i’ve got a guest strip over at questionable content so that jeph can be someplace they sell baguettes unironically
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i’ve got a guest strip over at questionable content so that jeph can be someplace they sell baguettes unironically
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Sarah has stolen Joyce’s crown for Queen of the Drunks
A coup d’etrunk?
It’s easier to be Queen when everyone’s playing Apples to Apples instead of Settlers of Catan.
It’s probably easiest to be queen when everyone’s playing CAH.
But it’ll be a shitty rule.
Wouldn’t that be up to the czar?
Will anyone trade me an Apple for two Wheat?
No, but I’ve plenty of stone for some wool
Kindling for wool maybe?
Do you have wood for shee*is shot*
No, I’m not from Ireland. Why do you ask? ;P
actual A2A session quote: “Despite popular opinion, I still believe in ‘Wheat’!”
Nah, this is just Joyce exercising her power over her subjects.
Yeah, that’s the vibe I get too…
So actually, Mike would’ve been nice if he’d shown up, too, given that everyone ended up blitzed.
use the power of the drunks sarah… use it wisely
Even Joyce is drunk right now…drunk on love for her friends! =^_^=
Gah, could that sentence have been any more cheesy…? 😛
Dunno, but I’m sure Joyce could find a way.
I think it’s more like Lord of the Drunks. As in Lord of the Flies.
…Or Lord of the Dance
Ah, drunk goggles. Making the worst of enemies the best of friends.
I like to call it Friendship liquid.
Beer is Magic.
More inspiring than “liquid testicles,” I suppose.
That sounds like a horrible medical condition.
More like Friendship Lube.
Pony Wax
Your avatar makes this statement true.
Drink not required but it makes it easier
Hell maybe she should try it, could take the edge off and he’ll her to relax.
Sarah seems so unaccustomed to relaxation that there’s no telling what might happen then. I’d guess that she figures finding out isn’t worth the risk.
She’s probably afraid that the only thing underneath all her bitterness and discipline might be more bitterness.
don’t pressure people to drink next thing you know she will be drunk as fuck, and steal someones car and then when that person goes after her they will be killed in the resulting auto accident and she will have to live with the guilt!
Danny: Why would anybody ever do that?
Ha !
Dorothy can’t be drunk. Is she drunk? The bubbles are ambiguous.
Good question. I’m guessing no?
Indeed they are… And the blush stickers don’t really help, either.
looks like she and becky are drunk, based on speech bubbles. The other two drunks are rather obvious.
I think it’s just Billie and Walky.
Yeah. (And even then, probably not that much, given that they split a hip flask and Billie’s not exactly a lightweight drinker.)
They made out so hard he got her drunk too. XD
I’m not sure if Walky’s boozles extend all the way over to Dorothy, so if she’s drunk she’s only slightly drunk.
She’s drunk from kissing Walky too much.
Can you get drunk my injection as well as ingestion?
(Think about it.)
*by injection. Dammit.
She’s Drunk On The Lord
Best discussion ever.
Ever heard of a contact high? I have a theory that there’s also such a thing as a contact drunk (and, not relevant to this context but relevant to my IRL friends, a contact stupid).
You mispronounced “mass hysteria”. Mob mentality is a wonderful thing. :3
Daniel the Human gets knocked around by drunk people’s breath, makes his head spin. Funny to watch, unless you don’t help him out. Then he throws stuff at you once it stops…
Hooray! Sarah!
Hooray! Sarah!
Shooray! Hara!
I have no intentions of acquiring the taste of booze.
Good news! It’s (also) a suppository!
This is a definition of “good” of which I was previously unaware.
Yeah, I’ve never seen the point of ‘getting used to’ what is, essentially, a toxin. There are other ways to relax.
Or, so I’m told.
You don’t need to get used to actual good booze. It tastes good. Making it agree with acid problems? Well, that’s another story which is why I avoid it.
Indeed, in a good drink, like a fine wine, you shouldn’t taste ‘booze’ at all.
If beer was like Sarah I might actually be willing to drink it. Platonically.
I’m not sure you can drink people platonically.
You just have to suck really hard.
You don’t happen to have fangs, do you? Or perhaps a proboscis?
Um, hello? They’re right there in his gravatar!
The alcohol just opens the door to let Sarah’s sparkling personality to shine through!
