It’s not just Election Day in America, it’s also Welcome To The Fuck Zone #2 day! Last week we got a NSFW pin-up of Walky and Dorothy, and this week we get Sarah! These stand-alone artworks can be accessed by Slipshine subscribers and there’ll be a new one every week!
Next week: Ethan.
(also if you’re american you should vote)
Bailey should be in the tags
Problem!!! Now that Bailey has a tag I want to know her story, what she or he looks like, are they a fan of hugs and professional wrestling?! Answers! We need them.
Well, she has this gender studies class with this really cool, interesting professor, but it’s constantly being interrupted by drama from all these weirdos throwing toys at each other and making inappropriate comments and arguing and screaming at each other and running out of class crying and just disrupting EVERYTHING!!
Bailey just wants to learn, you guys! Come on!
I want Bailey to be a main character now
I want a side story featuring Bailey and Asma.
And Jocelyne, who doesn’t get anywhere NEAR the screentime she deserves. It’s almost like she doesn’t live on the college campus on which 99.9% of the webcomic is set or something.
I would totally vote for them in the Hottest Lady poll on the side, if I knew what they looked like and if they were a lady
Is Bailey a girl name? I don’t know about you guys, but where I come from, we drink Bailey.
Looking it up, it’s an Irish product. A possible Irish-American character? Potato jokes?!
Unless you live somewhere with extremely unique drinks, you drink Baileys, not Bailey.
Bailey-the-name is used in both the US and the UK. It seems to be more common as a girls name in the US and as a boys name in the UK. To me, it reminds me of the wrestler, but to each their own.
And please, no potato jokes.
Hey, how many potatoes does it take to kill an Irishman?
Too soon?
I lol’d.
I discovered this week I’m 39% Irish, which is the highest concentration of anything in my DNA. So I can do that. XD
Being a descendant of the High King Brian Boru, I also found that funny.
I’ve just spent far too long trying to find out how offensive the general Irish population find jokes about the Irish Potato Famine (one million dead). The general repsonse seems to be “not very offensive, but that’s because we’re way more laid back that Americans are. Can I interest you in some 9/11 jokes?”
Either that, or “oh, we’re doing the potato jokes again? Really? Very good. Want to maybe go for a Guiness joke as well and claim that you know all about Ireland because your great great grandfather once received a postcard from Dublin? Do you know Scottish people wear skirts sometimes? Maybe go for that too.”
If it makes you feel any better, the genes that let my ancestors survive during that time also tend to fall apart after 50, i.e. cancer and/or heart attacks. Probably both.
I did not know that was a thing. I am now mildly depressed both for yourself and for me.
And here I thought Bailey referred to a courthouse.
As to the Potatoes Question its 16 shots for a normal man, maybe 20 for an Irishman and double that if a Finn =P
A boy up the road is named Bailey, his brother Riley.
In the summer, while I’m learning my pieces, I hear their father call “Bailey, Riley, Bailey, Riley, Bailey, Bailey. Riley.”
Apparently capslock crusaders have made their way onto Tuesday morning television.
(Not just Sunday morning TV preachers.) 2016 has even given us THAT.
It’s quiet where I’m at. I guess that’s what happens when most people around here voted before the 8th.
And my TV’s on for Hulu/Netflix/Amazon Prime far more than for network or cable TV.
Oh sure, everyone else has to pull their weight for a tag, but Bailey isn’t even IN PANEL and she gets one?
The comic strip equivalent to phoning it in.
I now want Bailey to become a recurring, important but always off-panel character. Hey, maybe Bailey is that 5th member from squad 135.
Ahh, the thing you do when you wanna fuck a candidate… wait….
settle down there James Comey
Funny story: According to my grandfather and his neighbor, James Comey has been interfering in the election… in favor of the Democrats. Everything he’s done (not throwing Clinton in jail, the reopening and re-closing of the email investigation) has given the Democrats more votes, and the only reason he’s not going to be prosecuted for it is because the Democrats are going to protect him after Hillary gets elected.
That is so far off track pseseb that it is just …..
The FBI has it written in their bylaws that no ref. to investigations close to election day will be released about ANY canidates because it is important that the FBI be neutral in politics. They can’t show preferences to anyone.
Comey’s boss told him do not release the letter, he released anyway to Congress on the 28th of Oct.
That letter did not ‘help’ Clinton at all, it hurt her because it keeps reopening the same stupid email dispute. Btw, Conda Lisa Rice did the same thing. So did the sr. Bush’s Sec. of State. It is prevalent practice apparently. Also, apparently its the only thing they can harass Clinton about.
She is very experienced: as a senator and sec. of state. She is a diplomat. And she is intelligent. All the things her opponent – is not.
You may want to note that in many countries with so called free and open elections (like Russia): as soon as one canidate has ‘won’, his opponent ends up in prison or dead.
Mr. Trump’s stated his intentions: that as soon as he wins he is throwing Hillary Clinton in jail because she belongs there. Ring any alarms for you? It should. So many threatening, stupid things that man has said, far too many too list here.
Anyway, however you vote…VOTE.
Further note that Comey got his butt in hot water for releasing the letter because he has done exactly what the bylaws tried to prevent. The FBI is no longer viewed as neutral. Very bad.
Also, the emails this new letter supposedly exposed are mostly copies of ones the FBI has on file on her now already. There is a program that will cross ref. those and these new ones, and sort out which are new so they can be easily sorted and read quickly.
Comey stirred up a hornet’s nest for nothing, except screwing his organization over. Wonder where his career will go now?
He’ll still have a government job. The national mall doesn’t mow itself!
I argue with people like that on a daily basis. “This is going to destroy our economy,” I say. “But unicorns” is usually the answer.
This is why she, or Obama before the end of his term, needs to fire Comey and clean out the FBI.
There’s no political fallout. The people who’ll believe she’s firing him for revenge or to cover up her scandal already believe the worst. Anything she does is conspiracy. So just go ahead and clean house.
That’s nothing: My dad thought Trump himself was a Democrat conspiracy at the start of this whole mess. Of course, the fact he used to be a Democrat in New York is just a sign that he’s an opportunist who will take any advantage he can get. No conspiracy required! (Because let’s be honest, the way Clinton’s emails are flying off the shelves, there’s no way that juicy secret wouldn’t have been leaked by now.)
I don’t think Trump is a part of a Democrat conspiracy, but I can’t say it would make any less sense than my understanding of what’s been happening.
Yeah, normally it’s them that f$@% us over rather than the other way around!
Rad up to 11.
But really it’s more of a hobby.
It’s really just guidelines.
Congresswoman, that’s all well and good, but does any chillaxin’ take place? The people demand answers.
Congress chillaxes to the extreme. I think it’s in the Bill of Rights.
I believe it’s under Amendments 4 and 20.
Congress and chill?
But can Congress be occasionally gnarly? Or is it most triumphant?
“Well, sometimes it can be bogus, but it’s usually most excellent!”
-air guitar riff-
Welp, I’m sold. Too late to run for representative? I have a few hours, at least.
Time is an illusion, just like American democracy, the concept of meaningful intelligence, and Dumbing of Age.
Time is just an illusion perpetuated by the manufacturers of Space.
Lunchtime doubly so.
The time leading up to Lunchtime even moreso.
To the Coolio-Max.
With an extra serving of radness.
Totally like, totally!
In most of the world, I am a centrist conservative. In the US I am a bleeding heart liberal who recently voted for Clinton.
You too? We have so much in common.
There are a lot of us, US politics can be a real culture shock
I’m kinda an 80s style cold warrior republican, and Trump didn’t get my vote.
(Though when I was diagnosed last year with kidney cancer, I did name my tumor after him. A malignant threat that cannot be ignored and should be cut out before it kills everything, what better way to describe renal cell carcinoma?)
A most excellent description.
I’m an old time hippie female with definite opinions and most of them aren’t popular.
I voted for Hillary. Not because she the best of two evils, indeed she is intelligent, diplomatic, experienced and I believe she will make a good president. She will listen to her cabinet. And she is very aware of the overall world picture.
She is everything Trump is not.
Yep, that is my opinion of Clinton as well.
I was going to laugh, then the image of a little Trump inside all of us made me go, “ewwww”
From a Sanders Democrat, best of luck to you, and worst of luck to your little Trumor!
