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Tamaura, wrested into a world 300 years in the future, must find a way to save the magic fading from her country.
Dumbing of Age
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Joyce has been homeschooled her entire life until now, when she's suddenly a freshman in college! Things don't go well.
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I think it would be hilarious if when Sarah gets in a relationship it’s one of those sickening ones where the couple calls each other Shmoopy-poo and Snuggins or whatever the hell.
Even Joyce might tell them to tone it the fuck down.
If Sarah had any interest at all in Jacob, she just blew it. If Jacob still has any interest at all in Sarah after what she just said, he needs to have his head examined. Or nominated for Sainthood.
All the positive exposure does seem to be good for her. Whether or not any of this will benefit Amber, remains to be seen. How severely compartmentalized is she?
Maybe it’s because the only people she’s interacting with are humans. She should hang out with some Cybertronians for a few weeks, and then she’ll appreciate how much less wacky humans are by comparison.
Maybe that’s why I think she is cool, she does not change her personal personal self to impress Anybody. Even a guy like Jacob. Now that is self control beyond and above and all that.
Hmm, interesting point. I’m not sure that hating people counts as a personal self thingy, though. Misanthropy strikes me as a behaviour (and possibly even a maladaptive one), not as an identity that shouldn’t be questioned or self-changed or whathaveyou. But then, I’m a people person so I’m pretty much wired the opposite way.
Any self-identified misanthropists in here? Is misanthropy an identity, where possibly changing it would be an impossible affront to your sense of self? Is it a thing you do because you prefer it? Something else?
Sarah’s not a purely natural misanthrope, though; she’s this way in large part because 1) she can’t afford to be distracted from her studies lest she lose her financial aid, and 2) thanks to earlier circumstances she is not hated and bullied by her old friends/peer group. She’s had her trust broken, which means that if it regrows and/or is repaired she could shift back from aggressive dislike to her previous quiet withdrawal/mild socialization.
So while a person could have misanthropy as a natural personality trait (like, say, Mike seems to), Sarah is not one of those people.
Some people, if they realized they were a misanthrope and that most people consider that undesirable, might try to hide their misanthropy if they were with someone they wanted to like them. Sarah’s too honest to do thst, apparently.
I was a misanthrope most of my life, and it was a learned behavior. My parents raised me with the policy “Don’t Trust Anybody.” Seriously – my mom was a stay at home mom, not because they could afford it, but because they would not let anyone else watch me or my brothers. We never had a baby sitter or attended any day care, and when we went to school, she would stand and watch us get on the bus, wait for the bus when we got home, and if the bus was more than five minutes late in the afternoon, she called the school to find out where it was and why it was late. (Yes, both the schools we attended and our bus drivers learned to loathe the sound of my mom’s voice.) Sleep-overs were very, very rare, and they only happened after my parents knew our friends’ parents and were personally convinced said friends’ parents would not only be home but would enforce MY parents’ rules at their house. (I had a friend’s mom in second grade allow me and my friend to ride our bikes on the road – not allowed at my house – and when my mom found out, I was never allowed to stay at that friend’s house again.)
As a result of my upbringing, I not only didn’t trust anyone, I never learned how to socialize properly. I’m frequently told by others I must have Asperger’s, because I’m a lot like Dina – I have to learn proper socialization even now, at 34 years old, by observing others and trying to imitate what they do. (This is why “social justice” and all the language baggage that comes with it drives me up the wall; every time I learn a new word or a way of using a word, someone else comes along and says “No, you can’t say that, because of xyz-ism.” )
I don’t feel trying to overcome it is “an affront to my sense of self.” It’s certainly a part of who I was and who I am now, but I see it like the darkfic/deathfic I wrote as a 12-year-old and the period of time I spent as an Internet troll after I graduated from high school – just another characteristic I adopted through learning and can be just as easily corrected with new learning. It’s not something *fundamental* to who I am as a person.
I prefer the term “curmudgeon” to describe some of my friends, like Gears, Huffer, Dipstick, Cyclonus, and Kup. (Not that I know Kup that well.) “Misanthrope” is a very anthropocentric term, while curmudgeon can include just about anything: Cybertronians, Sharkticons, Quintessons, cats, platypuses, various sentient fungi living on Dioxenor V, and Scraplets.
Me, I’m the opposite of a curmudgeon! I like everyone, even nutjobs like Whirl. It’s one of the reasons my lifelong dream has been opening a bar with Blurr! So I can greet people, listen to their troubles, and play practical jokes on them lift their spirits!
The only people I don’t like are Decepticons, especially a certain mass-murdering Decepticon who rigged the judicial system to become captain of The Lost Light.
Ya good times, I think Sarah would have loved getting Dina a s room mate just think about it quite, doesn’t get into trouble, doesn’t do ANYTHING, match made in heaven.
