Hooray! The Dumbing of Age Book 5 Kickstarter reached $50k, meaning everybody who pledges for a paper book (versus a PDF) will get a free Amber magnet. That’s pretty sweet.
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Hooray! The Dumbing of Age Book 5 Kickstarter reached $50k, meaning everybody who pledges for a paper book (versus a PDF) will get a free Amber magnet. That’s pretty sweet.
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Lenses or no lenses?
That’s why she can’t see Danny in panel 1.
This hallway has terrible clipping distance. It’s almost impossible to spot anything off-frame.
The frame rate is garbage. It looks like the characters just jump from one action to another.
start the slipshine fundraiser
that question has been answered. check the alt-text
she’ll see if her new lenses are in. man i thought amazigirl just entered innuwindow, but i guess she can communicate w/ em too1
“amazi-girl will thank you later” … in bed
Don’t stick your dick in crazy, Danny.
Too late.
It’s not like he has any other options in this comic strip.
Well there’s the woman at the desk…
She has a name!!
And I have a terrible memory for names, just ask my wife, Bob, Bahb, Barbara! Usually takes more tries than that…
Bob Bahb Bab, Bahb Barbara Ann,
Bob Bahb Bab, Bahb Barbara Ann,
Bob Bahb -Take my hand, Oh Barbara Ann…
Um, sorry. Couldn’t help myself.
There was a guy in one of my classes in high school named Bob Horan. The teacher could not call on him without breaking into song.
I can see how that would be impossible.
Yes because Ethan is totally rational and well-adjusted
Compared to most of the people in this strip, he really is. His biggest problem is his unrequited crush on Jacob, but who could blame him?
Given the whole “dating Joyce” thing, I don’t think I’d say that crushing on Jacob is Ethan’s biggest issue.
Ethan doesn’t disassociate between himself and his alter ego, referring to them like two separate identities.
If my high school experience has taught me anything, sticking your dick in crazy is fine. That said, don’t stick your dick in medicinal. It may take you a while to identify crazy from medicinal, but once you do, don’t stick your dick in it.
Don’t stick your dick into a pencil sharpener, but if you are able to do that, you have bigger or should I say smaller problems.
Besides pencil sharpeners already have a though life..they live off tips.
heh… I like that one. ^_^
They don’t even get to keep the Shavings…..
Boy, I’ll say. I had to pay for so many pencil sharpeners during my school days …
*looks at nickname*
…I’m now trying to imagine Tom Bobmadil in high school…
I hate this phrase so much.
Like, if we’re talking about folks who are just total assholes then, fine, okay, that’s a pretty good description of crazy, but referring to someone with mental health issues as crazy is just terrible.
ionno, i am certifiable (but not on meds because holy hells who on earth can /afford/ that shit!?), and hey; some of us /are/ just straight up crazy as shit. if it is an accurate term, roll with it. sure it may not be the best word, but it is the shortest and therefore the sweetest, so it will do. also i apologize for my overuse of commas. i am going on almost 18 hours of only stardew valley keeping me standing so wooooo-
Eh, I’m on meds too, and it doesn’t mean I’m “crazy.” My flaws and mistakes aren’t based in how I’m worthless shit who needs to fuck off into a little hole away from civilization so I don’t blight the normal people with my inherent failures.
“Crazy” is dehumanizing and ableist, especially when used against people who suffer from mental health issues.
Agreed. I have waaaay more of a problem with the phrasing of this “advice” than the actual meaning.
I mean, the core of it is really about not inviting drama by carelessly starting a relationship with someone who’s issues makes them too high-maintenance for you to handle. It kind of protects the “prospect” too. It’s a sort of specialized “Don’t go in over your head.”.
But the phrasing takes that message and filters it through ablesim and sexual objectification and ends up sounding like something written on a wall by a urinal.
we’ll see
…if he chooses lenses
Does Amazi-Girl thanking Danny make the confrontation better? No?
sry im stupid
Amber means that they’re going to frick frack.
Also it’s another example of how she stringently enforces barriers between her identities, which Danny has now accrued enough evidence to be wary over it.
How does Amber know that Amazi-Girl will thank Danny later? I didn’t think she was that tight with Joe.
thats true. she’ll have a lot of trouble without access to galasso’s lois lane…
“Good, I’ll have more time to prepare my speech, and then immediately forget it halfway through.”
