That is a long, long, long list of people competing for position 1. Hmmm. Well, it’s the 1950s so Reagan isn’t anywhere close to being president. If she kills him we avoid Reaganomics, the increasingly encroaching power of the executive branch, we avoid a major instance of funding being cut from most federal programs in order to enrich defense spending, and the evangelical strategy gets nipped in the bud. However, killing Nixon keeps the Republicans for embracing the Dixiecrat racists and puts a hold on the war on drugs. However, in the 50s he’s a rising star commie-hunter politician, so that could make the red scare even worse. Both of these options do however stop two of the most toxic political alliances (and thus political validation) from occurring. But the ripple effects could also create something very dangerous in the long run.
She could also have gone after McCarthy, as he was spewing his BS all over the place and hurting a *lot* of innocent people. Killing the most famous commie-hunter might lead to mass panic about 50s Russian involvement (ironic, since most spies had already gotten the hint the US government was watching them and fled) and more damage. On the other hand, his behavior, lack of evidence, and reptuation for being a chronic liar killed him by the early 50s, where he was ignored by his political peers and died in exile, so, at worst, she would delay the inevitable reveal of his true colors, but perhaps save enough lives by undermining his evil and above-average charisma to make up for that. In other words, sunglasses and a rifle and she’ll help the world. 😛
Uggh, *political and social exile. Sadly, they didn’t kick him out for lying, but he died of kidney damage from alcoholism a few years after the Senate censured, or silenced, him.
Sadly, McCarthy wasn’t even the head of the snake. He was just a convenient mouthpiece. Censuring him silence one very loud voice, but the accusations still came form other sources. It was less about the “Red Scare” and more about power plays. When Joseph Welch spoke against him, many realized that they were in danger. A simple accusation against someone in power put them on the defensive. By censuring McCarthy, they won a few votes, and a stay of execution for anyone that McCarthy (and mainly those backing him) wanted out of the way. If you want to kill the Hydra, you have to know which head is immortal. The others (like McCarthy) are expendable.
The Republicans were already leaning Dixiecrat—Nixon implemented the strategy, but ironically, he was a lot more socially progressive (in POLICY) than many give him credit for, and openly despised the politics of the John Birch Society, as well as Goldwater, who he warned would turn the GOP into the “nation’s first all-white party”.
Killing Reagan potentially puts someone in charge who would do something about the AIDS crisis, so I’m thinking him.
Leslie’s pretty non-violent. I don’t know if she’s explicitly non-violent, but that’s her leaning.
So she wouldn’t go around killing people. She’d go around educating them. She would find young Bill O’Reilly and open his eyes while he was still impressionable.
I turn to the wisdom of Pratchett:
Shoot the dictator and prevent the war? But the dictator is merely the tip of the whole festering boil of social pus from which dictators emerge; shoot one, and there’ll be another one along in a minute. Shoot him too? Why not shoot everyone and invade Poland? In fifty years’, thirty years’, ten years’ time the world will be very nearly back on its old course. History always has a great weight of inertia. – Lords and Ladies
That’s a silly question, she wouldn’t kill anyone.
Starting with the potential targets mentioned by Rukduk:
Regan was mainly a TV actor during the ’50s and ended the decade as the president of SAG before moving into politics. There are many, many ways to change his later impact without killing anyone.
Nixon spent the majority of the ’50s as the VPotUS under Ike. Killing him during the ’50s is effectively handing the Republicans of that era all kinds of political power. His [attempted] assassination gives them something to whip up even stronger anti-communist frenzy than what was seen and all but assures Kennedy doesn’t take PotUS in ’60 as Nixon now either gets replaced with a “better” candidate in ’60 (as he’s dead) or rides into the office on a wave of anti-communist views that more than compensates for his shortcomings vs Kennedy. That in turn probably puts Kennedy off the PotUS slot for nearly another half decade or else he outright never gets it which changes all sorts of elements in the political landscape from ’60 onward and makes the full outcomes unpredictable (especially anything involving the Dixie-crats due to potentially no need to push the Southern Strategy or anything involving US relations in relation to communist nations due to the heightened anti-communist sentiments).
Regarding McCarthy, Passchendaele said all that need be said.
I could maybe make a case for James Earl Ray and/or Lee Harvey Oswald, among other similar cases, but I firmly believe that in any of these cases it’s a crap shoot of cascading repercussions where the world ends up. Further, I personally can’t feel right condoning anyone being killed for a crime they have not yet attempted or even thought of let alone committed and that is something I feel Leslie would agree with, hence my opening assumption she wouldn’t kill anyone.
Taking out Nixon would be interesting. You don’t get normalization of relationships with China, and that either leads to the fall of China along with the Soviet Union or an eventual War with China that we can’t win without using Nukes.
Simple, Donald Trump’s racist father. D gets killed in ‘Nam instead of getting 5 deferrals, his sister gets the $ and gives generously to women’s causes, and we get spared a decade of bad TV and jokes about getting fired. Not to mention that other thing with D getting elected.
BTW Bad Joke warning. We have had time travelers for decades killing Baby Hitlers, that’s the reason for the SIDS epidemic.
“There’s that word again, ‘heavy’! What does that mean? Is the earth’s gravitational pull stronger in the future? Is there something wrong with the American educational system in the future?”
You can’t say that to Bean, or McFly, and make it stick. Col. Sanders, on the other hand, didn’t exactly stand up to Dark Helmet. (not the real Harlan Sanders, of course. He was never actually a colonel.)
I’ll just sit here patiently til someone recaps us on who Vivian is (I’m a Patreon backer if someone wants to point me in the right direction there)
Also I FINALLY got to backreading It’s Walky, and now I understand the people who don’t totally hate Joe. My view of him’s already pretty well tainted so that was a lost cause, but I can see now why others might not. He had, like, a second note to his personality back then.