Oh POOP! Dina does know that Mike is not a good rolemodel, right? She didn’t take that as a que that drawing dicks on people’s whiteboards was normal behavior did she? NO! DINA!
It was the negative fallout from Dana’s friends attacking Sarah for doing the right thing. Sarah almost certainly saved Dana’s life, and for that Dana’s pals turned Sarah into a pariah.
Caring about people too much can be similarly exhausting, if not more so, because you’d constantly worry about other people if they’re having a hard time, and it really stresses you out. This is coming from personal experience.
Despite going into the tree, I’m pretty sure she’s just sitting there. I mean, have you TRIED going out on a limb to jump to another tree? She’s gotta have hella awesome jump to make those.
Plus if she hops from tree to tree people will see her doing it and just follow her anyway, at least until she gets to a building to roof jump across while leaving the crowd below. So yeah, she’s probably just chilling up there with her AmaziDS or something.
Sarah doesn’t have a choice when it comes to interacting with Joyce: they’re hab-suite mates. When you live with someone for so long, you either learn to like them or you try to kill them. (That’s why no one will share a hab-suite with Whirl. After he left Animus to be killed by the Spark-Eater, no one wants to take any chances.)
Basically, Joyce has grown on Sarah, to the point that she tolerates the little home-schooled fundie. Does she like Joyce? Not yet, but if there’s one thing I’ve learned from watching Cyclonus and Tailgate’s relationship develop, anything can happen. Isn’t there a human aphorism, “friendship is magic?” I think it’s an aphorism.
No, that’s a catch phrase, not an aphorism, and it’s a human saying addressed to a horse instead of a horse saying from alien horses that can talk and say things. And while it’s not entirely clear why everybody knows non-earthly horse sayings, it’s equally unclear how I’m talking to a non-earth robot, so I figure I can just roll with it.
In my head canon, Equestrians are acutally tentacle monsters who only see themselves as approximately horse-shaped. They are more like the Diclonii from Elfen Lied.
I thought that was explained by the “Pool of Transformation”. If that could turn Seaspray into a humanoid and a mermaid into a Cybertronian, couldn’t it turn Twilight Sparkle into a purple humanoid?
@begbertt2: The real question is how you’re talking to me after the events of “Transformers: MTME” #31. Can’t say more, cause of spoilers and all that.
I have grown to really dislike Sarah. This kind of attitude that everyone around you sucks is so annoying, because it just proves ‘ye olde saying about shitty people. A few people smell like shit – unlucky, everyone smells like it – maybe you stepped into a big pile.
There is just little she can do, she thinks that this whole thing with sending her weed-addicted roommate away is some sort of sainthood and she is frickin Jeeeezus. I wish she would just get that humongous stick out of her ass.
Some people are anti-social with grumpy/sour exteriors. It doesn’t make them bad or shitty people. They’re not full of themselves or think they deserve sainthood, they just don’t like being around most people. There’s nothing wrong with that.
I would understand that, *if* she wasn’t trying to become social at the same time and then rudely claim “By not talking to me” to a guy she seems to like.
There was no damn reason to say that, she converted back into her mean-shell and continues to ignore everyone. Even in the beginning she acts higher than her peers because she feels that having a problematic year in college makes her smarter than everyone and reinforces her bitterness and unwillingness to talk with people.
Sarah doesn’t think she’s Jesus. She thinks her former-friends-now-enemies are Satan. There’s a huge difference – she never presented that situation as “I am so perfect and was so selfless so I’m better than everyone”; it was “this stuff happened, and since then everyone I know has been treating me like shit. For months.” So yeah. Sarah’s “attitude” is simply “once bitten, twice shy” multiplied by being bitten about a hundred times.
TLDR: Sarah’s not the shitty one; the people who attack her are. Um, present company excepted I’m sure.
But the Jesus part is not supposed to be vocal. I wrote that because her *actions* show that she is acting like Jesus, thinking she is completely right and everything around her is a trial, which seems very egocentric. She feels justified for being an asshole to everyone around her, because she was once bitten.
Sounds like a personal problem. Or you’re projecting. Either way, nothing of what you’re saying remotely resembles Sarah’s personality and attitude. Maybe we’re reading two different comics.
I great way to try to discredit opinions is to claim that they are projecting. We are reading the same comic, it’s just that ‘subjectivity’ is a thing that persists in our reality. Who’d have thunk it.
She’s never demonstrated that she thinks she’s better than everyone. She got burned real bad by her friends when she tried to be a good person/friend, so now she doesn’t want anything to do with friends and people if that’s how they’re going to treat her.
She’s basically been a bit scarred by that event and because of it doesn’t want to let anyone in and become friends. She feels like they’re just going to hurt her again.
Well it’s not a valid reason to be rude to a guy you apparently like. The last panel is what made me write all this – she is so full of beans that it made me dislike her. Before I could understand the bitterness from her previous year in college, but now it seems that she is just stretching this thing for miles, milking a dead cow. She refuses to get out of her bitter shell and refuses to learn anything and that makes her an uninteresting and dislikable character, for now.
