Also, TODAY you can find both me and Girls With Slingshot‘s Danielle Corsetto AND A FEW OTHERS at The Laughing Ogre in Columbus, Ohio, from 4 until 8! Come say hello!
I will try to be awake because that is usually my naptime.
Also, TODAY you can find both me and Girls With Slingshot‘s Danielle Corsetto AND A FEW OTHERS at The Laughing Ogre in Columbus, Ohio, from 4 until 8! Come say hello!
I will try to be awake because that is usually my naptime.
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Best strip ever
I dunno, a good strip takes a while before it gets to the full wang.
Willis’ Dirty Little Secret: This new storyline was ghost-written by Oglaf!
Or Anders Loves Maria.
oh that reminds me it’s Sunday
I don’t think so. Oglaf rarely has two penis-themed updates in a row these days.
What a bunch of dicks……
No need to read further!
One might say it is a wall of dicks…
You get a dong! She gets a dong! Everybody gets a dong!
Can’t we all just get a dong?
I hate dealing with a panel of dicks. =/
There is a level of detail on the last phallus truly befitting Mary’s drawings.
more door decor = more dick
Door Dickor.
Ruth could be seen as a dick-tator. 😛
You say “dick-tator,” and I say “dick-tahtor”…
Let’s pull the whole thing off.
So this is when we find out Mike was taking art clases so he could draw irritatingly detailed dicks on Joyce’s door alone?
My hardcore band is called Irritatingly Detailed Dicks.
Do you use the latest in audio technology of the high-definition (of dicks) variety?
So Dina and/or Amber rate a full on stiffie eh?
They’re certainly up there.
My,,,,there’s no escaping it.
Exit Joyce, face covered in dick doodles.
i don’t think that avatar can make this any more hilarious
“She’s got dick on her mind all the time…”
Ol’ Kev sure does have a way with words
Nice to know someone got the reference, are you an Aussie?
I got it, but I’m a kiwi-yank 😉
That sounds jolly painful. 😛
But you’re so cute during your naps!
Lost The Struggle
I have been waiting for this storyline ever since I spotted the title in the archives. DING DONGS AHOY!
And here we see the tell-tale markings of the elusive “Cockgoblin”. Judging by the detail on the shaft and scrotum, I would say they are of the western variety.
I quite disagree, the last is obviously the work of the South American Polla-Trasgo, or Cockacabra.
Trust me, I have a degree in Phallomancy from Hogwarts.
Of course, they don’t teach that any more on account of the Teacher’s inappropriate conduct with the students, but still……………….
Cockacabra = cock of goats
Polla is a chicken!! Like a Cock is a rooster in English.
Quit using the dictionary for idioms!
Actually, Polla means both a female chicken and “cock”, it depends on context.
So by Polla-Trasgo he meant something like the Cock-Goblin, and Cockacabra is a clear reference to me, the Goat-sucker.
So a chicken sucker? I hear tell they are Salty:
Know how Willis has mentioned in SP a couple of times that he’s much better at drawing characters facing in one direction than the other?
Same applies to dinguses.
maybe the doodler’s dick just leans to the right
Hey look Joyce started a trend, Dongs on doors everybody!
And For everybody too.
I want Dina’s poster. Also, Sierra is adorable.
I love Sierra’s door SO MUCH. Just this door alone now makes me sad that she isn’t in this comic a lot more. The girl who does this to her door is a girl I want to know everything about tbh.
Yes, please add Dina’s poster here to the merchandise, I will gladly buy it.
It’s perfect!
When I click the link it says that this item is no longer available.
Dino – Never Forget poster (Amazon is out of stock!)
Oops – didn’t see DMW replied!
One of those turns out to be Joyce’s. Calling it now.
Joyce has a dick? Maybe in some bizarre R34 fanart, but I doubt it’s canonical.
*annoying knowitall voice*
Actually in the old continuity:
Can’t show nipples but sure as hell can show dicks.