He’s decent in Shortpacked, which is where my intro to him came from, but yeah, he’s a dick thus far. Not too far to the point I can’t forgive if he legitimately has depth or changes, but a dick.
Huh, I thought Joe was more three-dimensional in DoA than he was in Roomies. He’s got secrets now, for example. Plus he doesn’t run down hallways making kissy-faces at women, so that’s a major improvement.
I think it’s nifty that this Joe sees himself as a champion of respect and consent, when in fact he’s often barely on this side of the line.
I believe he is genuinely big on consent. Not so much on respect, though. I think I would be more bothered if he was looking to be in a relationship, yet he very adamantly is not. He seems perfectly aware of his actions, and while he is currently a dick (this is not by any means an excuse for his behavior), I wonder sometimes if he’s actually somewhat scared to look for a relationship after his seeing how volatile his parents’ marriage was, and how much happier they both were after the divorce. And I’m interested to see if/how his behavior in the event that he becomes ready make such an emotional connection.
Definitely. Comparing DoA Joe to Walkyverse Joe is something of a disservice. The Walky one had a lot of character development over the years and by the end of SP! was much improved over Roomies.
DoA Joe is better then Roomies Joe, but is still at the start of his character arc. I do hope, that unlike SP! Joe, he does have to face how problematic his behavior was rather than just growing out of it.
That’s a good way to put it, that DoA Joe is at the beginning of his arc, whereas Walkyverse Joe finished his (mainly by growing out of his poor behaviours).
I think that a character with the clear potential to have an arc is roughly as deep as the character who has just completed an arc. For me, depth is more about having many facets or aspects, especially usually-hidden ones, having lots of nuances. My personal definition may or may not have any relationship to what the word actually means in literature, though. I’ma look it up.
Kind of, but it’s hard to judge the depth until it actually happens. Does the character still have depth if the arc never gets shown? Or if there is an arc but it only shows the limits of his shallowness? (unlikely here, but possible).
Hmm. I think I’d say that a character with never-shown depth still has the depth, but that it doesn’t matter to the audience, since the audience can’t access it.
But! An arc involves change that happens over time. An arc is a great way to find out about a character’s depth (and perhaps the best way) but it’s not the only way. A person can be deep within a single moment of their personal development.
Anyway back to the subject at hand, yes, having Joe being probably-more-multidimensional, and way less assault-y (esp. in an unexamined way), definitely improves the comic for me.
Also, in DoA, it’s a central part of the world that pretty much everything meaningfully impacts other people (which is also very true irl). In DoA, unlike in the Walkyverse, Joe’s words/behaviours are clearly shown to meaningfully impact all the other characters, and I love that.
I’ve said before, I’d really like to see Joe’s “game” in action. See how he responds to rejections that are less vehement than Joyce’s punches or Sarah’s threats.
Or see him dealing with someone who regrets what they did.
Outright punching when he grabs is good too, but I’d rather see subtler issues. It’s pretty clear Joe’s okay on respecting lack of consent when it’s delivered with fists, but how does he handle someone who’s too well-mannered to push back that hard? Or someone who might be interested in dating, but not just a one-night stand.
I’d like to see those scenarios too, but Joe’s grabbing women thus far has not met with any serious pushback. All we had was mildly discomforting looks and no outright objections (and Joe has tried to pick up on their discomfort zero). But that’s so gross, I want that particular aspect of consent to be delivered with a proverbial brick.
“So what if three of the desktop icons lead to half-finished love letters to her? It’s just creative writing, and to be frank, I’m sure *you’ve* written some things *you* don’t really believe, I mean, I doubt JK Rowling really believes broomsticks allow you to fly. Vivian.”
It might motivate Leslie to do something about Robin (even if it’s find out what’s going through that twisty pretzel of a brain the Congresswoman has in her head). I’ve still not dumped my idea that Robin’s having a breakdown and just wants someone with whom she can hide from her public identity.
I think that’s very possible, and I’m kind of wondering right now if she might have Histrionic Personality Disorder, as some of the criteria sound a lot like her, as far as I can tell. Does anybody who knows more want to weigh in on that?
Apparently at least a year in comic time. Possibly when Robin was first elected, because those seats are up for reelection every 2 years meaning most representatives (the majority of congress) spend almost all of their time in campaign mode.
This is why I don’t develop crushes on public figures. Well, this, and the fact that Maxine Waters is currently married to Sid Williams. I mean, that hasn’t stopped other people, but it does stop me.
So unless I’ve got this wrong, Vivian is a professor? Or a TA? It wouldn’t make much sense to talk to her so casually if not but she looks really young to me.
All we know is she gets to teach a class all on her lonesome. Jason and Penny don’t. That could be a departmental thing, but it seems more likely to be that she’s a professor and not a TA.
I had one or two math classes taught fully by grad students (linear algebra for one) rather than actual professors. I’d bet that Penny and Jason are in their first or second year of grad school and that’s why they’re TAing basic calc for their faculty advisor.
I normally hate this quote. It’s an example of shallow, sexist thinking, and there’s the way it can be used by utter douchebags to justify all sorts of ugly, sexist shit, hidden behind the veneer of “Its Shakespearean, and therefore classy!”
On many desktops, a little off to the viewer’s right actually makes for a better focal point. I’ve had a few wallpapers that I had to flip horizontally so the best part wasn’t covered by icons.
I agree, though I feel like “I saw you sleeping and you looked comfy, so I went to sleep in your bed next to you even though we barely know each other” should merit something more than ‘just’ home invasion. Unfortunately, I think “what in the ever loving fuck?!” isn’t an actual crime, so is there a name for it, legally-speaking?
Probably just misdemeanor trespass, unless there’s something else you can get to stick. Again, felony B&E usually requires some other crime – theft in most cases.
