The second of two bonus strips is now up on the Dumbing of Age Patreon! (The first, as per this month’s vote, was about Joe.)
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The second of two bonus strips is now up on the Dumbing of Age Patreon! (The first, as per this month’s vote, was about Joe.)
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yeah, that’s like at LEAST a WEEK of prep time!
maybe two!
Becky’s dialogue was me with my GPS yesterday, realizing it had DST-updating turned off
I had that problem a while back when my car broke down in needles, CA and i had to take it to the dealership in bullhead city az… it was 0700 and the dealership didn’t open till 0800 and it was literally a 5 minute drive and my gps, which is on my phone kept telling me i was going to arrive suuuuper early lol.. I hate time zones… i wish we could all operate on Zulu, i mean do we really need to have the sun come up around 0600 local everwhere?
And THAT’S if nothing goes wrong. If they get a flat tire, it could be MONTHS!
This is a Willis comic.
If something goes wrong, it won’t be something as easily fixed as a flat.
Well, a flat _would_ fix the problem.
(Not even sorry)
Epic car chase between the Browns and the Powers once Joyce’s mother finds out what the hubby did.
A feminist reboot of Smokey and the Bandit! Cue complaining butthurt man-children in 3,2,1…
Well, at least the line “We gonna do what they say can’t be done” from the song still works. 🙂
Of course, the problem at this point is, how are they gonna fit 400 cases of Coors in the car?
You don’t often see Gilligan Cuts in this strip. Well done!
Oh, is that what those are called? Thanks for enlightening me
Learning is fun! ^_^
Perfect avatar for that comment.
This is like, a rare *double* Gilligan Cut! Pretty impressive!
(Willis is of this sort of thing, I think).
Hacks the Muzak and plays Highway to Hell.
Just avoid the Initial D soundtrack.
At least until the car chase starts.
*plays some Willie Nelson on the vehicular infotainment system*
These days, calling them ‘radios’ is increasingly inaccurate.
I have a little tiny radio transmitter so I can play MP3s on my car radio, and other car radios in the immediate vicinity.
(Stands up, Ace-Attorney-points at John)
“Pirate! Pirate radio broadcaster! No broadcasting license! Pirate! Pirate!”
(Gets shot)
Under Part 15 of the FCC regulations, it’s legal to operate unlicensed FM radio transmitters with a maximum power of 250µV/m @ 3m (effective range ~200 feet), without restrictions on content or hours of operation.
“Car stereo” is still applicable, though, right?
Yeah, that’s still fairly accurate.
Some joke about Becky and coming early that’s inappropriate that Joe would definitely make.
But the time zone change adds a whole extra hour.
So she lasts an extra hour?
That’s what happens when you save daylight where the sun don’t shi-
*vaudeville hook*
Joe didn’t pop into mind, but I saw that opportunity just as you did. I’m ashamed that nobody’s making jokes about it 🙁
Ok so Becky, Billie , and Sal might need to bunknown for a while big deal.
Maybe Becky can move in with Ruth now.
And Carla joins them, just to make sure the room contains a dangerous level of Awesome Redhead Power.
No! The overload will cause the Dumbiverse to implode!
This but with redhead power!
That is the fourth time this week I’ve been linked to that. Huh.
Oh. OhOh. Carla has a room to herself. She the only person on the floor other than Ruth who does.
OH man Mary’s going to die. Just. Apoplexy. Myocardial infarction. Stroke. Mary’s gone. TWO??? IN ONE ROOM??.
Hold on a sec, villain who comes from a similar backround as the protagonist but ends up eviler…
Mary is
Mary wishes she was as cool as Gaara.
Oh, Hush!
I know it’s a Batpun, but I said it anyway.
Orr Hank will get her a room elsewhere.
Ooh! Ooh! Sleepover!
Goddammit, Billie.
This whole situation is a non issue. Becky can sleep in a closet!….Oh wait she blew it up. Well that changes things.
Not anymore, she nuked that closet from orbit… just to be sure.
Read half the comment, started my reply, noticed you already made joke, finished reply anyway… FML
That joke is worth repeating.
On an unrelated note, Becky can’t sleep in the closet because she nuked it.
So she sleeps in the crater and the radiation gives her even more superpowers!
That’s fine.
Billie can sleep in the closet.
your walls have no power over me -becky, probably
Also Sarah is already kinda annoyed at the disruption of her life Becky has caused.
I think that she’s (reasonably) aggravated about the disruption but more concerned for Becky than she is for her GPA right now, so she’ll be… Sarah-chill, which means grumbling, but only in private, and not contacting authority figures (yet) but keeping a VERY close eye on the situation.
Hooray, it is Sarah!
Now the fun truly begins, figuring out where Becky will sleep. Place your bets, everyone.
My first two choices are:
1.)Under Mary’s bed.
2.) At Marcie’s.
First option is best. Bet Roz would be happy to sneak her in.
Becky and Mary being roommates makes zero goddamn sense at all but I kind of want it anyway?
Carla’s room could either be very good or very bad.
Sleeping in Joyce’s bed again is the most likely answer, though, since that’s what would lead to the most drama.
No, not Mary and Becky as roommates, but Becky sneaking in every night and sleeping under Mary’s bed. Maybe talking a deep voice at times pretending to be God to freak out Mary.
