A ragtag band of bootleggers open a speakeasy for bottled colour in the greyscale city of Ironwell.
All Known Alternatives
Karolina 'Kajotko' Jankiewicz
Akane has only one way to get back home: collect the 42 keys to parallel worlds. Eri and Ben are just trying to get through the summer before university. When a magical key turns up in an old spare set, all three are forced to change their plans and fast.
Cyanide & Happiness
Satire, dark humor and surreal humor.
Josceline Fenton
A witch accidentally marries a monster, and now she and her familiar has to navigate life around her monstrous husband and her even more terrifying in-laws.
Paint the Town Red
Windy, Winter Jay Kiakas
Winona runs a werewolf shelter with partner in crime, Odile in the Gothic city of Merlot. One day they take in an injured vampire, and soon unravels many of the dark secrets of Merlot.
No End
Erli, Kromi
A queer romance about people attempting to build lives in a cold, post-apocalyptic world ravaged by hordes of undead.
Dumbing of Age
David M Willis
Joyce has been homeschooled her entire life until now, when she's suddenly a freshman in college! Things don't go well.
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T Campbell, John Waltrip, Florence Machina
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Oh that’s easy what will be really hard to unsee is the motion sensitive material that her gloves are made of that turns pale blue only when her arms are moving and is completely transparent when her arms are still.
Ah so your theory is that Sal has plenty of friends, they’re all just very tiny. Well it makes more sense than the Walky and Sal had their grades switched theory.
I used to love Lane’s Oatmeal Cookies for many years until they were discontinued over a decade ago, they were simple but enjoyably moreish when you also have gingernut cookies with them.
Walkyverse Robin has at least three “exceptions” that she’s admitted to or demonstrated in-comic. She’s not “straight with an exception”. She’s “bi and not comfortable with it”. Like Danny, but less so.
(Or “kinda indefinably queer”, as she put it. I think she came up with a more refined form of her identity after that, but I don’t remember what it was.)
And I think most of Joyce’s problem is that she learned how to act towards your platonic best friend from a girl who wants to bang her like a screen door in a hurricane.
“And I think most of Joyce’s problem is that she learned how to act towards your platonic best friend from a girl who wants to bang her like a screen door in a hurricane.”
Willis talked on his tumblr how Robin thinks “generally indefinably queer” describes her better than bisexual, as she feels more comfortable and relaxed being attracted to guys than girls.
Actually, I liked reading that. It helped normalize some other stuff for me.
The blue hands are Marcie signing. In the fourth panel you can see most of her right arm, doesn’t look like she’s wearing anything larger than cut-offs.
I just assumed it was the blue shift in the light due to the speed of her hands. It would have been a red shift if they were going the other direction.
I think at this point it’s more just to clearly indicate the fact that she’s doing sign language. I don’t think we’ve ever seen anyone else’s hands like that no matter how fast they’re moving.
1st panel is 6 seconds
2nd panel is 12 seconds
3rd is 6 seconds
She clearly has enough time to allow her arms to dangle and for Joyce to run up to the conversation. If all three are the Flash, Joyce would instantly die from internally impacting Sal’s hand
She’s actually hunting River Tam… Been an interesting few days for the Serenity. Crashed into another ship near Persephone, blue boxy thing captained by a guy with a bowtie and an accent. Apparently he likes taking cover as a teacher.
That’s what I was thinking. If Marcie (and coworkers) are picking up extra shifts, her boss may be willing to hire another person. Plus Marcie’s probably in a non-customer-facing position, which might be an extra bonus for a young woman who doesn’t want to accidentally run into her dad.
The bags under her eyes and her ability to live independently suggest she’s telling the truth. Maybe she could use a roomie named Becky to split the rent.
Getting back to the original question, I would say that this is related to a job, not to hanky-panky with whomever. In the first panel, Marcie is making the sign for “work”; although I think she would have been showing two fingers with the right hand (“double work”) to indicate a double shift.
And in the third panel, that is the sign for “friend” or “friendship”.
Marcie looks tired. Maybe she is working double shifts, that and time for Malaya would be about her limit.
When younger a good friend of mine wandered away from our friendship, for the companionship of another who was more of a party animal that I was at the time. I missed her, took time to adjust. So I know how Sal feels.
It would be funny if Sal actually took Joyce under her wing. For like a whole day she’d be (poorly) emulating Sal, everyone else would be wondering if Joyce was taken by pod people, and Sal would give up after she compares something Sal is trying to teach her to some Christian pop culture thing.
