This Friday, I’m going to be in Bloomington, Indiana, (aka the scene of the crime) for my annual appearance at Vintage Phoenix Comics! I’ll be signing from 6 until 8, so come on over and see me!
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This Friday, I’m going to be in Bloomington, Indiana, (aka the scene of the crime) for my annual appearance at Vintage Phoenix Comics! I’ll be signing from 6 until 8, so come on over and see me!
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two swears, one abduction at gunpoint, and JOYCE IS INVINCIBLE
dang, why don’t superpowers work this way IRL
Swears and disregard for one’s safety
Today is an interesting monday
(it is monday, right?)
Sunday. Sorry.
I thought Walking with Dina was Sunday. Ross was spouting all that stuff about how Becky needed to be in church worshippin’ the Lord an’ whatnot.
This IS Monday. Classes in session, remember?
Wonderful, my grammarless joke was accurate
also I guess Mondays really are terrible even in DoAverse
ha it was THREE swears, I forgot
I guess DYW is just too ubiquitous I don’t see it anymore
It is possible Mr Random misinterpretted, as I did before reading this followup, that you meant the out-of-comic, real world day
In which case it is Saturday. Depending on timezone.
Not in the timezone the comic updates based on.
Yep, Sunday here in the real world, and the comic came up as it does every morning here, at 6am. 🙂
(Well probably 5am now, clocks went back last night for the winter)
They did? Here in North America they don’t go back until the first. Because Bush Jr extended it, because reasons I assume, and Canada followed suit even though extending it at both ends doesn’t make sense for a country as far north as us (and lord I could use an extra hour this week; the con’s next weekend), because our Prime Minister sucked America’s dick. Apparently Canada can’t do business with the States if the time zones don’t match up, even though we’ve already got five to deal with, plus Newfoundland’s only half an hour ahead, not one full one, and Saskatchewan doesn’t do Daylight Savings Time at all. But. You know. Somehow not having our DST in complete synch with the States would destroy our economy or something.
So instead I get an extra hour of sleep in the middle of the con, at least, I guess. Hey! Anyone here going to Hal-Con in Nova Scotia? I’m the Elvish Ranger with the green cloak and the really long blonde hair.
Reply for Kryss:
Don’t blame any one person for DST(Arizona, a state, doesn’t acknowledge it). It does make no sense to continue using an antiquated system in today’s global society. I’m working with people to get my state to refuse to recognize DST, as it made sense when it was born, but is no longer truly applicable to today’s world.
Do something about it.
The story I heard was that the extension to DST happened due to candy companies lobbying for it in the hopes that kids would spend an additional hour trick-or-treating, forcing adults to buy more candy.
Here’s a source.
I feel like DST makes more sense than Standard Time, but only if we DON’T CHANGE IT BACK.
Like, I dig the extra after-business-hours sunlight in summer (the pro- argument for DST), but it’s been long enough that I forget if there’s any benefit to the “extra” hour in winter from clocks going back.
To me it always seemed like it would be more sensible to have daylight savings time in winter because that’s when we have the shorter days and counting really use it.c
Could really use it. Pardon my autocorrect.
You people quit living in the future dammit. It’s still Saturday here.
Because we live in a world run by a merciless God.
(read: merciless willis)
She’s not invincible though. I hope she’s not foolish enough to think she is – just angry and determined enough that she refuses to lose. Stupid risks are, well, stupid; calculated risks are how she’s likeliest to successfully save Becky.
Actually…they sort of do in a way. In emergencies your body and brain can do a heck of a lot more than it usually does, but it tends to get itself damaged in the process. it just takes off the usual safeguards that stop you ripping muscles and bone every time you move.
It’s how you get people ripping away car doors with their bare hands to get people out of wrecks, or that dude who kicked a burning terrorist in the junk so hard it ripped a tendon. Very very high short-term output, with a high chance of a long-term injury.
…joyce is less likely to do the “rip the car open by hand” thing, but I’m sure we’d all enjoy it rather a lot.
Id like to think that joyce, all of a sudden, starts emmitting white flames and grabs becky THROUGH the car, pulls her out, then flings the car into the ocean, happily ever after, except for toedad, he dies.
And so it begins, the final showdown.
Epic music starts playing
I prefer the matrix bike/car chase music
Mona Lisa overdrive \o\
Gotta love myself some Juno REactor.
FFVII Advent Children: The Chase of Highway
I’m a bit of sucker for these tracks. Don’t care so much for the movies or game, but OMG the music! Especially with that last slow down bit near the end, it’s perfect for a classic slowmo stare down then it ramps right back up into the high energy stuff and ends in an anticlimax….thus is the style of David Willis’ works ^-^
The last moment of the dawn
Epic music starts playing.
There — fixed it for you.
She’s going the distance.
She’s going for speed.
The Race
I’m not the not one who though that!
*thought. “The Final Countdown”. I suck at posting comments.
Ahhh, another reason I read the comments, all the interesting Earth music that keeps getting linked on here…
The ULTIMATE showdown, of ultimate destiny.
Joyce Brown, in a bloodstained sweater-vest?
Going for some cool jazz down those back-streets:
Famous Last Words, Joyce. Your ride is just beginning.
To infinity and beyond!(sorry, had to say it)
Last Word? Toedad’s not Joyce’s.
With a loaded Joyce on her back…
*puts a buck in the jukebox* Bon Jovi it is…
They’re playing for keeps, ’cause Becky might not make it back (by herself)
includes CAPTURE CLAW(TM) playset
Speaking of claws, with that helmet on, Sal really gives off a “Head Alien” vibe.
I know the original comics were better, but sadly he’s pretty firmly “Dexter” now.
In what way were the original comics better?
“The Claw is our master!”
“The Claw decides who shall go, and who shall stay!”
AngryJoyce is best Joyce.
Biggest rock is best rock!
“Those were the last words Joyce ever said.”
Because truck? :3
I was immediately envisioning the next strip: Sal says, “oops” and takes a tumble, Joyce flies like five hundred yards
Gotta wear your helmet, kiddos
They are leaning significantly forwards in that last panel, aren’t they…
Yeah, that’s not gonna be a good landing.
Ask not for whom the ambulance comes.
Because truck.
“Act with integrity…no regrets!”
I hope Joyce knows how to ride. Back in the dark ages, when I was a teen, I took a cousin for a ride on my bike. Before we started, I told her “When I lean, you lean.” At the first corner, I leaned and she didn’t. I managed to make the corner with one peg dragging the ground. I stopped and fully (and amazingly, calmly) explained what almost happened. After that, she leaned when I leaned.