Fortunately for me, mini trump was caught early enough that it was as simple as a nephrectomy and roughly a week of recovery.
For the country, however, I can only hope today’s procedure goes well…
A friend of mine named her tumour Maggie after Thatcher.
Well at least Leslie being there got sidestepped quickly.
Super Rad to the MAX!
Everyone should be in congress! Then everybody can be super rad. Vote for everybody!
Everbody approves this message.
Just write down Manly’s name before Robin’s, for…reasons.
Hmm. Janet, Paula Abdul, or MSM?
Paula Abdul. Sorry, I love her.
What DOES Joyce consider herself?
If I had to guess, she’s absorbed her parents’ political views and never once questioned them til this very moment.
Oh yeah. One of my friends is inches from dumping one of her long time friends because she’s voting for Trump. Why? Because her parents are Republicans and all three of them always vote red in every election regardless of who it is or what they are going for. I imagine Joyce is about the same (at least when somebody asks why she voted for x, she can say why instead of shrugging and refusing to do research even after people ask why), but she could always grow and form her own opinion even if it’s still a conservative one but of her own choosing.
That thing^
That thing, that thi-i-i-ing!
I suppose that she user to reserve that Ephesans passage she quoted to Dorothy when they played at being a married couple in Leslie’s class. How could a good wife have a political opinion that differs from her husband?
My opinion is what ever the person I’m with is.
I feel like she doesn’t consider herself anything right now.
LESLIE: “Uh, how about going into further detail?”
ROBIN: “It’s, like, totally tubular!”
Plays Tubular Bells on hacked Muzak.
Totally gnarly!
It’s righteous!
Got your bags packed Willis?
Heads up!
To anybody who didn’t see my post from yesterday. If you are in the US and voting tomorrow and still undecided on an over the government officials currently up for election in your area, check out this site. It’s a quiz and it’s detailed and fair with lots of information available including what various things mean and all the issues that will be on your ballot.
How could anyone possibly still be undecided in this election? This has been 16 months of HELL. It has been like living inside a Friday the Thirteenth film that is constantly on repeat, forever. And not one of the so-bad-it’s-good Jason films either, this is like living in a constant repeat of Jason X. It’s been like Groundhog Day, except we’re not Bill Murray, we are Stephen Tobolowsky, and our only purpose is to get punched in the face, over and over and over again.
I’ve already voted early, but I did so with a taste of bile and blood in my throat. Because these were my choices:
– A well meaning simpleton who describes her own economic policy as a magic trick
-A idiot who wants to legalize private prisons, is for the Trans Pacific Partnership, is against environmental regulation, is against the Citizens United decision, is against any kind of healthcare plans, can’t name any world leaders and doesn’t know where the FUCK Aleppo is, but hey, he likes weed so who gives a shit, right? FUCK OFF.
-A hateful, bigoted, racist, sexist, idiot fascist who called mexicans rapists, claimed the president was born in kenya and then lied about it, wants to ban all muslims from entering the US, mocked a disabled reporter, said John McCain wasn’t a war hero because he got captured, attacked the parents of a fallen war hero, bragged about committing sexual assault, was accused of sexual assault by at least 12 women, said some of those women weren’t attractive enough to sexually assault, said more countries should get nukes, asked why we don’t use nukes, said he was going to bomb the shit out of our enemies, wants to encourage our military to commit war crimes, said a judge was biased because his parents were mexicans, said women should be punished for getting abortions, incited violence at his rallies, called global warming a hoax perpetuated by the chinese (and then lied about it), called for Clinton to be jailed, bragged about not paying income taxes because he declared bankruptcy six times (even though he won’t release his tax returns so we don’t know either way), refuses to pay any of the people who work for him, lost a billion dollars in one year, created a fake university to scam people, is going on trial later this month for that fake university, bought a six foot tall painting of himself with money from his fake foundation, bragged about grabbing women by the pussy, may possibly not accept the results of the election if he doesn’t win, and tried to pass off a man with a sign as an assassination attempt.
-And Grandma Nixon.
I went with Grandma Nixon. Because after all of this utter insanity, I’ll take some old fashioned, honest corruption, if only to get the nightmare to stop.
Thank you for shouldering that responsibility thrown at you for no fault of your own, it’s not a perfect system but it takes work to avoid the alternative.
(The alternative is killing people you don’t agree with.)
The trouble with killing all the people I disagree with is there are just so many of them.
The trouble with killing all the people I disagree with is that I often find myself disagreeing with myself.
“still undecided on an over the government officials currently up for election in your area”
There are other officials up for election other than the presidency.
And your “grandma Nixon” was being mocked in 1993 as “Saint Hillary”, too much of an idealistic do-gooder.
*sigh* Okay. Yes. Calling her Grandma Nixon is a bit harsh, I admit. I’m sorry. I don’t think she’s nearly as corrupt as Nixon was, and she’s not even close to being as corrupt as the republicans, the FBI, the KGB, and the KKK are all trying to paint her.
She is a career politician. I don’t trust any career politician, as a matter of principle.
And I still voted for her. I may not like her, and I don’t agree with all of her policies, but at least she HAS policies, she is experienced, and (most important of all) she’s actually intelligent. She is not an Idiot, Insane, or Literally A Fascist like the others.
Thank you for clarifying your full opinion of Hillary Clinton. I voted for her because I think she will make a good president.
IF our elected jackasses in Congress can stop acting like its important who gets the most points up on each other and start doing their jobs…SERVING THE INTERESTS OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. Perhaps if they do this she may have a chance to be a good president.
I have a feeling its going to be another run of Congress vs President vs everybody – just under new names.
She is not a total narchisstic (sp?) idiot who refuses to (or is incapable of) listening to the advice of her cabinet and advisors.
But, like you said very well, she is a professional politician, and as such is hard to trust totally. I also do think she is not nearly the blackguard her opponents have painted her.
What I don’t understand is how this election is even close at any scale. The Republican Party (not necessarily all Republicans, but the party as a whole (see: the party platform) and especially the party’s leadership) has devolved to the point of actively trying to harm and subjugate the American people they’re supposed to serve. They have not only continued in their blatant hatred of women and the LGBT community, but they have also wholeheartedly embraced the racist, anti-immigrant white supremacy of Trump’s core supporters. How are people still supporting the party after that? I don’t care what your economic views are, any “damage” another Democrat presidency and/or Congress does is utterly incomparable to the harm to the American people that a post-Trump Republican Congress will do, let alone what Trump himself will unleash. To my mind, the sane Republicans need to abandon their moniker and let the party die, so that the Democratic party can start squabbling amongst themselves and split in two–like has happened before in American history. Until that happens, though, our political system is just…ugh.
…well, or we could just switch to a sane system like Single Transferrable Vote, but at this point I’ve lost hope in anything that sane ever happening for us.
And by “our elected jackasses in Congress” you mean the Republicans, right? This isn’t Congress vs the President. This isn’t Congress obstructing the business of government. It isn’t Congress refusing to even consider a SC Justice nominated by a Democrat.
It’s the Republican party. Which having taken up “Government is bad” as its main tenet, no longer has any incentive to actually serve the interests of the American People. Breaking things and refusing to compromise is what gets them elected.
Democrats aren’t perfect. They’ve got the usual mix of ambition and corruption, but they’re still trying to make things work. They still need to make things better to win votes.
“Republicans tell you government doesn’t work, then they get elected and prove it.” – P.J. O’Rourke
And then you vote for them because they’re right and you hate government. That’s the broken part that closes the loop.
Thank you drs for replying when my internet crashed
Like I said yesterday (and I’m sorry I didn’t make it clear enough today), there are a lot of government positions that need to be filled other than the presidency such as the Senate and Congress. Some positions might not have a candidate from your party. Some people don’t watch much TV, have learned to tune out the ads, or don’t get many ads for candidates for state and local positions where they live. Some might be procrastinators or been intimidated by the possibility of doing research on it. Some might worry if they are making the right decision. This site is a great resource for people like that. It even covers issues that will be on on the ballot.
I recognize you say you overspoke, but just because it isn’t just you…
Man, Nixon wasn’t ‘corrupt’. He didn’t just do some random back doors deals. Watergate may have been his downfall, but it’s pretty far down the lists compared to the rest of the shit he did – that was ‘only’ political spying on political opponents (Which, I remind you, is the thing *TRUMP* has explicitly called on foreign powers to do)
He fucking mobilized the FBI against black people. His policies are the actual reason so many leaders stopped waking up. Under his administration, the CIA solidified ties with the KKK to help feed them information, because /obviously/ the blacks, the spics, the queers, the feminists were all in cahoots with the commies (This one eventually was true, but no shit, socialists were saying ‘hey, it’s kind of bullshit that y’all aren’t really treated like people’).
