My bestest pal Joel Watson has a Patreon thing now! This is notable here because it seems I’m one of the pledge tier rewards. After a certain amount of bidding, Joel evolves Pokemon-style into me. And then me and evolved-Joel-me will recite the Team Rocket chant, on video, for people. Probably.
Or we’ll just belittle each other’s masculinity with an unspoken yet powerful sexual tension, as per usual.
I’m really sympathizing with Danny here.
That can’t be a good thing.
I am too. Joe’s a pretty shitty friend sometimes.
Yep. I’m amazed how popular the dude is.
TV Tropes says he has no real negative personality traits aside from being promiscuous. I think that needs to be fixed, not just because casual banging isn’t really negative.
I don’t know. There is the argument that, by being blunt and honest about it, he’s saving Danny a lot of anguish in the long run and forcing to find a solution that actually works for him, rather than simply burring his head and pretending he ca deal with it.
Aye, Iw as thinking that too.
I’ve never been sure if I like Joe, but I’ll say this:
If there is ONE character who *requires* a blunt and honest approach to keep him from deluding himself, it’s Danny – the ok guy with MASSIVE self-inflicted blinders. They go together well.
I am unmoved by this argument. I would in fact say that Danny has a penchant for ignoring otherwise sound advice when it is delivered in a harsh manner. He did so when Joe told him about Dorothy’s impending breakup. I know *I* tend to ignore assessments from people if they are pissing me off, and will in fact pursue the opposite strategy more aggressively as a way to prove them wrong. On top of that Joe isn’t exactly informed on the specifics of the situation, and I honestly don’t think the boy understands people who don’t live his kind of lifestyle (“I don’t touch the stuff”). Also, I continue to sense resentment and a bit of vindictiveness from Joe when it comes to Danny. He’s admitted he is angry that Danny isn’t around like he hoped he would be to hang out and such. I don’t exactly see his attitude or his advice as untainted by that.
In summation, blunt and honest MIGHT be a good approach for some people, but I think Danny could use a supportive and honest approach way more right now.
“Danny has a penchant for ignoring otherwise sound advice when it is delivered in a harsh manner. ”
I think you will find that MOST PEOPLE tend to ignore good advice when it is given in a harse manner.
I’m assuming Joe has something else to say besides “no dude you’re totally strong enough”. Something more useful and honest, I would hope.
Without having yet heard what it is Joe will say, what has he said in this strip that’s so bad? He’s just giving advice (albeit emotionally immature advice, but he thinks it’s good advice) in panels 2-3.
“You’re not strong, and you totally should have casually banged that Cheerleader. You screw up everything, dude. wanna get breakfast?”
He hasn’t said any of those things yet.
Joe’s just a pretty terrible human being all around I’d say.
Its cool. I experienced the same thing when he was spitting on Blaine and giving good advice to Amazigirl. You’ll get used to the feeling. Just don’t operate heavy machinery for a few hours and sit down if you feel dizzy.
I’m sympathizing with Danny too. It takes real strength of character to understand your own limitations, and to admit openly (to another guy, no less) that you’re afraid of not being strong enough. Especially so because he’s clearly going to try anyway, rather than just give up because he’s scared.
Seriously, Danny is being awesome here.
Admitting your limitations to another guy is a show of strength. Admitting your limitations to Joe is a show of stupidity; that’s just asking for it.
Danny never decreasing his levels of Danni-ness his whole life, which most likely won’t be cut short in the future, *is* a good thing?!?
Uhhhh….Danny’s big character flaw is his chronic inability to honestly assess a situation until it blows up in his face. I’m seeing this level of introspection on his part as a good thing, to be honest.
Kind of what I just said. Danny is continuing take his Danni-ness down a level, and only after (possibly) his 2nd girlfriend, no less! This officially makes the nefarious possibility of remaining at the same levels of Danni-ness for the rest of his days null and void! Gollum falling into Mt. Doom and the Eagles rescuing Frodo and Samwise hasn’t quite happened, but it’s still something!
Whereas I’m sympathizing with Joe. I’ve had this conversation SO many times, and I’m almost always Joe.