The alt-text today made me realize, Sarah is a total a-hole. Consider a gender swapped depiction: dude who narc’ed on his roommate rather than trying to get him help (from his parents, their other friends, counseling, etc), badmouths/hates everybody they know EXCEPT that one really hot chick they want to bang (who they bond with by telling embarrassing stories about a mutual acquaintance). What a dick that guy would be. THAT GUY IS SARAH
The difference between Mike and Sarah, is that Sarah’s bitterness comes from her experiences with Dana and the fallout from calling Dana’s father. (Sarah did in fact try to help Dana by calling Dana’s father; Dana’s mom was dead, and the reason Dana was using mind altering substances so heavily.)
Was it partially selfish? Maybe, but I’d like to think if my hab-suite mate were abusing energon boosters, I’d ask Rodimus to help them. (Not Megatron though. That slag-licker would probably toss them out an airlock, all the while the poor ‘Bot is screaming “I still function!”)
Compare her to Mike. Unlike an alternate version of Mike who had a good reason to be a curmudgeonly aft-hole, Dumbiverse Mike has no reason other than comedy. It’s apparently funny to see Mike rag on Walky or punch Joe. (Personally, I don’t think it’s funny to punch Joe for being Joe.) Mike’s only altruistic acts in this comic has been ordering pants for Walky and trying to get Dorothy to break up with Walky to keep her from noticing Walky’s various bodily odors. By contrast Sarah saved Joyce from a would-be rapist, took Joyce shopping, and saved Dana from herself. No comparison in ol’ Swerve’s datalog.
Consider the gender-swapped depiction: a dude who tried repeatedly to get his friend help from his friends, but they refused to listen because the stoned roommate put on a better face in public and they were in denial, and who waited and endured the unpleasant and dangerous situation for quite a while until finally contacting the father to try to get help. And then who was viciously rejected and attacked by his former friends, who selfishly just wanted the stoner around to have fun with them. And then who was bullied for months afterward by them, and afterwards has a hard time trusting anyone – even people who aren’t bullying him at the moment. Though there is one girl who’s hot enough to catch his attention, and who’s continuously nice and kind and who doesn’t trigger his bullied reactions.
The picture looks different when you make the analogy fit the facts, doesn’t it?
Sarah didn’t “narc” her friend, she contacted her parents. Which, somewhat hilariously, is one of the courses of action you criticize her for not taking.
(I’m aware, BTW, that “telling the parents” can be considered narcing on them, but since you included help from parents in your list of alternatives, I’m assuming that you mean “narc” in the classic sense of “inform the narcotics police” which is not what happened.)
Of course part of Sarah’s worry was about her own grades, but it seemed like there was a little caring in there about Dana. She’s certainly no saint, but she’s not completely without redeeming traits. And she does seem to genuinely care about Joyce’s welfare– she could’ve just let her go to that party, but she chose to go there with a baseball bat in case Joyce needed protection.
So, how does jumping into a tree get her away from all those people? Are trees so close on that campus that people can run along from limb to limb? Is she ziplining on a power line that passes through the tree? How did she do anything other than literally tree herself (get herself stuck in a tree while the people looking for stand underneath waiting for her to come back down)?
y’all see where this is going right? everybody is super cool with amazi-girl, she becomes comfortable with the attention, begins feeling good about herself for once, then it starts going to her head, and then the violent beating of HER OWN INNOCENT FATHER!!!! is revealed and eeeeeeeeverybody hates her.
Except it wasn’t innocent; Dorothy would back her in an instant, and Danny, her boyfriend and also the victim, would do the same. He kidnapped a student to lure out his daughter because he was kicked off of her campus. There is no innocence there.
Yeah, Danny, Dina and Ruth experienced his unpleasantness first hand, and several others heard Amber’s declaration that Blaine had abused her mother. Plus Ethan and probably Mike would know what kind of guy he is. Blaine’s only real influence came form it being a campus that didn’t know him since Amber was trying to keep it to herself.
Agreed. Amazi-Girl’s always been the weak point of the comic for me. I don’t like Ruth, for example, but she fits perfectly into the story. Amazi-Girl however stretches credibility in almost every aspect of her character and just makes everyone around her look stupid for not recognising her (the whole Clark Kent grandfather clause for people not recognising the obvious became outdated ages ago so audiences don’t really accept it).
Almost looks like a Willis self cameo in the third panel. With respect to the comments about that jump into the tree, maybe she trained with Samurai Jack?
Works for me!
Aww Sarah.
So if Sarah likes people she’s never talked to… she must be a real history buff, huh?
Lincoln totally would’ve talked to her if he had the chance. Sarah knows his type.