“And Kent… Stop playing with yourself.”
“It IS God!!!”
I know where that is from, but I want it to be about Superman.
Sadly no.
It’s from Real Genius.
Watch it, if you haven’t seen it.
It’s been a long time since I’ve seen that one.
Showler said they know what it’s from.
On the other hand, if your intent is to inform the audience, that works
I totally misread that. My mind inserted a “don’t” or something.
Sorry. Well, consider that a tip for anyone who didn’t recognize it. Go see Real Genius. It’s a moral imperative.
I think the favored odds are:
a) A floor of some sort
b) Joyce’s bed again
c) Dina’s bed
d) Box under the bridge
e) Hank’s there when Becky gets the bad news, springs for a hotel.
Because, you know. Christian charity. Like Christians always, always, always do.
It’s possible, but we might be talking Leicester City odds on that one (not because he wouldn’t be willing, but rather because I imagine he’s going to be dropping them off and then immediately running back home to deal with stuff with his wife).
Most likely, and I think he want some plausible deniability when it comes to Becky’s arrangement.
Nothing that stops him from stopping by the ATM and slipping her some cash, though.
Not to doubt Hank’s commitment to Christian charity, but damn. A hotel would get expensive, fast.
Nothing he can’t afford.
Nothing Becky can afford.
For a night or two sure. Not as a long term solution. No sign that the Browns are rich.
Cheaper by far to rent her an apartment than a hotel room. And that would be a major expense.
Becky has been homeless for a little more than a week. Nothing wrong with short term solution to give them a bit breathing room to figure out a longer term solution.
What if there is no room at the inn?
If d), can we also assume that she would attempt to devour passing goats?
Sharing a bed with Dina?
That would be interesting, considering Dina’s roommate.
It would be awesome if Becky is the one person who immediately recognizes her.
Aside from, well, Dina.
I’ll throw my wild options:
1.) Leslie’s assuming Joyce talks to her.
2.) Carla, who has a single room assumedly meant for a double, and she has a soft spot despite appearances.
The sexed teacher, since she offered.
I don’t remember Penny offering.
Isn’t penny math?
Penny’s the one sleeping with Joe. Red head.
Leslie’s the lesbian gender studies teacher. Blonde
Leslie is the sex ed teacher.
Penny is the sexed teacher.
See the difference?
Also, gender studies isn’t the same thing as sex ed.
Penny also don’t give a fuck.
… except for Joe.
…. and she’s more taking than giving.
1) Dina’s room (but then Amber freaks out and then we get a Dina-and-Amber How to Human 101 bit)
2) Joyce’s room (with Sarah being VERY clear that this is “temporary” but then just rolling her eyes and helping Becky figure out food so Joyce isn’t cutting meals again/as much)
3) (Student) housing off-campus (including “with Marcie” in this, although I don’t think that’s a likely immediate solution).
4) Ruth reports her to a helpful authority, which is a tie-in with
5) Leslie takes her in for a bit, just knowing what that situation’s like.
And, because Willis-strip, Mary finds her and goes over Ruth’s head to report her (or someone else finds out) and Becky winds up in trouble with the authorities for a bit because unfortunately, staying in assigned campus housing, especially long-term, is a problem for a lot of reasons (food, safety of the residents, etc. How does she get in and out of dorms without a student ID? Or into her room without a key? What’s she eating, and on whose dime?)
And, maybe… with Jocelyne? It’d take her away from IU, but if she could find some sort of work and contribute to food-income for a bit, and maybe start getting some savings before (potentially) starting school the next semester?
Serious bet: 2->5->3 in that sequence.
Can’t students officially have guests stay for a certain amount of time? Is there a cooldown period for when they’re allowed back? Becky’s been around for about 3 weeks now. They could say she was only there for the first couple days and now she’s back again. Plausible deniability, and it gives them some more time to come up with a more permanent arrangement.
Best case would be staying with with Leslie, who has offered Joyce her guidance and would be invaluable as someone for Becky to learn from. Marcie’s would be the next best case, since she’s not a student and lives somewhere off-campus she would have immunity to Mary’s curtain-twitching.
Yes, but they already did a bit explaining why Becky sleeping in the same bed with Joyce ain’t the healthiest arrangement.
It’s not the healthiest thing, but I can see it being a failsafe before “box under the bridge”. Joyce would have to learn to be okay with Becky sleeping on the floor so Becky can establish boundaries, though, which might be a conversation.
I actually looked it up. IU allows visitors, but only for a few days and the same person can’t visit again during the same term. You can’t even pass her around between different students to extend her stay.
[tacky and tasteless jokes about that last sentence omitted.]
I suspect that’s a rule mostly observed in the violation. Or used to ban people once they’ve had complaints. I’m sure plenty of people have friends (or boy/girlfriends) up many times during the semester.
Which is different than somebody actually living there, though apparently not more in violation of the rules. And I’m sure it happens too.
You left out the one that I favored for a while, but am less happy with given recent comics–Carla takes her. While the RA room may be designed for only one person, Carla’s probably isn’t.
Of course, she’s now already helping by watching Ruth, and I think it might be too much for her to also help out by rooming with Becky. Before, it seemed like something she might do.