Joe and Sarah seem to have similar ideas toward relationships. Avoid them.
Joe’s honest. Chicks dig honesty.
Ok, I masturbate to futanari porn. Now will every girl throw themselves at me?
prolly not
I thought that said “Fututama porn” at first. What women wouldn’t *wouldn’t* throw themselves at you after finding out about your Zoidberg fetish?
Arrgh. I meant Futurama. How did I miss that, and why can’t you edit a post immediately after making it?
I installed a plug-in that’s supposed to allow you to do so. I guess it’s a dumb plug-in that sucks.
Did you delete the awful transphobic comments that were in the thread earlier, Willis? You’re awesome and I love you. <3
“Hooraay! Someone thinks Zoidberg’s good for a porn, maybe!”
Some who wouldn’t have before you admitted that now might. Godspeed, youngling.
Chicks also like corn, seed and even worms.
….is the pervy double meaning there deliberate or do I just have that awful kind of mind?
Umm YES ^_^
aw man I totally didn’t catch it wow I’m innocent :/
Also as innocent as Joyce.
Pre-strap-on Joyce?
“Chicks also like corn, seed and even worms.”
When I read that fifteen minutes ago, felching came to mind.
I tried to brush that thought aside; clearly I have failed.
I have no idea what felching is. Must… not… google…
You’re better off, as finding out the meaning would leave a bad taste in your mouth.
I also know not what this word means. And seeing this pun in relation to the word makes me very happy to stay ignorant on the subject.
I, for my part, will just assume it’s something filthy. Even I don’t have to know everything.
You assume correctly. Stay ignorant my friend.
You know what else chicks dig? Smiley faces.
I heard Chicks Dig Giant Robots.
Sorry, Yotomoe, when she said that she likes the Big O, she meant something else.
You mean Roy Orbison right?
What’s all this about Henry Winkler’s ass and giant robots?
bongoes love cannons!
Actually, a study showed that men who use emotocons in their profiles on dating sites are 12% less likely to find a date.
Joe, I can’t take you seriously in green briefs.
You would prefer his pink ones?
Real Men Wear Pink
I dunno; I could seriously take Joe in or out of his green briefs.
And hopefully none of them include Joe.
At this point, why else would they be friends? Have they been nice to each other yet in this universe?
They did ride a Dragon together back in kindergarten.
So what was his final fantasy?
I like the sixth one best. Seventh is a classic as well, of course.
I recently made it my mission to play through the whole series, and now I’m about halfway through the first one. So far, pretty awesome.
I know it’s not a popular choice but I kinda liked FFVIII the best.
Story wasn’t bad, but seriously fuck that leveling up system. By the time I realized the “proper” way to gain levels all my characters were too weak to take on the end boss.
Story’s actually what killed it for me.
“Welp, I jumped out into space to get my love interest, which accomplishes nothing as now we’re both going to die. Oh, wait, there’s a spaceship right over there. Within a hundred feet. In the endless gulf of space. Wonder how we missed that.”
Seriously, were the guys who wrote Gravity big fans of that game?
Tactics. ‘Nuff said.
Definitely Tactics if you’re talking about FFs outside the main series. Otherwise, probably… IX or X? Yeah, one of those two.
I like the one what isn’t the newest. The newest, of course, is a plague on mankind and literally worse than hitler. I eagerly look forward to the one what’s on the horizon which will save us, unlike when the newest promised this very same thing and much l ike the one what wasn’t the newest promised.
More importantly, what will his fifteenth final fantasy be like?
underwear O_O
Ten. Was my first, remains my favorite, though I fully acknowledge Tidus was a total putz.
Now that I think about it, the resemblance between Tidus and Danny is uncanny.
Danny doesn’t have the excuse of being a professional athlete (with all the intelligence and emotional maturity that entails), though.
On the other hand, Danny never inflicted this atrocity on us….
Joe is an ass.
A loveable ass, but an ass nonetheless.
Good to be back! And now that I am, damn Joe, no idea you wore green tighty-whites
like the opposite of jolly green giant?
Would that make them… weenie-greenies?
maybe they’re bio-degradable?
Or oxidation occurring with a cock ring (or piercings) could have stained it green.