Stalking’s possible, especially so as the behavior continues.
Without taking some legal action to throw her out though, I suspect she’d have trouble getting anywhere. And that’s ignoring the whole “Is a Congresswoman” thing. First step to making any case is calling the police to have her removed. Doing so again, when and if she returns. For various reasons, Leslie’s unlikely to do that soon.
And it don’t take money… dooon’t take fame!
Don’t need no credit card to riiiide this train!
It’s strong and it’s sudden, and I can be cruel sometimes…
But it might just save your liiiiiiife!
Ok. This is interesting. Leslie’s apparently been crushing on Robin for almost a year in comic time. And at least some of her friends/colleagues know about it and don’t judge her too harshly about said crush.
Don’t judge too harshly out loud. But that’s when it was an unrequited crush and not local news and an assumed relationship. The media framing might dramatically change that.
I don’t remember Vivian from the Walkyverse. I’m assuming if she’s not a new character then she probably only had a brief appearance in a single strip or something.
Panel 2: Oof, Leslie is clearly expecting some measure of backlash for her presumed relationship with Robin. And it’s really sad that her first reaction is deep embarrassment the first time she runs into someone she knows.
Like, she did nothing wrong. She set boundaries, tried to navigate around the bad judgment from her crush, and is being relentlessly stalked by a congresswoman who believes consequences are for other people.
But she knows that that’s not what her peers and students are going to see and if she’s already hiding behind her hand at the first hello, that doesn’t bode well at all for the remainder of her day and classes. Especially since she’s going to look even more guilty because of that response.
Panel 4: As demonstrated here. Leslie’s crush is apparently informally well known among her peers and she’s not done a good job of hiding it, which means they’re all assuming that she must have succeeded at getting with her crush and assuming that she didn’t have any or enough major objections to Robin’s policies and views to dissuade that.
And, that’s really hammered home by Vivian’s emphasis of “just now”. In her eyes being attracted to a virulently anti-gay politician is something Leslie should have been embarrassed about a long time ago if she is going to be ashamed of it and she’s dropping that barb with little softening or sympathy.
I was worried a bit back that the misinterpretation of what happened will mean her losing respect from her community, students, and peers and I’m worried we’re seeing the first signs of that. If so, this is only going to get worse for Leslie as the day goes on.
Panels 5-6: Oh Leslie, no. I get the frustration, but you’re not doing your case any favors and making it seem even more likely that the photo was not a mistake, but a sign of a mutual romance. Like, yeah, people are probably likely not to believe your denials that things are mostly innocent, but it’s a lot easier case and a true case to make compared to trying to deny you had a crush and did little crush things along the way.
And I just feel so bad for her. She had a problematic crush that she saw the awfulness of and tried to break away from Robin before she decided to push and push against her boundaries and now people are using the previous signs of the crush to judge her for how Robin’s antics have made things look.
She had a crush on the imaginary Robin who would listen to Leslie and change her most harmful political stances (though she kinda knew this was wishful/libido-fueled thinking).
Likewise, she crushed on the imaginary Robin who wasn’t a relentless stalker. Rather a deal-breaker there.
(Yes, I am aware that Robin is imaginary no matter what, but the point stands!)
Which, yeah, of course she did. That’s what separates a crush from something like love. She has deep infatuation to an idea in her head, a fantasy. Like everyone else who’s had a random crush, she’s attracted to a concept more than an actual person and she’s been struggling between the weight of her libido trying to argue that that idea exists somewhere deep inside Robin if she gives in and her head that knows that the real Robin is something she needs to stay far far away from and try to escape.
And that’s the tragedy of this. She had a sexy fantasy, but that sexy fantasy is not actually something she wants to live. It comes with aspects that make her hate herself when it is brutally present in her life as much as her body might crave the idea of it all.
And that sexy fantasy is becoming more and more poisonous and people are using that fantasy to assume her real world actions and morals.
Remember that no other characters actually know Robin is stalking Leslie. For all they know she went straight to the bar with Robin after class and then took her home voluntarily, which probably will not go over well.
Welp, Danny was bad enough at danning things up even before he had that thing in his hands. I hope y’all are happy, “Unknown evil” voters. It’ll be a long 4 years (unless we can force an impeachment; is there a “Ukulele clause” somewhere?) but someday our Carla in Chief will come. Until then, Resist!
The point of this strip is quite straightforward: No-one who actually knows Leslie is surprised by the current media assumption that she is in a relationship with Robin.
I’m sure there’s an innuendo about Robin being a “congress-woman”, but I’m not clever enough to make it work. In the meantime, that’s a nice vest Leslie’s wearing.
I’ve read enough Yuri to realise that Vivian is the best friend who secretly has a crush on Leslie.
What do you mean, this isn’t a yuri? What does that matter? Yuri is full of life lessons and fact.
What do you mean that yuri isn’t exactly true to life?
Ok, just to clarify:
Hearsay is when you cite your neighbor’s uncle’s cousin’s best friend’s spouse as a source.
Heresy is when you believe something other than the current religious dogma.
Which one’s closer to your intent?
What happens when your emotional high dies down and you remember what you did when you were on it… like remembering being drunk but you can’t even blame it on the booze.
They are both women of color who have freckles. (I’m kinda guessing about Vivian — I’m not sure I would have assumed she is a woman of color if she weren’t next to the very white Leslie.) Also, in profile, Malaya’s nose kinda looks like Vivian’s, but of course Willisian noses are notoriously manneristic.
“Malaya” is a traditional Philippine name (it means “Freedom” in Tagalog), and apart from the freckles, Malaya’s appearance is consistent with someone of Philippine ethnicity. Vivian is neither onomastically nor ethnically coded.
I’m going with not related, but as a moderately face-blind person, if Malaya cut her hair short I would almost certainly confuse the two.