Oh hey, I didn’t know we were talking about me in every confrontation ever.
Advantage to email relationships.
“Can we talk about our relationship?
“Sure! I love our relationship, so logically I’d love talking about it!” ^_^
If it was going to be a breakup by Danny, it would’ve been odd since he was dumped at the beginning of the comic by someone who looks like Amber.
George Lucas would be proud.
Time loop!
“It’s like poetry, sort of. They rhyme. Every stanza kinda rhymes with the last one *face*. Hopefully, it’ll work.”
Fuck you, Rick Berman.
*plays The Archies’ “Sugar Sugar” on the strangely hacked but not-hacked Muzak*
Play that funky music!
Dumbing Of Age is, as indisputable as truth can be these days, the Archie we need AND deserve.
Gee Willikers!
Gee Willikers, Batman! We gotta solve The Riddler’s Superly uncomplex riddle that will lead straight to his secret hideout where he’ll be keeping the macguffin! We gotta stop him!
I don’t know, I’ve heard that actual Archie is pretty great right now.
“Actual” Archie is dead.
Comics’ “Archie” dies heroically.
That’s only the Archie from Life With Archie. The main universe Archie is still doing fine, I think.
Oddly, none of the characters are part of a band… I can see Mike on drums, Dorothy managing, Walky and Joyce singing lead. Danny’s beating a tambourine somewhere. Amaze-Girl is biting the head off a bat just offstage.
I imagined Amazi-Girl to play Bass for some reason.
I figure Sal as being more of a bass player, with Amazi-Girl on keyboards and I’m down with Mike on the drums. I’ve got Becky killing it on lead guitar (with Dina as her #1 groupie), and since I really can’t see Joyce performing in public in the first place and certainly not fronting the band that leaves Walky (who has performance experience to begin with) to handle most of the singing with Becky providing the female and secondary vocals.
Sal is definitely a bass player.
–every bass player ever including this one
I think Dina is on synth and weird noises Amazi-Girl is on lead vocals for their alt-band (same people, different material, different band), which does all the same songs, but as cookie monster metal.
If Dina does any sort of music she’s probably doing Berlin School type stuff with a giant modular.
(Berlin School=unofficial name for the sequencer heavy synth music performed by Tangerine Dream, Klaus Schulze etc in the ’70s and early ’80s, and the people who were influenced by them.)
Tim: Oh absolutely. That’s what I’m thinking about with Weird Noises. There was a comic called Savage Henry with a band called The Bulldaggers, and they had Unseen Girl as a member and contributor who appeared only in studio because she was just sending them bizarre atmospheric and noise recordings. That’s 100% Dina.
I came to that conclusion a while back too. DoA is like Archie but in college, less “innocent”, and more diverse.
But who’s going to be the anthropomorphized character that shouldn’t be able to talk but kind of does anyway? A group of teenagers with a car can’t solve mysteries without one!
This is where Fuckface the iguana makes his triumphant crossover to the Dumbiverse.
That would make me so happy. But would he still be Malaya’s pet or live with someone else instead? Maybe Marcie if they don’t allow pets on-campus.
I’d like to think Fuckface is around, but he’s a person rather than an iguana. He’s still named fuckface, though.
I think the Muzak of varyingly hacked states missed an opportunity here. In the meantime, Danny, go find some sugar.
I’d considered that one and a few others.
I’d go with Morning-sugar rays
Doormat Danny. Poor thing.
I think Doormat Danny is starting to go away. Now that he has a better grasp on the situation, and understands why Amber needs to stop being Amazi-Girl, he’s going to start making efforts towards that and supporting her in a way that she actually needs.
I imagine Danny will go and talk about this with Ethan before making a move, since he’s the only other person who both knows that Amber = Amazi-Girl, and that she shunts onto that persona the cycle of abuse she inherited from her father’s despicable actions. (Dorothy and Dina both know the first point, but IIRC they don’t know the second, and no one else but Amber knows that they know Amazi-Girl’s secret identity anyway.)
Ethan’s also been meek before when it comes to Amazi-Girl, if I’m remembering what happened when she reported meeting Sal on campus to him, but he and Danny together might have enough mutual support to try making an intervention-esque suggestion or two.
