Hey, folks, my pal and Convention Wife Joel Watson is starting up a new project that will transform the world as we know it, forever. He’s…. he’s drawing on movie trailers. With his manhands.
what the what
Hey, folks, my pal and Convention Wife Joel Watson is starting up a new project that will transform the world as we know it, forever. He’s…. he’s drawing on movie trailers. With his manhands.
what the what
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it rolls off her like a duck
So when Willis gets nice messages, he immediately goes and jumps from rooftop to rooftop? (need to try this at the next convention)
Nah, only praise on tumblr. Gotta be liveblogging the convention to see a neat response.
Like a sweaty duck?
Dat Short Circuit reference. 🙂
i can’t quite figure out why, but that feels like it should definitely sound dirty
…yet it doesn’t
Maybe you aren’t doing it right.
i dont get it
I guess I quoted it wrong (ironically)
In my experience Ducks don’t fit in hamster balls very well anyways.
I’ve never seen a duck roll off someone, what’s it look like?
I thought she was immune to criticism, not praise.
she is in fact NOT immune
She’s not immune to praise! That’s why she’s leaving.
praise is, in fact, her only weakness.
If Blaine were to speak a word of genuine praise to Amber, Amazi-Girl would cease to exist. If this was a Silver Age superhero comic, I mean.
“Well, I guess you finally did learn how to punch” ::coughs blood:: “Good job.”
You win tonight’s internet.
Amazi-Girl’s archenemy (Blaine? Sal?): *starts hoarding praseodymium*
Criticism can consist of praise, if the praise is derived from critical thought.
Praise can also become criticism if it is faint enough, damning Amazi-Girl with a paradox of invulnerability and weakness. (But if it’s anything like Pokemon, her invulnerability would overpower her weakness, meaning she would still be invulnerable to faint praise.)
Assuming it is an immunity and not a resistance, since in the latter case she would simply take normal damage from it.
Dickism can be derived from praise as well, just take all praise an insult, and let the game begin.
as an insult*
I think you just made one of the “smart” Futurama jokes.
Avoiding praise is part of how you remain immune to criticism. Can’t get hurt if there’s no ego to destroy.
She can’t accept praise because it contradicts Amber/AG’s view that they are both unacceptably defective.
She’s not immune to praise. That’s why she’s running.
In my fanfic, Amazi-Girl is running away from Becky because of her deep-buried feelings for her, knowing they can never be together, as superhero and closet-nuker.
Not to mention the angry dinosaur…
… she would have to room with.
…see, I had forgotten Amber and Dina were roommates and thought you were proposing a poly scenario
But fuck, now I want a poly triad situation for them
But then I want poly triads in pretty much all situations.
Why stop at triads?
clearly there should be some kinda pentagram situation with dina-becky-amber-danny-ethan.
Let’s throw in Jacob.
You’d think in a pentagram, everybody would be in a relationship with at least two other people. So… wouldn’t Ethan x Dina have to be a thing, in that case?
I guess it wouldn’t have to be a sexual relationship, though. So maybe it would work. It might be pretty cute, actually. But I’m not sure whether Ethan is panromantic or not. It’s too late now, though. I’m already shipping it. 😛
Dina/Becky/Amber triad, with Amber also dating Danny, and Danny dating Ethan. It totally works!
…and is actually less complicated than some of my friends’ love lives.
It’s not that hard to fanfic, after all, Dina IS coming to Amber for advice on what’s “normal”. All Amber would have to do is… advise creatively.
You are evil. I like that.
I don’t know if I ship it or not because if I did it would only be because I thought the pairing was hot and that makes me shallow.
Congrats, you just described 99% of shipping.
Beats the other guy’s fanfic any day.
yay these two again
I live for Becky-and-Dina comics now
They are kinda super amazing together!
Curse your confusing smiling Roz gravatar and cheery comment! It confuses me!!!
I just usually assume my gravatar recently had a very good orgasm. I mean, it is Roz after all.
Now I would be jealous if my gravatar wasn’t Becky being awesome.