Then again, this is just a drawing of drawings of dicks.
He’s drawn a bit of walky peekin’ out of his Pajamas too.
I really like Dina and Dorothy’s side of their doors. Dina: NEVER FORGET. Dorothy: NOPE.
I wonder if anyone drew a cock on Ethan’s door.
He probably brew it himself, and on everybody else’s door.
What country makes brewed dick? 😛
SP!Ethan hates Drew so much he can’t even use it as a noun.
or a verb
Pau Pau, New Guinea is down your way – I’ll bet they have several recipes!
Spotted dick.
That would be on Jason’s door.
I my country we spell “Drew”, by spelling it “Brew.”
The beautiful country of California if your wondering, OK enough of that.
Oh I see. 😀
Panel 2 – PINGAS!
Panel 3 – PINGAS!
Panel 4 – PINGAS!
Panel 5 – PINGAS!
Next week we do Boobs!
how’d I end up needing ‘moderation’?
Two or more links in the same post will trigger the spam guard.
Unless your initials are DMW.
‘Sapeener! ‘Sapeener! ‘Sapeener! ‘Sapeener!
Lol Man this comic is just getting weird and I’ve seen weird.
I gotta wonder, like, if one my friends who I always recommend DoA to picks this day of all this days to read the comic and this strip is the first thing they see… I wonder if that will make them *more* or *less* inclined to start from the very beginning xD
I’m not surprised at all that Sal has contributed nothing to her door decorations.
Ya Sal why don’t you help out sometimes? If anything mikes the cool guy in this universe.
Sal helps herself to reality as the need/oppty arises. No need for artwork.
In fact, she’ll probably change her major to Math or CS for that very reason.
At least Billie made her decorations centered on the door. Sierra just.. covered her half with flowers and left Dorothy’s side bare. So that every time Dorothy goes back to her room, she would be reminded that she has done nothing to her door.
And she would feel bad.
That’s what college roomates do right? Passive-aggresive shaming?
I don’t think Sierra is capable of that.
Now, see, I thought she was being considerate: leaving Dorothy free to do whatever she wanted with her side of the door. Whereas Billie doesn’t care.
T Campbell understands!
Technically Billie left the bottom half open.
There be dragons.
What do you mean?
Sal’s the one that drew the dick.
Are you sure a Mike tag isn’t applicable here? Or at least a “Mike was here” tag?
After the Churchmouse thing, you really think it’s Mike?
Looks like Mike tagged the doors, so why wouldn’t he be tagged?
See my comment below about the drawing on Dorothy/Sierra’s door.
Someone will almost certainly accuse him of this, but I suspect he’ll just let them assume it was him, and then drop the ‘what makes you think it was me?’ bomb at just the appropriate time. That’s Mike’s way.
Awww, he cares more about his friends to try harder.
What a dick.
Yotomoe, something tells me this storyline is gonna be a big weiner.
You, sire, just weened +1 Weenternets.
Wait, did everyone on the floor embrace Joyce’s whiteboard idea or did the dong bandit supply whiteboards as well as dongs? In that case – yey! Free whiteboards.
Also, I’m glad that Joyce is less singled out now.
Yeah, I’m kinda confused by this. Wouldn’t people-who-aren’t-Joyce be aware that whiteboards only invite dick drawings?
I remember some girls writing “Nice!” below one and leaving it for awhile. I never saw another on their board, unlike all the other girls erasing them.
I’ve seen that work to stop someone doing that kind of thing. I’ve also seen it work when someone just did a full on teacher style critique of what was put there, including red dry erase markings.
I was that person! XD Don’t dick-deface a whiteboard belonging to an art major. LOL
Everyone else already had whiteboards:
Huh, I never noticed. Thanks for clearing that up.
A lot of students I’ve seen at college have whiteboards on their doors. I had one on my door for a while but people kept drawing pictures of me being homeless on it. But I’ve never seen anyone draw dicks on whiteboards. Mostly people writing Breaking Bad jokes or random questions to each other.