That would be the astute thing to do, talking with your girlfriend’s best friend (amicable-ex), who you’ve discovered Bi-feelings for, about ways and means of breaking up with one persona to date the other persona.
To be honest, at this point it doesn’t sound all that irrational.
Given his lack of understanding of his feelings for Ethan, I imagine that’s part of what concerns him with actually talking to him about things.
…why is breaking people of their constructive/destructive habits never easy?
[Gratuitous Childe Cycle reference]
Because they might like the result, but will definitely hate the process.
Danny: Amber I’ve been thinking about Amazi-Girl
Amber: what about her?
Danny:Its too dangerous for her……to go alone without a SIDEKICK!
“It’s dangerous to go alone! Take me!”
I can see that being…misinterpreted…in some interesting ways too…
This calls for a Robin-esque outfit.
No, his sidekick name shall be “Wonderbread!”
All Star: Amazigirl and Wonderbread, the bread wonder! (I can see it now!)
This was so right I don’t know how it is that no one said this before. Hats off to you.
Oh, this is not going to end well for either of them.
The bad news is, I am replacing you with a new sidekick. Sorry.
No signal watch for him after all, I’m afraid. [sad horn]
He already has the DS
I mean this in the best way, but reading this is making me understand why people watch soap operas daily. It’s a little bit end-of-day catharsis and a little bit of horror of interpersonal relationships.
General Hospital has been on since the 60’s.
It has OVER 13,000 episodes.
It’s officially more powerful than Nappa from Dragon Ball at this point.
Dear God, they probably have actors on the show whose PARENTS hadn’t even been born yet when the show started. Just barely, but still.
My Grandmother listened to General Hospital with her sister when it was only on the radio. Then when it was on TV they picked it up, and my mother watched it. They just had their 50th Anniversary, so that’s almost 3 generations.
There was a soap opera called The Guiding Light, which was long enough that it originally started as a daily pre-television RADIO drama series. It’s been called the longest continuous fictional narrative in human history (1947-2009).
It’s awesome. 🙂
I wonder if we’ll ever have a webcomic that long.
*1937. My bad.
If a webcomic runs that long it will probably be Questionable Content. Then again it might be this one if Willis gets far enough ahead with the strip buffer.
This is much better written than any soaper. Though the pacing is similar, I’ll grant.
Dark Shadows would disagree.
I miss Dark Shadows.
Yeah, DoA is like my soap opera. But better written.
Dumbing of Triangle: DAY 4
That’s my Wolf 🙂
Why do I see Amber’s in panel 6 as a directional arrow?
Cuz’ shit is gunna go down 😉
Cease and desist these are crimes against humanity
Congratulations, you have made a Calvin and Hobbes comic! 😛
You are the hero we all deserve. 🙂
He’s the heister we all deserve.
He’s doin’ the Lord’s work.
Danny’s 1000-yard stare in the last panel… Great work.
the subtlety of that alt text pun
Right? Amber’s gonna need more than glasses to see what Danny wants her to see…
I love that Amber did all that cookie eating on the roof, came back down, and THEN remembered her laundry. It could have been totally stolen in the meantime lmao.
And damn, more avoidance and delay. I am dying to see this convo between them to see what’s actually going to happen. But we’ll go to Joyce and Becky again before and probably Dina and some other people, won’t we? The suspense is killing me!
Ruth has the laundry theft concession on this floor, and she is busy cleaning.
She’s Amazi-Girl. If someone steals her laundry, that just means she gets to go beat them up and not feel bad about it.
That requires some investigation first!
Luckily Amazi-Girl is the world’s greatest detective.
Well, maybe not, but she solved the case of the Whiteboard Dingdong Bandit!
And trust me, if that went unsolved, who knows what destruction could’ve happened!
And everyone was happy forever. The end.
Really hoping that the Dumbing of Book 5 books are printed in time for Eccc. Fingers crossed, also looks like the largest chunk of readers are in Seattle, according to who donated from where on the kickstarter
Considering that ECCC is in April, that’s not going to happen. Books never start shipping to KS supporters until the Fall. They get printed in Asia, and spend a notoriously long time getting thru US Customs before arriving on DW’s porch.