AmaziGirl confirmed for Mass Effect fan
Amazi-Girl: “Becky, what can you tell me about your father?”
Becky: “Can it wait? I’m in the middle of some…calibrations?” *looks at Dina, laughs hysterically*
She’d love to chat, but this [grappling] gun really needs calibrating.
Nah Becky, you’re thinking of NonStick Man.
Teflon Man, Teflon Man
Teflon Man hates NonStick Man
They have a fight, Teflon wins
Teflon Man
Once again, Becky’s hit the nail on the head…
Aww, for Panel 1, with Dina still concerned that her girlfriend will eventually find her disengaging or boring and Becky still full of wonder for everything she’s learning. And Becky getting more and more into her chosen field of Biology.
Also heh on Panel 4 Becky trying to thank someone with the self-esteem of an Eeyore on a rainy day.
I really like how self conscious Dina is. It’s quite fitting.
Well, it’s a bit of proactivity on her part when you think about it. She isn’t good at reading people, so she asks constantly if she is understanding correctly. Thankfully, Becky finds it endearing, and maybe has already picked up on the aloofness. It seriously is one of the most healthy relationships in this damn comic.
Although that bar is buried about 300 feet under the ground so it’s not really hard to get over it.
I’m pretty sure Becky/Dina is the ONLY healthy relationship we saw so far.
Walky and Dorothy are healthy.
They’re healthy, but also sort of doomed*, so I can see why they wouldn’t quite make the mental list.
* This definition of doomed requires that every relationship that ever “ends” is somehow a waste of time or bad, but a lot of worthwhile things have endings; just because you’re not still together doesn’t mean the relationship was bad or a mistake from day one.
Yeah, the main problem with them is that unlike most relationships, it has an expiration date.
And like, that’s the point. It’s going to end. Dorothy wants to make the most of that time and Walky is starting to chafe under what that means.
It kind of makes me feel sad, if only because it makes me think of all the times she’s had to deal with people who did get bored.
Still, she seems to have come through the other end quite well, so far.
Seems to be a thing she’s dealt with before, and has actually happened with Sarah once.
Amazi-Girl used to be someone Amber allowed to be heaped with praise. She seemed pretty happy with it during the Whiteboard Ding Dong Bandit incident or Dorothy’s interview. Heck, even after they first got back together, Amber made the point that she believes Danny when he says nice things because he’s a terrible liar.
I think Amber’s taking what Sal said to her personally, and associating Becky with it.
Also damn it becky you are awesome but you ruined the moment:(
Had to check what Teflon was. Apparently, Polytetrafluoroethylene is a synthetic fluoropolymer of tetrafluoroethylene.
Makes sense to me. 🙂
translation: strong tape
Teflon is what help food not get stuck on cooking recipientss (pans, casseroles, woks, etc)
Funny how chemistry works.
Fluorine gas is one of the most reactive and dangerous elements in the universe.
Stick a bunch of it onto a super long chain of carbon atoms and you end up with a very effective armour.
Elemental flourine very much wants to react with things. In fluorine compounds, it has generally already done so. It’s like how Joyce really wants to get married and would probably be a very loyal wife.
Similarly O2 is pretty reactive, while CO2 or SiO2 or iron oxide or aluminum oxides are not.
You want reactive? Try Dioxygen Difluoride, not around any other people. It makes ice explode.
Ah yes, also known by its structural formula, FOOF. Or ‘Satan’s kimchi’. Or ‘the gas of Lucifer’. Or ‘get it away from me’.
Also sand and asbestos. And it’s even more effective an oxidator than oxygen. And you need to keep it at minus 70 degrees celsius to keep it from exploding itself.
Chlorine and brake fluid anyone?
Teflon is nonstick coating.
From the Wikipedia article on Ronald Reagan:
Reagan also earned the nickname “the Teflon President”, in that public perceptions of him were not tarnished by the controversies that arose during his administration. According to Congresswoman Patricia Schroeder, who coined the phrase, and reporter Howard Kurtz, the epithet referred to Reagan’s ability to “do almost anything wrong and not get blamed for it”.