Ok, I just saw the new Sony ad. Between that and the Nivea campaign, is there a contest going on for “most overtly racist campaign, forget subtext” contest going on or something? Because I can’t believe that a bunch of non-braindead people actually saw either of them and went, “yeah, this is great, let’s go with it.”
I doubt that’ll be revealed next strip, but I don’t think they did anything much beyond handholding and (maybe?) making out. Willis hasn’t exactly been shy about making it clear when sex happens, even outside of Slipshine.
It’s okay to be upset and to post things while upset. Wanting them deleted and to leave is fine, but you didn’t do anything to warrant being IP blocked imo.
Because I keep doing this. I keep losing my temper and acting like an asshole and saying awful shit. It’s not just being upset anymore I’m just being an ass to people for no reason.
“Hey, Les, what didja do, jump ship?”
“Well, what’s with the life preserver?”
did Vivian’s class ever figure out whether that dress was blue and black, or white and gold
Neither, it was green and red and that was the end of that
I always saw it as green and brown.
I thought it was all the colors of the wind
I am a great magician. Your clothes are red!
If Leslie time traveled back to the 1950s, who do you think she would kill first?
That is a long, long, long list of people competing for position 1. Hmmm. Well, it’s the 1950s so Reagan isn’t anywhere close to being president. If she kills him we avoid Reaganomics, the increasingly encroaching power of the executive branch, we avoid a major instance of funding being cut from most federal programs in order to enrich defense spending, and the evangelical strategy gets nipped in the bud. However, killing Nixon keeps the Republicans for embracing the Dixiecrat racists and puts a hold on the war on drugs. However, in the 50s he’s a rising star commie-hunter politician, so that could make the red scare even worse. Both of these options do however stop two of the most toxic political alliances (and thus political validation) from occurring. But the ripple effects could also create something very dangerous in the long run.
She could also have gone after McCarthy, as he was spewing his BS all over the place and hurting a *lot* of innocent people. Killing the most famous commie-hunter might lead to mass panic about 50s Russian involvement (ironic, since most spies had already gotten the hint the US government was watching them and fled) and more damage. On the other hand, his behavior, lack of evidence, and reptuation for being a chronic liar killed him by the early 50s, where he was ignored by his political peers and died in exile, so, at worst, she would delay the inevitable reveal of his true colors, but perhaps save enough lives by undermining his evil and above-average charisma to make up for that. In other words, sunglasses and a rifle and she’ll help the world. 😛
Uggh, *political and social exile. Sadly, they didn’t kick him out for lying, but he died of kidney damage from alcoholism a few years after the Senate censured, or silenced, him.
Or turn him into a martyr and prevent the truth from ever coming out.
Sadly, McCarthy wasn’t even the head of the snake. He was just a convenient mouthpiece. Censuring him silence one very loud voice, but the accusations still came form other sources. It was less about the “Red Scare” and more about power plays. When Joseph Welch spoke against him, many realized that they were in danger. A simple accusation against someone in power put them on the defensive. By censuring McCarthy, they won a few votes, and a stay of execution for anyone that McCarthy (and mainly those backing him) wanted out of the way. If you want to kill the Hydra, you have to know which head is immortal. The others (like McCarthy) are expendable.
The Republicans were already leaning Dixiecrat—Nixon implemented the strategy, but ironically, he was a lot more socially progressive (in POLICY) than many give him credit for, and openly despised the politics of the John Birch Society, as well as Goldwater, who he warned would turn the GOP into the “nation’s first all-white party”.
Killing Reagan potentially puts someone in charge who would do something about the AIDS crisis, so I’m thinking him.
Would offing Nixon prevent everyone who might go on to invent the Southern strategy in the 60s after the CRA and VRA?
I’m not saying you’re wrong, but that the history (sic) of time travel is full of people who failed to.stop the Nazis.
“…failed to stop the Nazis”
“Because, you know Hitler evaded or survived at least 54 attempts on his life. What does that tell you?”
“That he was… protected? Why? To ensure your future?”
“No. To ensure a future.”
This is Leslie.
Leslie’s pretty non-violent. I don’t know if she’s explicitly non-violent, but that’s her leaning.
So she wouldn’t go around killing people. She’d go around educating them. She would find young Bill O’Reilly and open his eyes while he was still impressionable.
I turn to the wisdom of Pratchett:
Shoot the dictator and prevent the war? But the dictator is merely the tip of the whole festering boil of social pus from which dictators emerge; shoot one, and there’ll be another one along in a minute. Shoot him too? Why not shoot everyone and invade Poland? In fifty years’, thirty years’, ten years’ time the world will be very nearly back on its old course. History always has a great weight of inertia. – Lords and Ladies
The tenth person who called her a boy.
(that hair and those pants just aren’t 50’s womanly)
That’s a silly question, she wouldn’t kill anyone.
Starting with the potential targets mentioned by Rukduk:
Regan was mainly a TV actor during the ’50s and ended the decade as the president of SAG before moving into politics. There are many, many ways to change his later impact without killing anyone.
Nixon spent the majority of the ’50s as the VPotUS under Ike. Killing him during the ’50s is effectively handing the Republicans of that era all kinds of political power. His [attempted] assassination gives them something to whip up even stronger anti-communist frenzy than what was seen and all but assures Kennedy doesn’t take PotUS in ’60 as Nixon now either gets replaced with a “better” candidate in ’60 (as he’s dead) or rides into the office on a wave of anti-communist views that more than compensates for his shortcomings vs Kennedy. That in turn probably puts Kennedy off the PotUS slot for nearly another half decade or else he outright never gets it which changes all sorts of elements in the political landscape from ’60 onward and makes the full outcomes unpredictable (especially anything involving the Dixie-crats due to potentially no need to push the Southern Strategy or anything involving US relations in relation to communist nations due to the heightened anti-communist sentiments).
