Desperate for companionship, Frankenstein's Monster pretends to be the Opera Ghost. A grave mistake.
2 Slices
RJ Morel
After a case of mistaken identity, will awkward Daisuke find help from excitable Mamo, or will his love life be thrown completely off track?
Paint the Town Red
Windy, Winter Jay Kiakas
Winona runs a werewolf shelter with partner in crime, Odile in the Gothic city of Merlot. One day they take in an injured vampire, and soon unravels many of the dark secrets of Merlot.
Guilded Age
T Campbell, John Waltrip, Florence Machina
Welcome to the saga of the working-class adventurer! Enjoy the complete story with new annotations daily!
Mac Hall
Matt Boyd
The legendary early-aughts webcomic that inspired a wave of webcomic creators.
Countdown to Countdown
Iris Black is a self-proclaimed inventor with the curious ability to bring his drawings to life, and yearns to find a space where he can use his powers freely.
The Otherknown
Lorian Merriman
Chandra is a 12-year-old accidental time traveler with a reluctant new dad, who happens to be a member of a feared galactic crime syndicate.
Slightly Damned
Rhea Snaketail returns from the dead, befriending a Demon who falls in love with an Angel. The afterlife ain't what it used to be!
Dumbing of Age
David M Willis
Joyce has been homeschooled her entire life until now, when she's suddenly a freshman in college! Things don't go well.
Cyanide & Happiness
Satire, dark humor and surreal humor.
Isa, Meg
There's ghosts at your heels and fairy tale worlds ahead. What do you do? Jump down the rabbit hole!
Kadi Fedoruk
Tamaura, wrested into a world 300 years in the future, must find a way to save the magic fading from her country.
TJ Cordes
This comic is about a robot powered by bees, but it's also about the kind of people who think filling a robot with bees is a good idea, and why they're wrong.
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Crud, it interpreted it.
Okay, I’m going to run a quick test to see how this system will interpret things. a a b b
If the second a is normal in the above statement, the correct end slash is /. If not, then you use \.
IF this shows up right, then the correct combination will be the above, but without underscores or hashtags, both of which I added to avoid doing exactly what my last comment did.
They’re called entities. They all start with “&” and end with “;” (you forgot the “;”, Rachel). In between is the mnemonic: amp for “ampersand”, lt for “less than”, gt for “greater than”, etc. etc.
The Bandit is simply showing off their skills as an interior DICKerator. That amount of detail must have taken a LONG time. The GIRTH of their knowledge must have been a BIG help. They did a good job though. I bet this hallway will be the CLIMAX of their career. They are so humble that they wanted to be anonymous though. Wouldn’t want the fame to go to their HEAD and make them COCKy.
If the inevitable “Thanatos has all the Infinity Gems” movie doesn’t end with Squirrel Girl showing up and punching him out, Marvel just doesn’t -get- it’s fan-base.
How long’s it been in universe time because these characters are showing a lot of personal growth. Or maybe it’s just the sudden penis vandalism that has them maturing?
You’re right, at least according to the Walkypedia. Go to and scroll down to “Dumbing of Age” — click on timeline. Basically, each chapter occurs in a single day, and Willis skipped a few days in the second and third weeks.
Wow! I think I got whiplash from that info! I’m probably not the first, web comics reside in a weird dimension where a month passes in four years. I remember thinking it was cool I started college around the same time Joyce did.
Spider-Man hates having to go to the suburbs; there are no buildings to swing from, and not enough trees. Guess the Spider-Mobile doesn’t seem like such a bad idea know, does it?
So no one else thinks it’s a little odd that each wang was drawn differently? Yes, they’re all facing the same way, but each one is different, from what I recall. Your ‘average’ vandal might have just drawn the same dong on each door, especially if they were pressed for time and worried they might get caught.
Am I overthinking this? Do I need to cut down on the caffeine?
No, I totally thought about that too. Maybe they wanted it to look like it was more than one person? But it doesn’t seem to have accomplished that at all. Maybe it WAS more than one person. But that doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me either. What the heck kind of group of people would bother to do that all in the same night?
Nah; it was Sarah. She drew the one on her own door the best because it’s her own door. And to wind-up/provide-shock-therapy-for Joyce. The variety is just an outlet for her suppressed artistic side.