Since the it has become a stock adjective for anyone who seems to be able to escape the consequences of their actions for no good reason.
That must be why I heard someone call Trump the “Teflon Want-ta-be”.
Amazi-Girl is as immune to praise as she is to criticism.
Amazi-Girl is prepared for anything.
Except praise.
Fly AG, FLY!
I am quite enjoying the image of David Willis getting complimented, sweeping up his cape, and escaping to another roof.
Danny you keep a pretty straight back thar.
“Aw, and there I hoped we could go on a double date”
Becky makes everything awesome. A pity that Amazi-Girl is weighed down by the “Kill Bill” version of Clark Kent.
” Now, a staple of the superhero mythology is, there’s the superhero and there’s the alter ego. Batman is actually Bruce Wayne, Spider-Man is actually Peter Parker. When that character wakes up in the morning, he’s Peter Parker. He has to put on a costume to become Spider-Man. And it is in that characteristic Superman stands alone. Superman didn’t become Superman. Superman was born Superman. When Superman wakes up in the morning, he’s Superman. His alter ego is Clark Kent. His outfit with the big red “S”, that’s the blanket he was wrapped in as a baby when the Kents found him. Those are his clothes. What Kent wears – the glasses, the business suit – that’s the costume. That’s the costume Superman wears to blend in with us. Clark Kent is how Superman views us. And what are the characteristics of Clark Kent. He’s weak… he’s unsure of himself… he’s a coward. Clark Kent is Superman’s critique on the whole human race.”
Amber is everything which is wrong with Amazi-Girl, who is the “Real Amber” but she refuses to be because she’s afraid of admitting she’s not who Blaine wanted her to be (Amber).
She needs a Becky to show her the way.
I would argue that in the case of Batman, it’s not actually that clear-cut which is the secret identity.
Don’t look at who Clark Kent is, look at what he does. He’s an investigative reporter, a guy who goes after evil businessmen and corrupt politicians so that they can be stopped. Clark Kent is Superman, there’s no actual dichotomy there.
Fo rizzle.
If Superman had no powers, he’d still be him.
Unfortunately, they’re both Amber. And Amber doesn’t have the social context for fully grasping what’s going on in her head and how best to handle it.
Amazing isn’t really just a personal it’s more she extension and combination of her anger and confidence that she’s trying to direct at a good cause so she doesn’t end up like her father.
Hey, what a neat way of putting it.
Can’t really argue that since a lot of different depictions of superman gives of that, one as such as being in the injustice Comic run but that not really a good example since it feels like he’s played up like a villain in that, but Black canary says it herself after Green arrows funeral.
Injustice was so dumb. People are just in love with the same “what if Superman were baaaad” so it never stops.
Injustice was terrible 🙁 Inconsistent mess, written by someone who clearly hates Superman as a character and *also* doesn’t really get him. Batman is pretty much the only one who came out of that story looking good, actually — it was also super mean to Green Lantern, Wonder Woman… The only worthwhile thing was Harley Quinn.
I’m not going to lie there are some stuff that upset me like (spoiler) hall Jordan joining up with the yellow lanterns or all the other people left 8n the justice league not stopping to realize they’ve might have gone over board but I still enjoy some things about it.
Actually I gotta agree with you on that last part. The stuff with Harley in the prequel comic was genuinely pretty good.
Plastic Man’s recent appearance was also great, but that’s more because he’s Plastic Man and all things are improved by him.
I know it was way, way OTT but Sinestro Corps Superman is an amazingly scary idea, and a very powerful image. A true “Oh, s**t!” moment.
Harley’s stuff was cool and fun.
But I can never forgive Injustice for the Lamest Comic Death Evar ™
I think this is only true of certain versions of Superman.
My favorite is the version popularized by the 90s “Lois & Clark” TV show, where Clark Kent is very much the real person whose sense of right and wrong is strongly informed by his loving human parents and the many humans he’s seen every day who are brave and noble; who respects our laws too much to place himself above them, and brings criminals to jail for fair trials instead of punishing them himself.