A bit of a segue, but…
Sarah has always reminded me of Numbuh Five from Kids Next Door. Whose last name is Lincoln.
Numbah Five name is Abigail Lincoln.
But imagine Sarah Clinton as Numbah Five. Both girls’ last names are the last names of presidents, too.
I really want to see Sarah in that sort of hat now.
She never did mention not liking Dina. Then again, who could possibly not like dina?
I know right.
But then again would you even know shes there?
(she is ninja of the college)
She pretty much defended her in the mall, thought she was weird though.
Oh no! The Kite-Eating-Tree from Peanuts got Amber!
It must have mistaken her cape for a kite.
Walking’s for plebes.
Yeah, the best way to travel is to transform into a truck and roll out!
at least shorten it right, you pleb.
(I was joking, I’m sorry I’m sorry)
I’m am offended……..pffftt not really.
Several minutes later, a bystander spotted Amazi-Girl exiting the Kite-Eating tree.
“Her cape was missing,” the bystander said. “When I asked her what happened to it, all she did was roll her eyes and say ‘I can’t stand it!'”
Edna ‘E’ Mode: “No Capes!”
This comment system totally needs a “like” button just for your comment.
Or you could be incredibly attractive. That would work.
alt text: ‘also it helps if the are way super hot’
so yeah, basically
k, so I’m not the only one who uses that method… sweet.
Which method? Travel by tree, or liking people who don’t talk to you?
Traveling on people who don’t like trees.
Hey, let’s all not talk to Sarah! I’m just positive she’ll love being ignored or even shunned when people see her. /snark
All of Sarah’s lines are 1000% better when you read them in old Bruce Wayne’s voice from Batman Beyond.
New IMDb entry for Kevin Conroy:
Dumbing of Age: Sarah Clinton
Especially since her weapon of choice is a bat.
you just blew up my world
You win, you win so very hard.
Yesterday’s comic starts out pretty hilarious if you do this.
You mean she has to have a “good side”?
Or by whispering sweet nothings into her ear as they nestle into each other while sleeping in bed.
I think it would be hilarious if when Sarah gets in a relationship it’s one of those sickening ones where the couple calls each other Shmoopy-poo and Snuggins or whatever the hell.
Even Joyce might tell them to tone it the fuck down.
I can see it now.
“I looooove you, my smooshie tooshie.”
“I luv you too, whatever the hell.”
Oh Sarah! You’re going to die alone and miserable at this rate.
She wont be alone, she’ll have plenty of cats to keep her company.
If she manages to take a few with her, she’ll be less miserable.
If Sarah had any interest at all in Jacob, she just blew it. If Jacob still has any interest at all in Sarah after what she just said, he needs to have his head examined. Or nominated for Sainthood.
Seriously. Even if he likes her, she just told him that the way into her good graces is to stop talking to her.
Jacob did want her to open up. She just did, although if she had been paying attention she might not have said something that candid.
Saint Jacob is a regular thing
She also said “mostly”. He may be the exception.
So just his head is a saint? Is this some kind of cephalophore-type thing?
Did Amazi-Girl just leap straight up into a tree? Maybe she really is a superhero.
Tree based teleportation isn’t the worst super power you could have.
Well, there’s a draconic elven subrace in 3.5 that can do that as a racial power… But I don’t think she plays tabletop.
Also, Amber has a history of disliking elves.
Maybe the tree has a secret passage way into her secret base.
Ooh, just like in Hoenn!
My internal battery dies….
Or Kids Next Door!
Have you seen those legs? It’s a wonder she didn’t escape earth’s gravitational pull.
She has the proportionate strength and agility of a squirrel. Most likely, from being bitten by a radioactive squirrel.
I’m pretty sure superpowers come from genetically engineered animal bites these days.
Even that’s old hat, these days it would be a lab squirrel infested with alien nanites.
Loving Amazi-girls emotional growth
She’s gone from Nolan movies Batman to DCAU Batman! If this keeps up, she’ll be the Adam West Batman in two years of strips. :p
Holy Indiana!
And then mayor of a small city in Rhode Island?
All the positive exposure does seem to be good for her. Whether or not any of this will benefit Amber, remains to be seen. How severely compartmentalized is she?
I believe amazi girl had more screen time than amber
Amazi-Girl’s had 79 appearances (some of which were newspaper photos or whatnot, not actual Amazi-Girl). Amber’s had 162.
What if we count desperate panels
Then Jacob stopped talking to her. Plan totally backfired.
Unless . . . secretly, her plan is actually to beat out Billie in the Character-Most-Likely-to-Suceed-in-Illustrating-the-Comic’s-Title competition.
Sarah is honest. Not bright when it comes to Jacob. But, she says she does not like people, and she ain’t shitting.
Maybe it’s because the only people she’s interacting with are humans. She should hang out with some Cybertronians for a few weeks, and then she’ll appreciate how much less wacky humans are by comparison.
