Since Dumbing of Age is five years old today, the Dumbing of Age Patreon has updated with the month’s wallpaper a little earlier than usual. It features all of the Joyce model sheets I’ve drawn over the past half-decade. In addition to a 1800px wallpaper-sized version of the image to the left, there’s a double-wide 2400px version available as well to Patreon patrons who have crazy future screens. And as always, Patreon folks who pledge $5 or more per month can read tomorrow’s strip early.
“Bad Becky! No rides until ya can say FUCK! Dina! …you ARE the size of a dog!”
Happy Dumbirthday of Age!
All I could think of.
Dogs come in so many sizes. Heck, I wouldn’t be surprised if one could get bigger than Sal’s bike.
I’ve got a friend with three dogs. The medium-sized one is a Great Dane. The big one is some kind of crossbreed that they’re pretty sure is part Great Pyrenees, about the same height at the shoulder as the Great Dane, but more heavily built. He weighs in over 150 pounds. He’s also fluffy, so he looks even bigger than he really is.
My workplace is guarded by an Akbash. When he wants bellyrubs, he can just knock me down and then roll over next to me, and I’m not a small guy.
Fortunately he’s a good boy, and won’t do that when I’m busy, but he will try to steer me around by resting his 150ish pounds on my side. Next to a big dog, Dina might resemble an unusually thin hobbit.
Dina is almost a raptor. That will please her.
Oh, but she CAN…
Nice catch!
She has to say it in Sal’s presence! Like swearing in court or whatever
aaaand there’s becky!
Oh joyce is gonna be sooo jealous.
She’s just out of frame, waiting to put the helmet on and go “VROOM, VROOOM, VRRROOOMMMMmm!!!”
She’s just out of frame, planning to swipe the helmet from under Sal’s arm and then start sniffing it. ‘Cos, y’know, it smells of Sal. And then put it on and try to climb on the bike with Beckasaurus.
Beckasaurus, y u so cute again? ;D
It is because they are cute and Joyce is a creeper that such a thing was allowed to happen
Also, they are cute but semi-invisible. Translucent, I think the word is.
*Sal glares at Joyce, who blushes furiously*
You know…I think we can forgive the paleontological inaccuracies in that film, but only because of the AMAZING climax. Bootifuh.
Indeed. The whole movie ranged from ‘terrible’ to ‘passable’. But then the climax happened and it was pure distillated awesome.
For me, it went from “OK” to “meh” to “ooooooh the pterosaurs are loose and some cool deaths are happening” to “not bad, but kinda boring,” to “YESYESOHMYGOD!!!” Seriously, I got so excited in the theater that I shouted out loud. VERY. Loud.
I can forgive the movie for the beauty that is the last panel of this DoA strip.
I went to go see that movie and after it ended, a bunch of little kids sitting in front of us started singing the Jurassic Park theme song. Regardless of the movie’s scientific inaccuracies, it brought a smile to my face that it can still get kids enthusiastic about dinosaurs and maybe want to learn more about them.
Funny thing is that it addresses the main inaccuracy of the “dinosaurs” being genetically engineered monsters rather than actual representations of dinosaurs.
Oh I know. I just figure most people were too enraptured with Chris Pratt riding a motorcycle alongside Raptors to have paid attention to what that one scientist said.
Hey, it is possible to be both enraptured by Chris Pratt riding a motorcycle alongside Raptors and delighted that they addressed the scientific inaccuracies of the franchise!
the Raptors in Jurrassic park were always actually Utahraptors rather than Velociraptors. at 23ft long and somewhere around 1100lbs that would be one hell of a dog
I’m rather surprised Dina the supposed dinosaur expert did not know that.
It’s possible that Dina is a pendant and has never got past the use of the name ‘Velociraptor’ in Jurassic Park.
Trust a pendant to get hung up on one little detail.
*slow clap*
They hadn’t been discovered yet at the time. They were apparently supposed to be Deinonychus but Crichton got confused while doing his research for the book and thought Deinonychus was just a large species of Velociraptor.
