this seems like an opportune time to mention that you get to read tomorrow’s strip early if you pledge $5 per month to dumbing of age’s patreon campaign
also that the monthly bonus comics have begun and this month’s is about sierra
it’s me, the evil cartoonist
[more likely: back to the dingdongs]
Just like the gypsy woman said!!!!
Are you sure you’re not actually Carol?
I’ve got to start seeing that gypsy woman.
The one from Olaf? (Nsfw by the way, like intense amount of Nsfw stuff. Definitely not disney!)
Whoa, Danny almost got hit by that car!
For the better, even at SP.
I see what you did thar
People always say it should’ve been Danny and not Ruth.
shit just got real… hawt.
Gosh darn it, the html lies D=
Fine, hinging on urls auto-linking then~
…I love how ~Danny~, Danny, the supposedly straight arrow, (who btw had spent the last three strips gushing over Ethan’s good looks) is blushin up a storm there. methinks some subconscious wishes are being fulfilled here.
How is Spider-car surprised? Her senses didn’t tingled?
Spider car
I can’t reveal someones (arachnid automobile) secret identity!
Yeah, it’s been blocked out for ages now. All the Amazi-Girl identity jokes were driven into the ground and became massively not funny but the fans kept beating the dead horse for like two extra years so Willis got fed up and blocked the name.
Isn´t he always blushing? Those two marks are always there.
Dem leggings.
I see Danny’s been watching TMNT.
I highly approve of this show.
And not the unholy abomination currently infesting theaters around the globe.
So do I recommend your name Doctor… Galifrey falls Never more
Gallifrey Falls No More.
Gravity Falls No more (?)
Gravity Falls Next Door (brand new crossover)
Wait wait wait wait. A part of my soul died at the possible implication here. Did Disney cancel Gravity Falls?
nope, season 2 is out after a 2 year hiatus I believe, look it up. Also the creator is active on tumblr now, so that should be interesting.
They better not!…I LOVE THAT SHOW!!!
But godammit Disney, stop with the hiatus’s I need my fix!
September 8 is too damn far away…gimmie that episode 4!!!
Gallifrey Stands.
Gallifrey just sat the he hell down, give me five minutes before you start in on me…
24 hours until we know.
Danno’s so eager to see his own kneecaps shattered
If he hurt himself then Ethan would have to carry him back to the dorm in his giant manly arms.
If the next comic isn’t 3 silent panels followed by a mansnog there will be hell to pay.
In the Ethanverse, that’s exactly what happens…
Well…. you were nearly there…
Gonna be a cut to Amber walking into her room with a witty Dina one-liner
Ooo. Maybe Amber DOES see them, she is outside. Maybe she’ll find A ding-dong bandit.
And the shipping starts…
Where have you been? The ship’s already up near Alaska.
Huh, I thought this ship was heading south.
It is, but it has a long journey ahead of it, having launched near the north pole.
Going from Ethan’s track record with ships…
This one is sailing straight into the Bermuda triangle.
Shortly after running into that iceberg from Titanic.
Also Charybdis.
The ship set sail way before this comic started.
You mean down by Brazil.
And if were lucky, off to Brigadoon.
And headed right towards Knifehead.
Didn’t expect the Shipping Fairy to be Carla, but in hindsight it makes perfect sense.
That’s what I thought at first too, but I doublechecked and those are just Danny’s jeans. The darker blue is from Ethan’s pants, so he’s kind of crouching over Danny why am I analyzing this that much
you’re right, lol
so close
Danny doesn’t seem the “loosely worn trousers” type anyway
Why, I must say, Kerry, you have quite an admirable hat!
Why, a right proper fing to say, sir!
I would have you know that I am not a sir! I am a “Si-, er, Mad-, er, yes.” and asked to called such!
I shall excuse it due to my fondness of the Urchins, resourcefulness.
how… how did you get here? did you trade someone several wagonsful beeswax?
I got caught robbin’ the Gracious Widow, didn’t I? Got lucky, though. She took a shine to me.
arthelwaite sends his regards
He Who Lives in Both
has extended his invitations for friendship.
Good job danning it – waitaminute
my face is frozen into squee mode
If your squee mode lasts for longer than 4 hours, it may indicate a serious condition. In this case, you should see your doctor right away.
Something is telling me this ship is about to hit an iceburg…
Sounds like a generous inuendo, but I understand your meaning.
Nawwww … Willis will string us along for a few more days before that happens
Five bucks says that the scene will abruptly change with the next page
throw in fifty nuyen and an internet and you’re on.
The same five bucks that will get you a Patreon pledge advance peek?
something tells me an amazi-girl is going to see the ship and set it on fire
Willis Himself couldn’t sink this ship!
I have heard of optimism before, but I’ve also heard the saying, don’t taunt the gods.
It’s going to hit a town made of ice?
No, that’s an iceberb
Now kiss.
Aw yiss
Where’s Lucy and her magic fingers?!
Lucy! We need you!
My thoughts exactly.
I expected to see ‘now kiss’ in the comments, and I was not disappointed.
*kiss! kiss! kiss! kiss!*
Carla’s finger and Ethan are having similar requests for Danny.
You know I’m trying to be on the fence on Danthan shipping then this happens.
Not Ethdan?
Or Nythan
Or Thanny
Or Ethanny, although to be fair that would probably be their ship-children
I swear I’ve seen Ethaniel somewhere before…
Huh, guess this really was another idea fer a Slipshine comic.
This is the first comic, literally the first one ever, where immediately after reading it I out loud and quite viciously went “Oh FUUUUUU-!”
Real anger. Real.
Having to wait 24 hours!
This my first time actually raising my fist and saying Damm you WILLIS!
At the top of your lugs, so everyone in your neighborhood is asking,”Who’s Willis?
Ethan, you’re going to set yourself up for a big letdown, aren’t you?