Do you really wanna risk introducing her to Whirl?
Or Cyclonus?
Everything considered, that’s a remarkably good point.
Sarah you barely like anybody.
But woud she like Jacob bare?
Maybe that’s why I think she is cool, she does not change her personal personal self to impress Anybody. Even a guy like Jacob. Now that is self control beyond and above and all that.
Hmm, interesting point. I’m not sure that hating people counts as a personal self thingy, though. Misanthropy strikes me as a behaviour (and possibly even a maladaptive one), not as an identity that shouldn’t be questioned or self-changed or whathaveyou. But then, I’m a people person so I’m pretty much wired the opposite way.
Any self-identified misanthropists in here? Is misanthropy an identity, where possibly changing it would be an impossible affront to your sense of self? Is it a thing you do because you prefer it? Something else?
Sarah’s not a purely natural misanthrope, though; she’s this way in large part because 1) she can’t afford to be distracted from her studies lest she lose her financial aid, and 2) thanks to earlier circumstances she is not hated and bullied by her old friends/peer group. She’s had her trust broken, which means that if it regrows and/or is repaired she could shift back from aggressive dislike to her previous quiet withdrawal/mild socialization.
So while a person could have misanthropy as a natural personality trait (like, say, Mike seems to), Sarah is not one of those people.
Some people, if they realized they were a misanthrope and that most people consider that undesirable, might try to hide their misanthropy if they were with someone they wanted to like them. Sarah’s too honest to do thst, apparently.
I was a misanthrope most of my life, and it was a learned behavior. My parents raised me with the policy “Don’t Trust Anybody.” Seriously – my mom was a stay at home mom, not because they could afford it, but because they would not let anyone else watch me or my brothers. We never had a baby sitter or attended any day care, and when we went to school, she would stand and watch us get on the bus, wait for the bus when we got home, and if the bus was more than five minutes late in the afternoon, she called the school to find out where it was and why it was late. (Yes, both the schools we attended and our bus drivers learned to loathe the sound of my mom’s voice.) Sleep-overs were very, very rare, and they only happened after my parents knew our friends’ parents and were personally convinced said friends’ parents would not only be home but would enforce MY parents’ rules at their house. (I had a friend’s mom in second grade allow me and my friend to ride our bikes on the road – not allowed at my house – and when my mom found out, I was never allowed to stay at that friend’s house again.)
As a result of my upbringing, I not only didn’t trust anyone, I never learned how to socialize properly. I’m frequently told by others I must have Asperger’s, because I’m a lot like Dina – I have to learn proper socialization even now, at 34 years old, by observing others and trying to imitate what they do. (This is why “social justice” and all the language baggage that comes with it drives me up the wall; every time I learn a new word or a way of using a word, someone else comes along and says “No, you can’t say that, because of xyz-ism.” )
I don’t feel trying to overcome it is “an affront to my sense of self.” It’s certainly a part of who I was and who I am now, but I see it like the darkfic/deathfic I wrote as a 12-year-old and the period of time I spent as an Internet troll after I graduated from high school – just another characteristic I adopted through learning and can be just as easily corrected with new learning. It’s not something *fundamental* to who I am as a person.
I prefer the term “curmudgeon” to describe some of my friends, like Gears, Huffer, Dipstick, Cyclonus, and Kup. (Not that I know Kup that well.) “Misanthrope” is a very anthropocentric term, while curmudgeon can include just about anything: Cybertronians, Sharkticons, Quintessons, cats, platypuses, various sentient fungi living on Dioxenor V, and Scraplets.
Me, I’m the opposite of a curmudgeon! I like everyone, even nutjobs like Whirl. It’s one of the reasons my lifelong dream has been opening a bar with Blurr! So I can greet people, listen to their troubles, and
play practical jokes on themlift their spirits!The only people I don’t like are Decepticons, especially a certain mass-murdering Decepticon who rigged the judicial system to become captain of The Lost Light.
Misanthropy is mainly a personality trait gained through interacting with the average human
Huh, I assumed abs.
So Dina’s on her good side?
When Dina and Joyce get together, Sarah gets to enjoy the free entertainment.
Ya good times, I think Sarah would have loved getting Dina a s room mate just think about it quite, doesn’t get into trouble, doesn’t do ANYTHING, match made in heaven.
I don’t think so cause dina is using her room mate for practice for normal interaction
Yes, but it is her roommate that brought this on, not Dina.
Oh POOP! Dina does know that Mike is not a good rolemodel, right? She didn’t take that as a que that drawing dicks on people’s whiteboards was normal behavior did she? NO! DINA!
Sexy behavior is ever so rarely normal
But I don’t think Sarah has seen Dina-saur yet! (I know, Dee-na not Dina, but it’s worth the pun.)
She should make best friends with Marcie.
Probably end up complaining that she signs too much.
isn’t that “in my fanfic” guy in the background?