Now that’s getting into the spirit of things.
They have the proof that Sarah is good.
Alcohol pun!
Am I doing this right?
If you’re Mr. Torgue from Borderlands, yeah.
It goes against the *grain* for Sarah to party, but when she does, she just *hops* right in!
Dinah is not drunk enough to use contractions.
No boozles so Dina is canonically “not drunk”.
Not even “soda drunk” aka “root boozles”
I love(d) that strip.
I’m glad I’m not the only one that noticed that. But then again, QC trained me well.
And Bloom County trained Jeph well.
Dina isn’t drunk on anything but social interaction.
Still rather intoxicating.
Good enough to still have the sweater removed.
..or do you call that a jacket ? I never know.
It’s a jacket. If it opens in the front, it’s a jacket.
It’s a comfortable cardigan. Or waistcoat.
Oh good, Dina and Becky are still hanging around each other. I was worried for a second.
Great there goes my Becky/Daisy ship….Daisy is forever alone.
Patience, padawan.
Walky, if you smile any harder, your head is going to split apart.
Walky’s close resemblance to emoticons right now is rather eerie
Says the queen of the drunks.
Well remembered. 🙂
Last panel Dorothy’s eyes are creepy.
She seeeees youuuuuu…
She seees right through yoooouuuu…
There is no hiding from …the Dorothy……
Sarah doesn’t seem comfortable with her new position as Queen of the drunks
If it’s social interaction of ANY sort, Sarah is uncomfortable with it.
She needs to learn to enjoy the discomfort, as Dina is doing.
Also, the day Billie and Sarah genuinely like each other is the day the universe ends. Well, the Walkyverse, at least.
It would be just like the scene where Gorman and Vasquez die in Aliens.
Personally, I like Sarah for her dry wit and whatnot.
I’m also a fan of her whatnot.
I prefer her whathaveyou and etc. but that’s just me
I’d what that not, and so forth.
They have treatments for a dry whatnot now, you know.
*plays a remix based on 1970s beer commercial jingles*
Too fast for myself again. 🙁
I’m partial to malt liquor commercials, although I wonder why Ice Cube needed to fly a helicopter and drive a Porsche to get to get a bottle of St. Ides.
I’m starting to wonder wether Dotty got some, as well.
Think it’s just the way Walky’s bubbles are drawn, but they might have been sharing his drink. No indication that Dorothy’s not a lightweight drinker herself, and she is kind of lightly built (although body mass doesn’t affect alcohol tolerance as much as some people think).
She may have asked Billie for some after their last interaction, too.
Maybe. She’s been pretty definite about not doing any underage drinking in the past, though. Presidential aspirations and all.
OMG you killed May with a flying butt, YOU BASTARD!
Guest strip involved butts. Was not disappointed.
‘Twas inevitable, really. (great, now I’m channeling Morrigan from Dragon Age)
It couldn’t not, since the buttrocket is part of the entire guest week.
The butts draw Willis like a moth to a flame. Then, Willis draws butts, like a moth on fire.
Interesting visual.
She’ll be fine. If her chassis is anything like Pintsize’s, it can handle a phenomenal amount of abuse without permanent deformation, and I’m sure her consciousness is has at least one backup drive not located in her head.
Pintsize has an ex-military chassis, while May’s chassis is the kind they give out to AI ex-cons when they get out of robot jail. But no-one dies for good in guest strips, silly!
The guest strips are a look into the alternate universe existences of the QC cast, all of which are horrible in some way.
I’m pretty sure one of Willis’s QC guest strips killed off everyone due to giant alpacas. Really May got off easy this time.
Welcome to the Alpacalypse!
Without knowing the chassis design, there’s no reason to assume that being dismembered and presumably decapitated is fatal or even unrepairable.
I don’t think the world’s greatest mathematician was responsible for that, though.
I Think Sarah was more comforted than Billie than anyone else. A drunk idiot teenager is something to sneer about. An apoligetic Joyce can mean emotions.
Walky still wears clothes. Good work, Dorothy.
Dina and Becky still hangs out. Dawwwwwwww
(there are places where they well baguettes ironically ? [/french])
Everybody must be lightweights when it comes to alcohol. I mean, Billie appear to only have one flask with her and it probably wasn’t full either.
Dude it’s Billie she probably has 5 more flask on her.