Yes, some versions of Clark Kent could be argued to be a critique of the human race, but the original version of him was a power fantasy for the downtrodden and oppressed, who knew first hand how awful the average human being was… And that’s no longer a core part of a character who has been evolving for almost a hundred years.
(Meanwhile, Batman is sometimes very much the real person using Bruce Wayne as a mask, as popularized by the BTAS TV show and very firmly canonized in the “Batman Beyond” followup. So it’s interesting that you’d use him as a counterexample, instead of just sticking with Peter Parker.)
it’s weird, because i feel like “real Bruce” isn’t Batman or Bruce Wayne; those are both personas he inhabits in order to do what he thinks is right/necessary. but like that depends which canon you’re working with, as with Superman.
Batman and Superman are characters that have been constantly reinterpreted for nearly 80 years. They’re all valid ways to look at the character, even ones I hate like “Batman is as crazy as his villains” and “Superman is actually a big jerk.”
I know I’ve said it before here, but bear with me please: the way I heard it expressed best, some years ago, is that the closest thing to the real Bruce is when he’s sitting in the cave, with his family and friends who know his secret(s), not wearing any of his masks.
I always understood this speech as more about Bill than Superman: Bill looks at Superman, the morally upright hero, the best of Krypton and Earth, and sees a mocking jerk alien .
Superman can’t be a super man, because that would make Bill into a villain.
Also, IMHO Quentin T likes to have characters make psuedo-intellectual douchey assholery speeches that sound cool in his movies.
Oh Becky, you have no idea how correct you are. Also, your interactions with Dina are awesome.
“Face God in heaven” I know what that actually means, but my first thought was “Boss fight”. and it’d still end up being less epic than the final bosses of Undertale, probably. 😛
Heh, yeah. Now, I’m just imagining Becky in fighting pose against Pre-Millennial Dispensationalist God.
“You called me a mistake for being gay. Now prepare to die!”
Now I’m picturing Becky fighting South Park’s version of Jesus for some reason.
To tip the odds in your favor, I suggest being buried with an army of terra cotta warriors.
(Relatively SFW, considering it’s Oglaf!)
Becky: “I know I should be surprised but this is pretty much what I expected”
It’s always fun seeing one of your favourite series get dropped where you don’t expect it.
so learning Biology is basically the cinematic stuff that happens right at the beginning of the fight with God? like it’s the cinematic reel that gives you that one little clue on how to defeat him. i can dig it.
I see a Dina and Amber moment in the future….by which I mean they will talk.
I initially misread “manhands” as “manhood”. That was a really disturbing image.
Is praise Amazi-Girl’s Kryptonite?
How’d you guess??
See, it all began about 18 years ago, the day the planet Praise-on exploded..
Actually, it began 5 years before, when the intrepid Praisonian scientist, Smar-Tee, realized that his world was doomed. His urgent pleas to evacuate the planet went unheeded by the ‘Best Leaders Evar’ Council, so he hastily constructed an evacuation pod into which his wife, Cute-As-A-Button, and he placed all the accumulated compliments of their people, as well as their newborn daughter, Ama-Zing.
Barely escaping the destruction of Praise-on, the pod wandered for years through space, before crashing on Earth. And so, a legend was born…
^ Plus several!
Dropping this link again, because it’s very rare to have a reason to link to praseodymium.
Now see, this is a good opportunity for Amazi-Girl to take a leaf out of Walky’s book, and be yourself.
honestly, I think he’s getting laid more often than Joe and Roz combined
that moment when the autocorrect in your face blinks out
be yourself, beat up anyone that disagrees with you.
I saw that embedded thumbnail and thought “Since when is Willis posting Spanish stuff?” Since i thought it said “Batman y Superman”.
I’ll show myself out.
I don’t know why I’m reading Amber as awkward rather than deflective but it reminds me of Eddie Izzard describing awkward British people
“Oh, l’m… Oh.”
“Well, l… Oh.”
“Well, I thought you…I’d better go.”
I’m covered in bees!
Heheh, wait, that came up before his Star Wars bit in Dressed to Kill?
