A queer romance about people attempting to build lives in a cold, post-apocalyptic world ravaged by hordes of undead.
Dumbing of Age
David M Willis
Joyce has been homeschooled her entire life until now, when she's suddenly a freshman in college! Things don't go well.
All Known Alternatives
Karolina 'Kajotko' Jankiewicz
Akane has only one way to get back home: collect the 42 keys to parallel worlds. Eri and Ben are just trying to get through the summer before university. When a magical key turns up in an old spare set, all three are forced to change their plans and fast.
Guilded Age
T Campbell, John Waltrip, Florence Machina
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Cyanide & Happiness
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Alex Assan, Lin Darrow
A ragtag band of bootleggers open a speakeasy for bottled colour in the greyscale city of Ironwell.
Paint the Town Red
Windy, Winter Jay Kiakas
Winona runs a werewolf shelter with partner in crime, Odile in the Gothic city of Merlot. One day they take in an injured vampire, and soon unravels many of the dark secrets of Merlot.
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B) I Know EXACTLY how Walky feels here, why cant people understand this very simple rule; when we say things are “Fine” they’re not only never fine, but we don’t ~Want~ to talk about what isn’t ~making~ Not Fine.
The literal minded among us (I count myself at least) find it hard to take these responses. Why say you’re fine or that you’d like to meet me again when it’s not true? I’m going to leave you alone if you tell me you need to be left alone.
I’ve always found these societal cues and rules so hard. I know it’s part of saving face or sparing a person’s feelings, but I feel more hurt when people say things when they don’t mean them.
Others were speaking about this with the Alice strips, sometimes you go on believing you’re someone’s friend when in reality they decided to cut you off without telling you and it really hurts.
(though obviously getting away from an abusive person is different, I would never judge the ones that leave their abusers quietly)
I wish I could become a chump before I turn 30, but seeing as I spend my days trying my best to get first comment on a webcomic made by a chump for chumps, I’m not becoming one soon.
Should any of you achieve your dreams of Chumphood, you must have a green-haired daughter and name her Zeetha. Search your feelings; you know it to be true!
My first big fight with my wife (then GF) was over some shorts she bought me. They were perfectly fine, and things I would buy and wear myself. But I kinda freaked out about the whole “you want me to look like something specific” thing. Looking back it was kinda silly. At the time it was almost the end of our relationship.
Mine was suddenly into this “get a new style hair-cut that isn’t you, that will be the new you, about 3 months before the wedding date (which I had no say in selecting).
I did have say, however, in saying that I was postponing it for 90 days – I really had to rethink it.
Didn’t rethink it enough.
In time, you’ve got an 90% chance to discover the same thing (but only a 50% chance you’ll do anything about it. If you’re hitting total time of a decade or so together (pre-post nuptial), and you’re low 30s or so? prepare for rethinking SQUARED, and start hiding or siphoning off cash to store under your mattress!!
(Just be sure you get the bed! Best way to assure that is get caught banging someone on it!)
Yeah, who wants to actually take time out to hear about overly complicated feelings and debate on the validity of said feelings out of pure curiosity? Shit’s annoying.
If you like pickles, and you break open what you’re keeping them in, then you just pick out the glass and rinse them off, and you’ve got a little snack.
If you don’t like them, and you break ’em open, then you have to clean up the pickles and the mess that comes with them, and do your best to make sure everything makes it into the trash.
And in either case, if someone comes along and smashes your jar of pickles, then you yell at them for doing it and possibly aggress towards them, before you get around to whatever you personally do to deal with a shattered jar of pickles.
I don’t mind talking about them if the problem is a hunting arrow stuck in my thigh and I’d really like help removing it before I go into shock.
Same goes for the Flight for Life ride – I’d need someone to dial 911 since I’d probably have fainted – especially if I was in TARGET. The irony would push me over the top.
Because he doesn’t want to discuss his childhood friend’s depression with the girlfriend he’s had for just a few weeks (who, by the way, has made it clear that their relationship has probably has an expiration date from the beginning)? That seems super reasonable to me.
When it’s someone else’s problems that are upsetting you, it’s gossipy and inconsiderate to talk about them behind their back, even if it’s coming from a place of concern.
Whenever people ask me questions about somebody I am worried about, I tell them that it’s not in my place to tell you and if they wanted you to know
about it, they will tell you about it. I take confidentiality VERY seriously.