I dunno. At the moment, Carla’s point of connection is Billie and Billie’s already been asking a lot and “house this homeless kid” might be asking Carla to prank her to hell and back for overasking for stuff and taking advantage of her kindness.
Though, now Sal is worrying at the problem and knows that Billie’s got nothing and little motivation to try, so she could definitely be a connection point to either Marcie or Carla and Carla would be much more likely to take a request from her because she’s got a little romantic crush.
4 is very unlikely. Not only do “Ruth” and “helpful” not belong in the same sentence, she’s… not exactly in top form right now.
1 and 2 run afoul of Ruth’s demand she be gone. Granted, Ruth’s not in the best shape to enforce that right now, but Billie might push. And if she doesn’t, Mary will.
5 is only possible if anyone TRUSTS LESLIE, which like idiot teenagers they aren’t. (I think it’s more likely she knows some queer-friendly resources and shelters, but I could see her offering up a guest bedroom.) Also, they might not know how to get ahold of her on a Sunday afternoon.
3 is the most likely of these, I think, if only because Sal’s going to get fed up with Billie’s procrastination and have a back-up plan.
Not to mention that Ruth is being blackmailed about secret gay affairs and while smuggling in a homeless non-student for living together times wouldn’t be seen as as big a violation as sleeping with one of the students on her floor, it would still earn her a stern talking to and the forces below checking up on her from time to time to make sure there wasn’t anything else she was sneaking.
So, she’s probably going to be hyper-paranoid about doing anything that can get her busted by Mary for a good while.
i realize this is kind of a longshot but consider: Ruth and Becky as roommates.
Ruth: *quiet noises of depression*
Becky: *loud noises of depression*
what a wacky duo!!
I don’t think the problem is Becky staying in Billie’s room, the problem is that Becky needs to be kicked out of the dorm now that Ruth knows she’s there, or more accurately, before Mary tattles.
I’m thinking she manages to stay a bit longer, though, ’cause I’m pretty sure something bad is happening to Ruth this chapter.
After that, I’m hedging my bets on Marcie.
The teacher will help her out.
Wether by getting her to place she needs (like one of those charities that help homeless LGBT teens) or by letting her stay at her place until she gets her college ducks in a row and enrolls.
That, or Dina might come up with something. Hell, maybe Ruthless might last minute fix it.
In reality, I am not certain how much help the shelters in Bloomington might be. There is a specific shelter for women, but I don’t know their standards. Most of the shelters in town are faith based, so taking in a homeless lesbian might not be something they would do.
She goes back in time and becomes Agatha’s mystery roommate.
Ah Billie, classic college procrastinator. Not like me of course… aha…
I graduated 7 years ago, and I’ve got assignments I’m STILL planning to get to any day now.
The “I’ve got an exam in a class I forgot to go to all semester” dreams still come after 30 years. Have fun with that thought.
Those are pretty rare for me – for a few years after college I got the dream where I have to retake a high school course… more recently the dream is that I’m in high school (age-appropriately), missed the bus, and have to drive my first car (which I didn’t have in real life until I’m 21), except my shoes keep disappearing so I have to go back and put them on. Then I wake up from the dream in the dream and it happens all over again, until I wake up in real life and I’m late for work.
I love first panel, Joyce and Hank are so happy to see Becky happy!
Yeah, it’s such a cute family moment.
And it’s another sign that Hank is following his daughter’s footsteps in adapting to Becky’s identity, because he gives a very similar smile that Joyce does to seeing Dina and Becky make out during the Toedad hunt:
Which makes sense, because Becky’s lack of filter in her exuberance means her joy is infectious. When she is brimming with energy and excitement, it’s hard to hate on her, because it’s so genuine and earnest and lacks that sort of mask and wackiness she usually plays up.
It gives me a lot of hope for this little family.
Hank has done good by his daughters. Being proud of them is an important part of it.
All three of them! (He only knows about two so far, but his second-oldest turned out alright.)
Hank lives by the values of his religion. Carol lives by the memes.
“Mr. B?”
What is this, an episode of “Happy Days?” Is Becky the new Fonz?
Let’s hope “The Beckz” doesn’t attempt jumping over any sharks anytime soon…
We already had the beach episode, so I doubt we’ll go back there (even if sharks could get that far up river).
I beg your pardon. Mr. B is at Bayside Elementary. Mr. C is the one stuck in the 1950s.
Plus, Becky only wishes she had that snapping power.
Start the clock – 24 style
-24 Hours Remain-
Last day. Capricorn 15’s. Year of the city – 2274. Carousel begins.
I was actually going for 24- the t.v. show
that hidden text tho ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)
I see what you did there in the alt-text, Willis.
I’m sure that Becky comes more than once a year, unlike Christmas.
You are celebrating Christmas wrong.
Everyday one should have Christmas in their hearts.
Best way to have Christmas all the year: move to Greenland(must not pick on the fact that Greenland is a frozen wasteland while Iceland has rolling fields of green, vikings were weird when it came to naming things *cough Eric cough*)
Ah yes, why do today what you can put off until tomorrow?
What is today, but yesterday’s tomorrow?
Technically, it’s later today.
I question the existence of Sal’s Panties.
Calling it now: Billie’s bunking with Walky.
And hyjinks with Dorothy result? Doubting it.
