Welcome to the saga of the working-class adventurer! Enjoy the complete story with new annotations daily!
Dumbing of Age
David M Willis
Joyce has been homeschooled her entire life until now, when she's suddenly a freshman in college! Things don't go well.
Alex Assan, Lin Darrow
A ragtag band of bootleggers open a speakeasy for bottled colour in the greyscale city of Ironwell.
All Known Alternatives
Karolina 'Kajotko' Jankiewicz
Akane has only one way to get back home: collect the 42 keys to parallel worlds. Eri and Ben are just trying to get through the summer before university. When a magical key turns up in an old spare set, all three are forced to change their plans and fast.
Josceline Fenton
A witch accidentally marries a monster, and now she and her familiar has to navigate life around her monstrous husband and her even more terrifying in-laws.
No End
Erli, Kromi
A queer romance about people attempting to build lives in a cold, post-apocalyptic world ravaged by hordes of undead.
Cyanide & Happiness
Satire, dark humor and surreal humor.
Paint the Town Red
Windy, Winter Jay Kiakas
Winona runs a werewolf shelter with partner in crime, Odile in the Gothic city of Merlot. One day they take in an injured vampire, and soon unravels many of the dark secrets of Merlot.
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aren’t we all I just finished watching tons of anime/hentai playing hours of league of legend with a 2 liter bottle of soda have no gf and go on about 5 webcomic pages every night for new updates #living the dream
Woah and I’ve never run across someone who comes so close to mine (currently 208). Surely you guys don’t depend on the bookmarking system though, right? Rss feeds all the way.
Try just memorizing URLs and update schedules. That’s what I did in highschool, though I’ve since pared back to a core twenty a something comics and catch up the others every couple months.
Currently I’m only reading 4 but I read them from the beginning over a period of like a week so it’s so weird to surely have to wait for a daily comic, I wanna know everything that happens ever!!!!!!
I only have five(Shortpacked, Dumbing of Age, Blip, Spinnerette, and Looking for Group, seven counting Non-Player Character and Tiny Dick Adventures), and they all have differing update schedules, which is terrible.
I will be your friend!
I play League of Legends as well! Add me: rootCmdr
Choice One: Don’t add me. Never hear from me again. Keep trundling along. Boring.
Choice Two: Make a new friend? Possibly talk on Skype? Enrich your social life with more internet friends? End every sentence with a question mark?
Do you think Dorothy will have the basketball court removed, where Nixon’s two-lane bowling alley was, that was built over top of “the herpes pool” where so many old men screwed young secretaries during Camelot?
(There was no cure for Trich then, so every JFK conquest gave and received that too, right along to the First Lady!) I’m betting Jackie got in on the Phase III trial on Keflex…
It was often a post-cabinet meeting, lunch tradition – for WH staff and very close cabinet members only.
I’d say Mrs. Lincoln was easily as loyal to JFK as Rosemary Woods was to Nixon, considering how often the president was “unavailable” and WITHOUT Secret Service protection…
That last sentence would indeed be a curse. I wouldn’t want anything to do with the teacher part ever again, though if the clock were turned back, I could definitely go for repeated Mrs. Robinson scenarios, all right about 35 years old!
Oh [$DEITY] group sex is worse than Tetris. No, really, at least in Tetris you have several different shapes to twist and move around, but in (most) group sex you only have the two and finding places where everything fits can be beyond awkward. You have only 2 physical shapes (speaking generically here) but personalities… Ugh! Never again more than three total…
Walky’s got plenty of wisecracks, he’s just afraid to use them. He’s so freaked out about Billie, he doesn’t know what will help and what will hurt.
He can tell she’s hurting. If it were a guy, he’d punch his shoulder and gently insult him – he knows ‘guy’. Billie’s from that strange realm of ‘girl-dom’, which ‘real men’ like Walky don’t understand.
Fortunately for him, Joyce is standing just a few steps back, waiting for him to come along. Joyce may be exactly what Billie needs right now (but not in a creepy way) – someone she can safely snark at, get some of her self-confidence back.