It’s when they stop talking about wanting to talk about never wanting to talk about starting to talk about not wanting to talk about the thing they stopped talking about when they started talking about not talking about the talk about the talk, and when they start walking the walk
Pretty much sums it up Pyr05
Find it interesting that Walky is really concerned. Lots of jokes about his growing up…but looks like he really is.
And Dorothy, you want to be his concerned GF, but this is a backoff apparently.
Also, when your feelings are about someone else’s (deeply personal) problems, it’s not exactly considerate to discuss them openly with people who aren’t in their support network.
Most ladies I know do that too. Hard to tell when it’s healthier to break that shell & when to stay out of it, so Dorothy’s prodding is understandable.
Walky, it’s okay. Feelings are fine, and you can talk about them… At least with these two fembots. The others would like be confused and the menfolk would point and laugh.
Sometimes I play the Blues. Not to make myself feel better, but to make other people feel worse. So cheerful and observant, just asking to have their mood crushed.
You mean if Billie talked about her problems to a skillful and supportive feelings-person, instead of just stewing on them alone until they literally make her sick?
I loathe Walky to the depths of my being, but I admit I’m with him on this one. Dorothy, if she’s as sensible as she thinks she is, should stop now. If she carries on tomorrow, I will be miffed at her.
Not everyone is good at discussing feelings. This is not actually necessarily a problem with them, in the same way that one person fangasming over Dexter while another merely mildly enjoys it does not imply that the latter has issues. Forcing someone to talk about things when they don’t want to (especially when they involve a third person) is actually appalling intrusive; keeping it up is rather rude.
Dorothy actually isn’t asking him to talk about the situation; she just wants him to say “I don’t want to talk about it” instead of telling her things are fine when they aren’t. Of course, tomorrow we’ll see if she can actually leave it at that.
Oh, Dotty…
Men have this annoying habit of saying exactly what they mean. It tends to confuse the hell out of women. He isn’t trying to subliminally ask you to pepper him with questions about it.
What? That’s like, the opposite of what’s happening here. Walky said something that he clearly DIDN’T actually mean (“It’s fine” when actually things are unpleasantly weird) and when Joyce pointed that out, Dorothy straight up asked him if Joyce was right and that “I’m fine” meant “I don’t want to talk about my feelings,” and then went on to clarify that if he doesn’t want to talk about his problems right now, it’s a lot clearer to say that exact thing instead of saying the problems don’t exist and then continuing to act weird.
It’s really weird to me how so much of this particular strip’s comment section is saying stuff like “That’s just how men are, fundamental difference between the genders that Dorothy will never grasp” when a) women say “It’s fine” to mean “It’s crappy but I don’t want to explain it” with probably the same frequency and b) when women do it, it’s some ridiculous thing that only women do and need to stop doing, as per every hacky comedian with a routine on how men are different from women. “My girlfriend always says things are fine when really she means she’s angry at me! And then she gets even more angry when I think she really means she’s fine! Ladies, amirite?”
I was waiting for someone else to point this out. She’s not trying to force him to talk about the problem. She’s just asking for him not to pretend everything is fine when something is clearly bothering him.
I’ll give people that Dorothy is being a bit pushy now, but extrapolating that onto men saying what they mean is BS. Men and women alike are constantly saying shit they don’t mean to get points across indirectly.
I don’t agree that she’s being pushy. She did not ask him to talk about the thing I doesn’t want to talk about, all she did was ask him not to lie about things being fine when they’re not.
Eh, I don’t feel like Joyce and Walky have a relationship where he can reasonably expect her to be complicit in secrets. Dorothy might not have been talking directly to Joyce with that particular question but Joyce was probably a part of the conversation. The three of them have a habit of walking and talking together, and likely were doing so leading up to this moment. Joyce probably did not insert herself into an interaction that was not meant to include her.
She isn’t really with them in the first panel, as I see it. And that’s part of what I’m reacting to — the way she doesn’t give them space. I do take timemonkey’s point below, though.
Joyce is worried about Billie too. And she doesn’t even like Walky, he’s been nothing but rude to her and openly hostile even when she’s nice to him. He really can’t expect her to back him up, especially when it comes to lying to Dorothy.