I still can’t get over Jesse Eisenberg being Lex Luther, he was great Zombieland and kickass 1 and 2 ok if you ask me he’s not the first person I imagine when I think of Lex lluther.
So what’s she leaping to?
I’d like to imagine it’s the top of the Super Mario flag.
It has been a while since we have seen Mike, so I am guessing she is jumping to your mom. For a nickle.
Or a tree. She is most likely jumping to a tree as her MO
You forgot Mikes FAAAAAAAAAACCE, she jumped onto it.
An open window.
Her invisible Amazi-Ship….wait
I was just thinking about this today, that I know people where it’s like they have an iron gate in their head, behind which is the ability to feel praiseworthy. The gate is guarded by a very stalwart guard-dog, who is kinda dumb and thinks he is helping. You can get mad at the dog, but that won’t accomplish anything in particular. That’s when the metaphor kind of fell apart and I went to bed.
Read Kafka’s short story “Before the Law”, substitute “law” with “the ability to feel praiseworthy”, and you get something similar to your metaphor.
I’ve read that as a kid, and it no doubt influenced me. +1
if somebody is reading the comments and is off to go read the (very short) story, here’s some interesting non-spoilery stuff about it: A ‘man from the country’ is a Talmudic expression for a provincial, simple, uneducated person. The Law is in the holy sense of law, like the laws of the universe, might also translate as ‘wisdom’. Especially with this underpinning, the Guard is very much like a biblical angel, guarding knowledge that itself is tinged with holiness.
Kafka is awesome, and his metaphor is a whole lot better than mine. 🙂
“you are not bored when you are with me, are you?” Adorable Dina is adorable.
Anyone want to guess how long before Dina accidentally lets slip that she knows AmaziGirl’s true identity to Becky?
Or more comically, Dina and Danny both realising the other claims to know who’s behind the mask and trying to confirm that without being the first to spill the secret 🙂
Oh, and Beckys sheer joy at the prospect of knowledge vs indoctrination is glorious and a beam of light amongst the angst..
I’m pretty sure Dina and Danny both know that they both know about Amber/Amazi-Girl. See the beginning of Walking With Dina.
Thank you, I’d forgotten that.
Does anyone besides me think that “Teflon” would have been a better title?
If only this strip included a frying pan with bacon and eggs.
Even without the bacon.
That’s a heck of a jump. Good thing there’s a discarded mattress off panel.
Getting up there seems impressive but there’s actually an escalator leading up to that awning just off-panel to the right.
This isn’t just a college girl dealing with her trauma through living out a superhero fantasy. She’s actually gone to the trouble of training herself mentally and physically for that requires. Simply put, she can walk the talk and that includes near-impossible acrobatics.
Yeah, Becky; she doesn’t feel comfortable being told she’s a good person or even hanging around other people and I doubt that you realise just how deeply that neuroses goes! So, don’t feel bad; you just gave her an excuse to do what she desperately wanted to do anyway.
Yeah, it turns out that Danny’s affection is her Kryptonite.
Amazi-girl is immune to criticism. Complimants, thanks and affection on the other hand…
And now I’m thinking about that song. Damn you.
Man, Becky knows Amber too well
You know I was wondering if all this unsureness in Amber would lead to her pushing some people away again which would probably mean she would starte to push Danny away. I also thought that maybe it would get so serious that Danny would insist to try to be there for her so she would starte to try to convince Danny to find someone better for him almost breaking up with him and Danny would become so desperate that he would start to take her advice some how maybe blame himself for her condition which would lead to them breaking up for a short period of time then coming back together.
Also during that short period time Danny would look for sholder to lean on for comfort and the person he he would find would probably also be a romantic interest since the person he turns to would probably someone we would be getting close to.
But before getting too romantically involved with that person he would stop and think that he couldn’t go through it and also think “wait what about Amber, I know she said I should move on but I haft to be there for her even if I think I might not be able to help her through her struggles maybe If I can still be there for her maybe that can be enough to help and I want to be the one to help her because…I love her.”
