper dating.”
Billie seemed to have problems with identifying as something other than “straight with exceptions,” but maybe we can see them grow as characters and as a couple once they get over an awkward “first date.”
I’m sorry but when did she call herself straight? She just went with “normal” cuz 1) she thinks that everyone thinks about it eventually. Which is honestly. Mood. And 2) she only rlly knows the word “bisexual” as a porn term. So.
I don’t recall if she used the word “straight;” I was just using “straight with exceptions” as a euphemism for how she tried to describe herself (which would have taken more than three words, as you showed).
…I suppose this isn’t the kind of scene that goes well with listening to the Steven Universe soundtrack, huh.
“What Can I Do For You” kinda works here.
…aaaand that song just went up on my playlist like 15 seconds ago.
oh yeah this one!
trying to think which su song would be appropriate
I always thought I might be bad, now I know that it’s true, cause I think your so good and I’m nothing like you.
i wish that i knew what makes you think
im so special
If I could begin to do, something that does right by you
Well, if they were facing Mary right now, “Stronger than You” might work.
Carla: It’s Mary! How the hell did you lose!
Ruth: It turns out that constantly holding hands is not in fact pretty much the same things as fusing.
Title alone?
“Full Disclosure”.
Tower of Mistakes, maybe.
Oh I’m sure Pearl’s first date will be similarly entertaining
(if we ever get to see it!)
The BGM from the episode Fusion Cuisine would probably set the tone perfectly.
♪Isn’t this suuuuch,
A beautiful niiight, whoao♪
Ohhhhhh, it wasn’t the dating women part, it was the dating *period*.
Not an uncommon problem nowadays, I bet, not in some critique on premarital hanky-panky as Joyce may put it, but because it’s just not exactly practical to do the “proper” dating in a lot of places and lifestyles.
And also kind of dating a woman.
As far as not having dating experience…well, Billie kind of explains her personal experiences. I’d say a number of my friends (and myself) didn’t really date in high school, so someone a couple months into college who hasn’t been on a real date before doesn’t strike me as surprising.
Psssh, I’m almost 30 and I’ve never been on a real date. One of these days…
Yeah, I was wondering if she was having a weird moment about being at least bi-sexual. I would have expected her to have that moment back when she was having bi-sex-ya-know. They’re both so… vulnerable right now. Perfect time for them to develop some deep seated trauma they’ll keep with them for the rest of their lives.
(Why do I get the feeling that EXPECTING that is just what Willis wants)
This is how you know how inexperienced Ruth is. Last date I was on was in middle school, my boyfriend and I went to see Pink Panther and both of our parents and his little brother came with. Other dates were at his house. They made good chicken alfredo. Billie’s fresh out of high school which…honestly? There’s not much dating/wooing in high school. Nobody has the money to go out, only sometimes do they have a car, plus there’s parental concerns like “come home at 10 at the latest”. Then again maybe that’s because I’m from a small, cheap town where there’s not much places to go for a date…but yeah I’m not surprised that Billie’s inexperienced when it comes to dates. Real dates happen during college time and on!
That’s 10 in the morning, right?
Oh if I came home at 10 in the morning while in high school my mom would get angry. I guess 11 pm would be more realistic, but some parents get very tyrannical about their teens going on dates.
They generally get really mad when you come home at 10 in the morning.
Obviously you’ve been sent home from school and that never goes over well.
Oh c’mon, everybody dates in high school! You have a little pocket money from your part time job! You jump into your $100 tri-5 Chevy, pick up your girl, and go own to Arnold’s for malts with Joanie and Chachi. Maybe later you go to the drive-in, if there isn’t a dance at the school gymnasium.
(Not serious, just just makin fun of boomers’ outdated expectations.)
Don’t forget the sockhop! Everybody loves to jam at the sockhop!
Sidenote, my town has a Drive-in (surprising, I know! It closed down for a while but got renovated and is still in business!) and I’d love to go for a date there. They have great food, and you get to see two movies for 6 bucks a person!
My town has one too! It usually has movies from a few months ago so we can get a second chance if we missed it in theatre.
We have one that plays current films. 5 screens so there are 10 movies a night.
Hey, at least it’s a new experience for the both of you, and aren’t those always fun?
(I’m petrified Willis is going to jump to another scene at the worst possible moment, because this is too interesting.)
Low-key jealous of these fiction characters for at least having this experience at their age
I mean yeah. But you also need the right mind set. I had several dates in the last years, none of which led anywhere because I wasn’t really okay with myself and and just hoped finding a girlfriend would cure my unhapiness.