I would prefer it if people said “I don’t want to talk about it” rather than “I/it/they is/are fine”. Partly, I admit, because it’d be nice if it wasn’t just me and my girlfriend that say that.
Maybe if more people did it, people would actually trust that not talking about it produces the superior outcome, instead of everyone getting upset when I say that sentence.
We really don’t know that for sure yet. I hope he is, because it’s very rare to encounter a fictional bisexual who isn’t a total jackbutt. Most people agree that I’m not a total jackbutt (with some dissenters) and I’d like to be represented in fiction.
I also really sympathize, because I have a similar desire.
I am agender, and it would be neat to see an agender person in fiction who did not start life with no reproductive organs. I had reproductive organs when I was born and I am agender. Indeed, I’d like to be represented in fiction.
OK. Hug then, I guess.
I’ve noticed that about agender characters. They’re all robots and aliens. And asexual characters are all robots, aliens, and Sheldon from Big Bang Theory.
Thanks for that! I understood he was here, but it confused me a little, because I didn’t remember it from the Walkyverse and remembered something about everyone having the same orientation.
Now I know: he was just too into Sal and Billie to notice.
I think Willis has confirmed it on Tumblr or some other extra-fictional source. From the sounds of things too, there will be a thing with Ethan and Willis seems to be implying that they might get together by the end of it (At least discussing how he felt Ethan’s Shortpacked BF was bland and he was hoping to change that, in the same article as the Danny is Bi announcement). I’m a little sad, because I liked Amber/Danny and this is going to mess with Amber but Danny/Ethan has chemistry and as you said, it’d be good to have a major Bi Male who is not a complete “jackbutt” (inspite of what commenters may claim).
I just find it funny that people are asking for more Danny now that he has discovered his bisexuality. No one liked Danny before, and now they’re begging for him to Dan up his relationship with Amber in, like, one of the worst ways possible. I mean, as for Amber, I liked it because Danny, much like Ethan, would be there to support her, and she seemed to thrive on that. And Danny was actually attracted to her unlike Ethan so it could work. But with Amber, like with Dorothy, it was a very unequal relationship. Danny was the support, while only Amber and Dorothy benefited in terms of support, and only Dorothy realized it when she saw its dark side. Danny had really nothing to live for. I don’t think Danny really was able to do that with Amber. But something about Ethan tells me that he’s different. Both of them would be able to support each other. Ethan’s the only one who really saw his good side. Amber and Dorothy are too caught up in themselves and their worlds to really even notice Danny. But that leaves the question of who would be a good fit for Amber? Jacob’s my best guess. Mike, Walky, or Joe don’t really have the emotional sensitivity to deal with Amber’s entire world. However, they haven’t really met.
For Danny’s sake Danny+Ethan is best, for Amber’s sake, Danny+Amber is best.
I love Amber. I’m indifferent torwards Danny. But Amber’s relationship with Danny is screwed up for a lot of reasons, mostly of Amber’s doing. I want Amber to get the help and support she needs so badly, but she’s the one keeping Danny from being there for her. And that may not be her fault: she simply may not be “strong” enough or emotionally mature enough to do that. I don’t know . . .
There seems to be a hell of a lot of reading comprehension failure going on in these comments. Dorothy isn’t forcing Walky to talk about his feelings or poking him or prodding him. All she’s asking is that he just say, “I don’t want to talk about it.” When he doesn’t want to talk about something. She wants him to not pretend everything is fine when it isn’t. Because it is equally frustrating hanging around someone who is CLEARLY upset about something but refuses to say anything other than, “It’s fine.” But god it’s weird how quick people will jump on the women are like THIS men are like THIS train when given the opportunity….
My line of thought is that if somebody says they’re fine, either they’re fine or they want the conversation to continue as if they are fine.
Sometimes conversation is the honest exchange of information, but mostly it’s just word-dancing. No need to be pointing out lies. Yes, everybody in the room spotted that obvious discrepancy in the story, but we’re not in a courtroom and you’re not Phoenix Wright. Just take the premise and run with it.
And this is where Dorothy demonstrates that she is different from many flelshlings. Many fleshlings will, if you say you don’t want to talk about something, insist that you talk about it. BTW, this is the #2 cause of fleshling fusion cannon death.
The White House just announced plans to go after funding for libraries and museums. The Cartoon Art Museum runs on a tight budget, and losing the modest support it gets from federal grants would be devastating. Now's a great time to show CAM and other small museums your love.