It’s nice seeing Amber so happy, relaxed and in a good mood. Guess that’s not going to last long……
Honestly, I think this is what she really needs. To be away from all this thing without constant reminder of the expectation and pressure people have put upon her (namely her dad). I hope she does get to spend more time with Walky. That might be her real therapy, and she might learn things about Sal that she didn’t know about and get to become more civil with her, even if they don’t actually become friends
What she really needs is a hell of a lot of therapy from an actual mental health professional.
It would be interesting if Walky started to tell her about his sister, and mention some of the crap she’s been through and how she’s dealt with it. As Amber listens, she grows to understand and respect Walky’s unseen sister and finds ways to apply what she’s heard in order to make positive changes in her own life.
Then she finds out said sister is Sal and everything goes to hell.
Getting it out in the open, talking about it, would be the best for Amber. However, for to really work, Amber and Sal have to talk, and obvious Sal has no intention of talking to her like that.
Thing is, Amber knows who Sal is, but Sal doesn’t recognize Amber. Amber needs Sal to recognize her.
If doing so means things going to hell, well, that’s the Storm before the Calm. It has to be done so that Amber can stop running away.
Maybe it’s not fair to Sal, who just wants to forget it, but life isn’t always fair.
Well, the healthy thing would be for Amber and Sal to never be in the same postal code again, but it’s a character narrative so there’s gonna be another confrontation.
I dunno, it’s just been established that Sal’s gained some grudging respect and gratitude for Amazi-Girl, but I can’t see her reacting too well finding out that the caped white girl power trip is both someone she’s grievously wronged, and somebody who viciously assaulted her.
I’m privately hoping that’s exactly where the narrative is going on this one.
I’m really hoping we see more Walky/Amber interactions, since it woul be a great way to humanize Sal in Amber’s eyes, that she has a brother who loves her like she’s some kind of normal person or something, and for Ethan and Sal to talk at some point. We’ve never really gotten how he felt about what happened, and him talking to the person who held a knife to his neck so he can protect his best friend from going any further off the deep end? It’s too good to pass up.
Is Amber getting colored irises to go with her new lenses?
Wonder if he will try breaking up with her, thinking its the best way to go.
The sidekick idea, I don’t know, I don’t see Danny doing parkour moves off roofs no matter how much he may want to help her.
Very much interested to see if Danny is going to try to talk to her and start off with, ‘Uh Sal and I were talking about you in the laundry room…..”.
Talking to her is too much the mature thing to do. Since Danny has her laundry right now, I’m guessing he’ll take matters into his own hands by destroying her costume somehow.
But her costume isn’t in the laundry. She was wearing it when she was talking to Walky on the roof.
Danny doesn’t wear the pants in this relationship he washes them.
I saw the uncolored but inked version of it, and thought “that would be really fun to color” and now I want an official Dumbing of Age coloring and activity book.
Oh no! Ross has kidnapped Becky! Connect the dots on Sal’s motorcycle!
Guide Amazi-Girl through the maze to help save Becky!
Help Joyce find her bible, but watch out for the impure thoughts! (A maze with obstacle rooms full of vibrators and chippendale models)
Given new evidence, Dina’s dinosaur poster isn’t scientifically accurate anymore. Can you update it? (A printed dinosaur head with a big blank space to draw the body in)
Mike’s word search! (Full of swearing and nickels)
Draw a ding dong in the whiteboard!
Match the shitty parents to their child who needs therapy.
This should really be a thing. Willis, kickstarted stretch goal?
There are no words to describe how much I want this.
Adam has partaken of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, and Eden will never be the same again.
“I put some sugar in me…”
And Danny is thinking to himself, “But I thought *I* was your sugar!”
That was “put some sugar in me”, not “pour some sugar on me”.
If I was going to advise Danny I’d be telling him to wait until you’re in the afterglow of sexy times before you lay anything heavy on her also make sure you do a damn good job of it and really tire her out as well
You know, how is this gonna work out? If she finds out Sal was talking to him, she’ll just think she’s tainting him with brainwashing or something
Mentioning Sal: Amber BSOD
Deciding to unilaterally take matters into his own hands and burn her costume to stop her for good: Amber total meltdown
Guess which I’m guessing will happen?
Shit, I bricked my Amber!
