There's ghosts at your heels and fairy tale worlds ahead. What do you do? Jump down the rabbit hole!
Dumbing of Age
David M Willis
Joyce has been homeschooled her entire life until now, when she's suddenly a freshman in college! Things don't go well.
Paint the Town Red
Windy, Winter Jay Kiakas
Winona runs a werewolf shelter with partner in crime, Odile in the Gothic city of Merlot. One day they take in an injured vampire, and soon unravels many of the dark secrets of Merlot.
Guilded Age
T Campbell, John Waltrip, Florence Machina
Welcome to the saga of the working-class adventurer! Enjoy the complete story with new annotations daily!
Mac Hall
Matt Boyd
The legendary early-aughts webcomic that inspired a wave of webcomic creators.
Cyanide & Happiness
Satire, dark humor and surreal humor.
Kadi Fedoruk
Tamaura, wrested into a world 300 years in the future, must find a way to save the magic fading from her country.
2 Slices
RJ Morel
After a case of mistaken identity, will awkward Daisuke find help from excitable Mamo, or will his love life be thrown completely off track?
Slightly Damned
Rhea Snaketail returns from the dead, befriending a Demon who falls in love with an Angel. The afterlife ain't what it used to be!
The Otherknown
Lorian Merriman
Chandra is a 12-year-old accidental time traveler with a reluctant new dad, who happens to be a member of a feared galactic crime syndicate.
Beka Duke
Desperate for companionship, Frankenstein's Monster pretends to be the Opera Ghost. A grave mistake.
TJ Cordes
This comic is about a robot powered by bees, but it's also about the kind of people who think filling a robot with bees is a good idea, and why they're wrong.
Countdown to Countdown
Iris Black is a self-proclaimed inventor with the curious ability to bring his drawings to life, and yearns to find a space where he can use his powers freely.
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So we talking a world war where people ride on meat eating dinosaurs? Where a T-Rex fights against a hybrid dinosaur that the military thought was a brilliant idea with the assistance of a raptor riding on said T-Rex?…. Count me in!!!!
Well, she clearly isn’t a fan of people treating her like a little kid, and … Raidah? Her name’s not in the tags right now, but her and her friends didn’t just imply little kiditude, but they called her mentally challenged, and while Dina doesn’t know that Raidah condemned it, her friend literally yelled “And take your retarded kid with you,” after them as they left.
While it may completely blow Sarah’s mind that not only is Raidah not the most loved person on campus *BUT* other people might not care for her character issues either, there is the possibility Dina could see through Raidah’s….Raidah-ness even with the minimal interaction they’ve had. Not everyone who doesn’t show well by High School Bathroom Gossip standards lacks the perspective skills many people simply think they have. Take Walky, for instance.
She doesn’t even need information, she could just straight forward describe the last time they spoke in front of Jacob. Their last encounter involved them verbally abusing Sarah without provocation, assuming she was mentally challenged, talking down to her because of that, and then calling her retarded. Granted, Raidah objected to the last one but Dinah likely didn’t hear that part.
Prior to this arc I would never have imagined Dina and Sarah being more than polite nodding acquaintances at best. Now I’m totally imagining the two of them teaming up as a super-spy duo.
For real though, I love the idea of them becoming good friends.
Well, she only met Raidah twice, total, and only one time gave her an actual impression of who this person was: A condescending jerk who asked her if she was “mentally challenged” and talked down to her. She doesn’t know Raidah very well, but that’s more than enough to shape an opinion.
And lets not forget the fact that she knows how Sarah really is from her interactions wtih her. While she’s not good with people, she can get how they are from being friends with Amber and Joyce (or close to friends I guess :P). And likely finds more of herself in Sarah than the others. And given the circumstances with how Sarah is around others…
I think Sarah is the most responsible of the characters here since she’s looking out for their wellbeing while still being kinda anti-social, SO it fits the whole ‘big sister/little sister’ dynamic she and Joyce have. She doesn’t like some of her choices, but she felt like they were needed. Such as with Dana, and she saw how self-destructive her actions were and was with her more, so she knew things that Raidah and her friends didn’t get.
Awww this dinosaur is so beautiful and awkward and scary and feathered and weird, I love him. Or her.