And in spite of all that, at least Nixon opened relations with China (Which was pretty god damned important) and started the EPA. So *NIXON* is too left wing for the modern republicans. At some point, he thought government was supposed to be involved in something /positive/.
And here’s the thing: Nixon got /caught/. Pretty quickly, all told. If Hillary’s corrupt, she’s the greatest criminal mastermind of our era – she has survived repeated and constant investigation by partisans that want her /head/ with nothing worse than bad data security to show for it. The worst that the data leaks have shown is that the party she’s been in her whole god-damn life preferred her over the Johnny-come-lately that literally joined for the sole purpose of trying to become president, and did so this election cycle. That favoritism has resulted in shockingly little – Sanders lost on his own merits (Or demerits, as the case may be). Shockingly, said johnny-come-lately didn’t play well with pretty much everyone over the age of what, 25? (Well, okay, the actual worst thing is the bad-at-data-security thing. Which, well, she’s an american government official. That’s… bad, and is going to keep being an issue going forward, but there aren’t a whole lot of congresscritters who know who to look at for this).
Grandma Nixon is too harsh, not just because of the worst things he did, but also, what has she done that can even /plausibly/ compare with the thing people remember of him?
I don’t want to actually defend the guy but like Dubya and his AIDS campaign, Nixon did some seminal things Civil rights wise including the fact he ended the United States’ campaign to destroy Native American reservations and culture. Nixon also didn’t make the FBI a racist organization. That was their narrative but they were already targeting Civil Rights leaders and minorities as part of an organized campaign of oppression.
Hoover was already racist, and had massively shaped the organization to be moreso, but he didn’t have as blatant a presidential command to do what they were doing. ‘fewer assassinations’ to ‘more of them’ is an important difference.
“Ended”, okay sure. /eyes DAPL
First: I wish I knew you in real life, because I would like to buy you a beer after that.
Second: The main reason I chose “Grandma Nixon” is because that is an absolute worst case scenario, and my intent is recognizable. At worst, she would be a bad president, like Nixon, or Hoover, or Dubya. And we have survived bad presidents. We have never had anything even close to something like Trump in the white house, the physical embodiment of 4chan made flesh.
The best case scenario would be Jimmy Carter back in the white house, because he was the last decent human being we had sitting in the oval office. But he’s too busy genuinely being a decent human being to get back into politics.
Thing is, Jimmy Carter is generally rated as a pretty poor president – even by people that think he’s a good person and like what he’s done since.
It may be that “decent human being” and “good president” aren’t really compatible.
On the other hand, I’d say Obama is at least a decent human being and a good president, so maybe not. He’s done some shitty things in office, but he’s faced some seriously shitty choices.
Ehhh, I think Carter’s more just remembered as bad because of the hostage crisis.
There are other reasons. He tried to get us to face some of our problems. We didn’t want that.
Reagan came along with “Morning in America” and it was all over.
One of Nixon’s dirty-tricks brigade, Roger Stone, is working for Trump. Never thought I’d see that name again.
Sheason, this election is more than just picking which of two terrible choices gets to be President. Here in CA, we also have a Senator, Congressman, State Senator, Assemblyperson, and County Supervisor to elect. These people will have a LOT more effect on our immediate happiness than whoever gets to sit on the D.C. throne.
We also have no less than 17 ballot initiatives to vote on, as well, ranging from the usual dumb ‘educational’ construction bonds, to overturning Citizens United, to legalizing marijuana (finally!).
In short, we have a LOT of things to be undecided about. So get off your one-issue horse, and join the rest of us in the real vote.
So I went and voted… and I’m shaking and about to cry. A women I have known for over a decade who I have always respected ripped me a new one. She was behind me in line and we got to talking when I mentioned I was a Democrat. Among the things she said was we shouldn’t let men pretend to be women because it opens the door for people who claim to be horses or lily pads, people who choose to be gay should not be allowed to adopt children, homosexuality is a choice and there is no scientific proof otherwise, Johnson (a third party I mentioned my Republican friend voted for) is a moron who knows nothing, the stuff Trump said held against him was jokes, churches should not have to pay taxes of any kind, we should get rid of programs like food stamps because the are taken advantage of (even though she knows I’m poor and on them), the government should never fund free therapy even for those who need it, one of the first things we need to do is deport all the illegal Mexicans who are bleeding our country dry and sending the money back to Mexico, early abortions can be allowed as long as they are expensive and paid for completely out of pocket including aftercare even for poor people and the women should not get a free evaluation by a therapist afterwards to insure the hormonal flux doesn’t effect them because they chose to do it, I need to read constitution, and she felt sorry for me and my misguided views. I’m a polysexual atheist liberal and everything she said hurt me. I think I’m going to vomit. How could this sweet woman I’ve known most of my adult life be this bigoted Trump supporter who can insult me so easily? I’m sorry. I promise I won’t derail my intentions of my original post. I want people to find the candidates that fit them best instead of it being a guessing game, but I had to say something to someone even if it’s screaming into the void. I know this is how it is living in a religious red state in the bible belt and I’ve accepted that I will experience this with strangers, but this… this is different.
Take it from me, Bluewind, you definitely, absolutely, positively never need to feel shame or guilt over expressing difficult emotions here. I think here’s a great place to do that.
Thanks Spencer. I just wanted everyone to know that I wasn’t saying what I said for some ulterior motive. I really just wanted to purge the pain and stress about my own experience without derailing what I originally posted which was a way to help people figure out who to vote for especially in those local elections which too many places have limited information on. I just wanted to say I voted and even though I caught hell and the stuff she said hurt, it didn’t stop me from going in and voting. I live in a place where stuff like that is said to me by strangers when I’m not getting strangers who try to save me or expressing their pity or how my choices (both being an atheist and polysexual) saddens them. I am a decent person outnumbered by bigots and people who are ultra religious. And I still voted. Even when I see a lot of the things I vote for not win, I still vote. I participate in the big crazy numbers game and even when the things important to me don’t win, I still contributed to the numbers and the percentages saying that yes there are people who think differently in this area that maybe the government and politicians should consider. So if I can still vote and have hope for my country and state and town, then nobody out there has a good argument to me on why it’s okay to shrug their shoulders and say their vote doesn’t mater. That’s how I feel about it anyway.
I don’t understand how someone could talk like that to a complete stranger, much less someone who seems as nice and kind as you do.
You didn’t deserve to be treated that way.
*hugs* Thanks FC. It’s part of the reason I don’t go out much. I think the worst time such a thing happened with a stranger was when a woman started insulting me and trying to save my soul as my dog was going through emergency surgery. She wouldn’t leave me alone even though I told her what was going on and that I wanted go be left alone. All she knew was that I didn’t go to church. The worst time with someone I cared about was when a friend found out I was an atheist and tore into me accusing me of being a Satan worshiping illuminati member (we are no longer friends as his belief continued even after a reasonable amount of time to let the shock wear off). Such things have a lasting impact on a person.
One of the worst things about the Trump campaign is how it’s brought out the the worst in people. Even if it was there before, they now feel it’s okay to spew hatred anywhere.
I’m sorry you had to deal with that. Just from what I’ve read from you here, you’re entirely too awesome to have to put up with that kind of crap. Sympathy via light internet contact.
Oh yes. It’s discussing. I may be cis gender and labeled as Caucasian (Scottish, Irish, British Isles, and Native American), but I can still feel disgust towards the bigotry expressed. Being a polysexual atheist woman, I got plenty of bigotry aimed directly at me as well. It’s all been so exhausting.
That is impossibly sweet *reciprocation of contact with hugs*
*All the support and sympathy I can possibly offer you*
I’d try saying more, but I’m kind of speechless at the moment.
Welcome to small town in the bible belt :\
*reciprocation of sympathy and support*
People might think that Robin takes after Trump, but really, I’d say she’s a tad closer to Rubio – Hispanic, young and fresh-faced, rarely shows up to work, only has a few talking points that she repeats like robot…
She’s basically Rule 63!Rubio with Red Bull directly injected into her veins.
