Desperate for companionship, Frankenstein's Monster pretends to be the Opera Ghost. A grave mistake.
Cyanide & Happiness
Satire, dark humor and surreal humor.
Isa, Meg
There's ghosts at your heels and fairy tale worlds ahead. What do you do? Jump down the rabbit hole!
Dumbing of Age
David M Willis
Joyce has been homeschooled her entire life until now, when she's suddenly a freshman in college! Things don't go well.
2 Slices
RJ Morel
After a case of mistaken identity, will awkward Daisuke find help from excitable Mamo, or will his love life be thrown completely off track?
Paint the Town Red
Windy, Winter Jay Kiakas
Winona runs a werewolf shelter with partner in crime, Odile in the Gothic city of Merlot. One day they take in an injured vampire, and soon unravels many of the dark secrets of Merlot.
The Otherknown
Lorian Merriman
Chandra is a 12-year-old accidental time traveler with a reluctant new dad, who happens to be a member of a feared galactic crime syndicate.
TJ Cordes
This comic is about a robot powered by bees, but it's also about the kind of people who think filling a robot with bees is a good idea, and why they're wrong.
Mac Hall
Matt Boyd
The legendary early-aughts webcomic that inspired a wave of webcomic creators.
Slightly Damned
Rhea Snaketail returns from the dead, befriending a Demon who falls in love with an Angel. The afterlife ain't what it used to be!
Kadi Fedoruk
Tamaura, wrested into a world 300 years in the future, must find a way to save the magic fading from her country.
Countdown to Countdown
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I have just now realized that the cricket should have been named Danny. He is a good singer and can hold a long note. And, of course, he sings for love.
The true Dork has been Reborn and so the Pattern has no room for false Dorks anymore. We have loosed the Dork Reborn on the world. The Light have mercy on us… And the use of his Ukelele!
Isn’t that backwards? Weapon Master gets to use anything as a weapon without penalty and apply any weapon feats freely.
I whirlwind, power attack, cleave with an extension ladder ….
Well, there’s no fourth and no fifth. And while Cmaj->Amin is a minor fall and Cmaj->Dmaj is a major lift, you’d need the minor fall before the major lift.
I’m curious, too! One time was the Stephen Universe theme (or maybe Radiohead’s “Creep”), but once or twice before this we also saw the C-D-Am progression and I don’t remember an explanation.
That’s exactly what I came here to say. That look on her face. When someone has been that big of a part of your life for so long, it’s hard to imagine your life without them, to even know who you are without them.
Doesn’t help that Malaya is rejecting Sal’s “cool rebel” persona as fake at the same time. If she isn’t Marcie’s protector and friend but not a high school rebel any longer, just who is she?
That would be sad for poor Sal — the potential of having Marcie around again but leaving so she can have some time with Malaya. And even making new friends wouldn’t automatically make up for missing out on spending time with someone she’s been friends with for so long.
another example of a loan word. there are more finnish words meaning business but im making a point. other borrowed english used are: drinkki, swingi, pinkii, bonus and radio
At night, when all the world’s asleep
When questions run too deep
For such a simple man
Won’t you please, please tell me what we’ve learned
I know that sounds absurd
But please tell me who I am–Supertramp
well that is a good attitude about being a dork Danny.
On the other hand, doesn’t he gets unconfortable of sitting in the same rough surface for hours? or does he ocasionally gets ups an walks a little around?
IIRC, all she did was tell him she loved him because he was being generally supportive – when he tried to actually get back together with her, she told him that was a stupid idea and he should go back to Billie. (Granted, she DID try to get back with him later but this was not while she was in jail).
It’s had time to develop here instead of both of them just saying they love each other. Also in the other universe they both had much healthier relationships with Billie and Jason respectively. It never felt like a relationship in the other universe just two people with feelings being forced apart by circumstances.
Sal is by no means dumb, in fact the only subject we know she struggles with is math, and a lot of people have issues with math. Now if this was Malaya I would agree with you.
And as it turned out, the main reason she was struggling with math was because nobody bothered to teach it to her in a way she’d understand. In at least one confirmed case, this was clearly due to nothing but underlying prejudices.
“I am a dork in multiple disciplines” is the official motto I have been waiting to adopt since I was in high school. I need to have it translated into Latin…
Now, what was it that Danny said that provoked such a strong reaction in Sal in panel 5? Is it maybe that Malaya has sort of accused her of being a reactive personality too? I’m not sure if I’m reading this right but it definitely does seem to be something that has hit home personally.