Regarding McCarthy, Passchendaele said all that need be said.
I could maybe make a case for James Earl Ray and/or Lee Harvey Oswald, among other similar cases, but I firmly believe that in any of these cases it’s a crap shoot of cascading repercussions where the world ends up. Further, I personally can’t feel right condoning anyone being killed for a crime they have not yet attempted or even thought of let alone committed and that is something I feel Leslie would agree with, hence my opening assumption she wouldn’t kill anyone.
Taking out Nixon would be interesting. You don’t get normalization of relationships with China, and that either leads to the fall of China along with the Soviet Union or an eventual War with China that we can’t win without using Nukes.
Simple, Donald Trump’s racist father. D gets killed in ‘Nam instead of getting 5 deferrals, his sister gets the $ and gives generously to women’s causes, and we get spared a decade of bad TV and jokes about getting fired. Not to mention that other thing with D getting elected.
BTW Bad Joke warning. We have had time travelers for decades killing Baby Hitlers, that’s the reason for the SIDS epidemic.
Man I was going to make a McFly joke…
That’s what I was here for as well. This is heavy!
Marty: “This is heavy.”
Doc Brown: “You keep using that word. I don’t think it means what you think it means.”
“In the future, is there something wrong with the American education system?”
Oh yes.
So much.
I thought it went like this:
“There’s that word again, ‘heavy’! What does that mean? Is the earth’s gravitational pull stronger in the future? Is there something wrong with the American educational system in the future?”
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer.”
[snap snap]
Seriously, aaagh, I was just about to, and… agh.
“Because this is actually the movie Titanic, but were both Rose and there isn’t a Jack.”
“So there’s jack Jack.”
“What’s wrong, Bean? CHICKEN?”
You can’t say that to Bean, or McFly, and make it stick. Col. Sanders, on the other hand, didn’t exactly stand up to Dark Helmet. (not the real Harlan Sanders, of course. He was never actually a colonel.)
[Suddenly, a green energy portal opens and Rick jumps out.]
“Leslie! (burp) Y-y-y-ya gotta come with me! (belch) The- the Soggies may rule Leslie!”
“Well yeah. I mean, I took a photo of the debate team, and you’re on the debate team. So…”
Vivian seems nice.
Yes, though i’m pretty sure she’s a rule 63 self-portrait of Willis.
You have given me some absolutely horrible ideas for make-out art picks
(In announcer voice) Next week on the Fuck Zone!
Vivian slash Lady in Red Car.
So I read the Kickstarter preview comic.
It supports my theory that Danny is actually a young Jon Arbuckle.
Shit, that was supposed to be a new comment.
You mean amazing, right?
Now I can’t unsee it! Why would you do this to me?!
I was highly confused as to why Willis was in the strip. Though it’s wonderful to see him!
Behold, Leslie’s (crappily concealed) secret fetish
Words containing the letter ‘o’
There’s worse letters to fetishize.
Dumbing of Age, now with additional Ds, Os, and As available.
Well the internet is abound with what ‘D’ and ‘O’ are, but ‘A’ is unknown to me.
The A is roughly half of T&A.
Text and Ads. Lots of those on the internets you know.
Or Time and Attendance if you are a Federal Government Employee or Timekeeper.
Oh yeah.
Shut. Up. Vivian. UGH! 😛
Oy! Vivian’s done nothing wrong. Calling people out on their shame is a public service.
I’ll just sit here patiently til someone recaps us on who Vivian is (I’m a Patreon backer if someone wants to point me in the right direction there)
Also I FINALLY got to backreading It’s Walky, and now I understand the people who don’t totally hate Joe. My view of him’s already pretty well tainted so that was a lost cause, but I can see now why others might not. He had, like, a second note to his personality back then.
He’s decent in Shortpacked, which is where my intro to him came from, but yeah, he’s a dick thus far. Not too far to the point I can’t forgive if he legitimately has depth or changes, but a dick.
Also, it’s one of the first bonus strips. She hangs out with Leslie, though we didn’t get a name.
something something dick with depth something
The question is: Is the change to Joe better or worse for the comic as a whole? Discuss.
I think it’s better, and weirdly, I think Joe being less three-dimensional actually lends more nuance to the strip as a whole.
Jury’s out til he finishes his character arc, imo.
Huh, I thought Joe was more three-dimensional in DoA than he was in Roomies. He’s got secrets now, for example. Plus he doesn’t run down hallways making kissy-faces at women, so that’s a major improvement.
I think it’s nifty that this Joe sees himself as a champion of respect and consent, when in fact he’s often barely on this side of the line.
I believe he is genuinely big on consent. Not so much on respect, though. I think I would be more bothered if he was looking to be in a relationship, yet he very adamantly is not. He seems perfectly aware of his actions, and while he is currently a dick (this is not by any means an excuse for his behavior), I wonder sometimes if he’s actually somewhat scared to look for a relationship after his seeing how volatile his parents’ marriage was, and how much happier they both were after the divorce. And I’m interested to see if/how his behavior in the event that he becomes ready make such an emotional connection.
*his behavior changes in the event…
Definitely. Comparing DoA Joe to Walkyverse Joe is something of a disservice. The Walky one had a lot of character development over the years and by the end of SP! was much improved over Roomies.
DoA Joe is better then Roomies Joe, but is still at the start of his character arc. I do hope, that unlike SP! Joe, he does have to face how problematic his behavior was rather than just growing out of it.
That’s a good way to put it, that DoA Joe is at the beginning of his arc, whereas Walkyverse Joe finished his (mainly by growing out of his poor behaviours).
I think that a character with the clear potential to have an arc is roughly as deep as the character who has just completed an arc. For me, depth is more about having many facets or aspects, especially usually-hidden ones, having lots of nuances. My personal definition may or may not have any relationship to what the word actually means in literature, though. I’ma look it up.