That’s… oddly specific
There’s a cow on mine.
At a high-profile business office.
And in celebration of this comic I propose The Ding Dong Song:
You might say…someone BALLED out of control.
Now the whole floor has been shafted! Can Joyce diffuse the situation before things come to a head?
Sure she can. She’s Ballsy and has plenty of spunk!
As long as she doesn’t gag on the size of the responsibility.
She needs to be sure not to go off half-cocked.
“[this comic]”
-William Shakespeare
“And now was acknowledged the presence of the Red Dicks. He had come like a thief in the night. And Darkness and Decay and the Dicks held illimitable dominion over all.”
Report him for sexual harrassment and a potential rape threat.
And if it’s anything like my college, Mike would disappear before the semester is out.
Betcha this wasn’t Mike. I’m leaning towards Carla, given her characterization.
I’m guessing from the previews that Carla is more pissed off about the whole thing than everyone else. It’s bad enough having dicks rubbed in your face when you are sexual, when you’re not it can be incredibly alienating.
To say nothing of her gender identity, natch.
But no, I’m betting it’s her. Mike did it to Joyce’s door because he knew she was puritanical, whereas here I doubt most of the other recipients would care that much. Mike gets personal, petty and repetitive is Ultra Car[la]’s general style.
However, I think Mike will let people assume he’s drawing them, though. He’s the sort to mess with people’s assumptions.
Well, the next comic gives credence to both of our theories in a way. Excellent.
I think it’s more than one person. There’s people all over the place drawing dicks.
Also they look like different artists.
You can do the 1st one but the 2nd one would be in bad taste.
Mike has shown to be aggressive, not respecting of the rights of other people, and entirely ready to resort to sexual harassment in the pursuit of his sadism. Yeah, he presents as a rape threat to me.
I know he’s a character in a comic strip that’s comedic and we’re supposed to laugh at his antics, but to anybody within that strip, that’s not the context.
That’s not a rape threat though. He’s passive aggressively drawing dicks on a board. He shows no other signs of wanting anything more than to piss Joyce off. If I slap the tray out of someone’s hand at lunch every day, I’m a dick, but I’m not threatening rape. If I moon someone a bunch of times, That’s gross and awful but I’m not threatening rape. When you consider everything a subsection of rape, I feel it kinda belittles the intensity and dehumanization of rape.
If you slap a tray out of someone’s hand at lunch every day, you’re engaging in assault and harassment. If you show willing to engage in any form of sexual harassment, you show a readiness to mix the assault and the sexual element of the harassment. In this scenario, you might argue that it is not your intent to pose a rape risk, but there’s this difference between intent and magic.
Mike doesn’t *intend* to present a rape threat. But, the world where reasonable response and intentionally elicited response is not our world. So, whether or not he intends for anybody to suspect him of being a potential rapist, in a world in which rape is a campus reality, and in which Mike has shown not to respect other people’s boundaries, and has a history of going significantly out of his way in order to be sadistic to other people, yeah, it’s reasonable to be concerned that that is one way Mike’s sadism might manifest itself.
Whether the threat he poses is that of rape, some other form of violence, or just a continuation of his general harassment, he is creating (and most times I’d be able to say regardless of his intent, but that is most certainly his intent) a hostile and threatening environment for anybody he comes across.
Oh dear god. He’s not presenting a rape threath. Not at all. I havent seem threaths of any kind at all actually. He just wants to draw a penis on a whiteboard. Drawing penises on stuff is fun. And he’s not even drawing it in her face instead of the whiteboard when she tries to cover the whiteboard.
Strange how Joyce forgot to laugh.
The “we’re only having fun” excuse isn’t a great excuse when the “we” includes one party who isn’t having any fun.
…Have you never in your life been in a situation where people were making a joke at your expense? That’s like…Every other day for me.
