If I don’t post this art of Ruth and Billie by Marine and Sweet, I will have failed all of humankind. Look at all this. I am not worthy. We are not worthy. What was life before this existed? Nothing. It was nothing.
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So cute~ They should sell commissions, I’m sure they’d get lots of customers~
So cute it’s almost deadly.
There’s a T-Shirt in all that somewhere
Details and colors are pretty awesome. I agree with the cuteness.
>tfw your OTP is canon
I did not know I needed this till now
Yes, it’s cute. But I need to see some angst or some negative emotion in there somewhere. I don’t recall more than a few fleeting moments in the lifespan of this strip where both of these characters were happy. Sadly. So it’s good to see, but there’s no way this could be cannon.
This us canon; it’s an image of one of those fleeting moments yiu just mentioned.
“Poor” Joe. Really harsh when you’re reminded reality doesn’t work like Ferris Beauller’s Day Off (sp?) every now and then, isn’t it. Lucky for him, it’s all just a buzz-kill from his side of things, in the end. Becky ain’t so lucky…
Nice try Joe.