You need to do the thing anime does where the background is just a bunch of lines to indicate speed. Then you won’t have to draw so many locations.
Problem with that is, Mr Willis has already got his buffer all the way to February 12, 2016. He’s drawn all this story & maybe even the next (only he knows how long this will last). So there’s a chance he could read your comment, realize he COULD have done that in a way that works for his art style, & just start swearing a lot… *shrug…*
Okay, so, you need to do the thing anime does where the background is just a bunch of lines to indicate speed… next time they’re in math class. Or the dining hall.
Part of the charm of this comic is the quality of the art. Mr. Willis skill as an artist has consistently improved over the years. Going back to the early Walky comics shows the talent, but not the practiced skill. Lowering the comic artwork to the level of cheap anime would be an to the reader and a cop-out by the artist. Look up an episode of “Tobor the Eighth Man” and compare the animation to anything by Miyazaki. Miyazaki could have told his stories with simpler animation, but we’re all richer because he took the time to pour all his skill into his product. It’s the same here. The subtle expressions on the faces (Fundie’s sadness, Becky’s resignation, Joyce’s anger) and the true life look of the locations, all pull us a little deeper into the “Walkiverse.” I tip my hat and bow to Mr. Willis in thanks for the effort he’s putting into our entertainment.
Geez Joyce, do you kiss your mother with that mouth? 😀
If they don’t intercept Ross in time, it’ll be interesting to see how Joyce’s community reacts to the news of Ross’ methods of retrieving Becky, and the company Joyce is keeping… I really hope she can sway them with another impassioned speech.
Her father would totally not agree with Ross’s actions, but I don’t know about her mother.
It’s a three-plus hour drive at regular speeds to La Porte, IN (Joyce’s home town; see the ‘cast’ page). I figure Sal and Joyce will catch up to them somewhere between Bloomington and Indy.
If Ross is driving at the speed limit, they might catchup to Ross before he leaves the campus
But we established that Ross was intending to run stop signs. I imagine he’s speeding as well.
Becky convinced him to stop at stop signs and to drive normally.
Even if, look at his car. Now look at Sal’s bike. Now I’ll avoid a really obvious diamonds joke.
Ah figure’ her bike can go at least 50% faster then his beat-up old car. If not double, given top speeds.
The congregation’s reaction will depend on the preacher. They will follow along with his interpretation either way. The majority agree with his beliefs, and his readings of God’s word, or he wouldn’t still be in charge, the rest will follow along in order to fit in. The few that speak against him will be ostracized and criticized until they either conform or leave.
So long as she keeps her lips closed — no tongue — it’s okay, isn’t it?
You really don’t want to have your tongue sticking out when you come off a bike at speed.
(A friend of mine once had his tongue between his teeth — to help with hammering a nail — when he fell off a ladder, but that’s a story for another time.)
No. Mike does, though.
Please Willis, don’t let that last line be ironic foreshadowing :/
Pain. Physical pain can hurt you. And it can hurt a lot.
“Despair is an illusion of the mind; pain is an illusion of the senses.”
Pain hurts, but I think Joyce is pissed off enough to shrug off just about anything short of death.
I know she’s not going to die, but ignoring injuries isn’t usually healthy.
Don’t we have something where we can get so pissed off we temporarily forget about pain and develop super strength?
I believe you Humans call it “Adrenaline”. I’ve heard it can let you meatsack Humans do some trippy stuff…
I found the wiki… 😛
Her anger has dulled her physical pain once before. After all, she straight up broke a glass on Ryan’s face cutting open her hand and did so without even flinching/
I thought that was a side effect of the roofies, which normally dulls the senses as well as causing incapacitation.
That looks like a rather poor landing angle, and not likely to get better any time soon.
Joyce is accounted for in the preview panels, right? So that means that Sal’s the one in the hospital? (If there’s only one.)
Yes, Joyce is accounted for. And while there’s a likely timeskip, it’s short enough that she couldn’t get very badly hurt (since the panel with her dad is a full body shot iirc and no visible casts/bandages).
I could’ve that Sal had a preview panel post-hospital at some point, but looking through them it turns out she doesn’t (her last appearance in a preview panel was Oct. 2). That’s… disconcerting.
The next chronological preview panel (for Nov. 5) is the last one before the Dreaded Ambulance of doom and shoes Joyce running somewhere all freaked-out like, and she’s in a load of ones after that, so she’s safe. Y’know, physically, at least.
That leaves Ross, Becky, Amber, and Sal as the current contenders for Most Likely to be Hospitalized right now.
I guess being wardmates would be an acceptable opportunity Sal and Amber to talk things out…
That’s… actually a good idea.
If so Sal is going to lose her gloves, the old flashback stabbing definately left a scar, bet thats why she wears them all the time.
I dunno, that last panel’s making it look like it could be Sal and Joyce, as early as tomorrow’s first panel.
That thing looks almost perpendicular to the ground.
Where can I find these preview panels?
Right here, on the DoA tumblr. The latest preview panel was from the Feb 12th, 2016 comic.
There’s also Dina. Ross may have said he had not hurt anybody, but he might not consider her as a person who counts. Just tossing that out there since Ross was able to extradite himself from her to get his gun and car and not be followed by her (they would have passed by her upon leaving the fountain had she been following Ross).
The Willis sayed: Rest easy!
Dina is save!
Maybe if there’s another down-flight of stairs just off-panel to the left, or a steep downslope, or something? I have a hard time imagining raising the front wheel like that on anything other than purpose, especially with Joyce adding to rear ballast.
aaaaand faceplant.
I know, right? (Which is not to criticize the artwork, which is still lovely.)
Was that thing in panel two always there?
Yeah, it’s a really cool sculpture. I toured IU back when I was considering going there– it’s outside a theater, IIRC.
Not before 1982, I don’t think.
It was put there by Aliens.
Geologists still try to figure out how it survived the late heavy bombardment 3.9 billion years ago.
It appears whenever mankind is about to reach a new level of evolution, a new plateau of sentience.
A large alien poo perhaps?
Or maybe an homage to the legendary doughnuts US cops are partial to?
No, it’s head alien tunneling through to a new universe. That’s merely the first manifestation of the portal.
at this rate, Joyce might say fuck by the end of this whole thing.
This is Joyce. Profanity is worse than obscenity for her. She might not say fuck given that she skipped straight to the bad ones.
Fuck? Na, there’s going to be prefixes on that, like horse or mother.
Welp, it should take them no time at all to catch up to Toe Dad since Joyce can FUCKING FLY!
I’m looking for a pun. I don’t see one.
I’m sorry, the internet has conditioned me to expect certain things to the left of Carlos screencaps.
