Not to worry Sayid, this is small potatoes. Galasso cooks his pizzas with the heat of the Volcano over which he built his restaurant-lair. The cheese is made from milk harvested from his army of Mole People. The (And Subs) in the restaurant name is to hint to potential customers that he sells nuclear submarines on the side (No one has noticed because why would you order a sandwich when you can have pizza? It’s like Apu and the non-alcoholic beer).
A health inspector came here once. His bones are on display as a warning to the others, but have been mistaken for an early Halloween decoration.
This, plus it’d be a terrible idea to wear those thin plastic gloves when touching something that is hot out of the oven for reasons I feel are very obvious.
Also a terrible idea to stick your hand in the big toaster when wearing those! I know this because of reasons. On the bright side it apparently takes more than gloves melting to my skin to actually seriously burn me. Also takes more than boiling tea water directly onto my guy bits.
Depends on the kind of glove. I used to wear real latex gloves when I did 3D stained glass. They were surprisingly heat resistant and insulating. I’d basically wait for the solder to solidify plus ten seconds, then grab the piece any which way. Granted, that’s below 361F and a pizza oven certainly goes higher than that. And the soldering iron itself does melt a hole in them (I checked on a pair I wasn’t wearing.)
There exist gloves for safely and sanitarily (?) handling hot food, but I don’t think they’re cheap, and I can’t imagine they’re readily available in restaurant kitchens when it’s usually not necessary.
What’s amusing to me is seeing a restaurant showing themselves committing a health code violation (at least in my area) by showing them touching food in an advertisement.
Unless Galasso’s Pizza (and subs) is incorporated, then he’s in for a hard start once he finally gets that pesky Affordable Care Act repealed. The act covers more than just the mandate — there are provisions that help small business owners get insurance, too.
But that’s one of the themes of this mad-cap election cycle, isn’t it?
Yep, the cooking process should kill the majority of any bacteria present. But after that there’s nothing more you can do about it except minimise contact.
Unless Indiana has changed in the last few years the state and most local health code laws are virtually identical to southwest Ohio where I live and have worked in the food service industry for nearly two decades. To wit, you have to wear gloves when directly handling food, whether ready to eat or not. You further have to change gloves between each individual project and wash your hands every time you change gloves. A lot of times parts of that slip, especially when you get weeded during the rush, but that is pretty much why the process has multilayer redundancy.
I’ll further add that the gloves used in a kitchen are usually not the flimsy polyethylene deli gloves you’ll see somewhere like Subway but instead a somewhat thinner version of the vinyl or nitrile gloves you’d find in many physical industries and health care. Even when polyethylene is used, such as the restaurant I currently work at, it’s a heavier layer less prone to melting and tearing (introduced after concerns came up due to vinyl allergies in other stores within the company and due to cost).
Huh. Gloves were definitely not required-at-all-times like that back when I was a fast food monkey here in Oregon (though that was also two decades ago).
As you probably know, nearly every person who lived two decades ago is now dead because of all things that weren’t deemed mortally dangerous BUT ACTUALLY ARE! Like bacteria and stuff, and meat, and wheat, and gluten, and chemtrails and immigrants.
That’s why the human species is now on the verge of extinction.
I’ve gotten food poisoning from restaurants twice. Every time I eat wheat I spend the following 24 hours pooing excessively and having painful stomach cramps. Last weekend I finally got over a chest infection (bacterial) that kept me out of work for six weeks and has almost certainly cost me any pay increase I could have expected this spring, meaning I will be in debt longer and thus unable to contribute to my pension.
Not everyone dies from food poisoning, bacterial infections, or exposure to wheat (although some people do). That doesn’t mean those things don’t hurt anyone.
Pretending that concern over public exposure to pathogens and/or allergens is nothing more than alarmist hysteria is misguided and rude.
Uh, when I worked in a pizza joint, we did this kind of thing with a fork. That took care of the glove and heat problems. Geez, people, humans are tool-using animals.
This labor of love is, IDK, lost. Hmmmm… like love’s labors lost, catchy title. I could use that….nahhhh.
That wistful look she has, remembering, took all the fun out of today.
She should be wearing gloves, but not that I think about it I haven’t been to a pizzeria yet where the people handing me my pizza are wearing gloves – it’s never bothered me before, even after this realization.
It’s generally not a good idea to touch a pizza with bare hands. Even places that has a lax attitude to health violations avoid that, mostly because it’s bloody hot coming straight out of the oven.
So I for one use the spatula to move a pizza around, and only touch the cardboard. And even then, I always wash my hands before starting.
But if you pick stuff off melted cheese while it’s hot, you leave all these blank non-cheesy spots that lessen the pizza-eating experience! I figured Becky had let it cool a bit first.
True enough, but I’m pretty sure Mav has never gone to a pizza place and asked for a pizza where they make it with a topping and then after the backing pick it off and put it in a bowl.
So Mav is less likely to have their pizza directly touched to begin with.
When Becky needed her the most, Joyce was there for her. When it created a rift between her faith and family and her best friend, Joyce chose Becky. When her father kidnapped her at gunpoint, Joyce decked the mothereffer!
There is so much Becky can never thank Joyce properly for. There is so much she wish they could be that they will never be. But at least Becky can give Joyce a pizza the way she want it.
Yes, but the look on her face makes me worried she’s putting Joyce on some kind of pedestal, and that isn’t healthy.
She’s done a lot for Joyce, including sacrificing her freedom to protect her from her butthole dad. Becky being happy and successful is all Joyce could ask for. There’s no need to dote on her like this, potentially looking bad on her first day at work
That’s true, sadly. Joyce and Becky both have some recalibration to do before they find a completely healthy relationship again, but they are getting there.
Yeah. The her expression makes me think “remember you have Dina, Becky!” I hope she isn’t lingering on her crush as much as she used to, it could impact her current relationship – it reminds me of the strip a while ago with Dina and Sarah.
I rather interpreted the face as “I know it’s very quirky, but I’m used to this, I find it cute.”
The only thing I find worrying is the health issue – thus not wearing gloves (why didn’t anyone tell her that?) – because it’s not her fault, she doesn’t know.
I don’t think she’s putting her on some pedestal, she’s just thankful, and since she’s done it for her since they were little, it’s just a common thing in her relationship, not something “new”. I got parts in my friendship like that too – e.g. I hate waiting alone in the night for the tram or bus, and my way home is only two stations away from a friend, so I pass her station on the way home. When we were out together late (which is most often the case) and would have to wait half an hour for the nightbus, we walk to her station and she waits with me, even though I’m definitely old enough to wait alone or could just walk the two stations per foot too. She even does this when it’s raining or freaking cold, because I’m easily scared in the night on the streets. It’s not her doting on me, it’s simply part of our friendship. I in turn don’t bother her too much when we disagree on something, because I know she hates fights (as much as I do) and tends to shut herself off and draw back. And that’s part of our close friendship – dealing with the quirks of each other in a loving, accepting way.
If Becky now actually HATED doing it, then I think it was unhealthy, but not if she did it out of love. –> just like Cerberus said!
The beautiful part of their friendship is that they’ll both go the extra mile for each other.
Joyce will abandon huge parts of her faith, pick fights with her family, break into houses, chase cars on motorcycles, punch authority figures, and lie to parents for her Becky.
And Becky will go peacefully with violent abusers who want to torture her straight, will put her body in front of a gun, will go back to a nightmare land of abuse to provide backup, and will grab scalding sausage and cheese with her bare hands for her Joyce.
I don’t think I ever seen the superheroes or cowboy cops handle the task of actually giving back the vehicles they commander. It would be fun to see Amazi-girl handle the task.
Becky’s adorable face in panel 3. With just a touch of sadness to it.
Together with her line, it speaks volumes. The task reminds her of how things used to be with Joyce for many years. It reminds her that she still want to care for Joyce in any way she can, even if she’s no longer allowing herself to have the romantic feelings that probably still lurks deep deep inside her somewhere.
what regulations? And already they’re passing shit secretly without telling anyone. I’ve only heard that he’s increased fees for people wanting to buy a house so far – we are all fucked, oh my god. Folks say go back to school. Apps ask me what I want to do. I wanted to work for the government, but to be honest I have no idea what the government (or the student loan system) is gonna look like in even 6 months.
An IUD is also looking mighty useful right now, but I’m wary of the fact that most birth control for women have potentially terrible side effects. Although, I’d probably be safer getting a copper IUD than being on the hormonal pill. But then, they’re already making it legal for doctors to discriminate against women who’ve had abortions- what’s to stop them from doing that against women who use prescribed/procedural birth control?
Hatred and control are such destructive forces. These people literally think killing themselves is fine, as long as they can take a couple million minorities with them. I will never understand that type of thinking. I fear for the protesters because all the gov. needs now is a shallow reason to impose martial law in all but name.
These people are so invested in making sure folks like me don’t live their lives unmolested and beaten bloody that they are literally killing themselves to do it.
I’m really unsure how to fight back and what my medium term goals should look like. My fiancee is pushing hard for leaving the country, but I’m really worried that’s a great way to get separated for what may be very crucial years. Plus immigration systems tend to universally be a pain in the arse and tend to give an overly large amount of power to businesses giving work permits and green cards (or their analogues).
Plus I have fought hard over the last few years to build what little community and support I’ve got and I’d have to leave all that. I dunno. It’s gonna be a very terrifying set of indeterminate years.
Rob Ford was a mayor, not a Prime Minister, and city hall froze him out of doing most actions months and months before we elected him out.
Plus I mean, comparison wise, the guy did drugs and used a city bus once to move around a team he supported. He didn’t really go about insulting every minority in the city (maybe once or twice, which he also apologized for) and he didn’t make promises about how he would strip away a dozen societal aids and he didn’t brag about assaulting women. He just… Had a drug problem, insulted a couple of individuals (which he attempted an apology for) and had a few questionable expenses.
I mean, Ford was my mayor, and other than people outside of my city laughing at me for awhile, the world kept ticking. Harper was worse.
And tbh, Rob Ford wasn’t TOO bad, as far as mayor scandals though. If the worst thing we can say about him is ‘drug problem’ and ‘questionable expenses’ (which is bad, don’t get me wrong, but I’ve heard worse) then I’ll count myself lucky.