*sees Becky’s smile* Looks like Flore’s lockjaw is contagious
They really should have texted first… unless Joyce does not have their #’s
She comes early, eh?
*repeats to himself* Think clean thoughts, chum. Think clean thoughts.
Aw, I love the happy family snapshot at the beginning. This weekend has been so traumatic and awful for Joyce and Becky and it’s so heartwarming to see their joy at going home and to see Hank smiling with them. There might be a lot more rockiness in their immediate future, but for this singular car ride, they are together and a family and Hank is being the dad they need most right now.
It’s really beautiful.
And oh Billie, you really were betting the farm on Ruth just breaking down and sneaking you back in and saying everything is reset to how it was, weren’t you?
And much like with the alcoholism, she’s avoiding addressing the problem until it is fully in her lap and everyone is upset with her.
Also, Becky is getting back early, so we’re about to see a dinosaur girl bounce through the roof in excitement!
Oh Billie. Ohhhh, Billie.
At least Mondays have Gender Studies class, right? Maybe this time Joyce will take Leslie up on the “do you PROMISE you’re one of the good adults?” offer.
One could hope.
If only because of desperation.
Hank’s maybe reoriented her views on the adult world over the weekend.
So, Leslie? Hopefully.
To be fair, Billie avoided fully addressing the “Ruth is a bully” problem until THAT was fully in her lap, and it worked out great.
… ish.
I don’t think Billie was betting on anything, I just think she spent the day being extremely depressed and unable to do anything.
Billie has a cunning plan. By procrastinating she sets up a situation where she can chivvy Ruth in into taking her back because otherwise either:
A) Becky gets thrown out into the snow.
B) Ruth has to try to sleep tonight knowing that Billie is in bed with another woman.
The twist comes when Ruth says Becky can just stay with her.
Drama ensues.
….She has a girlfriend with a roommate who has a very odd take on rules. And her and Dina could reasonably share a bunk without anyone getting squished.
(TBF, even, there are probably a couple of parents in this cast who would would have the knowledge, time, and means, to help Becky find a more permanent alternative housing.)
Yes, but do Becky and her friends know which ones are both able and trustworthy?
IF Joyce is willing to trust them (at all or with Becky). Becky can’t really contact parents too easily, and she’s probably willing to remain somewhat (in Becky-terms) discreet. Shouting “I’m a lesbian”? Sure. Walking up to random people on the hall and saying “I’m Becky, and I’m living with Joyce ’cause my asshole dad threw me out and got arrested”? Probably not -and Joyce is the one with the phone -plus she’s known everyone on the hall longer, even if it’s just by a few days/weeks. So which freshman in their immediate circle would know which parents to turn to and how to do it?
I’d say Amazi-Girl’s take on the rules is pretty Lawful Neutral at this point. Knowing what we know, I wouldn’t want to put Becky in that room.
Does ANYONE in-comic know what we know? Sal’s worried and thinks something’s way wrong, but has no idea what. Danny’s concerned, but only just learning how to live outside his own head and has some pretty strange ideas on the whole superhero thing. Dina just thinks it’s considerate of Amber to compartmentalize her personae so clearly, and I’m not sure Amber realizes just how unhealthy a place she’s in -or is capable of dealing with that right now. Dorothy’s confused, and probably worried, but not at the point of doing anything -and does anyone else know AG well enough to comment or act or intervene?
Ethan is scared for her, but he’s too passive to try anything and probably just thinks she’ll work things out eventually as long as he just stands there. I think he just really doesn’t want to think that Amber’s in a bad place right now.
Danny gets that Amber’s in a far worse place than he thought and that the superhero thing is actually way more dangerous than he realized, and he might start cluing in on Amber’s dissociation since he said how he was thinking about “Amber or Amazi-Girl or whoever.”
Sal, I think, recognizes that Amber’s whole mission statement is doing stupid violent shit out of a crushing desperation, the same kind that motivated Sal when she was a kid.
Dina understands that Amber splits herself between her two personae. Whether that’s just Dina taking that as she hears it from Amber or she actually is educated in DID is up to debate.
Between the four of them, I think they could come up with a solid enough plan to start getting Amber help, but more important than anything they could do is Amber realizing that she needs help.
No one has to know anything but what Amber told Danny–how AG can’t stand people who are breaking the law. And I think it’s at least reasonable that this has come up with Dina. If not, it definitely will.
Considering everyone in the universe hates Amber right now, kicking Becky out onto the streets might cause someone to physically will themselves into the comic to punch her in the face.
Not to mention that would be an action that might be enough to make Dina dislike her and thus put herself at more risk of being reported or being jumped on in the middle of the night by an angry velociraptor.
Yeah, this is her roommate’s girlfriend who she also nearly died trying to rescue. I know it’s Amazi-Girl but I can’t imagine she’d get pissy about letting Becky crash in her bed since she’s not usually the one in it.
The problem isn’t with Becky losing Billie’s bed, it’s that Becky can’t stay in the dorm now that Mary’s ready to jump on it.
And now we cut over to Amber for a few hours before Shit Gets Troublesome again.
Or Carol realizes Representative DeSanto will be appearing in Bloomington and decides to take a spontaneous trip there with some other members of the congregation.
Or, crap, that is why Robin came there wasn’t it.