I’ll admit I haven’t read the comments sections for this entire storyline, but has anyone actually told Willis that permanent marker on a dry/wet erase board is EASY AS HELL to remove?
All you do is get the correct dry/wet erase marker, scribble heavily over the permanent marker and then remove it as normal for the correct kind of marker.
I’d imagine SOMEONE in the DoA universe would have the sense to google that on their phone.
Yeah, I’m pretty sure he’s been told that many, many times. But he didn’t see fit to give that knowledge to any of the girls. Either that, or they just find it more important to stop whoever did it than to just erase the dicks and go about life as usual
You say “it’s super easy to google how to do it,” I say “it’s super easy to find out it’s been commented on every thirty seconds for the past month or so.” And yet!
Law of Unintended Consequences, DW. You created “The Whiteboard Ding-dong Bandit” meme. Along with that meme comes this one, like a remora clinging to your Frankenstein shark.
You’d be surprised at the number of people inclined to draw dicks who have no idea how to draw dicks. Actually had a co-worker ask me to draw what he called “cock-an-balls” on a card for someone he didn’t like. Married father of two in his late thirties and the card was for a departing lady co-worker in her twenties. Some people never grow up. I told him to draw his own damn cock-an-balls and have the guts to sign it. You would be correct in assuming he did not follow through.
Visits to a urologist have recently became part of my life. The medical illustrations on the wall of his exam room are … amazing in the level of detail and disturbing, because viewing (and producing, I imagine) them require you to imagine a penis wedge-sliced like they used to do the buns at Subway.
On a non-dick note, I wonder if Amazi-Girl overheard Sarah talking to Jacob about being fair to Joyce, resulting the kinder, gentler, interrogation 2.0 with added plea to empathy. Only Willis knows for sure, I guess.
I made it easier than your method in a post 2 weeks ago — Mr. Clean White Sponges – good for walls, white boards, white polycarbonate plastic (like MacBooks) and any color countertop to remove marker in a few seconds without scratches.
It would do Joyce some good if she learned to overcome her little fear of anything sexually related, its not like someone left a goat corps slathered with blood at her door.
I don’t think so either. I believe he was a one-off, like one of the soldiers who passed through the ER/Post-Op ward in M*A*S*H. They were necessary to that particular story line and never resurfaced again.
Besides, how would he know where to find Joyce? They didn’t converse all that much, and other than her name I don’t recall Joyce giving him any really pertinent information.
There should be an extra panel that cuts away to Joyce getting back to her room and See’s the door again and whimpers as she looks at a picture of a real life existing penis on her white borde ( censored in blurted out form of course)
Amazi-girl IS immune to criticism. She can use trees, windows, telephone wires, and speeding truck tops when ever she choses.
Sidewalks are only to talk on, as everyone knows.
To get rid of permanent marker on a white board is scribble all over it with a dry – erase marker, then use a normal white board eraser or damp paper towel to erase it.
My headcanon is that by now, at least half of them are either trolling or being not-obviously-enough sarcastic. It lets me keep some faith in humanity.
I wanted to do it sarcastically for this strip, but I don’t feel like it any more.
Oh, you guys know six months from now someone will leave a message on a white board in the strip and there’ll be a comment that says, “Was that in permanent marker? If so, just scribble over it with a dry erase marker and erase it like normal.”
More evidence pointing towards Anti-Joyce as the WDDB. The most detailed penis was on her door? Joyce had the strongest reaction to it, demanding justice? Repression leads to compartmentalization, which can lead to fragmentation.
After Amazi-Girl’s use of THREAT was effectively countered by Sarah’s SHIELD OF DISDAIN, using AG’s ATD was a pretty brilliant judo reversal move given the GUILT backlash that can accompany SOD (and clearly did in this case).
Sure it could have backfired if Sarah had countered with CLOAK OF RIGHTEOUSNESS instead of SOD, but Sarah’s COR is nearly useless these days, especially after she started rooming with Joyce.
For some reason I think it’d be endlessly cool (and entertaining) to know someone who would stick to that hero bit so hard they could seriously, without a single hint of irony, say the phrase “cry out for justice”. Just use it in a sentence as if they asked you to pass them a napkin. That’s really something.