Shaenon K. Garrity@shaenon.bsky.social ⋅ 11d
Have you enjoyed my candy lady thread? I am pleased to announce that you can get a phone wallpaper and ebook for the price of any donation, with all proceeds going to the Cartoon Art Museum.
Researchers showed clips of the podcast to survey respondents and had them share their thoughts. 57% expressed a negative reaction to his agreement with Charlie Kirk on "woke" language and 63% had a negative reaction to his comments on trans athletes
The great thing about writing for a Transformers Wiki is occasionally getting to write sentences like "Megatron has a theory that he can attract young men by wearing cat ears and ending his sentences with meow." because it's a thing that happened in a cartoon once.
Gavin Newsom sees 10-point net drop in favorability since launching his podcast. Survey finds "the podcast only made 13% of voters have an improved perception of the Governor, with 26% saying that it harmed their perception."
today in #9ChickweedLane I learned we should ask our parents completely normal, not fucked-up questions like "hey what was sex with the other parent like"
So many opportunities for a good old-fashioned booing
paulaptb@paulaptb.bsky.social ⋅ 2d
Schumer begins a book tour this week.
Mon 3/17 7pm Central Library, Baltimore
Wed 3/19 Politics & Prose, DC 7pm
Thursday 3/20 at the Weizman, DC 12:30PM
Sunday 3/23 · 3pm Moss Theatre Santa Monica, CA
Mon 4/21 MJCCA Atlanta 7:30PM
Line the sidewalks. (List may not be complete)
These are the same Senate Democrats who lectured the base for years about the importance of preserving the filibuster so it would still be available when Democrats were in the minority
new from me: I wrote about the mess that just went down in the Senate, where Democrats under Chuck Schumer look disjointed and rudderless in the face of Trump's agenda, especially compared to their House counterparts
The most annoying thing about this cowardice by the book-touring Dems is that MAGA will lose. A full-throated opposition will win. This administration is brazen and corrupt, but they're overconfident and incompetent and not people to run away from. We'll win, even if we have to do it ourselves.
today in #9chickweedlane i've learned that the fetishization of post-marital hanky-panky has resulted in the straining of everyone's mental health, #somehow
Now for something different.
If he was a real man, he’d puke on her boots to show her he means business when he says he is “Fine-ish!”
Damn ‘Feelsy’ naggers!!
and why isn’t Penny on the pole for 2014? She needs exposure! Like using a techno device in her TA office!!
B) I Know EXACTLY how Walky feels here, why cant people understand this very simple rule; when we say things are “Fine” they’re not only never fine, but we don’t ~Want~ to talk about what isn’t ~making~ Not Fine.
The literal minded among us (I count myself at least) find it hard to take these responses. Why say you’re fine or that you’d like to meet me again when it’s not true? I’m going to leave you alone if you tell me you need to be left alone.
I’ve always found these societal cues and rules so hard. I know it’s part of saving face or sparing a person’s feelings, but I feel more hurt when people say things when they don’t mean them.
Others were speaking about this with the Alice strips, sometimes you go on believing you’re someone’s friend when in reality they decided to cut you off without telling you and it really hurts.
(though obviously getting away from an abusive person is different, I would never judge the ones that leave their abusers quietly)
Well, I suppose being on a pole would get her exposure, but the administration might take exception.
And everyone else would take pictures.
Thank you, thank you, I am here all week, try the veal.
I know, right?? I super duper want to see more exploration of bisexuality. What is this other-people-having-feelings nonsense.
(was not meant as sarcastic, I really do want to see more.)
Sorry… your wish is only valid in other countries that are not the USA!
Real men puke on boots and only want to see gorgeous bi-females!
Dat gravatar, though.
and foreplay but maybe this isn’t that
Foreplay is for chumps?
In Australia, foreplay is not watching the footy while you’re doing it.
I guess I’m a chump. Or rather, I ideally want to one day be a chump!
I wish I could become a chump before I turn 30, but seeing as I spend my days trying my best to get first comment on a webcomic made by a chump for chumps, I’m not becoming one soon.
You’ll find your Chumpette some day. Or Chump.
. . .
Here, have a cookie for completely understanding the reference. You’re my hero.