It’s all part of Willis’s evil plan to ruin their weekend.
That would be… 8o
Oh crap, this is that scene in the horror movie where the heroes think they’ve gotten away scot free only for the killer to be waiting at where they are escaping too, isn’t it?
More like it’s one of those films where no one’s sure who the killer is and there are 20 other suspects, and they finally figure out who the killer is and manage to get away, and run into the arm of the other 20 members of the cult, ALL OF WHOM ARE ALSO KILLERS.
…. sleep tight.
“What’s your favourite scary movie?”
Hot Fuzz?
Yes! Only reenvisioned as a horror movie.
….. which would be awesome. (Spoilers, kinda.) City cop with PTSD and crippling paranoia, seeing everyone in this quiet country village as potential murderers out to stab him in the hand if he takes his eyes off them for a second, a partner who’s action-movie happy and might blow his head off with a random trick shot… and then the climax comes and it’s just desperation and kill-or-be-killed terror.
The good news is, unless Powers tells Carol about this right away or Carol watches them leave and puts things together and organizes things REALLY QUICK (… both, sadly, entirely possible,) they do have a head start.
Probably just enough of one that Hank would be starting the drive back, see the train of familiar cars, and turn straight around, one would hope.
I REALLY REALLY HOPE. Man, sometimes I hate my brain.
I think we’ll see the congregation next before Joyce’s next visit home as some sort of organized protest on behalf of Toedad.
… Oooooh, yeah. There’s their NEXT weekend activity.
I dunno. It occurs to me that maybe Toedad wasn’t really a leading light of the congregation. It’s a pretty large pond there, and we don’t know the pecking order. What we heard of the background whispers was more about Becky’s haircut and lesbianism than anything to do with Ross’s rampage. IIRC, the only time that was mentioned, it was condemned. They might be prepared to reject him rather than rally in support of him.
My head canon is Becky is trying to send psychic warnings to Billie
Either that or setting up the universe for a joke with herself as a punchline.
I’m sure I could make a lewd joke referring to the alt-text but I won’t.
Already have a comic outlined in my head
We don’t have to; Pierce Brosnan beat us to the punch. Just replace the sociopathic superspy with an adorable girl wearing a dinosaur hat.
Where are they driving from? has I69 effected them? I live in Evansville and the straight shot is a Godsend
Where does Mr. Brown think Becky is going? He knows she’s not a student there and also that she no longer has a home back home. What has he been told about her arrangement? Presumably he doesn’t want either for Joyce to get into trouble or for Becky to be out on the street.
Given Joyce’s message home to her parents, he knows that it’s probably best for him not to ask too deeply about it.
He’s going to be in deep enough with the wife as it is, he could use the plausible deniability
I have this theory that this is the fun-house mirror version of the Walkyverse’s “the Browns think Joyce is a lesbian because of something they saw on TV” bit, and they’re assuming that Becky is in fact sleeping with Joyce. In both senses of the phrase.
“Fun-house” is probably not the right word. “Trauma-house”?
Didn’t we hear from congregation members who’ve essentially come to that conclusion already? And we know Carol is terrified that that is going to come to pass if Joyce keeps supporting Becky because gayness in her eyes is a choice and a seductive one that you can catch, because Satan.
Add to that the fact that many people will assume a straight person who hangs with same-gender gay people is gay themselves and that Joyce and Becky have always had a somewhat suspect style of friendship and I’d put the odds at that happening at 100%.
I suspect when Jocelyne comes out, Joyce will be blamed for “bringing that ungodliness into my house” by Carol.
Carla seems the best place to put Becky, assuming she’s willing.
I hope that in the end, this is going to end up with Becky staying with Leslie. I think that Becky could probably REALLY benefit from having an adult who is both willing and able to help her out. Especially since Leslie has been through a lot of the same shit Becky has and could be a good emotional support that Becky doesn’t have to put a happy face on for.
Basically, I want Leslie to be Becky’s lesbian mentor!
Yes please.
There are a bunch of reasons that that is a bad idea, but we’ll start with the obvious: Lesbians are already viewed by some as evil corruptors and predators of youth without taking young women into their house and educating them in the fine art of how to be a lesbian. On top of that, Becky plans to attend IU next semester, meaning she will soon be a student, which adds a big conflict of interest to the pie.
Not to say Leslie can’t help out for a couple days or something, but she’s not a great option for a long-term solution.
Honestly, Becky’s best shot right now is probably Marcie.
Except Marci has a student roomie.
I thought Marcy wasn’t a student but was unemployed/working and living somewhere near IU.
Indeed, and that’s why I’m convinced it will be Marcie.
After Becky is introduced we suddenly find out that Marcie isn’t a student and lives off campus, and recently we learned that Marcie has to work long hours at whatever job she has.
So what I’m guessing is that soon Becky is forced to leave the dorm, Sal takes the offer to Marcie because a roommate means she won’t have to work as much to make rent, and Becky gets a job at Galasso’s because of course it’d be Galasso’s.
Marcie wasn’t a student, but she lives nearby and her room mate is a student, who lives off-campus. We meet her room mate when Marcie is hangin’ with Malaya, trying to bond. Roomie is all excited to tell them about a fan-fic she is reading, while Marcie is giving her some serious Murder Eyes to go away. (Drat. I can’t find the link)
nvrmind. I thought it was Marcie’s place, it was Malaya’s place/roomie.