“big, fluffy killer birds” is my new favorite desciption. I mean, me personally, I am phobic of just regular, normal birds, so the idea of these is terrifying. But they’re super fun to think about in abstract ways
This actually makes me wonder. Is Dina from Japan? Or just of Japanese decent? Cause if she’s actually from Japan I wouldn’t be surprised by her saying “I didn’t like her.” Instead of “I don’t like her.”
The reason being that in Japanese they don’t really have the implication that something said in the past tense might not still be true now.
[You already may know by now due to other comments, but what the heck, I’ll chime in.]
Dina has effectively interacted with Raidah only once before, at the mall with Sarah (where Raidah tried to warn Dina away from Sarah in a I-think-you’re-mentally-slow voice). So Dina is saying that she “… didn’t like her” then.
(I don’t believe Joyce’s party counts as an interaction, hence the singular use of the verb.)
Dina’s only met her once. When you’ve only met someone once, it seems to me it’s perfectly fine to refer to how you felt about that particular event in the past tense.
That was my thought as well. I didn’t think Dina’s use of “didn’t” was odd until some people brought it up. Then I considered it, and I still don’t think it’s odd.
Maybe Dina is referring to the one time she met her (and her friends) at the Mall? Dina didn’t exactly get treated well by some of them: condescending and one called her retarded.
I could see why Dina wouldn’t like her based on that alone.
How is that petty? Sarah gets continually harassed by Raidah and her friends and they straight up called Dina “mentally challenged” and “retarded” right to her face.
Its petty because instead of ignoring idiocy she is going to try and manipulate a relationship, which backfires 100% of the time.
You think Jacob is going to be oh so appreciative of Sarah spreading slander to try and get him to break up with what’s her face.
So by petty I mean she is going to do something where the consequences will dwarf the rewards by so great a margin that regret is the only possibility.
1. Regret is a granted in this comic.
2. Dina is only promising intel, which Sarah doesn’t even know what she will do with… ideally, realize they kinda deserve each other?
[not that I think Jacob deserves Raidah based on the minimal interaction we’ve seen between them, but it’s a common “how to get over an ex” tactic]
Invalid. Slander is only slander if it is not true.
And seeing how this is more the last straw, after many incidents, I do not think Sarah is the one holding the fucking grudge.
Actually, Raidah stuck up for Dina and told her friends it wasn’t cool for calling Dina that. She did, however, still treat Dina like a child, which she hates.
Yeah, she said “don’t use the r-word” because she recognized that as a slur… but had no problem whatsoever with the “mentally challenged” and talked down to her, which is the exact same thing dressed up in socially appropriate terms. Which, trust me, you learn to recognize and gets EXTREMELY old.
Yeah, like the whole point of Raidah’s “help” was that Dina was obviously mentally challenged for hanging out with Sarah and therefore she had to explain to Dina in the most condescending, offensive way possible.
Regardless of her reprimanding her friend for using offensive language, it doesn’t change that her views are abhorrent.
Sarah is only 19 or 20 years old and we can’t expect her to be reacting maturely and sensibly. The point is that Raidah is her nemesis and Jacob her crush. Naturally, she’s going to be jealous, spiteful, possessive and malicious. More-or-less just how Raidah is likely being too..
What is Dina going to do? Well, she has always had the talent of being ignored. I suspect that she could sit next to Raidah and Jacob and listen to everything they talk about, including Raidah’s plots and Jacob’s role in them. Neither of them would ever know that she was there!
And if they do notice her, Raidah’s probably going to react about the same way she did when they met – assuming Dina’s not worthy of respect because she’s socially awkward. Hopefully Jacob realizes that for the crap it is. If not, honestly, who cares about that jackass.
Huh, I didn’t even catch on the “I did not” until people mentioned it (though I still think they’re reading too much into it). Probably because in my native Portuguese there’s a difference in the verbal form between “something that happened and changed” and “something that happened.”
Seriously, Sarah knew how she was more than she did and she did the responsible thing. Andn ow EVERYONE is on her case. I am SO hoping that there will be a time when Dana comes to visit, having gotten a lot better since Sarah got her home to her family as her support and got clean.
Seriously, after what happened with her, she deserves at least a happy ending and give Sarah some closure.
I just feel like Dina’s mission theme music should be a mash-up of the Mission Impossible theme and either the Jurassic Park theme or MacArthur Park. Or maybe just the Bond-theme-like section of MacArthur Park alone.