And probably not as smart as Rubio. She sort of strikes me as a Sarah Palin token type, only unlike Palin she actually surprised everyone and won.
Oh c’mon, I doubt Robin would say that waterboarding is how we baptize our terrorists.
Palin was a Governor; Robin is a Representative. Palin won a… well, not higher, but more prestigious office than Robin did.
(Robin seems to enjoy being a politician, though, while Palin quit halfway through her first term to be a TV personality.)
OTOH Alaska has about as many people as a Congressional district.
Alaska has exactly as many people as a congressional district – the entire state has only one representative.
To paraphrase Kathleen Madigan: “Have you ever BEEN to Alaska? They have more reindeer than people! I’d be more impressed if she said she was the game warden.”
Palin was not picked for her brains or experience. She was picked only because she was a woman. The Republicans searched for female gov’s and found 12. She’s very good looking and very…not smart. Perfect to mold into a yes man v.p.
The Republicans dressed her, tutored her, and put her on stage to be a foil against the female democrat that was proving to be more popular than they believed could happen.
Like Trump, the Republicans didn’t exactly get what they bargained for in Palin. No way she’s anywhere near the mess that is Trump, more like a forerunner of poor judgement.
My understanding is Palin is actually surprisingly smart… about Alaska. So I suspect what’s a little more likely is that they handled her interview around issues that she knew considerably better. So the Peter Principle.
Perhaps maybe even an extension of the Dilbert Principle – idiots get promoted to management?
Politics is strange. People liked Palin because they could relate.
When the GOP made her go and learn stuff, and she couldn’t, her likability was removed. They couldn’t let her be herself.
Trump had a better chance of winning if he could just keep his ego under control. His ratings began to improve when he shut up.
I’m hoping that this virulent strain of White American demagoguery has run it’s course. It’s bad enough having to deal with it in the UK.
I’d say she’s way too polished to be Trump. Honestly, she’s like the stereotype of what Clinton is, apparently saying whatever it takes, and not having an opinion of her own.
“…Right after I tweet more at these danged parents of some dead army guy that will just not shut up ’bout how I “got no tact.””
That was yesterday’s punchline. And the alt-text of that strip referred to her tiny hands.
I never said otherwise. I know she is a parody of Trump this time. But, in the same vein as the guy who said she was more like Rubio, I argued she’s more like Clinton in one respect: she is polished. She can actually pretend to be nice.
Trump is so fucking stupid that he can’t even pull that off. He’s too dumb to realize when it would be helpful. The only reason they got him to shut up was that they took away his Twitter account.
While she has more overt aspects of Trump, she is more like the stereotype of Clinton in that she actually changes who she is as she goes.
And note that word “stereotype.” I don’t think Clinton’s actually like that at all.
Not very well informed are you trickily?
It was a custom of a prestigious eastern college to allow the top grad the honor of address Congress and presenting their own speech. I’m sorry I cant’ recall the name of the college. Easy enough to look it up.
Are you aware that Hillary Clinton was the first woman graduate of that college to address Congress. She was 18. She got a standing ovation, which was most unusal.
And everyone knows that only people with no opinions that only say what needs to be said – get to be Sec. of State. Just like..oh say…Henry Kissenger.
He did indicate that’s the stereotype of her.
So I get to put another poster in my ignore list plugin. You couldn’t even be bothered to look at how to spell my name, insulted me, and said something that has literally nothing to do with anything I said.
You just wanted an excuse to attack me. Goodbye.
You may disagree, but she’s blatantly obviously intended as a Trump parody. As the SP! version was intended as a Sarah Palin parody.
tiny hands, tweeting about a dead army guy, Make District 9 Great again.
The problem is, again, she is too polished to be Trump. He made her actually have the ability to change her personality, when Trump can be no one but Trump.
Duh, she’s supposed to be a parody of Trump. But she’s too polished to be him. Literally none of you addressed what I actually said.
Oh boy this comment section is going to be so much fun today (kill me now)
No! He doesn’t have to shoot you now!
*points at Slartibeast* PRONOUN TROUBLE!
It’s NOT ‘He doesn’t have to shoot YOU now’, it’s ‘He doesn’t have to shoot ME now’!
“They have so much food”
I’m guessing Leslie’s about to get a rude awakening re: her crush…
Also, I’m more annoyed than I probably should be at Joyce there, because there but for the grace of god go I–I too passively absorbed my parents’ political views without thinking critically about it once…at least, til I was 12 or so. Then I very abruptly became the liberal bisexual heathen your pastor warned you about.
Also, tangentially related, if I happened to have just made a sparkly “nasty woman who votes” button, think it’d pass muster at the polls since it’s not overtly campaigning? Or should I not chance it?
Maybe wear it afterwards? Don’t take any chances for trouble at the polls.
That’s not a crush, feels more like horniness. Although if it were that, she could probably pick someone else.
Yeah, lust is easy enough to redirect. A crush tends to stick (at least for a while) whether you want it to or not, until you fulfill it, find someone else to displace it, or it goes up in flames
Things going up on flames around Robin doesn’t seem all that unlikely.
Conservatism is one of the fastest ways to destroy a crush for me.
Panel three in this strip screams “crush” to me.
This strip. I don’t know what I did wrong before.
Nobody ever warned -me- about heathen liberal bisexuals… *grumblegrumble*
What were they thinking?
Let me be the first, then. We are fierce and not to be trifled with. These are serious words I am saying now.
Yeah I’d be careful. There’s enough issues that can happen at the polls given Trump’s “poll watchers” (read, volunteer minority intimidation squad) could be looking for any reason to give anyone liberal looking crap.
Feel free after you vote though.
I’m pretty sure Les knows all about the horrible aspects of Robin. She did vote for the old white guy she was running against, after all.
I’m calling it now:
If Trump wins tomorrow, by Wednesday he will be complaining about how the system is rigged because they won’t let him take office until January
:c Don’t even hypothetical like that, I’ve spent all day reading projections and trying to convince myself that’s not even a possibility…
I’m leaving regardless.
This actually isn’t a reaction to this election cycle. It was in the cards, because I’m far less rooted, don’t really have a family life aside from a vaguely less estranged sister, and the USA is a bigger pain in the ass to immigrate into. I just gotta live long enough to get out.
Relatedly, the god damn KKK have been campaigning in my neighborhood. As in, for /months/. This is where the fuck we are.
Same, I already have plans to move to the UK to be with my boyfriend eventually, but that’s a ways off still. I understand the immigration process there isn’t much better, but he (somewhat understandably) has solidly vetoed moving over here.
We had some KKK activity here about a decade ago (I live in a backwoods nowhere), but they’ve quieted down by now. Stay safe.
There’s something terrifying where post-Brexit UK, in the full flush of racism, xenophobia, anger at judges and full of threats for people who disagree with them, is a better place than the US.
Among all the “Make America Great Britain Again” jokes, we didn’t realize Great Britain would become more and more like America instead.
We’re the Tennessee of Europe.
it’s a bit the same everywhere in the old countries who called themselves model… anti-abortion spain and poland, proto-fascist hungary and turkey, racist austria, switzerland, germany and italy, racist and anti-queer france, and so on… so Uk may not appear that bad regarding the general fear/hate climate change
Uh, you two recognize he’s saying it’s still better than the States, right?
And I can’t bring myself to disagree. Brexit is fucking awful, but the UK has considerably less virulent white terrorists. And yes, I know full-god-damn-well they have white terrorists.
We keep our racists well hidden. They’re coming out for a march at the end of the month.
Stay tuned.
Yes of course, just adding that no country is so safe from bigotry. And implying that I’m not sure that that’s the brexit which started this kind of thinking in the UK. Neonazis have been meeting in the whole Europe (as I should know by living at the french-german fronteer and having every year neonazi rallies less than 50 km from home) since at least ten years without anyone raising an eyebrow. A guy, 19 years old, was killed three years ago by a fascist in Paris and then all I ever heard was: why can’t they let right wing people go? Fifteen years ago, neonazi scum couldn’t go as far as parade in the city centers arboring fascists. Well fifteen years ago people were laughing at me because I was thinking racists, nazi and fascists ideas were gaining in the country. So my point is, as far as I know through the report of organized/unionized people in the UK and many european countries, this is not a move to the right (and farther, to racism and bigotry) from only one country, and no, it has no point to tell, in my opinion, that UK is better/worse than USA to this point.