Probably has a flask belt, which I imagine is something like a money belt with little flask holsters.
Most superheroes have a utility belt, Billie has a flask belt, she will now become Amazi-girl’s sidekick Alcoholi-girl
Given Amazi-Girl’s propensity for pockets, I’m guessing Billie would have a couple flasks attached to each forearm, a couple more on her boots, in addition to the flask belt.
when she runs low on her own flasks she reaches over to Amazi-girl and takes one of the several she’s stored in AG’s own pockets.
“WHAT? It’s not like you were gonna need shark repellant anyway. . . *glug*”
IU don’t know, if she at least acts Australian (& puts on a decent accent, not the usual crappy American versions), she could be Grog-Girl, either Amazi-Girl’s sidekick, villain, or sidekick turned villain…
Really depends what was in it. Remember Something Positive’s Davan’s flask at the Girls with Slingshot wedding? (I just archive binged everything. EVERYTHING)
That flask fucked up Hazel with enough to go around.
If it’s booze it will f hazel up
Hazel has a high alcohol tolerance.
Only needs one flask. There are only two people with drunk bubbles overhead, the lightweight Walky and Billie herself. He’s a one-drink-and-done guy, and Billie knows her tolerances well enough to fill a flask with something strong enough to do the job by itself.
She may have had a drink or five before she showed up.
Big proponent of getting pre-drunk, yes.
Yes we drank!
In regards to your guest comic, I now want a hoodie that says “Second impact was an inside job”.
Unfortunately most people will think you’re a 9/11 truther, rather than an otaku.
But beer is not an acquired taste, beer is Stockholm Syndrome.
ANOTHER ONE!! I’m not the only one that says it!! MUWHAHAHAHAHAH!!!
You don’t happen to live in the Western US do you? I’m wondering if I know you now since I’m the first person to use the phrase that I know. If not it makes me even happier! Um…I mean, I am pleased we share vernaculars. I like the cut of your jib…
That’s rather dependent on what beer one is drinking. Sturgeon’s Law applies even there.
Ironically, one of the few places that Sturgeon’s Law doesn’t apply is to the set of “things that are examples of Sturgeon’s Law.”
Sturgeon’s Law is “90% of everything is crud.”
If you consider that crud subset to be “examples of Sturgeon’s Law,” then Sturgeon’s Law still applies to it. Out of the nothing-but-crud subset, 90% is still crud. Nobody said the other 10% can’t ALSO be crud!
Untrue. The vast majority of “examples of Sturgeon’s Law” are entirely accurate examples (because 90% of everything is crud) and therefore are not, themselves, crud. You can’t be a good example and be a cruddy example at the same time, although you can be a good example of something cruddy.
There bad beers, good beers, great beers, etc, etc… but *technically* all beer is disgusting. I still like the better ones anyway. Paradox.
Wait till Joyce realizes they’re being literal… problems inbound!
biggest question: is DANNY drunk
aka is danny gonna smooch ethan at some point tonight.
Billie? So. Not. Helping.
It’s a nice touch that Dina has to do the cheer (which I have no doubt Joyce has had them all relentlessly rehearsing) in her own precise manner.
I’m not drunk and I like Sarah.
^^ I like Sarah a lot, too; but I suspect she could be kind of tiring to deal with in real life. I wish she’d learn to be a bit less hard on herself and everybody else: She seriously needs to un-clench her fists, at every level.
blegh. all this in universe dislike of sarah & malaya is honestly so uncomfortable. funny how these cool, tough, smart women of color are presented as unlikable because they’re angry & confrontational & uninterested in being Nice.
also for every single negative comment about malaya i expect a corresponding one about mike tbh. otherwise shut up
Well, you know, if you tend not to be nice to people, people tend not to be nice in return. Like, I get what you’re saying, but social-wise, angry, confrontational and uninterested in being nice aren’t traits people tend to seek from others.
What about the point about Mike though? Why’s it ok when he does it? And don’t say it’s because his meanness is meant for comedy, because the insults that Malaya and Sarah throw are just as funny and they usually go unnoticed.
Mike’s assholishness in general (more in Shortpacked than in DoA I’ll grant) is sufficiently over the top that I can’t really treat him as a real person; he’s a caricature. Malaya reminds me of actual people I’ve met, none of whom I liked.