The movie ones are too big for Deinonichus, too, to be sure, but, yes, that’s what they were meant to be in the book. (I’ve seen two stories on the calling them Velociraptors – either his research was dominated by a lumper, or he thought Velociraptor was a cooler name. Personally, I think the former is way more likely.)
In writing the novel, Michael Chrichton’s references on dinosaurs included Gregory S. Paul, who argued that Deinonychus antirrhopus and Velociraptor mongoliensis were members of the same genus. Since V. mongoliensis was discovered first, its name took precedent. In the book, (p. 129 of the 25th anniversary edition), Tim compares the two dinosaurs and Dr. Grant says, “… Deinonychus is now considered one of the Velociraptors.”
As for the feathers, (a) the notion of feathers being common among dinosaurs was in its infancy when the first movie was made, let alone when the book was written; and (b) Dr. Wu’s argument in the book (p. 137) about the animals being built from incomplete instructions with the gaps filled in by educated guessing, which inspired a similar statement in the most recent movie, explains the lack of feathers about as well as anything where SF genetic engineering is involved.
And yes, the raptors* in the book and movie were probably closer in size to Achillobator than Deinonychus. But Deinonychus is slightly more well-known (probably thanks to a late-80s toy line) and not too much smaller. And “terrible claw” sounds better than “Achilles hero” in by opinion anyway.
(* If people can refer to Felis concolor as a “panther” even though Panthera is an entirely different genus, then nobody should complain about the casual use of “raptor” to refer to members of Dromaeosauridae in general.)
(crap, forgot to add at the end of that first paragraph that paleontologists established Velociraptor and Deinonychus to be separate species since Paul’s writings on the subject, but the damage to the book and films was already done)
They’re too small to be Utahraptors. Utahraptors are seven meters long.
But… do Utaraptors sing ?
I don’t know. A sizeable proportion of modern dromeosaurids do, so…maybe?
Part of me really hopes Sal forgot to take the key outta the ignition…
I like Mike’s addition to this conversation
This is a good birthday comic.
Happy birthday!!! How old ya turning?
Thank you! I’m 21 now.
Wow, this comic has been running for almost a quarter of your life.
This is the best thing in the history of things.
ah, I remember the hoodie-dress fad of a couple weeks ago
I loved that outfit with the hoodie dress and the cartoon leggins so much. Fashion icon Joyce Brown tbh.
That was a crazy few hours. Humanity simply wasn’t ready to bridge the gap between hoodie and dress.
How funny! I just got back from a showing of this movie 20 minutes ask at my college! To be fair, Dina, the one scientist DOES remark that none of the dinosaurs look like they should due to being artificially altered.
Misspelled my name AND a word. Cant have it all with auto correct I guess.
I’m mostly surprised Becky has seen that much Jurassic Park.
So I’m assuming that while they were looking at dinosaurs yesterday Dina showed Becky Jurassic World?
Since Dumbing of Age takes place in an unspecified constantly changing year, and it will undoubtedly be published for many years to come, I prefer to take the 2025 perspective that it’s a movie that everyone has already seen
However, given her dad and the social circles she grew up in, I’m not sure she’d have been allowed to see Jurassic World no matter how long it was ago. I mean, it’s canonically established that she had never gotten to see Frozen…
Yea, I had the same thought. How did repressed fundy homeschooler manage to see a movie like that?
At bare minimum, she’s seen commercials of Chris Pratt on a motorcycle with raptors. Pop cultural osmosis is a powerful force.
And of course Dina has seen it. She can have filled Becky in on the necessary details:
[Long, detailed discussion on all dinosaurs involved and how the movie deviate from current scientific consensus and what aspects of those dinosaurs are currently under debate]…and there’s a cool dude on a motorcycle…[…raptors. 5 hours discussing raptors.]
Becky is a lucky girl.
Dina is a clever girl!
Together, they are unstoppable!
Unlimited. Together, they’re unlimited. Together, they’ll be the greatest team there’s ever been.
amazingly, i started my current job this day in 2012. looks like we’ll always have this common anniversary!
I officially no longer have any idea what year this comic is taking place in.
20XX, it always is 20XX and it will continue to be 20XX.
until 2XXX of course
See, that’s what I thought, but Jurassic World came out in 20XX, and that’s several years either before or after 20XX!