I do think that the time has come for Sal to actually talk to Joyce about how she’s always pestering her and her feelings about it. Joyce isn’t stupid and she isn’t socially unaware and would actually ease off if Sal asked her to do so. The problem is that Sal isn’t comfortable with interacting with people outside of her tiny circle and typically tries a strategy of avoidance and antisocial behaviour to try to drive them away. Unfortunately, Joyce simply doesn’t get it; she needs to be told.
The thing is? I have a sneaking suspicion that, if they get to actually talking, Joyce and Sal may have a lot of surprises in store for each other. Neither of them will get what they want from the conversation but they may get things that they need.
Possibility: Joyce will be hanging out with Sal in town, learning more of her real like (as opposed to the cool illusion), so ToeDad can’t find her in campus when she returns.
Probably would be the only way to get rid of Joyce though.
Throw her on back of bike, pick up a six-pack, and cruise.
If possible, go to a bar, play pool, pick a fight with about 3 big people.
Get arrested.
Joyce will never bother you again.
It would backfire spectacularly. Joyce would politely deny the sixpack, introduce herself to everyone in the bar and immediately get adopted as the cutest queen of the drunk ever. When the fight came she would have an entire squad of bodyguards.
Please hang out with that poor child just she gets a Reality Check on the idea that Cool People in College with Motorcycles also spend their time studying, sleeping, and doing their laundry.
In a way, it is sad but inevitable that Marcie is beginning to draw away from Sal in this manner. However, the fact is that their lives are starting to diverge. Marcie is right to say that Sal needs to widen her circle to avoid isolation. Of course, for Sal, friendship equals vulnerability. She’s naturally nervous about lowering her defences in that manner.
Joyce can be overwhelming sometimes but she is, ultimately, a good person and you have to push her really hard to make her act in a truly malicious manner. Thoughtless behaviour is another matter altogether and is something of Joyce’s interpersonal behaviour vice. Of course, that’s a risk with anyone.
I’m thinking that Sal could do worse than at least get to know Joyce better.
Then again, on what other basis does Joyce know Sal? She’s too skilled at hiding behind emotional walls for anyone to know her except in the form of the superficial illusion of the cool uber-rebel that she presents to the world.
Willis (or anyone else who knows this area): Are rents high around IU? I live in a college town in CA, which also popular among retirees. Rent is VERY high here. It sounds like Marcie’s gotta work pretty hard to keep above water there?
Nah, Bloomington is by far the best place to live in Indiana, but it’s still surrounded by that near-unbroken wasteland of corn and soybeans. You can’t compare it to California. Personally, my rent about doubled (for a similar situation) when I moved from B-town to Northampton, an even smaller college town. So you can see Western Mass. is desirable enough for a much higher cost of living, or QC is just a far more popular webcomic.
So, Marcie is working at a place that needs someone to cover hours? And might need a roommate? And all Joyce hears is an opportunity to get closer to Sal? Come on Joyce, all the plot devices are installed and ready to go.
I still feel like Marcie’s being a little mean here. I mean… With practically no warning she’s kind of just stopped hanging out with Sal entirely. And she’s REALLY not trying to, and it feels like that’s just happening because of Malaya.
I know it’s understandable and reasonable and human, but. Being friend-dumped sucks.
She’s not being friend-dumped, she has a life that doesn’t completely revolve around Sal. It’s not her fault Sal refuses to make other friends to occupy her when she’s busy.
Eyebrows in this universe are symbiotic creatures that fly off when their host is experiencing great emotion. I think Joyce’s triangle smile fits right in.
While everyone’s rather terrified of Joyce’s next-to-telepathic awareness of an issue she could possibly be involved with, I just want to say that I like the lines under Marcie’s eyes. Tis a nice touch to detail, to convey that her routine’s leaving her rather wrecked. I can empathise with that.
Fucking astonishing how low these numbers are. If you're in the 75% who say they don't know any trans people, you do, they just don't trust you enough to be out to them.
The White House just announced plans to go after funding for libraries and museums. The Cartoon Art Museum runs on a tight budget, and losing the modest support it gets from federal grants would be devastating. Now's a great time to show CAM and other small museums your love.
Shaenon K. Garrity@shaenon.bsky.social ⋅ 12d
Have you enjoyed my candy lady thread? I am pleased to announce that you can get a phone wallpaper and ebook for the price of any donation, with all proceeds going to the Cartoon Art Museum.