Well he is hitting on DANNY. There was no chance for it to NOT be a big let down.
He could be bi couldn’t he? Can’t remember him saying otherwise.
Even if he was, he’d still sort of freak out because that /entire story line/ with Amber and Amazi-girl: He was afraid of cheating on his girlfriend, with his girlfriend. For all the flak Danny gets on here (both fair and unfair), you have to admit; he’s a loyal (to the point of cling-y) boyfriend.
Even if he’s Bi. Even if he considers himself broken up with Amazi-Girl/Amber now, it doesn’t matter. Don’t forget, HE’S DANNY.
Yeah, I don’t know which would ultimately be more disappointing; Danny’s not into it, or Danny IS.
aw jeez…. I just tried to imagine how Danny would react to discovering he might not be straight and *facepalm*
I was into this ship but is it worth that amount of Danning
Its got to be this way.
Knowing Willis, Ethan’s going to end up pissing off Amber again when she finds out Ethan is crushing on her boyfriend.
The Willis giveth and next comic, Willis will taketh away.
Willis, using my weakness by making super bonus comics featuring Seirra. But what he didn’t count on is how insanely cheap I am!
DANGIT YOTOMOE you’re making me have to get the comics [and not show you] to SPITE you!
actually, prolly gonna do it just because I *f*i*n*a*l*l*y* have a job again |=p
I caved in.
It was worth it. Yoto, do it.
I’ve seen it! Nyah nyah!
Is it awesome? I bet it’s awesome D:
It’s awesome! Five panels of Sierra! Also Starring: Sierra’s Feet.
High five for the extended-Sierra’s-feet club!
Is it like a comic we’ll all see or is it a stand alone that I’ll never get to see? Cuz you know I’m a huge Sierra fan.
what would be the point of paid exclusives if they were guaranteed freebies later \=|
I think the bonus comics are going ot be included in the books, but only put online at Patreon.
As good as this (and its pretty damn good) I’d have liked to have seen Danny land on Carla…
Cuz then we may have gotten a comic of Carla beating Danny up. I’d read an entire slipshine about that, actually.
I’m thinking more like shes a bongo so Danny dropping on her seems quite a just and fair punishment
Not as much as her best friend.
Wait. So if I’m unpleasant, the just and fair punishment is to have cute boys suddenly fall on me?
That’s one thing I haven’t tried.
It’s a punishment because Carla’s not into cute boys.
Unlike Ethan. Or he hopes to be soon.
I was thinking that more along the lines that Danny probably weighs about 65-70kgs so the height he falls on her won’t cause much pain but will be a major nuisance to her
I’d like to see everybody beat Danny up, actually. Given his luck, I’m surprised it hasn’t happen yet.
Okay, I’ve been holding out for days because…
Oh screw it.
Now Kiiiiiiissssss!
If I didn’t know any better, I’d say this was a misheard Rey Mysterio reference.
All we need now is Joyce and Amber to show up.
They’re on a field of grass right next to them. In the same position.
“Oh, Joyce, I love your nice yellow hair and your innocent blue eyes”
Then Joyce runs so fast the Flash can’t see her.
She runs so fast she crashes into herself.
Joyce runs so fast she turns off the light switch in her dorm room and is in bed before the room is dark.
in bed… with DOROTHY :0
Fun fact: If you run at the speed of light, you can’t see what’s coming.
More importantly: Joyce is the bi-curious one.
It doesn’t matter that you don’t see what’s coming, because
1) you have enough kinetic energy to run straight through anything
2) you are time dilated to the point where the entire universe happens at the same time for you
Point 2 is exactly why you don’t see what’s coming.
The universe seems to be standing still for you, so you won’t see the wall until (shortly before) you crash into it.
And yes, you will have enough kinetic energy to crash though the wall, but that doesn’t make your bones any less fragile.
Walls are insignificant. You crash through the whole universe at once. *That* hurts.
What did Amber do to become a master at parkour anyway? She’s jumped on moving trucks you don’t just know that.
She spent time with Faz last summer. She learnt it so Faz couldn’t follow her.
She explained this. YouTube tutorials.
She did? I totally missed that then.
…Huh. I was sure I remembered it from when Dorothy interviewed her. She gave another answer than said something like “But off the record? You can learn basically anything from YouTube.”
But now I can’t find that strip.
That’s from a discarded strip I put on Tumblr.
Track and Field, and self-defense classes.
And probably a fair amount of Assassin’s Creed.
Mirror’s Edge, surely,
Not mention her superhuman martial arts.
There are SAS operatives with less skillz than Amber.
This is definitely Willis continuity. Every time Amber and Ethan hook up, break up (because Ethan is gay in this universe, why do people keep asking that) and then both of them always get the crush on the same guy. I honestly don’t really know what to feel about this, because I love Amber and Ethan. But right now my shipping feels are off the charts.
“Always” is kind of pushing it for two incidents in separate universes, but I suppose two is sufficient to establish a tentative pattern.
Unless you can cite at least one counter-example, always is correct.
Person 1: damn it! Every time! This always happens to me!
Person 2: how many times has it happened to you?
Person 1: once, so far.
To be fair, there are no other universes (that we know of) where Ethan and Amber hooked up then broke up over Ethan being gay. So this is still a true statement, though it may sound exaggerated.
(Does that universe in Shortpacked! where the drama tag went unpulled count?)
There’s the alternate universe where the drama tag wasn’t pulled. They were still together in that one. I think that ended with a giant orgy instead.
Waaa!! I need this!
Also I love how earlier I made a comment about Amazi-girl falling and breaking her knees and Danny says the same thing. Me and him are on the same page for once.
I’m terribly sorry for your loss.
Dammit Willis I never cared about Danny’s Kinsey score before.