If Trump wins I give him six months in office until he’s either successfully impeached, or quits in a snit because he can’t act like Kim Jong Un.
Didn’t he say that if Hillary wins he might not acknowledge it? Which I’m not sure if it matters, beyond it being the human, sporting thing to do.
He specifically said he will accept the election results only if he wins. So that’ll be fun
So, another tantrum on stage.
Only this one’s going to be both sad and funny.
Unless said tantrum somehow incites secession.
If he tries to secede, I say we let him. We’ve got a bunch of tiny, uninhabited islands in the pacific that aren’t useful for anything. He can be president of one of those.
I’m going to go out on a limb and say that we (the pacific) don’t want Trump anywhere near us thank you very much
Place Trump on the very southern tip of Florida, saw it off, tow it out to sea. Works for me.
Ah, the Bugs Bunny gambit.
You could saw off all of florida, but then where will our old people go to die?
That, and Georgia’s now fucked during hurricane season.
I just pictured Atlanta having to deal with a cat 5, after sleeping in the actual cold because of the 6 inches of snow a couple years ago, and started actually laughing XD
The idea of a Little Havana in a place like Valdosta or Brunswick amuses me a lot.
Honestly I believe Trump has about as much of a chance of winning as a potato does. Actually scratch that, a potato is at least delicious and nutritious.
Anyways at the very least I’ll be voting tomorrow to ensure that orange anthropomorphic traffic cone doesn’t win.
I’m not going to be able to unclench until tomorrow night at the earliest. I doubt I’ll be able to relax enough to poop before Friday
I voted last week, so the toughest choice I have today is whether to respond to this comment with a GlaDOS or Devo reference.
GLaDOS please c:
Man, I knew the answer before I finished typing that previous comment. Who was I kidding?
Welcome to the Enrichment Testing Center. Please have a seat over there, while I decide in what way you will die.
Careful, Tacos, the potato lobby is strong in the U.S. Take a lesson from Hayes’ run-in with the cheese lobby.
I am quite sure that, should Trump win, he’ll borrow a page from President Obama’s playbook, set up an “Office of the President Elect” and start acting as if he is the head of a shadow government that needs to be consulted in any and all decisions by the federal authorities.
No Joyce! Don’t pull out a Faz!!!
She has graphs?
So hey Guys just wanted to say if Trump wins the election and the first thing he does is nuke California for being the least helpful state to his campaign, I just wanted to let you know even though I have had opposing differences with some of you it’s still been fun around here I will miss you…in a way.
He pushed the wrong button, and soon there’ll be no place called California.
Look, I’m in Canada, and can’t vote, but I’m terrified of him winning because even if he doesn’t have anything specifically against us (maybe going after the people who moved to get away from him?) I don’t trust his aim.
I think maybe Canada is not the only country terrified of him winning: Japan is not thrilled about it either, for example.
Trump thinks dumping Japan and ‘making them pay their own way is way overdue”. The idiot not realizing they are staunch allies and in a very important geological position in relation to our best interests.
The list goes on….
Joyce, people who live in glass house shouldn’t throw stones.
But stone is the material that represents God!
So too the shards of glass that cut to the bone.
As someone from a country where we’ve been forced to pick between shitty and shittier for over a decade, I feel you guys.
Also is that Joyce having a mini meltdown/revelation there?
Why would the election cause you to wrap up plotlines?
Good question.
Because Dumbing of Age will probably have to adapt pretty rapidly if we end up living in a nuclear wasteland in a few months.
For all the fun it would be to see the dumbiverse go full mad max, it becomes significantly less fun if such a shift still means that we remain in the realm of realistic fiction.
Because he fears that a President Trump will somehow end the world. As matters stand, it seems that the current growing paranoia about Russia in Western governments and intelligence agencies may do that anyway, no matter who wins, long before inauguration day.
I thought he was making an allusion to a need to undiversify the comic, for fear of being targeted and throw in jail for supporting view that run against Trump. Though to my knowledge there aren’t any bigoted oranged people in it. Ross comes close, but a comic only about him that paints him in a positive light every time? Doubt I’d read that.
Willis knows how to make a comic full of identical white confederates. That’s how Shortpacked! ended.
Simple answer – because the entire cast would pack up and move to Canada.
Along with most of his readership.
The now-abandoned campus would be re-designated ‘Trump U’ and turned into a detention center for undesirables.
Ha, I am ahead of my time then, because I am already here. Central Alberta, to be somewhat more precise.
This makes me wonder if Robin actually believes in anything.
She believes into being the most rad politician ever!
I like seeing the little instances wear Robin has a heart – like when she expressed surprise about not paying interns or here, where she apologizes to Leslie for potentially causing future problems for her class.
If she is the homophobic/transphobic brand of family values candidates, that is inexcusable. That said, it’s still nice to see her act better than usual.
She’s the kind of candidate that positions herself as the homophobic brand of family value candidate because her advisors have told her that that’s the most likely to get her votes. Her actual position is that she should be in Congress, because it’s rad.
She hasn’t said anything homophobic yet, so here’s hoping.
Just because she’s a largely amoral right wing populist doesn’t mean she’s not a human being with some capacity for empathy when the people involved are at least physically close to her.
That’s a surprisingly low blow from Dorothy. “Remember that time you was hunted with a gun and your best friend almost died?”
She was probably startled, and she makes a quick rebuttal to Joyce’s quip, but still. Using someones traumas and trigger points against them to win an argument… I can think of VERY few times that is justified, and especially not now, a WEEK after the fact, and why? To shake Joyce out of her political comfort zone? Like THAT hasn’t happened already?
In fact, I think Dorothy fucks up this badly exactly because she falls into the fallacy Joyce makes fun of – she assumes that Joyce (who she likes) SHOULD be on her side, and should easily fall into line now when the error of her ways have been demonstrated. It’s a sincere question. “How comes you don’t agree with me?”
But political affiliations ARE not that easily shifted, and if Dorothy truly want Joyce to come to her side, not only as a friend but politically as well she needs to step up her game. Waving ToeDad in front of her like a red flag won’t do that, it will only make Joyce feel worse about herself than she already does.
I’m saying this like Dorothy’s number two fan (after Joyce, of course). I think she is all flavours of AWESOME, but I still think this was one of the worst ball-dropping in the comics this far (as measured in level of fuck-up vs base level of good intentions), comparable to some of Joyce’s worst moments with Ethan or Becky.
The only reason Joyce doesn’t leave class in tears THIS time is because Leslie was more on the ball with changing the topic, and Dorothy at least had the good grace Roz lacked to shut up after she made her point instead of hammering it home.
mu? I typed a whole reply and it disappeared?
If your reply had… I think it’s three links, then it’s being held for approval.
Two links is enough to trigger moderation, in my experience.
But for me the comment still shows up on my PC-based browser with a note that it is awaiting moderation.
thanks for letting me know, so it DID get flagged, though I wonder why since I did not include any links. Maybe there was some keyword?
This seems unlikely. As far as I know, the only posts that get held up for moderation are the ones with too many links and those of first-time posters (unless you switched accounts between that post and these, that doesn’t apply, of course). The DoA filter changes words, but I don’t think it blocks posts – in fact, considering some of the stuff we get to see on the more right-wing-angering strips, it’s a pretty safe bet it doesn’t.
There is at least one expletive that will cause a comment to just be deleted automatically (starts with ‘C’)
Is it possible you forgot a letter while typing “count”?
Wasn’t that bongos? Which I’m actually writing, for the very first time!
I don’t think the ToeDad Incident is what Dorothy was referring to, so much as the fact that Robin’s party, and “Family Values” platform does not tend to be more than begrudgingly tolerant of the LGBT+ community.
We only see a tiny moment of Joyce’s reaction since the rest of the strip moves off them, but I read her expression more as “oh shit, I didn’t think of that” rather than shock or hurt.
Joyce has done a lot of thinking about how her system update has affected her relationship with her religious community and her family, but I suspect that this is the first she’s thought about it with respect to the politicians she supports.
This might even be the first she’s thought about her own political leanings in a while, and is only just now realizing she’s been parroting the political views her parents and community taught her to have, just like the religious views she’s been doing away with.
Stop arguing with yourself, Becky!