Researchers showed clips of the podcast to survey respondents and had them share their thoughts. 57% expressed a negative reaction to his agreement with Charlie Kirk on "woke" language and 63% had a negative reaction to his comments on trans athletes
The great thing about writing for a Transformers Wiki is occasionally getting to write sentences like "Megatron has a theory that he can attract young men by wearing cat ears and ending his sentences with meow." because it's a thing that happened in a cartoon once.
Gavin Newsom sees 10-point net drop in favorability since launching his podcast. Survey finds "the podcast only made 13% of voters have an improved perception of the Governor, with 26% saying that it harmed their perception."
today in #9ChickweedLane I learned we should ask our parents completely normal, not fucked-up questions like "hey what was sex with the other parent like"
So many opportunities for a good old-fashioned booing
paulaptb@paulaptb.bsky.social ⋅ 3d
Schumer begins a book tour this week.
Mon 3/17 7pm Central Library, Baltimore
Wed 3/19 Politics & Prose, DC 7pm
Thursday 3/20 at the Weizman, DC 12:30PM
Sunday 3/23 · 3pm Moss Theatre Santa Monica, CA
Mon 4/21 MJCCA Atlanta 7:30PM
Line the sidewalks. (List may not be complete)
These are the same Senate Democrats who lectured the base for years about the importance of preserving the filibuster so it would still be available when Democrats were in the minority
“Ah got, like, friends out the WAZOO. They’re like ROACHES. Care ta squash a few?”
(I know it’s supposed to represent motion, but Marcie looks a bit Phantom Limb-y here)
But Sal’s the one with an arch.
this one?
I like to think she’s wearing these weird pale blue glow-in-the-dark gloves that come up past her elbows.
(And now you can’t unsee it.)
“Two by two, hands of blue.”
Shush. Are you trying to get the network to cancel the comic after only one season?
Can’t stop the signal.
Well if a season is around a year, were about to season 5 now
Or if it’s a year in comic time, we’re still in Month 1.
As huge of a fan of Firefly as I am, in retrospect I’m actually REALLY glad they canned it before Joss could ruin it.
Oh that’s easy what will be really hard to unsee is the motion sensitive material that her gloves are made of that turns pale blue only when her arms are moving and is completely transparent when her arms are still.
The cross-over none of us were expecting. Hoping deep down, but not expecting
You have friends coming out of your wazoo? That sounds jolly painful.
Surely the idea is to have them going into your wazoo.
Only “beneficial friends” should be allowed to enter your wazoo.
Ah so your theory is that Sal has plenty of friends, they’re all just very tiny. Well it makes more sense than the Walky and Sal had their grades switched theory.
Its really the only way Marcie could squash Sals friends. Unless she had a giant hammer or something.
OY!Get your own advertising method,the Dark Side already ha the cookies thing.
The light side uses white chocolate chips.
WITH MACADAMIA NUTS. If you’re not allergic or adverse to them.
Ick. Black robes look good on anyone anyway.
I know right? heck, they even make Mickey flippin’ Mouse look badass!
How is Mickey Mouse’s ordinary wardrobe not badass? He dresses like Sal!
And black is so slimming. ^_^
Given Sal and Walky’s parentage there might be some uncomfortabalness running around in robes no matter the color.
The dark side may have the cookies, but the light side has the milk!
The dark side has cookies too. Unfortunately there oatmeal raisin, mwahaha!
nuh uh. oatmeal is too healthy. they have like, double fudge, sugar cookies, redvelvet, high calorie sorta things
Send me to the dark side then!
But those are tasty…
They have double fudge, sugar, red velvet cookies… but they all have raisins.
Hey I like raisins!
So do I, but not in cookies.
Looks like I’m stuck with gray, as usual.
The dark side has CAROB.
Of course they are tasty! The Dark Side is all about seduction and sin.
Gooood, GOOOOOOD! Let the diabetes FLOW through you!!!
I used to love Lane’s Oatmeal Cookies for many years until they were discontinued over a decade ago, they were simple but enjoyably moreish when you also have gingernut cookies with them.
*plays the Frozen Fudgies jingle from the G.I. Joe cartoon on the Muzak*
What we need to have is for Becky to walk up and be like “huh” at the way Joyce is practically drooling over Sal.
I think of it as a Leslie-Robin kinda relationship. Robin’s straight with a notable exception.
Argh! It’s all about bangin’ with you people, isn’t it?
Well… uh…
*ships it*
If Willis draws it, there will be a porno version of it somewhere.