You know, I can’t remember anything in the Walkyverse showing that Danny isn’t bisexual…I could totally see him being bi as a thing. An awesome, awesome thing.
bi danny + bi billie = adorable bi couple <3
They’ll ride Bicycles, Biplanes and work on their Biceps.
I want to see more of them, better use my bi-noculars.
That’s creepy.
While hiding outside their house, in their bi-coloured butterfly bushes
Better have a good ali-bi!
Gawdawful is Gawdawful. And the spell checker says I spelled gawdawful correctly(?!)
They attend bi-weekly bible clubs to defend against bigoted accusations. This week’s topic is Bionicle.
Danny would be the perfect character to reveal to be bisexual. It doesn’t violate any established canon material, especially since the spotlight shifted away from Danny just as Danny was starting to even accept his sexual urges at all and Billie certainly wouldn’t have been bothered by it. And Willis did say two of the main guys would hook up (either with each other or other dudes I forget which) and the only other options right now are Walky and Joe.
While he could be he does seem more interested in bewbies at the moment, in particular Amazi-girls bewbies
Well, I don’t think they should suddenly start making out right now. But things between Danny and Amber aren’t exactly great right now and they may not be able to/want to continue the relationship. Ethan/Danny could be a potential thing in the near future.
Betting on Ethan and Joe.
That would have been my initial bet at the start of the comic, but Joe’s displayed nothing but a complete disinterest in men sexually.
Disgust, even, when Amber asked if she was in line behind Joe at this and Danny’s besocked door.
To be fair, it was a line for Danny.
Not true, he made a reference to possibly having a MMF threesom.
It’s OK, if it’s in a three-way
It’s not gay, when it’s in a three-way
When there’s a honey in the middle, there’s some leeway
That would have been my desired bet. Or either with Jacob.
Willis really really seems to want people to ship this. And will continue throwing cute pages at us until we do.
He’s just probably just feeding his fan what they want.
But we didn’t know we wanted this until it started to look adorable.
Now kiss!
Damn it all if these kids can’t go one day without emotionally stifling, traumatizing, or otherwise psychologically damaging each other. I know it’s a drama but DAMN YOU WILLIS FOR MAKING THEIR PAINFUL AND AWKWARD MOMENTS SO INTERESTING!!!
Oh, and NOW KISSSSS! (I don’t even support that ship and I still couldn’t resist)
Great, onto the next ship: Mike and Mary
Why do you hate Mike so much?
I think he hates Mary more…
And what a hateship that would be.
Exciting and new.
Come aboard,
We’re expecting you.
Well, I think I just dated myself.
I wouldn’t worry, a number of the readers here are > 40yo.
Not like anyone else is going to. ZING BANG!
Beat me to it…
better, discover that you’ve always been bi
Bi and poly
I have a strong need ; – ;
Better, Discover that you have always been a Cyborg.
Worse, discover you have ALWAYS BEEN DANNY.
You win one internet.
Even better, Discover that you are Shadow Moon.
Ethan, I strongly suggest that you not take a here.
That hyperlink was supposed to say “a page out of Ruth’s playbook,” as in
Conversely: Danny, I strongly advise that you take that page out Ruth’s playbook and into a new book labeled “Ethan and Danny sexy time Rainbows”
She really lucked out on that one huh. I’d feel wierd if a guy kissed me and I wasn’t gay. Mostly dissapointed…Like “Of course the one time someone likes me enough to do this and it’s not my sexual preference. Dangit!”
I’ve been in a similar situation, and you don’t know the half of it. it’s not a fun thing for either party.
In order to take a page out of Ruth’s book he’d have to use a position of authority to bully Danny for a couple weeks, including stealing and vandalising his property and then sexually assault him.
That’d be a lot of work.
Nah. That’s several pages of Ruth’s playbook. Also, there’s the whole business of posing, however unintentionally, for embarrassing photos, which should also be on a different page.
Good night everybody!
Booyakwhafuk is that his Bankai or something
It’s what Michelangelo says now instead of Cowabunga.
What? They changed that? Why? Isn’t that something Ali G constantly said?
Exactly. 80s Mikey used 60s slang, so 10s Mikey uses 90s slang, by the transitive property. And they haven’t dropped cowabunga altogether, so “instead of” was imprecise wording.
*puts on glasses*
That’s not the transitive property. The transitive property is that if A points to B, and B points to C, then A must also point to B. You’re thinking of a total asymmetric bijection.
Those are some loose pants if a single shove pushed them down halfway towards his knees.
Oh wait, those aren’t undies, just a trick of both pants. Well, we can fix that problem, right?
“A trick of both pants” sounds like the title of a Sherlock slashfic.
When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be sexy.
I believe that they are Ethan’s pants.
Danny: Um. My hero?
Ethan: -sigh- Amber will kill me if I steal another boyfriend away from her.
Amber: -taking pictures- It’s fine, just stay like that for a while, I want to get a vid.
Danny: I am so confused right now.
Ethan and Amber: Good.
No but seriously it was kind of Ethan to swing Danny around so they land on the grass instead of the sidewalk or stairs. Last thing Danny needs is a concussion.
I need to go take care of something.
Going to be in your bunk?
Strictly for the articles.
Regular manic pixie dream girl that Carla is.
Misanthropic pixie dream girl, you mean.
*screams internally and saves comic*
At least 57% of my reason for shipping this is so that Amber can walk in on them and just be like “Come on, Ethan! Twice?”
Those would be the last words either of them hear, cuz Amazi-girl will crush their heads like sparrows egg between thighs.
I was hoping for the same thing but with Joyce.
Ship ship ship…
……….Fap Fap Fap
*plays Hugh Masekela’s “Grazing in the Grass” on the Muzak*
Let’s try this again, it vanished into the ether the first time.
Also whether intentional or not, it looks like last panel Danny is Gently Caressing Ethan’s chest. Maybe even found a Nipple.