Her entire high school career was based on inflated status and material wealth. Walky was likely her only relationship in high school that wasn’t based on those two things.
Billie bullied the crap out of Walky in highschool. Their friendly relationship is from when they were little kids. They weren’t friends in highschool.
Actually, I’m totally touched by Walky throughout this. He -knows- something’s up with Billie, and even though he has no idea -what- or what to do about it, he’s… trying? At least muffling the internal screaming so he doesn’t disturb anyone else with it.
It’s impressive that Walky is managing to do so well despite knowing effectively nothing about the situation and even less about social graces. He’s like some kind of anti-Danny, who knows more than just about everyone in many situations but still manages to do the wrong thing.
I would give Billie a hug. First a tight friendly one, then one for each fun-bag, and after that… whatever else she wanted hugged – and with what what!
I missed her type in school. All I can do now is play some kind of Super Hero scam where I deliver hugs, door to door, at large, predominantly female universities! Like Testicle Tech! I’d do it for SCIENCE!
I hope they become best of friends and he gets her off the booze and she hangs out with him and Joyce and then she punches Mary in celebration because life is awesome!
Mary is going to suddenly mature into a kind, respectful, and and modest individual (who is somehow still religious, just not the horrible kind of religious) and we’re not going to have any idea how to react.
I think a hug would make it more awkward. To me it seems like Billie doesn’t want to talk about things right now and just wants to distract herself with people and a hug would be acknowledging that something was very wrong. Which they both know there is, but she just wants the usual Walky. I mean she looks pretty disappointed when he doesn’t make fun of her like always.
But then again I’m not too into hugs either unless im really upset ha.
T’would Seem that Ms. Billingsworth, Despite her Initial Attempts to Distance herself from Mr. Walkerton, is Seeking him Out for Comfort, & I should Hope that Mr. Walkerton does Not Confront her about her Previous Disregard for their Friendship, else the Drama could very well Overtake this Comic!
A lot of people been cracking jokes at Walky this arc, which is fair as he’s not the most serious character in a not super serious comic (which handles serious issues better than many serious comics) but geez has he been handling Billie’s little melt down well. I mean, he woke up to her freaking out in his bed and after he realized she was freaking out and he couldn’t handle it, he got a semi-responsible party to help, standing firm when Ruth at first wasn’t going to help. When Joyce asked why he was stressing, he didn’t tell her that Billie was freaking out because he didn’t know if Billie would be okay with that… and know he’s not making fun of her when she reaches out for help. Good job Walky, A+
Aw, that’s cute. Walky is trying to be ‘approapriate.
He is growing up, he recognizes that Billie is trying to come out of her shell, and off her high horse at the same time.
Nice guy Walky.
Good luck, Billie.
Personally very happy that Billie’s been knocked down a peg or two. This brief moment of sadness will be the foundation for a lifetime of happiness, I think.
[Unless she starts being a shit later on, of course.]
I personally, like this story-angle with a mature-themed Billie and Walky, it serves as a very good counter-balance to the Whiteboard Ding-Dong Bandit caper.
One of the hardest things in sobering up in both in maturity and from alcoholism is, put rather tritely yet accurately, sobering up. This means taking a long hard look at yourself and seriously considering & re-considering your life.
And one step in doing that? A step that is both simple and hard? Don’t do it alone.
Will Billie and Walky return to their smart-ass ways? Sure, no doubt. But right now? Not the time for it.
I swear to dick, David, if you’ve made a lame sub-plot of Dorothy getting all offended and dramatic because Walky and Billie hanging out and not allowing Walky to just explain the situation, creating a generic movie-style situation where Dolly says she needs some time alone and Walky has to take weeks just to get her back, I’m going to be very disappointed. Because I can see that happening.
Dorothy already knows Billie and Walky are close. She’s even called them “like an old married couple” at one point. It wouldn’t be THAT weird for her to see them together regularly. Besides, Dorothy is Billie’s colleague at the newspaper. They don’t particularly like each other, but they’re not strangers by any means.