…which is likely also drawn by Willis.
It’s like his very own subset of Rule 34!
Robin’s not straight and never was. She just didn’t want to admit it.
But Joyce has two notable exceptions. Just that neither of them is Becky.
Walkyverse Robin has at least three “exceptions” that she’s admitted to or demonstrated in-comic. She’s not “straight with an exception”. She’s “bi and not comfortable with it”. Like Danny, but less so.
(Or “kinda indefinably queer”, as she put it. I think she came up with a more refined form of her identity after that, but I don’t remember what it was.)
And I think most of Joyce’s problem is that she learned how to act towards your platonic best friend from a girl who wants to bang her like a screen door in a hurricane.
“And I think most of Joyce’s problem is that she learned how to act towards your platonic best friend from a girl who wants to bang her like a screen door in a hurricane.”
Willis talked on his tumblr how Robin thinks “generally indefinably queer” describes her better than bisexual, as she feels more comfortable and relaxed being attracted to guys than girls.
Actually, I liked reading that. It helped normalize some other stuff for me.
I don’t know that Joyce could ever be categorized as “wild” tbh
WILD synonyms: uncontrolled, unrestrained, out of control, undisciplined, unconstrained, uncurbed, unbridled, unchecked, chaotic; uninhibited, extrovert, attention-seeking, unconventional; wayward, self-willed, ungovernable, unmanageable, unruly, rowdy, disorderly, riotous, lawless; rarecorybantic
I’m certain that at least one of these fits Joyce.
Only “extrovert”.
I was thinking “rarecorybantic”, but only because it looks like such a fun word to say.
Love how Sal doesn’t look pissed. Her eyebrows kinda have a “deadpan” look.
I can’t tell, is Marcie moving her hands really fast in that second panel or does she actually have long blue gloves on?
Panel 3 has nothing on her arms so I’d say it’s motion indication.
The blue hands are Marcie signing. In the fourth panel you can see most of her right arm, doesn’t look like she’s wearing anything larger than cut-offs.
I totally meanrt panel 4, not three. x.x;
I just assumed it was the blue shift in the light due to the speed of her hands. It would have been a red shift if they were going the other direction.
I think at this point it’s more just to clearly indicate the fact that she’s doing sign language. I don’t think we’ve ever seen anyone else’s hands like that no matter how fast they’re moving.
They’re her speech bubbles.
So what you’re all saying is that she’s the Flash.
1st panel is 6 seconds
2nd panel is 12 seconds
3rd is 6 seconds
She clearly has enough time to allow her arms to dangle and for Joyce to run up to the conversation. If all three are the Flash, Joyce would instantly die from internally impacting Sal’s hand
She’s actually hunting River Tam… Been an interesting few days for the Serenity. Crashed into another ship near Persephone, blue boxy thing captained by a guy with a bowtie and an accent. Apparently he likes taking cover as a teacher.
Now the real question: Has she REALLY been picking up double shifts, or is she lying and really spending all this time with Malaya?
No, the REAL real question is if there are any job openings at Marcie’s place, particularly for a plucky redheaded lesbian runaway?
I’m just curious about what kind of job Marcie has.
That too!
Likewise. I highly doubt that it’s waitressing or any other job that requires customer interaction.
Certainly if there actually are extra shifts to pick up, it sounds like a good place to start.
However, somehow I think this is sort of the college equivalent of “Sorry, honey; I have to stay late at the office again tonight…”
That’s what I was thinking. If Marcie (and coworkers) are picking up extra shifts, her boss may be willing to hire another person. Plus Marcie’s probably in a non-customer-facing position, which might be an extra bonus for a young woman who doesn’t want to accidentally run into her dad.
The bags under her eyes and her ability to live independently suggest she’s telling the truth. Maybe she could use a roomie named Becky to split the rent.
Just because she spending her time with Malaya doesn’t mean she’s doesn’t mean she’s getting a lot of rest during this time.
I’m pretty sure she’s been double shifting Malaya.
“Can you feel what sign I’m making? How about now? What if I use both hands?”
The second was my assumption.
Getting back to the original question, I would say that this is related to a job, not to hanky-panky with whomever. In the first panel, Marcie is making the sign for “work”; although I think she would have been showing two fingers with the right hand (“double work”) to indicate a double shift.
And in the third panel, that is the sign for “friend” or “friendship”.
I appreciate the difficulty of depicting a language that requires motion in a medium that is … not motion.
Good job, I hope this has helped to make you more creative. And not a source of frustration.