I think the current list goes Canada because geographic closeness and shared language, New Zealand because the Auckland mayor specifically put out a note to queer Americans promoting the country as a potential place to migrate to, and the Scandanavian countries because I went to school there so I have very tenuous roots and some of the language. Plus, I really liked the culture there.
I need to look into what the requirements are for teachers in Canada to see if I need to go back for more schooling or if I qualify with my current degrees and experience.
I think you’d be good for Canada. I mean, I don’t know your exact qualifications, but I’ve been looking into teaching in Canada as well, and it seems pretty transferable to me, with like a bit more school than some US programs have.
Part of me doesn’t want to move, or feels guilty about considering moving, but I’m already in the Detroit area, and Canada’s just right there…it’s pretty tempting.
… those are the provinces with “gender identity” AND “gender expression” explicitly listed in their provincial bills of rights as prohibited grounds for discrimination.
Provinces &territories with only gender identity include:
*Northwest Territories
The rest:
*New Brunswick
*Yukon Territory.
However, throughout all of Canada, courts and human rights tribunals have generally found that trans people are protected under grounds of “sex” or “gender” depending on how the relevant law was written, so there is common law even when there is not legislative law behind you.
Health care will vary by province/territory. Most provinces cover at least some common trans health care, but you might have trouble finding a trans-friendly doctor. I can find you a referral if you need one.
Culturally will depend on where you go. My city is generally fairly trans-friendly and there is a strong and vibrant trans community here (fairly dominated by trans women). Typically, the more rural you go, the more bias you’ll face. Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver are all pretty good places for LGBT people in Canada. Others vary place by place – if you’re curious about a city, ask and I can ask around to see what the reputation is.
Seriously, if you want out of US and Canada winds up being the place you want to go, let me know and I’ll do what I can to help you navigate our system. I’m not a lawyer or whatever but I know who you need to talk to about what, and I can find the not-for-profit(s) to help you with your legal situation if you need it.
Yes, it’s very difficult for those reasons. I’m not gonna lie, I’ve made sure my passport is up to date. It is difficult because it’s hard to know when they’ll outright being moving to either push marginalized people out or otherwise get rid of us. The moment when the government starts quietly passing laws to prevent people from leaving, (or the proposed muslim registration – if they want a special registration for you, you MUST leave while you still can!) that’s when you know you have to leave, or it may be too late by then. I can’t really fathom leaving either, I grew up here here, this is where I want to stay, my people have struggled too long and too hard to be told we can’t partake in the unfulfilled potential of our resources, and I don’t want to leave. The thing about immigration systems too is, it could take up to a year nowadays to get approved even. I don’t even know where I would go, because nationalism is on the rise in many westernized countries, and many other places are not friendly (as in outlawed or actual state sanctioned killings) to women, blacks, or queer people – not somewhere I would want to live or my friends to live. Maybe Canada? Who knows.
The passport offices have been dicking me about giving me a new passport with my legal name and gender on it and I’m getting a little worried that some douchebag in the passport office is intentionally delaying things in the hopes that Donald Trump makes it illegal to change those things, which would put me in an awkward situation because I don’t have a means of getting a legal passport otherwise (all my identifying documents except for birth certificate are already changed over and birth certificate is in the process of getting changed and I doubt the law is going to change fast enough in CA to stop it).
And yeah, it’s really scary and the fact that nazi groups in every country are on the rise is also worrying as is Trump’s cavalier attitude to nukes and his and Putin’s expansionist ideas. I’d really hate to flee somewhere only to have it get nuked or taken over and die miles away from my loved ones.
I’m sorry to hear that. I really hope it works out that you can get it, and quickly. One of the (very few in my opinion) convenient things about the past was it was easier for you to go somewhere and just get lost if you needed to because they didn’t have facebook and internet and all that crap, so everyone in the world wouldn’t have known who you were and where to find you.
Ok, so I just read some articles about it. And it’s so unreal the comments where people are gloating about it, which refers to the last thing I said. These people are not misunderstood: they are hateful, and they will use every evil means they can to “win”, even if it means we all lose. What was it they said in Game of Thrones? “A man like that would burn this place down if he could be king of the ashes.” Something like that. Part of me thinks that we’re headed towards a very long fascist regime, or a second and more bloody civil war, or both.
Yeah, these people have not made their hatreds quiet and they got a huge helping hand by a lot of bigoted powers willing to burn down the country to retain undemocratic power.
To your comment about resistance earlier, I feel that if we as a people don’t choose the nuclear option- civil conflict, resistance should best be served like revenge – swift, cold, and strategic. One of the best things we can do with what we know now is to win the 2018 elections. I think it’s great that a few leaders didn’t show up to the inauguration. But they have to fight. Fight tooth and nail, no holds barred with closed fists, be just as petty and ruthless as they are – in most situations when you’re fighting for your life, there’s no other way to survive the attack. Do some things without them noticing. Do a lot of things without them noticing. Not everything needs to be broadcast on twitter and facebook and what this means – and this is the most important part- is we have to really be there for each other.
Who you are as a person is determined not by what you do when people are watching, but what you do in the dark. I feel too many people are taken up with a performative form of social justice (i.e. filming themselves feeding homeless people “spontaneously”, etc.). We have to do what is right because it is right, and not worry about what other people may think unless it’s related to our safety. We need to stop looking for a single person to save us. Only we can save us. We have to do whatever we can. Volunteer for social programs, give to social programs, we ourselves should find positions of power. As fucked up as these people are, they all showed up to the election. Elect the people who influence the electoral college then. After that, i don’t even know, because in a few weeks it may even be made even more difficult to do things like this.
I’ve been focusing a lot on just keeping trans kids alive. Teaching them how to survive even if it’s only out of spite.
I do a lot of the other stuff, but I live in a district that is solidly safe D and my local leaders are all inoffensive for the most part (at least in my little corner, some of the neighboring cities have some fucked up assholes we’ve been trying to get rid of that I’ve helped campaign against). And the nearest swing districts are several hours away.
And I’ve got a sinking feeling that we’re not going to get another election or at least not one we have any chance of winning. This really feels like the white supremacists ripping a page out of Apartheid Era South Africa’s playbook and running with it, at best.
And yeah, I feel bad about being super dour and off topic, cause I’m usually trying to instill a bit more hope into my comments, but shit is super scary right now and I’m really lost on how to survive and protect the people I love.
Ive spent the last few months here intermittently talking about my newfound fascination with robot toys. You certainly don’t need to apologize for wanting to vent in a safe, understanding place.
Not at all. Don’t feel bad, I’m sure it’s on many people’s minds, it sure is on mine. It’s so very important to think about what’s happening around us. And you are doing exactly the work I was mentioning. Thank you so much. There are so many ways change someone’s life, to empower them for the better. Many more ways that people like you do every single day. I wish more people were like you.
To be honest, I can also see Trump or Pence especially wanting to extend the term of the president either for another 4 years or indefinitely because “the people still need them” or whatever. I can’t stand the idea of losing my right to exist in this country where I was born and struggled. I had kind of a shitty childhood, I can’t help but feel like my youth is being taken away too. I can’t stand it at all. I feel so much rage and sadness when I think about it: Can’t people understand? That man and the people surrounding him have gotten everything they’ve ever wanted, and the people were so ready to just hand it to them.
These people are so hateful, and their flimsy lie about economics is so shallow. “I wanted someone who wasn’t a part of the elitist establishment and understood the pain of my poorness, so I filled the nation’s highest offices with Wall Street. Literally”. I want to spit in someone’s face. Goddammit, the mediocrity of it.
For people like you and me to even love ourselves and live our best lives in a world that tells us we shouldn’t exist is a revolutionary act, that’s why they’re so bent on destroying us.
Yeah, the rage definitely flows through me. Like, I fought so hard for so long to rebuild my life after so much bullshit and really almost had something amazing and here comes goose-stepping nazis to shit all over it because they blew a blood vessel hating people like me.
Like, I almost take it personally that I didn’t really get much time to just relax and enjoy having this little patch of something I built and have the illusion of stability enough to really launch forward some of my more ambitious dreams (I still want to create a private school for trans kids someday).
Yes, it’s like for some people amazing life means ski trips and traveling around the world, but for much of my life a good day is no one gets verbally assaulted, everything’s boring, no one I care about is hurt.
Yessss to the school. One of my distant pipe dreams for when I have a lot of money/know people with a lot of money would be to totally rebuild and improve the foster care system, have programs or at least temporary safe spaces for kids like I was who never left home and homes for kids who got taken away so they can all have a chance at a better life and learning to love themselves.
You don’t need to feel bad about it. You can’t hold up the whole world.
I don’t have any advice, but there’s one ray of hope from today. More people showed up even for Obama’s second inauguration than turned out for President Shitgoblin. The women’s marches tomorrow may end up dwarfing the piddly crowds that were there today.
And if nothing else, I think Trump do an excellent job of keeping people good an angry for the next two years. He’ll fuel the fire that burns his house down.
I’m hoping that’s a hint to all the Republicans looking at committing treason for the next X years in service to this man. That his vaunted base is not nearly as committed to him as he pretends and thus catering exclusively to them is not really a good model for not having the people flood your mansions with pitchforks.
If the people get too angry, then he can count on violence and mayhem even if he has to false-flag it. And then impose martial law or worse. This may be his strategy already.
Shallow comment time: I kind of love that Sayid is apparently the kind of person to use ‘man’ and ‘dude’ as generic ways to refer to any person other than by name. I do that too! My girlfriend laughs at me when I slip and call her ‘dude’ or ‘man’.
(Note: I do make a conscious and careful exception for my MTF trans friends of course, because while they know me well enough to know my habits, I know it’s hurtful and stressful for them in a very real way, so I stick to gender-neutral or feminine nicknameish things for them. Their comfort and sanity absolutely trumps my lazy speech habits.)
I have friends who use “dude” as a gender neutral appellation for literally everyone (kids are “little dude”). It’s kind of charming (I grew up in SoCal, so I’m used to it).
