KICKSTARTER OVER! Hooray and thanks, everyone! I hope everyone loves their book and their magnets once they’re produced and get sent out.
The annual poll for who to doodle inside the book can be found on the right-hand column under the comic, or just to the right. You might be wondering “where is so-and-so?” but the likely answer is “they are the default doodle for a previous book.” I have a lot of books. Danny and Joe go in the two Roomies! books; Mike, Robin, Ethan, Leslie, and Amber go in the five Shortpacked! books; and Amazi-Girl, Dina, and Sal get doodled in the previous three Dumbing of Age books. And so we have the folks remaining to choose from. Choose someone easy to draw! Sal was a godsend last year. You folks who chose Dina for Book 2 remain a thorn in my side. *shakes fist*
Though I know I should be hidden
Still I venture there forbidden
Party drinking I turn loose
(Billie: “JUICE? Oh HELL no, I don’t drink anything less than 10 proof MINIMUM.”)
If you juiced Billie, I bet you could use it to light fires or clean spoons.
So, Ruth is getting drunk off Billie, litterally ?
She’s on record as saying that Billie tastes like alcohol.
Billiejuice is illegal in Tennessee. Pregnant women should not handle open containers of Billiejuice.
Definitely do not taunt Billiejuice.
DO NOT make direct eye contact with Billiejuice.
If you are on antidepressants, you should not consume Billiejuice. Ask your doctor if Billiejuice is right for you
billiebooze maybe?
so this verse I will reuse
best served in a flask of tin
“I think it’s the best I ever tasted. And I’ve tasted a lot.”
“Billiejuice” makes it sound like she has a leaky spigot. And as is the case with all leaky spigots, you reeeeaaallly don’t want to discover the source of the leak.
it occurred to me that saying “boobs” three times might also work
Yeah, but Joe shows up after you say it once.
Either Joe or Gabe:
(I hope it’s ok to link another comic here…if not, sorry!)
Ah, she did get some clothes back.
Who’d Billie jack the clothes from?
Mike. He got them from your mom.
they were under the jersey THE WHOLE TIME
Someone explain to me what’s going on with her pants. They look way different than jeans or pajama pants or anything.
They’re tighthigh, ren’t they ? (or however you write that in english)
I think the word you’re looking for is “thigh high”.
You’re welcome
It’s not pants. It’s overknee socks. There are no visible pants in this outfit.
Yeah, I was just wondering about that. Billie does appear to be wearing two tops, no bottoms, and huge socks. Not that I mind or anything but it does seem an odd outfit choice.
Maybe she has short shots on underneath the tops?
Short shorts* damn you smart phone!!
I’m thinking she mugged someone for the clothes after Ruth stripped her in the hallway, but couldn’t find anyone whose pants would fit her.
(This would also explain why she’s in desaturated blues and greens instead of her usual Drago gold-and-navy.)
If she’s like some dorm-dwellers I’ve known, she went to a different wing and looted someone’s unattended laundry from a dryer. You tend to take whatever you can get when grabbing “emergency clothes” that way.
I figure she bolted back to Ruth’s room and grabbed whatever was the first things she could find before getting the hell out of there, hoping nobody saw her.
If that were the case would she not be wearing Ruths Leafs jersey again?
Anyone else notice Joyce’s right eye twitch thing?
I think her eyes and her smile are just too big not to encroach on each others territory once in a while
Haha. “this is my 「this won’t end well」look, Becky.”
And left eye, depending on which panel.
Billie has the propensity to appear out of nowhere.
Trained by Dina, perhaps?
Who was previously trained by Batman. So it makes sense.
as if dina would need the help of some hybrid MAMMAL…
Batman: “Well excuse ME for having a bat fly through my window! Maybe next time the universe explodes and resets itself I’ll have a budgie fly through my window instead!”
If he’s training Dina, you’d want it to be an archaeopteryx. Admittedly, a pterosaur of some kind would be better at instilling fear in the hearts of criminals, but if we’re sticking with true dinosaurs they’re sadly ineligible.
The scenes with the bird (apparently some sort of finch) in A Bug’s Life do an IMO excellent job of reminding us that the dinosaurs never entirely went away, they just got very small. And when you are even smaller than that, they can still be terrifying.
Budgieman kinda sounds awesome. But if he really wants to terrify criminals, he should be Gooseman. I swear geese still think they are giant theropods, and are total assholes about it.
Also, criminals don’t like being goosed.
Or being bombed by geese. Those things crap everywhere.
Criminals are a cowardly and superstitious lot, and prone to anatidaephobia.