Should probably see a doctor for that.
Weenie green beans
Well, better that than a greenie-weenie
All he needs is pointy ears, and his Sub-Mariner cosplay will be complete!
And since Aqua-Man can control all sea-life including Sub-Mariner, that would make Joe Aqua-Man’s bongo.
All hale!
He HAS to have game to be able to get past 2nd base in THOSE.
You know, I really have to agree. As a woman, I feel it’s only fair that I say I have walked away from lesser men in underwear that shape and shade.
Danny, you’d get more help from Mike. He’d call you a little bongo but he would tell you something you needed to hear.
Knowing Danny, he’ll take advice from Faz.
not even Danny would take advice from Faz.
Walky might >_> <_<
Faz has no advice, only charts.
The Mike-siah knows all, solves all and insults all.
Oh, Joe. Never change.
But his clothes will smell.
car wash top down?
Those were white when he put them on.
That’s what I was afraid of …
“Yeah, I know. That’s why I don’t touch the stuff…”
…now how did we use to complete Joe’s sentences?
“Fish fuck in it.”
With his hand? No, that doesn’t sound right.
“… in bed.”
Oh, come on. It’s been only 4 weeks in DoA time, you should remember…
Danny’s blushing quite a bit. Guess Joe in boxers has that effect.
That or he found Dina’s Raptor thing very intriguing.
Who else could Dammy be shipped with? Mike/Ethan will never sink.
I think those are just the usual cheek highlights that many characters have.
I think this is my favorite Danny appearance.
I actually like Joe best here. The confident man in wacky underwear, strolling around his dorm because why the heck not?
Ew wait. Is Joe wearing GREEN briefs? That’s like the grossest thing I’ve ever seen him do in all of his 17 years.
It’s even worse when you find out that they were originally white.
….ok now THAT’S fucking gross.
Or you are for assuming it wasn’t like a washing mistake or something.
Starting now I’m done with conversation already.
There do seem to be an unfortunately large number of threads devoted to Joe’s choice in underpants, yes.
For the sake of tradition (and nothing else) I am blaming this on Danny. If he wasn’t in the room none of this would have ever happened!
Is that the color you’re blaming him for, or the thread-count? Joe’s underwear has been green since, at least, the second day of college.
Obviously just a result of his green bean weenie! A sprout was where it all started.
Thread count. Danny’s decision to enter his dorm room meant we would transition to his dorm room with him, thus we would see Joe in his underwear, and thus we would talk about it. Thus, all Danny’s fault.
I’m fairly certain by this line of reasoning everything will always be Danny’s fault forever.
@newllend: They were white before he put them in the washing machine with his green shirt perhaps?
Wait what, am I feeling sympathy for Danny?
I… I may need to lie down.
Hey, is that a flying pig?
If you can have sympathy for the devil, you can feel it for Danny I guess.
I’m in. Can Danny play harmonica?
Quick, read the BringBackRoomies archive while breathing into a paper bag!
Nice to see Danny accepted Dina’s refusal to let him in without complaint
You don’t mess with raptors after all.
Clever girl
On the plus side, Danny totally survived an encounter with a hostile dinosaur. That has to make him a badass, right?
Actually fighting space zombies in space to help save the world from alien invasion didn’t make Danny a badass. Running away from the most adorable dinasaur ever sure isn’t going to do it.
Someone needs to do something about what a dick Joe is.
I’m thinking that migt be part of this arc.
Maybe Joe just needs the right woman in his life.
Or could it be that he needs the right MAN, hmmmm?
I know a young Jew who could help steer him on the right path.
I’ve been hoping for Danny/Joe for a while now.
Still shipping Joe and Joyce.
Nobody really needs to do anything about Joe. Joe will take care of himself.
Be too much of a jerk and your friends stop talking to you. And since he seeks only shallow physical companionship he won’t have a significant other to comfort him.
I can’t naturally assume he’ll undergo the same process as Walkyverse Joe, especially since he’s already more mature than Walkyverse Joe was for years, but he’ll almost certainly learn that his behaviour has consequences and he’ll have to decide if he’s okay with them.