And I was also hoping the person he turns to would be Sal, not just to fuel the Sal V Amber & Amazi-girl feud/Rivalry but to also help her develop as well so she can not just make a new friend like she did with Billie, Joyce, or Carla but also help her make a new deep connection with someone who isn’t Walky or Marcie which would help her break out of her shell. Also Danny would probably help her come to terms with some of the conflicts she’s dealing with in a effort to help her show that he cares because I think Danny can be a bit of a busy body so he would actively try to help her as a friend. Which would lead to Danny and Sal almost getting romantically involved until he decids not too since he still cares for Amber/Amazi-girl a little bit more.
That’s how I was hoping the next obstacle in the hole Danny & Amber/Amazi-girl relationship would go but apparently if all that did happen it would probably be Eathen instead of Sal since it feels like that’s where the stories being set up to go. *Sigh* oh well, guess I should just chock that up as a fanfiction for anyone who wants to take it because I rather just see myself how this works out.
I am just seeing Amazi-Girl dumping Danny for his own good and Amber disappearing.
Amazi-Girl broods in some forgotten attic surrounded by mummified pigeons, thinking dark thoughts.
Desperate to see her, Danny dons a costume and begins ineptly committing crimes around campus as the only way to find her.
But a mysterious third force is also in play…
Okay, from that, I’m assuming that you’re on the DC writing staff. 😉
There’s not enough arm mutilation for that.
I can neither confirm nor deny that.
and Off she flies…. cool. 😉
Like a motherfucking bird 😀
and now i’m wondering how David Willis and Amazigirl reacts to praise in all context, whether caped or not caped. which inevitably led to Green Eggs and Ham scenario of David Willis and/or Amazigirl running away from people trying to praise them on a train, with a fox, in a box…
¨It burns!!! Ahhh I’m melting!!!¨
You cannot praise me with a fox
You cannot praise me in a box
You cannot praise me in the air
You cannot praise me anywhere
Amber/Amazi-Girl ran off before Becky even said anything about thanking her. Does she have precognitive ability to predict the coming of Praise in the near future?
Seriously, I woudl have had her wait at least until Becky said something close to praise before having AG ‘fly off’. I think there is more to this than the praise angle.
I think AG is still hurting from, and haunted by, what Sal said and seeing Becky reminded her of that. Sal is the Joker to AG’s Batman, and sometimes the Joker get’s the upper-hand in psychological warfare….
even if Sal doesn’t realize this and may have thought what she did was well intentioned. [Sal isn’t a super-villain to anyone but AG].
Anyway, that’s my guess.
Didn’t she just leave because she’s afraid Becky will recognize her? Becky does know Amber after all. And will be spending a lot more time with her in the future.
I think Just Me is right. Sal made her consider for the first time that her actions as Amazi-Girl were selfish.
She did save Becky, but now looking at her makes Amber think back to what Sal said.
That coup-counting might be a harbringer of trouble to come between them…
Her Praise-sense was tingling.
That’s mean, Willis.
Does anyone else not care about the Amber/amazagirl storyline anymore? It’s starting to annoy me and I want to see more of other characters.
Everyone feels like that about some character or another.
I’m super into more Danny and Amber stuff, so I’m all for it.
I want to see more Danny and Ethan stuff.
I want more Lucy and Malaya stuff.
Its not that I don’t want to see Amber/Amazigirl its that I want to see more Joe
I trust Willis to tell an engaging story and will give him the benefit of the doubt that he’s going somewhere interesting.
It’s worked so far.
Having read the hover text, I hereby pledge to never write anything nice to Willis on Tumblr.
Caveat: I am not on Tumblr.
How considerate.
You know, I’ve seen several people who ship Amber x Danny x Ethan as a poly triad. Yet rarely is it brought up that Amber x Danny x AmaziGirl is already a poly triad.