I woke up this morning with a bad hangover
And my penis was missing again
This happens all the time
It’s detachable
This comes in handy a lot of the time
I can leave it home when it think it’s gonna get me in trouble
Or, I can rent it out when I don’t need it
But now and then I go to a party
Get drunk
And the next morning, I can’t, for the life of me
Remember what I did with it
These are the same Senate Democrats who lectured the base for years about the importance of preserving the filibuster so it would still be available when Democrats were in the minority
new from me: I wrote about the mess that just went down in the Senate, where Democrats under Chuck Schumer look disjointed and rudderless in the face of Trump's agenda, especially compared to their House counterparts
The most annoying thing about this cowardice by the book-touring Dems is that MAGA will lose. A full-throated opposition will win. This administration is brazen and corrupt, but they're overconfident and incompetent and not people to run away from. We'll win, even if we have to do it ourselves.
today in #9chickweedlane i've learned that the fetishization of post-marital hanky-panky has resulted in the straining of everyone's mental health, #somehow
#BREAKING: Yellow and Green fire was seen exploding out of a manhole at Texas Tech University moments ago.
Evacuations are underway for the whole campus.
This "mob" of "Anti-Israel" protesters is predominantly Jewish.
Sheryl Weikal (The Leftist Lawyer) ⋅ 1d
And now, let's see how news media in the purported only democracy in the middle east is covering the Trump administration disappearing a Palestinian American for his speech.
kind of stunning how unpopular trump is already...and yet how craven senate Ds remain in confronting him.
like, everyone hates him. just oppose him relentlessly! this is a fucking lay up!
Polling ⋅ 1d
Trump's Approval On Foreign Policy:
Disapprove: 48%
Approve: 37%
Ipsos / March 12, 2025 / n=1422
Amazing, isn’t it.
No, it’s /Amazi/-Girl.
This system uses and (no spaces) for italics. (the slash ends it. If it shows up in this comment, use the other one; I often forget which to use)
Crud, it interpreted it.
Okay, I’m going to run a quick test to see how this system will interpret things.
a a b b
If the second a is normal in the above statement, the correct end slash is /. If not, then you use \.
IF this shows up right, then the correct combination will be the above, but without underscores or hashtags, both of which I added to avoid doing exactly what my last comment did.
Oh you have got to be kidding me! I screwed up that one so it would show up! Okay, let’s try this:
Okay, does ANYONE know how to type literal html on this thing? If so, please help!
<i>Like this maybe?</i>
YES! What’s the secret to making it do that? seriously, it interpreted it with _# in the way!
Replace < with < and > with >
Ah. I forgot about the &amp codes.
It’s & isn’t it? Not my favorite part of HTML.
They’re called entities. They all start with “&” and end with “;” (you forgot the “;”, Rachel). In between is the mnemonic: amp for “ampersand”, lt for “less than”, gt for “greater than”, etc. etc.
Don’t forget nbsp: non-breakable space:
Wait, how did she get in front of them?
She’s Amazi-Squirrel, remember?
The same way cats can get in front of you unexpectedly: she teleported.
There’s more than one!!!!!
The other is Dorothy in a wig, of course.
Stunt double.
the fucks a sidewalk?
Nice of the dick bandit to let everyone know.
She had the most door DICKOR
I get it! I’m not laughing, but I’m proud.
The Bandit is simply showing off their skills as an interior DICKerator. That amount of detail must have taken a LONG time. The GIRTH of their knowledge must have been a BIG help. They did a good job though. I bet this hallway will be the CLIMAX of their career. They are so humble that they wanted to be anonymous though. Wouldn’t want the fame to go to their HEAD and make them COCKy.
I’m so sorry.
I just think the bandit is a PRICK
The pun police have been notified, expect the ninja’s to appear momentarily.
A ninja’s pun will appear momentarily? How will we know? Won’t it also be invisible?
“We both care about this sweet girl, does that work better than threats?” Amazingly, yes.
“If not I can combine the two. If you ever wanna see Joyce again…”
“Help me find the Whiteboard Dingdong Bandit, or I swear to Joyce’s God that that girl will see an actual penis!”
“Don’t believe me? I’ve got 100s Hardrives just FULL of Man on Man Comic Book art. NO, don’t ask why I have it!!!”
Says the sock on the door. . . which you would think someone would have warned her about by now.
Annnd somebody made this joke at the exact same time as me. Damnit.
Uh… great minds think alike…?
Nuts. Not damnit. Nuts.
Amazi-Squirrel VS Rocket Raccoon.