Hmm, yes, that would be completely out of character for Dorothy. Also, in the nearly four years DoA has been running, there has been no story arcs even remotely as stupid as that. So it seems rather likely that it would happen. And that would be disappointing, because it is expected.
I don’t want to be alone anymore
I was checking you out
I was just making sure
No I don’t want to be alone anymore
And I’ll watch you tonight
Although you hurt me before
Inappropriately empathizing with Walky, here: I’m in my late twenties and I still can hardly muster responses to emotional trauma that don’t make me look like a walking dicklord.
I also read the discussion around Billie’s alcoholism and have to remind myself that it’s clearly a real problem and that , since we’ve seen people consume alcohol without getting moralized, this is a good story and not a flat booze is bad aesop.
That part boils down to me being a bit of a forgetful reader.
So Billy has realized that being generally nice to people and appreciating the company of those with whom she is already friends is a good way to build a stable circle of social support?
Ok so I just read 4 yrs worth of this strip and now I’m up to date and have to wait like everyone else! Goddamit
Ok so my opinion? I wish billie would just admit to Ruth that she love her because it’d probly be easier, or if mike would punch someone for good for once, like punching Billie and saying “you love Ruth! Tell her and stop being a jackass!”
*hugs Billie* While I’m sad this happened to her, I think this is a good learning experience. I hope she opens up to Walky more seriously about her drinking problem. I think he’d be likely to go to Dorothy saying “What do I do what’s going on ahhhhh” and she’s likely to do something proactive. Alcohol is one of the hardest drugs to come off from once you’re hooked.
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All the feels.
Man Walky is like me in this strip. “Oh. Okay.”, the only reaction I can think of when I try to think of “appropriate reaction”.
I not so good at the social thingamajigger.
Fucking astonishing how low these numbers are. If you're in the 75% who say they don't know any trans people, you do, they just don't trust you enough to be out to them.
The White House just announced plans to go after funding for libraries and museums. The Cartoon Art Museum runs on a tight budget, and losing the modest support it gets from federal grants would be devastating. Now's a great time to show CAM and other small museums your love.
Shaenon K. Garrity@shaenon.bsky.social ⋅ 12d
Have you enjoyed my candy lady thread? I am pleased to announce that you can get a phone wallpaper and ebook for the price of any donation, with all proceeds going to the Cartoon Art Museum.
Researchers showed clips of the podcast to survey respondents and had them share their thoughts. 57% expressed a negative reaction to his agreement with Charlie Kirk on "woke" language and 63% had a negative reaction to his comments on trans athletes
The great thing about writing for a Transformers Wiki is occasionally getting to write sentences like "Megatron has a theory that he can attract young men by wearing cat ears and ending his sentences with meow." because it's a thing that happened in a cartoon once.
Gavin Newsom sees 10-point net drop in favorability since launching his podcast. Survey finds "the podcast only made 13% of voters have an improved perception of the Governor, with 26% saying that it harmed their perception."
today in #9ChickweedLane I learned we should ask our parents completely normal, not fucked-up questions like "hey what was sex with the other parent like"
So many opportunities for a good old-fashioned booing
paulaptb@paulaptb.bsky.social ⋅ 3d
Schumer begins a book tour this week.
Mon 3/17 7pm Central Library, Baltimore
Wed 3/19 Politics & Prose, DC 7pm
Thursday 3/20 at the Weizman, DC 12:30PM
Sunday 3/23 · 3pm Moss Theatre Santa Monica, CA
Mon 4/21 MJCCA Atlanta 7:30PM
Line the sidewalks. (List may not be complete)
These are the same Senate Democrats who lectured the base for years about the importance of preserving the filibuster so it would still be available when Democrats were in the minority
Worried Billie Worries Me.
You said that already two days ago. Had the first post too
I was going for a. . . joke? I guess? I dunno, I’m just a no-life loser anyways.
aren’t we all I just finished watching tons of anime/hentai playing hours of league of legend with a 2 liter bottle of soda have no gf and go on about 5 webcomic pages every night for new updates #living the dream
sorry not 5 9 :p
Try 195. Daily.