I mean, let’s be honest, the second Joyce hopped on that bike it all started one vicious cycle.
how dare you, with that pun
Well he can’t backpedal from it now.
I was not disappointed.
Joyce Jetpack is canon in this universe now!
Didn’t she used to need a jetpack for that? Hidden under her vest or something?
Joyce! <3
Badass Joyce is awesome though I wish it weren’t a sign of the extent to which the world has just broken her.
I don’t think it is. Broken people would have given up on everything. More accurate to say this is Joyce devoid of her innocence and powered by her rage.
man, Joyce is angry as shit and it may be turning Sal on. I just hope they can get out there and help her. ~<3
Dumbing of Action Movie Time!
“Plays Ghostrider main theme on the muzak”
The Spiderbait cover of Ghost Riders in the Sky that was used in the Nick Cage movie?
I prefer the version from The Outlaws circa 1979, but that’s only because I lived in Florida a while. 🙂
The Outlaws version? You mean this one? Not bad, different from most version of the song, I’ll add it to Daniel the Human’s playlists… 😛
Absolutely correct!
The fact that they used that and not Ghost Rider (Rollins’ version, or Vega’s solo version…not fond of the original) is the absolute worst thing about that movie.
someone mention Spiderbait’s Ghost riders In The Sky?
did anybody else think they did a loop-de-loop in panel 2 for a sec
*Raises hand*
is it too much to admit that I kind of wish I were Joyce on that motorcycle
But seriously, I really love the way this is developing. Also kudos on all the cars and motorcycle drawings 😛
Highway 37, huh? Is that the…
Highway to Hell?
Well, I would say yes since Highway 37 is going to be turned into Interstate 69 soon.
start headbanging
It might not be going to hell, but it certanly leads to Danger Zone
So that’s been 3 Joyce swears in 7 strips. In case there wasn’t anything else to clue us in to the fact that this has gotten extremely bad.
Knowing that you’re the only thing standing between your childhood best friend and a world of misguided cruelty fills Joyce with determination.
Like I keep saying – core of iron.
You and I are both undertake trash. Let’s get along.
I know, right! I was thinking the same thing. Vengeance, yes–but safety, first!
When you are filled with rage, some principles don’t matter anymore.
not a thing
Who wants to bet by the end of this Joyce is going to be theasy one to hospitalize Ross?
Once those swear floodgates have been opened….
An F-bomb may not be too far off.
So, Joyce thinks she’s reached a point where nothing more can hurt her. Apparently, she’s under the impression that she’s reached rock bottom, and there’s nowhere to go but up. I strongly suspect that she’s about to be proven horribly wrong. The upcoming hospital panel supports this theory.
Yeah, I’m thinking she’s saving the f-bomb for Ross. Floodgates being opened makes me wonder if she’ll continue swearing after crisis mode ends. Playfully cussing out Dorothy would be adorable.
I do wonder how Willis will top this. Seems like a lot of plot points are being completed
There’s always time for billie and Ruth to fall down a flight of stairs while drunk. In front of Mary or something.
Damn, look out for Joyce!
And she finally gets a ride on Sal’s bike, but isn’t in a mood to enjoy it.
Speeding away in a motorcycle from the scene of a crime can only lead to good results.
This is the best issue of Batman and Robin I’ve ever seen
I’m listening to the instrumental/updated version of the ‘Power Rangers’ theme song while reading the strip. Seems apropos.
I’m listening to the Terminator Theme while reading this strip:
Feelsl ike the theme to Turbo would do well since they’re on a motorcycle.
Meanwhile I’m listening to ‘Let’s Go Rider Kick’ and ‘GO KK RIDER’ :p
Told you that Joyce+Swearing=People Jumping to and following orders.
Yes! Everyone’s at attention. This just goes to show that swearing should be meaningful.
I dunno, riding a motorbike without a helmet or long sleeves has a pretty great potential for pain. Or that landing. Your crotch does not come with shocks, people.
Well Sal did say it might hurt a little. Maybe she meant it the same way some Humans mean it, then cause much pain? They do seem to be launching at an undesirable angle…
Holy hell Joyce is going to kill Toedad.
I think “thou shalt not kill” might be a bit of a stumbling block. Then again, Joyce is already down two commandments, so…
“Don’t the Bible have some pretty specific things to say about killin’?”
“Quite specific. It is, however, somewhat fuzzier on the subject of kneecaps.”
and now Joyce is a badass, shit gonna get real
Does anyone besides me think that mixing Sal and Amber/Amazigirl under these circumstances is a BAD IDEA? And no, I’m not differentiating between Amber/Amazigirl, because on the subjects of (1) bad dads and (2) a certain knifepoint robbery, the two might not stay distinct.
I swear she’s going to get all her buttons pushed.
This whole thing is obviously a bad idea. If it all works out swell in the end, it will be a minor miracle.
But Sal and Joyce don’t know what Amazigirl’s problem with Sal is (non interchangeable because they don’t see it as Amber), and Amazigirl’s not going to expect it, so there’s not really a reason any of the characters will think of to avoid it (other than the unrelated but good reasons like ‘let’s tell the police what’s happening instead of fleeing the sirens’)
Sal doesn’t trust authority enough for that I think.
Though Amber’s met Sal so I think she could handle it… but who knows what might happen… Maybe Sal keeps her helmet on?
Amber knows Sal rides a motorcycle. And envies it a little, because an Amazi-cycle would be awesome.
Amber realizing that *Sal* of all people distribute justice better than Amazi-girl does would totally break her.
Oh yes, I see that, but although I don’t think Joyce is in a great mood for authority figures, I could see her saying ‘wait, I’m getting these guys [cops] to come’ because wanting so many bad things to happen to Becky’s dad might override that, and I don’t think Sal would fight her on it much.
With any luck ( -_- unlikely, but hopeful…), Sal & Amazigirl with team up against the greater Evil (Toedad), then for Joyce’s sake go their separate ways peacefully…
…Maybe with Amazigirl throwing in 1 last quiet “We still have unfinished business, but that shall wait till next time” type line as she walks/skates off…
Sal, isn’t it about time you called in the rest of the Knight Sabers?
Sal is trying to NOT escalate the situation. Bringing in even more people is not going to help.
Someone doesn’t get the reference 😀
Oh, then we have the perfect song for this.
burning hiiiiighway~
Yeah, I was thinking about linking to that one as well.
I was thinking about who the DoA Knight Sabers are. Sal is very obviously Priss. Her colours are even like Priss’s. Joyce is Nene. I’m not sure who Sylia and Linna’s counterparts are. Dorothy might be the brains, but she doesn’t have Sylia’s obsessive streak, and came from a happy childhood.