But yeah, I’ve had to have the talk with some of them after they freak out calling me “dude” in that fashion that I’m okay with it, but not all trans woman are, so it’s good of them to ask first.
Yeah, I see people say this a lot. And sure, you’re not thinking of dude as gendered. I can see that.
But I would like you consider why it’s always male terms that becomes gender-neutral for positive/neutral things to call people. Think of why we don’t use babe and gal gender-neutrally the way we use dude and guy.
Pick the sausage bits off with a fork, or tongs, or even a freakin’ pair of chopsticks then.
And trust me ….. .Becky has been learning ninja powers from Dina. Chopsticks would be child’s play for her.
Richard Spencer got punched in the head while giving yet another one of his “I’m being profiled in a glowing review as a dapper member of the neonazi movement” shtick.
Apparently also, a lot of people have a lot more concern for Richard Spencer getting cold-cocked once than all the people bloodied half to death or bullied into suicide by his goons. If only there was something about his skin color, gender, and political ideology that could explain this mystery.
In particular, Nick Spencer (current writer for Captain America) has been tweeting a lot of “no wait violence is bad you guys”.
I like the guy, and I get where he’s coming from, but I do not see a problem with punching literal Nazis. When a person reaches “Hitler had the right idea” levels of bigotry, I’ve long since stopped caring what happens to them.
Plus, it’s a bit bullshit of him when he a) made Captain America a nazi for a fucking plot twist and b) writes Captain America, a character whose literal first action was punching Adolf Hitler in the face in his inaugural issue in one of the most iconic comic covers ever.
Just shows a complete lack of understanding of the thing he’s paid to write.
And yeah, I have no tears for literal nazis who are actively killing and harming people getting punched in the face. Especially since meekly tolerating and reaching out to them has just got them angrily calling for our deaths and acting like polite calling out of problematic stuff or existing is an evil deserving of outright genocide of everyone like us.
Maybe if a few more get punched, they’ll stop walking around everywhere like losing the popular vote by over 3 million and sneaking in on a segregationist fluke is a sign that they are untouchable and everyone loves nazis now.
this is special treatment right? I don’t think any pizzeria would actually individually pick out toppings for a special request unless it was a really slow day or something
Also, yay Sayid. I’ve really been wanting to get more comics with him. And it’s fitting we get to see him on the day Piss Hitler got coronated in an empty field full of the entirety of his real supporters.
Panel 2: And I like that Sayid seems to care about his work. Like, it’s a small thing, but the fact that he wants to do this job of his in a positive way and wants to intervene when he sees someone who is (in his mind) messing it up is a nice sign of character.
Also, Becky grabbing literally fresh out of the oven sausages off a pizza… damn girl, you must have finger callouses of steel.
Panel 3: That soft wistful face and smile. It’s not what she wants most with Joyce, but it’s still important to her what she does have and the history she shares. And being with Dina is probably making the sting of Joyce hit a lot less than it would otherwise. And we see it in this smile seeming almost happy rather than the cringe and frown it would have been right after the initial rejection.
And after the hell she endured back at her house, it’s nice she has some happy memories to fall back on here.
Panels 4-5: Uh… might want to hurry it along Becky. Sayid likely has other orders he needs that counter space to prepare and I imagine the others on Joyce’s table won’t be overly thrilled to have colder pizzas. I know you’re lingering in the reminiscence but you’re in food services, speed kinda becomes everything or at least most things (at least that’s the case in America).
Panel 6: I love “cares about his job” Sayid.
Like, he has no reason to really be pushing this point. His boss is a megalomaniac who is entirely arbitrary and views things like “laws” a meaningless distraction. No one above him is going to care about something like this. But Sayid cares about this. Because Sayid genuinely wants to be good at his craft whatever it may be. As someone who is very similar, this pleases me.
Also, I like how he empathizes how sweet it is before going “but no, what you’re doing is actually super wrong”. Cause this is a very emotionally resonant moment for Becky, but… it’s also a job and Joyce quirks or no, there’s rules that have to be followed when you’re involved in food services that you wouldn’t necessarily have to follow at home. And it’s good she doesn’t lose sight of that just because Joyce is here.
Cerberus! This has nothing to do with the comic, but it just struck me that you would be a good person to ask about this.
I’m currently student teaching, so going along with that I’m taking classes with other student teachers. I asked my professor today about presenting on resources for LGBTQ+ students/teachers of LGBTQ+ students, so I’m currently working on gathering resources (both local– community centers, youth shelters– and non-location based).
Anyway, do you know of any resources that would be good to pass along? Or that you’ve found to be particularly helpful?
Trevor Project and Trans Lifeline are great suicide hotlines that are specific to the queer community. Trevor Project is always my number one choice though, because Trans Lifeline is great, but isn’t 100% reliable to always have someone ready to answer because they’re newer and have way less funds.
Gaylesta is another great org, but very regional, that has a searchable database of queer-friendly therapists and psychiatrists and which insurance plans they accept. There’s also a resource page with a bunch of great stuff on their site.
FORGE is another group I love. It’s a trans-specific resource center for survivors of sexual assault and has a bunch of great resources relating to that as well as occasional writing programs for healing from sexual assault.
For shelters, the most famous one would be the Ali Forney Center in NY, which does great work housing homeless queer youth up there.
And I’m a big fan of the nonbinary resource tumblr as well as the Transgender Teen Survival Guide and passed on those to students in the past.
And I also like to through out the metanoia Suicide: Read this First page, as it’s a great tool for de-escalating suicidal thoughts. It’s not queer-specific, but since a lot of queer youth struggle with suicidal ideation due to bullying, it’s important.
And on the issue of queer bullying, the org I like for that is GLSEN. They’re not perfect, but on the whole, they do a lot of good, especially for K-12 queer youth and they’ve got some good teacher resource kits and safe space stickers you can throw up (though in my experience, the best safe space signal you can throw up is to have a bunch of flags of various queer identities in a really conspicuous place and include neopronouns in assessments).
Let me know if you need any other specific resources.
Thanks for that, especially the link to resource centers. I’m familiar with the ones in my state, but I know people who may be going all over the country next year, so that’s good to be able to pass on.
On a side note, my dad’s cousin worked for GLSEN. Unfortunately, no one told me that– or that he was gay– until after he passed away. Still a little bitter.
That sucks. My ex lived in one of those deliberate cones of silence by her family after she came out as bi and so I have a special loathing to that kind of shit. Like, treating it all as a secret shame you need to keep secret? What the fuck?
I’m seeing a lot of sites with donate links, and suddenly I know what to do with my bonus this year. Whether I actually get one or not. Because fuck the king.
As a raging fanboy of Sayid since he first showed up, I’m also really happy with this.
I like that in one strip he gets a wholly unique style of speech that instantly differentiates him from the rest of the cast. He’s calm, approachable, friendly enough that he’s already on nickname basis with Becky, and he can play straight man to her shenanigans by pointing out her cutesy gesture.
And it means all that much more to me because it’s like, hey, here’s this rad new queer dude dropped right in, hanging out with one of the most important characters in the series. I know Sayid isn’t about to dethrone Joyce as the main protagonist and it’s entirely possible that he just ends up being a part of the cast at Galasso’s, but I’m happy nonetheless.
Sayid seems pretty laid back. It was the same thing when Amazi-girl borrowed his skateboard to follow the shooter in a car. “Sure, whatever dude, you are the superhero here.”
Here it is, “Sure, that’s very sweet and all but use thongs.”
I suppose laid back is a good state of mind at Galassos.
Awww, Becky is just so happy to be able to do something good for her Joyce. Happy (if bittersweet) memories and finding a way to have a happy (if bittersweet) interaction in the now.
Also I didn’t bother to think about it until later after last night but I’m just going to say thank God there’s a Christian character in this that doesn’t use his belief to be a high and mighty judgemental sociopath prick or a gun wielding abusive fuck. Sure there are a few exceptions but really Carol and Mary take fucking notes.
Reaction 1: Aw, that’s so sweet of Becky. Reaction 2: But Sayid’s kinda right about the health code. Reaction 3: Oh yeah, Galasso probably doesn’t care about the health code unless there is an inspector on premises.
Becky can talk Galasso out of firing her even if picking sausages off one pizza got the shop shut down. She has Leslie-powers with him, apparently. She’ll be an assistant manager by the time Joyce is a sophomore.
Just realised, this is quite a complex Play of the Week (British TV reference).
Six characters.
An unrequited lust triangle.
Religious differences.
Two new beginnings.
An old friendship being pulled apart.
A new one being made more complex.
And poor Sarah caught in the middle of several of those, not knowing where she wants to be.
That is a lot of plates spinning in the air. All of which are making for engrossing reading.
Oh geez. THREE reactions to do today. Sorry guys, haven’t had the emotional energy lately. The two days before yesterday were rough and yesterday by midnight I was so tired I could not pretend to have the energy. BUT I AM BACK TODAY.
Panel One: *SQUEEE* Sayid! And *snorts* It’s Walky reference! Go figure that’d be the pizza for Joyce and Joe, since Sarah and Jacob never joined SEMME. I love him as chef! <3
Panel Two: Well at least someone cares about their work here besides Becky. XD But yeah, that looks really weird. It's like 'Dude, I just went to all that work to make a sausage pizza and here you are picking it off? Why?" Although I like the implication they'd pick off the sausage if they'd got it wrong. That's a nice touch.
Panel Three: Oh. Oh, ow. Becky, honey. Yeah, as much as she cares about Dina (and she does, make no mistake) she does still have a crush on Joyce. That's not a thing that will go away easily or soon. It'll take time. More time than this. And yeah, even without the crush, this is sweet reminiscence and of course she cares about making Joyce's pizza right, they're bff (and no, you don't get an 's', that acronym is already plural, I will not kowtow).
Panel Four: ….Huh. The happy face is gone. Now she looks like she's in thought. Thinking about Joyce, maybe? Or just concentrating on getting ALL the sausage?
Panel Five: ooooookay, Becks, speed it up. Chefs need that space and order delivery is kinda important. You can always just give Joyce the little bowl and let her pick it out herself.