Why has there not been a Squirrel Girl movie yet?
Because she would defeat all the villains ever in twelve minutes, ending the Marvel movie franchise for good?
If the inevitable “Thanatos has all the Infinity Gems” movie doesn’t end with Squirrel Girl showing up and punching him out, Marvel just doesn’t -get- it’s fan-base.
Squirrel Girl will be in Iron Man 4. You heard it here first.
Multiverse fallback?
The detail :3
Sarah would have a better chance escaping a cave full of zubats.
I wonder if Amber knows Supersonic?
Joyce knows here wing wangs…I guess that’s a win. Also stop making me remember Cry for Justice.
WE CAN BE JUSTICE! (Sorry, couldn’t help it.)
“Justice” funny how a lot of people are throwing that word around lately.
And not very many of them are Bufford T.
AG has learnt all her questioning techniques from watching Nolan’s Batman and Amelia from Slayers, I just know it.
Well that was way better.
And god “Cry for Justice” was a really shitty comic >.<
At least it wasn’t Identity Crisis?
Or Flashpoint.
(We’re really scraping the bottom of ‘faint praise’, aren’t we?)
Not yet.
At least it wasn’t One More Day, Amazons Attack, Mar-Ville, or Superman at Earth’s End.
Now we’re scraping the bottom of the barrel.
At least it wasn’t anything Linkara’s done a multi-episode review on. There, that should cover just about everything.
I’d successfully forgotten Marville, you bastard.
Find the culprit and put them in the hospital.
Right next too her dad.
Sarah has the Feels for Joyce, well not those Feels, the platonic kind of Feels. Crap none of this makes any sense!
How long’s it been in universe time because these characters are showing a lot of personal growth. Or maybe it’s just the sudden penis vandalism that has them maturing?
A Month and 1/2
That seems a bit high, by my count it’s only been a little under a month.
You’re right, at least according to the Walkypedia. Go to and scroll down to “Dumbing of Age” — click on timeline. Basically, each chapter occurs in a single day, and Willis skipped a few days in the second and third weeks.
Wow! I think I got whiplash from that info! I’m probably not the first, web comics reside in a weird dimension where a month passes in four years. I remember thinking it was cool I started college around the same time Joyce did.
And your kid will be graduating the same time she does.
If I could jump from tree to tree, I’d never walk anywhere. I mean, except for places that didn’t have trees.
Spider-Man hates having to go to the suburbs; there are no buildings to swing from, and not enough trees. Guess the Spider-Mobile doesn’t seem like such a bad idea know, does it?
As this video proves
That’s why japanese spiderman has the Spider-Machine.
Dunno, I still think it was a bad idea. Jus’ look at the thing.
I always thought he used clouds.
It’s the most cunning criminal and least socially aware of all, with a cause to hate Sarah.
…It’s Char, isn’t it.
This is my new favorite theory
Naw, she would’ve just written very politically incorrect things on all the boards.
All appearances of Char in the comic..
While her first appearance is a bit short of context, the comics following her second appearance are a bit more explanative.
I still think Willis is going to pull an Agatha Christie, and it will be someone we haven’t even seen yet.
My bet is on Dina. Dina trying to fit in.
So no one else thinks it’s a little odd that each wang was drawn differently? Yes, they’re all facing the same way, but each one is different, from what I recall. Your ‘average’ vandal might have just drawn the same dong on each door, especially if they were pressed for time and worried they might get caught.
Am I overthinking this? Do I need to cut down on the caffeine?
No, I totally thought about that too. Maybe they wanted it to look like it was more than one person? But it doesn’t seem to have accomplished that at all. Maybe it WAS more than one person. But that doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me either. What the heck kind of group of people would bother to do that all in the same night?
Like four use already called that out.
Nah; it was Sarah. She drew the one on her own door the best because it’s her own door. And to wind-up/provide-shock-therapy-for Joyce. The variety is just an outlet for her suppressed artistic side.
It’s how I would have done it.
If you’re not doing it to troll or insult, but just to be mischievous, you tend to have a bit of fun with it.
I’m surprised none of them were overly exaggerated in any way.
Like, ‘here’s a big, strangely curvy one’ and ‘here’s an itty bitty one’.
I, er.
I’m not saying I’m the whiteboard dingdong bandit or anything, though.