No, I’m just asking if anything strange has been happening to you
or Chimp or Chimpette
Should any of you achieve your dreams of Chumphood, you must have a green-haired daughter and name her Zeetha. Search your feelings; you know it to be true!
Oh, could this be the First Big Fight(tm)?
Someone has totally forgotten the Pajama Jeans debacle.
I think the PJ jeans counts as that.
My first big fight with my wife (then GF) was over some shorts she bought me. They were perfectly fine, and things I would buy and wear myself. But I kinda freaked out about the whole “you want me to look like something specific” thing. Looking back it was kinda silly. At the time it was almost the end of our relationship.
that’s the worst you got on the remake thing?
Mine was suddenly into this “get a new style hair-cut that isn’t you, that will be the new you, about 3 months before the wedding date (which I had no say in selecting).
I did have say, however, in saying that I was postponing it for 90 days – I really had to rethink it.
Didn’t rethink it enough.
In time, you’ve got an 90% chance to discover the same thing (but only a 50% chance you’ll do anything about it. If you’re hitting total time of a decade or so together (pre-post nuptial), and you’re low 30s or so? prepare for rethinking SQUARED, and start hiding or siphoning off cash to store under your mattress!!
(Just be sure you get the bed! Best way to assure that is get caught banging someone on it!)
I’m a man, damnit! We don’t TALK about these things!!
Our code is that we’ll keep our emotions bottled up right here, and then one day…I’ll die.
As nature intented!
Bottle it up.
Bottle it up.
Bottle it up and you’ll die!!
You puke it up! With blood if you didn’t start the Pepcid soon enough!!
We just say “Hey, you alright?” then take whatever you say at face value.
Respond Accurately, always confuses people.
“We also don’t talking about owning lots of shoes”.
“Ownership is perfectly acceptable, a conversation about it is when we have problems.”
That is WAY too many shoes, I doubt I ever had that many pairs in total over my lifetime.
I’m with Walky here, talking about your feelings is so bothersome.
Yeah, who wants to actually take time out to hear about overly complicated feelings and debate on the validity of said feelings out of pure curiosity? Shit’s annoying.
If you like pickles, and you break open what you’re keeping them in, then you just pick out the glass and rinse them off, and you’ve got a little snack.
If you don’t like them, and you break ’em open, then you have to clean up the pickles and the mess that comes with them, and do your best to make sure everything makes it into the trash.
And in either case, if someone comes along and smashes your jar of pickles, then you yell at them for doing it and possibly aggress towards them, before you get around to whatever you personally do to deal with a shattered jar of pickles.
Manfeelings are like pickles.
It’s funny because pickles are phallic
I don’t mind talking about them if the problem is a hunting arrow stuck in my thigh and I’d really like help removing it before I go into shock.
Same goes for the Flight for Life ride – I’d need someone to dial 911 since I’d probably have fainted – especially if I was in TARGET. The irony would push me over the top.
Your feelings are bad, and you should feel ba- I mean, NOTHING!!! YOU SHOULD FEEL NOTHING!
guess they’re going to call it “Walkying” it all up now
Because he doesn’t want to discuss his childhood friend’s depression with the girlfriend he’s had for just a few weeks (who, by the way, has made it clear that their relationship has probably has an expiration date from the beginning)? That seems super reasonable to me.
When it’s someone else’s problems that are upsetting you, it’s gossipy and inconsiderate to talk about them behind their back, even if it’s coming from a place of concern.
Whenever people ask me questions about somebody I am worried about, I tell them that it’s not in my place to tell you and if they wanted you to know
about it, they will tell you about it. I take confidentiality VERY seriously.
He’ll learn how to process complex emotions eventually.
Or maybe reprocess them into emotion nuggets.
-which then gets thrown up on by Billie.
Because if he said he didn’t wanna talk about it, you’d probably poke and prod him until he eventually tells you anyway. And that’s annoyin’.
He knows where that kinda talk leads to and he wants none of it.
She doesn’t have to, she can just ask Joyce.
Joyce keeps getting higher in every frame, as all the pre-martial hanky-pankiest sink down to H-E-double hockey sticks.
They just walked to the Quicksand Wing of the Campus.
What would they be doing in Michigan?
Joint IU/Michigan State program – MD post doc, cash/loans only… that IS the quicksand.