Kind of, but it’s hard to judge the depth until it actually happens. Does the character still have depth if the arc never gets shown? Or if there is an arc but it only shows the limits of his shallowness? (unlikely here, but possible).
Hmm. I think I’d say that a character with never-shown depth still has the depth, but that it doesn’t matter to the audience, since the audience can’t access it.
But! An arc involves change that happens over time. An arc is a great way to find out about a character’s depth (and perhaps the best way) but it’s not the only way. A person can be deep within a single moment of their personal development.
For you, is depth something that a person has right now, or something that happens?
Anyway back to the subject at hand, yes, having Joe being probably-more-multidimensional, and way less assault-y (esp. in an unexamined way), definitely improves the comic for me.
Also, in DoA, it’s a central part of the world that pretty much everything meaningfully impacts other people (which is also very true irl). In DoA, unlike in the Walkyverse, Joe’s words/behaviours are clearly shown to meaningfully impact all the other characters, and I love that.
I’m waiting for him to be meaningfully impacted.
Via elbow to ribs when he grabs someone next.
I too would find this 100% acceptable.
I’ve said before, I’d really like to see Joe’s “game” in action. See how he responds to rejections that are less vehement than Joyce’s punches or Sarah’s threats.
Or see him dealing with someone who regrets what they did.
Outright punching when he grabs is good too, but I’d rather see subtler issues. It’s pretty clear Joe’s okay on respecting lack of consent when it’s delivered with fists, but how does he handle someone who’s too well-mannered to push back that hard? Or someone who might be interested in dating, but not just a one-night stand.
I’d like to see those scenarios too, but Joe’s grabbing women thus far has not met with any serious pushback. All we had was mildly discomforting looks and no outright objections (and Joe has tried to pick up on their discomfort zero). But that’s so gross, I want that particular aspect of consent to be delivered with a proverbial brick.
My real question is whether Leslie bought that vest as a B^F homage.
No, Marty McFly bought that vest as a DoA homage.
Depending on how much Willis lets the timescale slide, it could be plausible. I mean maybe smart phones were invented in the 80’s in this universe?
Maybe it’s genuinely a life preserver and she’s afraid of drowning
Only if she also skateboarded to school today!
I really want her to crank out a guitar solo in class now. Just because.
The power of love is a curious thing.
Clever user of the carat “^” to abbrev that title. As an engineer I should have seen it before.
*plays Paul Simon’s “Kodachrome” on the hacked Muzak*
*plays Lawsuit’s “North Dakotachrome”*
“So what if I moved all the desktop icons so you would see her? It’s just coincidence that I like all my icons aligned on the opposite side. Vivian.”
“So what if she’s surrounded by scribbles of hearts, they just better highlight the use of negative space that the photographer used. Vivian.”
“So what if three of the desktop icons lead to half-finished love letters to her? It’s just creative writing, and to be frank, I’m sure *you’ve* written some things *you* don’t really believe, I mean, I doubt JK Rowling really believes broomsticks allow you to fly. Vivian.”
Well, this is gonna be awkward.
That will be a real change of pace…
I know. Dumbing of Age is very very awkward for someone every day.
It might motivate Leslie to do something about Robin (even if it’s find out what’s going through that twisty pretzel of a brain the Congresswoman has in her head). I’ve still not dumped my idea that Robin’s having a breakdown and just wants someone with whom she can hide from her public identity.
I think that’s very possible, and I’m kind of wondering right now if she might have Histrionic Personality Disorder, as some of the criteria sound a lot like her, as far as I can tell. Does anybody who knows more want to weigh in on that?
“Not helping your case” – the comic strip!
Did Vivian ever appear in the Walkyverse?
Also does she go by “Vivs”?
1. No, she’s a DoA original.
2. I seriously hope not
she’s an author avatar according to everyone here
Leslie, you are going to find it very hard to teach if you keep feeling the need to hold your hands in front of your face.
Vivian is unpersuaded by your poor logic. Flee before she prepares her truth-lazerz(tm)
…How long has Leslie been crushing on Robin? o-o
Apparently at least a year in comic time. Possibly when Robin was first elected, because those seats are up for reelection every 2 years meaning most representatives (the majority of congress) spend almost all of their time in campaign mode.
“Also, she turned total psycho-stalker-squatter on me and I’m not safe in my own home please send help. VIVIAN.”
This is why I don’t develop crushes on public figures. Well, this, and the fact that Maxine Waters is currently married to Sid Williams. I mean, that hasn’t stopped other people, but it does stop me.
So unless I’ve got this wrong, Vivian is a professor? Or a TA? It wouldn’t make much sense to talk to her so casually if not but she looks really young to me.
I’m pretty sure she’s a fellow professor.
All we know is she gets to teach a class all on her lonesome. Jason and Penny don’t. That could be a departmental thing, but it seems more likely to be that she’s a professor and not a TA.
I had one or two math classes taught fully by grad students (linear algebra for one) rather than actual professors. I’d bet that Penny and Jason are in their first or second year of grad school and that’s why they’re TAing basic calc for their faculty advisor.
Oh, I’m sure grad students get to teach too (though, at my school, they only seem to TA), but it seems like she’s a professor, not a TA.
I normally hate this quote. It’s an example of shallow, sexist thinking, and there’s the way it can be used by utter douchebags to justify all sorts of ugly, sexist shit, hidden behind the veneer of “Its Shakespearean, and therefore classy!”
But, in this case? I think it fits.
Methinks the lady doth protest too much…
I know, right? Vivian just goes on and on and on…
On many desktops, a little off to the viewer’s right actually makes for a better focal point. I’ve had a few wallpapers that I had to flip horizontally so the best part wasn’t covered by icons.
It’s not just on desktops!
Well that’s neat.