Pffft, as if Becky isn’t a constant turmoil of internal strife behind that rad mask.
I really hope you are right, but I have a hard time seeing how Joyce could hear “remember Becky” without connecting it to last weeks events.
It is possible that Dorothy doesn’t realize it, but she really should have. It was just yesterday Joyce came home from her family weekend.
And I absolutely agree that Joyce will have some long and hard thinking about her political views to do, and Dorothy will probably be instrumental for that, but there are MUCH better ways Dorothy can nudge that train of thoughts.
If nothing else, she would have the desired effect just by mentioning LGBT rights in general, she wouldn’t have to connect it to Becky – Joyce would do that vividly enough herself, as seen by the “Sweet Lesbian Facts” lecture.
I agree.
I really didn’t get that at all from Dorothy’s comment. Dorothy said “after Becky,” not “after Toedad.” Remember that Joyce had already completed her conversion on homosexuality before the gun incident. In fact, Joyce had gone all the way around to accepting Dina, specifically, as Becky’s girlfriend before Toedad the gunman showed up (not sure if it counts as a shooting if nobody gets hit).
If I’m remembering right, Ross’s first appearance is right after the LGBT meeting that Joyce and Ethan attend. At that point, Joyce had definitely changed her mind on homosexuality but still thought of Dina as an “evilutionist.” By the time Ross returns, Joyce has come around to liking Dina/accepting her as Becky’a girlfriend, judging by the strip where Becky and Dina smooch in front of her.
My point is, I think what Dorothy meant is that Joyce and Robin are no longer on the same “side” when it comes to LGBTQ rights/issues, not necessarily on gun control.
In Dorothy’s defence, she looks up to Robin and to Leslie as people and I think I’d get snappish and defensive if I saw their feet of clay in too clear and shameless a fashion.
I also can’t exactly blame at Joyce feeling a bit of schadenfreude for Dorothy’s idols proving to be at least as flawed as her own.
Neither impulse is particularly nice, but these are a pair of eighteen-year-olds. They’ll react first, possibly even fight first and realise what they’d done later. I expect an embarrassed mutual apology at some point in this chapter.
Toedad is almost definitely not what Dorothy was aiming for.
I mean, she might /hit/ it, since intent isn’t that relevant to this sort of thing, but it’s probably not her aim.
aiming for
Really? Not ‘she might hit it’?
Toedad. Aiming. Like with a gun.
im bad at internet humourI didn’t get that from Dorothy’s comment at all because she didn’t mention anything relating to such a trauma, besides Becky’s existence, so it came across more like a concerned friend pointing out that the person you are saying is ‘on your side’ is in fact not on your side about something you value.
I mean, unless she’s not supposed to be allowed to even mention Becky because she was involved with a traumatic event even though she is additionally the most relevant person to mention in relation to Joyce when bringing up that the views Joyce and Robin have on LGBT+ issues are likely different.
I think Dorothy here is being the less-aggressive-and-in-your-face version of Roz aaaaaall those strips back. It’s a “do you still think deSanto, who runs on a “family values” platform is on your side, even after Becky made you realise that gay folk aren’t of the devil?”
And now I’ve defended Dorothy. I think I’ve defended all the mainstay DoA characters now. Bingo.
Yup. And it’s an important reminder to do with tact. Like Joyce has a lot of automatic “I have to defend X cause I was raised to defend X” she still has to unpack, automatic responses and canned litanies she was trained to utter.
And that comment of hers is one that’s worth commenting on. Reducing politics which is Dorothy’s greatest passion to “sides” is definitely something that would hit sideways for Dorothy, especially since she has done so much work with Joyce to ensure political difference doesn’t get in the way of friendship and support.
And especially repeating that smug conservative gloat that Joyce was trained to utter, that is something that’s off color after Becky. Like, oh, is this sides now, is your side really the one that fits your morality and views rather than your habit?
And I think Dorothy is being much gentler and loving in her reproach than Roz was and I think it’s going to hit a lot less bluntly and awfully for Joyce because of it. Like, with Roz, that reproach was openly hostile and nearly broke her, here though it is loving and supportive but firm.
And I like that because I’ve been really worried about Dorothy not setting boundaries for herself and her beliefs with everything that’s been going down and all the guilt she feels about being more supportive to Joyce and Walky and I’m glad that she’s still able to put lines down where she believes is necessary.
Agreed, there is a way to go about things and while sometimes being blunt is what is needed I’ve found, longer term anyway, that what Dorothy has said is probably going to have a more positive reaction on Joyces part
Anyone else afraid to read today’s strip because they know Roz’s lines are gonna be a big cringefest?
I’m really hoping she’s learned from last time that this is a particular fight to stay out of given how badly she triggered Joyce last time. And I think she has, but that might be me having too much hope in people again.
triggered Joyce? over what? Roz slamming into her was BEFORE the Toedad incident, Joyce didn’t have anything to be triggered about vis-a-vis homophobia (she DID however, still suffer panic attacks over Ryan, but nothing Roz said or did was related to that)
I imagine she’s learned as much. There’s no way she doesn’t know Joyce was part of the ToeDad incident, and while she’s headstrong and a bit too passionate at times, she’s not a heartless monster
I Meant Robin, sorry.
(Note to self: don’t comment before breakfast)
out of curiosity for the slipshine: is it Sarah and her fantasy Jacob or her battery powered one?
Battery-powered one. Willis doesn’t do fantasy/dream sequences in general.
His own words about this:
As you know, I am a person that just doesn’t know when to stop writing, and end up with a lot of those “TL;DR” comments here.
And as you also know, Cerberus is a person that posts great insights to this comic. Which everybody reads, or at least should read.
And about a week ago, a post made by ety inspired me to ask Cerberus if we could perhaps also chat together and then upload our chats. No time limit, just until we run out of steam.
And the pilot episode of this little project is now ready:
To avoid a linkstorm in the comment field (I’m sure Willis just looooves having to approve those), we’ve decided to make the linkstorm on my wordpress instead.
And yeah, it’s been 15 years since I was doing student radio. I need to focus on getting those “Uhhhhmmmms” away. Far too many of them.
Anyway, hope some of you enjoy this chat between a normal person (Cerberus) and a heteronormative freaky weirdo (me).
Thaaaaaaaaaaat seems all kinds of awesome. I look forward to listen to this.
I WAS RIGHT, it IS all kinds of awesome.
YOU GO!!!!
One aspect of Joe I find int…
Wait a minute, what is proper etiquette here? Do I comment here or on wordpress?
I will comment on wordpress.
This whole thing will probably be heard by practically nobody outside the DoA fandom, and every time something is made, link will be put up here.
On the other hand, I suppose that if one wants to easier find one’s comments about the podcast episodes themselves, it will make more sense to write them there.
Of course, Bagge has more than enough energy to do both.
Had a listen, was interesting to hear the voice behind the words
Woooaaaaahhh! You guys are awesome! Actually, I feel like I may have said this already
I very much enjoyed this episode. Good podcast. I will keep listening if this becomes a regular thing. Was going to post this on wordpress, but wordpress wouldn’t let me.
Hmm. No idea why that is. But yeah, comments here, there, anywhere… I can guarantee that they will be read.
That was great. You and Cerberus did a wonderful job.
somehow i am picturing this is how walkie would react if he was a politician.
Reporter: You are in fact already elected. Now, can we have a statement on the current drop in infla…
Walky: You have me confused, strange microphone man. I am, in fact, Reginald, Duke of Tingley and as such I do not recognize your quaint electorate based system of Government. I leave now, for fair Tingley, never to return, byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee *hides in Burger king until Dorothy dope slaps him*
You must be thinking of a different Duke from a different Dukedom, you strange internet commentator.
Now I am thinking of Uncle Duke from Doonesbury.
While his fiefdom may be small, Lord Reginald, Duke of Thingley, shall always be my guiding post in life.
Life goal:
– Visit Thingley
– Wear a hoodie
– Take a selfie
(Optional: Trip over two rad dinosaur chicks)
I’m afraid we’re tragically short of rad dinosaur chicks in Thingley.
*strums Kenny Rogers’ “The Gambler”*
If you’re gonna play the game, girl…
You gotta learn to play it right.
You gotta…
Know when to hold ’em…
Know when to fold ’em…
When to walk away…
Regarding the election:
I’ll be honest. Trump exceeded my expectations in one respect. I didn’t think he’d last all the way to election day, not with his manic over-energized style.