I’ll say something else: Sal could smoke anywhere. Instead, she’s chosen to sit with Danny, which could be significant as to her view of him as a ‘safe’ person around whom she can spend time.
Sal and Marcie’s been a team for the vast majority of Sal’s life now. Like, Marcie even moved to this town to stick with the team (and lives in a shitty commune and has to work crappy jobs); that’s how inseparable they are as a team.
And Marcie’s not spoken to Sal since the night of AmaziGirl chashing gashface.
I’m hoping not because Danny and Sal’s relationship in the Walkyverse was mutually self-destructive. If there is a relationship here, I hope it is a lot healthier.
To be fair the world isn’t being invaded by aliens in this verse (as far as we know) and Sal isn’t being mindfucked by a secret government agency. (as far as we know) It definitely feels more real here at least.
…hmm… I haven’t been shipping it, but I think I’m just now starting to see the possibility. Like… does Sal have a thing for dorks? Is she kind of annoyed that she has kind of a thing for dorks? That could certainly help explain her fling with Jason.
Prediction: Danny and Sal actually do become a thing, Amber REALLY doesn’t like it, and Amber trying to “control” Danny by telling him what he can and can’t do even when they’re not dating feeds into that question Mike asked about which of her parents’ examples she was following. Drama! Which would hopefully lead to character development and not, like, a psychological break.
Both Amber AND Amazi-Girl have not only made peace with Sal, but sort of befriended her, and they also don’t see getting back together with Danny as an option.
Seeing him and Sal together would probably still hurt, but probably not any more than it would seeing him with anyone else. The whole reason she keeps pushing Danny away since their breakup is that she recognized that she handled that situation badly, and (wrongly) decided that she had to stay away from him for his own good. She might do something self-destructive, but interfering seems unlikely.
I imagine we’ll see something happen to further stoke Amber’s fears about being like her father, but I doubt anything will validate what Mike said to her, because saying that was one of the most fucked up things Mike has ever done, and 100% bullshit.
I seriously hope Danny and Sal don’t get together at least until Dan figures out how to Dan without a girl or boy around. Also I hold a bit of a torch for Danny/Ethan because dorks dorking together is adorable.
Also.. I think Sal is just relieved to meet someone who doesn’t seem to judge her just on appearance alone. She’s not a symbol of rebellion (Joyce) or a waste of space (Malaya) or a piece of ass (Jason) or a charity case (Dorothy) or whatever else to Dan. She’s just… Sal. His unlikely acquaintance (almost at the point where you could call her a friend) who helps him with video games and life like he helps her with math.
Dan doesn’t come with preconceived notions and gives as much as he takes from her. I think that’s why she seeks him out (and not, you’ll note, her brother) when she needs emotional support.
today in #9ChickweedLane I learned we should ask our parents completely normal, not fucked-up questions like "hey what was sex with the other parent like"
So many opportunities for a good old-fashioned booing ⋅ 1d
Schumer begins a book tour this week.
Mon 3/17 7pm Central Library, Baltimore
Wed 3/19 Politics & Prose, DC 7pm
Thursday 3/20 at the Weizman, DC 12:30PM
Sunday 3/23 · 3pm Moss Theatre Santa Monica, CA
Mon 4/21 MJCCA Atlanta 7:30PM
Line the sidewalks. (List may not be complete)
These are the same Senate Democrats who lectured the base for years about the importance of preserving the filibuster so it would still be available when Democrats were in the minority
new from me: I wrote about the mess that just went down in the Senate, where Democrats under Chuck Schumer look disjointed and rudderless in the face of Trump's agenda, especially compared to their House counterparts
The most annoying thing about this cowardice by the book-touring Dems is that MAGA will lose. A full-throated opposition will win. This administration is brazen and corrupt, but they're overconfident and incompetent and not people to run away from. We'll win, even if we have to do it ourselves.
today in #9chickweedlane i've learned that the fetishization of post-marital hanky-panky has resulted in the straining of everyone's mental health, #somehow
#BREAKING: Yellow and Green fire was seen exploding out of a manhole at Texas Tech University moments ago.
Evacuations are underway for the whole campus.
This "mob" of "Anti-Israel" protesters is predominantly Jewish.