Especially when they find out just before graduation there isn’t much of a need for Geriatric D.O.s specializing in hip-related sexual injuries.
That and they’re walking down a staircase ahead of her.
A staircase into hell!
But do you want to talk about not wanting to talk about not talking about it?
Stop that my brain hurts.
You ain’t seen nothing yet.
It’s when they stop talking about wanting to talk about never wanting to talk about starting to talk about not wanting to talk about the thing they stopped talking about when they started talking about not talking about the talk about the talk, and when they start walking the walk
He’s a manly man who does not share his feelings.
Feelings are for ladies and wimps and combinations of the two.
YAY, JOYCE IS BACK!……..Walky don’t be an asshole.
Yay! It’s time for a new NSFW “Walky Does Her Back…DOOR!”
Walky! Don’t MISS the asshole!
Oh shut up
Pretty much sums it up Pyr05
Find it interesting that Walky is really concerned. Lots of jokes about his growing up…but looks like he really is.
And Dorothy, you want to be his concerned GF, but this is a backoff apparently.
Feelings be important, you shall learn to speak of them Walky, which will get them off your chest, and reduce your overall stress.
That’s not always true. Sometimes you just feel shittier.
Also, when your feelings are about someone else’s (deeply personal) problems, it’s not exactly considerate to discuss them openly with people who aren’t in their support network.
Friday: ~1100 comments
Yesterday: ~540 comments
Today: ~Probably pretty few.
Man, it’s gotta be some sorta twilight zone when Danny is more popular than Joyce and Dorothy.
I bet the number of comments would multiply if Joyce and Dotty were doing something squee-worthy.
If Joyce and Dorothy were having a gay moment, I bet we’d get some more comments.
Walky probably doesn’t want to talk about it.
And Willis forgot to tag it.
But then he only did it the .
Bolluxed that html, let’s just post the link here. http://www.dumbingofage.com/tag/squirrel/
Fudge Bombs?
Is that a euphemism for something toxic or naughty?
“Fudge” is Joyce’s word for fuck.
Maybe it’s the magical kind that ruins football games.
When a man says “Everythings fine” when it isn’t, it’s code for “I don’t want to talk about it”.
Most ladies I know do that too. Hard to tell when it’s healthier to break that shell & when to stay out of it, so Dorothy’s prodding is understandable.
First you give us feels, now you give them feels…
“Dady the feel scare me.”
“Its OK son, its OK.”
Yeah, the children need feels too.
Walky, it’s okay. Feelings are fine, and you can talk about them… At least with these two fembots. The others would like be confused and the menfolk would point and laugh.
Sometimes I play the Blues. Not to make myself feel better, but to make other people feel worse. So cheerful and observant, just asking to have their mood crushed.
Dorothy is being so pushy today… Wanting to talk about feelings and stuff.
Next thing she’s gonna want him to listen to her and her needs.
Slippery slope my friend, slippery slope.
Indeed. I thought she was “just having some fun” with Walky. Now we’re talking about feelings??
Now if Billie thought like this we wouldn’t be in this mess.
You mean if Billie talked about her problems to a skillful and supportive feelings-person, instead of just stewing on them alone until they literally make her sick?
The alcohol withdrawal wasn’t helping.
o/~ Feelings! Nothing more than feelings… trying to forget my… feelings ’bout Billie…! o/~
I loathe Walky to the depths of my being, but I admit I’m with him on this one. Dorothy, if she’s as sensible as she thinks she is, should stop now. If she carries on tomorrow, I will be miffed at her.
Not everyone is good at discussing feelings. This is not actually necessarily a problem with them, in the same way that one person fangasming over Dexter while another merely mildly enjoys it does not imply that the latter has issues. Forcing someone to talk about things when they don’t want to (especially when they involve a third person) is actually appalling intrusive; keeping it up is rather rude.
Dorothy actually isn’t asking him to talk about the situation; she just wants him to say “I don’t want to talk about it” instead of telling her things are fine when they aren’t. Of course, tomorrow we’ll see if she can actually leave it at that.
Yes indeed. My stiff British upper lip wishes to see whether your appallingly cheerful smile can possibly be so sensible.
*cough* Clearly one of us has to change.
Trouble in caramel paradise.
Repeat after me, Walky: “I’ll tell you later.”
Whether you do actually tell her later depends on her tenacity and how much you feel like opening up.