You act as though this bit of teasing is happening in a vacuum. There’s a context of everything else about Mike, here. His sadism, his constant anger, the fact that the only goal he ever seems to have is to cause someone else to suffer, and now the fact that he’s willing to engage in direct harassment.
Yes, I have been in situations where people were making jokes at my expense. And, sometimes, those have been people who didn’t have a history of harassing or physically assaulting me. Sometimes, and here’s the important matter, it has been. And, a joke at your expense takes on a different character when in the context of the joker being someone who has harassed and/or physically assaulted you.
Mike hasn’t Harassed OR physically assaulted her though. Not even once. And in fact, Every single thing Mike has done has been in a wierd misguided way, HELPFUL. He’s not Angry, he just looks spiteful. Still not a Rape Threat. That’s harassment AT WORST. Stoppit.
That’s unacceptable for me. I can’t condone hyper-sensetive people wha re willing to quantify any passing thing as a rape threat. What if the dick that was drawn on the door wasn’t Mike. What if Sarah went behind Joyce’s back and drew that dick again. Is that a rape threat? AND IF ALL OF THIS IS TRUE, THEN WHAT IS ACTUAL RAPE? I don’t know what it IS anymore. If we live in a world were being a passive aggressive asshole is considered a “rape threat” then there’s literally no reason to continue trying to coexist and we should all put ourselves in boxes.
Mike is teasing Joyce in a non-physical way. He is drawing a phallus on a dry erase board on a door. That’s a lot of things. Tom foolery, Being a Douche(,funny) but it is MOST CERTAINLY not a threat of rape. I get that the world is a scary place, guys. But you can’t Look at EVERY situation and link it to RAPE. It’s literally the worst thing in the FUCKING world. Calling someone drawing a dick on your door a rape threat belittles the horrific experience of being violated both physically and sexually. If someone Bumps his shoulder into me aggressively in the hall for no reason and keeps walking, I’m not going to declare a MURDER ATTEMPT. I’ll just say “What a Cock-sicle”, Laugh at my clever ability to add -sicle” to the end of a word so that it sounds like popsicle, and keep on going with my life. If he keeps doin’ it, worst that’ll happen is I’ll tell someone some douche keeps shoulder bumpin’ me. Unless someone is explicitly displaying signs of sexual or physical abuse towards you, you have no right to report them for something they have yet to have done.
I think part of the problem here is that you’re treating “presents as a rape threat” as though it is “is threatening to rape”.
For anybody in Mike’s path, there’s a threat of violence. He may not intend to threaten anybody physically, but he still presents as that threat through his actions.
That’s true for everyone in the fucking world. I have hands. I could just randomly swing at someone for no reason. Sarah’s hit someone with a bat, Amazi-girl is a vigilante, Joyce AND Mike both punched Joe. I don’t think YOU understand what a rape threat is. You can’t report a rape threat cuz someone…LOOKS intimidating. I’m not gonna Charge someone for kicking my ass cuz they’re large and Buff. That’s PROFILING, dude. Why not just arrest me for being black, SHIT. That kind of thinking is why so many people are wrongfully accused of shit, MAN.
First, this is a comic. Willis decides what characters do and don’t do — and he has made it very clear that he disapproves of a lot of what his characters do. Ruth’s behavior towards Billie is well over the line, as is Daisy’s subsequent handling of Billie’s report. Poor Amber is totally broken. It goes on and on.
In universe, we haven’t got the faintest idea what Mike does or doesn’t do, just as Ruth and Billie are a cute couple together. In the real world, Ruth and Billie would need extensive couples therapy if they decided to stay together, and they’d best run screaming away from one another.
In the real world, any woman should avoid Mike. Only approximately 6% of male college students are sexual predators, and so the other 19 in 20 get a bad rap. (Most male sexual offenders have multiple victims; the median is slightly more than five.) Mike has a bunch of the classic warning signals: he’s controlling and sadistic, which puts him at very risk of violently abusive behavior towards friends or lovers; and his controlling behavior is explicitly sexual, which puts him at particularly high probability of coercive sexual behavior.