Candyman, candyman, candyman…
No, with Candyman you need to say it five times. It’s not just “Candyman, Candyman, Candyman”, you need two more. A lot of people forget that about Candyman. Ohshit.
Very well. I shall summon the Candyman.
Worth noting that she gets slightly farther in her version of that before the supernatural evil arrives than Sammy Davis Junior does in his.
I think they forgot that in the second movie (The only one I’ve seen) because it was Candyman three times there.
Can just hear the words coming singing from your current avatar, also, i would <3 to want a BF as cute and happy-go-lucky as him^^
You need to have fur as soft as a pink wombat for the best results. ^_^
Din’t get to reply back before now as i was out getting some pink wombat fur to clothe me in;)
Oddly enough, I never heard about the Candyman growin up. Most of the time it was Bloody Marry. Never stuck around long enough to see that dame, or ask why she was so bloody. I was too busy running.
Candyman is a horror movie inspired by the whole Bloody Mary thing.
Huh, you learn somethin new everyday.
It’s a whole trilogy of movies, actually. And boy, do the later ones suck. Think number three was straight to DVD.
Yeesh. In my experience, straight to dvd is not a good sign.
But then, is the Bloody Mary drink inspired from the movie, or the other way round ?
Or were they both inspired separately by Queen Mary I of England?
Neither, really. The 2006 movie’s based (very, very) loosely off the character from folklore. *dons mixologist hat* The cocktail predates the film by decades (it first appears somewhere around 1921) and has a confused origin story with several competing claims on who first came up with it and where, at least two of which involve Ernest Hemingway. The name’s origins are similarly muddled. I favor the one that credits it as being named after actress Mary Pickford, but that’s mostly because she’s one of my favorite silent film stars – and also Canadian. Go, Leafs.
Oh, the movie’s much more recent than I assumed.
Hmmm, imdb tells me there was a vampire flick called “Mary, Mary, Bloody Mary” made back in 1975. Maybe that’s what you’re thinking of? I don’t see anything else close to the name earlier than that.
Honestly, i’m just that ignorant when it comes to horror flicks ^^;
Be thankful. My sister was a horror movie junkie in her youth, and my brain cells are jammed full of terrible slasher flicks from the Seventies and Eighties as a side effect.
*dons mixologist hat* Even better than the Bloody Mary is the Bloody Charlie:
2 oz. vodka, tomato juice, Tabasco, worcestershire sauce, horseradish, and black pepper. Shake well, pour into tall glass over ice. Garnish with two olives (mandatory) and pickle spear (optional).
It’s a Bloody Mary with balls.
I wouldn’t dream of arguing. Then again, I’ve never liked tomato juice, so anything that helps cover the taste is an improvement in my book.
They were allowed to watch Beetlejuice? Impressive.
maybe the cartoon
I can’t see either of those being allowed in a really conservative household. Even disregarding the grossout humor, there’s the whole afterlife thing.
That actually seems like a selling point.
The afterlife where people who commit suicide are punished , indicating there’s rules froma higher source?
And ghosts are real? I’m not sure about the rest of them, but Catholics–for all their demons and angels and things–don’t believe in ghosts.
I suspect they may be more or less alone on that one, though.
So if Protestants are sort of anti-Catholics, does that mean Joyce and Becky believe super hard in ghosts?
Twist ending: the real reason they weren’t allowed to watch Scooby-Doo was that the ghosts were always fake.
so what’s the Holy Ghost then
I still don’t have a good answer for that =x
But everyone goes to the same place, there’s no mention of God or Satan, and even naughty souls can have a good time and do what they like.
All the ghosts went to the same place. Ghosts linger, they don’t move on. People must move on otherwise the world would be filled with ghosts.
Except for the alt text, it could also be a reference to the Bloody Mary kids story. Or even Wizard of Oz maybe. Then again, maybe she just saw beetlejuice somewhere
“Just clink your mugs together and say three times, ‘There’s no drink like beer.’ “
It wouldn’t be impossible for Becky to have seen it. She did manage to catch an episode of Seinfeld, so I would guess she would be more willing to watch forbidden TV and movies than Joyce. (Though judging from the phone thing, Becky probably had even stricter TV access than Joyce)
Maybe they just watched this video.
Good thing billie got her clothes back before Becky walked into her. Though I’d be interested to see what would go down between them will billy sans hockey shirt
*with billie. That was a major mind hiccup there
I think you mean “who”, not “what”.
She’ll also appear if you clack your heels together three times.