Sheryl Weikal (The Leftist Lawyer) ⋅ 1d
And now, let's see how news media in the purported only democracy in the middle east is covering the Trump administration disappearing a Palestinian American for his speech.
kind of stunning how unpopular trump is already...and yet how craven senate Ds remain in confronting him.
like, everyone hates him. just oppose him relentlessly! this is a fucking lay up!
Polling ⋅ 2d
Trump's Approval On Foreign Policy:
Disapprove: 48%
Approve: 37%
Ipsos / March 12, 2025 / n=1422
a regular Danny da Vinci
Leonardo dan Vinci
He’s a Ninja Turtle?
He’s looking for his Master Splinter.
Trivia snippet: The Ninja Turtles were all named after real… renaissance artists, I believe.
biagio dantonio
Danvenuto Cellini
Giodanni Palestrina
JosDan des Prez
I have just now realized that the cricket should have been named Danny. He is a good singer and can hold a long note. And, of course, he sings for love.
Dandrea Gabrieli
John Danstable
OrDando di Lasso
How could I have forgotten Francesco Dandini? He even has a cadence named after him.
Un… Leonardo Dancaprio?
Danonymous IV
Yes, my people
(also: Danavaggio)
Leonardo dan Caprio, wait that’s not right.
Danny Devito.
You beat me to it haha
Dantonio Banderas
Salvador Danny
Danblo Picasso
Everybody left out my favorite artist:
El Dano
how about Dan U. Willis
internets for everyone.
at least he’s in tune now
Unless he sings. It has already been established that Danny is pretty much tone deaf.
Danny: The Renaissance Dork
Truly, he is the Jeffersonian ideal of dorkiness.
Let the Dork ride again on the winds of time.
The true Dork has been Reborn and so the Pattern has no room for false Dorks anymore. We have loosed the Dork Reborn on the world. The Light have mercy on us… And the use of his Ukelele!
Now go! let the Dork come back to life!
Don’t diss Renaissance Dorks. Eventually they get Ninja Turtles named after them.
Centuries from now, kids will be watching the adventures of Dannytello. Play your cards right and you could be RaphaeSal.
(This terrible joke brought to you by no sleep.)
It is time for something different.
[shifts to the Finland Fish Slapping Dance scene]
No… sleep… ’til Brooklyn.
Drat, I only got as far as Queens!
prestige class in ukelele
It ain’t a prestige class until you start making them.
…wait shit, I got to that point.
Weapon Master. Weapon Specialization – Ukelele.
Isn’t that backwards? Weapon Master gets to use anything as a weapon without penalty and apply any weapon feats freely.
I whirlwind, power attack, cleave with an extension ladder ….
Still shippin it.
I think it’s really cute here, and that someone who hated their relationship in the last universe.
A true dork of the people.
will he play another jesus chord?
Or maybe he’ll play the secret chord, and it will please his Lord? (i.e., Ethan)
Well, there’s no fourth and no fifth. And while Cmaj->Amin is a minor fall and Cmaj->Dmaj is a major lift, you’d need the minor fall before the major lift.
There *must* be a scene where Danny serenades Ethan coming up, and it will make my day (and possibly my week).
And they all shout “Sal-eluja!”
Nah, Satan chords from now on.
Is that like the brown note?
Any chord is a brown note if done poorly enough.
Did anyone ever figure out what song he actually is playing?
I’m curious, too! One time was the Stephen Universe theme (or maybe Radiohead’s “Creep”), but once or twice before this we also saw the C-D-Am progression and I don’t remember an explanation.
For anyone archive-binging: looks like the chords go to “Hurt” by Nine Inch Nails (famously covered by Johnny Cash).
Is 5th panel Sal evaluating who she can be without Marcie around?
Seems like it
I realize this is not what you intended at all but now I have It’s Over, Isn’t It stuck in my head.
So, ah, sure, take that as my brain agreeing with you.
That’s exactly what I came here to say. That look on her face. When someone has been that big of a part of your life for so long, it’s hard to imagine your life without them, to even know who you are without them.
Sure seems like it, she even does the ‘deflect and/or change the subject when the discussion gets too heavy’ thing like her brother.
Doesn’t help that Malaya is rejecting Sal’s “cool rebel” persona as fake at the same time. If she isn’t Marcie’s protector and friend but not a high school rebel any longer, just who is she?
Dream on
Dream on
Dream until your dream comes true
Yes master blowjob cat.