That is, yeah, Mike is may well rape someone, and, in fact, may rape several someones. That’s not profiling, that’s probability. He’s dangerous, and any woman who meets him should treat him that way.
“His controlling behavior is explicitly sexual”. Is it, though? Even if you’re rationalizing AVOIDING mike cuz you’re afraid he may rape you, doesn’t warrant you to report them as a potential rape threat. I can report anyone of anything based on how they make me feel. Mike has acted borderline Asexual in his bullying. One would be hard pressed to find anything he’s done that’s been EXPLICITLY SEXUAL. Even drawing dicks isn’t EXPLICITLY SEXUAL because He’s just drawing dongs.He’s not drawing a dick in a vagina or anything. People draw dicks all the time but that doesn’t mean they have a sexual intent behind them. I’m trying to think of another EXPLICITLY SEXUAL thing Mike has done.
Convince Walky to hug his mom while his li’l walky was hanging out
Punching Joe for being a pervert (Upon Joyce’s request)
Joking that Joyce should get a Strapon (A joke repeated by 2 other non-mike characters)
THESE ARE THE MOST SEXUAL THINGS MIKE HAS DONE. You people need to not leave the house, mmkay. Cuz y’all are oversensetive and you’re gonna get peeps arrested for really minor stuff because you can’t live in a world where someone draw’s dicks on doors.
Rapists are usually complete assholes, but the vast majority of assholes are not rapists…you’re getting into Minority Report crap here.
Actually, that’s not the definition nor the actions of a P/A personality disorder, but thanks to the ‘internet’ – doing anything to annoy has been labeled as such.
The definition is being distorted to the point of even blogger/“journalists” defending their use in that context, and then linking to an online definition or some other “twenty-something’s” use of the term in a ‘lucky to have’ job at Wired or similar, as justification/proof of the definition.
jfc someone is drawing penises on a goddamn whiteboard and you want to get them arrested on rape threatening charges
what kind of world is this
Rape threat, no. Sexual harassment, yeahh… kinda. Sexualized mild harassment, definitely. But they’re probably not all by Mike. I’m willing to bet the dick on Dorothy’s door was scribbled by Walky. Billie is perfectly capable of scribbling dicks on her own whiteboard.
Mike has no reason to be there. It’s the girls dorm. There are probably rules on account of which he could get banned from there. Now, does Ruth care enough about this to do anything about it? We’ll see.
The sad truth is that US campuses have a notoriously bad record on dealing with rape & sexual harassment. 🙁
It’s the girls’ wing of a co-ed dorm, but there appear to be no rules forbidding a guy from walking down that hall. Men and women both live on the same floor, with only an imaginary line dividing the two.
BELIEVE IT OR NOT —— South Carolina passed a law some time back, where if you had one of those Calvin (of Calvin & Hobbes) stickers on your vehicle, pissing on a Ford/Chevy logo, you were pulled over by police and given a citation for Public Urination.
No joke.
Whether it stood up in later judicial review, I don’t know, but that was a key element in my decision (and many like it) to get the hell OUT of the “South” – because of the lunatic politics and the hypocrisy, none more so than South Carolina.
Joyce punched the hell out of Joe for looking at another woman.
Sarah took a bat to a guys head and then stomped on him.
Amber’s a violent emotionally unstable vigilante.
Reminder: Sarah was actively stopping a rapist.
ffs. You’ve got actual stupid, mindless violence, no need to weaken your case.
never before has this video been so appropriate.
How about this one?
This is going to be a film noir style story, starring Joyce and Ethan, and Mike will be the perpetrator.
The man-dangle on the second door (Dorothy/Sierra) looks suspiciously similar to the one that Sarah started to draw on Joyce’s whiteboard in this strip here.
Meaning there is no one single ‘Whiteboard Dingdong Bandit’.