Dude…you know you have 3 nipples, right? You should get that checked out.
“ah… Ethan-sempai…”
ah.. sempai! kimochi…
This is adorable, but Ethan is playing with fire on so many levels.
Well this will make a lovely love triangle.
Or are we just not counting Joyce? Which is fair.
Joyce is nothing more than a disposable beard.
A bearded triangle just looks silly without a monocle, too.
Monocle must now be an actual slang term. Like, the guy the bearded gay likes or something.
Over 100 comments under 30 minutes that’s got to be a new record , also oh shit its happening !
Thanks for fixing that, Willis!
Whoop, don’t mind me, juuuuuuuust having a great time with my bro here… on the grass…
I am surprisingly okay with this ship. I mean Willis will never let it happen because the man is evil, but I am okay with it.
I am excited for the Carla cameo, since she got my vote on the poll (even if she is currently in fourth).
Meanwhile, I forsee tragedy within the next two days.
Oh hell, this won’t end well.
Hey, Ethan! You’ve gotta buy him dinner first! You don’t listen Ethan…
So, Willis is about to enter his yaoi phase?
“Hey, I’m skatin’ here!”
“Yeah? Well, screw you and the legwarmers you rode on!”
Danny: “Don’t mind her. At least I’m not screwed with that fall.”
Ethan: “Not yet.”
Danny: *gulp* *blush*
More like three panels of blush til they get off of each other. Maybe on each other.
Oh, you see them too? I thought I was having Flashdance flashbacks again.
Blackouthart is right: It seems both Amber AND Ethan have similar tastes in guys! (I mean, In SP! it was just that ONE coincidence, but in two…)
I’m also unsure how to feel about that:
On the one hand, I’ve been seriously disliking Ethan since he’s been fake courting Joyce. He reminds me of my best Friend who is also homosexual, and I’ve always found Ethan adorable and a very real , relatable character due to how similar his traits are with real life homosexual men (and I mean eerily similar) plus how much of the same experiences they have been through. His struggle was well written and how most people SHOULD react when discovering their orientation: acceptance and then seeking support. Ethan STARTED out that way, what with Amber helping him his Summer before college, but then he just totally decided to do a 180 and pretend to be straight. I understand he was lonely because he couldn’t be with Amber anymore (which he understood why, I’m so glad) but his solution was absolutely the wrong way to go about it. (Haha, I wonder if Mikes jerk “If you woulda just not said you were gay” really pushed him over the edge or if he was considering this before…) When he decided to use Joyce like that it really cheesed me off because I imagine how many gay Men DO marry Women and have a whole marriage of unfulfilled hanky panky while their Wives are dumbfounded and wondering why (Randy’s S*P had a very good example of them when Davan and Vanessa were about to get married). It’s terrible for both parties, and I really wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy, let alone two characters I really enjoy in any universe. I’m happy he’s reaching out to other people and respecting Amber’s need to recover and need space from him after breaking her heart (and I’m glad he didn’t make HER suffer that fate, either. I want her with someone who can love and appreciate her the way he deserves, and Ethan just can’t do that.) This is sadly also another real reaction to that discovery, its just that this one leads to a sadder course. I’m not sure Ethan will take this huge hint to STOP pretending and honestly I feel more sympathy for AMBER and hope SHE gets Dannys support simply because shes TRYING not to let all her demons get to her while Ethan is CONTENT living a lie.
On the other hand: Danny. He may be the most hated character of Willis’ (and I’m constantly annoyed by him, too) but damn if the people he courts/ dates/ marries aren’t the better for it. Billie was INTOLERABLE. I would hate Billie just LOOKING at her were she real, but she ended up being a strong, independent, caring woman due to his affection. Sal practically went crazy when she LOST him as well. If he could turn BILLIE into a likable character I’m certain he can stop Ethan from hurting both himself and Joyce in a really scarring way, but, again, I’m rooting more for AMBER to get with Danny because if Danny can help BILLIE imagine what he could do to everyone’s favorite college crusader?
…Also I typed WAY too much… Gah!
I agree with you. I’m so pissed at Ethan right now. Danny is so naive that he walks into this shit all the time, but he matured and got better in the other versions.
Ethan strikes me as someone who has parents who don’t accept his sexuality [who it seems are deeply convinced that he just needs to find a good girl] and has met a girl who is convinced that she could be just that. When he came out of the closet, he caused a lot of grief to everyone including the one who supported him most. He has put his sexuality on the table; so he isn’t decieving Joyce, even. All said, it seems like something a confused and lonely teenager might do.
Meanwhile, people are way too harsh on Danny [in DoA. I do not defend Roomies]. He’s cling-y and lacks confidence with a bit of an immature outlook on relationships, not the perfect guy and I could understand not wanting to date him but hating his guts is wierd to me.
Eitherway, Danny’s not going to go for it; whether he is bi or not, because he’s dating Amber and he’s not a cheater (see the Amber/Amazi/Danny triangle). What Ethan does next is the real question for me; Either he’ll try and Danny will freak out and Amber will learn of it [because Drama] and more shit will go down. Or he’ll freak and flee and Danny will try to play psychologist to him as well [which might turn out pretty okay, as you state above] or be cut off by Amber which will cause more tensions.
Well, we know for a fact that Ethan’s parents are horrible and against his sexuality since that arc where all the parents visited. Also,
“When he came out of the closet, he caused a lot of grief to everyone including the one who supported him most”
I take issue with the idea that Ethan caused anyone grief by coming out. It was other people (like his horrible parents) who caused the grief that Amber had to support him through. Ethan has caused Amber grief now, yes, but nothing that happened that Summer was Ethan’s fault and please dont make it sound like it was. You make it sound like he was making trouble or doing something wrong when all he did was express a very important part of himself and then get treated terribly by the people around him.