Should have renamed the title of today’s strip too something like, “NO SHIT!”
*plays Aldo Nova’s song “Fantasy” on the Muzak*
Don’t watch from the beginning; skip to 0:59 in.
Make that 1:20 in. :/
I know that feels bro….
Wait, did he expect Joe to actually say that? Damn danny…. Damn
He’s known Joe for a long time, it’s really no shock he’d kind of expect it.
50% naked, huh? Well Joe’s probably 92.5% naked, due to the tighty greenies, and Danny has his head and arms exposed, which would be around 20% naked. You end up with a combined Naked-ness of 56.25%
We have been lied to! Wake up, sheeple!
man it is too late for that kind of numbers throwing
If you look at the strip carefully, you’ll have proof that Willis destroyed the twin towers.
Less, not all skin is weighed equally for nakedness. Were they showing just their genitals, they would be at 35% nakedness.
This is my own patented scale-o’-naked. If it ain’t clothed, it naked. And it’s measured in surface area, not volume.
So a flayed human….
You’re forgetting to factor in Walky!
I stand correct.(at attention) I forgot that was part of this arc.
But what about the random, apparently male passer-by here?
naked: walky, joe
clothed: danny, mike, random stranger
assuming we allow for underwear in the nekkidness consideration, that’s 40%
The squirrel is also male.
So, given Amber is the one who “Danny’d ” here, do we call it Ambering now?
Ambering is much more violent and self destructive.
Only if it becomes as consistent as it is with Danny.
weytwut? It’s Dina who’s not thinking to ask Amber if perhaps she wants an exception.
Hey, don’t blame Dina for this! If taking your friends at their word is a crime, then…
Oh, damn. Have we all been really unfair to Danny these last couple of arcs?
Has the fanbase been unfair to Danny ? INCONCEIVABLE !
I really have to watch this movie…
If Amber wanted Dina to make an exception for Danny, she could simply have spoken up to say so. Those rooms aren’t big enough that she could possibly have not overheard their conversation.
(Assuming she was in and awake. If not, Dina telling Amber later that Danny came by to see her is probably the best she could do anyway.)
And I don’t think that Amber choosing to not talk to Danny at this juncture is actually a mistake. She’s got some things she needs to sort out before she complicates them with Danny.
She’s got the problem, though, that everyone she knows well enough to talk to about her problems, to help her sort them out, save Dina and Mike, is tied up in the problems she needs to sort out. And Mike is… Mike, which leaves her with Dina, who’ll help as best she can, but is woefully unqualified for the job.
Thank you, Joe, for giving Danny a hard dose of reality. He needs it.
And Amber? She needs a friend, and hopefully some therapy with someone who can actually help her.
That is not to say Danny did not come to the idea himself, for once. Joe is just giving it much-needed reinforcement, so Danny doesn’t think he’s capable of more than he really is.
And of what is Danny incapable? I’m not sure how Joe can be viewed here in a good light.
Because in my opinion, a good friend won’t sugar coat life. So if you know your bud isn’t strong enough for that kind of life it’s more of a disservice to just let them go on. Now, a good friend will say “Yeah, you’re not that strong.” but a GREAT friend will say “You’re not strong enough yet.”
Or, you know, offer some (Apparently) God damned support. Danny’s biggest problem is that he lacks confidence, he WOULD be stronger if he were given encouragement. It sounds like Joe is saying he just doesn’t give encouragement, ever.
Danny: ‘I feel sad.’
Joe: ‘You’re fucking pathetic, so that sounds about right.’
^Not helpful^
Actually, that is a little harsher than I meant to be. We need that edit button.
No, his biggest problem has always been that he has shown no ability to reflect which caused him to continuously keep screwing up situations with similar strings of actions because he hasn’t realised that he takes actions which screw things up by worrying that the original one he wanted to do would make him look bad.
But, the very fact he is able to admit that what he had was a fantasy, and that it is now becoming reality which he could be unable to handle, does show that he reflected to a degree so he gets 5 points for that and for admitting that he lives in a lot of fantasies he gets another 5.