Mary and Joe also both piss me off more than Mike despite objectively being less bad people for the same reason; they’re assholes in the way actual, real life people are assholes, not like cartoon characters.
Agreed. Mike is comedy relief in DoA, even when he’s being awful. Mary and Joe model real behaviors that I intensely dislike far too closely for that escape valve.
Mike isn’t really liked in universe, he just has people who tolerate him.
No one likes jerks. Has nothing to do with being smart, or cool, or tough, or women, or of color. You act like a jerk, people won’t like you. Uninterested in being Nice = Being a Jerk for no reason.
Woah it’s awefully appropriate that you have radia as your pic
I’m so sorry that you all seem to have such boring unchallenging social circles that would cause you to believe that Niceness is the highest form of friendship and the only palatable social interaction. However I promise u that there are in fact ppl who don’t require performative politeness of everyone they meet.
“Im sorry but check your not an asshole privilege” is what i just read.
You’re a real charmer. Go read a book
Well, yes? I mean, why would I want to be friends with someone who was a distant, passive aggressive jerk all the time?
I think I’m not understanding what you’re saying here.
This is not exactly a hill I’d die on but if ur sincerely interested I can elaborate. The construct of politeness and social niceties has been from its creation a tool of control. Women are socialized from birth to be Nice, polite, eager to please, to never say no, to always pretend to like u even if u are making them uncomfortable. It’s an act of bravery an defiance for women (again, esp woc) to refuse to act out this performance of Niceness.
That aside, niceness and kindness are not mutually dependent, and are actually nothing alike. As both Sarah and Malaya have demonstrated, they can be extremely kind and caring towards the ppl they care about. They have no need to be nice about it.
On a personal note I can tell u I have several friends who are mean as fuckan they’re some of the kindest most compassionate ppl I know.
debate tip: it’s about proving yourself right rather than proving others wrong. presented as unlikeable? no hunny, sarah is been mostly presented as likeable, even when in the wrong. This, her last strip, and Jacob cutting her off have been the first times she hasn’t. malaya’s been presented as unlikeable but that’s quickly being deconstructed as sal’s jealousy. Mary’s the only character presented as universally unlikeable, and that’s about the only real antagonist this webcomic has -I can’t count Raidah as an antagonist frankly.
And about the social interactions thing? It’s not about niceness. It’s about toxicity. Vitriol is likeable only when there’s some level of moral agreement on it. Throw tea not shade you know? I agree with your points mostly but because you’re so quick to throw those who disagree with you under the bus i don’t agree with you and i wouldn’t side with you. Go to a sauna, i hear that’s good for getting toxicity out of your body.
i have been extremely mild but i can extend u an invitation to meet me in the pit if ur that dead set on it tbh
I feel like youre not being genuine at this point, but for the sake of debate I’ll cast aside my doubts. /HOW/ is anyone supposed to make friends with these people? They’re impossible to befriend to all but the most patient of people, and your statements seem overly verbose, but what I’m picking up amounts to “Ugh, why does no one like these characters? Its because minorities and women are expected to act nice!” but no one likes to deal with unpleasant people
y r u not reading a book rn
Sarah has consistently been a gigantic asshole to everybody except Joyce. She’s been extremely rude to Billie in particular and a lot of her conversations with the others contain some form or another of “I guess I can put up with you for a while.” Likewise, other than the last story arc all we knew about Malaya for the longest time was that she was that jerkface from Shortpacked and probably the same here.
As for Mike, he does have a fanbase from the old Walkyverse material, and generally his brand of assholishness is so over the top and blatantly without consequence that compared to Malaya, who in Shortpacked was a giant asshole but mostly just in terms of telling people how shit they were, Mike ends up feeling a lot more cartoonish, so it’s easier to like him. Besides, there’s not a linear scale going on. People can enjoy Mike and dislike Malaya all they want.
(PS: Can I get a delete on the other post I made? I misspelled my e-mail address in that one)
Anyway what I’m saying is that there is a socially enforced expectation of young women, and especially women of color, to be sweet and pleasant and nonthreatening, and if they don’t conform to this expectation they are punished, socially and materially. This is an expectation white men do not share. This is why I’m annoyed that Sarah and Malaya are so universally disliked for displaying behaviors and mannerisms that would be forgiven or even admired in male characters
As a white male of similar attitude to Sarah, I can assure you I’m aboot just as disliked. Being threatening, hating everyone, and being passive aggressive DOESNT make you many friends. Who knew. That said, I do feel for Sarah.