We are legion!
The Man-Dangle Mafia?
It’s a conspiracy!
Dang, this is totally what I was gonna say! I think everyone wants to get in on the dong-drawing action
Joyce snaps and draws like a billion dicks.
This seems like a Joel Watson thing:
Impressive, substantial development on Diana without her even showing up in the panel.
You meant Dina right?
The only downside is that the dicks don’t get bigger from left to right as if it was one dick getting an erection. That would’ve made it like five times funnier.
I get off work at three and live an hour away, but I will be there, dammit.
Everybody has their downtime.
…Is that a sex joke? I’m not really sure. I assume it is.
My son was telling me that at his college (Missouri S&T) whiteboards on dorm room doors just isn’t a “thing” any more… I think we now know why…
Or it could be that texting is a much faster and reliable way to get a message to someone.
I’m kinda sad there isn’t a “penis” tag.
I think willis is praticising for his next porn.
Amazigirl has a new arch-nemesis to fight: The Wang Dang Doodler.
Ok so we can rule out Mike, since its too obvious. So who dunnit?
Dorothy did it, just so that Amazi-girl would have a reason to persist in stopping the heinous vandalism.
Except it backfires on her by the report of vandalism threatening to jeopardize her application to Yale.
THEY ALL DID IT. Independent of each other, half of the cast decided to draw dongs this very night. Even Joyce, to get back on Mike, to tease Walky, to send a message to Ethan or just to be a REBEL.
internet pornlord you say
The dick on Dorothy and Sierra’s door just looks like a four-figured hand giving the finger.
On a four-fingered hand, there is technically no middle finger.
My favourite quote from today’s comic: “B====D”
Panel 2’s drawing is reminiscent of Andy Warhol’s signature.
DoA became hardcore pornography so gradually we barely noticed it.
No, it’s only hardcore porn if it’s real penises, not drawn penises.
…except that everything in the strip is drawn. So if we see a drawing of penis on one of Willis’ characters, it’s nudity. But if a drawing of Willis’ characters makes a drawing of a penis, it isn’t…
Ceci n’est pas une peen
(except when it happened to me, someone drew on the classroom whiteboards in permanent marker.)
I just want to say I appreciate all the whiteboard types. A small detail never overlooked, here.
Knock knock.
Who´s there?
Who Dick?
Dick Tracy
I’m pretty sure Walky drew the dong on Dorothy’s side of the door.
I’m just kind of sad when I go back into the archives and find the tags replaced with one-word descriptors. It’s his art, his choice, but I do so love the tags.
Although I guess I could have misremembered when tags started?
Maybe you’re thinking of BringBackRoomies.
If you mean the hovertext, it started here. Though there’s one earlier in the archives that Willis put in just to mess with people.
I wonder how hard Mike would punch someone who decided to beat him to it by putting a picture of him on their door and saying it was a picture of a dick.
That’d be like admitting he lost. I think he’d feel the need to one-up that person somehow.
The comic may be free of tags, but the whiteboards aren’t.
Sierra and Dorothy’s dick pic looks more like a middle finger.
I appear to be the only one who thinks Walky drew all of them. Even the one on Dorothy’s door, which he has to draw to avoid suspicion on himself, but draws only half-heartedly. He draws the one on Joyce’s door biggest of course, because of their silly rivalry. The next-biggest on Billie’s door for similar reasons.
OK how’d my post end up ordered before earlier ones??
I dunno, but Manga Joyce’s arms looks also kinda phallic to me here.
What did they expect to be put on those?
Whatever else I can say about the characters here, I’m enjoying the narrative a lot.
Wow, those Beast Wars faction symbols make me feel nostalgic…
I’d be more worried if there were tags, then the comment section would be full of people trying to match them up.
So Birnham Woods have come to Dunsanhay.
why oh why did I scroll down
Okay, I’m late to the toon – by a year and a half – but why not just tag the thread with “dick”?