OH JEEZ IT’S COUNTING DOWN IN HOURS NOW, GUYS And just over $2k left before Head Alien magnets are unlocked for everybody who pledges for a book or other magnets!
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OH JEEZ IT’S COUNTING DOWN IN HOURS NOW, GUYS And just over $2k left before Head Alien magnets are unlocked for everybody who pledges for a book or other magnets!
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Developer’s Notes:
Day 2: Closet doesn’t work. Don’t know why.
Day 3: Closet works. Don’t know why.
Day 4: Invented Amazi-Trap, Closet Edition
As someone who spent 6 hours this Saturday and 3 hours Sunday fixing buggy code so we can get this piece of shit out the door before people are taking off for the holidays, this makes me both laugh and cry.
I have been informed that the tech industry’s Term of Art for this kind of thing is “Minimum Shippable Product.”
And then I started thinking of another meaning of the word “shippable.”
I suppose in the context of comics/fiction, the Minimum Shippable Pair would be the two characters who are least likely to pair up, while still remaining minimally plausible as a pair. The first example that came to mind for me was Sarah and Walky; I don’t see it, but not out of the realm of possibility.
Of course, the Power of Shipping is such that for some people, there is no pair outside the realm of possibility. (Insert Not Literally’s “I Ship It” here.) So this parlor game pretty much has to be individually determined.
So, do we ship Amber and Amazi-Closet?
Amazi-Closet is such a tsundere…
“I’m not wearing this TF:A poster because I like you or anything. I didn’t even know you were a fan of the series. Baka.”
I would have guessed that the minimum producible ship or whatever would be the one that you could deliver with least risk and least effort, which would be the most plausible/fan-acceptable pair. That’s the one you can deliver soonest and with least chance of fan rejection.
I feel for you. Then, of course, you know you’re gonna get that phone call while you’re driving 8 hours to grandma’s house. I don’t know how many times my wife has ended up on her laptop, in the car, tethered and VPN’d to work.
Yep. That’s why the three hours. Wasn’t supposed to do any work Sunday, but it was an emergency. They’re all emergencies.
There’s emergencies and there’s really bad organization.
A good link to minimum viable product and still keeping track of your original user stories (=developement epics) anyone?
Sometimes, minimal viable product seems to end up being “we have a button labeled xxx and it does something (though not the thing anyone would expect).
The secret is to never let marketing know what you are going to develop next. Otherwise they will go out and sell it while it’s still being written.
OK, just who is Stacey making out with in your avatar?
that’s dina’s mom, it was a kickstarter reward or something, willis posted it on twitter
Dina’s mom was a Kickstarter reward? Does Dina’s dad know? And how much did Stacey have to contribute?
GDI, now all I can think of is that Fountains Of Wayne song…
Dina’s mom.
I really hope Amber and Carla will find a common project one of this days. The result would be epic… or ridiculous. Probably both.
Amber just has to fill her closet with pies and demonstrate this feature, and Carla will immediately be her best friend.
And from this mutual partnership DoA’s own version of “Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes” is born
Carla can be the Gizmo Duck to Amber’s Darkwing.
Better than her Launch Pad to her Darkwing…
So this is the Walkyverse, then.
Walkyverse 2.0
Excellent blending of avatar and comment….! 🙂
so… should have troubleshot when the closet WASN’T empty, becaus in the absence of clothes,it’s spitting out drawer contents?
Or should have troubleshot when it WAS empty, so there’d be nothing in it???
I’m having the same problem!
When it was empty, she didn’t realize how much force it would fling the stuff.
She should have troubleshot it when the closet wasn’t empty because it worked fine when the closet was empty, but she never tried it when the closet actually contained clothes. Now that she’s trying to use it for real (and when the clothes are back in her closet), it doesn’t work.
Thank you! That makes sense and now my sleepy head can relax.
I *think* it’s meant to be read as: “i already troubleshot it earlier, and it worked fine, but I did the testing while it was empty and now I realize I oversaw some flaws”.
when it wasn’t empty. she did the troubleshooting when it WAS empty and it worked fine, but now that there are other clothes, she is noticing the problems when she apparently needs her costume right away.
This is not a test.
She forgot to test while other clothes than her outfit were is the closet, hence flying underwear now.
No no, clearly this is a UX problem.
First rule: blame the network. Burnt-out pixels on your monitor? Probably something to do with the network.
*someone walks into room, gets hit by pants*
Does she get dressed to the sound of Mars Bringer of War like Henchman 24?
