In the most recent Hijinks Ensue, Joel Watson discovers the source of Dumbing of Age‘s wonderful magic.
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In the most recent Hijinks Ensue, Joel Watson discovers the source of Dumbing of Age‘s wonderful magic.
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mmm Burn
I always thought he sort of looked like a frog.
No accounting for taste, though. This is a woman who likes Danny.
He kinda grew on me after he became a zombie for Torchwood.
Same. But then he stopped growing on me after he became a fucked up rapist on Game of Thrones.
If I watched Game of Thrones, I’m sure I’d hate a lot of people now. It sounds like a whole bunch of horrible white people.
Tbf, they have, um I mean, had a fairly arrogant “generically beige” person, And the one black guy (that you see more than once) is a playboy pirate. So um. Yeah, you can’t really call reverse racism on it. EVERYONE is terrible, in some way.
Not saying you were, just inb4.
Well, for black people at least there are also Missendei and Grey Worm. But I suppose they’re actually good people like Sansa or Tyrion. It has a really, really small cast of sympathizable characters, most of whom just keep dying. I’d actually count the “generically beige” Oberyn among them, even if he is arrogant and a little quick to anger. The anger he usually shows is pretty damned justified.
Game of Thrones is… Interesting. I quite like the writing, and I haven’t run out of fucks to give, per say. But I do find myself running out of characters to give them for. Usually the times that really call for you to give them end with the lovable character headless. And the catharsis of the vile people dying is comparatively very rare.
>Sansa or Tyrion
Good? Lol, no. Only in comparison to everyone else, maybe. But yeah Sansa is a jackass (though as of the end of book two it looked like she *might* be getting *slightly* better. Unusual direction for ASoIaF, doubt it will last). Tyrion is an asshole, just less of one, and smarter than most.
This is why I hate ASoIaF…well, one reason.
Actually, there are two recurring black characters on the show, both probably the sweetest and most likable-by-virtue-of-actually-being-good-people characters the show has left.
Which means they’ll probably be on spikes the first episode of Season 5 🙁
oh yeah, that’s why I had this diatribe about “high fantasy” in my head this morning…
This is not to say anything about “reverse racism” [inb4], but it is an irritating trend [or definition of?] that fantasy is predominantly about romanticising the conquering white people that comprise medieval European civilization who went around destroying and taking over other cultures [with or without dragons and magic], and that seems ridiculously limiting after a few. I got through the first LotR movie but haven’t felt compelled to watch the rest. I’ve read an enjoyed a few fantasy serieseses, including some D&D-themed ones, but I’ve had no particular interest in the genre of late, I suppose because I feel like I’ve already read the ones that stretch the boundaries [e.g. Howl’s Moving Castle and its sequel Castle in the Air], and most anything new I start just doesn’t hold my interest. I tried reading just the one four-page chapter of The Name of the Wind, and it didn’t really mean anything to me. [Hitchhiker’s Guide must’ve spoiled me, because–as my ex pointed out to make his brother [and, indirectly, me] a fan–reading the first page is enough hook.]
Just to clarify. GoT’s hook seems to be the white people are even more horrible, though also somewhat historically accurate in its politics. [No one ever mentions its PoCs, except one review that pointed out how there weren’t many.] So basically just saying it doesn’t sound like something I feel I should care about, but whatever floats your ship.
[I should see this Pacific Rim ship, tho, but YAY NO MONEY ALL YEAR after ALL THE KICKSTARTERS]
[[and Netflix-owning roomie moved out]]
[[[and anyway how much more time do I need to waste reading things when I’ve already tried to cull my internet-browsing time and power through my unplayed game collection, why do I really need to start on MOAR THINGS]]]
much long
so blather
very rant
You will probably never see this because it’s almost midnight BUT on the topic of representation in the media and Pacific Rim-
Pacific was one of the few movies I went to go see when it first came out despite poooooor because Tumblr hyped it the hell up as a flagship movie with POC and female representation way beyond the pale for sci-fi movies, and I was hugely disappointed in a way I wouldn’t have been if they’d just been, all, Hay Vibbles it’s a movie about monsters and giant robots fightin’ and YOU LOVE ALL THESE THINGS.