Not shown: Joyce had actually already gotten a couple blocks away before this happened.
(I know, I know, she was just off-panel, but it’s funnier in my head this way).
I thought only Dina has teleporting powers.
No, Dina has the hide-in-plain-sight feat with tons of ranks in Hide. Joyce has the Teleport spell loaded in 3 slots a day.
Dina has a prestige class feature that gives her a circumstance bonus to Hide checks when there is an open door nearby.
Joyce also has minor creation on her spell list.
She’s a divine caster, obviously.
Sal’s got friends like Walky’s got passing grades HEYOOOOOOOOO
it’s cool to find out that when sal lifts her hand she can summon joyce’s head
I wonder if different hand motions summon different heads. Like if she flips someone off, does Malaya’s head show up?
Apt avatar is apt.
Imagine if Galasso had control over the Minions from Despicable Me.
the next kickstarter?
LOVE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Or something close to that may be what Joyce is getting at
A random Joyce appeared. It used Tri Smile.
…it’s not very effective.
Hahahahahahaha. Amazing.
Very possibly and, I think, one that may have a few surprises.
If Marcie was my friend I am sure I would miss her too… she does have a point though
Joyce: “Did someone say we should be friends!”
Double shifts, eh? Sounds like Marcie’s workplace might need to hire someone…
That would adversely effect quarterly profits, thus angering shareholders. So no new hires.
Either that or ‘double shifts’ is code for ‘pre-marital hanky-panky with Malaya’ and Sal hasn’t been read in on that secret yet.
In which case, Marcie’s relationship might need to hire some- wait no
I love this one. lol
I don’t think Marcie’s as enamored of the “I have and only need one friend” life as Sal is.
Marcie looks tired. Maybe she is working double shifts, that and time for Malaya would be about her limit.
When younger a good friend of mine wandered away from our friendship, for the companionship of another who was more of a party animal that I was at the time. I missed her, took time to adjust. So I know how Sal feels.
That’s when I got 2 friends
I don’t think it’s necessarily that Sal only wants one friend, but that Marcie is the only person she feels safe calling her friend.
ROFL Joyce
Well I guess one Joyce is already to many, new discussion hey Marcie can you or can you not hook up our friend Marcie with a job?
not that friend.
It’s… it’s Overly Attached Joyce!
That famous image is actually probably the closest a human being has ever come to imitating Joyce’s smile.
Not sure whether that’s disturbing or Extremely Disturbing.
It’s super-mega disturbing. A whole new class of disturbing.
More Marcie is always appreciated.
It would be funny if Sal actually took Joyce under her wing. For like a whole day she’d be (poorly) emulating Sal, everyone else would be wondering if Joyce was taken by pod people, and Sal would give up after she compares something Sal is trying to teach her to some Christian pop culture thing.
I do think that the time has come for Sal to actually talk to Joyce about how she’s always pestering her and her feelings about it. Joyce isn’t stupid and she isn’t socially unaware and would actually ease off if Sal asked her to do so. The problem is that Sal isn’t comfortable with interacting with people outside of her tiny circle and typically tries a strategy of avoidance and antisocial behaviour to try to drive them away. Unfortunately, Joyce simply doesn’t get it; she needs to be told.
The thing is? I have a sneaking suspicion that, if they get to actually talking, Joyce and Sal may have a lot of surprises in store for each other. Neither of them will get what they want from the conversation but they may get things that they need.
Possibility: Joyce will be hanging out with Sal in town, learning more of her real like (as opposed to the cool illusion), so ToeDad can’t find her in campus when she returns.
Cue Joyce popping in a lollipop cigarette and following Sal around all day.
Probably would be the only way to get rid of Joyce though.
Throw her on back of bike, pick up a six-pack, and cruise.
If possible, go to a bar, play pool, pick a fight with about 3 big people.
Get arrested.
Joyce will never bother you again.
she would try so hard to accept it and probably explode but tbh shed probably stick around
It would backfire spectacularly. Joyce would politely deny the sixpack, introduce herself to everyone in the bar and immediately get adopted as the cutest queen of the drunk ever. When the fight came she would have an entire squad of bodyguards.
I can see Joyce making that face while busting through Sal’s bathroom door with an axe
The Joyceing
And if she does it again, would it be the Re-Joyceing?
no, here
Even if Sal is grumpy about it they actually do a good job communicating a tough issue. Sorry Sal, you don’t have exclusive rights to Marcie.