Becky probably wouldn’t stay with Leslie permanently, but Leslie almost certainly knows about resources to help homeless queer kids like Becky. Besides, Becky would probably be moving into the dorm officially next semester, if she gets all her ducks in a row to attend, and Leslie would be able to help her with that. It’s not a conflict of interest unless Becky was actually in one of Leslie’s classes.
What do we know about this version of Leslie? For all we know, her parents weren’t fundamentalist tools and she had a great support system from the get go.
They were, and she didn’t.
She mentionned about it at the start of the first lesson, I recon.
I’m hearing SLUMBER PARTAY!!
What about their stuff? Especially Becky’s paperwork?
Probably just stopped by house on way back to pickup any travel bags they may have brought with them.
There’s the preview panel for the Patreon bonus comic just below today’s comic.
*mutters something juvenile about only coming once a year*
Joyce is smiling. JOYCE IS SMILING!!!!!!!!! She has been through the second or third worst weekend of her life (ToeDad and Blaine being to thank for the worst ones) AND SHE GOT OUT AHEAD.
Her father is still her father and when it really mattered he was there for her. She has an awesome older “brother”, the ghosts of her old life could hurt her but not break her, and most importantly – Becky is safe. She took everything her past could throw at her and she WON. Now it’s back to mouth kisses and sweet dinosaur facts and looking for job and awesome friends and most certainly a room she can borrow of Billies (no problem there).
NO ONE TOOK JOYCE’S BECKY FROM HER. She didn’t even have to hulk out about it.
Yeah! And Becky has got some of her paperwork for speeding up her plans to put her life back together. For all the fear this weekend, they’ve ended it with a solid win and Joyce is so damn happy for that.
Oh god. What if she doesn’t? What if she accidentally left her stuff at Joyce’s because they left so quickly? (Or if Checkov’s sweater got left there by mistake?) They were probably planning on church->lunch->home->IU. What if they didn’t stop by the house? A weekend’s worth of clothing (for Joyce) isn’t a big deal when you live what 2-3 hours’ drive from home, and Becky’s mostly just borrowing clothing from other people ANYWAY. And if her pockets are decorative (as women’s pockets often are)… well, we didn’t see her carrying a purse or anything, and I doubt she’d let ANYONE, even Joyce, hold on to important legal papers for her….. what if it’s all at the Browns’? What if Carol goes into Joyce’s room (like for laundry or something) and FINDS it?
“What if she doesn’t” DON’T GIVE HIM ANY IDEAS.
Read the preview panel for the Patreon bonus, comic.
Then Hank mails it and it arrives in 2-3 business days. Minor setback.
Seriously, what, you think Carol’s going to hide/burn important documents like that? She’s a bongo but she’s not that kind of bongo.
Blaine is Amber’s dad, not the shitty guy who deserved getting glassed in the face by Joyce.
There are too many exceptionally shitty people in this comic.
Ah, thanks. I get my shitty people mixed up.
I believe the date rapist was called Ryan
This might be the easiest solved problems Becky has had since we first met her. She can room with Dina, crash on Joyce’s floor, crash on Billie’s and Sal’s floor (or use Sal’s bed, it’s not like Sal uses it), move around in the dorm with Agatha, Rachels and the rest of her shower buddies, or perhaps room with Marcie (the roller derby fan in me REALLY hope for that one), talk to Leslie or even stay in a hostel a few nights if Hank, Dina or Billie think of paying for it.
Short term solutions, sure, but staying in Billie’s room was a short term solution too.
So right now the point is not how to solve Becky’s housing problem, but how gut wrenching it is to see Billie fallen this far down to rock bottom. She is letting down yet another person, but she is unable to do anything about it, she can just lie in her apathy and stew in her own feeling of being worthless.
I’ll borrow from Pratchett here:
“Of course, it was only a temporary measure, but Rincewind had always considered that life was no more than a series of temporary measures strung together” -Interesting Times
Shit. I didn’t think of that about Billie. …BILLIE!!!
Billie has not made any progress with Becky’s situation because she has been busy, among other things, to not be sure if Ruth will come out of the weekend alive or not.
I don’t think rooming with Dina is an option. Do you forget who Dina’s roommate is?
In fact, I kinda wonder if her roommate’s reaction to Dina knowingly helping someone illegally live in a dorm is what will finally set off those alarm bells.
The difference between lawful and good was always what I thought would wind up tripping Amazi-Girl up, before it got sad.
When Becky says “home”, does she mean Hank’s house, or the college? I like Becky thinking of IU as “home”.
“Home is where Joyce is”
Definitely college, there’s no reason they wouldn’t get back to the Brown’s house until after dark.
Note that Sal also calls IU “home”.
Yeah, college is home.
La Porte is just a cage of casual homophobia and a reminder of her dad’s bigoted control to her. A place to survive and escape.
But Bloomington? Bloomington is what took her in when she had nothing. Where she got a dinosaur girlfriend who teaches her awesome facts about prehistoric monsters. Where she can nuke the closet from orbit and not have everyone trying to shove her back into the splinters.