In my fanfic, Amazi-Girl meets a really cool college freshman who teaches her how to love again.
Also, his Shortpacked! tag is “Fortress Ominous”.
His fanfic is pretty accurate then. (Yes, Danny is really cool…but we all know Dorothy’s the one in the fic.)
Cynicism can be so exhausting. I don’t know how Sarah’s still standing.
True. But caring about people (i.e., her old roommate) also wore her out.
It was the negative fallout from Dana’s friends attacking Sarah for doing the right thing. Sarah almost certainly saved Dana’s life, and for that Dana’s pals turned Sarah into a pariah.
Caring about people too much can be similarly exhausting, if not more so, because you’d constantly worry about other people if they’re having a hard time, and it really stresses you out. This is coming from personal experience.
Moderation in all things. Boundaries so you don’t burn out. Easy to say, hard to do.
(by which I mean, I feel ya, man.)
Despite going into the tree, I’m pretty sure she’s just sitting there. I mean, have you TRIED going out on a limb to jump to another tree? She’s gotta have hella awesome jump to make those.
Also, if Amber does, she should totally be on the basketball team and dunk it like Michael in Space Jam.
Plus if she hops from tree to tree people will see her doing it and just follow her anyway, at least until she gets to a building to roof jump across while leaving the crowd below. So yeah, she’s probably just chilling up there with her AmaziDS or something.
Going across a fence or something would get rid of most of them.
She is a parkour runner.
So I guess this means that she considers Joyce way super hot then?
Sarah doesn’t have a choice when it comes to interacting with Joyce: they’re hab-suite mates. When you live with someone for so long, you either learn to like them or you try to kill them. (That’s why no one will share a hab-suite with Whirl. After he left Animus to be killed by the Spark-Eater, no one wants to take any chances.)
Basically, Joyce has grown on Sarah, to the point that she tolerates the little home-schooled fundie. Does she like Joyce? Not yet, but if there’s one thing I’ve learned from watching Cyclonus and Tailgate’s relationship develop, anything can happen. Isn’t there a human aphorism, “friendship is magic?” I think it’s an aphorism.
I believe that’s actually a horse aphorism.
Like “Hiyo, Silver! Away!”?
No, that’s a catch phrase, not an aphorism, and it’s a human saying addressed to a horse instead of a horse saying from alien horses that can talk and say things. And while it’s not entirely clear why everybody knows non-earthly horse sayings, it’s equally unclear how I’m talking to a non-earth robot, so I figure I can just roll with it.
In my head canon, Equestrians are acutally tentacle monsters who only see themselves as approximately horse-shaped. They are more like the Diclonii from Elfen Lied.
That would kinda explain the ‘Equestria Grls’ abomination.
I thought that was explained by the “Pool of Transformation”. If that could turn Seaspray into a humanoid and a mermaid into a Cybertronian, couldn’t it turn Twilight Sparkle into a purple humanoid?
@begbertt2: The real question is how you’re talking to me after the events of “Transformers: MTME” #31. Can’t say more, cause of spoilers and all that.
I’m pretty sure Sarah does like Joyce. There’s a reason her nickname is ‘Big Sis’ and a reason she hasn’t told Joyce to stop calling her that.
Joyce has grown on Sarah, like a fundie-fungus.
…Wait that sounds like psychic mushroom people.
And my mind went to psychedelic mushroom people.
Sounds like something from one of the stranger 1970’s Doctor Who episodes.
If you want to get on my good side you’re going to have to take your shirt off.
That comment, this comic, and the Jacob gravatar do not mix well.
You would say that,wouldn’t you?
Or, by calling me ‘big sis’ after I save yer ass. That seems to work, too.
Sarah, I dub thee Miss Grumblebum.
Don’t worry Sarah I’m not so sold on Amazi-Girl either.
And I too judge people by how little they talk to me.
Wanna be besties who talk very little?
I’ve been thinking that ‘The Whiteboard Wang-Doodler’ would have been a better name for the villain…
They pitched a wang dang doodle all night long.
I have grown to really dislike Sarah. This kind of attitude that everyone around you sucks is so annoying, because it just proves ‘ye olde saying about shitty people. A few people smell like shit – unlucky, everyone smells like it – maybe you stepped into a big pile.
There is just little she can do, she thinks that this whole thing with sending her weed-addicted roommate away is some sort of sainthood and she is frickin Jeeeezus. I wish she would just get that humongous stick out of her ass.
Get the stick out of YOUR ass. Sarah is fine, you are the one with an issue.
wow…..hostile much?
I know right? Fuck me, for having an opinion.
Some people are anti-social with grumpy/sour exteriors. It doesn’t make them bad or shitty people. They’re not full of themselves or think they deserve sainthood, they just don’t like being around most people. There’s nothing wrong with that.