These are the same Senate Democrats who lectured the base for years about the importance of preserving the filibuster so it would still be available when Democrats were in the minority
new from me: I wrote about the mess that just went down in the Senate, where Democrats under Chuck Schumer look disjointed and rudderless in the face of Trump's agenda, especially compared to their House counterparts
The most annoying thing about this cowardice by the book-touring Dems is that MAGA will lose. A full-throated opposition will win. This administration is brazen and corrupt, but they're overconfident and incompetent and not people to run away from. We'll win, even if we have to do it ourselves.
today in #9chickweedlane i've learned that the fetishization of post-marital hanky-panky has resulted in the straining of everyone's mental health, #somehow
#BREAKING: Yellow and Green fire was seen exploding out of a manhole at Texas Tech University moments ago.
Evacuations are underway for the whole campus.
This "mob" of "Anti-Israel" protesters is predominantly Jewish.
Sheryl Weikal (The Leftist Lawyer) ⋅ 1d
And now, let's see how news media in the purported only democracy in the middle east is covering the Trump administration disappearing a Palestinian American for his speech.
kind of stunning how unpopular trump is already...and yet how craven senate Ds remain in confronting him.
like, everyone hates him. just oppose him relentlessly! this is a fucking lay up!
Polling ⋅ 1d
Trump's Approval On Foreign Policy:
Disapprove: 48%
Approve: 37%
Ipsos / March 12, 2025 / n=1422
release the raptor
This one specifically.
or that works
Zhenyuanlong I choose you!
How on Earth is there already art of Dina and Sarah and the new dinosaur that was JUST uncovered?!?
Because there are a bunch of awesome artists in DoA’s fanbase.
it took like an hour
Door teleportation ACTIVATE!!!
“Her room has a door. I can work with that.”
Oh no. That’s the kind of talk that ends in Sarah losing an arm.
Are you saying she’s Logan from Blaster Nation in a really clever disguise?
Hmm, their personalities might not be too different.
I just hope it doesn’t lose her Dina, or she’ll have to give up her leg in order to get her back.
And then Dina will be trapped in a metal dinosaur?
I don’t think she’d mind.
arm, not leg
Are you saying Dina has the death sentence on twelve systems?
Only on Dina could a Tricera-Top be considered ‘dressing inconspicuously’.
Saur. Dina Saur. Feathered, not scaly.
Dina’s Eleven.
…There’s probably 11 characters that’d help out, right?
Dina and the Seven Hoods?
This is exactly what leads to world wars.
World War Squee!
The Squee that launched a thousand ships.
So then what would be the terms of surrender?
So we talking a world war where people ride on meat eating dinosaurs? Where a T-Rex fights against a hybrid dinosaur that the military thought was a brilliant idea with the assistance of a raptor riding on said T-Rex?…. Count me in!!!!
And then all of the dinosaurs and the military have their eyes eaten by crows.
Seriously, I have been terrified of birds eating my eyes ever since I saw a picture of a bird eating a seal’s eye, having apparently killed it.
cue shenanigans
Dina holds grudges apparently.
Well, she clearly isn’t a fan of people treating her like a little kid, and … Raidah? Her name’s not in the tags right now, but her and her friends didn’t just imply little kiditude, but they called her mentally challenged, and while Dina doesn’t know that Raidah condemned it, her friend literally yelled “And take your retarded kid with you,” after them as they left.
She didn’t have a problem with thinking Dina is mentally challenged. She just condemned using the r-word.
And for thinking being mentally challenged was something to mock her for.
Yeah, I would be perfectly on board with petty plans of showing this person is a jerk after that mall visit.
For those who want to revisit:
While it may completely blow Sarah’s mind that not only is Raidah not the most loved person on campus *BUT* other people might not care for her character issues either, there is the possibility Dina could see through Raidah’s….Raidah-ness even with the minimal interaction they’ve had. Not everyone who doesn’t show well by High School Bathroom Gossip standards lacks the perspective skills many people simply think they have. Take Walky, for instance.
Like this?
This is good, showing peoples faults always makes me like them more
And thus the Canteen becomes the Cantina. Death sentance in fifteen systems?
And so it begins.
Dina shot first.
“She should watch out. We’re wanted men.”
Hey its my apparently assumed alter ego.
Yeah, I wasn’t really thinking straight there…sorry
Na its alright I kind got a laugh out of it to be honest.
*Kind of
“She’ll be careful”
“She’ll be *dead*!”
“This little one’s not worth the effort”
Dina – “Stop treating me like a kid because I’m little! RAPTOR ATTACK!!!!!”