“There’s no drink like booze, there’s no drink like booze, there’s no drink like booze…”
Quick! Try dousing her in water!
That’s a terrible mixer. At least use club soda or something.
Took me a moment to realize those were impact lines and not that there’s noodles flying around for some reason. Unless the cup of ramen Billie dropped landed off panel.
Have some coffee.
Ramen? In a college dorm? Naah…
Someone’s who’s more clever than I needs to rework Lydia’s ‘Thought I know I should be wary’ narration from the opening of the Beetlejuice cartoon to something involving Billie.
wow. in the time I took to write that, Jen got first posting and did that very thing.
Forget Nature! Damm Girl-YOU scary!
I just hope nobody invites Candlejack. Things start to get weird when that he sho
Well you already typed his name so your days are numbered. I just hope Candlejack doesn’t stay aro
aw come on don’t you guys know your not supposed to say Candlejack your only aski
Who is this Kindlejak person you keep talking about? What, you think I am stupid enough to say Candlejack . . . oh shi
When did Becky hang around long enough to learn the things that everyone jokes about? This is something I’d expect from Walky, who grew up with Billie
Maybe she heard about it on the phone talking to Joyce before she arrived?
maybe she heard about it from joyce earlier in the comic
Sorry, didn’t mean to spread misinformation, it’s hard to remember everything that happens in the comic though, even reading it daily.
Haha, okay. I will have to spend that time rereading the comic.
No comic for you, 30 minutes!
Chocolate, Robo — are you related?
You know you screwed up when the artist puts you into a time-out.
What about Candlejack, is he standi
hey wait a sec…Candlejack…oh fuck no *grabs scissors and stabs him* Guys its finally over! Its finally over! I killed him!
Someone’s playing a little rough there. Thinking Kids WB is going to have issues with the whole “scissors stabbing bloody death” thing.
He’s a Warner Brother’s cartoon. The scissors aren’t going to do a thing! We’ve tried anvils, dynamite, ACME products, and worse.
With Candlejack I find pie usually wor
Dammit CandleJack why won’t you die!
in hindsight trying to stab a ghost might not have been the best idea. Hey has anyone tried opening a portal to hell and shoving him through, or at least the beetlejuice underworld?
Hell no longer admits WB characters. Been that way ever since that one Animaniacs episode.
Ghost problem? You know who to call.
Carnacki the Ghost Finder, right?
Stick him in a show with Elymra.
Billies outfit is cute.
#Billie4Book4 2015
Becky is just trying so hard to make Joyce happy-ish.
Go Leafs
“Amazi-Girl, Dina, and Sal get doodled”
This sounds like the name of the next Slipshine.
…in the caboodle.
Sounds like how Becky would describe it.
what about the capoodle?
Why not both!
That’s on the other side.
A Slipshine inspired by a dream Becky had? I dunno why, “doodled” just sounds like a Becky word to me now.
Beetlebooze: For the bug eaters who don’t mind weevils in their rice wine.
As long as it’s a lesser weevil.
Always take the lesser of two weevils.
You should curtail that sort of think.
Well, the lesser of two weevils, at least.
The contrast between Billie’s and Becky’s outfits is impressive.
This could be such a cute rom-com opening. Two people bumping into each other in a college hallway, where one is an alcoholic and the other is homeless, first they don’t like each other but then they fall in love and make each other better. It’ll be called something like…. Fall For Love. You see? Because Becky fell down!?
….. someone hire me in Hollywood.
Still better than the Underdog movie.
Yeah the cartoon was semi-cute, but I was like 7 or 8 when it came out. And the anti-Semitism in it I didn’t catch until 20 years later.
I can’t figure out what Billie is wearing. Or, for that matter, Joyce – is that a hooded sweater-vest?
Billie is wearing what looks like a long white shirt (men’s style shirt) and a long striped sweater-jacket over it and those overknee scrunchy sock things, idk what they’re called. Either no visible pants or the shirt is actually a short dress.
Joyce’s is a hooded sweater in a sweater-vest pattern with some sort of intricate collar design.
At least I *think* that’s what they are.
That’s definitely a shirt, not a dress. Not odd for shirttails to be that long.
Could be short shorts under there, or Billie may be completely pantsless (she’s too rich to be sans culottes, though).
Well, strictly/technically she is sans cullottes in the original sendr, even if she isnt a sans-cullotte. On the other hand she could be sans cullotte in the contemporary sense of ‘commando’
It looks like….one, possibly two shirts, what I can only assume are sport pads for her feet, and seemingly no pants. Odds that Becky will zero in on the last part= safe bet.