I’ll admit I haven’t read the comments sections for this entire storyline, but has anyone actually told Willis that permanent marker on a dry/wet erase board is EASY AS HELL to remove?
All you do is get the correct dry/wet erase marker, scribble heavily over the permanent marker and then remove it as normal for the correct kind of marker.
I’d imagine SOMEONE in the DoA universe would have the sense to google that on their phone.
Yeah, I’m pretty sure he’s been told that many, many times. But he didn’t see fit to give that knowledge to any of the girls. Either that, or they just find it more important to stop whoever did it than to just erase the dicks and go about life as usual
It seems like everyone’s trying to go on with life, while Amazi-Girl is missing class (and raids) to solve this case.
They could be erasing them as we speak, the act of vandalism still happened and still needs to be punished.
Or lightly scrub it with a piece of cotton moistened with rubbing alcohol…or any alcohol.
Like drinking alcohol?
Nagash1959, clearly you never read the comments of past comics, for example:
You say “it’s super easy to google how to do it,” I say “it’s super easy to find out it’s been commented on every thirty seconds for the past month or so.” And yet!
Law of Unintended Consequences, DW. You created “The Whiteboard Ding-dong Bandit” meme. Along with that meme comes this one, like a remora clinging to your Frankenstein shark.
Have a nice day.
The comic is called Dumbing of Age, so it’s appropriate IMO that none of it’s characters know such a simple fact or have trouble using Google.
You’d be surprised at the number of people inclined to draw dicks who have no idea how to draw dicks. Actually had a co-worker ask me to draw what he called “cock-an-balls” on a card for someone he didn’t like. Married father of two in his late thirties and the card was for a departing lady co-worker in her twenties. Some people never grow up. I told him to draw his own damn cock-an-balls and have the guts to sign it. You would be correct in assuming he did not follow through.
Visits to a urologist have recently became part of my life. The medical illustrations on the wall of his exam room are … amazing in the level of detail and disturbing, because viewing (and producing, I imagine) them require you to imagine a penis wedge-sliced like they used to do the buns at Subway.
On a non-dick note, I wonder if Amazi-Girl overheard Sarah talking to Jacob about being fair to Joyce, resulting the kinder, gentler, interrogation 2.0 with added plea to empathy. Only Willis knows for sure, I guess.
My comment seems doubly strange with a Joyce avatar.
Seems even stranger that you speak of these peenee drawings cut along a saggital plane like a “Sandwich Artist” did it – without cringing!!
I made it easier than your method in a post 2 weeks ago — Mr. Clean White Sponges – good for walls, white boards, white polycarbonate plastic (like MacBooks) and any color countertop to remove marker in a few seconds without scratches.
I suspect you just earned yourself a hit contract from Sir Willis, enjoy what time you have left.
It would do Joyce some good if she learned to overcome her little fear of anything sexually related, its not like someone left a goat corps slathered with blood at her door.
Wait… you know the location of the G.O.A.T. C.O.R.P.S.? They’ve been missing in action for 2 million stellar cycles!
Yes, Joyce should learn to face her fears, but it’s no one’s place to force help onto her. It’s something she needs to do on her own, at her own pace.
Well, her fear of tasting one has to be greater than touching one… so let’s go with THAT particular arc – just for laughs!
Found the Whiteboard DingDong Bandit. She’s moved on to something bigger!
I got a bad feeling that it might be the rapist-dude…. As this seems targeted against Joyce…. or Faz.
Somehow, this doesn’t seem like something that guy would have done. It’s good to see you considering all the options, though.
I don’t think so either. I believe he was a one-off, like one of the soldiers who passed through the ER/Post-Op ward in M*A*S*H. They were necessary to that particular story line and never resurfaced again.
Besides, how would he know where to find Joyce? They didn’t converse all that much, and other than her name I don’t recall Joyce giving him any really pertinent information.
I mean, to be honest,since we’re cartoons, a childish doodle of a dick is PRETTY damn realistic in the first place.
There should be an extra panel that cuts away to Joyce getting back to her room and See’s the door again and whimpers as she looks at a picture of a real life existing penis on her white borde ( censored in blurted out form of course)
Amazi-Girl needs no sidewalks! Amazi-Girl has trees! I’m just curious if the DoA Amazi-Girl is immune to criticism.
Those bravery points sure come in handy.
Amazi-girl IS immune to criticism. She can use trees, windows, telephone wires, and speeding truck tops when ever she choses.