So is the next arc going to be about the Reploid uprising?
it is actually taking place in 199x at some point a boy with a yellow and blue striped shirt and baseball bat will ask joyce is she has seen a universe destroying elderitch cosmic psychic alien.
Or a guy with seven scars on his chest will come through looking for his girlfriend, and incidentally make Blaine’s and Toedad’s heads explode.
It’s always taking place in “This Year”. Whatever year is going on right now, that’s the year it’s taking place in.
john darnielle constantly in the background, just out of frame
Dumbing of Age is not set in any particular year and operates on comic book time.
I find it funny that we get this question about once a week.
People commenting for the first time should get automatically redirected to the “read before posting” section. XD
It is in the “eternal now” of pop culture.
Happy DoA-nniversary!
Yes, congratulations on five years of incurring our praise and damnation! And, more seriously, for doing your bit to make us all more aware of diversity-related issues.
Happy b-day, DoA!! (And many more!) (Seriously, don’t ever end this strip.)
Maturity is for cheese.
And for wines.
Meanwhile, immaturity is great for whines.
We aren’t talking about the aging process,are we?
Well this strip certainly makes Jurassic World worth existing.
Never expected Dina and Becky to be this compatible tbh. Their couple just gets cuter and awesomer by the second. :3
I’m thinking that Becky is about to receive an overdue lesson in personal boundaries
What boundaries ? “Jesus is always with us” anyway.
Its not cool to jump on someones bike without asking permission, people get quite passionate about certain objects and I’d imagine Sal is about her bike
Of course.
I probably should have added an humour tag above.
My bad
So does this mean their Slipshine is going to involve some Jurassic World roleplaying that may or may not involve the word ‘cloaca’?
So Sal is on normal talking terms with Mike.
This is kinda surprising. I guess he hasn’t an occasion to say something so rude to her face yet. (it’s Carla’s job
I like to think that this universe’s Mike, not being a genetically modified government trained killer, is a little more sensible when it comes to pissing off people who could beat the motherloving shit out of him.
Like Becky, Mike talks to her normally (if at all), not like a delinquent or a pedestalled madonna of coolness.
Good point.
what year does this strip take place in because this reference could be a couple years ahead of its time
DoA is always set right now, it’s a fluid timeline.
And may these pop culture references fade into obscurity and confuse the hell out of young ones many years in the future.
It confused the hell out of me NOW.
Anyone know what Walky’s ‘Um, about that…’ is in reference to?
Something like ‘Um, about that… What age am I again?’ maybe? Wouldn’t put it past him.
I prefer to consider it a backhanded reference to the fact that this version of him IS about 5 today.
…and I just realised that it’s him pointing out what Becky and Dina are up to. Oops.
“Um. speaking of people who are not acting their age, your motorcycle is now a prop in a dinosaur game”
He acts like a five year old all the time.
He’s pointing out the childishness that Sal’s bike is being subjected tom
Joyce’s thighs have kind of exploded since the school year began, huh? She’s really getting wrecked by the Freshman 15.
That, or all the walking is packing on a little muscle. Hopefully both.
I think that’s actually her whole body expanding in order to become proportional to her head
She’s going jogging with Dorothy most mornings, IIRC. Increase of muscle tone is pretty much a given.
Cheers to another five (and a million more) years!
It took me a minute to correctly parse the hovertext. At first I was reading it to mean, “This day of DoA started in 2010,” and I was all, “Wait, Dumbiverse time isn’t that slow…”
Off topic, but I was thinking the other day that someone needs to draw Sal and Ruth as Kei and Yuri from the original version of Dirty Pair. Sal’s got the hairstyle to pull it off.
Although I’m sure someone thinks she’d make a better Priss from Bubblegum Crisis.
Don’t worry, Chris Pratt. Your scientifically accurate bestest raptor pal will save you.
When did Becky see Jurassic World?
Within the last couple days, presumably. Maybe after the morning smooches?
Heck, maybe Dina just gave her a briefing on what they were playing.
Congratulations Willis,keep up the good work!