(Wait, why am I saying this like it’s a good thing?)
It is impressive, in a way.
I want the full list.
Wow, your are the only person I have run across who beats my webcomic reading list, congrats. I do have over 300 bookmarked, however.
Woah and I’ve never run across someone who comes so close to mine (currently 208). Surely you guys don’t depend on the bookmarking system though, right? Rss feeds all the way.
Try just memorizing URLs and update schedules. That’s what I did in highschool, though I’ve since pared back to a core twenty a something comics and catch up the others every couple months.
I haven’t been using my rss reader in a while, for webcomics it doesn’t matter, since I keep them open in tabs at all times.
You sure about that? This: http://www.dumbingofage.com/2013/comic/book-3/03-answers-in-hennessy/eyebrowy-2/ might suggest otherwise.
I’ve never counted them before. Apparently I do seven. Not every night, but fairly close. I’m not sure how it’s a bad thing though.
The worst at of it is that I only found dumbing of age (which led to many more webcomics) when I was on rule 34 one day ;-;
Cody its a good thing webcomics are awesome :p
Currently I’m only reading 4 but I read them from the beginning over a period of like a week so it’s so weird to surely have to wait for a daily comic, I wanna know everything that happens ever!!!!!!
I only have five(Shortpacked, Dumbing of Age, Blip, Spinnerette, and Looking for Group, seven counting Non-Player Character and Tiny Dick Adventures), and they all have differing update schedules, which is terrible.
I will be your friend!
I play League of Legends as well! Add me: rootCmdr
Choice One: Don’t add me. Never hear from me again. Keep trundling along. Boring.
Choice Two: Make a new friend? Possibly talk on Skype? Enrich your social life with more internet friends? End every sentence with a question mark?
I’ll add yah my name is jose231ful on league same as everywhere :p
Yay league friends
im l33tmaster126 see ya on the rift
and yes a worried ex-cheerleader is never a good thing.
Huh, and here I thought people who play league can’t be nice and sociable. Either you guys don’t exist, or I see the wrong people.
Neither were just not ranked so we don’t yell at people for no reason.
yup but those league players do exist xD
I’m pretty sure no one could keep a straight face if that was said. . .
Dotty’d be into that.
Do you think Dorothy will have the basketball court removed, where Nixon’s two-lane bowling alley was, that was built over top of “the herpes pool” where so many old men screwed young secretaries during Camelot?
(There was no cure for Trich then, so every JFK conquest gave and received that too, right along to the First Lady!) I’m betting Jackie got in on the Phase III trial on Keflex…
It was often a post-cabinet meeting, lunch tradition – for WH staff and very close cabinet members only.
I’d say Mrs. Lincoln was easily as loyal to JFK as Rosemary Woods was to Nixon, considering how often the president was “unavailable” and WITHOUT Secret Service protection…
She’d totally have it rebuilt as an Arabic Harem full of young men “carved from caramel”
All of them virgins, because she’s cursed to only have inexperienced men to teach in bed.
That last sentence would indeed be a curse. I wouldn’t want anything to do with the teacher part ever again, though if the clock were turned back, I could definitely go for repeated Mrs. Robinson scenarios, all right about 35 years old!
If Dotty and Billie did it with Walky in the middle, does that count as a press-gang?
Considering Billies proclivities, and her hatred of Walky, I’d say it’d be more like a MFF than a FMF,
She doesn’t hate Walky. She just doesn’t like his immaturity. Which seems to be lacking as of late…
But honestly, a threesome with those girls would end up with him subbing under the both of them. >_>
Yeah, no kidding. I mean, Dorothy is already scheduled for a threesome with Amber and Danny AND Walky + Joyce. The girl can’t be everywhere at once.
but where would Billie fit then?
Oh [$DEITY] group sex is worse than Tetris. No, really, at least in Tetris you have several different shapes to twist and move around, but in (most) group sex you only have the two and finding places where everything fits can be beyond awkward. You have only 2 physical shapes (speaking generically here) but personalities… Ugh! Never again more than three total…
Walky in this strip is basically me interacting with anyone.