It’s like he’s in a long-distance swim meet and he’s doing the breast stroke rather than some stroke with more endurance. You don’t think he’s going to go the distance like that, but apparently he did.
I honestly didn’t think that a guy with tiny hands using that energetic of a stroke could sustain an election.
I don’t know about you, but for me, breast stroke is my endurance stroke. It’s the one I can swim forever. Butterfly, on the other hand…
Dammit, I meant butterfly. I always get those two mixed up.
Ahhh. I was wondering if you really meant breast stroke.
See, I sometimes do lap swimming, and when I do, I’m pretty much the only one doing breast stroke; the rest do freestyle. So I was thinking that if you -only- do freestyle, then you get pretty good at it; while breast stroke might mean unusual movements that wears you down quicker.
But nobody would ever call butterfly the endurance stroke, at least.
The breast stroke is my preference as well, however there is no swimming involved. I do try and make it an endurance stroke, but my wife eventually gets annoyed and tells me to do another stroke.
It’s funny because “to ejaculate” also means “to exclaim,” so Trump is ejaculating constantly in BOTH interpretations of your last sentence.
wait why would you have to wrap things up quick is trump going to outlaw webcomics
Don’t spoil the election.
You know, I think this might actually be her preferred slang. This was outdated when /she/ was a kid, I’m pretty sure.
being in congress is “on fleek”
Must you ruin everything you touch, Willis?
Sorry, that’s “Must your ego destroy everything you touch, Willis!?”
Goddammit. I want to find whoever invented that phrase and punch them in the face.
A like fourteen year old black girl, who has gotten no credit for it?
I think your punches would be better spent elsewhere.
Also, hover text fail.
I was debating on making that joke as well.
Big league.
Seriously, Joyce, assuming that a politician, of any flavour, is capable of being ‘on your side’ is probably a mistake.
Another mistake is to assume that Robin has actually been awake or fully aware during any session of Congress that she attended. She likely just views pr0n on her smartphone and presses whatever voting button the whips tell her to press.
Oh, and taking money and gifts from lobbyists in exchange for giving their employers preferential and even extra-legal treatment! Let’s not forget the really cool part of being in Congress!
Alas, DOA seems to be realistic enough that DeSanto actually does pay attention….just doesn’t care.
Truly she speaks for the youth of today.
Oh boy this comment section is going to be so much fun today (kill me now)
To much paper work.
… *draws stiletto*
it’s not THAT much paperwork!
Is it just me, or does Leslie’s stray hair by her right (panel left) ear in the fifth panel actually make her look like an elf? As in, they form the shape of a pointy elf ear? :v
Aaaaand now I can’t unsee it.
Alt text is ominous…
Does President Trump invoke the soggies?
If so, I hope they eat him first.
Well Joyce, ever considered the possibility that there is no one person that 100% agrees with you on the issues?
I’m beginning to wonder if the more time Leslie spends with her in this room the faster her crush will die. Or will she double down and get more defensive over it?
I’m expecting a long trip down Deriver Denial from Leslie, quite frankly. She has an image of Robin that doesn’t quite match up with reality and, I suspect, for some time she’s going to treat that as reality’s fault and fight against it.
“Doesn’t quite match up?” It’s so divorced from reality it borders on being full blown delusion.
(Pictures Leslie lounging on a couch in skimpy faux Ancient Egyptian clothes while being fanned by with those big feather things and fed peeled grapes.)
(While admiring a statue of Robin.)
I had her pegged for someone who talks a good game but fails in reality ever since she prevented Joyce getting that much needed reaming. I’m betting on doubling down for a while and shedding quite a few students – possibly after multiple visits by Robin.
I’m all up for criticising Leslie on this, but not on that. Not that Joyce didn’t need the harsh talk, but I feel the place for that is not in the classroom. If harsh talks are to happen in the classroom they should be done by the teacher, not another student, and they should lack in harshness, though not in firmness.
And harsh attacks on someone who’s just had a moment of revelation and moved to your side are one of the best ways to push them away again.
I would have been more okay if Leslie had been the one angry there. I get why Roz was mad, and she wasn’t exactly wrong, but screaming at somebody who’s just figuring out how shitty the culture they were raised in was seems like a great way to discourage people from ever changing their shitty behavior.
Though it was yelling at Dorothy for “enabling” that irked me now about that. Dorothy was at least half the reason Joyce came around at all. Roz’s method of “scream at people until they change” doesn’t create new allies. It creates more Marys, and makes her feel good about how great an ally she is because SHE didn’t have to overcome 18 years of indoctrination to get there
I’m not saying Roz is horrible though. She just has more to learn than she thinks she does
*Also “irked me MORE” not “now”
Seriously, why do people seem to think Leslie isn’t entirely aware of everything that’s horrible about Robin?
She actively acknowledged it in the strip that revealed her crush.
But does she know about the Cadbury Eggs addiction? The middle-tube toothpaste squeezing?
It may be super rad, but is it groovy?
Something can only be groovy if it’s from the late 1960s or early 1970s.
Tell that to Bruce Campbell.
And in that framework, I am groovy. My millennial friends are awesome.
Is it possibly even crescent fresh?
Right on, daddi-oh!
Wow Leslie, what an insightful and informative guest speaker you’re spending class time on.
People in Bloomington must vote on straight party tickets irrespective of candidate. That’s the only explanation that I can come up with for someone as inarticulate as Robin ever getting elected in the first place!
I dunno, *I* would be informed. Granted, my information would be on the lines of “wow, this woman should never have been allowed near a position of power, and my teacher is a dumbass for looking up to her,” but hey, information. If trying to avoid a terrible candidate gets more people on the voting booth, by all means, show terrible candidates to everyone.
Learn from her example! Her terrible, awful example.
As a apology for the election day, the universe has ensured Young Justice season 3 is being made (seriously!)
Offtopic, but I thought folks here might want some good news.
God, I love Robin!
“I spend 70% of my time in a cubical sweatshop, going through a list of phone numbers of America’s richest people and begging for donations. 20% of my time is spent at fundraisers with those same rich people offering them favours. The remaining 10% of the time I try my damnedest to waylay any senators who might try to do their jobs.
Its super rad.”
That should really be “congressmembers” not “senators” but that’s significantly less snappy.
“Don’t read too much into my support sign-carrying presence at a political rally for a candidate running on “family values” platform. Appearances mean nothing in a campaign. No-one would ever think to use “even lesbian teacher of gender studies agrees with deSanto that gays shouldn’t be allowed to marry””. For fuck’s sake Leslie, get a hold of yourself.
On a non-comic related note, I found out USAmericans are also voting for Congress today – good luck on that as well, see if you can flip it blue!
(is there an actual reason Congress elections are staggered instead of all at once, or did it just turn out that way as states joined the Union at different times and no-one could be arsed to synchronise them?)
To make it as difficult as possible for any one party to dominate government for a full presidential term. Undermining the potential for tyranny is a major factor in all of the political structures of the United States.
Do you mean half? A quick internet search suggests that congressfolk serve two year mandates. Wouldn’t it be easier to desynchronise the congress/presidential mandates? I.e., congress getting elections at the start of the second and fourth years of a presidency?
They serve two year terms BECAUSE of that intent to disrupt one-party control.
All Representatives are voted on every two years, during the “Presidential” and “Congressional” (or “Midterm”) Elections. Senators get six years terms, but are still voted on every two years – one third at every election, Presidential and Congressional (this is probably the staggering you were referring to). This set up is written directly into the Constitution – Article I in fact (although the responsibility of electing Senators was due to the State Legislatures until the Twelfth Amendment, not long after the shared ticket was established (Eleventh), but well before the outlawing of slavery (Thirteenth)).
O_o Byzantium called. You won, guys, stop making things needlessly complicated. o_O
But then how would they twist things to their advantage.
I’m honestly pretty skeeved out by that bit TBH. It’s not the place of some straight girl to get up in a queer person’s business about politics.
You don’t think that the presence of an openly lesbian, purportedly progressive teacher of gender studies at a rally for a politician that’s against gay rights merits questioning?
I think treating Leslie’s sheer presence there as an oddity is a level of ally bullshit beyond the realm of acceptability.
It’s not the place of some *person to get up in a *person’s business about politics.
This “us vs them” mentality needs to stop.