I have no idea where this plotline is going yet but sign me up for Sarah / Dina shenanigans
Can I get a “What, what”?
Is she about to use her power of not being noticed to get information on them.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Dina already has info on them.
She doesn’t even need information, she could just straight forward describe the last time they spoke in front of Jacob. Their last encounter involved them verbally abusing Sarah without provocation, assuming she was mentally challenged, talking down to her because of that, and then calling her retarded. Granted, Raidah objected to the last one but Dinah likely didn’t hear that part.
I thought it was Char who insulted Dina a few chapters ago.
I stand corrected.
Wasn’t it all three of them? And I’m surprised you remembered the other two
They are pretty minor but for some reason I remember Chan and Char’s names.
Their are so minor they have the same name but with a different letter at the end.
Char’s he one who shouted “take your retarded kid with you” as Sarah and Dina walked away. Raidah told her not to say that. But Raidah also Asked if Dina was mentally-challenged right in front of Dina, and condescended to her in this strip:
Oops, sorry, someone else already posted that.
Right, I forgot she called her mentally challenged.
Give Raidah Jurassic Hell, Dina.
Oh yeah, I remember, Raidah and Dina have met before.
BTW, Jacob and Raidah are missing from the tags.
Willis will fix up that soon.
…No, looks like Willis corrected it. Presumably those are really Jacob and Raidah, and not the Thing.
Unless that’s just what Willis wants you to think!
how is Dina my favorite character, like seriously what happened? ~<3
She walked into the room of your heart, stood in the corner, and closed the door in front of herself. Then you forgot she was there and there we are!
They are the deadliest team.
Dinasarah sounds better.
Dina Sarah Zoo?
For those wondering why Dina doesn’t like Raidah.
Hey, another reason for me to despise Raidah. I didn’t need that, but thank you anyway. I guess.
Oh, I forgot that Sarah and Dina have hung out before, too. Needed that refresher.
Thanks for the reminder.
Prior to this arc I would never have imagined Dina and Sarah being more than polite nodding acquaintances at best. Now I’m totally imagining the two of them teaming up as a super-spy duo.
For real though, I love the idea of them becoming good friends.
1. Why arnt Jacob and Radiah tagged?
Dina if Radiah turns out to have an army of ninjas, run
An army of ninjas is paltry in the face of the mighty Dina
British Ninjas however
That’s because those are their twins Marcus and Leshawna.
OMG I can’t believe I’m logging in to nitpick that Jacob and Raidah aren’t tagged
I overly nitpick everything involving the tags.
Oh great, now the Mission Impossible theme will 100% be stuck in my head all day. And it’s 6am over here, so there is a lot of the day left xD
I love the idea of these two teaming up action/spy movie style though. I see a caper in these girls’ future
“did”! So what’s the catch? How does Dina feel about her currently? Preparing for a twist…
Well, she only met Raidah twice, total, and only one time gave her an actual impression of who this person was: A condescending jerk who asked her if she was “mentally challenged” and talked down to her. She doesn’t know Raidah very well, but that’s more than enough to shape an opinion.
And lets not forget the fact that she knows how Sarah really is from her interactions wtih her. While she’s not good with people, she can get how they are from being friends with Amber and Joyce (or close to friends I guess :P). And likely finds more of herself in Sarah than the others. And given the circumstances with how Sarah is around others…
I think Sarah is the most responsible of the characters here since she’s looking out for their wellbeing while still being kinda anti-social, SO it fits the whole ‘big sister/little sister’ dynamic she and Joyce have. She doesn’t like some of her choices, but she felt like they were needed. Such as with Dana, and she saw how self-destructive her actions were and was with her more, so she knew things that Raidah and her friends didn’t get.
In related news, this just happened:
Awww this dinosaur is so beautiful and awkward and scary and feathered and weird, I love him. Or her.
“big, fluffy killer birds” is my new favorite desciption. I mean, me personally, I am phobic of just regular, normal birds, so the idea of these is terrifying. But they’re super fun to think about in abstract ways
“fluffy feathered poodle from hell“?
Like setting balistic gel, the plot thickens.
The conclusion shall be similar the the pending balistic test.
Sounds like someone’s been watching too much mythbusters lately
Did, as in past tense? When did Dina stop not liking her, and why?