I’m no expert, but the way Sal’s bike is flying off those stairs looks like a crash is imminent.
Yes. It’s style at the cost of logical physics.
Yeah, didn’t you know? The most stylish way to ride a motorcycle is a front wheelie. It’s a wheelie where you can’t see the road!
It does look like trouble, but the extra weight of Joyce on the rear seat is going to cause the back end to drop a little quicker than normal. Everything will work out just fine.
First “Damn”, and now “Hell?” Joyce is on a roll.
Is her first “shit” or “fuck” coming soon?
She’s going to call toedad a shitfucker and then chew out his jugular
or a shitty fucking father?
Or maybe both in succession.
I feel like the latter is more likely than the former. It has more of a powerful effect as a curse, while the former just seems more crude.
I can tell you as a Christian, “Hell” is probably the strongest for Joyce! I’m 36, and while I’ve said most expletives at one point in my life (when I really meant it), I’ve yet to utter “Hell”. (Heck, on the other hand, is OK, as there is no place called heck. But, heck, I feel uncomfortable just writing “hell” here, and it’s not even in my native tongue)
Well, according to many biblical scholars, there is no hell either, that is a recent addition.
And now, the (hopefully brief) birth of Nolan Joyce!
Which will hopefully go back to being the Burton Joyce once they rescue Becky!
I don’t know the references, but I DO know that Nolan is a brand of motorcycle helmet, so I I wish she was Nolan Joyce right now.
Dozier Joyce is where it’s at.
Oldfart, try “Christopher Nolan” and “Tim Burton”. Batman references, you see.
And as long as we don’t get Frank Miller Joyce, we should be okay…
Fuck yeah Joyce!!!!
I hope I’m not the only one getting Akira vibes from all this dramatic motorcycling.
so, basically, this ?
I’m all for a “can do” attitude, but that last line worries me. When people think they have nothing left to lose…generally not good. Although arguably toedad feels like he was backed into a corner by his daughter’s sexuality (and/or Satan), but I feel like that just illustrates the point…two people who think they have nothing left to lose, and the gal at the middle of it all desperately hoping neither one of them are proven wrong in the worst way.
I mean best case scenario, Ross realizes he’s being an asshole and nobody gets hurt, physically or otherwise, but this is DoA and we know for a fact that at least one of the characters will end up in the hospital. :/
so hopefully this can be resolved with minimal collateral damage…
Yeah, I can see her putting herself recklessly in danger and needing to be shoved out of the way at the last minute by Sal, Becky, or Amber.
At this rate ? aaaaal of them. At the hospital.
So glad Joyce has discovered her inner badass.
I had a friend who once said those words while flying through the air on his bike in that precise angle. He survived, but ended up in the hospital with a face so bruised it looked like burnt leather under the bandages.
Joyce: “God, I have often prayed to You before. I have tongue for it. No one, not even You, if we said good words, or bad. Why we fought, or why we ride. No, all that matters is that many stood against two. (Gun counts as 1) That’s what’s important. Valor pleases you, God. So, grant me one request. Grant me Becky. And if you do not listen, than to HELL with you!”
“We live north.” So they’re not actually going to follow the car: while Amazi-Girl, and eventually the cops, catch up with Toedad, Joyce and Sal are going to arrive at Joyce’s parents. The Browns will goggle to see their precious girl apparently lesbiating with a darkie, and then go catatonic as she begins to swear. Good times.
Interesting thought. Not to mention that if Sal doesn’t follow the car but takes short cuts across campus to get to highway 37 she could easily wind up in front of ToeDad and Becky.
No, I think this was just to determine which road ToeDad was likely to be taking – I’d think she’d want something a bit more specific than “North” if that was the plan.
yeah, pretty sure you have the right of it.
Probably trying a cutoff at the campus exit.
I don’t think Joyce’s parents are racists.
They try very, very hard not to be:
Very fitting that she would wear the yellow stripe for when Joyce finally snaps.
I just realized something.
We’re all assuming that only one of the people involved here is going to be the one to get hospitalized.
I’m starting to worry that we’re being a little optimistic here.
Sal and Joyce crash into the windshield of the car, which sends Amazigirl hurtling off the road. The car veers and hits Sarah, Dina, and Danny. Everyone goes to the hospital and swaps organs.
musical kidneys
nothing beats a good organ swapping session. at least sal is hanging out with a friend now
I’m not. Haven’t been for days.
Yeah, there’s a good chance that this might be a Sal/Amber/Becky/Toedad complete set going to the hospital.
I love Joyce now more than ever.
oooh, pretty sure that’s not true there Joyce.
Can we get a shot of those two breaking through the wall of a warehouse on their bike?
Yeah it seems unlikely Ross would flee to the Abandonned Warehouse district, but I think it needs to happen anyway.
No, the ABANDONED CHEMICAL PLANT WITH OPEN VATS district! Imagine Sal on those unsafe-for-prospective-jokers gantries!
If they’re used they’re not abandonned, more like Lax Security Chemical Plant District. It’s next to the Rusty Refinery and across the highway from the Concrete Pipe Field.
Sal riding on gantries and throwing Toedad in a vat of experimental foot cream! Turning him into a literal ToeDad!!!
Or I guess they could always head ot the ol’ Quarry. That’s always a good spot for a final confrontation.
And then the Sal/Amazi-girl showdown, with Sal falling into a vat and becoming Joker-esque? And the whiteness drives her nuts.
Would that turn Ross into.the Toe-ker?
Two guys carrying a sheet of glass have to dodge out of the way of both Toedad and Sal.
That reminds me of that old black and white silent movie ^^;
Then Amber hits it?
Roads actually hurt quite a lot, Joyce.
Fifth panel: Sal landing on her face
Aah, don’t wanna see that. I introduced my chin to Mr. Asphalt over a month ago, and it will be awhile before I fully recover. This was just from a 15-20 mph tumble from a bicycle. Concussions are no joke.
preeettty sure Joyce is in the hospital. Motorcycle, no helmet, no jacket…. no experience…
Thankfully she’s not steering, she just has to hold on and hope Sal doesn’t crash.
helmet!!!! HELMET!!
This definitely needs music.
What’s playing on my mental soundtrack is Billy Bragg’s version of the Internationale, sung by the Sheffield Socialist Choir. “Rise up, you victims of oppression/ For the tyrants fear your might!”
Excellent — and appropriate — choice.
I won’t ask you what Sal sounds like. You don’t know.
Interesting song. Interesting to see where it come from too.
