We’ve unlocked both Sunday and Saturday updates again through the Dumbing of Age Book 4 Kickstarter! Hooray for another year of 7-days-a-week comics!
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We’ve unlocked both Sunday and Saturday updates again through the Dumbing of Age Book 4 Kickstarter! Hooray for another year of 7-days-a-week comics!
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“We’ve secretly replaced ALL THE SHIRTS with Leafs jerseys. Let’s see if she notices.”
I think Billy was too busy to notice.
She’s suffering from post-nookie catatonia. She’s lucky she’s wearing anything at all.
Onoes, now Billie will have to go back in Ruthie’s room again and get told off by Ruthie about STILL wearing the damn Leafs shirt and that’ll lead to another angry/make-up nookie session. Billie’s cunning plan for more nookie is easy to see! ;D
Your comment goes excellently with your gravatar. And yes. It will be an endless loop.
…and hid ALL THE PANTS too.
It’s not Billie’s fault Ruth owns like 40 of those.
For some people this really is the case. I had a roommate last year—nothin’ but plaid button-up shirts in his closet.
“Only When You LEAF/I need to love ya”–apologies to Spandau Ballet
You wanna hear my uncle’s favourite joke? …I forget how it starts, but the punchline is, “LEAF me alone! I’m BUSHED!”
I assume it’s funnier when he tells it.
It really only works with the right setup.
Ya’ll are barking mad! That is clearly a treemendously funny joke.
…to someone in their 70’s.
Because you think old people are stupid or because you acknowledge the fact that as you get older you allow yourself to enjoy the simple funny things in life instead of trying to be snooty and grown up all the time? Apparently to the point of rudely judging someone for the things they find funny despite the fact that humour is largely subjective.
This thread sure branched out quickly.
I’m gonna make like a tree and get out of here.
+1 e-cookie to first person to get that ref. 😉
Ok Biff.
Make like a tree and get the hell outta here?
Thank you, Zuko.
Jen, you are my favorite person on the internet right now.
Can ya really blame her, though?
No you can’t ,I bet that sex was mind blowing.
I bet Ruth’s closet wall can attest to that.
Yay! More destroyed closets!
Now, if only they’d break outta their symbolic ones…
Still, good practice.
I’m very sad that Billie/Ruth part 2 lost the vote. I really wanted to see whatever Ruth did to leave Billie looking like that.
Maybe it’ll turn up in a later Slipshine? It wouldn’t be as current to the main story, but it would still be awesome to see… 😀
Billie’s new nickname is Leafs because she was blown away.
A well deserve +1
(ノ ̄ω ̄)ノ
Damn, Plasma, that was good!
That is a terrible nickname and I love it.
that’s what makes it great!
That poor sap.
Listen bud, we all fall and get swept away eventually …
Are you saying she’s rooting for the wrong team?
Now that’s a leaf of a different color . . .
Wood you look at that … the puns are really phloem today … and <fake surprise> it all stems from Plasma</fake surprise>
I’m just gonna say I’m not surprised & leaf it a that…
You could say she’s a ‘budding’ Leafs fan…
That may not be too farfetched. If (oh, who am I kidding: WHEN ) the rest of the floor finds out, and connects it to this shirt, she may very well be dubbed “Leafie.” Can totally see that.
…As long as it’s not leafless.
Watch how she soars.
But if she does that…won’t a Reaver harpoon impale her shortly thereafter?
I think we can all agree that that never happened. Wash is alive and well and REAL dammit. :X
Maybe she can condition herself. If she gets Leaf Laid enough times, she’ll start genuinely enjoying watching the hockey team.
The team goes on to win the Stanley.
LOL. The Leafs in the playoffs? That’s hilarious 😉
Hey, it has happened before, I watched it on TV. 😛
Are you sure you were awake at the time?
Quite sure, yes. I think I was 8 or 9 then.
Well, there were only six teams back then, so their odds were better..
One. Job.
In her defense, she was distracted
In her defense, Ruth didn’t catch it either…
We haven’t seen the state of Ruth yet. She may be even more incoherent.