I do admit some support in this situation would be good, but a supportive lie could also result in Danny getting in over his head and that wouldn’t be good for him either. I think Joe’s just going straight to the point of ‘you might not be able to’, instead of risking hyping him up and making him believe he definitely will be able to.
Oh, and Dina still has infinity points so Danny still has to earn many more points before some people considering saying they ‘like’ him.
Also, and no guarantees Joe thought this far ahead, but a lie like “You can do this” right now, without knowing the details, could also let Danny start a new fantasy; one where he’s the hero coming to rescue her.
Yes. All of this. Joe is hearing some of the subtext, even if he doesn’t know the exact circumstances, and he’s telling Danny, “You are not what you want to be.” He’s not mature enough or experienced enough to help Amber, and someone needs to tell him that before he starts to get overly-confident.
You’re seriously arguing that Danny’s confidence is more important than Amber’s well being in this circumstance? Joe doesn’t know all the details, no, but he does know Danny, and he is catching on that there is something serious going on. He knows Danny is not mature enough to deal with it, whatever it is, and he’s shutting him down quick. Because Danny really /isn’t/. He can’t help Amber. She needs to be sent towards people that can, like an actual therapist, or at the very least, a school counselor who can help her through this without ulterior motives. (Ones that Danny would unintentionally have) He is not capable of being what she needs.
Joe might be being harsh, and even mean, but whereas that might make Danny sulk for a week, if he told Danny the opposite, that could just send Amber further down in her spiral.
Amber is not a plot device for Danny’s development. Don’t try to make her one.
While the video below is about bathrooms, it can also apply to underpants.
So Joe is David Mitchell, then?
Nothing wrong with that, Mitchell does have the most Big Fat Quiz wins.
Note: This assumes that Joe didn’t choose that color. (A gift from a family member, perhaps?)
Theory: Whomever bought him the underwear head him say once that when it comes to underwear, he rather go commando and as we all know, commandos wear green, so…
Or, and this is crazy, I know, maybe Joe just likes forest green (objectively the best color) and so wears it.
I know, I know. It’s a crazy thought. Who’d do something like that?
Now now, there’s no need to be heading towards the tinfoil hat territory you know. =3
That was no Jonah Hill rant about the French creating Bigfoot to rape and kill Americans, but it might be on the level of a Jesse Ventura conspiracy theory. Maybe.
Seems like double standard here. Judging a guy on his green briefs…that’s as bad as judging a female on her undies.
It’s what’s in the covering that counts, no the covering itself.
And yeah, Joe’s a dick, but he never pretends to be anything else…except when he’s charming the females into his bed, and even then he never tries to pretend it’s anything serious on his part.
I’d rather have him for a friend than Danny, although I’d really rather not have either.
So you’re saying that what really counts is the contents of Joe’s undies?
What counts is that he has them at all, and also on.
Danny, your mistake was thinking you could talk to Joe about it.
Man, a lot of judgment for some dude’s choice of underwear.
Joe is actually pretty awesome here despite being a jerk! And Danny seems to show a sliver of character growth and introspection, please please please let him grow? Just a little bit?
he’s been pretty solid lately. He actually even had probably one of the Top 10 best punchlines in this comic’s history a little while back. I’d say what it was, but I don’t want to spoil it, Willis knocked that one out of the park.
How could you possibly spoil it? Why would someone who hasn’t read that strip be reading this one?
If a new reader has only read the latest comics on this webcomic, they may have not got around to archive binging yet so they haven’t been spoilt yet.
I’m starting to actually like Billie, but dislike Ethan (And I think he’s ADORABLE in SP!) and yet…
I still kinda despise Danny, but for completely different reasons than the prime Walkyverse…
Anyway, Mr. Willis, Is there any chance JASON can get in on this “males be 50% nakey so far”???
I mean, uh… You know purely just because I’m curious.
I think Jason is standing around in his own briefs in one of his past, erm, study sessions with Sal, so you might wanna try to track that down, you know, for curiousity’s sake.
Your wish has been granted:
You’re welcome.