Motorhead – Ace of Spades
I’m thinking something like this:
Gets more appropriate when you know the level it plays in Deus Ex.
And now I’ve got a mental image of Joyce in a black trenchcoat with circuit tracery on her temples, black sunglasses and jabbing a stun-prod into the small of Ross’s back.
Uh-oh! I keep watching the Tags to see the “anti-Joyce” .
I was expecting the Sal/Amazi-girl Team-up.
But I think something different is going to happen. We have been accustomed ( falsely I think ) in seeing Joyce as a weak traumatized Victim. But she isnt, and never was. Traumatized yes. Weak victim, No. *
She’s always had a violent streak, when pushed too far.
She broke a glass on her attempted rapist face. Total Badass!
( Plus Punching Joe, Kicking Mike … )
But I also see a strong parallel right now among Joyce, and Amber attacking Sal as Kids. This parallel was already telegraphed to us by Amazi-girl herself. Its how she figured out Joyce was the bandit.
( Checkov’s Ding-Dong )
But Sal is wrong. Amazigirl is controlled and calculatedly channeled violence. Its Amber who found freak out, escalate, and let things go out of control. And Now Sal is bringing the one ( 2 ) person to the scene who would do the same thing; plus Sals presence could trigger Amazigirl into violent Amber.
* Ive always suspected Joyce was not ( just ) traumatized not by the assault and potential rape, but by the experience of betrayal, and powerlessness under a disassociate drug. Its not just because of it, its in addition to that ( drug fueled ) disassociative experience. Its both.
Yes I am aware that those elements ( betrayal and powerlessness ) occur under all rapes. Nor do I need to questioned about my right to have an opinion on the subject. SO please, just dont be that person.
I am saying Joyce is far more a badass, than we have been giving her credit for, and the experience of dissociation with experiencing the helplessness of dissociation-itself , has been the fuel of her trauma.
This is important because it means there is more to unpack; and Joyce is a potentially a much stronger person than the narrative has been showing. She has an unconscious of image of a bloodied face in rage ( Ryans) But in that experience she also Felt Blind Rage ( not just Blind-fear ) She was Blind Rage. The Rage she feels is her own. I think the dissociation is preventing her from separating her feelings from her attacker’s. I think we are about to find out Joyce is scarier, when Becky is threatened.
My prediction : I am expecting ToeDad gets it in the face with something sharp ( by the Bible-Bandit ) and goes down. Then The Raptor shows back up and attacks.
We’ve never seen Ryan after. in my headcannon he’s been having nightmares about Joyce unexpectedly ( to him ) gashing him in the face, and getting then baseball batted by Sarah
I think Sweet nurtured Bible girls now trigger him, and he had move.
Joyce so far has shown to have latent Badass Tendencies (not only the glassing, but physically wailing on Mike when she thought the situation required it), but resilient- sure, at first I laughed most of it off as Stubborn Cute and Naive Joyce but when she has a conviction she sticks to it (and is willing to modify it when needed, which is arguably the less weaker thing to do). She’s stronger than we all think she is, and it’s only now, perhaps, we’ll see just how strong.
Not to mention: fiercely loyal and devoted to her friends. Who was willing to reach out to Serah? Who’s first breakthrough out of Fundie!Christianess revolved around defending her atheist friend and their friendship? Who was willing to put her school enrollment in jeopardy to harbor and protect Becky, her best friend?
Together, that Inner Strength and Fierce Loyalty is one hell of a combination. And since ToeDad didn’t get this particular memo he’s… gonna be surprised.
TLDR Her name is Joyce. You kidnapped her best friend. Prepare to die… or something like that.
I’m just going to sit back and enjoy the ride until Reality Ensues.
Also, remember how Joyce reacted once she realized Ryan slipped something in her drink? She didn’t cower. She didn’t try to run or start screaming for help. She smashed the glass into the fucker’s face.
I think when shit hits the fan and the adrenaline is pumping, Joyce gets hardcore.
Yep. Joyce has gone rebel. Totally truly rebel.
Alright… when’s the other shoe gonna drop? Someone is coming out of this in a bad way, I just know it.
How about landing on your face without a helmet? Betcha that hurts pretty bad.
next shot is walky seeing toedad, becky, and amazi-girl go past, followed by Sal/Joyce and Dick Dastardly and muttley. Finally, Mike gallops by on a horse and full cowboy gear and swings walky up into the saddle behind him. finally Galasso sees the whole shenanigans and runs down the street, chasing them with a mop.
then they all get on the highway. to the DANGER ZOOONNNE!
Danny Joe and Dorothy show up in an attack helicopter.
Last time I remember, someone actually hijacked a tank from a military base(that’s next level GTA), but it didn’t end well for him.
I don’t recall doing that…but maybe
It was a national guard armory, and yeah it didn’t go so well.
Finally the Duke boys drive past in the General Lee.
As the convoy hurtles down the highway, Waylon Jennings voice comes from nowhere:
“Well, looks like ‘ol Toedad ‘s got himself a heap of trouble comin’, he he.”
Naaa, it’s F-14 tomcats in Top Gun. Out of service now, but should be a few in museums…
… A lone Incom T-65, its targeting computer switched off ..
Joyce, I have never been more a fan of yours than right this second.
Pretty sure that motorcycle flipping over is gonna hurt you pretty bad, Joyce.
Maybe not, Sal is under her in protective gear, she could soften the landing a fair bit…
If the bike flips, Joyce will go over Sal’s shoulders and likely hit the ground before Sal. Sal’s worst chance of damage is the bike landing on her; Joyce’s is her back/neck.
Actually Joyce theres plenty more that can hurt you both physically and emotionally
“Nothing more can hurt me”? Sheesh, that’s right up there with, “What could possibly go wrong?” and “I’ve got a bad feeling about this.”
or “everythin’s lookin’ pretty up fer”
Right now Joyce is filled with the spirit of the 23rd Psalm…. you know, the one that goes “Yea, though I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death I shall fear no evil, for I am the meanest bad-ass in the valley.”
And of course it’s less well known sequel “No one is taking my Becky and ToeDad is going DOWN”
It’s weird, Past David always seems to make painful design choices for Future David. They should talk about that.
Damn, when Joyce goes Super-Saiyan, she is apparently immune to God’s smiting! Let’s hope she is also immune to road rash.
Ha, that last panel looks like Joyce is wearing an invisible jetpack and is carrying Sal, who’s carrying the motorcycle.
I’m glad I’m not the only one who sees it. I wonder if it’s muscle memory from drawing jetpack Joyce carrying Sal in It’s Walky.
Joyce and Sal, defying gravity.