Never mind the fact that I may be aro.
Idk, for me it wasn’t even about it going somewhere, just that “Oh my god, I’m an adult and I’ve never been on a date and what if I do it wrong and we both DIE” feeling
(an actual worry I had before my first ever date)
Same. I’m a sophomore with no gf. But I guess I’m here to learn and stuff rather than ~meet someone~ so.
My mom has a “friend” who told their other friend’s daughter, when said daughter was a junior or senior in high school, “College is about finding someone to marry.” And this was like three years ago.
Then she looked to my mother for backup of her position, and my mom was like, “College is for education, that is literally the person it’s a thing.”
*plays “Fake I.D.”…and cues up “Rock Lobster” for the encore on the hacked Muzak*
good facial expressions
Aaaand we’re yelling.
panicked yelling
… and with one hover text, the Willis uncorked a flood of vintage punnery …
Tuns of fun
A grand cru joke if you will
Jeeze i started this thread and I’m already drawing a Blanc.
Eh I’m sure you got a Riesling out of someone.
I’m not sure whether you are being Sancerre …
Noir am I
This is so pinot by forte.
I tip my glass to you, Syr – a fine tasting this is!
You’re all a barrel of laughs.
well that’s just grape!
I guess the oaks on us then?
At least we can say we rosé to the challenge.
It’s the lees we can do
My sediments exactly! We must continue to press onward!!
Vat is dot you say? Tuns of giggles? I’m fass becoming tired of this game, let us pull the cork on it.
Sorry to dreg you down, but I refuse to stopper — this is how I stave off ennui …
These puns are really starting to wine down.
We’re just bottling them up.
This thread is causing me some pain.
It champagnes me to say that i had a Prophecy there would be at least 19 crimes of puns. Quite a zin if you ask me. But i might just be a Pessimist wine-ing about bubbly behavior.
Sherry not sherry.
at least this thread doesnt leave anyone bordeaux
True, but there’s a LOT of wine-ing.
Look at the fancypants high-tootin know it all, pronouncing it mer-lott. Down here in the real country, we pronounce it mur-lott, like god intended.
It’s pronounced “mare-low”.
This is coming from a French-English Bilingual.
I think they were joking.
Technically, a mare-low is a short-legged horse.
It’s okay Billie, I did that too
Oh, yeah, the legal age is twenty one in the US, isn’t it?
Technically. In Louisiana they laugh it off so long as you’re 18 or older.
Fair enough. In Canada it varies between 18 and 19.
I’m close enough to the border that around here it’s common for teens to head to Canada to get legally drunk.
Eh, as long as you’re responsible, you may as well.
Except that they *drive* to and from Canada. There are problems that arise from this.
If they’re responsible, they either have a place to spend the night and possibly the next day or a designated driver.
The obvious drunk driving problem aside, internal possession (ie, intoxication) in a minor may itself be considered a crime; so that’s something to look into before considering going with the designated driver approach.
Fair enough, although considering we’re talking about something illegal in the first place (in the US) there are gonna be limits on how responsible you can be about it. Designated driver is probably a good step towards it though.
I just meant, the options available for completely negating any issues with such a course of action are pretty much just limited to the one option of “Stay in Canada until you sober up”.
You’re right, though- if you’re bothering to travel across a border just for an alcohol fix, more likely than not you’re not too concerned with approaching the matter with strictly responsible conduct.
Just remember, though- if you approach things too recklessly, you’ll end up confused and half-frozen out in the snow, with your best friend Hans shoving you into the steaming intestines of a dead moose.
Pretty much – seems like the responsible thing to do is stay the night and possibly the next day to sober up. Although in that case, a designated driver is still always a good idea for getting to and from wherever you’re staying.
In Canada, there’s also the option of taking a bus.
(At least, in the parts of Canada I’m familiar with)
If we’re talking teens crossing borders to drink, “responsible” isn’t really applicable.
Probably not, but in that case I’m less inclined to say ‘Eh, may as well’. If you’re going to be irresponsible, my inclination is to say ‘that is a terrible idea’.
My friends and I did this for either my 19th or 20th birthday. We booked a hotel room, went to liquor store, and went clubbing. Then we left the hotel the next day, sober and a little tired.
Lousiana isn’t actually unique in that: The National Minimum Drinking Age Act of 1984 strongarmed states into adopting a minimum purchase age of 21, by threatening a reduction of the federal highway budget allotment for any state which failed to adhere to that restriction. The act didn’t set any ground rules for possession or consumption, so that ended up varying widely state to state.