That was the best damn scene.
Context, for people who have clearly wasted their lives.
Was the newest season of Venture Bros good? I missed it because of how busy I’ve been and haven’t gotten a chance to watch at all.
I thought it was great. Shame they take so long between seasons, it’s a fantastic show.
I’d rather wait 2 years for a great season than half a year for a mediocre one.
Anyone else here now listen to Holst as a result of that show?
Where’s my supersuit?
God but I love that scene.
The problem with being prepared for everything is you spend a lot of time in test.
Bug Report #238. Severity B. Logged 10/12/xx by Amber.
AMAZI-CLOSET displays unpredictable and erratic behavior if clothes beyond AMAZI-SUIT are stored in it. In particular, deployment of AMAZI-SUIT is preceded and prevented by violent ejection of other clothes in AMAZI-CLOSET. Recommendation: Refer back to Engineering to isolate cause and/or redesign.
Response by ENGINEERING TEAM: Minor bug, not cost-effective to fix. Bug forwarded to Customer Support.
Dear customer,
Thanks for your input. The bug you reported is tracked as #238. As there is a workaround the issue will be considered for Release 3.5 where the distribution is scheduled for redesign.
Thanks for using our product.
Customer Support
Whu- ? When did Amber have time to construct this? Also how?
Materials were cheap.
During her sleep.
When: sometime between Dina asking her if Becky could stay in the room and Ryan’s knife/phone attack.
How: beats me.
Why: ditto. A locked suitcase would have worked at least as well in the real world at keeping Becky out. For story purposes, it’s a way to keep the cops from finding it when they searched the room after the attack.
Get a load of this nerd
Building and programming an automated wardrobe that dispenses specific items of clothing on command presumably from scratch
what a nerd
Earlier in the day I’d noticed a story about a robot that was built to help bedridden and/or wheelchair-bound people dress themselves. So this isn’t anywhere near as nerdy as it could have gotten.
I’m tripping on the double negatives. “Should have troubleshot this when the closet WASN’T empty”… so she IS troubleshooting it when the closet IS empty… so where are all the flying undergarments coming from? I’m missing something, aren’t I.
Yeah, the possible garble caught me too.
Wait… I think she troubleshot it earlier (not now), when it was empty, so she didn’t detect this potential problem.
It wasn’t empty, hence it’s full.
When she troubleshot it, in the past, she hadn’t loaded it. So, this is the first time she’s used it loaded.
She in the past troubleshot it when the closet was empty. So this problem that crops up when the closet *isn’t* empty didn’t show up.
Thus, she should have troubleshot it in the past with the closet not empty, so it would have found the issue interacting with other clothing.
Ohhhhhkay, that makes sense. I knew I was missing something! Thanks y’all.
Having a computer voice that announces your costumed identity when there’s people living in the rooms to either side of you seems like a great idea.
But it IS a very superhero-y idea. There is such a thing as common sense, but then there is such a thing as style
Unless this is also a test, hope she doesn’t just wear t-shirt and underwear under the costume given she might have to switch back in a pinch. that’d be a pretty awkward walk back to her room.
Roz will give her a high five and Joe will give her a wistful look.
“Dang, sis got more game than me these days. I rated her too low, and now it’s too late.”
For some reason, the computer voice I hear is Syndrome’s plane from the Incredibles.
Would. You. Care. For. More. Mamosa?
Makes you wonder if Batman ever had those issues with his costume.
I was going to make a comment about sliding down the Batpole.
60s Batman had it all figured out.
Remember 60s Batman only needing to hide the Batpole entrance button in some objet d’art? Superheroing was easier then.
(Who the hell was that a bust of, anyway?)
William Shakespeare, apparently.
Thanx. That was my “If I had to say someone” guess.
Well she’s already faced the attack of the bros. At least this time she has support.
*slow clap*
Storm of the D-cups.
Looks like a ID-10t error.
Although, if you wanted it to launch socks, shirts, bras, pants, and underwear at you it’s performing admirably.
Guess it’s not the first time Amber’s had problems with things coming out of the closet.
slow clap
Even if it wasn’t throwing undergarments at her… why would it be useful to just throw her Amazi-Girl costume at her?
She should weaponize that
Amber: “Stand back – you are no match for my fully weaponized closet.”
Becky (who is fighting Amber for whatever reason): “Oh, you think so, but what you don’t understand is…”
*closet explodes*
Amber: “I don’t.. I don’t understand! How did you instantaneously get yourself into the closet, and how did you make it so that it’d throw you directly at me, with just enough velocity to allow you to overpower me?”