*plays some Zepplin on the Muzak*
I do hope someone comes along and makes a scientifically accurate dino movie sometime. I don’t expect the JP franchise to drastically change all their iconic mutants but someone else could do it. Mayeb a really badass videogame so it could be fun and educational at the same time.
Boy, have I got an upcoming game for you.
I’ve heard of that game. I’m actually really excited about it.
Avoid Mesozoica, though. Bit yeah, Saurian is awesome. I’d also recommend Mark Witton’s blog ( He’s a great paleoartist. For movies, I suspect the best you can find is The Birds. Rather dissapointing that we haven’t had a popular movie with accurate dinosaurs since that.
Typically it takes a genius to get ‘scientifically accurate’ and ‘entertaining’ together in the same piece. The two rarely, if ever, go together. Certainly, getting them funded is an enormous trial.
Oh hey, this time Dina’s even unpronating her wrists. Good on ya, Dina.
Yknow, Sal, you’re not necessarily the easiest person in the world to get along with either.
man, looking at that wallpaper you really get a sense of how much joyce has dumb of age
Man, Joyce is gonna be so jealous that Becky got to be on Sal’s bike before her.
Danny, late for class: “Maaaaan, not the raptor AGAIN”
Wait, but isn’t this comic set in september of 200X? How can they know of Chris Pratt’s raptors?
Actually it’s set in “this year” so the timeline is fluid.
see the “about/read before posting” link way at the top?
the cliffs notes:
Come on people, ‘fess up, you keep asking this question just to try to make Willis’ head explode, right?
Which raises an interesting question. Since time is not a fixed concept, should this particular scene get a flashback in ten years, will it be retroactively altered (only in in the flashback mind you) to reference the current dinosaur movie of the future? The same way superhero origins gradually move forward in time as the comic continues?
people’s words will not be altered with time, no
Leave it to Dina and Becky to make a motorcycle so adorable it’ll rot your teeth.
Among other things, Becky makes a great winggirl.
Best pun ever.
Happy Anniversary to D. O. A. My favorite webcomic ever!
Woo, Dina has slappers!

Yeah, all of that.
I don’t know why, but I just find in incredibly funny when people treat Becky like a child. Same when Billie slipped her a 20 to get her out of her hair. “shoo” indeed.
I think it’s because she doesn’t take it personally. Her life is so besieged with really adult problems and she was denied a childhood that wasn’t tightly regulated with regards to who she had to be and what media she was allowed to consume. So playing around in a childish way or being treated like a kid doesn’t bother her, because it’s like a break from the super adult things she’s having to worry about all the time (avoiding being abducted by her father, being mostly homeless, having the bare minimum of money and possessions…).
So yeah, if she can play around with a cute girl who likes hanging out with her and giving mouth smoochies without said girl turning out to be straight or denying any attraction to her in the first place, then, by golly, she’s going to enjoy that and go whole hog.
True. I even think she actively prefers to be treated that way. She is loud and fun and doesn’t take things seriously, so why would people have to take her seriously. Again, In many ways Becky is a female Walky – and he just told us his views on how children have the whole dilly figured out.
For Dina, of course, this is proper third date etiquette.
“Go the whole hog” – hah
She’s shooing these 2 like pigeons standing on her bike XD
A) Dina’s just getting more adorable by the strip. and B) Happy anniversary, Mr. Willis.
Suddenly I want to see more of Sal and Mike interacting together. Also, happy anniversary, DoA!
Why do people insist on getting on the motorcycles of others without permission? Everyone knows that it would be rude to sit on somebodies car without permission, why is a motorcycle different? If you car is unlocked am I gonna just get in and fiddle with your stuff? Of course not.
Becky and Joyce aren’t really respectful of Sal’s boundaries. Remember how they woke her up this morning.
Aww look, Sal and Mike are frowning buddies!
I loves me some Chris Pratt, but I would have no objection to his being replaced by an adorable redheaded lesbian with freckles.
That certainly would make the whole thing between Pratt’s character and Claire more interesting.
Wouldn’t it just, though…
Now this one is a strip guaranteed to make you smile!
Mike and Sal, the bad news is that you are the only adults in the room right now. The good news is that you aren’t in any way expected to baby-sit.