Most notably, Louisiana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, Oklahoma, and South Carolina all allow a minor to consume alcohol in private without parental consent. There is no state that allows for public consumption without parental consent- thus, those six states stand as having the lightest underage consumption restrictions among the states.
Oops, forgot a word:
The act didn’t set any ground rules for private possession or consumption
I love Ruth’s dawning horror that Billie is not significantly more socially-adjusted than her.
I dunno. Becky & Dina make for a hard pair to beat on cuteness overload.
Dan & Ethan could probably pull off reasonable competition, as well.
The real winner, however, might end up being any relationship involving Sal- if she can ever drop her barriers enough to be “mushy”, she’d probably be ridiculously adorable at it.
(Ruth & Billie are super adorbs, though. ^.^)
Becky and Dina are far cuter. The edges of alcohol, insecurity, and depression that thread through Ruth/Billie really leaven the cuteness with potholes of potential angst.
Billie: What of course were 21!
Sommelier: Okay than, what’s my job title?
Billie: Wine person?
Well, if they’re in a restaurant nice enough to have a proper sommelier on staff, then we can assume Billie [or rather, her rich parents] is the one footing the bill.
On the other hand, what kind of place has a sommelier but doesn’t serve lobster? ~.^
More like “maitre’dumb”, amirite?
heh, maitre’duh
This is one of those American appropriations that really baffle me. “Maitre d'”, which tranlates as “Master of”… There’s something missing, there. You took the first part of a job title but left out the other part that actually identified the function of the person holding that title. There are so many different “Masters of {things}”, both in English and in French, why the hell would you take such a generic term to designate such a specific job ?
I imagine that originally, people actually knew what it meant, but it came to be used by people who knew what the whole thing referred to, but not what the actual translation was. Eventually, people clearly decided it was too damn long and just shortened it phonetically.
I imagine that kind of thing probably happens a lot when words or phrases get taken from other languages.
It’s not unusual to find words which mean something more general, but without specification are used to refer to a singular usage of the word. For example, orgy- you can have an orgy of blood, an orgy of violence, and orgy of laughter, whatever. But we all intuitively understand that, if there’s no specification, the word is used to mean an orgy of sex. Simply put, we don’t like speaking more syllables than we have to, especially not when there’s a standard interpretation for the phrase that we can rely on to handle clarification for us.
Add in that maitre d is a loan word, for a role we didn’t have another title for, and that we weren’t using it for anything else to begin with, and that we already have an existing word to mean “master [of]”, and there’s really no reason NOT to use it in the manner by which it currently is being used. In language (the purpose of which is communication), what is important is clarity of meaning. Outside of an instinctive aim toward achieving that reliability of meaning for any individual word, language development can be pretty haphazard.
@Fart captor and HeySo: thanks for the explanations. It makes sense, in hindsight.
Somehow I don’t think alcohol would be a good idea for either of them on this date.
Oh, this is Willis. I’m strongly suspecting that Billie and Ruth will both be so nervous that they’ll finish a bottle between them and then have a blackout. Depending on how nice Willis is feeling, what they hear about their overnight behaviour from others in the dorm will be either positive or negative.
Best case scenario: “Amazi-Girl and her two sidekicks saved you!” (Amber finds them weaving drunkenly across the quad; she, Sal and Danny escort them back to Ruth’s room.)
Seriously? These two? They’re professionals.
They’re barely going to notice a bottle of wine.
Still wouldn’t be good for them to drink. I think Ruth’s been sober since before the hospital.
Billie hasn’t, of course.
Yeah, considering their usual stuff wine will probably barely affect them. (Also, being drunk on wine is very different from being drunk on spirits)
Aw, Billie’s being such a dork. It’s cute.
“My brain’s been eating itself all night because I thought you were more experienced at this.”
This is how the zombie apocalypse begins.
That’s more like… an auto-zombie apocalypse?
And this is how the a new movie genre begins.
A D’n’D intellect devourer comes to mind. Though if Ruth’s brain sprouted legs and ran around by itself that would make this a very *different* comic. Not necessarily worse mind you.
That kind of puts me in mind of the original Walkyverse, not that I’ve read the whole thing yet. I’ve only read Roomies and the first couple years of It’s Walky!, but that seems like something that could have happened.
Roomies/Walky had a fairly consistant level of low-key goofiness. Shortpacked is where the narrative went absurd enough to have something like that.
I’ll get around to reading the rest if the Walkyverse at some point. I can’t archive binge like I once could, and this one is more daunting than most I’ve read.
They’ll want to avoid the Merlotts, too, but at least those are limited to coastal and river areas.