I tried to reply last night but my darn tablet refreshed the browser and my reply was lost, then I had to sleep because I had to get up EARLY next Mornin’!
-Ailorn: I can’t wait to watch him grow/ mature here as well! Mature Danny is BEST Danny, especially for Amber!
-Lanval: Absolutely, his Parents are very much in DENIAL. I usually have respect for any Woman who gave birth, but in her case I’m willing to make an exception. The way she blamed Amber was unacceptable and for a grown Woman to act so indignant…I immediately lost any respect I may have had for her. It breaks my heart both Ethan and my Best friend (I hate bringing him up as JUST that, as he has so much more to offer, but it’s this identity that I can clearly use as an example as to why I can relate to this since I’m watching and hearing about it firsthand as well as seeing and reading it here) actually got “good” reactions from their family upon confessing their orientation: Denial with a hint of disapproval but overall “indifference” in a sense that that identity of them being homosexual is just “a phase they will grow out of”.
Eeeh, I’m actually pretty neutral towards Danny in this Walky!Verse despite how he annoys me often, but I can see why others might kind of hate him here as well: He’s very careless, his naivety is on imbecilic levels (the whole Amazi-girl mix-up…seriously, Danny…?) , never sees the bigger picture and “builds castles in the sky” when engaged in a romance on par with a Disney Princess (Like his affections for Dorothy and Amber, for example, reminded me of them…not that there’s anything WRONG with that, as I adore Disney Princesses, but to be SO out of touch with reality in a REAL WORLD setting…) and those are dangerous combinations because they can, will, and HAVE severely hurt people he cares about on mental, emotional, and (in the main Walky!Verse, specifically) PHYSICAL levels! It’s pretty bad when JOE, of all people, can tell Danny is such a danger to himself and others that Joe can’t trust him to go outside un-supervised in good conscience.
That being said, I can also see how some of this minor flaws being blown out of proportion exaggerate the reasons to hate his guts: I honestly don’t see how his clingyness is hate-worthy (usually when one is in love, especially how HE falls in love, they desperately WANT to be with their object of infatuation) , nor his whining, simply because he doesn’t HAVE anyone genuine to turn to and until Ethan came along NO ONE thought he handled…well… practically ANY circumstance well. It’s no shocker he’s so insecure when everyone tells him he’s dirt poor at every single social interaction.
His strengths even out his flaws, to me, which is why I remain neutral towards him… for the moment… >.>
As for this new development of a possible Ethan/ Amber/ Danny love triangle, I’m extremely interested to see where this goes, and how it plays out! Of course, in the end I’m completely rooting for Amber! She’s been through so much and deserves happiness.
I can relate to her more than any character in DoA despite how much I adore Sal! (if My best friend is Ethan, I’m Amber… almost identical “romance arc” with him, Father issues but with loving/ supportive Mother, childhood trauma, and all…)
-takashid: I loved that arc despite Ethans Parents!
Also: You make a VERY good point that on a technicality basis he ONLY truly hurt Amber because she was the one in love with him!
However, while I do agree that his Parents and Grandparents were the ones who actually caused the grief keep in mind they must have been devastated when they were told of his orientation else they would have never raised such a fuss.
It’s sad, but this kind of thing causes a rift no matter how understanding and accepting a Parent may be. It’s not that he was intending to nor did he physically do anything wrong at all, however, to those people, he was causing grief just be being Homosexual. (Which is a horrible way to act and think, but sadly its much more realistic than I care to accept….)
Just noticed, kneepads but no elbow pads or helmet?
I get the feeling Carla would give a middle finger to those things.
“Don’t tell me what I need to wear!”
A triad. Please a triad. please oh please.
You … you heartless tease! *shakes fist*
Ship-tease with Ethan…but it’s with DANNY.
I am so conflicted.
I KNOW. It’s so hard to decide what to feel here.
*covers face with hands*
*peeks through fingers*
Okay, Ethan and Danny, just remember that when you bang to put a sock on the door. I don’t think Joe or Jacob will want to walk in on that. Though Joe’s reaction would probably be funny. “I’ve really missed some things, haven’t I?”
Honestly, I’d like to imagine Joe’s reaction [maybe after a minute or two to come to terms with it] would be pulling up a student directory and just being like “Perfect. Now, we can do a perfect 50/50 split of the student body. Good luck, Danny-boy.”
Joe would probably be offended that Danny didn’t try to bang him first.
Some lines are simply not to be crossed. Like Walky and Billie. Joe is Danny’s BFF, they’re probably like brothers to each other, even if they were sexually compatable I doubt either would ever consider the idea.
Then why would Joe parade around in his underpants before Danny?
(granted, they were a rather unsexy GREEN)
Because it’s his room too?
Huh, look at that it appears to be BONER TOUCHING TIME.
[Barry White plays softly in the background]
I like where this is going!
Damn it, Takei!
Good God Willis, stop it with the shipping feels! I know this is all going to end in tragedy, why can’t we have nice things!
Patreon says otherwise.
Nah I’m just messing with you.. or am I?
I’ll tell you this, I finally got a proper job, and I signed up for Patreon five minutes ago just to see tomorrow’s comic. No spoilers for the unpatreoned, of course, but… It made me vocalize.
If you guys only see what I’m witnessing on Patreon now… Totally, totally, totally worth it
Did I say “WORTH IT!” ?
I feel like the Spaceship guy on the Lego Movie wherein instead of “SPACESHIP!” I go “WORTH IT!”
Extremely worth it. We might hit 100 comments tomorrow faster than we ever have before.
Or past 1400 (I think 1300+ was the highest last time).
I remember vaguely noting that the “Ruth Kisses Billie” comic hit 100 comments by about 12:15 ET, and one of the Amazi-Girl comics made it by 12:10 or so.
sexy time.