Friends let friends brush their hair, right?
Please hang out with that poor child just she gets a Reality Check on the idea that Cool People in College with Motorcycles also spend their time studying, sleeping, and doing their laundry.
The really funny bit about this strip is that Sal knows Joyce well enough to be able to intercept her interjection without looking at her!
Joyce comes from out of f**king nowhere…
Given her current relationship status and level of sexual repression, an orgasm certainly would be unexpected.
Or was that not what you meant?
Haha it’s what I meant now!
Sal: friends? Ah got loads of–
Sal: not you.
In a way, it is sad but inevitable that Marcie is beginning to draw away from Sal in this manner. However, the fact is that their lives are starting to diverge. Marcie is right to say that Sal needs to widen her circle to avoid isolation. Of course, for Sal, friendship equals vulnerability. She’s naturally nervous about lowering her defences in that manner.
Joyce can be overwhelming sometimes but she is, ultimately, a good person and you have to push her really hard to make her act in a truly malicious manner. Thoughtless behaviour is another matter altogether and is something of Joyce’s interpersonal behaviour vice. Of course, that’s a risk with anyone.
I’m thinking that Sal could do worse than at least get to know Joyce better.
Joyce heard that from 100 meters away and teleported.
Headcanon: Marcie signs really quickly, so that her arms are literally blueshifting.
Maybe she’s a member of the Power Rangers in this universe and she’s getting ready to Shift into Turbo…or something.
I’m guessing a part of Sal’s frustration with Joyce is that, as far as she’s aware, Joyce is a huge fangirl over her for superficial reasons.
Then again, on what other basis does Joyce know Sal? She’s too skilled at hiding behind emotional walls for anyone to know her except in the form of the superficial illusion of the cool uber-rebel that she presents to the world.
“Ah said ‘FRIENDS’. Not ‘adulators’ or ‘worshipers’.
Ah got too many a’ those already.”
“Hey Marcie, watch me pull a rabbit out the side of this panel!”
Willis (or anyone else who knows this area): Are rents high around IU? I live in a college town in CA, which also popular among retirees. Rent is VERY high here. It sounds like Marcie’s gotta work pretty hard to keep above water there?
Nah, Bloomington is by far the best place to live in Indiana, but it’s still surrounded by that near-unbroken wasteland of corn and soybeans. You can’t compare it to California. Personally, my rent about doubled (for a similar situation) when I moved from B-town to Northampton, an even smaller college town. So you can see Western Mass. is desirable enough for a much higher cost of living, or QC is just a far more popular webcomic.
I just realized, I have the same problem as Sal.
Joyce wants to be closer than you feel comfortable with?
You have disembodied heads attached to your hand?
So, Marcie is working at a place that needs someone to cover hours? And might need a roommate? And all Joyce hears is an opportunity to get closer to Sal? Come on Joyce, all the plot devices are installed and ready to go.
Sal already has one friend. Any more would be *exhausting*.
Does this mean we can start shipping Becky and Sal? Friendshipping them, that is.
This will hopefully lead to more Sal/Carla interaction. We are pleased.
I still feel like Marcie’s being a little mean here. I mean… With practically no warning she’s kind of just stopped hanging out with Sal entirely. And she’s REALLY not trying to, and it feels like that’s just happening because of Malaya.
I know it’s understandable and reasonable and human, but. Being friend-dumped sucks.
She’s not being friend-dumped, she has a life that doesn’t completely revolve around Sal. It’s not her fault Sal refuses to make other friends to occupy her when she’s busy.
My cat does that. Somehow he acts like both Sal AND Joyce here, at the same time.
Ok who taught Joyce how to teleport?
I’d love to see some strips with Sal and Marcie speaking together solely in sign language.
The way Willis works the illusion of movement with Marcie’s sign language is genuinely rad.
Does nobody else find it weird that Joyce either has bleached the entirety of her mouth, or wears a white triangle on her face?
I know people with smiles that wide.
They scare me.
Neoteny; It doesn’t always work out.
Eyebrows in this universe are symbiotic creatures that fly off when their host is experiencing great emotion. I think Joyce’s triangle smile fits right in.
While everyone’s rather terrified of Joyce’s next-to-telepathic awareness of an issue she could possibly be involved with, I just want to say that I like the lines under Marcie’s eyes. Tis a nice touch to detail, to convey that her routine’s leaving her rather wrecked. I can empathise with that.
I think Sal has been hurt and betrayed a lot and therefore has trouble trusting others.