If they had to,Mike would probably just leave.
Or sit on someone.
Aw, after that first panel was posted I really hoped that Jason would be added to the background for the squad 128 stealth reunion.
nerd Dina is hot, child Dina is creepy.
Happy Anniversary! I love this comic so much!
Am I the only one who is getting a serious Hermione Granger vibe from Joyce in yesterday and today’s strip? “Oh, HONESTLY,
Ronald Bilus WeasleyDavid Walkerton!” The brown hair and uptight attitude only makes the comparison stronger.Emma Watson to play Joyce in DoA – The Movie?
So awesome seeing this is now 5 years old! This started about the time I first came to college but I didn’t actually start reading until a about two years ago. I’m so glad I eventually found this and Shortpacked! Has been inspirational so far!
Totally would have bought a DoA tshirt in honor of the anniversary. Whatever happened to the dig it shirt?
nobody bought shirts so when the tshirt company went out of business i stopped making shirts
I have been waiting for that last panel. For months.
I was not disappointed.
Happy Birthday DoA!
Happy birthday, DoA! And hahaha! I love Dina’s comment!
Happy sorta-birthday!
And I just noticed that Sal’s bike is Adventure Override. Now I have to get him.
Have I been reading this for 4.5 years? Happy 5th DOA!
Becky and Dina…an unbeatable couple!
I can’t deny the feathers, but they have found JP-sized raptors in the last decade.
Which dinosaurs are you referring to, exactly? DeinonychI were too small, while Utahraptors were too large.
It’s great when a couple can act like five-year-olds together.
When my girlfriend and I got to play Mario Kart 8, I pointed out that each character’s kart/bike has a horn that sounds different for each character. She was playing as her favorite character, Wario, and discovered that his horn made an *ahem* flatulent sound – a point made funnier by the fact that when a character honks their horn, all racers in their vicinity hop up and then look at the horn-honker. As this is especially noticeable at the starting line, when she tried honking the horn, it appeared as though Wario broke wind and everyone was staring at him. We both found this hilarious, and my girlfriend spent a good chunk of the rest of the race honking the horn. And I occasionally reached over to press the horn button. And we both laughed like elementary school children. Although in real life, there’s a little bit of an age gap between us, on the inside, it appears we’re both five.
Anyway, happy five year anniversary, DoA! And happy 18-year anniversary, Roomies! If you’re starting to feel old right about now, Willis, might I recommend some Mario Kart 8…?
How does Becky know that reference? If she wasn’t allowed to see Disney movies, how has she seen Jurassic World?
I’m not questioning timelines or anything, that’s all a bit hand wavy, I’m questioning how she saw it at all, it seems like it would be a forbidden movie.
yay thats my question!!! But i replied to it
Boots… Boots never change.
They do get worn down, though.
Bonus points for Dina’s “clapper” hand position imitating a raptor here.
Willis, I’d just like to point out how pleased I am that Dina appears to be making raptor hands *in a scientifically accurate fashion*.
Dina: Loved by most, hated by some loser whiner. Dina shall lead us into a new age of dinosaurs.
It’s not that shocking that Becky knows about the Jurassic Park franchise. Her character page mentions how she was more flippant and rebellious than Joyce.
My dad didn’t let me watch Yu-Gi-Oh or Cardcaptors when I was a kid, so of course I went and did it anyway. The quickest way to get your kid to do something is to tell them not to do it.
“Don’t go to the school and get A’s, you little bastard!!”
Ever hear of Deinonchus, Dina?
she has heard about deinonychus
with a y
she would also lecture you AT LENGTH at how the jurassic park’s casual, lazy treatment of deinonychus as somehow a kind of velociraptor is terrible and unusual and awful science and that she’s tired of people who think they’re smart trying to one-up her on silly shit like that
but that it still doesn’t matter because in the film they’re velociraptors, and velociraptors should be the size of a dog and have feathers, so come back when there’s a jurassic park film that talks about “nychuses” instead of “raptors” and also still you’ll be wrong because they don’t have feathers and their bones are structured all wrong and they certainly can’t open a doorknob, their wrists don’t even work that way
Both Velociraptor and Deinonychus were too small to be JP’s raptors. Utahraptors were far too large, on the other hand.