Are Sarah and Malaya that universally hated? Sarah I feel has been fairly well liked for the last few years to the point where some readers tend to ignore her flaws, and the last few pages about Sal and Malaya had plenty of people defending her, myself included.
That being said, you are totally right that there is an unfair expectation displayed towards women of color (and indeed, women in general) about having to be “nice.”
I don’t think you can really sustain your claim that Sarah does get as much hate as you’re claiming she does. As for Malaya… well, I noticed Raidah and Mary (who is white, but half your point applies to all women) were conspicuously absent from your listing… is this because you believe people’s dislike of them is more justified, because you dislike them yourself? Or because you consider it to be based on their actions rather than on their “mannerisms” (yet are not willing to extend the same assumption to people who dislike Malaya)?
Mary is a homophobic little shit, you’re welcome to drag her. Raidah has such a minimal presence both in comic and in fandom that I honestly don’t see how you can call her absence from my post conspicuous but whatever knock yourself out. Now that u mention it I am annoyed that the only apparent Muslim character in the comic is an antagonist actually
There’s also Asma, but she’s only had 5 appearances to date, so we have no idea what kind of personality she has.
i always read raidah as south asian rather than muslim, like a younger mindy kaling appeareance wise (not mutually exclusive, i know, but still.) there has been no in comic indication of raidah being anything specific. for all we know she could be a tanned latino. as you said, she has such a minimal presence we can’t know. rile down, keep your anger bottled for the more righteous fights.
It was very obviously an afterthought more than anything else but thank u for telling me to calm down, a stellar contribution
thanks for the compiment, i live to serve and I’m glad you think I’m stellar. And of course it was an afterthought, but if you didn’t think it was relevant you wouldn’t have said it, would you?
anyway raidah is an arab name so whether or not she’s muslim she’s probably of arab descent.
I disagree, I dislike anybody displaying behavior like Malaya or Sarah, if I didn’t already know them. Gender and race has no bearing on that dislike.
While I concede your points about women being socialized for niceness, I’m not at all convinced that Sarah is universally disliked. She has consistently placed respectably in reader polls, and gets a lot of positive / supportive comments. Personally, she’s one of my favorite DoA characters to read. In-strip, the only characters we’ve seen consistently dislike Sarah have been Billie (who doesn’t like much of anyone), Raidah, Chan and Char (who have a bad history with Sarah). Hardly universal. True, Jacob did grow tired of her “you don’t really like me, you’re just being nice” attitude, but he seemed to genuinely like her company before then, and having lived through a similar situation IRL, it is tiring and I can hardly blame him for not wanting to put up with it any longer.
The only person she’s been a huge bongo to is Billie. She’s been nice to Joyce, nice to Dorothy, really nice to Becky all things considered and nice to Dina.
Because I am super serious about winning internet arguments, I just went through Sarah’s appearances in the strip, and apart from 90% of her panel time being spent with Joyce, she’s still largely been unpleasant to everyone. Her sole conversation with Dorothy when all right, she tried to give Danny some good advice one time (and the other basically told him off), and she basically used Dina as a prop to prove to Raidah that she had friends.
Becky, I feel, she has been largely curt towards but given the extraordinary circumstances surrounding that I can’t exactly blame her, and besides that, yes, she has been a total bongo to Billie. I don’t know why I should ignore that when talking about whether or not Sarah acts like a jerk.
Sarah and Dina had several small but friendly conversations before Raidah showed up to harass them. She also volunteered to be adopted into Dina’s family during Horric Parental Abuse Weekend. Sarah likes Dina.
Is that supposed to be some kind of mark for Sarah’s character? It was a one-off gag about how utterly silent the Saruyamas. I don’t think it was meant to have any comment on Sarah’s personality beyond “likes things to be quiet.”
You seem very determined to see the most negative interpretations of characters.
I make it a point not to be completely blind to their flaws just because they have issues.
Yeah, and despite what the original post is claiming, the only person that I see actually hating on Sarah in this strip is Billie. While the “Hooray Sarah!” is being said by Billie, Becky, Walky, and Dorothy (and said to the same effect by Dina), the only person saying “Yes we do!” (referring to the need to be drunk to like Sarah) is Billie.