It looks like I may want to buy myself those lotto tickets after all. My dream where Becky was taken after the gun was fired came true (minus the tranq dart part or anyone being hit) and at this rate Sal may just be the one to end this.
No helmet, no pads, no goggles, just guts. Joyce’s hair is going to be epic messy once this ride is over.
hopefully just her hairs will.
Or you know, nobody get much more than a cut/bruise and the EMT send everyone to the hospital for a check-up.
I’m digging Joyce’s determination here, but I’m also highly concerned that they’re doing dangerous motorcycling and she isn’t wearing a helmet.
💓Joyce 💕
Joyce in the last panel looks so awesome. But the bike angle worries me. I hope Sal can correct it before they land.
Even in the best case, that landing is gonna hurt, but if Sal gets onto the throttle hard enough she might at least keep it upright.
She’s almost certainly going to control THAT jump at least, but it would be far too anti-climatic to crash THIS early.
No Helmet, no experience, and high on end of the road nothing can hurt me now….yeah bad combo’s all around. But, the adrenaline high just might carry her far enough to do what she has to do.
If Sal can pull that thing up out of that faceplant dive, we will know she can Drive.
When they catch up to Toedad, what then is what I wonder? AG is being towed, so she is reluctantly on the scene, not sure what she can do until the car is stopped one way or the other.
Where is Dina? Laying in the woods. or in the trunk of the car? Would be interesting if she came out of the trunk and into the back seat – behind Toedad?
“Outta my way, physics!”
This has been a genuinely painful arc. We have seen beloved characters hurt and humiliated and brought down to their lowest point. We have seen Dina lay bleeding in the woods, Joyce frozen in fear, her best friend taken from her and Becky brought by gunpoint to the horrible fate she tried to escape. We have seen a very realistic portrayal of power abuse and something that’s a real fear for too many youths.
So what I’m saying is that we are due a scene with Joyce chasing ToeDad on a motorcycle. There will be LOT of epicness following this.
The only person bleeding in the woods was Ross!
That makes me feel a lot better about things.
Maybe Sal got a speck in her eye.
Gods, this whole comic is slowly resolving into a slow burn “break the cutie” of poor Joyce.
The Ryan arc and the relationship with Ethan, along with Becky’s first coming into her life again, have put her through a lot of shit as it is, but Ross was the tipping point
Welcome to David Willis comics.
Based on the motion lines in that final panel, it really does look as though the whole thing is hovering around like an airborne Dalek, with the front wheel providing the propulsion system. Seems more like a pleasant floatation through the air than a jump into the fray.
“hovering around like an airborne Dalek” is such an amazing turn of phrase.
I always liked “hovering in the air in much the same way that bricks don’t.”
In some ways, Joyce might be in a similar self-martyring space as Becky. I mean, to her, it was her responsibility to care for Becky, protect her, and waylay her dad and resolve that danger to Becky’s life. Of course, that wasn’t really on her and she had no control over the events that transpired, but the point is she feels responsible. And she likely feels extra guilty because she saw it as her job to save Becky and instead it was Becky trying to protect her from further trauma that led her to surrendering to him.
So to her, the pain of having “failed Becky” (even though again, she hasn’t and that is an unrealistic and dangerous standard) and leaving things where they are are far greater than any further injury (either physical or emotional).
It’s a similar state that Dina will also likely be in when her and Becky are reunited for similar unrealistic expectations of protection.
And it means that Joyce is going to be far more reckless with her well-being and her life.
In fact, everyone outside of maybe Sal is in this weird martyry, must not fail my friends mode, which will make things rather interesting, awkward, and dangerous when the climax to this arc hits.
Yup. Even Ross is here because he “was a bad parent who failed Becky” (something we agree on, even if we don’t agree on exactly WHEN and HOW he failed her). With all those people with martyr complex around…. there is a real risk someone manages to become a martyr.
I wouldn’t say Sal is martyry as much as Sal and Walky have been the most situationally aware followed by Jacob but, Sal and Jacob have each displayed a higher level of empathy than Walky.
Sal has been taking charge of the frames she’s appeared in, making attempts to fix herself and the things around her, some places more successfully than others.
She’s struggling to master “application of the correct amount of force for each situation,” something neither AG, Sarah (each too high) or Joyce (so far, too low) have been able to get near. And she KNOWS it’s a thing to be mastered where the others do not.
I think Sal’s issue is her co-dependent relationship with Marcie. Who I want to argue is actually the most situationally aware. We just don’t see her nearly as much and when we do we don’t always understand what she’s signing.
I don’t think I can agree the two are so much co-dependent; Didn’t Marcie get a job nearby AND/OR start puttin’ the move on Malaya?
I kinda like how Marcie didn’t really know if Malaya was interested OR even receptive. Made me think there was some moment where Marcie was trying to bang Sal and had to admit to herself Sal may be a bit ‘tita’ but, she’s not gay and is still a good friend.
To that end, Sal was pretty quick to say “I wish you happiness” to each of them.
Doesn’t say ‘co-dependent’ to me.
The problem Sal hasn’t been able to fix involves ‘her desire to feel closer to their parents.’ We see two basic examples of that effort:
-She put the effort into getting into their alma mater, alongside Walky
-Her green joyce-a-rific dress
That and doing stoppies near stairs. She’s definitely has to fix that (not the actual driving on the sidewalk…)
I should have said ‘two examples of the state of her effort.’
I think you’re assuming that “relationship” here has to mean a romantic relationship. Although you make some very solid points that Marcie, at least, doesn’t seem to need Sal the way Sal needs her. So I was probably off calling it “co-dependent” too.
No. I am definitely NOT saying romantic.
I’m saying it’s probable Marcie desired more, figured out it wasn’t possible (long before Sal said in language) and still saw the value in what did exist.
Joyce: “Nothing more can hurt me.”
*stoppie fail, both land at the bottom of the stairs
*400lb bike lands on joyce
Joyce: “GOD-DAMMIT!!!”
Physics: …um, you know, maybe we should give you a pass just this once…
Damn Joyce
What are the chances that Joyce herself will use the gun on Toedaddy?
This is probably me but this is starting to feel like the origin story of a costumed hero of some sort! 😀
I had this thought yesterday, but since Sal mentioned it in today’s panel, I’m just going to call it now: the police are going to get a tip that Sal’s motorcycle was seen fleeing the scene of the gunfire and she’s going to be in a lot of trouble. Made worse by 1) the fact that she’s not white, 2) her previous criminal record, and 3) her temper.
1) Sal does not appear to be staying to the roadway.