It’s possible that to see Ruth now would involve an 18+ rating & for Mr Willis to work out how to represent brain-melted giberish…
…not that I would complain…
Billie hasn’t done enough Walks of Shame to at least change out. 😛
Billie’s Walk of Shame was interrupted by a second Walk of Shame. Ruth has invoked Shame-ception.
Actually, I think at that point the whole thing inverts into the Walk of the Sex Goddess.
It HAS been suggested that she just ditch the jersey and walk back naked.
I would argue that Billie’s walk of shame began the moment she stepped foot out of high school.
Sssss! Ouch that burns!
…out of that car wreck…
To be fair, at least she walked away from it.
… but many leafs were killed …
The bodycount was beyond beleaf
I think there were many such walks during high school, too.
Many of those were probably Walks of Drunken Shame, too.
To her credit, at least she’s not drunk for this one.
Well, on anything besides sexual euphoria.
Ooh, happy Billie! (for 2 panels, at least)
i’d like to point out she was just shaking from how good that was and all i see right now in the comments are people making bad leaf puns…
It won’t take long until you have more than your chloroFILL of those puns.
You could almost say she was… shaking like a leaf!
that was bad and you should feel bad
I would suggest to LEAF him/her to their puns.
Don’t needle the punsters, you’d pine away without us.
Wow these puns sure are taking root and branching out splendidly.
You could really spruce that one up a bit.
Give it another month and they’ll be dancing around the May-ple.
A leaf in the hand is worth two in the . . . uh uh, no way!
Why are you hedging?
idk *shrubs*
Glad you twigged it!
Don’t worry. They’ll branch out soon enough.
Well, you have to admit, it’s a lovely garden of bad puns.
hm, I think thos eeffects indicate a slow motion, rather than shaking.
This list is a canopy of budding Leaf punsters.
Oh well, I guess Billie’s gonna have to go back.
Billy, I think it’s time for you to get dressed.
Unless it’s a weekend.
Or hump day.
Ah hell, just keep wearin’ Ruth’s clothes.
ha ha ha ha hump day
Is Hump Day some kind of American holiday??
nah its wednesday. It’s when you’re over the “hump” of the week.
I can honestly say I have never heard of the term Hump Day before today.
We have commercials on TV and radio based on the idea of hump day. Including one with camels involved.
For Billie and Ruth, every day is hump day.
It’s another word for Wednesday. It’s the middle of the week, therefore Wednesday is the crest of the week, or the “hump.” This is mostly significant to people who work weekdays but not weekends, because it means the week is halfway over, upon which time you can return to being probably drunk.
Thanks for that. ^_^
Am I the only one who always thinks of that one Gieco commercial when I hear hump day ?
Not any more!
>upon which time you can return to being probably drunk.
Pretty sure it’s a weekend – Becky first showed up under the pretense of it being a long weekend or something, I think, so I’m assuming yesterday was Friday.
That would be correct!
Yes, it is currently Saturday.
I’m in one of those rare moments of sanity where this progression of time seems strange.
And too early in the school year for it to already be the First of May, in which case Billie would be overdressed anyway.
I think it might be as late as the first week of October by now.
It’s Saturday, the last day of Week Four. Move-in day was in August, so it’s mid- to late September now.
Tell me we’re gonna get another Ruth and Billie Slipshine. Uhh… not that I’d look at such a thing.
No need to feel ashamed. =P
We can only hope that Willis will take an “all of the above” approach and do a bunch of them.
I think he’s limited in quantity by what Slipshine actually commissions.
I don’t see the problem here. She can just say she stole it from billy after doing some shit that seems to matter and is wearing it as a trophy. Simple fix.
RUTH. Stole it from Ruth. Not Billy. I am not very smart.
Well, then she would have to come up for an explanation why she is not killed and fed to wild dogs. Those tings escalate.
Well, she could have conceivably stolen it from a goat.
Trophy awarded for being #1 in the sack, right?
She tea-leafed [1] a shirt? Say it ain’t so.
[1]Rhyming slang for “theived” …
Or she can just take her ass down the hall at 80mph and change it.