Panel Six: You should talk, Sayid, with you not having a hair net or a cap. …..That might be my high school cooking class talking. We had to wear them all the time. Also put hair up. But yes, Becky, gloves, jesus. Nobody likes food poisoning from unsafe handling of food.
It was unexpected. Yesterday started off feeling like a write off, but I got to reread some Legend of Luke and go out to dinner with my parents and their friend, and my dad and brother and I marathoned some Big Bang Theory and watched Python and my friends were doing much better than I feared and so I got some optimism and energy back.
And muddling through is not a shameful thing. Right now, that’s a victory. You should be proud of yourself. Do something nice for yourself, okay?
Laid back as Sayid is, I think he wants to get a heads up on the neuroses of teh new hire “Will you pick the toppings of all pizza or is this a one time occurrence?”
Heh, the question headgear was actually answered in a bonus strip in a very… Galasso way.
If it costs you a ton of energy, don’t be too worried about shortening them a bit, or even skipping a panel. Or even just skipping a comic.
You don’t have to live up to Cerberus’s impossible standard. If not for her very real struggles she talks about, I’d think that woman was a machine. Or secretly Willis explaining all the thought that went into each panel.
Oh no, the panel analyses don’t take a ton of energy. I’ve just had absolutely none to muster up the will to do them. So when I have energy, it’s easy to bang them out – they don’t take super long.
Pfft! If I were worried about living up to Cerberus, I’d have not bothered doing these in the first place. Nah, these are just my own little thoughts. I like posting them – I just sometimes don’t have energy to do anything, even when said things don’t take a lot.
Gloves?!?!!! Chopsticks!! Chopsticks all the way! Or tongs if you dont know how to use chopsticks. My friends used to laugh at me for eating cheetos with chopsticks but I dont have to clean off sricky orange fingers afterward and its so much better. 100% less orange smears on my couch.
Surely, if they don’t have gloves, then they probably have tongs or some other utensil she could use instead. They still have to be able get the toppings out.
I think pointing those out would be a smart thing for Sayid to do.
I’m a cook and we don’t wear gloves. In the span of ten minutes I might have to touch raw beef, raw fish, bread, vegetables, fries, and dairy. If I was taking my gloves off in between each switch to put new gloves on during a lunch rush (when our line is out the door), it’d be fucking madness. I wash my hands obsessively and make sure my nails are short and clean but gloves only get in my way (and run the risk of melting into my hands when I’m working with hot food on the flat-top grill).
If you’ve ever eaten at any kind of remotely decent restaurant in a state that doesn’t mandate gloves (California is one of them), I guarantee you’ve had your food touched and prepared by someone who wasn’t wearing gloves.
New Jersey is the same way. Every kitchen my husband has ever worked in was just like what you described. Most higher end restaurants prefer hand washing obsessively to wearing gloves. Chain joints tend to require gloves, but pizza places are the exception to that in my area.
So, using the available evidence, she’s totally in the green if she washed up real well.
So I guess Sayid calling people dude is a thing, seeing as this is the second strip in which he has a speaking role AND the second strip in which he calls someone “dude”.
The word “dude” when used in this sense may trace its origins back to the term Yankee Doodle Dandy.
The song Yankee Doodle Dandy is also the tune to the Barney theme song.
I don’t know where I’m going with this, but I’m confident this means something.
Unless Indiana has different rules from Illinois, Sayid is commenting on Becky’s health code violation while committing his own health code violation of not having his hair ~~CONFINED~~ by a hat, bandana, or hair net. Same for Becky.
Signed, someone who has a sweaty head every work day due to having to ~~~CONFINE~~~ her hair. I’ve got caps with salt stains on them from sweat. Nasty.
today in #9chickweedlane i've learned that the fetishization of post-marital hanky-panky has resulted in the straining of everyone's mental health, #somehow
#BREAKING: Yellow and Green fire was seen exploding out of a manhole at Texas Tech University moments ago.
Evacuations are underway for the whole campus.
This "mob" of "Anti-Israel" protesters is predominantly Jewish.
Sheryl Weikal (The Leftist Lawyer) ⋅ 1d
And now, let's see how news media in the purported only democracy in the middle east is covering the Trump administration disappearing a Palestinian American for his speech.
kind of stunning how unpopular trump is already...and yet how craven senate Ds remain in confronting him.
like, everyone hates him. just oppose him relentlessly! this is a fucking lay up!
Polling ⋅ 1d
Trump's Approval On Foreign Policy:
Disapprove: 48%
Approve: 37%
Ipsos / March 12, 2025 / n=1422
Not to worry Sayid, this is small potatoes. Galasso cooks his pizzas with the heat of the Volcano over which he built his restaurant-lair. The cheese is made from milk harvested from his army of Mole People. The (And Subs) in the restaurant name is to hint to potential customers that he sells nuclear submarines on the side (No one has noticed because why would you order a sandwich when you can have pizza? It’s like Apu and the non-alcoholic beer).
A health inspector came here once. His bones are on display as a warning to the others, but have been mistaken for an early Halloween decoration.
Aw, no submarine sandwiches?
And just when I was thinking about trying one, too…
Wait a minute. This is Galasso’s.
Never mind.
Yeah, pretty much my reaction was “…but this is Galasso’s…”
uh, Sayid, you ever heard of handwashing, I swear it’s a thing that restaurants are allowed to do
Rule of thumb at the pizza shop I work:
Wash your hands before touching anything that’s going to go through the oven.
Use disposable gloves when touching anything that’s not going to go through the oven.
We usually don’t wear gloves when taking out a pizza because we try not to touch it directly.
Best friend works at a bakery, can corroborate.
Iirc, they’re super not allowed to touch anything that’s not going to be further baked with bare hands.
…. so how many things DO get further baked with bare hands?
Depends on how many clients the upstairs barber has had.
Oh my god, this comment wins the internet!
I understood that reference!
Took me a while, but I finally got the reference.
This, plus it’d be a terrible idea to wear those thin plastic gloves when touching something that is hot out of the oven for reasons I feel are very obvious.
But everyone knows that molten latex adds to the flavour, Cerberus!
Mm mm, carcinogens.
Said every smoker ever.
Also a terrible idea to stick your hand in the big toaster when wearing those! I know this because of reasons. On the bright side it apparently takes more than gloves melting to my skin to actually seriously burn me. Also takes more than boiling tea water directly onto my guy bits.
I wasn’t naked, I was at work in full uniform. Just an unfortunate anglewhile trying to stock a shelf.
You’re a wiser being than I, then. Sizzling oil spatter is no fun.
It’s harder to cook things naked when you don’t live alone.
Naked+apron is the way to go, obv. And I don’t live alone, just with my girlfriend!
Depends on the kind of glove. I used to wear real latex gloves when I did 3D stained glass. They were surprisingly heat resistant and insulating. I’d basically wait for the solder to solidify plus ten seconds, then grab the piece any which way. Granted, that’s below 361F and a pizza oven certainly goes higher than that. And the soldering iron itself does melt a hole in them (I checked on a pair I wasn’t wearing.)
There exist gloves for safely and sanitarily (?) handling hot food, but I don’t think they’re cheap, and I can’t imagine they’re readily available in restaurant kitchens when it’s usually not necessary.
What’s amusing to me is seeing a restaurant showing themselves committing a health code violation (at least in my area) by showing them touching food in an advertisement.
You have to wear gloves when touching food that’s ready to eat, unless the laws in Indiana are different
Assistant Manager of a Pizza Hut in Indiana here. Nope, laws are the same.
Used to work in a McDonald’s, gloves 100% of the time. Plus a set of easy tear off blue gloves to go over the normal gloves when handling raw food.
Unless Galasso’s Pizza (and subs) is incorporated, then he’s in for a hard start once he finally gets that pesky Affordable Care Act repealed. The act covers more than just the mandate — there are provisions that help small business owners get insurance, too.
But that’s one of the themes of this mad-cap election cycle, isn’t it?
I was thinking the same thing, most pizza joints put food on the pizza with their hands, right?
that’s before it’s getting sent through an oven though. When it comes out you don’t touch it unless you’re wearing gloves
Yep, the cooking process should kill the majority of any bacteria present. But after that there’s nothing more you can do about it except minimise contact.
Something tells me Galasso wouldn’t vote for Trump. Why give a boost to a rival for world conquest?
I imagine Galasso always writes in “FOOLS! I WILL RULE YOU ALL!” for every blank
Unless Indiana has changed in the last few years the state and most local health code laws are virtually identical to southwest Ohio where I live and have worked in the food service industry for nearly two decades. To wit, you have to wear gloves when directly handling food, whether ready to eat or not. You further have to change gloves between each individual project and wash your hands every time you change gloves. A lot of times parts of that slip, especially when you get weeded during the rush, but that is pretty much why the process has multilayer redundancy.
I’ll further add that the gloves used in a kitchen are usually not the flimsy polyethylene deli gloves you’ll see somewhere like Subway but instead a somewhat thinner version of the vinyl or nitrile gloves you’d find in many physical industries and health care. Even when polyethylene is used, such as the restaurant I currently work at, it’s a heavier layer less prone to melting and tearing (introduced after concerns came up due to vinyl allergies in other stores within the company and due to cost).
Huh. Gloves were definitely not required-at-all-times like that back when I was a fast food monkey here in Oregon (though that was also two decades ago).
As you probably know, nearly every person who lived two decades ago is now dead because of all things that weren’t deemed mortally dangerous BUT ACTUALLY ARE! Like bacteria and stuff, and meat, and wheat, and gluten, and chemtrails and immigrants.
That’s why the human species is now on the verge of extinction.
I’ve gotten food poisoning from restaurants twice. Every time I eat wheat I spend the following 24 hours pooing excessively and having painful stomach cramps. Last weekend I finally got over a chest infection (bacterial) that kept me out of work for six weeks and has almost certainly cost me any pay increase I could have expected this spring, meaning I will be in debt longer and thus unable to contribute to my pension.
Not everyone dies from food poisoning, bacterial infections, or exposure to wheat (although some people do). That doesn’t mean those things don’t hurt anyone.
Pretending that concern over public exposure to pathogens and/or allergens is nothing more than alarmist hysteria is misguided and rude.