Yeah, there’s a POC female lead and she’s pretty cool, but she still needs the white male lead to even get in the fight- it’s cleared up right from the beginning that her role in the movie is supporting the main dude. And then there’s Nick Fury’s AU counterpart, and he’s a flawless character, but again- pointedly secondary. And that’s it. Those are the POCs (and the females) with consequential speaking roles. There’re the Chinese triplets who have some importance, but literally their only interaction with humans is to…. glare silently at White Male Lead for reasons that are never offered? Even the leader of the Chinese black market is, inexplicitly, a white dude. Why? Why are we following a supposedly international team of heroes pursuing a criminal through Hong Kong and everyone involved in this scene is white and male?
It’s an enjoyable movie if giant robots and giant monsters fighting is something you’re into, and if it’s not then my opinions are worthless to you because giant monsters are amazing. And Charlie Day’s character is amazing and I would watch a spin-off show just about him and his tattoos and enthusiasm and biologist awesomeness, yessss. But if breaking female/POC/disabled/whatevs out of their established roles is important to you and that is one of the reasons why Pacific’s been on your backorder… meh, wait till you can afford Netflix on your own, I wouldn’t rush. It’s fun and entertaining but it doesn’t really break any new ground in SciFi that I could see.
I read a few pages back on occasion. It’s sort of my go-to when I want to waste a few minutes while eating dinner but don’t want to fall into a time sink [a plan that has backfired on occasion].
FWIW, thanks–I don’t go out of my way to buy/rent/pirate movies anymore [I have better things to spend money on than something that’ll eventually be $5], but it’d be something I’d look for/suggest during a family thing when someone asks if anyone wants to watch a movie and what. POCs/women aren’t “important” to me as a deal-breaker if they aren’t in a thing, but it’s something I’m more conscious about supporting, which is kind of the only reason I went to see Hunger Games =p [book is crap, sorry]
In the books, at least, there are surprisingly few people you can hate: Viserys, Joffrey, Littlefinger and Ramsay Snow; Cersei, probably. The rest are… well, they’re really well-written characters, and it’s difficult not to put yourself in their shoes; even when they’re doing questionable stuff, you see where they’re coming from and you feel more sorry for them than angry.
Never understood hating actors/actresses based on roles they play.
Yeah it’s definitely silly. the actor that played the jerk Peck from the original ghostbusters got beat up at bars irl, people so disliked him so
It happens for me by default if I don’t think about it, or only see the actor in the role and not e.g. an interview. My Game of Thrones buddies were telling me all these amazing stories about The Mountain’s actor (he’s apparently 7 feet tall and I think won World’s Strongest Man IRL?) and it took me some effort for the awesome to outweigh the hate 🙂
Walter Peck is one of the best characters in Ghostbusters precisely because he is very good at being hateable. Too bad some people can’t distinguish fiction from reality, though.
He also did a great Jerry Hathaway. 🙂
Given that we’re discussing Amber’s choice of slashfic fodder – yes, I can see why someone would exclude an actor from their fantasies when a character they portrayed left a powerful negative impression.
It’s hard to see Malcolm McDowell in something other than a sadistic light, for example. That can be your thing, though.
I mostly see Malcolm McDowell in the light of those Sprint ads.
He told a story about Gene Kelly hating him for making the decision to do an impromptu rendition of “Singing in the Rain” in A Clockwork Orange; that’s what I think of when I hear his name or see his face.
Really, he should have blamed Kubrick for rushing to secure the rights to the song and encouraging the musical number.
“…that came out of an improv when we were sitting around for days trying to figure this out and he [Stanley Kubrick] just said in the end, ‘Can you dance?’ I went, ‘Can I dance?’ I went into ‘Singing in the Rain’ immediately. He drove back to his house, bought the rights and we went back and deconstructed it and it took a week to shoot.”
Given that pretty much the first thing he does in Torchwood is steal sci-fi rophynol and head down to the pub with it, I don’t see why judging him on his characters’ behaviour would ever have led to positive results.
I don’t think we would’ve become Torchwood fans if I hadn’t accidentally started us on Season 2 instead of 1.
1 could’ve been skipped, honestly.
And too bad about Children of Earth, it was so nice until the aliens showed up.
I had to Google them. Searching for Gorman yields a slew of – let’s say – unflattering pictures. But apparently the two of them are heartwarming in – let’s see, what’s this – a movie about giant robots. Exciting.
I forgot about that! I googled them separately and was trying to figure out how they were connected. It didn’t occur to me until after reading your comment to google them together…-1 internets.
Dammit! /me suddenly gets title text. Wow, brain. Get it together.
Gorman is ugly-cute. It’s a very real category. The human version of pugs.
