I’ve never done terribly well with t-shirts, which is generally why I never, like, have t-shirts to sell. It’s not rocket science. BUT there are apparently a lot of places on the Interwebs these days where you can just, like, upload an image and then someone will sell that t-shirt and you don’t have to keep an inventory and also cry because you have an inventory for forever. Long story short, I was curious to see if my T-shirt Curse is still a thing, so I uploaded some simple graphics to TeePublic to see how they fare. Just an experiment to see, like, will people buy something with Carla on it. These are not high-concept shirts. (Well okay one of them is sort of high-concept.) So if “Dumbing of Age character on a t-shirt” intrigues you, then there is good news for you today. It is especially good news for the next two days (as of this posting), ‘cuz the introductory price is $6 off the regular price. So!
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Back when I was in college someone randomly stopped to shake my hand in a hall entirely because I was wearing my black SEMME-stripe shirt, so I whole-heartedly endorse the idea of you making more shirts.
a hero
Willis I independently went looking for DoA T-Shirts 2 days before and after you did this so from the bottom of my heart thanks for the new Carla TShirt
I really like that Carla one, I think I’ll order one next week when my bills roll over. Now, to spend the next seven days thinking about he colour choice.
i just got my Carla shirt today and i love it. how could a trans redhead named Carla pass up a tee with a trans redhead named Carla on it? it’s fate!
How come the It’s Walky shirt is the Shortpacked cast?
by the way! https://twitter.com/jennote/status/888011708333215747
Now we just need a Joseph, because we already have a JESUS, MARY
God dammit