Wait, this chapter was about Drawing Dongs?
Now it’s a plotline about Ding Dings being dumb.
And now its just one big chance for Billie to grab the spotlight.
As long as it doesn’t accidentally grab a dingdong.
Unless it’s the snack cake.
The cake is a lie.
See I read that as Dingdong Noodles.
Coming to a campus near you.
Walky Shaky
Walky no good at the Talky.
Walky was too used to Billie’s mocky. Billie’s talky was just too shocky for poor Walky.
What am I doing with my life?
So he summoned the fan of hockey with the menace of the Jabberwocky and the relationships all rocky?
Congrats, you win today’s prize, a box of Pocky.
Billies showing massive emotional strength, loving her at the moment
Totally agree, way to go Billie
Walky with no wisecracks? My god he’s actually evolving?!
All his wises are already cracked. He needs to make some new ones.
“Your Walky has evolved into a Runny!’
What’s this? Walky’s evolving….
Congratulations! Walky evolved into Mature Person!
Despite his best efforts at holding onto an Everstone.
I would love to see a 4-panel comic where Walky accidentally drops an Everstone and evolves into an adult, much to his chagrin.
Walky’s got plenty of wisecracks, he’s just afraid to use them. He’s so freaked out about Billie, he doesn’t know what will help and what will hurt.
He can tell she’s hurting. If it were a guy, he’d punch his shoulder and gently insult him – he knows ‘guy’. Billie’s from that strange realm of ‘girl-dom’, which ‘real men’ like Walky don’t understand.
Fortunately for him, Joyce is standing just a few steps back, waiting for him to come along. Joyce may be exactly what Billie needs right now (but not in a creepy way) – someone she can safely snark at, get some of her self-confidence back.
Joyce is Billie’s best college friend. And shower buddy!
Quick, give him more everstones.
His deltoid muscles are getting a workout today.
I thought Dorothy gave his muscles all the workout they needed- Shing !
Shrugs are 90% trapesis.
Holy hell, Walky’s actually not an idiot in this one.
He’s not an idiot, he just plays one on the internet.
Walky is so far out of his comfort zone that he has forgotten what comfort feels like.
He will spend the entire weekend in his pajama jeans to reacquaint himself with the concept.
He’s going into Billie-insult-withdrawal. Symptoms include uncontrollable shoulder-twitching, worried looks, and monosyllabic responses.
N-now kiss…?
. . . Now that’s just pushing the envelope.
Nothing more but jumping the gun.
More like Jumping The Shark.
Nukin’ the fridge
Is that an Indiana Jones reference?
No, he’s talking about the other movie where they nuked a fridge.
Y’know, The Sound of Music.
The first half of that movie is a lot of fun. Then the Nazis show up and it gets needlessly drawn out.
Yea, I have always felt that they should have changed that to a Benny Hill chase sequence.
The hills are alive
With the sound of fission!
Why would he make fun you, have never had a friend before.
Her entire high school career was based on inflated status and material wealth. Walky was likely her only relationship in high school that wasn’t based on those two things.
Billie bullied the crap out of Walky in highschool. Their friendly relationship is from when they were little kids. They weren’t friends in highschool.
Quick! Check and see if Billie still has a belly button!
Or a goatee!
She’s a clone, but Billie thought sober, mature thoughts when they were cloning her, thus triggering Walky’s suspicions.
I’m not saying she’s a Skrull…
Actually, I’m totally touched by Walky throughout this. He -knows- something’s up with Billie, and even though he has no idea -what- or what to do about it, he’s… trying? At least muffling the internal screaming so he doesn’t disturb anyone else with it.
It’s making his eye twitch. But he’s doing a good job.
Me too, I’m happy that he’s making the effort and that Billie is actually reaching out. I’m so proud of these characters rn ;u;
I’ve been in that whole “I have no idea how to be nice right now, and you’re in pain” situation.
The awkwardness becomes palpable. . .
It’s impressive that Walky is managing to do so well despite knowing effectively nothing about the situation and even less about social graces. He’s like some kind of anti-Danny, who knows more than just about everyone in many situations but still manages to do the wrong thing.