Where she can be herself. And it’s becoming the real home for Joyce as well. Which is why they are so happy to be going home.
college is an awful lot like hogwarts that way
The problem I see with the suggestion that Becky crash with Marcie is that I assume Marcie’s personality is somewhat like Sal’s, laid back, cynical, and quiet. So she would find Becky’s perky positivity very irritating quite quickly.
And the communication problems. How fast could Becky understand and adjust to Marcie’s situation and preferences? Ideally without having to go through the standard set of stupid questions and invalid assumptions Marcie is heartily sick of by now.
But maybe they could sell the idea to Marcie as a ploy to make Malaya jealous?
Everyone is forgetting that Marcie *has* a student roomie. The perky chick reading fan-fic, and interrupting Marcie and Malaya.
If you mean Lucy she is Malaya’s roommate, not Marcie’s. I am pretty sure that Marcie lives off campus and is not an IU student. She just moved to Bloomington to stay near her friend Sal.
Marcie is not a student.
Ah. I knew Marcie’s situation, but I thought that was Marcie’s place, and she had an off-campus student-roomie. sry.
I like it because I like the idea of Marcie building her own little social circle outside of Sal, since it seems like a big part of Sal’s storyline right now is that she needs to learn to open up to other people.
I also think Marcie herself is either an orphan or has a really shitty homelife, so I could easily see her lend a hand to Becky as long as she pays rent.
I _really_ want to know about Marcie’s backstory. I’m assuming she’s mute, but she was speaking as a little kid. What happened? Why/how’d she follow Sal -what let them keep in touch, what’s going on in her life? Does she have family? Why isn’t Sal living with her off-campus? Do the other Walkertons know she exists/is still in Sal’s life? How did she react/connect to ….the… robbery….
Okay, I’m gonna go out on a limb here: Marcie’s home life became too much around age… 13 or so. She had some kind of medical problem -or her parent/guardian (I only think there’s one) did. That’s why Sal robbed the convenience store -for Marcie. Marcie got sick, but eventually did recover, but lost her voice because of something relating to that. Lacking other family nearby (either at all, who were willing to take her in, or with whom she wanted/felt safe to live), Marcie either became a ward of the state, and kept in contact with Sal (because with a friendship that’s been through that kind of thing, how can you not), or straight-up followed her to the reforming school -that’s when they learned sign language together, and Sal behaved not because of the school but because 1) she was a good kid anyways, just kinda rebellious and attention-starved and 2) if she got sent further away, Marcie’d be on her own/unable to follow (and would have no one). She kept quiet about Marcie so her mom wouldn’t cause a backlash for her. When Sal started college, Marcie, now legally an independent adult, moved again to follow Sal, because she had no other ties. Sal’s insecure about Malaya taking Marcie’s time and attention because it’s the first time Marcie’s rooted to anyone besides her, and she’s jealous -both that Marcie is (because what if Sal gets moved again? She didn’t choose either of the other times.) and that Marcie can, because Sal doesn’t really trust anyone. Now that they’re away from home, she’s starting to put out feelers towards Billie, towards Walky, heck, towards Jason -going to the TA for help on one’s own is advisable, even if what followed wasn’t. She’s trying to figure out how to secure herself to other people too.
tl;dr, Prediction: Marcie is Sal’s Becky and Marcie-and-Sal are gonna be a parallel for Becky-and-Joyce.
Alternatively with the voice (I thought I’d typed this but hadn’t), it’s a mental block of some sort -Marcie blames herself either for what happened with her family, or for Sal getting into trouble. That’s why Sal wears the gloves. She dislikes the scars, but it’s more habit to make sure Marcie never sees them, because Marcie blames herself for Sal getting hurt.
Billiiiiie ><
Billie? The wisest words I’ve ever learned are “Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.” You could do well to learn them yourself!
You know there’s a problem when Sally’s the voice of reason
“Do ah look like a fuckin’ Sally to you?”
Now don’t jump to conclusions. Darkneko could be referring to Charlie Brown’s sister.
Well, Becky won’t really need a place to stay until she needs to sleep, so Billy does have time.
I think Becky’s attitude will be the exact same thing – “eh, that’s four-hours-from-now-Becky’s problem. Now: SMOOCHES”
Has anyone else noticed that we’re seeing Billie and Sal, like, comfortably coexisting in their room together? This feels like a first, to me.
Also, i thought Sal slept in the top bunk? Maybe they renegotiated after Billie moved back in..
I think they both have top bunks. Lofts or some such.
Yeah, I think there are desks underneath the bunks.
Billie and Sally have been amicable since Sal finally filled out the damn roommate agreement or whatever.
Maybe I’m the only one here, but… is anyone else a little disappointed in how this arc has gone?
Not that it hasn’t been a fun little journey, we’ve had a lot of great little moments since this trip home started six months ago… but it’s been months and months of buildup with the whole situation with Joyce’s parents, the fight with the brothers, the tension between Becky and Carol, etc etc. Rising Action pointing to a looming Climax.
But now Hank, Joyce, and Becky have, quite literally, decided to ‘bail’ on that whole arc and go back to campus.
Again, I’m not saying it hasn’t been a fun six months, and maybe I’m alone in feeling this way, but it just seems like six months of buildup with very little payoff at the conclusion of the arc. :T
maybe Other Things are going to happen
like this could be the calm before the storm
Perhaps Willis has learned from the GRRM school of plot building?