I have been Amber here far too many times. –sobs over GPA–
I’ve been late to class so few times I can count it on one hand probably.
Same for me–I was never late.
I skipped a bunch, tho.
Better never than late?
Wait, what?
got something for ya
I majored in computer science, and by year four all the important stuff took place during lab hours, so class basically became something I did if I was bored and there was nothing on TV.
Can’t say I had that attitude in my first semester, though. Amber must be more advance than me.
Well, she was ignoring the lecture and writing her own OS on her phone a few weeks ago because the subject matter was too simple.
Yeaaaaaaaah, I was Amber too much. Completely reversed my sleep schedule at one point. I don’t recommend that.
And then later in my college career, I think I was depressed, because all I did most of the time was sleep, rarely went to class. So glad I finally figured out what I wanted to do, something I was good at which allowed me to graduate after waaaay to long.
Meh. I missed a class now and then and still came through a BA and an MA with a 4.0 GPA.
Pretty sure someone could ignore every class (except perhaps their history reqs) and still manage something similar with a BA. BA’s are really only a half step above “Undeclared” as far as majors are concerned.
Your comment makes no sense. “BA” just means you got your degree in literally any subject that isn’t a natural science. You could write an honors thesis in multivariable mathematics that you would later use for your groundbreaking PhD. That would be a BA.
I think you’re trying to be a STEM-major snob and imply people who major in arts/humanities are stupid? But since most CS graduates have arts degrees, your argument falls through a bit.
> But since most CS graduates have arts degrees,
So, what alternate dimension do you come from? I have never seen a CS degree that got you an arts degree of any type.
As for math, that is possible – UW is at least one place that has both a BA and a BS in math – but BS has to be the norm.
Which isn’t to say I really agree with Kaoy’s seeming contempt for all BAs. But your statements don’t make that much sense.
About half the CS graduates at the university I went to were in the College of Arts and Sciences (as opposed to the College of Engineering), and thus had B.A.s. I’m sure there are schools where you can only get a B.S., but I’ve met CS graduates from several colleges who have a Bachelor of Arts.
Games programmers seem to be about equal parts BS and BA, depending on which school they went to. Backgrounds and character designs seem to be populated with Arts degrees, things like combats and physics seem to get mostly Sciences degrees. Again YMMV as I only have peripheral contract with the game programming community.
Amber has entered the Yaoi Zone.
That place is scary.
Not to mention very sticky,
Nah, not really
Not as scary as the FUTA zone.
Wet dreams turn into wet nightmares.
“You’re travelling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of perverse sexual lust; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries do not include heterosexuality. That’s the signpost up ahead – your next stop, the Yaoi Zone!”
There will be a lot of vertical and horizonal controling as well.
I wanted to reply to this with a link to a picture of Rod Serling with Forest Whitaker. Apparently that does not exist on paheal.
Not yet, anyway.
Oh Gorman and Day are being Rough alright! Also, what an expository dream Amber is having.
Wow, She gets freaky with the wet dreams, a little to freaky.
newllend, have you met Joyce Brown?
Now her dreams are just fucking weird.
… Pacific Rimjob?
Would that count as a possible Slipshine project for Willis? I mean, he did say that his next one would be from Dumbing, and other than Sal/Jason, I can’t really think of anyone else who’s getting any.
but half the point is that its cannon relationship and we care about the participants. Joe banging random background character would not really fill that niche
Jo’ momma.
Because Mike.
I don’t know… Joe seemed to be pretty desperate when Danny was going to help teach Sal math. At least that’s how it came off to me.
Joe’s been getting it pretty regularly.
I think Joe’s excited response to the math thing was motivated less by “you are going to be in contact with a girl” and more by “that girl barely wears clothes and rides a motorcycle.”
Ah, true, Joe and Roz.
But that was quite a while ago. I assume that Sal and Jason are still fooling around, but that Joe and Roz no longer are.
He sounded like he wanted to get some guy/guy action going… so… Ethan/Manny??
Ethan/Jocelynn in the DoA universe.
That would be hot, but I got the distinct impression of “not interested” from Jocelyne, and it would need a LOT of setup to change that to not leave a skeevy veneer over the Slipshine.
And I don’t want to just read Ethan’s wet dream =p COP-A-FEEL, NOT COP-OUT
Joe’s Dad / Amber’s Mom. Perfect for SlipShine!
I request a visual representation of that dream.
Tumblr can most definitely handle that for you.