I would understand that, *if* she wasn’t trying to become social at the same time and then rudely claim “By not talking to me” to a guy she seems to like.
There was no damn reason to say that, she converted back into her mean-shell and continues to ignore everyone. Even in the beginning she acts higher than her peers because she feels that having a problematic year in college makes her smarter than everyone and reinforces her bitterness and unwillingness to talk with people.
Sarah doesn’t think she’s Jesus. She thinks her former-friends-now-enemies are Satan. There’s a huge difference – she never presented that situation as “I am so perfect and was so selfless so I’m better than everyone”; it was “this stuff happened, and since then everyone I know has been treating me like shit. For months.” So yeah. Sarah’s “attitude” is simply “once bitten, twice shy” multiplied by being bitten about a hundred times.
TLDR: Sarah’s not the shitty one; the people who attack her are. Um, present company excepted I’m sure.
But the Jesus part is not supposed to be vocal. I wrote that because her *actions* show that she is acting like Jesus, thinking she is completely right and everything around her is a trial, which seems very egocentric. She feels justified for being an asshole to everyone around her, because she was once bitten.
Sounds like a personal problem. Or you’re projecting. Either way, nothing of what you’re saying remotely resembles Sarah’s personality and attitude. Maybe we’re reading two different comics.
I great way to try to discredit opinions is to claim that they are projecting. We are reading the same comic, it’s just that ‘subjectivity’ is a thing that persists in our reality. Who’d have thunk it.
She’s never demonstrated that she thinks she’s better than everyone. She got burned real bad by her friends when she tried to be a good person/friend, so now she doesn’t want anything to do with friends and people if that’s how they’re going to treat her.
She’s basically been a bit scarred by that event and because of it doesn’t want to let anyone in and become friends. She feels like they’re just going to hurt her again.
Well it’s not a valid reason to be rude to a guy you apparently like. The last panel is what made me write all this – she is so full of beans that it made me dislike her. Before I could understand the bitterness from her previous year in college, but now it seems that she is just stretching this thing for miles, milking a dead cow. She refuses to get out of her bitter shell and refuses to learn anything and that makes her an uninteresting and dislikable character, for now.
Is it even appropriate for Jacob to refer to Sarah as “dude”?
I refer to everyone as “dude”, regardless of gender.
Yeah, ‘dude’ has become asexual, these days (at least in CA).
So, relax and don’t worry about it, dude.
Texas too. Or maybe it’s just me.
Neat trick. Imma do that now.
*jumps in a tree to escape responsibilities*
I’ve tried it; it never works.
The alt-text today made me realize, Sarah is a total a-hole. Consider a gender swapped depiction: dude who narc’ed on his roommate rather than trying to get him help (from his parents, their other friends, counseling, etc), badmouths/hates everybody they know EXCEPT that one really hot chick they want to bang (who they bond with by telling embarrassing stories about a mutual acquaintance). What a dick that guy would be. THAT GUY IS SARAH
lol, and I got Sarah as my random pic for the post
That guy is Mike. But there’s no Mike hate-fest, when he shows up. It’s all, “That’s Mike! LOL” and everyone keeps rolling…
The difference between Mike and Sarah, is that Sarah’s bitterness comes from her experiences with Dana and the fallout from calling Dana’s father. (Sarah did in fact try to help Dana by calling Dana’s father; Dana’s mom was dead, and the reason Dana was using mind altering substances so heavily.)
Was it partially selfish? Maybe, but I’d like to think if my hab-suite mate were abusing energon boosters, I’d ask Rodimus to help them. (Not Megatron though. That slag-licker would probably toss them out an airlock, all the while the poor ‘Bot is screaming “I still function!”)
Compare her to Mike. Unlike an alternate version of Mike who had a good reason to be a curmudgeonly aft-hole, Dumbiverse Mike has no reason other than comedy. It’s apparently funny to see Mike rag on Walky or punch Joe. (Personally, I don’t think it’s funny to punch Joe for being Joe.) Mike’s only altruistic acts in this comic has been ordering pants for Walky and trying to get Dorothy to break up with Walky to keep her from noticing Walky’s various bodily odors. By contrast Sarah saved Joyce from a would-be rapist, took Joyce shopping, and saved Dana from herself. No comparison in ol’ Swerve’s datalog.
“dude who narc’ed on his roommate rather than trying to get him help”
Zero tolerance policy – doing literally anything else could have gotten Sarah expelled if cops/RA/etc found drugs in the room.
Consider the gender-swapped depiction: a dude who tried repeatedly to get his friend help from his friends, but they refused to listen because the stoned roommate put on a better face in public and they were in denial, and who waited and endured the unpleasant and dangerous situation for quite a while until finally contacting the father to try to get help. And then who was viciously rejected and attacked by his former friends, who selfishly just wanted the stoner around to have fun with them. And then who was bullied for months afterward by them, and afterwards has a hard time trusting anyone – even people who aren’t bullying him at the moment. Though there is one girl who’s hot enough to catch his attention, and who’s continuously nice and kind and who doesn’t trigger his bullied reactions.