Tell that to the families who’ve had their bread-winner killed by a dodgy pizza, tuna, fish poisoning.
“Sure, don’t worry, you’re just an ant in the ultimate onward MARCH OF HUMANITY.”
Uh, when I worked in a pizza joint, we did this kind of thing with a fork. That took care of the glove and heat problems. Geez, people, humans are tool-using animals.
I’m not saying this was the best way, just that there’s not NECESSARILY a risk
(I’d HOPE Becky at least washed her hands, tho, given it’s her BFF and all)
(which is to say that if Sayid had some mention of “please wear gloves” would help)
lol, Galasso is way too powerful for a health code
Yeah, nobody tolds Galasso what to do.
I keep almost forgetting about the whole Thing between Becky and Joyce. And then I get reminded. And then I get sad.
I’m pretty sure Becky shares that sentiment.
Having an awesome dinosaur girlfriend can’t fix everything…but it’s sure a good start!
This labor of love is, IDK, lost. Hmmmm… like love’s labors lost, catchy title. I could use that….nahhhh.
That wistful look she has, remembering, took all the fun out of today.
Slap some gloves on, it’s fine.
Or grab some tongs, or a couple forks or something.
“Sorry, Joyce, THE MAN says you gotta yank out all the sausage on your own.”
Joe is ready and willing.
Awwww, Becky in panel 3…
Yeah, my heart has melted now.
“This used to take less time when she was small enough to eat kid-size portions.”
Oooh Sayid’s working there too. Sweet. Oncoming sheningaaaans
Touching food?! Nooooooooooooo…
Yes, I was referring both to Joyce’s hang up and Becky’s current actions.
Becky should be wearing gloves, at the vet least.
Someone get that girl a pair of latex gloves!
She should be wearing gloves, but not that I think about it I haven’t been to a pizzeria yet where the people handing me my pizza are wearing gloves – it’s never bothered me before, even after this realization.
ugh, typos today. I forgive myself, though- It’s been very emotional for me today.
It’s generally not a good idea to touch a pizza with bare hands. Even places that has a lax attitude to health violations avoid that, mostly because it’s bloody hot coming straight out of the oven.
So I for one use the spatula to move a pizza around, and only touch the cardboard. And even then, I always wash my hands before starting.
But if you pick stuff off melted cheese while it’s hot, you leave all these blank non-cheesy spots that lessen the pizza-eating experience! I figured Becky had let it cool a bit first.
True enough, but I’m pretty sure Mav has never gone to a pizza place and asked for a pizza where they make it with a topping and then after the backing pick it off and put it in a bowl.
So Mav is less likely to have their pizza directly touched to begin with.
This conversation reminds me of all the times I’ve accidentally bitten into a pizza with boiling hot cheese.
Eh, cheese on pizza is overrated.
Aw, Becky. That’s sweet, but don’t do this to yourself.
Just give Joyce a big hug later.
When Becky needed her the most, Joyce was there for her. When it created a rift between her faith and family and her best friend, Joyce chose Becky. When her father kidnapped her at gunpoint, Joyce decked the mothereffer!
There is so much Becky can never thank Joyce properly for. There is so much she wish they could be that they will never be. But at least Becky can give Joyce a pizza the way she want it.
That’s not nothing.
(Hugs are still fine, though)
Yes, but the look on her face makes me worried she’s putting Joyce on some kind of pedestal, and that isn’t healthy.
She’s done a lot for Joyce, including sacrificing her freedom to protect her from her butthole dad. Becky being happy and successful is all Joyce could ask for. There’s no need to dote on her like this, potentially looking bad on her first day at work
That’s true, sadly. Joyce and Becky both have some recalibration to do before they find a completely healthy relationship again, but they are getting there.
IU probably has a good metrology lab, so that will help with calibration.
Yeah. The her expression makes me think “remember you have Dina, Becky!” I hope she isn’t lingering on her crush as much as she used to, it could impact her current relationship – it reminds me of the strip a while ago with Dina and Sarah.
I rather interpreted the face as “I know it’s very quirky, but I’m used to this, I find it cute.”
The only thing I find worrying is the health issue – thus not wearing gloves (why didn’t anyone tell her that?) – because it’s not her fault, she doesn’t know.
I don’t think she’s putting her on some pedestal, she’s just thankful, and since she’s done it for her since they were little, it’s just a common thing in her relationship, not something “new”. I got parts in my friendship like that too – e.g. I hate waiting alone in the night for the tram or bus, and my way home is only two stations away from a friend, so I pass her station on the way home. When we were out together late (which is most often the case) and would have to wait half an hour for the nightbus, we walk to her station and she waits with me, even though I’m definitely old enough to wait alone or could just walk the two stations per foot too. She even does this when it’s raining or freaking cold, because I’m easily scared in the night on the streets. It’s not her doting on me, it’s simply part of our friendship. I in turn don’t bother her too much when we disagree on something, because I know she hates fights (as much as I do) and tends to shut herself off and draw back. And that’s part of our close friendship – dealing with the quirks of each other in a loving, accepting way.
If Becky now actually HATED doing it, then I think it was unhealthy, but not if she did it out of love. –> just like Cerberus said!
Like a remembrance of things past, almost.
Proust’s first draft involved pizza sausage instead of madelines.
The beautiful part of their friendship is that they’ll both go the extra mile for each other.
Joyce will abandon huge parts of her faith, pick fights with her family, break into houses, chase cars on motorcycles, punch authority figures, and lie to parents for her Becky.
And Becky will go peacefully with violent abusers who want to torture her straight, will put her body in front of a gun, will go back to a nightmare land of abuse to provide backup, and will grab scalding sausage and cheese with her bare hands for her Joyce.
Also that looks like a lot of sausage to have been on a small pizza?
I am guessing Becky made the pizza specially.
Sayid seems to be something of the straight man in the madness that is GALASSOS PIZZA (and subs).
Which is ironic, considering his slipshine entry.
I thought Ken would fulfill that role, but sure two would work.
Ken’s not the straight man, Ken’s the buttmonkey. Different role.
TMW my favourite bit character inches closer to prominence.
Ah, Sayid, the Velvet Scarletina of DoA.
Did Sayid ever get his skateboard back? That’s the important question.
Yet another thing Amazi-Girl must make amends for.
Eh, he said she could keep it.
I don’t think I ever seen the superheroes or cowboy cops handle the task of actually giving back the vehicles they commander. It would be fun to see Amazi-girl handle the task.
Specially when the vehicles are damaged or completely destroyed.
Another reason everyone needs superbeing insurance.
Or someone like Agent Rick Dicker of the National Supers Agency following around after you, picking up the pieces and putting things back to normal.
Agent Dicker is good at negotiating with angry citizens.
“Hey, when you get made Employee of the Month, you can tell me how to pick my best friend’s sausage.”
Phrasing, please.
You can pick your friends, and you can pick your sausage, but you can’t pick your friend’s sausage… unless you have their enthusiastic consent.
Seriously, Becky, your hands also touch MONEY.
THAT’S a problem she hasn’t had that much of late
(you are completely right, though. Money is gross. I’m sure it’s a metaphor for something.)
“filthy luchre”
Shush. Just let the cute happen.
If a health inspector shows up, just use the ol’ puppy eyes and I’m sure it will be fine.
She can just say “It’s okay. I’m a lesbian.”
Becky’s adorable face in panel 3. With just a touch of sadness to it.
Together with her line, it speaks volumes. The task reminds her of how things used to be with Joyce for many years. It reminds her that she still want to care for Joyce in any way she can, even if she’s no longer allowing herself to have the romantic feelings that probably still lurks deep deep inside her somewhere.
Eh, Becky is cool, Trump just froze most regulations by executive order, so those don’t really apply so much anymore.
We laugh so we don’t cry.
I was so, so tempted to pour myself a red wine and sprite at 2:40 this afternoon.
Beer with lunch is how it’s done. Not like much work was gonna get done this afternoon anyway.
Man, I was planning on drinking when I got home, but now I think I’m just gonna double down on it.
what regulations? And already they’re passing shit secretly without telling anyone. I’ve only heard that he’s increased fees for people wanting to buy a house so far – we are all fucked, oh my god. Folks say go back to school. Apps ask me what I want to do. I wanted to work for the government, but to be honest I have no idea what the government (or the student loan system) is gonna look like in even 6 months.
An IUD is also looking mighty useful right now, but I’m wary of the fact that most birth control for women have potentially terrible side effects. Although, I’d probably be safer getting a copper IUD than being on the hormonal pill. But then, they’re already making it legal for doctors to discriminate against women who’ve had abortions- what’s to stop them from doing that against women who use prescribed/procedural birth control?
Hatred and control are such destructive forces. These people literally think killing themselves is fine, as long as they can take a couple million minorities with them. I will never understand that type of thinking. I fear for the protesters because all the gov. needs now is a shallow reason to impose martial law in all but name.
Well, Newt Gingirch will fire you for voting for Clinton, and they’d only pay $1 a year anyway.
Yeah, it’s really terrifying.
These people are so invested in making sure folks like me don’t live their lives unmolested and beaten bloody that they are literally killing themselves to do it.
I’m really unsure how to fight back and what my medium term goals should look like. My fiancee is pushing hard for leaving the country, but I’m really worried that’s a great way to get separated for what may be very crucial years. Plus immigration systems tend to universally be a pain in the arse and tend to give an overly large amount of power to businesses giving work permits and green cards (or their analogues).
Plus I have fought hard over the last few years to build what little community and support I’ve got and I’d have to leave all that. I dunno. It’s gonna be a very terrifying set of indeterminate years.
Come to Canada. We’re nice. Our politicians aren’t crazy.
It might get ugly if our Donald Trump becomes PM though.
Ehmmm, Tom Ford anyone?
And I’d say that PM Harper was pretty close to Trump as it was.
Rob Ford was a mayor, not a Prime Minister, and city hall froze him out of doing most actions months and months before we elected him out.