So cute <33
Also, ah, your room wouldn't happen to be claustrophobic because Marcie's over, eh?
That would be sad for poor Sal — the potential of having Marcie around again but leaving so she can have some time with Malaya. And even making new friends wouldn’t automatically make up for missing out on spending time with someone she’s been friends with for so long.
Especially since in this scenario, she’d probably not be leaving because Marcie wants alone time with Malaya, but because Marcie is still mad at her.
For Sal, the presence of Malaya alone is enough to put the room off.
I’m surprised Willis didn’t make the first not a G, because then it would be g’dam, or, you know “goddamn”
I guess it was too obvious a joke to run with.
here is kitty’s finnish word of the day!
bisnes (business)
another example of a loan word. there are more finnish words meaning business but im making a point. other borrowed english used are: drinkki, swingi, pinkii, bonus and radio
have a nice day!
Is the Drinki as in drink? What situations would you use that in (taking it for granted that there is an all purpose finnish word for drink)?
(Also, thanks for always posting these. Languages are fun!)
oh yeah its drinking alcoholic drinks
thank you
Kind of a Dork for All Seasons.
Just like me!
Danny speaks 5 languages and in every single one of them, he’s been told, “You’re a dork.”
In sooth, thou art a dork, of most nerdsome repute.
Life’s a tale told by a nerd, full of angst and ukulele, and signifying nothing
At least he has the hat right. Now all he needs are tights and a codpiece.
At night, when all the world’s asleep
When questions run too deep
For such a simple man
Won’t you please, please tell me what we’ve learned
I know that sounds absurd
But please tell me who I am–Supertramp
Hm, seems logical.
He’s a regular Renaissance Dan!
We could all be renaissance dorks. It is aspirational.
well that is a good attitude about being a dork Danny.
On the other hand, doesn’t he gets unconfortable of sitting in the same rough surface for hours? or does he ocasionally gets ups an walks a little around?
Buns of steel, presumably.
Great! Now you’ve got Sal really distrated!
well at least she wouldn’t be claustrophobic anymore XD
why is danny/sal so powerful. by all rights it shouldn’t work, and yet…
I can’t remember, did they date in Walkyverse?
They did, and it was a trashfire. Sal isn’t busy committing war crimes here, though, so maybe there’s a future there.
IIRC, that all started after she dumped him.
And tried to get back with him when she was in jail after almost committing mass genocide for like the 2nd or 3rd time.
IIRC, all she did was tell him she loved him because he was being generally supportive – when he tried to actually get back together with her, she told him that was a stupid idea and he should go back to Billie. (Granted, she DID try to get back with him later but this was not while she was in jail).
It’s had time to develop here instead of both of them just saying they love each other. Also in the other universe they both had much healthier relationships with Billie and Jason respectively. It never felt like a relationship in the other universe just two people with feelings being forced apart by circumstances.
I’ve enjoyed seeing them find common ground.
I could just picture Sal with a ukulele bass.
How many people would have thought Sal capable of properly using the term ‘Renaissance’ in this context?
Sal is by no means dumb, in fact the only subject we know she struggles with is math, and a lot of people have issues with math. Now if this was Malaya I would agree with you.
And as it turned out, the main reason she was struggling with math was because nobody bothered to teach it to her in a way she’d understand. In at least one confirmed case, this was clearly due to nothing but underlying prejudices.
Not just math, but calculus. A lot of high school math stars trip up on calculus.
Ah,yes. Renaissance: the Dork Ages.
Danny is adorkable.
You know what’s weird ? I’m getting a Drake & Josh type friendship going on with these two…I kind of like it.
“I am a dork in multiple disciplines” is the official motto I have been waiting to adopt since I was in high school. I need to have it translated into Latin…
The problem there being that Latin doesn’t have a word for “dork”. At least, not any dialect of Latin I’m familiar with.
A dork of all trades and a master of dork.
Do we know what Danny’s supposed to be strumming? C-D-Am doesn’t ring any bells, but I think he’s played the same progression once or twice before.
Just don’t start drawing on the ceiling of your hall.
Also, Sal’s likely to wake up with an iguana on her face.
…did… did we both live in the same dorm on the same college? I swear something like that happened my first year at Loyola.
Now, what was it that Danny said that provoked such a strong reaction in Sal in panel 5? Is it maybe that Malaya has sort of accused her of being a reactive personality too? I’m not sure if I’m reading this right but it definitely does seem to be something that has hit home personally.