That worked so well last time…
Everyone else in the hall would get a very good view of her ass, though. Besides, the silly girl moved ALL her clothes out of her dorm room.
TEveryone else in the hall would get a very good view of her ass, though..
You say that like it’s a bad thing…
But, it smells like Ruth, now…
Billie why are you so bad at this.
“Let’s leave my RA’s room with only her shirt on and sex hair. A+ good idea 10/10.”
However, DAMN Ruth, you must be a goddess in bed to make her look like that.
Redheads, man. Redheads.
and you’d know, right Doctor?
Where’s George Takei when you need him?
Happy to oblige.
Ohhh, my.
It’s kind of funny how intense sex like theirs only manages to slightly knock her hair out of place. But you know what? I’m oak-ay with that.
The furniture may not have faired so well…
Closet door. It’s been made clear, they did it on the closet door.
Willis can you please explain the meaning of the new poll ? When you say “who should be a magnet for the kickstarter “, are you talking about who should be the mascot or something else?
Who’s image on a vinyl/rubber magnet.
He’s offering die-cut magnets of several characters as kickstarter rewards, and as stretch goals are reached, he will offer more characters.
magnets are those things that stick to refrigerators
i am making magnets that bear the images of dumbing of age characters
so when i say “which character should be made into a magnet” i mean “what character’s likeness should be reproduced on the surface of a magical refrigerator object”
So, these magical refrigerator objects are stickers?
so… He’s making chick magnets ?
I’m already out.
That’s all you’ve got??
– I’m drawn to this idea!
– I’ll have a (magnetic) field day with these!
– Maybe I should stick with refrigerator puns?
– Feel freon to stop me any time!
– It’ll be a cold day in Hell before I stop!
– Ahh! I’ve been pulled back to magnet puns!
– Eh, well, they’re both ‘polar’ anyway…
After looking at said Kickstarter with plans to donate Money I found out Willis actually meant literal magnets. Finding this out I came back to comment and say never mind, but it was already to late…damn.
Things are generally pleasant in the ‘verse… *waiting for the other shoe to drop*
Mary’s busy holding the other shoe aloft right now. I’m sure she’ll drop it when she bothers to poke her head out and look down the hall.
There are so many Andrew Raycroft jokes which could be made post-coitus…
For those of you who don’t know who Andrew Raycroft is, he wore #1 with the Leafs, and he was not a very good goalie.
That he started 72 games for them in 06-07 may provide some context for these Leafs jokes.
(I know, if I have to explain the joke, it’s not very good. I tell enough terrible jokes to realize this.)
Rob Ford is a Leafs fan.
Leafs fans are the best Leafs jokes. *ducks fruit barrage*
Heh heh, Rob Ford.
That’s a two minute Major there.
And she’s also not wearing pants.
She wasn’t wearing pants beforehand.
Bah! Pants are a trapping for lesser beings; Billie needs them not!
She could put some trousers on.
Hee. I backtracked a page just now to check the transition between the previous and current pages, and Joyce’s face in the second panel of yesterday’s strip blends surprisingly well into Billie’s second panel face here. 😛
Go Leafs!
NO ONE tells an alpha bongo what to wear.
Yeah, bongoes ain’t afraid to show off their tympanies.
I suppose if anyone asks, Billie could always make the excuse that she stole the jersey from Ruth and is now wearing it to taint the team and piss Ruth off. That is probably not the worst lie that anyone in this comic has used to cover up something.
I’m pretty sure that’d be believable, to be honest. I’d buy it.
Billie’s obviously not up for thinking quickly right now.
Or even just ‘huh? I just grabbed it off the floor. Maybe it’s Sal’s.’
Even if Ruth didn’t know and confronted her about wearing it in front of people, she could play it off as a laundry mishap.
Poor Billie…It was meant to be! 😀
It’s fused itself to her skin, now. She can never be free. One of usss….
THEM. One of THEM! *blush*
(In Symbiote voice) WE ARE LEAFS!!!