I hope these 2 work things out.
And Sal will have screwed up Amber’s life some more…
Maybe she’ll get stabbed in the other hand.
Sal did not create the circumstances of Amber’s screwed-up-ness. Nor would what she’s suggesting to Danny make Amber’s situation worse, even though it might become more difficult, in the short-term, without her alter-ego crutch.
Also, appropriate avatars are appropriate.
If Sal’s robbery attempt hadn’t happened it’s likely something else would have traumatised Amber on top of the traumas already caused by her father. An obvious possibility is Blaine hurting Amber’s mom even worse than he did, and Amber blaming herself because she thinks she was too weak to prevent it.
^ This.
Yes, exactly! And if Blaine had been a good dad instead of an abusive asshole, Amber might have got over the worst of the trauma from the robbery by now. For one thing, he wouldn’t have shamed her for not coming to Ethan’s rescue, and he’d have seen she got therapy when she needed it.
What she has suggested to Danny will likely (if this follows a typical path) result in her anchor to some sort of human normalcy being removed. If Danny initiates the expected conversation, I fully expect it to slip out that it was Sal’s prompting that put him on this path. And if that happens I doubt what follows will be her and Sal hugging it out, unless it’s UFC style.
Either way, it seems to me that without Danny to ground her, Amber is likely to slip further into an Amazi-Girl persona that will become darker and angrier and more reckless and destructive.
We’ll see, but I don’t think it will end well…
Amber doesn’t even consider Danny’s “hers”, because she’s decided that Amazi-Girl has everything nice and positive in her life, and it’s not like Danny’s ever gonna ditch her. He ran back there to talk to her and he has a mixed reaction to the prospect of superhero nookie. Dude is going to stop his enabling and start helping Amber in constructive ways.
It is going to go badly when Amber finds out that Sal was talking to Danny, though, but that’s not really Sal’s fault either.
All things considered, I find it more likely that he’ll try and lay down an Ultimatum. Like the ol’ “I can’t be with you if you’re doing this” nonsense.
I doubt it. Danny isn’t forceful enough to try that, and he wouldn’t want to in the first place. He wants to help her get better for her sake, not his, and now he’s one of maybe three people who knows how deep Amber’s problems run and that she could actually die.
Like he told Joe, it’s not really about the romance anymore, she just has bad shit to work through and he wants to help.
Awwwww, happy Amber is adorable Amber. Rooftop cookies was a really good call of Walky.
What a crazy woman.
damn, I just feel so sorry for the both of them 🙁
as “Most Holy” said, and demonstrated, before Dave Sim went completely off the deep end:
“The valuable lesson is that you can get what you want and still not be very happy.”
You never know exactly where you are with Amber (which, I suppose, is realistic for someone with her very complex mental difficulties). Some days she seems to be virtually two different people. Other days, she’s in a good mood and she actively encourages Danny to think of dating Amazi-Girl as being a kinky role-play thing!
Of course, she’s going to walk into the laundry and Sal might still be there!:-o
The struggle is real.
It’s strips like this that make me think that, with all the angst and drama on the way, Amber will come out of it fine. Once she understands that her current coping mechanism isn’t working and actively creating new problems for her, she can start trying healthier alternatives and achieve the same result of being able to deal with stress and reboot to happy Amber, and then start addressing bigger issues and even try folding in some of Amazi-Girl’s more positive traits into Amber.
I mean, when she has her Fiery Climactic Showdown to the Death with Sal it’s not going to cure her of her PTSD, her anger, or her identity compartmentalizing. She’s gonna be left with this big broken mess and she’ll need to try and put it together. I’m really looking forward to that.
FWIW, I think that Amazi-Girl will continue to haunt the night but no longer as a coping mechanism but as an act of defiance towards the world and because, in the end, she CAN be a good thing.
Jimmy, you’re thinking with your dick. Put your dick away.
But my dick needs fresh air!
Turn about and leave, Danny. This is not going to end anyplace good. Go screw the nice gay Jewish boy, that’s a far better idea than this relationship.
Danny. You’ve done a lot of dumb things over the years. Don’t make this one of them. Help her, talk things through- you like talking, it’s what Joe doesn’t like about you- and try not to break her. Amber needs help, not more scars. But I am 100% behind Sal and have been this whole time: Amazi-girl has got to go.