You’re a good friend, Walky.
He’s free of the foot in mouth disease.
That’s because he prefers to stuff his mouth with McNuggets.
And lately, various Dorothy parts.
He’s a pretty nice guy…
one of my favorite characters, Dood!
Billie needs to be hugged so badly.
The world needs more hugs.
Lots of hugs for Billie indeed. Poor lonely gal.
I would give Billie a hug. First a tight friendly one, then one for each fun-bag, and after that… whatever else she wanted hugged – and with what what!
I missed her type in school. All I can do now is play some kind of Super Hero scam where I deliver hugs, door to door, at large, predominantly female universities! Like Testicle Tech! I’d do it for SCIENCE!
That comment with your current gravatar is just… wonderful.
I hope they become best of friends and he gets her off the booze and she hangs out with him and Joyce and then she punches Mary in celebration because life is awesome!
Whoa there buddy! One step at a time. This is youth drama we’re talking about here.
Shhhhhh, let me dream.
Yeah, but punching Mary is still OK right?
Mary is going to suddenly mature into a kind, respectful, and and modest individual (who is somehow still religious, just not the horrible kind of religious) and we’re not going to have any idea how to react.
Mary is going to become a UU?
She’s going to turn into late-Walkyverse Joyce?
I want my punches to be able to do that …
Only if she’s pregnant.
I think the appropriate move here is a hug but I guess this is progress, kind of.
I don’t know, hugs aint always welcome…
Walky doesn’t seem like the type to give out hugs, especially unasked for hugs.
That I can relate to, I’m not a huggy kind of person either.
I think a hug would make it more awkward. To me it seems like Billie doesn’t want to talk about things right now and just wants to distract herself with people and a hug would be acknowledging that something was very wrong. Which they both know there is, but she just wants the usual Walky. I mean she looks pretty disappointed when he doesn’t make fun of her like always.
But then again I’m not too into hugs either unless im really upset ha.
I’ve been in this situation before. Where someone comes to you with a problem that is way out of you depth.
Goddamnit WHY ARE YOU CONFIDING IN ME!? Im a fucking ten year old!
That was some time ago…
emotional refugees upon the night’s plutonian shore
So you’ve read Byron, then?
Or Poe.
Poe, but your heart’s in the right place.
Namely, under a floorboard
Or behind a brick wall – for the love of God, Montressor!
T’would Seem that Ms. Billingsworth, Despite her Initial Attempts to Distance herself from Mr. Walkerton, is Seeking him Out for Comfort, & I should Hope that Mr. Walkerton does Not Confront her about her Previous Disregard for their Friendship, else the Drama could very well Overtake this Comic!
Why are You capitalizing Every other Word?
Jesus christ On a Bicycle, it’s Spreading!
It’s Not Every Other Word, you Fool!
Probably has to do with Na’kuhl grammatical practices, as it appears to be similar to Klingon.
DoA’s like the Community of webcomics – it’s hilarious yet deeply emotional.
You’ve made my chin & lower lip quiver. I HOPE YOU ARE HAPPY NOW!
A lot of people been cracking jokes at Walky this arc, which is fair as he’s not the most serious character in a not super serious comic (which handles serious issues better than many serious comics) but geez has he been handling Billie’s little melt down well. I mean, he woke up to her freaking out in his bed and after he realized she was freaking out and he couldn’t handle it, he got a semi-responsible party to help, standing firm when Ruth at first wasn’t going to help. When Joyce asked why he was stressing, he didn’t tell her that Billie was freaking out because he didn’t know if Billie would be okay with that… and know he’s not making fun of her when she reaches out for help. Good job Walky, A+
Sad Billie is sad. And this would worry me if she was something other than a character in a web comic.
Aw, that’s cute. Walky is trying to be ‘approapriate.
He is growing up, he recognizes that Billie is trying to come out of her shell, and off her high horse at the same time.
Nice guy Walky.
Good luck, Billie.
Less shrugs, more hugs!