You know, I dislike Joe for an almost similar reason to why I like Danny; while Danny is sort of the person I am, Joe is most certainly the sort of person that I’ve wanted to be. So when those two interact with each other, it’s like seeing how a representation of my personality (Danny) having a conversation with a representation of my inner self (Joe), and… while the carefree sex lifestyle is still a bit appealing to me, in the end, I’d rather be more like Danny.
I hope we’ll be able to further explore this cynicism and bitterness that Joe has about love; we know for certain it has to do with his divorced parents, and that while he acts almost the same way his father does, he isn’t proud of his father or anything. Maybe, in order to avoid making the same mistake of cheating and hurting others that his father made, he decided to forego the whole “love” process altogether; something like that is kinda sad within itself, though not sad enough that it’d let me excuse him for being an asshole.
…You know, I suddenly find myself wondering why these two are friends. I can’t remember, have they had a single conversation in this whole comic that was actually pleasant for both parties?
I actually cant recall any at the moment, but I’m sure someone with better knowledge of the archives could find one. They were friends since childhood, and just last storyline we learned about that “picture of them riding a dragon” that Dorothy mentioned, but yeah, in general it seems like Danny and Joe have been growing apart lately.
Only time I’ve seen green briefs is at PX stores when they were selling them in drab olive green alongside your standard bland tan varieties.
So… Joe is essentially wearing what are commonly known as “Ranger Panties”.
Somehow, Joe being a green ranger fits, possibly because green and black have always been interchangeable in the Power Ranger/Super Sentai series. But if Joe is a green ranger, what would that make Danny? The blue ranger?
Danny’s totally the Pink Ranger. He’s a girly-girl.
No, that’d be Joyce.
the pink ranger was a dude. [look at original pink ranger, no tits.]
That was the Yellow ranger.
Depends on the season. Some times the yellow and pink were dudes, other times ladies.
This season, at least in Super Sentai, there is totally a dude pink ranger.
That’s because they often used stuntmen.
Yup, my army issue briefs are green, and quite comfortable.
While I don’t agree with Joe’s take on it, I can agree he at least knows he doesn’t have much emotional depth and sticks with that, and that he reminded Danny of that fact when he was looking for someone to help him shoulder the burden by being himself.
Or, Joe’s an asshole, knows it and embraces it. I can at least respect honest assholes.
What is *with* this mentality? How does being “honest” justify being an asshole in any way, shape, or form? How is being an asshole something you could EVER respect?
Sometimes an asshole is the only one willing to tell you the ugly things you need to hear. It’s why we like Mike. He is an asshole, he KNOWS he is an asshole, and yet his assholeness prompts character growth in everyone else around him, especially in the Walky/Shortpackedverse.
Being a good person and being a nice person are not the same thing.
In a similar way, being a good person and being an honest person are not the same thing.
I get the impression that some characters (Joyce, Amber, Walkie, Dorothy) are intended to be main characters while others are intended to be supporting characters. So, I’m wondering, will Dina ever get a storyline of her own?
Ah, but Willis knows that we all want a Dina storyline. He’s waiting to use it at the time of maximum impact. Hopefully.
Did he jump over here from the Roomies! universe?
Damnit Joe I like your character, so stop being a punchable jerk right now !
Even Danny is being more likeable than you right now. DANNY !?
Your avatar fits pretty darn well.
Danny is TOTALLY checking out Joe’s crotch in panel #3 and I can’t even blame him.
Joe looks a little Ken-like there, so not much to check out.
Not that I count myself amongst the crowd (not that I don’t), but I wonder if your next sexy, sexiness should include Joe. I bet there are plenty of fanboys and girls that want to see what’s under those green briefs.
You would be correct.
Mr. Willis’s buffer watch extends to my wife’s birthday.
My wife likes looking at semi-naked men.
Today’s strip features a semi-naked man.
Coincidence? You be the judge.
Look again!
But then again, awesome, and congratulations on the productivity!
Strangely, I “looked again” to see if the strip really did feature a semi-naked man. Apparently comprehension is not my thing.
wait. joe wears tighty whiteys?
I guess the raptor was too much for Danny to handle.
In the Third panel, I can’t tell if Danny is downcast over lost love, or intimidated by Joe’s man-tackle.
sooo anyone else notice how scott pilgrim-esque danny can be?