Plus I mean, comparison wise, the guy did drugs and used a city bus once to move around a team he supported. He didn’t really go about insulting every minority in the city (maybe once or twice, which he also apologized for) and he didn’t make promises about how he would strip away a dozen societal aids and he didn’t brag about assaulting women. He just… Had a drug problem, insulted a couple of individuals (which he attempted an apology for) and had a few questionable expenses.
I mean, Ford was my mayor, and other than people outside of my city laughing at me for awhile, the world kept ticking. Harper was worse.
Rob Ford is dead. He had cancer. No way he’ll be PM.
Tom Ford is an American fashion designer.
And tbh, Rob Ford wasn’t TOO bad, as far as mayor scandals though. If the worst thing we can say about him is ‘drug problem’ and ‘questionable expenses’ (which is bad, don’t get me wrong, but I’ve heard worse) then I’ll count myself lucky.
we Canadians are not so perfect, that Kevin O’Leary is rearing to make an effort to convert us to Drumpflandia II
I want to say I have faith that the Canadian people are smarter than that but then I thought the same thing of the American Election.
Granted, the popular vote did favour Hillary, and Trump only got in due to the archaic electoral college also not doing its fucking job.
Either the electoral college has no purpose and shouldn’t be used, and he lost, or it does have a purpose that it serves and he lost unanimously.
This “We have to use it, but not actually use it” thing did not work.
I think the current list goes Canada because geographic closeness and shared language, New Zealand because the Auckland mayor specifically put out a note to queer Americans promoting the country as a potential place to migrate to, and the Scandanavian countries because I went to school there so I have very tenuous roots and some of the language. Plus, I really liked the culture there.
I need to look into what the requirements are for teachers in Canada to see if I need to go back for more schooling or if I qualify with my current degrees and experience.
It’s great to hear that. I think any place would be thrilled to have you, and Canada cold use more rad people like you.
I think you’d be good for Canada. I mean, I don’t know your exact qualifications, but I’ve been looking into teaching in Canada as well, and it seems pretty transferable to me, with like a bit more school than some US programs have.
Part of me doesn’t want to move, or feels guilty about considering moving, but I’m already in the Detroit area, and Canada’s just right there…it’s pretty tempting.
Exact qualifications are Master’s in Biology and experience. So, might have a much harder road to hoe because of that.
I’m just gonna drop this here. It has resources for credential evaluation and a few other things.
If I have an apartment if/when you move to Canada, door’s open.
In Canada, the best provinces for trans folks, legally-speaking, are:
*Alberta (weirdly enough)
*Newfoundland & Labrador
*Nova Scotia
… those are the provinces with “gender identity” AND “gender expression” explicitly listed in their provincial bills of rights as prohibited grounds for discrimination.
Provinces &territories with only gender identity include:
*Northwest Territories
The rest:
*New Brunswick
*Yukon Territory.
However, throughout all of Canada, courts and human rights tribunals have generally found that trans people are protected under grounds of “sex” or “gender” depending on how the relevant law was written, so there is common law even when there is not legislative law behind you.
Health care will vary by province/territory. Most provinces cover at least some common trans health care, but you might have trouble finding a trans-friendly doctor. I can find you a referral if you need one.
Culturally will depend on where you go. My city is generally fairly trans-friendly and there is a strong and vibrant trans community here (fairly dominated by trans women). Typically, the more rural you go, the more bias you’ll face. Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver are all pretty good places for LGBT people in Canada. Others vary place by place – if you’re curious about a city, ask and I can ask around to see what the reputation is.
Seriously, if you want out of US and Canada winds up being the place you want to go, let me know and I’ll do what I can to help you navigate our system. I’m not a lawyer or whatever but I know who you need to talk to about what, and I can find the not-for-profit(s) to help you with your legal situation if you need it.
Yes, it’s very difficult for those reasons. I’m not gonna lie, I’ve made sure my passport is up to date. It is difficult because it’s hard to know when they’ll outright being moving to either push marginalized people out or otherwise get rid of us. The moment when the government starts quietly passing laws to prevent people from leaving, (or the proposed muslim registration – if they want a special registration for you, you MUST leave while you still can!) that’s when you know you have to leave, or it may be too late by then. I can’t really fathom leaving either, I grew up here here, this is where I want to stay, my people have struggled too long and too hard to be told we can’t partake in the unfulfilled potential of our resources, and I don’t want to leave. The thing about immigration systems too is, it could take up to a year nowadays to get approved even. I don’t even know where I would go, because nationalism is on the rise in many westernized countries, and many other places are not friendly (as in outlawed or actual state sanctioned killings) to women, blacks, or queer people – not somewhere I would want to live or my friends to live. Maybe Canada? Who knows.
The passport offices have been dicking me about giving me a new passport with my legal name and gender on it and I’m getting a little worried that some douchebag in the passport office is intentionally delaying things in the hopes that Donald Trump makes it illegal to change those things, which would put me in an awkward situation because I don’t have a means of getting a legal passport otherwise (all my identifying documents except for birth certificate are already changed over and birth certificate is in the process of getting changed and I doubt the law is going to change fast enough in CA to stop it).
And yeah, it’s really scary and the fact that nazi groups in every country are on the rise is also worrying as is Trump’s cavalier attitude to nukes and his and Putin’s expansionist ideas. I’d really hate to flee somewhere only to have it get nuked or taken over and die miles away from my loved ones.
I’m sorry to hear that. I really hope it works out that you can get it, and quickly. One of the (very few in my opinion) convenient things about the past was it was easier for you to go somewhere and just get lost if you needed to because they didn’t have facebook and internet and all that crap, so everyone in the world wouldn’t have known who you were and where to find you.
Ok, so I just read some articles about it. And it’s so unreal the comments where people are gloating about it, which refers to the last thing I said. These people are not misunderstood: they are hateful, and they will use every evil means they can to “win”, even if it means we all lose. What was it they said in Game of Thrones? “A man like that would burn this place down if he could be king of the ashes.” Something like that. Part of me thinks that we’re headed towards a very long fascist regime, or a second and more bloody civil war, or both.
Yeah, these people have not made their hatreds quiet and they got a huge helping hand by a lot of bigoted powers willing to burn down the country to retain undemocratic power.
To your comment about resistance earlier, I feel that if we as a people don’t choose the nuclear option- civil conflict, resistance should best be served like revenge – swift, cold, and strategic. One of the best things we can do with what we know now is to win the 2018 elections. I think it’s great that a few leaders didn’t show up to the inauguration. But they have to fight. Fight tooth and nail, no holds barred with closed fists, be just as petty and ruthless as they are – in most situations when you’re fighting for your life, there’s no other way to survive the attack. Do some things without them noticing. Do a lot of things without them noticing. Not everything needs to be broadcast on twitter and facebook and what this means – and this is the most important part- is we have to really be there for each other.
Who you are as a person is determined not by what you do when people are watching, but what you do in the dark. I feel too many people are taken up with a performative form of social justice (i.e. filming themselves feeding homeless people “spontaneously”, etc.). We have to do what is right because it is right, and not worry about what other people may think unless it’s related to our safety. We need to stop looking for a single person to save us. Only we can save us. We have to do whatever we can. Volunteer for social programs, give to social programs, we ourselves should find positions of power. As fucked up as these people are, they all showed up to the election. Elect the people who influence the electoral college then. After that, i don’t even know, because in a few weeks it may even be made even more difficult to do things like this.
I’ve been focusing a lot on just keeping trans kids alive. Teaching them how to survive even if it’s only out of spite.
I do a lot of the other stuff, but I live in a district that is solidly safe D and my local leaders are all inoffensive for the most part (at least in my little corner, some of the neighboring cities have some fucked up assholes we’ve been trying to get rid of that I’ve helped campaign against). And the nearest swing districts are several hours away.
And I’ve got a sinking feeling that we’re not going to get another election or at least not one we have any chance of winning. This really feels like the white supremacists ripping a page out of Apartheid Era South Africa’s playbook and running with it, at best.
And yeah, I feel bad about being super dour and off topic, cause I’m usually trying to instill a bit more hope into my comments, but shit is super scary right now and I’m really lost on how to survive and protect the people I love.
Ive spent the last few months here intermittently talking about my newfound fascination with robot toys. You certainly don’t need to apologize for wanting to vent in a safe, understanding place.
Not at all. Don’t feel bad, I’m sure it’s on many people’s minds, it sure is on mine. It’s so very important to think about what’s happening around us. And you are doing exactly the work I was mentioning. Thank you so much. There are so many ways change someone’s life, to empower them for the better. Many more ways that people like you do every single day. I wish more people were like you.
To be honest, I can also see Trump or Pence especially wanting to extend the term of the president either for another 4 years or indefinitely because “the people still need them” or whatever. I can’t stand the idea of losing my right to exist in this country where I was born and struggled. I had kind of a shitty childhood, I can’t help but feel like my youth is being taken away too. I can’t stand it at all. I feel so much rage and sadness when I think about it: Can’t people understand? That man and the people surrounding him have gotten everything they’ve ever wanted, and the people were so ready to just hand it to them.
These people are so hateful, and their flimsy lie about economics is so shallow. “I wanted someone who wasn’t a part of the elitist establishment and understood the pain of my poorness, so I filled the nation’s highest offices with Wall Street. Literally”. I want to spit in someone’s face. Goddammit, the mediocrity of it.
For people like you and me to even love ourselves and live our best lives in a world that tells us we shouldn’t exist is a revolutionary act, that’s why they’re so bent on destroying us.
Yeah, the rage definitely flows through me. Like, I fought so hard for so long to rebuild my life after so much bullshit and really almost had something amazing and here comes goose-stepping nazis to shit all over it because they blew a blood vessel hating people like me.
Like, I almost take it personally that I didn’t really get much time to just relax and enjoy having this little patch of something I built and have the illusion of stability enough to really launch forward some of my more ambitious dreams (I still want to create a private school for trans kids someday).
Yes, it’s like for some people amazing life means ski trips and traveling around the world, but for much of my life a good day is no one gets verbally assaulted, everything’s boring, no one I care about is hurt.
Yessss to the school. One of my distant pipe dreams for when I have a lot of money/know people with a lot of money would be to totally rebuild and improve the foster care system, have programs or at least temporary safe spaces for kids like I was who never left home and homes for kids who got taken away so they can all have a chance at a better life and learning to love themselves.