Of course Jurrasic world outright states that the dinosaurs our inaccurate. Thats kinda the whole point of the movie. That you shouldn’t play God and create giant man eating lizards without any basic safety precautions. I don’t give a shit about the dinosaurs being inaccurate. I want to know why the fuck they aren’t all fitted with shock collars.
I want to know why the fuck the enclosure Indominus rex was raised in and was never ever supposed to get out from had fucking Indominus-sized gates instead of people-sized access doors.
It would have a lot harder time getting out if people didn’t have a front door for it to use.
2 things in Jurassic World’s defense, 1-there WAS a man sized raptor species, Utahraptor (though it wasn’t discovered until after the first Jurassic Park movie was made) and besides they probably just went with that name because it had more impact than “deinonychus”and 2-they DID specifically state that they had altered the dinosaur genomes for aesthetic purposes, either by purposefully suppressing the feather genes or simply not being able to recover them.
Utahraptors were way too large. And anyway, the raptors in JP were always way too skinny and shrink-wrapped. They’d die within minutes just from exhaustion.
yes but what kind of dog
Happy Birthday, Walki Universe. Have a good day. Be Happy.
I have an alert for this comic’s updates on my phone and the alarm is “the touch”, thats how into these comics (willis comics) i am
This is the definition of perfect.
What kind of rude motherfucker sits on someone else’s motorcycle without permission?
If that were my bike, I’d deck Becky in the face.
Perfect match of Gravatar and comment. The fact that Mike is that kind of person just adds to it.
One doesn’t have to deck when good swat on the ass will do.
“Yer bendin’ mah center-stand, jackass!”
“Feathers, and the size of a dog?”
No wonder folks prefer fantasy to reality. Science is an idiot.
somewhere in the distant future some bro on the internet gets all pissy when science figures out that male lions were fuzzy and had some kind of poofy hair thing around their neck, thus ruining lions forever because it doesn’t match a movie
This assumes people in the future will care about lions.
Or any other extinct animal by that time.
i was really hoping someone would bring up some distracting bullshit irrelevant to my point
It’s not irrelevant, you’re assuming people will care about the accuracy of an extinct species. The vast majority just cares that it’s entertaining. They’re extinct, they no longer matter. Sure, some actually care, the information will be recorded somewhere but the general populous will never look or even care it’s there.
To 99% of people there’s no real difference between dinosaurs and dragons. Big lizards who are used in fiction to kill people and be entertaining.
i’m not spelling out for you why it was irrelevant to my point, even though you keep missing it by a friggin’ mile, because right now you’re spewing some dumb anti-learning, anti-intelligence crap that’s exactly the kind of bullshit that kept me from learning the world was more than 6000 years old until i was 22 and it’s really pissing me off and it’s hard to not be communicating entirely in swears
I’m not promoting that kind fo thinking, merely pointing out that it exists. It’s the exact reason you grew up in that environment.
Just because I bring something up doesn’t mean I endorse it. I even pointed out further up that I hope a scientifically accurate movie or game comes out so I can enjoy it.
The OP that Willis was responding to was suggesting that raptors with feathers and the size of dogs would be stupid-looking.
Willis was drawing an analogy between these traits and the fact that male lions have manes. You know, those majestic looking things that are totally bad-ass? But if someone who -didn’t- know real lions and had some other image in their head about what ‘lion’ means that they liked, they would likely react negatively to a description of real lions.
And they would be wrong.
Like the OP is wrong about real dinosaurs.
This is the point you have utterly missed.
People who don’t care about lions and don’t care about dinosaurs don’t enter into the equation, because the person Willis was responding to CLEARLY HAS AN OPINION on the dinosaurs/metaphorical lions. (or was joking, hard to tell on the Interwebs)
((wouldn’t it be great if, in the distant future, remnants of THIS COMMENT SECTION were in fact the evidence science stumbled across that male lions had manes?))
You’re claiming nobody will care what an extinct creature will look like in an argument about how people care about what extinct creatures look like?
Because… wow.
The point is, most people DON’T really care. That’s why media hasn’t bothered updating how dinosaurs look even though we know better.