The picture looks different when you make the analogy fit the facts, doesn’t it?
Sarah didn’t “narc” her friend, she contacted her parents. Which, somewhat hilariously, is one of the courses of action you criticize her for not taking.
(I’m aware, BTW, that “telling the parents” can be considered narcing on them, but since you included help from parents in your list of alternatives, I’m assuming that you mean “narc” in the classic sense of “inform the narcotics police” which is not what happened.)
I have bolded in your post the thing Sarah actually did.
Also I made it a link.
Even outside of comics, you have a great sense of humor.
I applaud you. That is a brilliant way to tell someone they are wrong with their own comment. XD
I’m kind of baffled as to why you think gender-swapping Sarah has any relevance at all to the situation, which has nothing to do with gender.
It’s the go-to argument for people who don’t think a female character is getting enough hate.
But Sarah did call Dana’s dad according to the link you posted. She didn’t narc her out to the authorities. Also she tried to talk to Raidah and the others about how worried she was about Dana and they said not to worry about it.
Of course part of Sarah’s worry was about her own grades, but it seemed like there was a little caring in there about Dana. She’s certainly no saint, but she’s not completely without redeeming traits. And she does seem to genuinely care about Joyce’s welfare– she could’ve just let her go to that party, but she chose to go there with a baseball bat in case Joyce needed protection.
Oh hell, I should’ve read everyone else’s post before commenting. Sorry, Willis and everyone.
The link was added by our gracious but snarky host, not by the original poster.
Which I see you noted slightly before my post went through. Ah, well.
So, how does jumping into a tree get her away from all those people? Are trees so close on that campus that people can run along from limb to limb? Is she ziplining on a power line that passes through the tree? How did she do anything other than literally tree herself (get herself stuck in a tree while the people looking for stand underneath waiting for her to come back down)?
Amazi-Girl is immune to criticism.
As well as the laws of physics and gravity in general.
Until tomorrow’s comic we can’t be sure she hasn’t stowed a crowd-dispersing rocket launcher up there.
She has merely jumped up and grabbed onto a rope ladder hanging beneath the invisible Amazi-Copter.
It seems the Ding-Dong Bandit is spreading out!
y’all see where this is going right? everybody is super cool with amazi-girl, she becomes comfortable with the attention, begins feeling good about herself for once, then it starts going to her head, and then the violent beating of HER OWN INNOCENT FATHER!!!! is revealed and eeeeeeeeverybody hates her.
Except it wasn’t innocent; Dorothy would back her in an instant, and Danny, her boyfriend and also the victim, would do the same. He kidnapped a student to lure out his daughter because he was kicked off of her campus. There is no innocence there.
Yeah, Danny, Dina and Ruth experienced his unpleasantness first hand, and several others heard Amber’s declaration that Blaine had abused her mother. Plus Ethan and probably Mike would know what kind of guy he is. Blaine’s only real influence came form it being a campus that didn’t know him since Amber was trying to keep it to herself.
Those Amazi-calfs. She jump straight into the tree.
Okay, that was so far beyond a world-record high jump that I’m having trouble suspending my disbelief.
I mean, how did she miss getting shanghai-ed into a Track-and-Field scholarship?
There’s a possibility that she only jumped high enough to grab a branch and then pulled herself up the rest of the way.
Or alternatively she has the ability to leap tall buildings, but simply neglected her opportunities to do so and reveal her alien DNA.
Yeah, I’ve always had trouble believing that this world is “normal” when Amazigirl is leaping over trucks and parkour-ing everywhere.
Agreed. Amazi-Girl’s always been the weak point of the comic for me. I don’t like Ruth, for example, but she fits perfectly into the story. Amazi-Girl however stretches credibility in almost every aspect of her character and just makes everyone around her look stupid for not recognising her (the whole Clark Kent grandfather clause for people not recognising the obvious became outdated ages ago so audiences don’t really accept it).
Amazi-Girl’s sidekick, Clever Girl (Dina), is already up in the tree and pulling her up into it.
Almost looks like a Willis self cameo in the third panel. With respect to the comments about that jump into the tree, maybe she trained with Samurai Jack?
Could be. Wouldn’t be the first time an artist included him/herself in their work.
Willis has appeared in others of his comics before, so there’s still time.
-You can FLY!?
-No. Jump good.
And then they all gather around the tree and wait for her to come down again.
It’s like that Progressive insurance commercial where Flo backs into the shadows and the guys she was talking to say, “We can still see you…”
Bullshit Sarah, Joyce is on your good side so cut the crap already!
Jacobins totally Clark Kent.
Jacob IS totally Clark Kent. As in he looks like/is dressed like him.