And to be fair to Billie, Sarah was rather caustic to her when they met. http://www.dumbingofage.com/2011/comic/book-1/05-media-rumble/neighbor/ (The nicest thing that Sarah has ever said to Billie is that she contains a wealth of helpful knowledge pertaining to horrific things)
Her interactions with Dorothy, are rather limited, but they seem to get along. And her main reasons for wanting Becky out of the room seem to focus on the fact that it can’t work as a long term solution, and that it is unhealthy for Becky’s mental well being to be living with Joyce. (Though Sarah hasn’t communicated any of this to Becky) And her interactions with the other characters are too limited for me to be able to guess at what they think about her, but seeing as they seem to be trying to make her feel included, I don’t think they hate Sarah.
You can’t assume that about malaya. DoA isn’t connected to shortpacked – these malayas are not the same.
No, of course not. What I was trying to say is that a lot of people automatically hated Malaya since her first appearance because of how she was in Shortpacked. Her more recent appearances, with her learning sign language and her relationship with Marcie, have garnered her a lot more fans.
Ahh, that makes a lot more sense!
Okay, here’s one: Remember that strip when Dorothy and Joyce break in to Mike and Walky’s room to find Walky? If Joyce hadn’t stopped at kicking Mike in the shins and, instead, had pounded him into a lifeless pulp, I would have considered it a ‘happy ending’. That’s how much I dislike Mike’s systematic and conscious cruelty and spite.
That aside, I think that it is probably the saddest commentary on Sarah possible that she genuinely thinks that people either have to be saints (Joyce) or drunk to like her. Okay, now there is a decent argument that Sarah’s attitude to the world does mean that she brings this hardship upon herself but that’s still an intensely sad place to find yourself when you’re only 20 or so.
Yeah, Mike is one of those characters I actively dislike and that don’t like the fact that he gets a free pass by a lot of the fanbase because of his showings in another universe or that he’s apparently too much of a caricature.
I think it’s that people keep applying personalities from DW’s other comics to the cast of DoA, even though he’s said multiple times that this is a reboot… As someone who hasn’t read the other comics, it’s frustrating to me, but at the same time, I could understand not being able to seperate characters when they look and are named the same. At the same time, in the old universe, I think Joyce and Walky were an item, and people realized that doesn’t hold to this universe, so I don’t get why people do the “malaya is terrible in shortpacked, she must be terrible here” thing.
There is some cross-bias; see people loving Mike, Carla and Ruth to such a large extent.
Yeah; I get it and it makes sense why people have those biases, it’s just frustrating. That’s why I didn’t look at comments for a little bit; I couldn’t take the amount of people who were like basically like “Becky is God and Mike is a Saint and Malaya is garbage” when really all those characters are just flawed people and that’s what makes them fun to read about.
In-universe I think most people actually like Sarah – it’s just that Sarah’s trying to distance herself from most people and doesn’t explain her actions. The only person here who I think has a problem with Sarah would be Billie – but that’s because from Billie’s perspective, the most notable thing Sarah’s done is punch someone in public for being nice to Joyce.
Now Malaya? I think the only people who’ve hung out with her are Marcie (who likes her), Carla (who doesn’t like ANYONE), and Sal who… obviously isn’t being exactly fair to Malaya there.
Now the FANDOM’s opinion on Malaya……….
I, too, wondered why people “let Mike’s actions go,” so here‘s what happened when I asked, if that’s helpful.
this is cute as fuck
Oh, Billie ^^
Great gag at the end! Oldie but a goodie.
And lo, though they had one tiny flask, the Alcohol Lord made it thus that they could all be shitfaced.
What was in there, n-propanol?
Joyce isn’t admitting to Sarah that she mostly happy because she really needs to pee after all that soda. Pop. Cola. Whatever.
In terms of an acquired taste, I think coffee is a better drink analogous to Sarah.
naw man, you can starbucks your coffee into a sweet palatable frap before you’re used to its taste, but there isn’t much you can do to beer to make it taste better -i mean, i know people who mix fanta into their beers, but compared to the people who drink syrupy espressos, they’re about as unusual as natural redheads in a cosmopolitan metropolis.
LOL I read that as “into a sweet palatable FAP” XD 😛
So, as a general rule, you have to dilute her with a ton of milk until you get accustomed?