You don’t need to feel bad about it. You can’t hold up the whole world.
I don’t have any advice, but there’s one ray of hope from today. More people showed up even for Obama’s second inauguration than turned out for President Shitgoblin. The women’s marches tomorrow may end up dwarfing the piddly crowds that were there today.
And if nothing else, I think Trump do an excellent job of keeping people good an angry for the next two years. He’ll fuel the fire that burns his house down.
I’m hoping that’s a hint to all the Republicans looking at committing treason for the next X years in service to this man. That his vaunted base is not nearly as committed to him as he pretends and thus catering exclusively to them is not really a good model for not having the people flood your mansions with pitchforks.
If the people get too angry, then he can count on violence and mayhem even if he has to false-flag it. And then impose martial law or worse. This may be his strategy already.
I thought the best protest was those empty stands that Trump had to witness on his drive to the inauguration.
His speech was full of fear and threat, and ripped off Batman and some bee-movie via Hitler.
I hope he won’t last long, that our “Deep Throat” is out there waiting to spread the new but I’m digging in.
Galasso cares not for your silly codes, FOOLS!
Shallow comment time: I kind of love that Sayid is apparently the kind of person to use ‘man’ and ‘dude’ as generic ways to refer to any person other than by name. I do that too! My girlfriend laughs at me when I slip and call her ‘dude’ or ‘man’.
(Note: I do make a conscious and careful exception for my MTF trans friends of course, because while they know me well enough to know my habits, I know it’s hurtful and stressful for them in a very real way, so I stick to gender-neutral or feminine nicknameish things for them. Their comfort and sanity absolutely trumps my lazy speech habits.)
I do the same with “man” and “dude,” but I also throw in a “son” sometimes, which is often even less appropriate.
I have friends who use “dude” as a gender neutral appellation for literally everyone (kids are “little dude”). It’s kind of charming (I grew up in SoCal, so I’m used to it).
But yeah, I’ve had to have the talk with some of them after they freak out calling me “dude” in that fashion that I’m okay with it, but not all trans woman are, so it’s good of them to ask first.
I don’t really think of dude as a gendered term.
I call everyone dude.
To me it’s just an easy way to say ‘friend-person’.
Yeah, I see people say this a lot. And sure, you’re not thinking of dude as gendered. I can see that.
But I would like you consider why it’s always male terms that becomes gender-neutral for positive/neutral things to call people. Think of why we don’t use babe and gal gender-neutrally the way we use dude and guy.
I love it because it will baffle Galasso even more. “Ah yes, all of these people are dudes.”
“Now to just figure out what a dude is.”
It’s a fancy pants city slicker, obvs.
Pick the sausage bits off with a fork, or tongs, or even a freakin’ pair of chopsticks then.
And trust me ….. .Becky has been learning ninja powers from Dina. Chopsticks would be child’s play for her.
Circle circle dot dot
Joyce gonna need a cootie shot
You think health codes will stop the Mighty Galasso? FOOLS!!!
Inspector: “This is a health code violation.”
Galasso: “THIS IS PIZZA,”
*Sparta kicks the inspector*
Connie: “…and Subs”
Pizza headshot.
Last try. The lack of an edit or delete button kind of sucks.
Order 128? I see what you did there.
Becky probably preferred working on Order 48.
I picked up on that too. Joyce’s old SEMME squadron number.
Aaaaaah! Cool.
Just don’t be there when they call out Order 66.
your gravatar is like a better version of mine
*checks willis’s twitter*
What the heck did I do now?
Richard Spencer got punched in the head while giving yet another one of his “I’m being profiled in a glowing review as a dapper member of the neonazi movement” shtick.
Apparently also, a lot of people have a lot more concern for Richard Spencer getting cold-cocked once than all the people bloodied half to death or bullied into suicide by his goons. If only there was something about his skin color, gender, and political ideology that could explain this mystery.
In particular, Nick Spencer (current writer for Captain America) has been tweeting a lot of “no wait violence is bad you guys”.
I like the guy, and I get where he’s coming from, but I do not see a problem with punching literal Nazis. When a person reaches “Hitler had the right idea” levels of bigotry, I’ve long since stopped caring what happens to them.
Plus, it’s a bit bullshit of him when he a) made Captain America a nazi for a fucking plot twist and b) writes Captain America, a character whose literal first action was punching Adolf Hitler in the face in his inaugural issue in one of the most iconic comic covers ever.
Just shows a complete lack of understanding of the thing he’s paid to write.
And yeah, I have no tears for literal nazis who are actively killing and harming people getting punched in the face. Especially since meekly tolerating and reaching out to them has just got them angrily calling for our deaths and acting like polite calling out of problematic stuff or existing is an evil deserving of outright genocide of everyone like us.
Maybe if a few more get punched, they’ll stop walking around everywhere like losing the popular vote by over 3 million and sneaking in on a segregationist fluke is a sign that they are untouchable and everyone loves nazis now.
“If you are silent about your pain, they will kill you and say you enjoyed it.” – Zora Neale Hurston
He’s right you probably should be wearing rubber gloves.
i suppose it’s foolish to ask if the sausage could just be cooked separate from the pizza?
What? No! Then it wouldn’t be sausage pizza! She just can’t EAT them together…
You’re gonna cause another random hole in reality, Galasso.
Sayid sounds like a reasonable person.
Unfortunately “reasonable person” makes him a bit player, in a webcomic.
Sayid totally has wacky character traits! He says ‘man’ and ‘dude’ at the end of sentences! That’s comedy gold!
this is special treatment right? I don’t think any pizzeria would actually individually pick out toppings for a special request unless it was a really slow day or something
Comic Reactions:
Panel 1: Oh well played indeed, Willis.
Also, yay Sayid. I’ve really been wanting to get more comics with him. And it’s fitting we get to see him on the day Piss Hitler got coronated in an empty field full of the entirety of his real supporters.
Panel 2: And I like that Sayid seems to care about his work. Like, it’s a small thing, but the fact that he wants to do this job of his in a positive way and wants to intervene when he sees someone who is (in his mind) messing it up is a nice sign of character.
Also, Becky grabbing literally fresh out of the oven sausages off a pizza… damn girl, you must have finger callouses of steel.
Panel 3: That soft wistful face and smile. It’s not what she wants most with Joyce, but it’s still important to her what she does have and the history she shares. And being with Dina is probably making the sting of Joyce hit a lot less than it would otherwise. And we see it in this smile seeming almost happy rather than the cringe and frown it would have been right after the initial rejection.
And after the hell she endured back at her house, it’s nice she has some happy memories to fall back on here.
Panels 4-5: Uh… might want to hurry it along Becky. Sayid likely has other orders he needs that counter space to prepare and I imagine the others on Joyce’s table won’t be overly thrilled to have colder pizzas. I know you’re lingering in the reminiscence but you’re in food services, speed kinda becomes everything or at least most things (at least that’s the case in America).
Panel 6: I love “cares about his job” Sayid.
Like, he has no reason to really be pushing this point. His boss is a megalomaniac who is entirely arbitrary and views things like “laws” a meaningless distraction. No one above him is going to care about something like this. But Sayid cares about this. Because Sayid genuinely wants to be good at his craft whatever it may be. As someone who is very similar, this pleases me.
Also, I like how he empathizes how sweet it is before going “but no, what you’re doing is actually super wrong”. Cause this is a very emotionally resonant moment for Becky, but… it’s also a job and Joyce quirks or no, there’s rules that have to be followed when you’re involved in food services that you wouldn’t necessarily have to follow at home. And it’s good she doesn’t lose sight of that just because Joyce is here.
Cerberus! This has nothing to do with the comic, but it just struck me that you would be a good person to ask about this.
I’m currently student teaching, so going along with that I’m taking classes with other student teachers. I asked my professor today about presenting on resources for LGBTQ+ students/teachers of LGBTQ+ students, so I’m currently working on gathering resources (both local– community centers, youth shelters– and non-location based).
Anyway, do you know of any resources that would be good to pass along? Or that you’ve found to be particularly helpful?
Ooh, yes, I have a few.
Trevor Project and Trans Lifeline are great suicide hotlines that are specific to the queer community. Trevor Project is always my number one choice though, because Trans Lifeline is great, but isn’t 100% reliable to always have someone ready to answer because they’re newer and have way less funds.
Gaylesta is another great org, but very regional, that has a searchable database of queer-friendly therapists and psychiatrists and which insurance plans they accept. There’s also a resource page with a bunch of great stuff on their site.
FORGE is another group I love. It’s a trans-specific resource center for survivors of sexual assault and has a bunch of great resources relating to that as well as occasional writing programs for healing from sexual assault.
For shelters, the most famous one would be the Ali Forney Center in NY, which does great work housing homeless queer youth up there.
And Lambda Legal does great defense work, including taking cases from queer youth being discriminated against and has a great list of youth-specific queer resource centers by state:
And I’m a big fan of the nonbinary resource tumblr as well as the Transgender Teen Survival Guide and passed on those to students in the past.
And I also like to through out the metanoia Suicide: Read this First page, as it’s a great tool for de-escalating suicidal thoughts. It’s not queer-specific, but since a lot of queer youth struggle with suicidal ideation due to bullying, it’s important.
And on the issue of queer bullying, the org I like for that is GLSEN. They’re not perfect, but on the whole, they do a lot of good, especially for K-12 queer youth and they’ve got some good teacher resource kits and safe space stickers you can throw up (though in my experience, the best safe space signal you can throw up is to have a bunch of flags of various queer identities in a really conspicuous place and include neopronouns in assessments).
Let me know if you need any other specific resources.
Thanks for that, especially the link to resource centers. I’m familiar with the ones in my state, but I know people who may be going all over the country next year, so that’s good to be able to pass on.
On a side note, my dad’s cousin worked for GLSEN. Unfortunately, no one told me that– or that he was gay– until after he passed away. Still a little bitter.
That sucks. My ex lived in one of those deliberate cones of silence by her family after she came out as bi and so I have a special loathing to that kind of shit. Like, treating it all as a secret shame you need to keep secret? What the fuck?