The problem is that when you’re a queer person (or person of color, or poor person, or all three) in America, it *is* us-vs-them (or at least them-vs-us). One of the two major parties’ platforms includes support for “conversion therapy” and actively and explicitly sees queer people as their enemy–they declared war on us, not the other way around.
Politics actually, materially affects people’s lives. It’s not just about your favorite color or animal or whatever. If there’s anything at all worth getting up in someone’s business about, it’s politics.
That’s republicans versus democrats, not straights versus queers.
So NO, it is NOT “us vs them”. Not when the “us” means the LGBT and the “them” is “heterosexuals”.
At the risk of debasing my own point, yeah dude, it is an us versus them thing. It very much shouldn’t be, but it is.
I am suddenly much less concerned about today’s election, as clearly Trump has already won.
We have a modern update to Godwin’s Law, I see.
I don’t pretend to fully understand this reaction to what seemed to me like a rather innocuous comment from Dorothy, but I get that other people have concerns I don’t share, and shit I don’t have to deal with.
You haven’t even made a real attempt to understand Spencer’s reasons (not that he’d be obligated to go into it any further than he already has). You’re just being mad and telling him he’s wrong. I’m not sure comparing people to Trump is something you want to be doing if you’re going to act like that.
You misunderstand. I’m not saying that Spencer is Trump. I’m saying that Spencer’s “us vs them” approach is exactly what the Trump campaign runs on, and if that is prevalent, then regardless of the election results, the ideology has already won.
The Trump campaign ALSO runs on using super-stretchy false equivalencies to silence marginalized voices. So hop in the Trump pile, pal.
Can’t say I’m seeing a meaningful distinction there.
JBento: OTOH, when them (the Republican party & Trump’s campaign in particular) is running on attacking us (for many different flavors of us – LGBTQ, blacks, Latinx, Muslims, etc), it’s naive to pretend it’s not happening. That the threat isn’t real. That doesn’t mean you should turn it into us (LGBTQ, for example) vs them (straights, in that case). Keep to those actually doing the harm.
@thejeff: Except that was exactly the us vs. them that I was referring to, because LGBTQIAA vs. straights is specifically what Spencer brought up.
My point, JBento, in my earlier reply to Lipke was that attempting to reduce a straight woman’s political criticisms of a lesbian to “people vs. people” is a fallacy. I don’t think it’s in good taste for Dorothy to be judgemental of Leslie being at the rally, and their sexual identities are impossible to divorce from that to try and boil it down to “people vs. people.”
Anyway, “republican vs. democrat” shouldn’t be a “straight vs. queer” thing, but when the republican party lead is an orangutan who wants to throw queer kids into conversion therapy, then it becomes “us vs. them.”
That’s what I meant by “at the risk of debasing my own point.” Because I was saying “It’s not right for Dorothy to call out Leslie like that” and also “oh by the way the Republican party is actually a threat to queer people.”
Like, if I were American, then Trump supporters would terrify me (hell I live a country over and they already do). I would feel threatened by the republican party being a queer man because there’s a political party where one of the main selling points is “death to sex weirdos.”
Spencer: that makes sense to me.
If Dorothy is judging Leslie for being conservative, that’d be like a me – a white dude – scolding a black person for not supporting Black Lives Matter.
I can scold other white people for that all I want, but I’d have to be an asshole to tell a member of a marginalized group that they aren’t supporting said group enough/correctly
Fart Captor: I read it more as shock and surprise than judgment.
Kind of like I’d react to learning a Black Lives Matter activist was at a Trump rally. (Well, first I’d probably assume they were protesting there. Or researching the enemy or some such.)
Ah, jeez, guys, stop jumping down each other’s throats over this. I wanted to bring up a point, not start a riot.
MY point is, sexual identity is just that: identity. Part of who you are. It should not be used as a quantifier for- well, it shouldn’t be used as a quantifier period in regards to who can and can’t talk about what with whom. It’s no different from one’s hair color. (except for the several very obvious and very large differences… it’s a thin metaphor, I know, but my meaning is clear enough right?)
While I can see what direction you’re coming from, Spencer, it’s still willingly perpetuating a toxic mindset put in place by homophobic morons.
I’d have another sentence right about here, but I doubt I could put it as well as thejeff did in his comments above and (at least at the time of posting) below mine.
thejeff: That’s how I read it as well, but reading bit of judgement and/or disappointment into it doesn’t seem like a stretch to me.
Lipke: You’re mistaking how the world should be for how it actually is. And as Spencer said, it’s the judgement that’s the problem, not the talking. Even if you don’t think Dorothy intended any, that’s what he’s reacting to.
And seriously, this may gotten a little testy, but I don’t see anyone jumping down anyone’s throat. Seems like it’s been a fairly civil if heated discussion to me.
That’s fair. I’ve been called an idealist before.
It’s only civil because this is DoA and not YouTube. Gotta have several modicums of civility to even get this far. :p
Using the phrase “jumping down each other’s throat” was probably a bit of hyperbole on my part either way, haha.
It may be neither Republicans vs Democrats that’s relevant here, nor straights vs queers, but Republicans vs queers.
If one political party is openly attacking a minority group, it’s odd to see a member of that group supporting them. Much less an open, outspoken, teacher of diversity.
But being present at that party’s rally and supporting them are two different things, especially when they are held in a public space. What is the point of a rally if everyone that attends it is already aligned with the party? To have everyone preaching to the Choir?
I mean, you don’t see your congress representative in person in your campus every day. Even if it’s election season and you strongly disagree with their policies, it’s an event worth attending.
Would you agree though that holding up a supporters sign is, at the very least, is reasonable grounds for thinking someone supports them?
Neither, nor actually. Some Republicans declared themselves as enemies of LGBTIQ-people (and Muslims, and loads of others). To ignore that would be stupid, ignoring threats to people’s freedom and physical and psychological well-being does not make those who threaten reconsider, they just go ahead. Look back the last 100 years and count, how often someone backed of from violating the groups they targeted when they had the power to do so.
But dealing with enemies does not mean you have to work into their hands by going down the classical conflict spiral ending with both sides believing they have to physically destroy the other to be able to survive.
Making every tiny difference in opinion a life-and-death question is part of what all those firestarters (be in Trump, Putin, Erdogan, any fundamentalist from whichever (pseudo-)religious group) do. Let’s not fall for that.
The list of reasons why I cannot understand that anyone might vote for Trump is longer than my arm: He does not support a democratic system, he undermines the worth of democracy even as he runs for office. His wining that if he loses the others cheated would be reason enough to doubt his ability to be president of a a banana republic, muss less the US of A. And he threatens groups he dislikes.
With someone acting like that his actual opinions on any topic don’t matter any more. To elect him to public office in a democracy is throwing democracy out of the window.
Wow, I expected Rep. DeSanto to be a ditz, but he’s made her far more of an airhead than I even imagined. I kind of hope she loses her election and somehow ends up back in college so Leslie can have a crack at her w/o any political problems arising.
Why does Leslie like her again? I get that she’s hot, but Robin seems kind of terrible and not the quirky fun super powered terrible of the Shortpacked-verse.
I guess that superficially Robin is attractive, has power, youngest female latino congressperson so ground breaker which makes her quite attractive
But that personality…Leslie can do and deserves better
Why do I get the strong suspicion that what we are seeing is her “on camera” personality and not her real one?
Well she’s in the public eye, so logistically…
She’s let it slip a little, like talking about the unpaid interns and such. At times it feels like she wants to do ‘good‘ but is hamstrung from dealing with hard political life, like campaigning and such.
It’s a little uncomfortable how the Trump parody stand-in is a Latina woman.
This probably should have clicked for me sooner, but here we are.
Love the comments clucking like a mother hen over Leslie.
I love you folks, but it’s 2am and Florida seems intent on giving me an epileptic seizure, so I’m turning in. Best of luck.
Oh, and uh, Trump supporters (and Trump) have been threatening violence if they lose and might be emboldened to it in the apocalyptic event that they win. NORMALLY, I’d call keyboard warrior on it all, but considering… stay safe, you lot.
Sleep well.
HA! Ha ha ha ha ha *sobbing*
I, too, am going to bed now. Early morning and all. If my alarm clock doesn’t go off, well, then I’ll know the results of the election.
Looks like DeSanto keeps her seat in the House:
(District 9)