To most people they’re just monsters, good for entertainment but anything resembling accuracy to the real creatures is unnecessary.
I’m having trouble finding a way to read your comment that doesn’t come off as “right thinking people don’t care what they look like”. So I have to assume that you’re just an ass.
To paraphrase Zero Punctuation, you know why substance matters more than image? “President Donald Trump.”
You’re assuming I believe that ignorance is the correct mindset, I do not. It’s simply a fact that most do not care.
You opened up your statement by saying nobody would care what lions looked like. You’ve only recently backpedaled to “most”. Even then, you seem intent to insist that “most” makes the opinion or thoughts of those who do care irrelevant.
Since it would be the height of stupidity to point out most people don’t have this conversation like it’s some magic revelation, I can only conclude that you did so to denigrate those who would by telling them they’re irrelevant.
I could be wrong, you could just be a moronic attention seeker who thinks pointing out irrelevant self evident details makes you special, but somehow I find you being an asshole to be more comforting.
Nah, I just made a bad call and then couldn’t stop trying to explain myself out of the hole.
When you find yourself in a hole that’s the perfect time to stop digging.
See, I know that intellectually but my brain gets stuck in the loop and says if I just find the right words it’ll make everything better.
I not only have a hard time, but find it completely IMPOSSIBLE to read his posts as anything but a heavy indictment on the attitude of the general public. Ignoring a problem doesn’t make it go away, why put your head in the sand like that ?
Willis was really hoping someone would bring up some distracting bullshit irrelevant to his point and lo, he wasn’t disappointed.
Quick, without looking back, what was his original point?
Hey, raptor doesn’t have to prove anything to you. Raptor already be awesome. Works them feathers like a bird of prey!
(my mind gets weird when I have insomnia)
Happy, birthday, DoA! Here’s hoping for many more.
Jesus Sal what are you whining about now?
I can’t recall the last time you were in a strip and not complaining.
I love it when people I barely know who I am also sticking my neck out for by hiding them in my room start muscling around on my shit.
It’s a cute punchline but I can’t see why Sal wouldn’t be annoyed.
Ummm, last week, in her last appearance? She’s not whining there.
So if you have a car can you leave it unlocked so I can mess around with it? No whining about it!
A car is an “inside space”, often containing lots of personal items. A bike is an “outside space”, no different from a bench. You wouldn’t find it weird if people sat on your bench without permission, would you ?
A bike is NOT public use, a BENCH is, a BIKE is an expensive piece of equiptment, that often has a equally expensive helmet, people sitting, climbing or rocking on the bike can cause it to fall, damaging it.
Can I just start sitting all over your car when you park it? Sit on the roof, lay on the hood, swing my legs against the glass window?
outside it’s basically “finder’s keepers”
oh hey a credit card
welp sorry, this is outside space, now i can clear out your bank account, sorry
If you hadn’t WANTED me to take your credit card you shouldn’t have dropped it, and have had me watch you walk away from it! My money now~!
Five years, wiigii!
Can’t believe it’s been that long already Oo’
Happy b-day DOA!
-eyetwitch- you do not SIT or touch on someone’s BIKE, you do not mess with things that are NOT yours x.x
Why not ?
It’s just a bike ?
Because it doesn’t /belong/ to you, just like how you don’t see someone’s flowers and go “Ooh I want” and take a bunch of them”
and it’s not ‘Just” a bike, it’s a vehicle, a very EXPENSIVE one, so if you, an uninsured person sit on it, cause it to fall, damage it and run off, the owner gets to just EAT that expense.
In my head cannon Mike is a DOA comment troll.
this comic is so unrealistic nothing ever changes and people keep wearing the same clothes every day………
(oh wait)
That’s what you get for parking your bike on 3rd St (in a place that there are no parking spaces, to boot).
Why isn’t the new page up T_T
I’m impressed! It’s been awhile since we’ve seen Sal’s motorcycle and awhile since I’ve read those strips but you’ve clearly improved with vehicles. Good job, Willis
“It features all of the Joyce model sheets I’ve drawn over the past half-decade.”
Oh my god I’ve been reading this comic since day one I feel so old