Personally, I wouldn’t say AmaziGirl is a product of DID but of a more controlled dissociation. Perhaps “controlled” is the wrong word, but ultimately her own creation and not just randomly appearing. Still, her coping mechanism is to completely dissociate those parts of herself and treat them as if they were separate people. So, while I wouldn’t say they seem to be separate personalities, in my view, I would say that they are separate identities. Two identities in one entity (rather than two entities each with their own identity)—perhaps one might even call it a di-entity.
asm: that sort of persona differentiation is a common form of dissociation with PTSD sufferers. I know, because I do it. You share common memories and a strong sense of a default ‘self’ but each facet (what I call them ) has its own opinions, strengths, voice, politics. The memories made by that self are a little vague to the others. Not nearly as strong a shift as with DID but still enough that most people can tell you’re an entirely different person. When people do it on purpose I believe it’s called “acting”.
For lack of a better term, is it possible to enforce a separate identity and a burgeoning case of Dissasociative Identity Disorder? Early on Amber’s line that Amazi-Girl was just a dumping ground and something she did. Since the thing with Blaine she’s been insistent on separating her two personae, to the point where I don’t think it’s an active, rational decision she’s making when she tries to separate them anymore.
I am woefully ignorant on matters of psychology, so please feel free to correct me.
I doubt it’s ever been entirely active/rational. She decided to internalize the concept of “AmaziGirl” and conform to that identity. However, this internalization of her different “facets” (as Jonathan puts it) can force her to internalize their own decisions and be controlled by them.
I’d say AmaziGirl is a constructed identity, and a sign of dissociation but not Dissociative Identity Disorder. I’ve seen it called another personality, and I don’t think that’s entirely accurate, but neither can you say that she has it under control. She tries to use the mask and costume to keep her identities separate, and I think the reason she’s more insistent on it now is because she knows when triggers such as Blaine lead to an onset of PTSD, AmaziGirl cannot protect Amber from losing control.
So, I guess the facet of AmaziGirl is Amber’s effort to stay in control. And the facet of Amber herself is an attempt to stay normal. She’s said that AmaziGirl is her attempt to stay normal, but it’s not that direct. AmaziGirl doesn’t have normalcy. She has control. She has a strong sense of morals. Therefore, she cannot lose herself to PTSD. But by being AmaziGirl, she gave up her normalcy. I feel like, as Amber, she is constantly attempting to escape her past, and AmaziGirl serves as a shield. And yet, I feel like her stubbornness as Amber will not let her accept that she needs some sort of outlet or therapy. But I wonder whether AmaziGirl might be able to force Amber into confronting things. I don’t know. But it’s that persona/facet that seems to be questioning itself, not Amber. Either the AmaziGirl facet will crumble, or it will change its purpose to help Amber. I feel like she needs AmaziGirl’s strength, so I hope AmaziGirl changes her methods from sheltering Amber to pushing Amber in the right direction.
I am clearly over-analyzing things.
Alt-Text makes me wish someone had started a Willis Praise chain.
Willis, you draw good.
Willis, you don’t sweat much.
Does anyone else think Becky is the most mentally stable member of the gang?
She’s a bit of a goofy nutbar and might still have some unrequited love for Joyce, but otherwise she probably is, after Dorothy.
Who wouldn’t be after Dorothy?
Not really, shes just good at hiding whats bothering her because no likes a debby downer
I’d suggest Dorothy
That girl is action packed with issues.
She needs help, but clearly doesn’t want it, which makes helping her impossible.
To riff on / update an old joke somewhat:
She doesn’t have issues, she has trade paperbacks.
She wants help, she’s just been raised by a guy who thinks therapy is for little sucky babies who need to tie up their bootstraps, so that help manifests in dressing up in a silly costume and punching people.
Quick! Everyone go write something nice to Willis on Tumblr!
Do you want him to disappear from Tumblr forever?
Depends. Does that mean he has more time for art?
If this was a comic actually about a superhero, I’d think Willis was leading up to some kind of national crisis that could only be solved by Amber, not Amazi-Girl. But it isn’t… So.
OMG, check it out, Becky. What might be remains of a Dinosaur Mating Ground. Why don’t you put a sock on the door and show it to Dina…
Amazi-Girl borrows for the Commander Shepard How-To Guide To Getting Out Of Awkward Situations