Ruth just needs to make a rule that Billie isn’t allowed to wear clothes when exiting her room. Leaf problem solved and she is guaranteed to be way more cautious and mindful of other people who might be wandering the hallways.
Pretty sure Billie exiting Ruth’s room naked would get more attention than exiting while wearing Ruth’s clothes.
I can’t get over just how liberating it is to FINALLY see Billie happy. And happy on her own terms no less. She has tamed the local bully with her sexiness, she is genuinely in love and has awesome parties (OK – only two people, but they sure are awesome) and she can do the walk of “shame” with pride.
…OK, there are PLENTY of problems big and small and Billie’s life style is not exactly a healthy one (as Alice pointed out in no uncertain terms), but right here, right now, Billie is yet again head cheer leader and alpha bongo and she is AWESOME.
Yes! As someone still fairly new to DoA, my impression of Billie (and Ruth as well) has been that she’s just a mean, bitter party-holic that had a hard time making friends with anyone outside of Joyce.
Seeing how happy she’s become, in moments like this is heartwarming. I’ve really begun to like her.
Plus, “Finally” is the shizzle.
You had ONE JOB!
And you BLEW IT!
… er, ate it?
More like THUNK’ed it, I think.
*Get’s out leaf blower*
Looks like someone Else will need to borrow a skirt from Sal.
Noooooooo my epic archive binge has finally ended! I’m all caught up!
Also, lol, changing shirts was kind of the point of going back into the dorm room in the first place, right? Got a little distracted, perhaps? Still, I’m loving happy Billie and happy Ruth. Or, well, happier than they were before, at least.
In fact, there’s a lot of happiness and drama-resolution going around lately. Which scares me, because I know you far too well.
Two jobs if you include putting on underwear.
Well, pants. We have no clue about the underwear.
I find Billie’s lack of discretion disturbing.
If she’s wearing underwear just leave the jersey on the door knob and go without.
In the state she’s in? What makes you think she’d remember underwear??
The rest of her clothes are in Ruth’s room. Billie’s closet is cleaned out, remember?
Ok, do college aged women even watch hockey? (Yes, I realize that some do, but I mean a large percentage?) And even if they do, would ones in the middle of Indiana care enough to comment about a team in Toronto? It’s not like the Bluejackets, or Blackhawks have natural rivalries with the Leafs. Redwings, maybe?
The whole idea seems like a stretch to me.
Don’t think the Leafs and Wings have a rivalry. Until very recently, they weren’t even in the same conference 🙂 The Penguins really don’t like the Leafs…but there’s no real rivalry there either.
Ruth is from Canada, likely from the Toronto area, before she moved to Indiana when her parents died. As a Canadian, yes, she would watch Hockey.
I believe the point is that the others girls should notice or care.
It’s a common gag with NHL fans to poke fun at the Maple Leafs, no matter what team you’re a fan of. And more college age people watch hockey than some think. Doesn’t help it isn’t on basic cable unless it’s the actual Conference or Stanley Cup Finals though.
Billie in the Leafs jersey is certainly scoring more than the actual hockey team.
This reminds me of a joke I heard many years back….
A woman goes in to a doctor’s office for an examination. The doctor notices she has a big ‘T’ imprinted on her chest. The doc asks about it, and she explains “My boyfriend plays hockey for the university of Toronto. He likes to wear his jersey when we have sex, and it left an imprint”.
The next woman comes in for her examination. The doctor notices she has a big “W” on her chest. The doc says “Let me guess… your boyfriend goes to Western”. The woman responds “No, but my girl friend goes to McMaster”.
It’s funny because I actually have heard of all of those schools, and attended one of them
All the sex I’m getting is McMasterbation haha it’s funny because I’m a virgin
I love how people remark about her wearing this jersey, and not on the fact that she’s probably walking around in nothing but panties…
That’s If she remembered those…
Oh, Billie, you dum-dum.
I has a sad because this will almost definitely conclude this segment of the Billie/Ruth story before returning to Becky/Joyce/Ethan for a long period.
Predicting the Willis is always risky.
I have always liked JBF hair. But, it looks really good on Billie here.