Wish something like this happened in my boring predictable life…to be saved by a hunk like Ethan…(drool)
So clearly the solution is Amber and Ethan to share Danny in an open relationship. EVERYBODY WINS. EVEN DANNY.
This is how all my dreams begin.
Although in my dreams I’m in Carla’s place.
The gay is strong in this page… who am I kidding, the gay is strong in every other page
I want Ethan to be happy, and I don’t have any ill-will toward Danny, but…
Danny’s hand
Willis, I’m pretty sure this is to blatant to go where I hope it goes, but I would honestly find it hilarious if Ethan and Danny ended up together. I mean, Amber did get the guy they both liked in Shortpacked! So it’s only fair that Ethan gets the guy in this universe…
That’s actually an excellent point. Amber and Ethan have fought over a guy before, and Amber came out on top in that.
For fairness, I say Ethan deserves to be throw a bone(r).
You’re playing with fire Mr Willis…
I do not approve of this ship. Therefore it must sink before Amber sees.
I can’t stop smiling.
While I fully expect Willis to taketh away tomorrow, I am going to enjoy these 24 hours where I can pretend that tomorrow’s comic is nothing but Ethan and Danny in a shoujou-esque still frame with flowers and blush lines and shit.
That is the best mental image! I’m gonna join you in this fantasyland, if you don’t mind.
Damn you Willis!
…. and thank you (o//////o)
I love this comment. And the one for the last comment. You’re cute, Jade!
The second “comment” should be “comic”, argblaghbleh
I’ve never shipped two dudes before but I have been SHIPPING THIS SO HARD FOR THE PAST WEEK. C’MON ETHAN, MAKE A MAN OUT OF DANNY.
The point at which Danny finally puts two and two together?
I mean, we know he was told certain things.
This won’t bode well for anyone’s psychosis, or maybe it will super do it and Joyce and Amber will have a cat fight. Maybe Amber teaches her the way of the Amazi-Girl and Joyce finds a use for her Dexter and Monkey Master merch. Actually, would totally read a story along those lines. The cracky adventures of Amazi-Girl and Trufan!
As much as I don’t want Joyce or Amber to be hurt by it, I just want them to kiss so bad.
Damn it! Willis!
Okay, now you’re just baiting the shippers.
Hmmmmm. OT3 or OT4?
SERIOUSLY, WILLIS?! We were just talking about this yesterday!!
WILLIS! YOU ARE TEARING ME APART WITH THIS SHIP. (pleasepleaseplease kiss! Go for it, Ethan! And don’t Danny it up, Danny!)
But doing that would be Daning up his relationship with Amber.
1. The faceplant that launched 1,000 ships, 2. I’ve been thinking this was bound to end with Amber’s feelings getting crushed, but I just realized JOYCE might happen upon this scene.
I would definitely buy the porn based off the last panel!
DAN IT!!!!
Quick! Execute Order 69!
Have…sex with the Jedi? Damn, Palpatine is weird.
When Order 69 is executed in a scenario: the lights dim, a slowly rotating disco ball lowers out of nowhere, and a lone Stormtrooper appears holding a boombox playing “Let’s Get It On” by Marvin Gaye.
This seems apropos:
Oh Christ in a cracker, Willis. Don’t tease me. There’s no way you’re doing what it looks like you’re doing.
But I’ll be pleasantly surprised if you are.
Oh for…. Odin curse you Willis! This is not how you help these two develop a healthy friendship that won’t totally ruin Amber forever….
Because having two of her former boyfriends hook up would totally destroy her. Because she’s the fragile. Her entire life is built around her boyfriends being into her exclusively forever. She totally doesn’t think guy on guy is totally hot.
remember that strip where she was sleeping and started dreaming Yaoi?
Now what were you saying about her not thinking guy on guy is hot?
tm was being sarcastic V:
Now kiss!
*clasps hands in prayer*
Dear David Willis,
I know I don’t pray to you as often as I should, but I have a request. It pertains to the character, Danny. You know the one.
Good one! XD
Now he’s just doing it on purpose. Seriously, that’s like a scene out of some cheap shoujo manga. This better lead to some interesting development. XD
Can I talk about Patreon strips here?
It’s probably better if you use the available commenting function on the patreon site…discussing for-pay content outside the pay wall is in rather poor form, considering it’s the artist’s bread and butter.
Plus, it would basically be spoiling the next strip for the non-paetron followers.
Please don’t. I like being surprised at 9pm; if I wanted to see things earlier, I’d pay for them.
Im both for / against this ship.
For: ok, they are hollaruous together and the awkward tension makes it work.
Against: if this happens it’ll be like, holy s#%* willis, do you hate amber? “So, my first bf and I tried sex and he said he’d rather do guys. Then my second bf met my first and said the same thing.” Talk about a mental brain f#%^. Amber self esteem? Wouldn’t be there after this.
That was supposed to say hilarious but my iphone had it’s own ideas on funny
Well, if they hook up it would be less ‘because he preferred guys’ and more ‘our entire relationship was a fantasy both of us were using that went somewhere dark and unpleasant and then I stopped talking to him’.
Ship? More like armada!
What kind? The grand “Fuck You” Armada…or Cyclonus’s Armada?
I was thinking the Spanish Armada, but yours are better.
Mini-Cons and poor dubbing.
Jeez, could this comic be any gayer?
No seriously, could it be? I feel like this is a question we should be asking ourselves and if the answer is “yes”, then why isn’t it more gay already?
Well, it hasn’t hit Shortpacked level of gayness yet so yes, it could totally be gayer.
UH OH!!!! Do i see another Slipshine in the works?????????
I just Danned in your arms tonight.
Must’ve been something you said.
I’m suddenly intrested.
Note to self: Write Ethan/Danny erotica
Please do! XD
“My tummy, Ethan, rub it all over my tummy!”