See it clearer here:
yea its so weird!
“Booze Juice, Booze Juice, BOOZE JUICE!”
*Billie appears*
I wonder if Willis keeps having Billie and Becky run into each other because he wants to have something to go off of when Billie and Ruth inevitably go south…
Agreed. The sexy lesbian suicide pact must endure.
Well, bisexual, really, but I certainly wouldn’t want to be the one to correct Ruth on that.
Now we have two people in time-out already, and it’s been less than two hours since posting.
One can but hope. And hopefully it’ll be soon.
Can we flash forward past the Ruth-depression stage of the fallout though?
*flashed forward to end of Dumbing of Age*
Dammit! And now the IRS wants 20 years of back taxes, too!
What about it, Billie? Just because you were already there doesn’t mean she didn’t summon you. You can’t prove otherwise.
Speaking of books how far into Shortpacked do the current five books go? Will there be more coming?
You are currently reading Book 5 as it happens.
Assuming you were talking about Shortpacked! and not DoA (in which case your question has been answered), this is the last strip in SP! 5:
That’s from July 2008, so there’s approximately 6 and a half more years left to cover. A very (very) rough back-of-the-envelope calculation suggests we’d need 7 to 8 more books to get to the end, assuming they are approximately the same size as before. Willis has said he may do a dedicated Kickstarter for SP! books some time in the future.
Ah, yes I did mean Shortpacked!, thank you. Was telling myself I’d buy all the books at once after the series was completed in book form, but seeing as that does look a ways off I’d probably be better off buying whatever’s there now and waiting on the rest….
That’s a good plan – as stated in the latest DoA Kickstarter, one of the things putting off the production of more Shortpacked! books is the lack of storage space for them. So the more that go, the sooner new ones can arrive.
This is the Becky I love, right here. Telling Joyce in no uncertain terms ‘I am doing this FOR YOU, so all you’re going to do is let me!’ Double-sold for me with what I read as an ‘I am almost crying-happy’ look for Joyce in panel 2. Yay friendship!
I’m almost positive that Becky HAS said “booze” two times before this. Community did a Beetlejuice joke like this once and I know that Willis loves that show, so I can’t see him passing up an opportunity to make an homage to it.
You know, it’s all good intentions, but leaving Joyce stuck in a tiny room while you go have fun and meet people isn’t particulry nice, now that I think about it
Sarah’s there. And it’s her dorm room–it’s not like she hasn’t spent time there before–it’s not solitary confinement!
Yes, she is stuck there with *Sarah*
The horror !
On the other hand Joyce has been anxious about going out, and Becky has just learned about it.
Yeah, meeting new people isn’t very fun for Joyce anymore, to say the least.
It’s just inviting people from her own floor here, tho.
Is Billie wearing thigh-high legwarmers?
Who did Billie steal thigh-high legwarmers from?
They were a present from one of her high school cheerleading coaches, Alex Owens.
Pumps iron, can be summoned and your M x V doesn’t mean a thing with her…
You know, I’d be interested in how Becky would react to a monogamous lesbian relationship. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s unaware they exist given her upbringing.
Oooh, we need to expose Becky and Joyce to Willow and Tara! *pause* and maybe stop before the 6th season finale.
They’re WITCHES !!! Those burns at the stake. The stake, I says !
Not if you’re in America. A simple hanging will suffice in the States.
Hey, we weren’t ‘the States’ back when that was going on.
I like that she’s wearing Beetlejuice stripes and colours. I kniw that’s the joke but kudos
If you say Bloody Mary three times into a mirror, Billie complains that she hates tomato juice.
So far it looks like Carla is going to win the poll for Kickstarter book doodle, which is really too bad. Considering the storyline the book covers I figured Billie or Ruth would make sense, and I would always welcome Joyce, Walky, or even Dorothy.
“Choose someone easy to draw!”
I notice Becky isn’t on the list….
We’ll she isn’t in book 4, that may have some thing to do with it.
Yeah, Becky would be a book 5 face.
(though it is why marcie isn’t on there)
Goddamnit, that was a beautiful gag.
Can the next book title be “When I get desperate I’ll just say “booze” three times”?
Booztur, the Drunk in Yellow.
Internal monologue:
Huh, Walky’s never been doodled? Seems an injustice, he’s one of the main OMG CARLA’S ON THE LIST *selects Carla*
Because, Carla.
Always check your blind spot, Becky. You never know what’s hiding behind that hair.
Objects may be closer that they appear.