Personally very happy that Billie’s been knocked down a peg or two. This brief moment of sadness will be the foundation for a lifetime of happiness, I think.
[Unless she starts being a shit later on, of course.]
Poor Billie. Self-improvement is hard, and I don’t think she’s ever really had a good role model before. I hope she finds a way to be happy.
Offer Hugs, LOTS OF THEM!!!
I personally, like this story-angle with a mature-themed Billie and Walky, it serves as a very good counter-balance to the Whiteboard Ding-Dong Bandit caper.
One of the hardest things in sobering up in both in maturity and from alcoholism is, put rather tritely yet accurately, sobering up. This means taking a long hard look at yourself and seriously considering & re-considering your life.
And one step in doing that? A step that is both simple and hard? Don’t do it alone.
Will Billie and Walky return to their smart-ass ways? Sure, no doubt. But right now? Not the time for it.
…argh. I’m having an extreme “terrifyingly relating to Billie” moment.
Walky, yer being supportive and keeping things light hearted. You are doing exactly what your supposed to. Don’t sweat it.
Also, something about Billie asking to go to lunch reminds me of this. Don’t ask me why:
I swear to dick, David, if you’ve made a lame sub-plot of Dorothy getting all offended and dramatic because Walky and Billie hanging out and not allowing Walky to just explain the situation, creating a generic movie-style situation where Dolly says she needs some time alone and Walky has to take weeks just to get her back, I’m going to be very disappointed. Because I can see that happening.
Dorothy already knows Billie and Walky are close. She’s even called them “like an old married couple” at one point. It wouldn’t be THAT weird for her to see them together regularly. Besides, Dorothy is Billie’s colleague at the newspaper. They don’t particularly like each other, but they’re not strangers by any means.
Hmm, yes, that would be completely out of character for Dorothy. Also, in the nearly four years DoA has been running, there has been no story arcs even remotely as stupid as that. So it seems rather likely that it would happen. And that would be disappointing, because it is expected.
I misread the URL of this strip as “The whiteboard dong bandit cometh”
This poll is surprisingly close. Personally, my vote changes regularly, because I am debating with myself what qualifies someone as ‘bad-ass’.
I don’t want to be alone anymore
I was checking you out
I was just making sure
No I don’t want to be alone anymore
And I’ll watch you tonight
Although you hurt me before
Inappropriately empathizing with Walky, here: I’m in my late twenties and I still can hardly muster responses to emotional trauma that don’t make me look like a walking dicklord.
I also read the discussion around Billie’s alcoholism and have to remind myself that it’s clearly a real problem and that , since we’ve seen people consume alcohol without getting moralized, this is a good story and not a flat booze is bad aesop.
That part boils down to me being a bit of a forgetful reader.
If you want the flat “booze is bad” aesop, Roomies! is over there.
I don’t want it. I read Roomies when it was still on Keenspot, back in… 2004?
So Billy has realized that being generally nice to people and appreciating the company of those with whom she is already friends is a good way to build a stable circle of social support?
What’s with all the Facebook links? Anyone else see it? Has my browser been hijacked?
Ok so I just read 4 yrs worth of this strip and now I’m up to date and have to wait like everyone else! Goddamit
Ok so my opinion? I wish billie would just admit to Ruth that she love her because it’d probly be easier, or if mike would punch someone for good for once, like punching Billie and saying “you love Ruth! Tell her and stop being a jackass!”
*hugs Billie* While I’m sad this happened to her, I think this is a good learning experience. I hope she opens up to Walky more seriously about her drinking problem. I think he’d be likely to go to Dorothy saying “What do I do what’s going on ahhhhh” and she’s likely to do something proactive. Alcohol is one of the hardest drugs to come off from once you’re hooked.
Walky mispoke. He meant to say “I hope yer cool with mostly manly shrugs.”
All the feels.
The cast is maturing! Everyone’s learning life lessons!
Thank you Walky.
Man Walky is like me in this strip. “Oh. Okay.”, the only reaction I can think of when I try to think of “appropriate reaction”.
I not so good at the social thingamajigger.