Coffee and Sarah are both pretty bitter in their default state!
That’s exactly what I was thinking!
But the real question is: did Dina save Becky?
Becky looks like she is checking Sarah’s rack out.
oops I meant Billie. But Becky prolly is too.
Does anyone else think it was kind of crass for Billie and especially Dorothy and Walky to drink at a party held especially to make Joyce feel safe? Joyce obviously just wanted to hang out with people she trusts, play harmless games, and just relax, now she has to deal with three friends violating her “no drinking policy in her own dorm at her own party.
First off, do we know that Dorothy has been drinking? We know Billie has a flask and poured some of it into Walky’s glass — at his request — but I think Dorothy is still sober.
Secondly, anyone who has a drinking problem (and let’s be honest here; underage drinking *is* a problem) doesn’t generally care about how their actions affect anyone else. At least Billie is keeping it discreet and on the down-low. It’s not like she’s standing there swigging straight out of a bottle of Hennessy.
Wait, who said that Dorothy got drunk? We see drunk bubbles over Walky and Billie but we haven’t seen Dorothy take a sip.
I figure she is since she’s joining in with the drunk cheering. Look at the speech bubble over Walky, it’s pointing at Dorothy too.
I think the speech bubble(s) are just indicating a general cheer from all present, as it could also be pointing to Ethan (we can see just the top of his head behind Walky).
It looks like most people are cheering, but there’s only drunk bubbles over Walky and Billie’s head. Besides, Dorothy has stated multiple times that she doesn’t drink. I would think that if she suddenly changed her mind, we would see her in the process of getting drunk on panel.
Okay, I rescind the Dorothy part, but I still think it’s rude for Walky and Billie to be drunk given that it’s Joyce we’re talking about.
Walky does a lot of rude things to Joyce.
Well, the only people who know that the party is to help make Joyce feel safe are Becky and Sarah. And I don’t remember Joyce telling everyone there was a no alcohol policy. (I mean maybe she did? Do you have a link?) I mean it’s rude to get drunk at a party that’s not serving alcohol, but I think Joyce can tell Billie and Walky are drunk, and she hasn’t really raised an objection to it yet.
I mean maybe she will raise an objection to it soon. But seeing as she’s Queen of the Drunks, she may be okay with the current amount of drunkenness in her room.
Everyone is in “cheering text” except Dina, it’s got nothing to do with being drunk. I imagine she’s deadpanning it, mostly because that’s how I read most of her lines.
I think on closer inspection, the drunk bubbles are just over Billie and Walky’s heads…which makes sense…unless Billie’s been spiking everyone’s drinks.
Otherwise, everyone else is just on a big sugar high from all the pop.
Or they’re genuinely scared of what Joyce and likely Dorothy would do to them if they didn’t act exactly as they had asked. Unlikely, I know, but I like to cover all the bases!
I like Willis’s guest Marigold on Questionable Content much more than the original. Hope I’m not alone in that . . .
Willis’ guest strip had May get hit in the face with a butt rocket. It’s automatically the best QC of all time.
… I just read this entire comic because of the guest comic in Questionable Content. THAT was an emotional roller-coaster.
I’m always impressed by people’s archive binge speed. I think I broke it up into two or three sittings, and that was almost two years ago!
I binged this about twice as fast as any previous webcomic, I just got hooked and couldn’t stop reading.
Wait, does Joyce know how many of them are drunk?
Pretty sure she thinks none of them are. Billy poured for Walky while she was distracted, and Joyce is a raw novice when it comes to spotting someone like Billie sneaking a drink. She might twig to it pretty soon, though.
Is it just me, or is Billie checking out Sarah’s butt in the last panel?
” Yes we do”
I’m fairly sure she’s checking her drink
Well she is Bi…
Dating doesn’t always switch off natural reflexes…
I’m not currently drunk and I like Sarah, but I can’t rule out whether that fondness would increase were I to become drunk. Seems like a fun science experiment in the making!
She is risen!
She is risen indeed!
The winner is Sarah!
I think that Sarahs biggest issue is that she is too hard on herself. She thinks like the whole world is against her, when there are plenty of people who like and respect her. She focuses too much on the people who hate her and not enough on those who like her.
Not re-reading through all the comments, but I am sure Dina’s individual phrasing lacking a contraction did not get enough love.