Ok it feels like I’m making a tutorial in emotional unavailability somehow
That may be an appropriate Grav, then
Have Joe cure both Billie and Walky of their respective problems with his penis.
Oh, Dotty…
Men have this annoying habit of saying exactly what they mean. It tends to confuse the hell out of women. He isn’t trying to subliminally ask you to pepper him with questions about it.
Saying exactly what he means…except for lying about things being fine instead of fine-ish.
We can more directly criticize her for forgetting the number one rule of language: “It’s fine” means “I DON’T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT!”
I have a sneaking suspicion that things aren’t even fine-ish.
What? That’s like, the opposite of what’s happening here. Walky said something that he clearly DIDN’T actually mean (“It’s fine” when actually things are unpleasantly weird) and when Joyce pointed that out, Dorothy straight up asked him if Joyce was right and that “I’m fine” meant “I don’t want to talk about my feelings,” and then went on to clarify that if he doesn’t want to talk about his problems right now, it’s a lot clearer to say that exact thing instead of saying the problems don’t exist and then continuing to act weird.
It’s really weird to me how so much of this particular strip’s comment section is saying stuff like “That’s just how men are, fundamental difference between the genders that Dorothy will never grasp” when a) women say “It’s fine” to mean “It’s crappy but I don’t want to explain it” with probably the same frequency and b) when women do it, it’s some ridiculous thing that only women do and need to stop doing, as per every hacky comedian with a routine on how men are different from women. “My girlfriend always says things are fine when really she means she’s angry at me! And then she gets even more angry when I think she really means she’s fine! Ladies, amirite?”
That’s just what I was going to say. But you said it better.
I was waiting for someone else to point this out. She’s not trying to force him to talk about the problem. She’s just asking for him not to pretend everything is fine when something is clearly bothering him.
I’ll give people that Dorothy is being a bit pushy now, but extrapolating that onto men saying what they mean is BS. Men and women alike are constantly saying shit they don’t mean to get points across indirectly.
Which is part of why the world is so confusing for Dina.
I don’t agree that she’s being pushy. She did not ask him to talk about the thing I doesn’t want to talk about, all she did was ask him not to lie about things being fine when they’re not.
Anyone for “Hey, Joyce, she wasn’t talking to you, now was she?” (aka “stay out of my relationship with Dorothy!”)? Or is it just me?
Eh, I don’t feel like Joyce and Walky have a relationship where he can reasonably expect her to be complicit in secrets. Dorothy might not have been talking directly to Joyce with that particular question but Joyce was probably a part of the conversation. The three of them have a habit of walking and talking together, and likely were doing so leading up to this moment. Joyce probably did not insert herself into an interaction that was not meant to include her.
She isn’t really with them in the first panel, as I see it. And that’s part of what I’m reacting to — the way she doesn’t give them space. I do take timemonkey’s point below, though.
Joyce is worried about Billie too. And she doesn’t even like Walky, he’s been nothing but rude to her and openly hostile even when she’s nice to him. He really can’t expect her to back him up, especially when it comes to lying to Dorothy.
I think this is a first time a fan has asked Joyce to stay out of that relationship.
Something tells me he doesn’t want to talk about not talking about not talking about it, either.
Man, Walky got more levels than a Nippon Ichi TRPG.
And all of those levels come to the same thing.
Namely, fifty McNuggets.
For TEN BUCKS! That’s a godfather deal.
You’re making me hungry, guys.
Please don’t shout, Walky.
I would prefer it if people said “I don’t want to talk about it” rather than “I/it/they is/are fine”. Partly, I admit, because it’d be nice if it wasn’t just me and my girlfriend that say that.
Maybe if more people did it, people would actually trust that not talking about it produces the superior outcome, instead of everyone getting upset when I say that sentence.
Aww, this means we missed their Gender Studies class.
But instead, we got to watch someone learn he’s bisexual. That’s extra credit, right?
We really don’t know that for sure yet. I hope he is, because it’s very rare to encounter a fictional bisexual who isn’t a total jackbutt. Most people agree that I’m not a total jackbutt (with some dissenters) and I’d like to be represented in fiction.
I love the way you phrased that.
I want to hug you.
I also really sympathize, because I have a similar desire.
I am agender, and it would be neat to see an agender person in fiction who did not start life with no reproductive organs. I had reproductive organs when I was born and I am agender. Indeed, I’d like to be represented in fiction.