I’ll say something else: Sal could smoke anywhere. Instead, she’s chosen to sit with Danny, which could be significant as to her view of him as a ‘safe’ person around whom she can spend time.
Short version: It’s about Marcie.
Sal and Marcie’s been a team for the vast majority of Sal’s life now. Like, Marcie even moved to this town to stick with the team (and lives in a shitty commune and has to work crappy jobs); that’s how inseparable they are as a team.
And Marcie’s not spoken to Sal since the night of AmaziGirl chashing gashface.
Here’s the last interaction they had.
And the last time Marcie actually said anything to her was the text message the day after Sal and AG went after Ryan.
I heard there was a secret chord
That Danny played and it pleased the dorks
But you don’t really care for music, do you…
It goes like this:
The fourth, the fifth,
The minor fall and the major lift…
Certain events make it seem like possible, older, ships and plots lines could make a comeback.
And, honestly I don’t know how to take that/how much of that is my rampant imagination
I’m hoping not because Danny and Sal’s relationship in the Walkyverse was mutually self-destructive. If there is a relationship here, I hope it is a lot healthier.
To be fair the world isn’t being invaded by aliens in this verse (as far as we know) and Sal isn’t being mindfucked by a secret government agency. (as far as we know) It definitely feels more real here at least.
Danny completely owns his dorkishness…
…which makes him cool in Sal’s book.
Can we start a countdown to Danny getting a ride on the back of Sal’s bike? He’s passed the Beyond Ffffffffffffffffffff…. Test.
Alright there are worse sounding labels than renaissance dork out there
Leonardo Da Vinci was a renaissance dork. He was Renaissance’s Greatest Nerd!
Disciplines, plural? How many things is he good at?
The ukelele… programming……… being… a good egg?
Tutoring math is in there too.
It seems like they get along better than some of the relationships on display here or maybe thats just me wanting to ship them..
I want to be resentful that I like New Danny, I like him too much
Is the fandom at large getting tired of hating on Danny for no really good reason? I really hope it is
…hmm… I haven’t been shipping it, but I think I’m just now starting to see the possibility. Like… does Sal have a thing for dorks? Is she kind of annoyed that she has kind of a thing for dorks? That could certainly help explain her fling with Jason.
Prediction: Danny and Sal actually do become a thing, Amber REALLY doesn’t like it, and Amber trying to “control” Danny by telling him what he can and can’t do even when they’re not dating feeds into that question Mike asked about which of her parents’ examples she was following. Drama! Which would hopefully lead to character development and not, like, a psychological break.
Both Amber AND Amazi-Girl have not only made peace with Sal, but sort of befriended her, and they also don’t see getting back together with Danny as an option.
Seeing him and Sal together would probably still hurt, but probably not any more than it would seeing him with anyone else. The whole reason she keeps pushing Danny away since their breakup is that she recognized that she handled that situation badly, and (wrongly) decided that she had to stay away from him for his own good. She might do something self-destructive, but interfering seems unlikely.
I imagine we’ll see something happen to further stoke Amber’s fears about being like her father, but I doubt anything will validate what Mike said to her, because saying that was one of the most fucked up things Mike has ever done, and 100% bullshit.
I would have gone with A major myself but diff’rent strokes
Best friendship? Best friendship.
Best friendship!!
Damn. Tsundere-mode Sal.
I like their relationship. I friend-ship them
far off in the distance, we hear Etymology Man emit a string of capital-number symbols
–Dave, he hears wut u did thar
A renaissance dork, love it XD
Aww, I like these guys. They’re cute together.
This is cute.
I seriously hope Danny and Sal don’t get together at least until Dan figures out how to Dan without a girl or boy around. Also I hold a bit of a torch for Danny/Ethan because dorks dorking together is adorable.
Also.. I think Sal is just relieved to meet someone who doesn’t seem to judge her just on appearance alone. She’s not a symbol of rebellion (Joyce) or a waste of space (Malaya) or a piece of ass (Jason) or a charity case (Dorothy) or whatever else to Dan. She’s just… Sal. His unlikely acquaintance (almost at the point where you could call her a friend) who helps him with video games and life like he helps her with math.
Dan doesn’t come with preconceived notions and gives as much as he takes from her. I think that’s why she seeks him out (and not, you’ll note, her brother) when she needs emotional support.
I like the way you think.
* adorkable