Mmm… Amber has excellent tastes, though I prefer Burn in Torchwood rather than Burn in pacific rim… But Charlie Day all the time!
She was a fucking legend in Indiana University. A fucking LEGEND.
I think I’ve only ever slept through a class once, which considering how sleep-deprived I usually am, has to be some kind of miracle.
Well I’m good at waking up. I just sleep during class or school half of the time. A real double edged sword.
Imagine if she was having THOSE sorts of dreams during class.
Especially when coffee doesn’t work for me ever, and at some point ADD medication does nothing to keep me up.
My freshman finals were the worst, I didn’t sleep for six days.
When it happens to me I just dream that I’m in class, its kind of confusing and strange.
I hate that! I don’t even realize I’m asleep!
Do you normally realize you’re asleep? Do you just actively think “this is a dream and I am sleeping” during your dreams?
Speaking of dreaming something that’s happening.
Take a trip with me into imagination land.
You dream you have to pee extremely bad and… for the tiniest briefest moment awaken and the thought flits through your mind like the fastest hummingbird on speed that you should go to the bathroom. So you stand up and walk across your apartment, squinting in the harsh light of day and due to forgetting your glasses. You stand in front of the toilet and pee. You stumble back into your bed and fall back to sleep.
A few minutes go by and you awaken to your boxers being unnaturally cool, and, with dawning horror and embarrassment, realize that you haven’t left your room in at least 8 hours.
This is not the first time this has happened.
I have this uncanny ability to absorb information when I’m asleep, so I usually sleep through 1 or 2 classes a day
I’m basically nocturnal when left to my own sleep schedule. So of course, due to my major and career goals and scheduling conflicts, I’m basically going to have to have an 8 AM every semester, as I already did for my first two semesters. At most I MIGHT be able to avoid them as a senior, but I’m doubtful about that, too.
I’ve slept through so many classes.
My wife’s Pacific Rim dream is all Hunnam and Perlman. She told me.
She’s been a Perlman groupie since “Beauty and the Beast”
I apologize in advance if this question sounds crass, but,
Do females have wet dreams (or something akin to that)?
They’re wetter dreams.
the answer is yes, what I cannot guarantee is if we remember them or want to talk about specifics.
Yesterday it made me sad, today it makes me laugh.. This comic is a rollercoaster of emotions.
Amber ships Science Husbands, that makes me so happy.
I see the title card:
If only Amber threw in more guys in that fantasy.
“The Gang…bangs.”
Especially if it was preceded by this dialogue:
“Shut up, shut up! Listen, Frank, I don’t care what Dennis says, I would never have a threeway with Burn Gorman and some girl!”
Not even showing up to this class she’s stated she feels superior to and spends most of the time on her phone during! Yeah, I’m sure she’s terrible.
Female gazing all over the place, I see.
First good nights sleep in a long time, way to enjoy it.
Don’t have to account for your taste in dreams, so ignore the comments 🙂
Now I’m imagining a threesome with Amazi-Girl, Karl Tanner of Game of Thrones and Charlie Kelly of It’s Always Sunny. This is weird.
She probably really needed it.
That is like the most EPIC BURN ever.
Is that a Pacific Rim reference?
Well Danny it might be a good time to start sporting a Goatee. . .
I’m going to see this as a sign of Ambers mental health slowly recovering.
I’m going to take this as she being totally in pro of a threesome between her, Ethan and Danny.
I am deeply disappointed in Amber’s terrible taste in smolderingly homoerotic fictional scientists. #stanner5eva
Why not both? It’s not a competition, there is enough love to go around for all science-y couples 🙂
This felt like XKCD for me in that I had to do some research to get the punchline.
It’s not that difficult. Two males, presumably attractive, going at each other.
Is that two strips in a row with Amber smiling? New record.
Aw, man- We’ve got Pacific Rim playing on the TV while I’m checking all my morning comics. They were on screen at the same time I clicked on my DoA bookmark. I laughed so hard my roommates looking at me weird, again!
Gorman is a bit unusual-looking, true, but he has that cheekbone thing going for him (see: Cumberbatch, Benedict; Mikkelsen, Mads). If you have killer cheekbones, you can get away with facial anomalies. Plus he has really sexy hands, long eyelashes, and pretty, pretty eyes. I’m with Amber on this one.
Hm. I guess my comment got deleted, either because I was too mean to Burn Gorman (unlikely, since similar comments are still here) or because it sparked a flame war.
That f*cking Mary. What a piece of shit.
I mean wrong comic