This actually makes me wonder. Is Dina from Japan? Or just of Japanese decent? Cause if she’s actually from Japan I wouldn’t be surprised by her saying “I didn’t like her.” Instead of “I don’t like her.”
The reason being that in Japanese they don’t really have the implication that something said in the past tense might not still be true now.
Dina, like both of her parents, has always lived in America.
Hmm in that case I have no clue why she phrased it like that. -shrugs-
[You already may know by now due to other comments, but what the heck, I’ll chime in.]
Dina has effectively interacted with Raidah only once before, at the mall with Sarah (where Raidah tried to warn Dina away from Sarah in a I-think-you’re-mentally-slow voice). So Dina is saying that she “… didn’t like her” then.
(I don’t believe Joyce’s party counts as an interaction, hence the singular use of the verb.)
Did not like her on the past occasions they have met. English is an ambiguous language.
Dina’s only met her once. When you’ve only met someone once, it seems to me it’s perfectly fine to refer to how you felt about that particular event in the past tense.
That was my thought as well. I didn’t think Dina’s use of “didn’t” was odd until some people brought it up. Then I considered it, and I still don’t think it’s odd.
Maybe Dina is referring to the one time she met her (and her friends) at the Mall? Dina didn’t exactly get treated well by some of them: condescending and one called her retarded.
I could see why Dina wouldn’t like her based on that alone.
“The enemy of my friend is my enemy”. Unleash the raptor, Dina!
Well, I wouldn’t put it like that. Raidah and the gang were probably already on Dina’s shit list after the things they said to Dina about Dina.
It’s just that in this instance Dina’s friend happens to also be an ally, since they share a mutual enemy here.
Wow, that is some petty thoughts.
Man none of these kids know how to let things go, huh?
How is that petty? Sarah gets continually harassed by Raidah and her friends and they straight up called Dina “mentally challenged” and “retarded” right to her face.
Its petty because instead of ignoring idiocy she is going to try and manipulate a relationship, which backfires 100% of the time.
You think Jacob is going to be oh so appreciative of Sarah spreading slander to try and get him to break up with what’s her face.
So by petty I mean she is going to do something where the consequences will dwarf the rewards by so great a margin that regret is the only possibility.
1. Regret is a granted in this comic.
2. Dina is only promising intel, which Sarah doesn’t even know what she will do with… ideally, realize they kinda deserve each other?
[not that I think Jacob deserves Raidah based on the minimal interaction we’ve seen between them, but it’s a common “how to get over an ex” tactic]
Sarah’s already given up on Jacob, she’s simply decided that she’s not going to sit back and let Raidah have him either.
Invalid. Slander is only slander if it is not true.
And seeing how this is more the last straw, after many incidents, I do not think Sarah is the one holding the fucking grudge.
YOu have to remember the whole retard thing only happened like 3 weeks ago webcomic time.
Actually, Raidah stuck up for Dina and told her friends it wasn’t cool for calling Dina that. She did, however, still treat Dina like a child, which she hates.
While she did tell her friends not to be mean to Dina, she herself still assumed she was mentally challenged in the first place.
Yeah, she said “don’t use the r-word” because she recognized that as a slur… but had no problem whatsoever with the “mentally challenged” and talked down to her, which is the exact same thing dressed up in socially appropriate terms. Which, trust me, you learn to recognize and gets EXTREMELY old.
“Remember, it’s OK to insult someone and condescend to them as long as you use the approved words!”
Yeah, like the whole point of Raidah’s “help” was that Dina was obviously mentally challenged for hanging out with Sarah and therefore she had to explain to Dina in the most condescending, offensive way possible.
Regardless of her reprimanding her friend for using offensive language, it doesn’t change that her views are abhorrent.
Ah, I only remembered that she thought Dina was a kid.
Dina with tricera-top is the cutest thing I have seen in a long time.
So do Jacob have agency in any of this?
He does, but Sarah is too busy being vengeful to think about that.
I love how Sarah’s eyes appear to have sparkles during the last frame, even though they’re drawn no differently.
Don’t lie. If you saw the scrollover text, you started humming immediately.
As long as it’s the original Schifrin score and not the movie one.
Nothing says female bonding like taking out that one bongo you both hate
Huh. I got censored. Oh well!
Turning b-words to bongos is a feature here.
The more you know!
Gonna beat that bongo like she’s a drum!
Sarah has found her best friend forever.
I can taste that sweet raptory revenge already.