2) To most people, motorcycles come in one of three flavors — Harleys, choppers, or crotch-rockets. That’s not much to go on.
3) As noted by this writer before, there is little or nothing to indicate that the person underneath the helmet and leathers is black, or white, or polka-dotted. And there is a white female on the pillion seat.
4) Sal’s prior record is a juvenile record and is more than likely sealed.
5) Right now, Joyce is more likely to go full bore nutzo on someone far quicker than Sal.
*Opens all pages from here to Toedad firing in individual tabs to look up info*
1) Sal does not appear to be staying to the roadway. = Yeah, that’s pretty obvious from today’s strip…
2) To most people, motorcycles come in one of three flavors — Harleys, choppers, or crotch-rockets. That’s not much to go on. = well, it fits into the crotch rocket/racing bike category.
3) As noted by this writer before, there is little or nothing to indicate that the person underneath the helmet and leathers is black, or white, or polka-dotted. And there is a white female on the pillion seat. = very true
4) Sal’s prior record is a juvenile record and is more than likely sealed. = Another good point…
5) Right now, Joyce is more likely to go full bore nutzo on someone far quicker than Sal. = I can definitely see Joyce ripping into the cops as she gives them full details & gets them on the proper trail…
6)There were plenty of people around who saw Toedad & were close enough to hear him order Becky into the car, Not to mention Sayid got a good look at the car as they drove off, so he’ll be able to describe it to them, probably also mention a costumed vigilante borrowed his skateboard to pursue them, so they might put 2+2 together & figure out that crazy girl they passed was CHASING the car, not just thrill-seeking…
It’s cool, she’s got a white girl with her. Clearly she could not have committed any crimes!
Her temper won’t be a problem, she’s learned how to handle the police by now. A smile and a Southern drawl will calm many situations. Also, having a pretty blue eyed girl in distress with you will deflect attention away from any minor transgression. As for any problems with racism, just listen to the news. Racism only exists in the South. Not in a Northern state like Indiana.
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
What? Everyone knows racism only occurs when an at least middle aged white man makes the active informed decision to hate and persecute other people based on their skin colour. That’s the whole thing with Sal and her parents, right?
My, how reassuring it is when the writer laughs…
Whelp, the nightmare fuel cisterns were starting to slosh anyhow.
Lower case laughter? Sarcasm for sarcasm? So much subtlety is lost when it’s typed.
Not sure if your last statement was a joke or you do believe.
I sincerely hope that was sarcasm because let me tell you racism is thriving up here in the north. And in the north most people equate southern drawl with idiocy. My mom worked hard to lose hers for that very reason. The north sucks just as much as the south. But the pretty white girl will definitely help.
It was most assuredly sarcasm. I was born in Texas and have lived here ever since, but I’ve traveled to many Northern states. One of the two recurring themes is the denial of racism in the North and denouncing the racism in the South, and later making some of the most racist statements I’ve ever heard. The other is the firm conviction that Kennedy’s assassination was a plot by everyone in Dallas. I quit giving my home location as Dallas for a while. The minute I said Dallas, the knee jerk response was “Oh, you killed Kennedy.” Actually, I was in class when the Principal announced it. As for the Southern drawl, that’s a toss up. In business, it’s a detriment, but in social situations, a pretty girl with a Southern drawl can easily spin the head of most men in the area. Wise women learn to switch it on and off.
Living in the North, New England more precisely, I can confirm the racism, though it’s a somewhat different flavor than in the South.
But though I’ve heard lots of JFK conspiracy theories over the years, I’ve never heard it blamed on everyone in Dallas.
As someone who grew up in Indiana, I can tell you that racism is pretty prevalent there. Hell, the last time a black man was publicly lynched in the US happened just up Highway 37 from where this comic series occurs.
It’s more likely they get pulled over for speeding/Joyce’s lack of helmet.
No helmet? No problem! Joyce is 18 and does not have to have a helmet on.
Speeding? That might be a reason to stop them.
Riding her motorcycle on the sidewalks? That is definitely a reason to stop them.
Who would give that tip? Anybody who’d see her knows Sal’s not the gunman.
Art: 100%, A+
even if youre angry and determined and full of adrenaline and whatever, you can still get scared. joyce has mever been on a motorcycle before, theyre going really fast and taking shortcuts theyre not supposed to take. joyce will most likely either fall off somehow or make both of them fall off by holding on too tight and not leaning with the motorcycle the right way
Famous last words, Joyce. Come right after “What could possibly go wrong?”
That’s really, really not an angle at which you want to see a bike flying through the air. Artistic license and all that I suppose.
I was thinking that myself, although it DOES look awesome.
*Rock music starts*
Not “Goodbye Toedad”?
Goodbye Toedad (sung to the tune of Goodbye Earl byt the Dixie Chicks):
Joyce and Becky were the best of friends
All through their high school days
Both members of the 4H club, both active in the Church
After graduation
Joyce went out lookin’ for a bright new world
Becky looked all around Anderson U. and she was found out by ToeDad
Well, it wasn’t a week after she got pulled out that
Becky started fearing for her safety
She’d avoid family and family friends, out of concern
Or make-up to cover a frown
Well she finally got the nerve to run away
And she let hope of escape take it from there
But ToeDad walked right through that faltering hope
And took her away at gunpoint
Right away Joyce flew in on Sal’s Hog
On a break neck ride and flight
She held Becky’s hand as they worked out a plan
And it didn’t take ’em long to decide
That ToeDad had to die, goodbye ToeDad
Those black-eyed peas, they tasted alright to me, ToeDad
You’re feelin’ weak? Why don’t you lay down and sleep, ToeDad
Ain’t it dark wrapped up in that tarp, ToeDad
The cops came by to bring ToeDad in
They searched the house high and low
Then they tipped their hats and said, thank you ladies
If you hear from him let us know
Well, the weeks went by and spring turned to summer
And summer faded into fall
And it turns out he was a missing person who nobody missed at all
So the girls bought some land and a roadside stand
Out on highway 109
They sell Tennessee ham and strawberry jam
And they don’t lose any sleep at night, ’cause
ToeDad had to die, goodbye ToeDad
We need a break, let’s go out to the lake, ToeDad
We’ll pack a lunch, and stuff you in the trunk, ToeDad
Is that alright? Good! Let’s go for a ride, ToeDad, hey!
Ooh hey hey hey, ummm hey hey hey, hey hey hey
opps “Tennesse” should be “Indiana” and “highway 109” should be “highway 37”
“And it turns out he was a missing person who nobody missed at all.”
That has got to be one of the best lyrics in country music, if not in music in general.
…she said, right before she fell off and broke her arm.