Look at the plot this way: it’s showing the division in Joyce’s family rather than condemning Joyce in not believing in the works of ToeDad. It’s showing who at her home life is her ally, which will most likely come in handy later.
This isn’t the climax of the conflict for sure, just Act 2.
If On Time is late and Early is On Time….
I choose to interpret that last panel as the universe realizing that it forgot about time zones and dubbing 2pm over the footage of Becky saying 1pm.
The universe AKA Willis, basically breaking the fourth wall?
Dina’s only known Becky for a few weeks, and been dating her for even less, so she cannot verify the alt-text 😉
Not even a few weeks. Joyce showed Dina to Becky the day she came to IU, Thursday of Week 4, and Dina kissed Becky at Joyce’s party Saturday 4, and they declared girlfriends Sunday of Week 5. Today is Sunday, beginning Week 6.
They met ten days ago, it’s been eight days since their first kiss, and today is their one-week dating anniversary.
So which one of them will be outraged at the other for forgetting the anniversary?
When the timeline is laid out, it really makes me feel amazed all these relationships happened and escalated so quickly.
I think it’s for the best not to interpret the sliding timescale literally, because otherwise this campus would be fucking insane.
Like, if Walky and Dorothy broke up, it wouldn’t have just been a month long fling, it would be the end of a relationship we’ve been following for over four years where the two grew and developed. This is why Danny saying he doesn’t want to date Ethan because it’d hurt Amber isn’t him just shrugging it off because they’ve only dated for like three weeks and now he wants to get all up in this glorious manchest he’s been eying for a week and a half.
Oh I know, it’s just funny is all. I mean I have little frame of reference. I hit the ball out of the part with my first girlfriend/now wife.
First relationships CAN work out long term? Teach us your secrets, lovelord, if you would be so kind?
I’m reasonably sure that Anderson and Bloomington have been in the same time zone since the 1960s?
Sure, but they’re driving from La Porte, Indiana, where Joyce lives.
Hank isn’t
makingletting Joyce drive?Hank probably has a bit on his mind, driving helps work it out.
Oh hey, and the preacher didn’t give a Very Special homophobic or Ross-supportive sermon. I’m glad to have predicted wrong.
They hadn’t actually made it to the sermon part so that might have still happened, but I’m so so glad that if that actually did happen, they got to dodge it entirely.
The Two Minutes Hate comes after the Five Minutes of Fellowship.
Jeez, what kind of church do you go to?
I would hope the message would be about reeling in extreme measures. Ya know, NOT going the Pharisee route of ” this person upsets my beliefs! Lets kill them!”
Yeah. Something like: “We all understand why he was driven to do what he did and we all know who’s really to blame, but even with such provocation, the actual shooting went too far.”
So i just blew through this whole webcomic in two days… I am truely impressed by the story and depictions of characters. I genuinly dislike some of them, but thats more a compliment to how they are portraied.
It’s a very good comic, my favorite of Willis’ work and in general. Yeah some characters are designed to be hated for sure.
Just don’t hate Joe.
but joe is so hateable
Because it’s taken him nearly six years to not spend every single panel acting like a total douchenozzle.
I disagree, hes not acted more of a douchenozzle then some, Ruth for instance and Becky has also acted in a douchenozzle way as well and lets not forget Joyces douchenozzle moments
But to say hes been like that for six years is a grand overstatement. You may not like the way hes acted towards Danny but then Danny didn’t help matters either in his communicating with Joe.
You may think hes a sleazy, one step away from date rapist but whenever hes getting some its always consensual
Being less of an asshole than Ruth is not an achievement, and besides that, my point is that for all the horribleness that Ruth/Sal/Walky/Amber/Danny/Malaya/Billie/Joyce/Becky/literally every other character has visited onto someone else, they still had their humanizing moments. Joe’s gold star as of now is that he’s not a rapist and now where he’s willing to talk to Joyce on the phone because he doesn’t want to bang her.
Also if you think I’m going to give Danny shit because he wasn’t an emotionless robot when talking about such breezy topics as “I’m worried that my girlfriend is mentally unwell” and “I think I’m attracted to men and I physically cannot understand that this is possible”, well, no.
Seriously, him helping Joyce out over the phone? This is the first time we’ve seen him display any remotely genuine support to anybody about anything.
That’s unfair because Joes had less screen time than most and when he is used its mostly for other peoples character arcs.
Hopefully Joe will get more time to develop but at the moment he isn’t a bad guy at all, he was respectful during his date with Joyce, hes willing to listen when people actually say something (unlike Dannys beating around the bush) and hes probably the way he is due, in no small part, to his parents divorce
Poster on here are quick to forgive/ignore less then desirable traits of characters they like yet Joe gets nothing but hes:
Not as violent as Joyce
Not as abusive as Ruth
Not as annoying as Becky/Walky
Not as judgemental as Sarah
Not as sanctimonious as Sal
but hey lets all hate on Joe
Joe’s on his way to growing as a character.
Wait wait wait – they live over in the central time zone? That would be close to my hometown if it’s south of Bloomington…. now I want to know where their hometown is. Maybe I just missed it….
La Porte.