Oh wow, besties indeed XD
Now Dina will activate her superpower of not being noticed.
I’m enjoying the increase in Dina related plot.
“Good luck, Ms. Phelps. This table will self-destruct in five seconds.”
SARAH: “Wait, what?!”
Dina Squad!
Whelp, Raidah better watch herself. They have the death sentence on twelve systems.
Wait so Dina likes her now?
“I did not like her either” meaning.. past tense of did not like. as opposed to “do not” being present-continual right?
So.. Dina now likes her?
or is this one of those strange English cases where the “either” implies she had her own event (which she did),
She’s only had one encounter with Raidah, and she’s referencing that.
She is referencing the one event where she actually interacted with her.
This is an odd case in English where you use past tense with the implication that it additionally applies to the present which often confuses people.
I used to have the Star Wars soundtrack on vinyl, I wonder what happened to it?
When I purged my vinyl collection, that was one of the ones I made sure to keep.
WHERES THE INNER DIOLOUGE?! we have only had it for 2 pages!
This is The Greatest Chapter Ever!
So much Dina! (And I love Dina!)
Now just anxiously waiting for the slipshine ^^ <3
Sarah is treading on dangerous waters. She shouldn’t interfere with their relationship.
The only exception is if she believed that Jacob was at risk for being hurt and was trying to help him.
Doing it out of hatred of Raidah, or out of jealousy will only leave her more alone.
But, it’s a very Lawyer like thing to do.
Sarah is only 19 or 20 years old and we can’t expect her to be reacting maturely and sensibly. The point is that Raidah is her nemesis and Jacob her crush. Naturally, she’s going to be jealous, spiteful, possessive and malicious. More-or-less just how Raidah is likely being too..
What is Dina going to do? Well, she has always had the talent of being ignored. I suspect that she could sit next to Raidah and Jacob and listen to everything they talk about, including Raidah’s plots and Jacob’s role in them. Neither of them would ever know that she was there!
And if they do notice her, Raidah’s probably going to react about the same way she did when they met – assuming Dina’s not worthy of respect because she’s socially awkward. Hopefully Jacob realizes that for the crap it is. If not, honestly, who cares about that jackass.
Alright, Sarah and Dina are my new OTP and none of you can convince me otherwise.
…that’s one unlikely alliance.
I was about to say Dina as a spy is a terrible idea, but she disappears behind doors like it’s nothing.
An alliance forged in fire!
Sarah and Dina: They’re the same. But different.
Wow she got her to open up about something without pursuing her or sending her on the defensive side.
I think it’s the hoodie.
But she says did not rather than do not. Does this mean that there was a change?
Huh, I didn’t even catch on the “I did not” until people mentioned it (though I still think they’re reading too much into it). Probably because in my native Portuguese there’s a difference in the verbal form between “something that happened and changed” and “something that happened.”
This better be whatever the comic equivalent of a backdoor pilot is!
I want a spin-off.
so is dina going to run around with tom cruise now?
It scares me at times how much Dina reminds me of myself.
“You were marginally nice to me once, your foes are now my foes. I shall fetch the bone saw.”
For some reason, I read Dina’s dialogue in the same voice as Starfire from Teen Titans.
My god– so do I, but I just realized it when i read your comment.
I didn’t… but I do now
Isn’t that a bit too emotional for Dina though?
Dina use Bite!
Oh shit, it’s on.
Sarah and Dina are the best friendship ever.
Oh it’s ON
I don’t even know what she’s going to do (and I don’t think she does either), but this is going nowhere good.
not a fan of Raina or however you say her name…
Seriously, Sarah knew how she was more than she did and she did the responsible thing. Andn ow EVERYONE is on her case. I am SO hoping that there will be a time when Dana comes to visit, having gotten a lot better since Sarah got her home to her family as her support and got clean.
Seriously, after what happened with her, she deserves at least a happy ending and give Sarah some closure.
I’m a fan of Raina =<
Go, Dina, go! I love this duo. XD
Let’s see Raidah get the cute guy when she’s been IMPALED BY A TRICERATOPS
…I mean that in the grevious bodily harm sense, not like those weird erotic ebooks.
It’s spelled “grievous” you spaz
The theme was in my head before I read the alt-text.
I just feel like Dina’s mission theme music should be a mash-up of the Mission Impossible theme and either the Jurassic Park theme or MacArthur Park. Or maybe just the Bond-theme-like section of MacArthur Park alone.