Sidewalks are only to talk on, as everyone knows.
Your mom cried for justice…
…when I fucked her.
For a Nickle?
for a nickel.
You were that bad huh?
Your gravatar just makes this comment so much better.
That… was about the most tactful thing I think I’ve ever seen from Amazi-girl…
Acetone will take the dongs off of the whiteboards very quickly. One of those girls should have fingernail polish remover. Problem solved.
Except the same person could just do it again and again. The problem’s not solved until the one who did it is caught.
The problem is NOT solved until someone looses an eye! Until then, it’s just fun and games!
LOSES! (or finds)
So, Joyce is one step closer to “flipping” and becoming an insatiable hose-beast.
I’m in love with AmaziGirls face in the third panel.
a lost waif hoping someone makes them their sex slave?
To get rid of permanent marker on a white board is scribble all over it with a dry – erase marker, then use a normal white board eraser or damp paper towel to erase it.
You’re trying to give him a nervous breakdown, aren’t you?
My headcanon is that by now, at least half of them are either trolling or being not-obviously-enough sarcastic. It lets me keep some faith in humanity.
I wanted to do it sarcastically for this strip, but I don’t feel like it any more.
Oh, you guys know six months from now someone will leave a message on a white board in the strip and there’ll be a comment that says, “Was that in permanent marker? If so, just scribble over it with a dry erase marker and erase it like normal.”
I don’t know if anyone has already said it but I’m putting my money on Joyce is the bandit. Like she’s doing it in her sleep or something.
I think some people said it on the very first page of the chapter, and it’s been my #1 theory ever since. I wish I had thought of it myself.
Next week: Amazi-Girl loses an arm, gets addicted to heroin, and uses a dead cat as a weapon.
Also, she teams up with a talking gold gorilla and a gay blue alien.
I guess AmaziGirl won’t leaf Sarah alone about this?
More evidence pointing towards Anti-Joyce as the WDDB. The most detailed penis was on her door? Joyce had the strongest reaction to it, demanding justice? Repression leads to compartmentalization, which can lead to fragmentation.
…which leads to the Dark Side.
You mean she will be wanting exclusively dark meat?
I guess those eye glasses worked on more than Ethan and Sarah!
or… she man-rapes Walky “in next’s week’s hilarious episode of “The Dark Side of the DingDong Bandit! Only on DoA-TV!”
Joyce: I’m the rapist here! Tell me where it goes, Walky, or I’ll cut you!”
Nah, she would just rub it on her tummy.
Sarah and Joyce’s door must have had the most wood
Amazi-Girl uses APPEAL TO DECENCY!
It’s… surprisingly effective?
After Amazi-Girl’s use of THREAT was effectively countered by Sarah’s SHIELD OF DISDAIN, using AG’s ATD was a pretty brilliant judo reversal move given the GUILT backlash that can accompany SOD (and clearly did in this case).
Sure it could have backfired if Sarah had countered with CLOAK OF RIGHTEOUSNESS instead of SOD, but Sarah’s COR is nearly useless these days, especially after she started rooming with Joyce.
For some reason I think it’d be endlessly cool (and entertaining) to know someone who would stick to that hero bit so hard they could seriously, without a single hint of irony, say the phrase “cry out for justice”. Just use it in a sentence as if they asked you to pass them a napkin. That’s really something.
So Amber ran ahead, climbed a tree and waited for them before they even noticed? The girl does do her cardio
Has anyone considered that it might be one of the school’s biology teachers, trying to make sure the student populace is well-educated in anatomy?
They would have tagged the male section as well, but lack of whiteboards and all.
“There are unremovable penises drawn on all the whiteboards.”
If a penis was removable, would you call it a Snap-on Tool?
I woke up this morning with a bad hangover
And my penis was missing again
This happens all the time
It’s detachable
This comes in handy a lot of the time
I can leave it home when it think it’s gonna get me in trouble
Or, I can rent it out when I don’t need it
But now and then I go to a party
Get drunk
And the next morning, I can’t, for the life of me
Remember what I did with it
Walked into a classroom today for orientation and there was a whiteboard dingdong present. Twas erasable, thus, no pic.
Typo? “Your door’s was?”
“Your door’s [dick] was…”
Ooooohhhh thank you
I think Jocye is sleep-drawing, shes SO repressed after all.