Time to pay the piper Leslie
I feel like home invasion more than covers her having had a problematic crush
I agree, though I feel like “I saw you sleeping and you looked comfy, so I went to sleep in your bed next to you even though we barely know each other” should merit something more than ‘just’ home invasion. Unfortunately, I think “what in the ever loving fuck?!” isn’t an actual crime, so is there a name for it, legally-speaking?
Both more and less somehow. More insane and less criminal maybe?
“Home invasion” theoretically involves the intent to commit a violent crime. Which she doesn’t actually seem to have.
Creepy as hell and I’d be worried about the chance of violence, but there’s been plenty of opportunity and it hasn’t happened.
I’m really not sure how to handle breaking in to someone’s house in order to hold hands and watch cartoons. My brain just doesn’t compute.
Breaking and entering and maybe stalking charges?
Probably just misdemeanor trespass, unless there’s something else you can get to stick. Again, felony B&E usually requires some other crime – theft in most cases.
Stalking’s possible, especially so as the behavior continues.
Without taking some legal action to throw her out though, I suspect she’d have trouble getting anywhere. And that’s ignoring the whole “Is a Congresswoman” thing. First step to making any case is calling the police to have her removed. Doing so again, when and if she returns. For various reasons, Leslie’s unlikely to do that soon.
Hopefully she will soon.
New character alert! Vivian looks adorable. I love the freckles 🙂
And it don’t take money… dooon’t take fame!
Don’t need no credit card to riiiide this train!
It’s strong and it’s sudden, and I can be cruel sometimes…
But it might just save your liiiiiiife!
Ok. This is interesting. Leslie’s apparently been crushing on Robin for almost a year in comic time. And at least some of her friends/colleagues know about it and don’t judge her too harshly about said crush.
Don’t judge too harshly out loud. But that’s when it was an unrequited crush and not local news and an assumed relationship. The media framing might dramatically change that.
Vivian: I’ve been embarrassed for you for SO long, you’re only just catchingup?
It’s a perfectly nice program, Vivian. Why aren’t you getting on with it?
I e-mailed it to everyone, Vivian!
I even colour-coded the text for you.
[B] VIVIAN. [/B]
I’m at least glad Leslie seem to have survived the gauntlet of reporters. 🙁
She had to dig up her old Portal gun.
It’s been 24 hours. The news cycle has pedaled on to its next shiny thing.
I don’t remember Vivian from the Walkyverse. I’m assuming if she’s not a new character then she probably only had a brief appearance in a single strip or something.
Or I could actually fucking read the alt text. D’oh!
VIVIAN!! Nice to meet you.
Comic Reactions:
Panel 2: Oof, Leslie is clearly expecting some measure of backlash for her presumed relationship with Robin. And it’s really sad that her first reaction is deep embarrassment the first time she runs into someone she knows.
Like, she did nothing wrong. She set boundaries, tried to navigate around the bad judgment from her crush, and is being relentlessly stalked by a congresswoman who believes consequences are for other people.
But she knows that that’s not what her peers and students are going to see and if she’s already hiding behind her hand at the first hello, that doesn’t bode well at all for the remainder of her day and classes. Especially since she’s going to look even more guilty because of that response.
Panel 4: As demonstrated here. Leslie’s crush is apparently informally well known among her peers and she’s not done a good job of hiding it, which means they’re all assuming that she must have succeeded at getting with her crush and assuming that she didn’t have any or enough major objections to Robin’s policies and views to dissuade that.
And, that’s really hammered home by Vivian’s emphasis of “just now”. In her eyes being attracted to a virulently anti-gay politician is something Leslie should have been embarrassed about a long time ago if she is going to be ashamed of it and she’s dropping that barb with little softening or sympathy.
I was worried a bit back that the misinterpretation of what happened will mean her losing respect from her community, students, and peers and I’m worried we’re seeing the first signs of that. If so, this is only going to get worse for Leslie as the day goes on.
Panels 5-6: Oh Leslie, no. I get the frustration, but you’re not doing your case any favors and making it seem even more likely that the photo was not a mistake, but a sign of a mutual romance. Like, yeah, people are probably likely not to believe your denials that things are mostly innocent, but it’s a lot easier case and a true case to make compared to trying to deny you had a crush and did little crush things along the way.
And I just feel so bad for her. She had a problematic crush that she saw the awfulness of and tried to break away from Robin before she decided to push and push against her boundaries and now people are using the previous signs of the crush to judge her for how Robin’s antics have made things look.
She had a crush on the imaginary Robin who would listen to Leslie and change her most harmful political stances (though she kinda knew this was wishful/libido-fueled thinking).
Likewise, she crushed on the imaginary Robin who wasn’t a relentless stalker. Rather a deal-breaker there.
(Yes, I am aware that Robin is imaginary no matter what, but the point stands!)
Which, yeah, of course she did. That’s what separates a crush from something like love. She has deep infatuation to an idea in her head, a fantasy. Like everyone else who’s had a random crush, she’s attracted to a concept more than an actual person and she’s been struggling between the weight of her libido trying to argue that that idea exists somewhere deep inside Robin if she gives in and her head that knows that the real Robin is something she needs to stay far far away from and try to escape.
And that’s the tragedy of this. She had a sexy fantasy, but that sexy fantasy is not actually something she wants to live. It comes with aspects that make her hate herself when it is brutally present in her life as much as her body might crave the idea of it all.
And that sexy fantasy is becoming more and more poisonous and people are using that fantasy to assume her real world actions and morals.
Remember that no other characters actually know Robin is stalking Leslie. For all they know she went straight to the bar with Robin after class and then took her home voluntarily, which probably will not go over well.
Yup! Which is the worst of both worlds. She’s got hell on Earth at home and she’s being judged for voluntarily sleeping with Robin at work.
Well, to be fair, she shouldn’t be sleeping with Robin at work.