OK. Hug then, I guess.
I’ve noticed that about agender characters. They’re all robots and aliens. And asexual characters are all robots, aliens, and Sheldon from Big Bang Theory.
Word of the author confirms that Danny is bisexual.
Thanks for that! I understood he was here, but it confused me a little, because I didn’t remember it from the Walkyverse and remembered something about everyone having the same orientation.
Now I know: he was just too into Sal and Billie to notice.
I think Willis has confirmed it on Tumblr or some other extra-fictional source. From the sounds of things too, there will be a thing with Ethan and Willis seems to be implying that they might get together by the end of it (At least discussing how he felt Ethan’s Shortpacked BF was bland and he was hoping to change that, in the same article as the Danny is Bi announcement). I’m a little sad, because I liked Amber/Danny and this is going to mess with Amber but Danny/Ethan has chemistry and as you said, it’d be good to have a major Bi Male who is not a complete “jackbutt” (inspite of what commenters may claim).
Dorothy is surprisingly awful at this, “not having a serious relationship” thing with Walky.
I just find it funny that people are asking for more Danny now that he has discovered his bisexuality. No one liked Danny before, and now they’re begging for him to Dan up his relationship with Amber in, like, one of the worst ways possible. I mean, as for Amber, I liked it because Danny, much like Ethan, would be there to support her, and she seemed to thrive on that. And Danny was actually attracted to her unlike Ethan so it could work. But with Amber, like with Dorothy, it was a very unequal relationship. Danny was the support, while only Amber and Dorothy benefited in terms of support, and only Dorothy realized it when she saw its dark side. Danny had really nothing to live for. I don’t think Danny really was able to do that with Amber. But something about Ethan tells me that he’s different. Both of them would be able to support each other. Ethan’s the only one who really saw his good side. Amber and Dorothy are too caught up in themselves and their worlds to really even notice Danny. But that leaves the question of who would be a good fit for Amber? Jacob’s my best guess. Mike, Walky, or Joe don’t really have the emotional sensitivity to deal with Amber’s entire world. However, they haven’t really met.
For Danny’s sake Danny+Ethan is best, for Amber’s sake, Danny+Amber is best.
Actually, I still don’t care about Danny, but the discussion’s funny
I love Amber. I’m indifferent torwards Danny. But Amber’s relationship with Danny is screwed up for a lot of reasons, mostly of Amber’s doing. I want Amber to get the help and support she needs so badly, but she’s the one keeping Danny from being there for her. And that may not be her fault: she simply may not be “strong” enough or emotionally mature enough to do that. I don’t know . . .
No one liked Danny
But seriously, thank you ♥ for putting that into words.
Current setups:
LoisxClark- er, DorothyxAmber
Sal x Marcie, surely.
Jason x … Penny?
This is going to be a bad day for everyone, isn’t it?
There seems to be a hell of a lot of reading comprehension failure going on in these comments. Dorothy isn’t forcing Walky to talk about his feelings or poking him or prodding him. All she’s asking is that he just say, “I don’t want to talk about it.” When he doesn’t want to talk about something. She wants him to not pretend everything is fine when it isn’t. Because it is equally frustrating hanging around someone who is CLEARLY upset about something but refuses to say anything other than, “It’s fine.” But god it’s weird how quick people will jump on the women are like THIS men are like THIS train when given the opportunity….
Looks obviously not fine but says “fine” when asked = Doesn’t want to talk about it.
This isn’t rocket science, people.
My line of thought is that if somebody says they’re fine, either they’re fine or they want the conversation to continue as if they are fine.
Sometimes conversation is the honest exchange of information, but mostly it’s just word-dancing. No need to be pointing out lies. Yes, everybody in the room spotted that obvious discrepancy in the story, but we’re not in a courtroom and you’re not Phoenix Wright. Just take the premise and run with it.
And this is where Dorothy demonstrates that she is different from many flelshlings. Many fleshlings will, if you say you don’t want to talk about something, insist that you talk about it. BTW, this is the #2 cause of fleshling fusion cannon death.
Walky: Do the Feelings Thing!
I know I’m ready for some good ol’ heterosexual angst again.
And the second rule of not talking about it is ……….
Don’t talk about not talking about it?
Careful, Walky.