I’m already writing an outline. It’s a Danny/Ethan voyeurism fic, where a poster of Roadblock is staring at them, judging with silence and intensity.
I never knew I needed this so much until this moment
I’ll be Danning in your arms tonight!
Ooh, Danny’s right hand tho! =D
-_-; *sigh* well this will end poorly
Oh, my, and with that gravitar…so perfect
I love where this is going!!
I so want to imagine Danny was trying a pro wrestling leap-off-the-turnbuckle maneuver and that Ethan will win by pinfall if Danny doesn’t get up in three seconds.
‘Course, when the title on the line is World’s Biggest Dweeb, I think winning the match means NOT receiving the championship (losership?) belt.
Im commenting for the first time to say how much I want this to work out…. Im dreading tomorrows update.
smooch!!! SMOOOOOOOOCH!!!
Hey, it’s not only girls who experiment in college, right?
Hot Dan.
I’m so sick of the constant clamor for characters to kiss or get together if they are shown in the same strip. I get(and like) that there are lots of characters with an array of sexualities but that doesnt mean that there needs to be this constant pairing them up thing.
Perhaps not, but there’s actually less fodder for male same-sex shipping in this web comic, since the boys are rarely on panel together at the same time. So these two, ESPECIALLY in this strip, are attending to a hungry shipping audience.
And hey, they’re in college and at a volatile state in their lives. It’s not unsurprising if there’s all sorts of romantic and sexual tension going on anyways. The fans are just having fun with it.
I have no problem with cannon relationships. It isnt even this particular pairing that I have a problem with, just as long as they are respectful to Amber’s feelings. I think it’s great Ethan has a main character romantic partner. The issue I was complaining about is the near constant clamor for shipping just about any two characters that interact together.
This strip literally uses a top 10 most-cliche-ever pair-em-up device as its punchline and you still think the pairing/shipping hints between these two aren’t completely intentional?
Seriously, to get more cliche it’d need a sunset and dramatic wind.
Or them both to be shirtless.
are you saying there isn’t a dramatic wind?
“Oh, Ethan-Sempai…”
“…I’ve been eating chili.”
In all fairness, Willis hinted at this months ago.
See, somebody on Tumblr asked him if DoA Ethan was ever going to hook up with a male character, and if that character would be a DoA version of one of his SP! love interests (Manny, Thad, Drew).
Willis responded yes, but that the character would be somebody he was more emotionally invested in. That basically meant an existing male character from the Roomies!/It’s Walky! era. Anybody who remembered that exchange could probably put the pieces together once Ethan started having significant interactions with Danny.
Oooh, really?
Well, that settles it for me. *Formally hops aboard the ship*
it’s possible he was referring to a new character he’s invested in
still, this gives me hope
/floats away on a cloud of shippy glee
So… just keep it in your pants next page, ok?
A boner in such moment could be a bit too much ^_^
And I hope that it was not Ethan repressed self who draw all those penises in some sleepwalking moment pages ago…
Oh Ethan.
Oh honey no.
You can do better. It would be almost impossible not to do better. That is a puddle of accidental drama and well intentioned idiocy you DO NOT WANT TO STEP IN.
kiss, kiss, kiss, KISS, KISS, KISS, KISS RIGHT NOW!
“I’m not only doing it for the homo,” I lie to myself in a whisper while filling out the Patreon sign–up form, “I probably would have signed up anyway. The timing is just a coincidence…”
Using time travel abilities, I can foresee tomorrow’s strip
Curse you, creator of comics. Also, have there been any male characters aside from Ethan who are confirmed as gay/bi?
in shortpacked!, there were ethan’s various love interests (thad, drew, manny, etc.)
I don’t think they’ll be appearing in doa
Mike was…probably bi in Shortpacked. I’m not sure how to categorize “I’m whatever you don’t want me to be” as an orientation, but he certainly did have sex with Ethan.
Or maybe spite-sexual.
so… pansexual and a giant jerk?
So much red in this strip. Is David trying to set the mood via the colour pallet?
No, fuck you autocorrect, it’s coloUr with a U.
the waiting game
That’s stuck in my head now, dammit!
Oh, go ahead and kiss him, Ethan. It’s Danny; he’ll probably just be like, “Ha ha, your lips fell down on mine, what a crazy accident.”
Porn and anime logic says if you fall on another guy you must look into his eyes and make out.
I have to go track it down, but I believe Willis may have said his next Slipshine would be a canon gay DoA couple in response to a Tumblr ask. DUN DUN DUNNNNNNN
but Joyce is hurting him by helping herself and him repress their sexual feelings.
He should at list have enough sense and courage to tell Joyce to her face, “This isn’t gonna work.” Instead of fucking around like an idiot.
Which is exactly what Amber was trying to get him to realize. He’d be fine if she recognized that she was his beard and he was hers, but she doesn’t, and that’s a recipe for disaster IRL. Of course, this is DoA, so who knows…
I’m more concerned with him hurting Amber.
joyce will be hurt but will learn you can’t force someone to change (and you can’t rewire sexuality) and will learn not to rush into love and relationships and instead develop them naturally
I think you overestimate Joyce’s ability to learn things, she’ll just think she needs to try harder to “straighten” Ethan out.
so to speak.
It would hurt less now than it would if they kept up the charade until they got engaged, or married, or had kids, which is all things that Joyce has convinced herself stand a chance of happening.
The ironic thing is that he’s going to be hurt over Ethan and not Danny.
How the times have changed.
Oh god, Danny’s about to Dan it up in the most epic way ever. He’s going to discover his bisexuality and hook up with the boy whose own discovery left Amber alone.
Oh god, he’s about to re-enact one of the most painful moments in Amber’s life, with the guy who did it to Amber before! Damnit, Danny!