Om nom nom <:
Oh look… Billie is being me again.
Seriously, am I really so archetypal that an artist from a nearby state who goes to create “midwestern bisexual in lesbian relationship” character and basically creates me? Or me + alcoholism anyway.
“Or me + alcoholism anyway.”
Oh, wow- so you drank so much today that you managed to forget about your alcoholism? :/
**eyebrow twitch**
Ah, young love.
Desperately hoping that your partner know what they are doing while desperately hoping your partner will not find out that you don’t know what you are doing.
There’s a reason… okay, many reasons why this comic is called what it is.
d’oh, tags. :p
I was gonna say “That part comes later”, but Billie and Ruth know what they’re doing in that case.
Merman… mermaid… mer-Lot… is that why the ocean is salty?
I love them????
Galasso’s menu just got fancier. /s
Also “my brain’s been eating itself” feels relatable. Thesising and the blues will produce that effect I guess.
So, as I suspected, Billie’s ‘experience’ of dating and serious romance is pretty much teen TV romcoms. This is a great load off of Ruth’s shoulders. Additionally, it leaves them both with a lot of ‘wriggle room’ – They can both decide for themselves what is ‘acceptable behaviour’.
Hey fans, does the head cheerleader being “touchy smoochy under the bleachers at halftime-y” with the aforementioned “sexy football team captain” really lead to those game-winning adjustments in the second half?
Asking as one who neither.
It depends if you are in a teen romance comedy or drama. If the answer to that is ‘yes’, then, yes, it can have spectacular effects on the second-half performance of the captain. IRL, the results are variable.
Gives a whole extra meaning to the “Go Golden Dragons!” cheer, doesn’t it?
Ugh, lobster…
My feelings on them and crabs, too.
I’ll eat your sea-spider, dears, I love ’em!
Beans are off.
I’d be okay with other people eating lobster if I didn’t mentally associate the sound of their claws being cracked with my own bones shattering.
Ruth: during my experimental phase I dates lots of boys so I totally know how to treat chicks on dates.
Billie: ah yea.. I like the sound of that.
Ruth: ‘oh no’ I forgot my wallet. You pay for this Sweet Cheeks. Wait, my phone is ringing. Super important (aside: Toronto’s winning the game. Hell yea, **BURP**)
Billie’s back on target
The URL reads “This is the way that we love lobster”. I think it may be trying to tell me something.
Yeah; Willis is into seafood in a big way! :-p
here is kitty’s finnish word of the day!
uni (sleep)
i can’t
have a nice day!
Hahahahaha. dat funny
Aaaaaand it’s all going to hell here.
Prediction: drama is going to happen and Billie and Ruth are going to break up before the next end-of-day.
Damn, I thought “Hey at least if they get sloshed they will be in good mood and will have terrible fun” and then you reminded me that they are alcoholics… not good, this is not going to end well…
And depressed, and lonely, and Billie’s solution to all those problems was “drink and screw ourselves to death.”
This date will not end in Slipshine.
It’s not going to hell yet, but that definitely seems a likely route to get there. It could ALSO lead to Ruth stopping her and the two of them talking about Billie’s drinking and maybe even how she should’ve actually gone to that counselor she was supposed to see. I mean there’s no way it’s that easy, but still about two weeks to early for doom
This is really sweet that they are both in a kind of panic over this, i hope they can work past this moment and have a nice evening together
This is the kind of hope that fuels great fires of angst.
I hope it doesnt make angst, not that they dont have enough already…
Ruth’s face in panel 6 reminded me strongly of this page from
“The Wolves in the Walls”…
“What?” said her girlfriend.
“What?” said the waiter.
“What?” said the sommelier.
“What?” said the Duke of Thingley, who had dropped by to check how the date was going.
The three Ruth faces escalate kinda quickly.
I think that Ruth had sort of forgotten that, of the two of them, she’s the sane one.
Ruth is me when my boyfriend told me he had no idea what he was doing with polyamory
your leering Joe avatar TOTALLY makes this comment for me.
–Dave, Joe/Danny/Amber/Joyce?
I’m crying and choking on my laughter. This is exactly what I needed this morning
this entire comic is a mood
Great one. Ive been there
…. I’m not sure WHO I should be calling “baka” on here, but I’m pretty sure at least one of them’s earned it with this installment.
I don’t know what you’re talking about, and I don’t have time to internet search it, because I’m too busy making this comment telling you that I don’t know what you’re talking about.
Billie how did you have sex under the bleachers at halftime?? The cheerleaders are supposed to be on the field then!!