My biggest concern is that Danny brings up that it was Sal who told him this, and that would motivate Amber to try and “protect” Danny from her, the way she couldn’t protect Ethan.
Also, jeez, Amber! If a person I was going with hijacked my laundry in college, I woulda been freaking out! “Ohmygawd, he saw my dirty undies. And is that one embarrassing t-shirt in there?”
It was bad enough when someone I was going with walked into the lounge and went “Is that the Pokemon Crystal music?”
“Oh, uh, yeah, umm, well, I don’t play often, it was kinda lying around, I mean, I felt a little nostalgic”
Playing the Pokemon Crystal music now…
Amber – “Dumb Dumb, You got gum gum?”
Danny – “?…?”
You guys, did I miss something? Does Amber even know the name of her sworn enemy? I don’t remember seeing her say it. And if she’d actually looked anything up, you’d expect she’d know about her twin brother.
Plus Danny has been tutoring her for a while. It would make sense for him to have mentioned “Sal” before. And, even if she knows her name, she obviously hasn’t made the connection.
What I’m worried about is that Sal fucked up. I hadn’t said anything before, as I assumed there would be more talk, where Sal explained WHY Amazi-girl does dangerous things. She figured it out herself: AG refuses to back down. She escalates instead of pulling back and regrouping.
Without that, I’m not sure how Danny can help right now. Breaking up with her would not help, for sure. An ultimatum is not going to Danny’s way. And he doesn’t know what aspect she actually needs to work on.
The issue is not finding out about Sal. The issue is that the one person who knows what Amber needs to learn didn’t tell it to the guy who could actually help her learn it.
The other interesting thing about all that is that Amber is also aware of that flaw:
Which means, Sal knows the issue but didn’t tell Danny, and has potential helpful ideas, but Amber is not in a mind to listen. Amber has already figured out that issue and is unsure of what to do about it.
And now we have Danny with an idea of the issue, but no background in psychology, just a savior complex, where he awesomes so successfully at boyfriending that he finally has value (in his eyes).
So yeah, the chances that he’ll stumble on something actually helpful for Amber are low, but the chances he triggers another angry response from her are high. And Danny has a tendency to open with the worst parts when he’s nervous.
It’ll go great. Nothing to be worried about at all.
Danny’s not gonna do the right thing, because he’s 18 years old and has no idea how to help, but I don’t think he’s convinced that he’s so awesome a boyfriend that he’s capable of healing Amber on his own.
Even when he first learned Amazi-Girl’s identity, where he had his big comic book moment, his first inclination was to support her however he could and try to encourage her to talk to someone who could actually help her in the way she needed. Whenever he’s been confronted by Amber’s problems he tends to seek outside help (such as when he thought Blaine was a caring father, or recently going to Ethan for advice) because he recognizes he’s out of his depth.
I do think it’s almost guaranteed that things go south when Danny tells Amber that Sal’s been talking to him, though.
No, no… It’s not that Danny thinks that he’s such a good boyfriend that he will fix everything….it’s that he won’t be able to fix everything and blame it on him just not being good enough.
Well, I sorta believe that, and would also argue it. He has previously shown that he’s willing to admit he’s out of his depth and has tried to seek out alternative help and support for Amber, such as thinking her dad was legit, going to Ethan, and now listening to Sal. Even when he triggered Amber last chapter he didn’t blame himself for it, he tried to deflect blame off of her.
At the same time, when Danny finds out he’s been palling around with Amber’s PTSD trigger, it’s going to make the guilt he felt being duped by Blaine look microscopic by comparison.
It’s a bit much to say Sal “fucked up” here. She doesn’t actually know that much about Amazi-Girl and reached out to a person closer to her to let them know exactly how dangerous things had been. Any psychological insight Sal may have is very shaky supposition based on a fake persona and it’s not unreasonable to assume that the person’s boyfriend has better information to go on.
There was also the parking lot incidens, which proves Amazigirls recklessness to Sal.
That was, mainly, what I was referring too. It’s really not that much to go on.
“Amazi-Girl will thank you later.”
…With cookies?
With her penis.
How old are you?
Anyone else getting a “Vanellope just after King Candy talked to Ralph” vibes here…?