Sal doesn’t have sets of cheap full coverage sun glasses in a saddle bag?
I have no doubt that Joyce will save Becky (and possibly the reverse), so the main question is will there be a Sal \ AG team up. Look for Becky to take the wheel to protect Joyce and cause the accident.
The only cast member headed to the hospital is toedad and maybe Becky after the low speed \ no seat belt crash and air bag deployment.
Becky takes agency in her salvation with help from Joyce. Sal and AG don’t face off violently and Amber gets some character development and help.
So Joyce, the person who could best direct the cops (telling them what happened, who is involved, etc) has left the scene.
Yeah, I realise the amateur dramatics are what’s needed to make the story, well, dramatic, but sometimes the suspension of common sense/how it would actually go down, in fiction, has me tearing my hair out.
Well, I don’t think it’s necessarily all that unrealistic that Joye would want to go after Becky herself, especially since Sal told her that Amazi-Girl would get her killed. Joyce feels personally responsible for failing to protect Becky when Ross had them at gunpoint, and she’s exploding with so much anger that she’s not thinking about how it’d be best if she waited and told the cops everything. Right now her thought process is MUST SAVE BECKY.
^This. And it’s not like Sal, she who inherently distrusts and dislikes authority figures, is going to tell her “slow down, we should call the police.”
@Lamia: but it is fiction in a universe that’s parallel to but not identical with our universe. I stopped worrying about everything being realistic and am going with what Willis is giving us.
Dina is apparently fine and likely to make her way to the cops, so they will know enough.
Dina knows he has a gun, but not that Becky’s been kidnapped.
True, but at least the cops could now piece things together. They would know from others at the fountain that someone was kidnapped, and she would be able to tell them the person who likely did it.
But that is assuming she goes to the fountain. Plus, it would cause a delay in piecing things together.
Prediction … actually what I want: leaving campus two dad has to drive back the way he came; Dina emerges from the woods and steps into the path of the car; maybe toedad stops or swerves OR Becky sees Dina and yanks the steering wheel….gives AG, Sal, and Joyce the chance to converge on the car and settle up with toedad
Joyce, maybe you should wait at the campus and tell the cops what happened!
I kid. While I think it’s silly to get Amazi-Girl involved, having Joyce go all Rambo and chasing after Becky feels natural (and also because it’d be kind of boring if the arc was solved by having other people solve Joyce’s problems for her).
Jeezuz is mah helmet!!!
“Nothing more can hurt me!” Damn Joyce or should we change your name to Mad Max? Here is my contribution to the chase music:
Thanksgiving at the Brown’s is going to be very interesting. Joyce’s new found inner strength will be apparent, and discussions of these events won’t be smoothed over with bible quotes. I hope her parents are ready for Joyce v2.0.
As for the current situation, a girl in a costume being pulled by a car, and a motorcycle with a helmetless rider following them (hemets aren’t mandatory, but it does attract police attention in a case like this, and there don’t appear to be rear footrests and they are mandatory) will eventually trigger an alarm somewhere. I doubt if Sal will take it truly off road, the bike isn’t designed for it. She will, however, take advantage of an extensive sidewalk system and any footpath that’s available to keep from crossing paths with the police. Speed is of the essence, and that bike should have that in abundance.
Sal doesn’t want all those rings from that loop?
This in-story day has taught me that I really like the idea of Sal and Joyce
I’ve been gone for a month, but catching up to this point, I just realized Joyce is wearing her “It’s Walky!” attire.
Most people wear a mask when times are good. When things get bad enough is when the masks come off and you find out what people are really like. Joyces’ mask is of a girl who is made of ‘sugar and spice and everything nice’, and who is utterly harmless, relatively helpless, and for the most part what the religion she was raised under expected her to be: a classically helpless female, only really good for making and raising babies, and taking care of a husband. In Joyces’ case, things got bad enough, the mask came off, and you find out she’s a badass underneath it, perhaps even more of a badass when it comes right down to it than Sal is, even; she just lacks the knowledge and experience, at this point in her evolution as a person, to match her potential badass-ness. We’ll see, Mr. Willis, won’t we? 😉
“Sal takes a high jump, Joyce doesn’t brace her legs to absorb the landing shock, And suddenly Joyce has lost her cherry to a girl before Becky could.*
…Superpowers or not, Joyce just found and unleashed her inner SEMME agent.
Wonder how Dina’s gonna react when she hears.
“Nothing more can hurt me” beyond her seemingly inevitable appearance on some internet gore site when Sal wraps them both around the statue of the school mascot…
Hi, I was browsing the net and found this webcomic for the first time and got to say I love the action-adventure vibe it has. Plus, Amazi-Girl is AWESOME!
haha, I think you might be sadly disappointed if you are looking for action adventure. Tonight’s strip was uncharacteristically actionny, since we’re in the climax of months of strips leading up to this moment.
That being said, I HIGHLY recommend DOA to anyone even vaguely interested. It is yet a masterpiece, even in its uncompletion. I consider it to be a modern classic in webcomics that everyone should read, if just to say that you have.
Joyce has finally gotten interesting.
Just wanna point out that if Amazigirl gets hurt badly and goes to the hospital, her identity will be revealed. Remember who is currently in said hospital? Yeah, her dad. You know, the verbally / physically abusive one she is now wanted for assaulting. Be worried.
“I want to ride unreasonably fast! Faster than what’s safe, do you hear me?”
“…and you can’t bring me down.”
This is going to end with a tragic lesson in motorcycle safety, isn’t it?
Prediction for the future: Joyce learns the terrible truth that being emotionally unhurtable does not in fact mean that you are immune to being physically hurt anymore.
Yay Joyce is all tough now. But Man Sal still rubs me the wrong way. Yeah great Sal you’re so much better then everyone else but you still held a friggin knife on someone and threatened them with bodily harm.
Snhe was — what, maybe fourteen years old at the time? Think back; you undoubtedly did some awfully stupid shit when you were that age as well; the only difference is that you might not have gotten caught at it.
Even baseball players get three strikes. I’m willing to give Sal the benefit of the doubt and a chance for a do-over.
You know, I’m still trying to work out whether Amazagirl winds up saving Sal or Sal winds up saving Amazagirl
late update!?
Sal: Kid, you crying? We got this.
Joyce: No. It’s the rain.
Sal: … huh?
Joyce: Nevermind; just drive.
“Nothing more can hurt me. Except possibly you pitching this motorcycle ass over teakettle.”
Just noticing now as I go back through this that Joyce is wearing the vest and orange shirt ensemble she had through most of IW!. Should maybe have been a sign she was going to go full badass.