Becky: “Lesbian powers.”
Honestly, I’ve seen less silly webcomic superpower setups.
Er. I meant, less implausible/more silly. Stupid late hour. 😛
wasn’t empty..?
If she’d tested it while there was stuff in the closet, she would’ve noticed this problem before
what is happening?
Amber is learning that she is not Bruce Wayne.
Though she wishes she were Tony Stark.
There is absolutely no way he doesn’t run into similar issues testing his equipment
Alfred, the bat-grappler is having some issues, could you come down here? And bring a knife!
And some bat-bandaids, and bat-bactine.
Even one of the movies (Forever, I think) had a throwaway line about one of the Batsuits exploding during testing (while he was wearing it).
Did she make that herself ?
A RaspberryPi kit, Legos, and some rubber bands. Followed a YouTube tutoral. Some steps were skipped.
Need deployment for something that coukd easily be hanging on a single hook?
It isn’t a hi-tech suit of armor. She isn’t Amber Stark.
All that, just to keep Becky from inding the costume? It worked out well when the police searched the place though.
Yeah, because closets have proven to be such a stellar protection against Becky.
Closets are a great place to hide something from Becky. She’ll never go in there again!
Yeah, you are right. I have to admit it was a genius plan.
Because it’s cool
For some reason my first thought was Arya Stark instead of Tony Stark and I was pretty confused by your comment.
“When… did ASOIAF become sci-fi?”
Attack of the clothes!
+1 sand
Sometimes, life is not like the comic books, especially if your name is not ‘Bruce Wayne’!
It was a good idea when it was in Amber’s head. Unfortunately, she’s not quite the born mechanical engineering genius that she needed to be to build it herself!
Get Carla
What? Amazi-girl doesn’t have a matching bra and pantie set?
I’m concerned where Amber’s priorities lie: focusing on security for her hero gear instead of the far-reaching implications of her dissociative state.
But hey Amber’s probably just getting that out of the way before tackling the big stuff.
I’m wondering if she was planning to do something symbolic but probably pointless like trying to destroy her Amazi-Girl gear as if her alt psyche is somehow physically tied to it. It’s an understandable gesture but one that won’t really have any chance of working.
Mmm yes, that’s a possibility. If Amazi-Girl is tied to her outfit, eliminating it would work – unless Amber’s too far gone.
Maybe she’s checking to see if someone “borrowed” the supersuit for some midnight heroing without telling her about it. Someone other than her alter ego, maybe.
To confirm if she is experiencing dissociation or not! That’s interesting speculation.
Oooh, she could possibly program it with a lockout period beginning when she goes to bed and lasting for 8hrs?
See, what none of us realize is that Dina is observing the entire thing from behind another closet door.
Dina could be standing openly and in full view by the window watching Amber. She’s just… not been noticed. It’s her ‘super-power’, if you want to call it that!
Dina and Carla need to team up and open an industrial espionage and reverse-engineering firm.
Dina better be careful, if she hides too close to the costume dispensing mechanism she could get caught in it and shot out at Amber’s head!
Amber should have notice the flaw in her programming when she coded it to only work properly for Amazi-girl.
Amber, Transform and Roll out!
I love the Transformers Animated poster! It’s my favorite show in the last few years!
TFA ended in 2009. This is ‘jesus, I’m old’ territory. >_>
i guess she’s becoming the iron man/frozone of dumbing of age
The Bra-Launch with some Force
“Thumbprint Reader, Where’s my super-suit?“
No joke, in High School we had a teacher who both looked exactly like Frozone. He even sounded like Frozone. And he did not appreciate jokes about this resemblance being made.
Jeez, how, when, and why does Amber have this?!
So is she just checking to see if her suit is scuffed up in order to determine if she really did go out last night, or did she just build this now and is only testing it now?
Man, Amber’s gonna pay out the ass in dorm fines. Even if she didn’t damage anything, they’re still likely to fine her for the alterations.
What alterations? Everything, including the bras, appears to be off the rack.
Is Amber an engineering student or did she pay someone to modify a t-shirt cannon?
I must build this in Minecraft.
I’ll load a Dispenser that shoots random armor parts when activated.
“This is not a bra to be tossed aside lightly…”
Yeah, this strip has been going on so long that you kinda forget that TF: A was still on when this strip started.
okay well probably 2010 by now, but they have been freakin’ freshman for for 9 years IRL.