Welp, Danny was bad enough at danning things up even before he had that thing in his hands. I hope y’all are happy, “Unknown evil” voters. It’ll be a long 4 years (unless we can force an impeachment; is there a “Ukulele clause” somewhere?) but someday our Carla in Chief will come. Until then, Resist!
Okay, I’m (mumblemumble) years out of college. When I think “ukelele” I go to Stutz Bearcats, raccoon coats, and John Held Jr.
So, what does “ukelele clause” mean?
i wanna hug leslie…
The point of this strip is quite straightforward: No-one who actually knows Leslie is surprised by the current media assumption that she is in a relationship with Robin.
Wait, DANI WILL GET PREGNANT?! Who’s the poor father/mama seahorse?
I’m sure there’s an innuendo about Robin being a “congress-woman”, but I’m not clever enough to make it work. In the meantime, that’s a nice vest Leslie’s wearing.
Leslie should just hide out and change her identity. I hear “Gayle Incognita” is available.
So Vivian is Fem-Willis?
And my avatar just made it awkward….
You are a disaster Leslie.
I’m drawing so many pics of Vivian now.
I like Vivian.
Thanks to some binge-watching I finally grok the meaning of fusion which Willis put into this Leslie/Robin strip ten weeks ago. Well played, sir.
Can’t honestly say I can find much sympathy, given the nature of her crush.
man, apology to all the vivians out there, but gosh dang is Vibian a great name to shout indignantly. just the right number of well shaped syllabuls.
Especially in a British accent.
[please someone get the reference]
The Young Ones?
I’ve read enough Yuri to realise that Vivian is the best friend who secretly has a crush on Leslie.
What do you mean, this isn’t a yuri? What does that matter? Yuri is full of life lessons and fact.
What do you mean that yuri isn’t exactly true to life?
Ok, just to clarify:
Hearsay is when you cite your neighbor’s uncle’s cousin’s best friend’s spouse as a source.
Heresy is when you believe something other than the current religious dogma.
Which one’s closer to your intent?
Most likely heresy.
I read the word Yuri and thought you were comparing Vivian to Phichit.
Ohhh this reminds me of the initial outbreak of people complaining that the “word” Yuri in the anime’s title was very misleading…
This really confused me for a bit. I thought we’d gone back in time, as Leslie looks so young. It looks kinda like she’s dressed as a college student.
Also I really did not expect this chill of a reaction from others.
Is this the new “FAAAAAACE”?
What happens when your emotional high dies down and you remember what you did when you were on it… like remembering being drunk but you can’t even blame it on the booze.
You become depressed.
Sounds like bipolar disorder.
Is it just me or does Vivian look a lot like Malaya? The folk who caught her on patreon, are they related?
We don’t know. We only know she teaches in the same department as Leslie.
She doesn’t look like Malaya’s mom did in Walkyverse though.
They are both women of color who have freckles. (I’m kinda guessing about Vivian — I’m not sure I would have assumed she is a woman of color if she weren’t next to the very white Leslie.) Also, in profile, Malaya’s nose kinda looks like Vivian’s, but of course Willisian noses are notoriously manneristic.
“Malaya” is a traditional Philippine name (it means “Freedom” in Tagalog), and apart from the freckles, Malaya’s appearance is consistent with someone of Philippine ethnicity. Vivian is neither onomastically nor ethnically coded.
I’m going with not related, but as a moderately face-blind person, if Malaya cut her hair short I would almost certainly confuse the two.
Ok, I just saw the new Sony ad. Between that and the Nivea campaign, is there a contest going on for “most overtly racist campaign, forget subtext” contest going on or something? Because I can’t believe that a bunch of non-braindead people actually saw either of them and went, “yeah, this is great, let’s go with it.”
All PR is good PR, you are just helping them out.
I thought the same thing, then I remembered:
This is the USA.
…Neil.. Orange Peel!
So… wait, is Robin still squatting in her house?
She was when Leslie left for work, there’s no reason to believe she isn’t there now.
[disclaimer: Not a Patreon supporter]
$5 says the next strip includes Leslie clarifying that she didn’t actually hook up with Robin in any significant way (Steven Universe excluded).
I’ll take that action, based on the fact that this comic isn’t called Sensibling of Age.
I doubt that’ll be revealed next strip, but I don’t think they did anything much beyond handholding and (maybe?) making out. Willis hasn’t exactly been shy about making it clear when sex happens, even outside of Slipshine.
We’re contractually bound* on Patreon. No spoilers. 😛
* – Not really. It’s mostly just an obstacle course and a blood oath, no paper trails.
So I read the Kickstarter preview comic.
It supports my theory that Danny is actually a young Jon Arbuckle.
I…….that makes too much sense.
i never thought id say this but dont soil danny’s good name
No, Danny dresses much better.
Please don’t hurt yourself, Spencer. If you want to talk to someone, email me–
I can talk on the phone if you want–I’ll give you my number over email.
Thank you for the offer. I’m okay now.
You are valuable.
But you, Spencer, are not unacceptable. Please don’t hurt yourself.
I won’t. I’ve calmed down and I feel stupid and regretful for saying that stuff and I really wish I hadn’t.
Spencer, no you’re not. You’re not a bad person, and you deserve to live. Is there anybody you can talk to who might be able to help? Can we?
It’s okay to be upset and to post things while upset. Wanting them deleted and to leave is fine, but you didn’t do anything to warrant being IP blocked imo.
Because I keep doing this. I keep losing my temper and acting like an asshole and saying awful shit. It’s not just being upset anymore I’m just being an ass to people for no reason.
Like I stopped for nearly two months because I kept doing this and the minute I try coming back I do it again it’s absurd.
I ship Leslie and Vivian.
Actual possible spoiler:
In the next strip, Danny is murdered.