And I ship it
oh dear lord im joyce…i feel unclean
Urgh…dont kiss him, Ethan. I would hate to see your face etched with a terrible disappointment.
They’re adorable. I really hope that Danny is bi and that the attraction is mutual. But I hope even more that Amber doesn’t see this and implode.
Okay, that’s it, I ship it.
the ol’ trip n fall
I prefer the ol’ short stop, but the trip n’ fall will have to do until they’re in a car together.
Since it *does* use all those clichés, I fully expect Willis to deconstruct them hard in the next strip. Of course, he’s already done that with Ruth and Billie, so who knows…
And it was right at that moment, Joe walked up. And as a the shock dispersed from his face, a single tear slid down the side of his cheek.
“Damnit, Danny. All those nights…All those stories about other women…It was to make you jealous. I wanted you to want me as much as I want you. It’s always been you, Danny. Always.”
and then Jason walks up, and the next Slipshine happens.
And then Mike walks up and ruins the moment by kicking everyone in the balls. And somehow, even after that, everyone still thinks he’s a laugh riot.
“I just can’t quit you, Danny!”
*Hulks out from shipping feels*
I really want to ship these two, but watching Amber lose both boyfriends to each other would be devastating…
I know that this is an extremely long shot, but bear with me…Ethan wants Danny. Amber wants Danny. Danny wants both, and both love each other platonically but don’t mesh together physically…
Think they might be able to make it work as a triad?
I’m not sure how organized crime in southeast Asia is going to solve anything.
Obviously the Triad will threaten to burn down all the comic shops in America if those three don’t engage in a healthy three way relationship.
How ‘biout a TriFORCE?
I think the term is OT3, but I could be wrong.
Though I do support the idea of killing Amber’s dad with the Master Sword.
Now that could actually get me to root for them! Right now my reaction is ‘Don’t you dare do anything, don’t you dare, you’re being very cute together but just think about how much this’d hurt Amber when she’s already not in the best state. (And Joyce, but that one’s more a bandaid that needs to be pulled at some point.)’ I’d be all for them getting together some time in the future, just not without Danny clearly breaking things off with Amber first. (Mind, I know they’re teenagers and hormones might get in the way of them thinking that clearly.)
But I could totally get behind the three of them in a poly relationship, as long as they’d be comfortable with it.
Thank you Carla.
Danny, KISS HIM already!
…you know, if Danny IS bi, and if he’s not quite broken up with Amber…
Love triangle?
Hella ga- oops i ship it
Well…..I ship Joyce with………me. If Ethan’s gonna be an idiot. Then I ship Joyce with me.
Ethan’s gay. Him/Joyce was always deader than dead.
Well then I guess no one cares about Emperor Kiva (me)/Joyce? Good, even if someone didn’t like it, I wouldn’t care.
Even in DoA, Carla still sounds like Bender in my head
I’ve started to hear her as Korra, but whatever voices I’ve heard last tend to stick =p
Two guys touched? Well now they just have to fuck.
Someone else says booyakasha?
Now I have Guy Love stuck in my head.
Never before have I so quickly started shipping a pair of fictional characters.
They better not kiss.
Not yet, at least. I want a few more moments of sexual tension.
(Also it might be a little weird for Ethan to all of a sudden stop trying to act like he’s not gay, but mostly it’s because having some tension built up will make it that much better.)
How did they get onto grass?
I don’t care if Ethan has superhuman strength, look at that extended path and those bushes! There’s no direct line to grass that Ethan can possibly get Danny to before gravity finishes its business. Danny should have ate some pavement.
But then I guess shipteases are better on grass.
Cracked skulls are not sexy.
Please don’t tell me that people out there think otherwise, ESPECIALLY don’t show me the proof. In general, I think it’s fair to say that massive bleeding head trauma would ruin this for most of us, moodwise.
Whoa dude, that’s a little worst-case scenario. It’d probably just be a little concrete burn for everyone.
Srsly tho.
This also bothered me, but I’m assuming he caught him in mid air and spun around, thus landing safely in the grass next to the initial launch platform.
Ethan catches Danny, spins sideways and then they go over the little wall. So due to their size Danny’s fully on the grass but Ethan’s still partially on pavement.
Maybe Danny’s feet landed on the ground before they actually fell and they just stumbled back onto the grass.
And now, by the grace of Willis, we have our Anime moment of the day
er, I mean:
Good show, sir. Please carry on in an orderly fashion.
Aight, gonna be earnest. Let’s hope this stays simple and’s gonna be hawt!
Tomorrow: They get closer and closer, their cheeks warm as they look deeply into each other’s eye as they lean in and…The scene switches to Joyce saying how much she loves Ethan and knows he would never do anything to cause her to lose faith.
I’ve figured out why there are so few straight characters in DoA: @damnyouwillis is trying to write the next _Penny and Aggie_.
I smell a foot ball star
I actually like this relationship. I ship it Ethan and Danny have a lot in common and good chemistry with eachother just as good as AMazi-Girl and Danny. Ethan would be much more capable of Handling Danny’s clinging and Danny would be just as supportive of Ethan and amber was. But I don’t think Danny has shown any interest in men. And this would be a very healthy relationship unlike Danny and Amazi-girl and definately unlike Ethan-Joyce. I’m actually okay with either pairing Id be okay with DannyxAmber or DannyX DanNY Ethan
Please Willis, I need more Carla in my life, I don’t care what I have to do.
Carlaing of age forever
Is that a thing people actually say? People who are not Ali G?
thank god this is a webcomic because otherwise dan was clearly headed for the cement steps to the right and not the cushy grass
Okay, fine, because no-one else has done it yet:
Oh-oh! I just Dan’d in your arms tonight….
Tchaikovsky’s ‘Love Theme’
Ultra-Car did it, and Carla did it too!