And yay, I’m glad these help.
I’m seeing a lot of sites with donate links, and suddenly I know what to do with my bonus this year. Whether I actually get one or not. Because fuck the king.
As a raging fanboy of Sayid since he first showed up, I’m also really happy with this.
I like that in one strip he gets a wholly unique style of speech that instantly differentiates him from the rest of the cast. He’s calm, approachable, friendly enough that he’s already on nickname basis with Becky, and he can play straight man to her shenanigans by pointing out her cutesy gesture.
And it means all that much more to me because it’s like, hey, here’s this rad new queer dude dropped right in, hanging out with one of the most important characters in the series. I know Sayid isn’t about to dethrone Joyce as the main protagonist and it’s entirely possible that he just ends up being a part of the cast at Galasso’s, but I’m happy nonetheless.
Here’s to more of DoA’s breakout queer dude.
Sayid seems pretty laid back. It was the same thing when Amazi-girl borrowed his skateboard to follow the shooter in a car. “Sure, whatever dude, you are the superhero here.”
Here it is, “Sure, that’s very sweet and all but use thongs.”
I suppose laid back is a good state of mind at Galassos.
Awww, Becky is just so happy to be able to do something good for her Joyce. Happy (if bittersweet) memories and finding a way to have a happy (if bittersweet) interaction in the now.
I don’t think you should use either application of the word thongs to pick up sausage.
What, why not?
*Makes Joyce-face*
*googles that too*
Pfffft! XD Who made those?
I can think of three definitions of ‘thong’…but none of them are really useful for picking up meatballs.
Tongs, on the other hand, are. So long as you don’t mean the Chinese organized crime syndicates.
Thongs don’t cover your hands very well. And unless they were washed and sterilized very carefully, they’d be even more unsanitary than bare hands.
The word you’re looking for is “tongs,” but good try.
NOW I know that…
Also, you have the perfect gravatar for that comment
Just wear gloves.
That’s what she sayid.
I glove puns like that
All gloved up and ready to party!
But what if the REAL health code violation was the friends we made along the way?
Other Other Rachel, you made me lol.
Another Other Other Rachel, me too
Also I didn’t bother to think about it until later after last night but I’m just going to say thank God there’s a Christian character in this that doesn’t use his belief to be a high and mighty judgemental sociopath prick or a gun wielding abusive fuck. Sure there are a few exceptions but really Carol and Mary take fucking notes.
As has been said before: Joyce (well, she’s learning). Becky. Hank (Again, learning). Sierra. Agatha. Amber. Danny. Billie.
Probably others – either that I’m just forgetting or that haven’t made it clear. They far outnumber the known atheists.
Man, I love health code punchlines. Just good, clean fun.
Also, that is a crap ton of sausage in the bowl to have come off such a little pizza.
Becky made extra sausage so Joyce would have plenty
Reaction 1: Aw, that’s so sweet of Becky. Reaction 2: But Sayid’s kinda right about the health code. Reaction 3: Oh yeah, Galasso probably doesn’t care about the health code unless there is an inspector on premises.
…and if there’s an inspector, he’ll just open the trapdoor to the shark pit under his feet.
Becky can talk Galasso out of firing her even if picking sausages off one pizza got the shop shut down. She has Leslie-powers with him, apparently. She’ll be an assistant manager by the time Joyce is a sophomore.
So, never?
I know it’s strange, but you still gotta satisfy the customer.
Just realised, this is quite a complex Play of the Week (British TV reference).
Six characters.
An unrequited lust triangle.
Religious differences.
Two new beginnings.
An old friendship being pulled apart.
A new one being made more complex.
And poor Sarah caught in the middle of several of those, not knowing where she wants to be.
That is a lot of plates spinning in the air. All of which are making for engrossing reading.
Terrific writing for these strips.
oh becky
May his transformers collection grow and shelf space be boundless.
Damn, that’s a lot of sausage for such a small pizza. It must have been piled on before Becky picked them off
Just because Galasso is a domineering, abrasive, overbearing, “my-way-or-no-way” kind of guy doesn’t mean that he skimps on the ingredients.
Aw fuck, I’m like majorly attracted to Sayid shit
As you should be!
The Sayid fanbase: There are dozens of us!
Oh geez. THREE reactions to do today. Sorry guys, haven’t had the emotional energy lately. The two days before yesterday were rough and yesterday by midnight I was so tired I could not pretend to have the energy. BUT I AM BACK TODAY.
Panel One: *SQUEEE* Sayid! And *snorts* It’s Walky reference! Go figure that’d be the pizza for Joyce and Joe, since Sarah and Jacob never joined SEMME. I love him as chef! <3
Panel Two: Well at least someone cares about their work here besides Becky. XD But yeah, that looks really weird. It's like 'Dude, I just went to all that work to make a sausage pizza and here you are picking it off? Why?" Although I like the implication they'd pick off the sausage if they'd got it wrong. That's a nice touch.
Panel Three: Oh. Oh, ow. Becky, honey. Yeah, as much as she cares about Dina (and she does, make no mistake) she does still have a crush on Joyce. That's not a thing that will go away easily or soon. It'll take time. More time than this. And yeah, even without the crush, this is sweet reminiscence and of course she cares about making Joyce's pizza right, they're bff (and no, you don't get an 's', that acronym is already plural, I will not kowtow).
Panel Four: ….Huh. The happy face is gone. Now she looks like she's in thought. Thinking about Joyce, maybe? Or just concentrating on getting ALL the sausage?
Panel Five: ooooookay, Becks, speed it up. Chefs need that space and order delivery is kinda important. You can always just give Joyce the little bowl and let her pick it out herself.
Panel Six: You should talk, Sayid, with you not having a hair net or a cap.
…..That might be my high school cooking class talking. We had to wear them all the time. Also put hair up. But yes, Becky, gloves, jesus. Nobody likes food poisoning from unsafe handling of food.
*hugs* I’ve spent all my energy just muddling through, I feel like crap for not being able to do more.
I’m glad you’ve found your energy though!
It was unexpected. Yesterday started off feeling like a write off, but I got to reread some Legend of Luke and go out to dinner with my parents and their friend, and my dad and brother and I marathoned some Big Bang Theory and watched Python and my friends were doing much better than I feared and so I got some optimism and energy back.
And muddling through is not a shameful thing. Right now, that’s a victory. You should be proud of yourself. Do something nice for yourself, okay?
Laid back as Sayid is, I think he wants to get a heads up on the neuroses of teh new hire “Will you pick the toppings of all pizza or is this a one time occurrence?”
Heh, the question headgear was actually answered in a bonus strip in a very… Galasso way.
Yeah, probably a fair idea.
And yes, I recall. Poor Sayid! No hat for him.
If it costs you a ton of energy, don’t be too worried about shortening them a bit, or even skipping a panel. Or even just skipping a comic.
You don’t have to live up to Cerberus’s impossible standard. If not for her very real struggles she talks about, I’d think that woman was a machine. Or secretly Willis explaining all the thought that went into each panel.
Oh no, the panel analyses don’t take a ton of energy. I’ve just had absolutely none to muster up the will to do them. So when I have energy, it’s easy to bang them out – they don’t take super long.
Pfft! If I were worried about living up to Cerberus, I’d have not bothered doing these in the first place. Nah, these are just my own little thoughts. I like posting them – I just sometimes don’t have energy to do anything, even when said things don’t take a lot.
Gloves?!?!!! Chopsticks!! Chopsticks all the way! Or tongs if you dont know how to use chopsticks. My friends used to laugh at me for eating cheetos with chopsticks but I dont have to clean off sricky orange fingers afterward and its so much better. 100% less orange smears on my couch.
Surely, if they don’t have gloves, then they probably have tongs or some other utensil she could use instead. They still have to be able get the toppings out.
I think pointing those out would be a smart thing for Sayid to do.
It’s pronounced Sigh-EED, right?
I’m a cook and we don’t wear gloves. In the span of ten minutes I might have to touch raw beef, raw fish, bread, vegetables, fries, and dairy. If I was taking my gloves off in between each switch to put new gloves on during a lunch rush (when our line is out the door), it’d be fucking madness. I wash my hands obsessively and make sure my nails are short and clean but gloves only get in my way (and run the risk of melting into my hands when I’m working with hot food on the flat-top grill).
If you’ve ever eaten at any kind of remotely decent restaurant in a state that doesn’t mandate gloves (California is one of them), I guarantee you’ve had your food touched and prepared by someone who wasn’t wearing gloves.
New Jersey is the same way. Every kitchen my husband has ever worked in was just like what you described. Most higher end restaurants prefer hand washing obsessively to wearing gloves. Chain joints tend to require gloves, but pizza places are the exception to that in my area.
So, using the available evidence, she’s totally in the green if she washed up real well.
I assumed she would use chopsticks, but who am I kidding. I don’t think they even used chopsticks to eat sushi. Nope, Joyce and Brcky have always used fingers to pick off sausage. Hm. I guess my asian-ness is showing.
It just hit me. We’re getting a Trial of Toedad arc, aren’t we?
maybe in like 10 to 30 years, our time
So, over winter break then?
So I guess Sayid calling people dude is a thing, seeing as this is the second strip in which he has a speaking role AND the second strip in which he calls someone “dude”.
The word “dude” when used in this sense may trace its origins back to the term Yankee Doodle Dandy.
The song Yankee Doodle Dandy is also the tune to the Barney theme song.
I don’t know where I’m going with this, but I’m confident this means something.
Barney is a purple tyrannosaurus, just like Beast Wars Megatron, bringing things back vaguely on topic to something Willis-related.
As a small child, Dina was once given a Barney the dinosaur plush by a well meaning relative. It did not survive the night.
And now, I’m officially caught up. Damn, this has been a ride…and it’s far from over yet!
Unless Indiana has different rules from Illinois, Sayid is commenting on Becky’s health code violation while committing his own health code violation of not having his hair ~~CONFINED~~ by a hat, bandana, or hair net. Same for Becky.
Signed, someone who has a sweaty head every work day due to having to ~~~CONFINE~~~ her hair. I’ve got caps with salt stains on them from sweat. Nasty.